N ÀV~UTIN Wiliign J. LeVoy, A~eb, Off INÛ Beatrice lions, Antiocb, 111. IHIE ifford Hook Antiocb, 1ni. 'N LA L RE ION argaret Smith, Antioch, 111. M=gaet Jack, Antiocli, 1ni C~oie Wolz. Lake Villa, 111. - ut Shore of Round Lake is Mary Wazic l n11,11. Editorial Writerfo hag Doted With Tents Where mVîZIe'laî1* Post. SesLti anger of the Youngsters Stay Ili.Jane Bessie HutOhifison. Antiôcb, Stich anAction. M Anna Ilutchinson. ireneCor. Grand Avenu111. THE POOR CHILDREN. Wm. L. Martin, Antioch, 111. WHY FORT IS NECESSARY. t r- r n ýA e ue f - lii~~Blanche Wedge Sheehan, Lake Villa ____ ~0,~ag PrestTaks Cre f.Ama Savage LePiant, Antich, 11. Prc fLnd Prevents Govern- Fouq rieollas rekof Oezî K, Antioch. Ili. Pi0 f Psa ss eidN o Ê 1 Them for the SmaII Sum of Einier Jack, Antioc, 11. ment From Inoreasirig Size ommy S. Wlrth. _______( _________WlllIe Smitb. wakea popewh ayviist IamodMcCarthy. Secretary of War aarrison and Stanley Jack Antioch, Ili. Quartermaster General Aleshîre are Eouad Lake are much lnterested ln Lyman Thain. on a tour of inspection of the goitarn- the boys' camp that bas been estab. Erck Rdd, Antioch, . nents millary posta wtb a vev to »sad there by Plather P. J. Harmon. Mns. Matilda Spafford. à ahlepis rmCiao s Mis. Roy Hughes. d@tàrmining those whicB properly cau ________________ £ Cahoii prlet ram hicao s . in w.Mitchell, Wsukegaa, 111. be abouished. Prom A tactical point thé resuit of a ocheme that he bas Wm. W. Mitell, Waukegan, 111. of view, says the. chicao ot a f~v i Ukte possible for Youflgstersgetmu fti psaaehlib edu a a very trival expense, not M N iwaSrfL ~~ are oun h lispobb> s I i ch rgf auBstet te pay the expenses a. rini ner for ailtfinie, afld there fn longer irdscap e octe o te ouhexiste areagn for the islated garri-r ai , Is ampofsRoun ae on the sautb LAJEM ilEWOUKtm Bons ali]flambers of troops reasiy our r p i e *«.o! oun Lae A th prsen to tales the trait ai the Irst bint herle are about four bundred d PAqC V WA fo a savage uprising. 34 a wek II~8 araaiJLJ ~Brigade pate are wbat the mrnltay ar.n ntEir t& the. outlug and this amount lu- anitiorities Uîlnk sbould be establish- *b"de their rallroad fare, whicb h ' atrRsîeto teed. It >le flot often ln tîme of peace htig'* s reputa- ânonaista aouttwo ollrs. Chri Waters Reiden ofthetthat a brigadier general o! the 9 f a a regulatlon camp onîy ou a City for Fifty Yeafs, Died inl Ity ta cnmand a brigade in the field tion is a guarantee og ca.T nt e a t o dr ntd tteArybsaoprtn M88ft uàren alhre pre lai frge the McAlister Hospital of pràcftice. Wbea the Bganisb a o t e e t r p i ~ quare nde l replag rbraits ot some qncers of th a ft es yp î ~tw ber. the tod la prepsr- neyer had seen a forcq larger tban a bO fFt~ ar mo e C bris Walters, 53 years aid, living regment undertaking military opera- o k t eh d y f.grin e gatbers thé Y' ug- atej.14 Maron street. ractIcally a tienfs. It lis the intention, Il li said, c eut Bm o th. gras. and litelong resideut of Waukegan, died ta create brigade ldts, ir Congresieaa c ry afi a t the Jane McAlister bospital, Tues. wll give Its consent, and to locate W lôc ry af l tahbe veed da h osaea y afteruoon aithtree-thlrty