Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Aug 1913, p. 2

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Ir AT[ ý'JiOUSE PALATNE jsesMari Gruber of Wauconda, sud rtaDomkouety viited rends ln 3u Bnda>. àrs. Cra Mundieni entertajned the 1aiaClbo Barrugtou, st ber home Wgilesd.y veîilîug. MisGrace VanHomu bai r.turned fisatteudlug the tescirurs summer Bonr cr"owolin DeKaib. ,,= > lcrage sud 1ev. Poilott are viatim a:t aturgionlBay. W i., a: Aei Haoiste ai Chinca", visited lUssees boe reconuyi. #s org Plburg s a n ily visited tèq brotiers a ly Ilu Martina aver ÉseusuFreiseand Henny Otendari *Walb whivveand Fred Biner sud 1161l4 Woxa a11 aille triptu Laie OEWWI a nday. OearySuberland ai Colorado, visliied W#k b hieaut lare.Mathul anti laruil Wu. Bacielmianud Herma nei. amas are ou tireir vacaibon. 4,.k Judlan vasable ta cons davu teva daturda>fur the et nstâmune suce lr.iittMuudheui sud Mies Gra ýMfffl»Wt:Wedueoduyinomuim ta WàO u icer, iorsly Uv. flery UX4asai. sud ler dauglurer. Siss Dàa duadbmen I ova. Ubl . HL Scherdlug visitêd a: M.& tr.Oelov's, Wdenday in bonon ai Mise Ussleua's air"idsy. Misas abiaiflse Dss~ are Kms§sai the Bay Visv Rouis P&y Paiy Lae. Miss Irens iMcodie ofi Chinago, l guis: of Mis iesua"r Me>, usve Mises Mldred Wbtin sud Mari Kres, w C, bave hein o sabil V*"i viii: WWinneg, have retunsd borne. Mr. L. L. Kàak spent 8udey vth relative@ in Chaga. 1 adr.. Sasah Adams enter tained ber sou Ed of rayalai, uda>. Tire 0a"y iircle ver. suterained by Miss Efrieda Ka" iriday evenu. William DuE>s@peunt list viii a: Eagle Laie, Wàs. Mr. suMnlâr. Richard Brown of Mus. kegon, ver. tus ,.eii.end fute af r. sud Mm. W. A. Whtiug. MieMaris Parsans le viitlng ber fathen Pbilip Pariuo aOiPlaine.. Mis Margaret Vedder l i sitiug rela tives in trej, is. C. B. Eaetou, Mv.. Rose Parions, Miss Marie lPartout sud lMms.Mabel chaier viesied tii.latter'@ parent&, tMr, sud Mr. Jeud Masou, a:t Prairie View, Tue~a ud eduseday. Mine Mldrsd Whituog entintained a ev ou ber muids a% lunchean Tm»uo. &i D. Nelsenof ai bertyvili, sud bis aiscisMisses Isair sd mua Klnaid, aS llarrlngton, visited finO ber. lina- dey. Misslara DUig lavery ULi Tb* W. M. 6. ofaie ulid Evangelical clrurchmet as te bome of Mrm. arvie. A large umber of members sud visitors gstlred. a&" a ver god prgramua resoered. lire <lomasd g Jarvis promu ted Ibe BItar$ of tl4Uormoms" Au intermg diicuvdo ta loloved. Mm. A. B.amg read a leaiet tea" vas es joysed by aIL.Au elabonati lunch va esrrsd b> iithe oesei Mme.A. Qntavsou sud, sonof Mlchi- gem, vas U» .guiam fi WrDet Baston. lirm Fred Tovuur of Prairie Viev. te spendlmg ithe viii vith ber .1.1er, Umv Mab SlichaDier. Wr. sud Mm . dstrnd enteriled a numbr ai relatives tiunday. Ur., and Mrm.Sweitzer lait recetly for Of GeBeMe, sud Mr. &Bd Kra.. Ml OtOf Mo5 torL Long Grove, vere thre guetaifWr. sud ".»i W.&R.C. picalced ut [leer Grave U-..Henry Weseing revirai 4ay@ Of las Pare Thurea>, aeioijagi4the sam e@vii ISseassI. ,lacob Perry of Chiefago Highte, ln ~ vîsl:iug bie brother, P. Perry. LA" ZURIRWr. andudWr..Henry Borbeus sud sou 1aof encai. sud Mr. and Mnr. Wm. Eg- 1%ciae vii wir e a dames at th. Oak Park nrtof Chicago, ver. the guees t Mir.i ;ilioa sud also ast the.LaieefShore sd isý)r!. Fred Boreuberger Sunday. Uê la turda> oeinfg. Miesn Si@ Eaton ie visitlngMr@.. $hrg crad~ tir.base bail CAuius Muson ut Prairie Vev, tii ihas astlitnDaigit. viii. MIL a"Mr& ILE. Detier wvere Ms Carie Stryker of Chicago, @peut Viaitrs Tu".T.ssveral days ai last wvii i lh ber Fred Stryker. " ad me Louis Gear>. E. A. ick., "IlicW sad %ùllFraik attended i me LIliau sud Grace Scirlie ver. la Wauiiga. de#lgnihosteésie t a bayrack party W1t» r&. Wm. Elciruan eurnsd