o'clock. tbem t Pints ftom whlcb qnick eofa es re. l.eedastibosaeA weskened beart, occasioued bv transportation ofthtei troops ta tbe ses- fn fcc s n s romp about amataa they sueidgsin sgvna b board or elsewhere 111i b. possible. ___________________ CaInua xeek or two lb. Secretayo , im ad are iustructed In ail ont- cuse oft bis destb. He was taken Il tryof13 ; wo4ngIn te crpener hopof th ics vIiinsPect Port Sheridan. It l "sW te bta l te yOnigsai Aierican Steel sud Wlre compan>'. held that tiie pont near Chicago a - baeur eitenc ut h e lfrie feu ancouscions ta the floor and net aiea enoagh for maneuvrsta 1atsfreitnel h was piclcad up by tellow worlemen. mire It a proper place for the quar- and t.namant distritsi. FInet aid treatmeut vas given hlm tering of a brigade. Iflale nt proh- Stemt yOur'CS inet.nthle âue service. and he vas removed to the hospital able. bowever-in tact, Il seems im. n Iq gig rndradbyPa Ier n the Wire MinIamubulance. D . possible-ithat th mîbîtar>' authoritiesan 1 4 arendesais tîn m uery C. Knigbt, the vire mili phygician, wlll recouunebd thce abandonmeiU of S asni t.y ras luS e r atBe aummoued Immediately and rn- tie north shore pont. If the prce of n in we' &sdtieyara Win dered hlmu eves'y possible assistance: land ver. net Ba blgh, It might Be fte *k nd hey It vas seen trom tii. fret tise bib that afiditional ground would be se- haabitsa lel iMble for1 condition vas very critîcal and but crd ar ulig rce n ta *5 ti Yu î ew hopes were beld ot for bis re- Sheridan be tarued tata a brigade gar- be tkenup Hts ifehasenedte ie ed.rison. Sorne mltar men say tint vitb týsidfeICa seah@i learned ot hie fil- Chicago's ratroa ftacilties a great ne adreane wt hma arearpost sbonld be maintaineil near ~i I part of the lime. the city. Even if It ia impossible te Mr. Waltrs came ta Wankegan mafie the garrison larger. Chicago wIhbis parents fity years agn sud .111 proaably continne ta have a reg- CO TY 15 had muade thua city bis home ever niai force statioued entier Its valîe s sluce. Beides his wtt. lie leaves one The. city demauded a garrisan tventy- am ho estnt n Cicao.six years aga. andi the post an Lb. As a c resdes rWlu ilcago. e lake as establised, a business m en's s s arpnterMr.Waltrs id Organisation buying a tract ot land have a peer l inte <iy. Por Jeasndgvg ttthgoeq n. sud van employed I heDwueh a st lv o tiegov 'e ret. r expert machine man. Later> Be ne- armi posts o!ftie conutry are knownKu2 cepted a position In lie local plant asuffnta posta. Membes<of Con- tooSmaUSIdt .ffl0004) of lie Corn Products !tefiniug com- grese of Influence Bave sncceeded trou paflY. H. left that company ~tatue ta ime in secnrbug reglat gar <~a~gi.a. wùvoru. w cept a postion as mIl-wrlghtinithl e 1isons for their distriets viien there in. arpnterabo of hevire mil]. vas fiae mllitary vengoa for their e-a nds-n g M A. B utherlasto. Waukegaan arete sapo ti *tabliibuent. Fort Sierldan vas not IL) 1ON W EN sapffltical pst, und! therefore the ex. Northi Bed. Neb. IhliL D IV J case that wanld be nsed lu part to JNUj ]na.i ILsh4 order the abandonment of some other Chicago, III. posta cannt bold la Port Sherida's e b g n o rfn lc Gay