Saturdax nlgbt. a Ivo viii. visît vlîbthebir .'J'A BebetSr.. returuid Friday Mra. Johu KohIl nWlsconsiu. tom*a trip vest ber. hi vlsited bi@ »ou '~SIs* Pddoc o! alatne, as u Hbet n Juiseburg, Cul., sud relatives e NO Fulermad a ripto lri. Abert Hanter o! O a Park, vas t05Fle naestp~ th guet of Wr.. Reichat, Jr.. Thuraday. maso"kvn outhe Oser iiiool isses Elizabeth sud Mildred Knicker- buisary cokaplebed. booke r a spendlug thie veek vith laI- tives lu Chicago. .. &d MMs W. T. Lamey oi Barrlng. kg; lir, vistor e be Sunday. Mn.. John Kneekt. formerly oS Deem- W- field, dlrt hi ber home u in oaiotb. II, fer of Liberty ville, visited Friday. The fanerai wss beld Tueday tebrenday. a: theNort4fipid ceirrterv. LAINES' SOUVENIR ÜMLY LATESI ON DIY BEST IN LYRIC lICTURESRSTlAN SWINUO one ai thoe Beutiul Japanese Tea Cups and Saucei wUll b. given to every lady atteuding the Theotre THURSDAY NIGHTS ,.OMMENCING THURSDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 14 ~. These wÎli pouîtivoly be given only ait con- wSective weeka, no be sure YOU get the mut.. ,T. ROBEETsoN PROPMIETOR Ah ExcejptonaI1y Good InvesMent * t this time in ln BOndo that we offrer with our full recommendation., TheKli4erest Returnis are greater than ordlnarily, alid the o ecurity is e~ery good. We V,ý1 ilibe pleýsed to bave you inquire regarding them.L THE ciIzMRS' BANK R« àtUI. i. R. F. Rouss vice P-euldent. Irving E. Nae lion es rerai ma lcrlr.W sur taemie h alcitbis Pla&e. M rs. Herechergr, MriL Cors Hall al doublrer Evskwo epsut Sunay vîtiryV. lianrsed hmal>at Long Orove. Dr. Parenter oai aePorest, caile as the Th.o&.Bu We&lhome finuday. tir. sud lire.Frank Julisu o! et. Louis, warvstlug ibistesi ekvitir Bev. aid Mn. farr. The. Ladies' Aid are planuing s fruit sale ta ho bail st Mrries store ou gatanday, Aue. 16. John Fr> auà A. L. Fr> sud faul> o! Chicago. calisd onublsnds boestire firet o! the. veesi.Mre. Fry je epeudig lire viii vlth Mn. W. D. Partsous. J. C. DorDer bu anrabassd the bouse erected b>4 VU Lp i rte Ravine Shape sud expouisto taie posssion luatii e aftume 'm. lia.. au".fl mtalwsdber fatber, TIo%.. laget an d tvo @fimn of Laki ormi Sonda>. Mat> sud Rats Mllo>, Uns lad and Lottis Morne aiofi.the oldan sehool aa péod a tb S s iLaisketitue mie saBel icard. of Lake Vlla, vas the Vmesiof bor cousin, Mr. sud lire. 8. L Tipp the laster pau af lutasi s. Heur> Kubl"ankdejylng a Vacation tii viii an ill Boy la is iraumgthre tuai route lu bie absence. biait SonUa>maramng Bey. liripple ai libsrpvlie,, vili preaclita ibis con- gregation. Iu the venlug Bev. Car" vii #pont as "Christ lui1 Peter."' Mr. anddlire. Lou Smith. af Ontario. are aendlmg thre viii as tbe bome af W. E. Duana. Hra» Zereen la greai Impnovlugr bis home au ilaple stresi vitir a crushie sioue divea as vltii à ement curblng. E. G. Paque la iept pret> bus> tume days tsinjgcireofaie batessud pre- pariug tire bons> ion mariet. He maya ho Sets e:nng occaiasl> but irae't tiai. ta notice 1: and besildes it belps hi. rheuatiem. John Roder sud sou Elmur, of Chicago, vire ou$ tis vii for a fuir days fleblng s: Dilamonai Laie. MiseJeseleTripp sud bmolber Bsrry of Kent, Iowa, mntiMie. Baxul Eastou of DovDur6<rove, are vielinig tins viii vitir their encle sud aufl Mn. and Mr@.. 