uesalu 'FOR VACATION W egTouMinlc SC5IOQL EUNION - - 11Tiie post ou the uarth shore cot - e h a tg Lar. kelua. l . the governmen~t a gaad deaî.of money Yôt CD w o w n g A. OmilyW.u~eeau ni. ~ ae~ ~ esat udsa t r e vrta Unle Sam In 187 too sb e vau o o Grad.Wakegà4 11. he nly indof vaatio tatal comanls o theSi0f thery Sie tssble atuanotyy *4. w it ra WdsvpitB, DI about rgaotl n a uordered ta the new post under Cap- a P. yUIO J;îî S<jeasi. vovselY gIOsý-8 u Myb.tains Munson and Penney. vîith Ma- y u I h sm d s m penitbd tjor Lyster as past cnmmander. Rude o W %ritBeuedbt Adams, Wood- iuuui 5UI shadles were huilt ta quarter the two L~~ ~~k Wi& ~~~SncB a vacation never paya. companies. and there tbey stayed un - ______________________ ~ at R. Fulton (Addie Polock) Here are few do't wic Iif you i, tihe great .er post vas haut at a '*uui . Vii toiiovyoa vii ftRnqlgo far ta- polit fartiier aortii on tbe reserva- -s.a < * 3.Wht, Ma 11:a0 r »d asurfug JOn a ieaubiy sud tion. It voulfi seem ta lie foU>' ta Thi 4%TkinIdves n (iSSUS, 10 ~ plesAaI5B1i m'- abandon a pont upon wBlch ta rmucifo M White. Ântlocii.Ii. Doat aven exert yoursilf. money ha. been spent, especisalu hIovihtwa4arht, but q e a #Ëa Po 110.1 Or Chilcago, ni. Dont overeat. aiuly bscauge 8 vlew 0oftiie fact liatIfitla so Weîî COtis (Cor Bremer) rayalake. trap through voode or a sili on 0,lcatefi ta àerve mllitary:narposes. quantity of iiediumI &, aebas given you au extraordlnanY There seema tebe nweghtefo taay aflwep Jaiu*Til White, Samers, Mont. appetIte. hat Secretary Garrison and Generai rihsfreal a er Amy M. Wedge (ne. lSmart.) Do't plung mb ocla vater after a Aleshbire will recomnueni! hat Fort Maras Smart Trestrai, Wauleegan, long valk viien yoa are bot dasty andi Sheridan h.e*trucke tram tii. militai>' Blue serge suits, mer's and young nii tlred. Better vait until yon have cool. 1. Witt Smart, Autiach. 111, ad off aud rested a bta. men i styles. Fancy weave suits. Jaule Meldrona, Jamieson, Milîhuru, Dout excite youelf If ater cast- -uy n en mnssis lu. ing a linea ater batsa orrout theIi. hai Oui> succets Worth Witflulu.mtisad yug m 'ssut blae Smart Bain, Hiighiand Parle, do nt ble. Tii. trouble probably tg Ticre lagaothlas b&sé etbut regular $25 ýand $30 values. ni. fl- ot vih the.liait but m'ut, lie vibue bas nfur.; tiare i aotbilu gd Lu H. I. S*artWaueega, li. Our hait or the condition o! the auccesa but tint vhlci 1la weil woD. M uI*ti Martin, Antiôcl. water or tmre other reanue. Tii. applana. o! trhcmph la a moct- M ns and Young me s sut 3ase Strang. Stewart, 111. Dont do anytblug tiat ls.a tax (M ery be iâ wbo basnot de.ervd bils Liscy Spafford Herselig, Mliium, your vllallty. fBaler nD o enOha5va- sences; If aaythkinior eonscienoa rW poputar COIoI'S>1 l- gatrnents are cation t n etm uphyuicallY main& tahlm sih auss.muet 1: cùrH Strang, Milîhuru, 111. vearied sud "tuckered ont.' a poaitve toture. W. salwys knoil oricedfo hs al $9 5?eg BW. Spafford, Axtioch, 111. Don't forgel that a man oaa get 50ln o i ur heurt$ vietier v. have Me>.frti ae 99 ,rg e h.Park Clarke, Lale Villa 11iii br.dlaoedyta lma tdta hc cmtt s dI lkima Thalu Fislier. Kennuglca. Wls5 ake hiiha week ta gel aval the bulin.sia>'.sweb.ned a hundredtoid Whou.~ ' Rati Bau Wilhy Ruselini eenng paIn. Tale thînga easy stuil eko iIv eiyhvadu O IW E * U 'U w 4siM*Trotter Enaner. Evanston, inlua differeat vs>.gratd new «r- ;à- ' l'àsu tucfo H '~I&ord Thayer Webb. roundinge and came hac happy sud >sUWbV fairauié#iàIa,5I -,61tred H. Bain. Wadswrth. Ili. relflvgorated.- ' D . 7urlin (nce.Grady). Wau- rgareb Grady>, Waukegan. 111. id àlmesadr Thain, Aulinclu, 111. bo & Lux, Antioci. i11. je L bilier. Auioci. lii. pp ie, Antoci, 111. ILJC14 Agtloch, 11I k Crawtord. Russell, iii. deSal Muot, Antoch. I. i IO» Xbt) Amtioci, 111., eJeannette Trumijuil Wels, An- luI. U. lcCann, Lake Villa, DIl. X. arang. Waulegaj. XLi ul M. Hulghies, Lbért e,11. i tScanne McCun. Laire Villa, ~ ul bcCzana. Lake Villa, IM. ru7 unningbam Martln, Qunue J. Wite, waakegan, 11ii Jej eIých Dai!,, Garni-e, 111. LV>.Autloch, 111. Om Hughes Kennedy. Auttacb, eLu Webb, Anlioch. ni.. 00 Lucas Begvn, Autbeel, li. Ilt id-Genesce Sts. Absohtely-Flic Preof fer I~ es LET US DE I Aulosmolilie AeoemmovIes I IIONSTEAfl "Th Ou 8a Ye« SoieMnts ter The gogoi Of ils frd : te fel. Dmurto n PCUV r witb is. We sItit your patronage 9 quàanatee xqdiem bervlee. Il~ SUit for e en, on -Saturday, AuO. 2 earance of men'sand young rnen's SURtS. jood clothes and want to get the gireatest ur money, wiII flnd a good deal to Interest ,er clearance of OUrs. owal s & Youg m n ejvp suits of fine A wool *and~ worsted fabrics, i two or, three button styles, ail sizes, values to $22.50, blues included, tts, i a" the latèst styles and the season's) thand tailored and perféctly fâiting,, pecialy uIar $18 values, now .................... si unam'l*>if* fBal--*> 4~De WO hh.ké, Nyoestwaa t i âagio~** ~I [Mens t,à"alb i1tggan uù&rw car in white, cream 'anectlàtck colors, ail d= es u to 5M, 11 65c. graile at I Rev. J. in C NAMES Pastor Eai Rev J. gan Congi tirement i 1 lteU *ént ito1 là tis'ait tbata ftIdessa. ut. Rie bis retire a year. b von lun I lthe sales Pence 0ON tosger. PC latry forj peranai the comar no far se toc. VI Mr. Rie famiiy la mone> tec eiiureh o hers are vbicb u la malint front the * thes Ot mention. Chun Mr. Hi * ~ position m consiolida stronger glions, lu. * He sait churcbes consolida ctiarcb ai He naine FIIt"T FIIIST - - I~R8T And) h cliurch C. Diovemen took forr tian, lie i Idea afi i more i hbat chue three la i ed he ia joliug fi vouid b. the churi boltter," believe t * . wili S.,. churches alruggle ministeri lie>' cati live, asud ile$ as 1 of life. -l do terailei "but 1in ft aces -; the.mini 1 bave t Ment, fa fsctary, of wnrk * cani per once ln 1 enCtirel>' liles." PUTI Ws violen knowr From coroner' lHant an il becar Identifie body wi trak o1 terfl rai morning king si but wai hl*. lf sud Pis literatec mnended conduct if poasi hi4 deai 'e Ciarl Stret bu thes rallroad su enti case. f ied it tbe cal( lÉthe wh' Mr. E ver>' cl FIRS mangele, tteki Whuich ibrnes o. 1 SÈcC JO a , #bi *oa O¶.00 a TIW ~ ~ Ai or uttn na!aeox- Men's trueiof Îll wool !lords, values to ,1W cassimere, worsttds, and -ckaring at flannel, ex andt t.r..$2.6.an values t sU lt _______________ 110 .~neSt., W;tikogafl