8. L Trpp. Sage Bal It Beeme ta agre ith Our stirletes to inurue> ta foreigu parts for tire cisaeaid ap Atiocb lait Soudai Il to 8 riabtInil thelr avu cov posture. The boys ver. fanveai ta foregoo )er noulgu anda> moruluru beaiy t>elip as thm train left barjy but their otse vJs supi repaid by tire ver> pliasaut iorenoon @peun t uts ltth village viti tire biblcAlncamne. Aflter a bountinus repast at tireSilmons Bous e viest out to fiadtthe bail grounde a"d the firet informant said it vu@ about bait a aille soutb. Tirot did't @ouned ver> fan bat ls vs. raturer diécourafflug, vren tire aioresaid distance had bien traversuai ta ho told tirat hwu@ai smile lanthen. Hawvei, vs jus: put on s lîttie more @perd sud fissl> ovitooi tire ulusîve hall pari &rd ira a nelar garni as per scirduli. Rouoes dd thre twirllD nd ud va u ho bs: forai ho ban ehovu %bis year. Be struci oui tire are: six min vira faciai hlm and beiore thre combat unded hos iai 0 total af 15 ta his cnidit. Our lad startid icornug lu tire ret round aud bad the gaiesale from the sotasd 1usd tire grouud bien ais mooth seit vas brard tien. Wvouid not havi bien a run icored againsi tbum. 1Clarseo ilapke bilai dovu tire job lu sentir field la regalan T> Cobir etylf sud handled hie cchances liii a vetern. Hi veastirer. vite tire var club too and LDÂÙoND LAKLEJJ Hseel and Warren Derby vire Ors>ls. laie taller. audal. Do't farget tire dances ai Dlsmond Laie pavion iver> Wededa> and Saturda>it.evenings. Mult b> Bapie'fà Mm..Aice Terpnlng ai Trevor, W75., visîteai randpa Roues lent viii. Mr. fivantin sud farnuly af Laie Format, @pont Sunda> ai Thaier'ee. su Srngad Premier failes réred rahngo neea aler peu& lag sovoral wevet :B. .lafet Mni. D. F. Rtzethsler oi Long rove, spent esvral days lst veei at Wr.. parbg'a. -,Ms iées. DBieof Llberiyville, @pont &-ida, s: the insman home. Mr. and M.~ Guinst., A. J. Knopi sud Mr an of Cicago, are peuding tbe t ksima>vaod camp. Tire Ladiese' Aid MilI mi i vtb Mr.. Owe. Day, Tireda> aiternoon, Aug. 14. Everpons velcome.11 Mr. My Joimeobn sd deughier retnraed tO Wauiegau Sunda>. Mm..Gerber ahI Nanano[tbert>vllle, suent PriE 61 ahle .. lét. r otChdago, te speuding s f.evqy dsaIbo oodhus. Oea. Mitchell and hall> sud John iai sud faml> ai Lais Zurimir, ejoyed as aubo trip ta Pudnie aid vility. Mn. Kano la e*rertamlug irshie tr sud eau frorn Elgin. Ouests s:tibeeHa>houe Sundal von: Wr. and Mns. Morton Joirusof aievenu- Wood, Mr. and à(n. J. Rtouiso! Fremant. WII Dansd !auily of RSok. louer sud Mise Amsuda Myes ai Fort badge, lava. C. T. Bartlett ai Evaiston, @pout Sun- dav a:tiis farai. Oso. Mtcbell and farnul> sud Kesueib ouiIejoysd su auto tip to-.CRlcago Mandar afierbocu. bunesd astLag homen tirraugir the ften laà 's"t causeai the boul. I5~ tlt e.groand raie, ou tis !>0 *6ai 1ljalovd hlm tva boses 'rsyt~himen ou hi Sr mienbadl eces lm DUât ht uudlat before tirai on tihe àWIus-W4 oSa bit. R Dorfier vas a vietcdtIalhqeI> made rnis later' lu th$. g&Me but veaubaci to second vitik- oui 4b prot.- -imnids su aitempt to .tart a iIni a he WetIl viensa Tuxai leaguer s vaiKaj a bit b> pltcirsd bail illed thre oaefs bat a.qulci :irrov catcher ta ihird aaughi ithe vanner aff fan the.thîird ont. Tb@ s core: z Antiocb..........oo11po0Ol Ana ~ 3-0-20.0.5 1-0-11 TVa haise bite, R. Doilier, T. Dorlsr, ~i~5te¶iont b> Roules15 h, 2.1 onlballeoff Rlle Noies reeo" p ad a pret>y game ou mortA sud vas Ca tRiejob svery uinute. À lot ofouv Jocalfans vsnt np vitir the hum id eav uim put Oven a vin. Faur aof ur f1ne9u, the IicesMelloy, ii Lied lmissMornx. Wvirauar sPedlaMthéimeek uear Atioeb vire Par King Metured otfoui moutnkga but dud sotQ"lireaci the, es-e of comabat houai.m of mach tire trouble. Manager Wata n as isamlag on a vire âue. uemr borne late ugsgd lu hie «Wua oualidom viren PR OslD" a Yod bot foii tira: direction. Doe could'i vasnuaugbt an the Moêle su airely Wad limfor je 'W heag a gva oril n. thes bail bit hie dlavaatht ire aivsp corrige oNE lr. nbe part of hi. bey vludov. Doc vas not burt much but the Ivateir la nov lu thre fouadry for rernodeliug. Nexi Sonday theiÀAtesians af Chicago, vili corne ler.for agarenisd the local tearn Ie tuuing up fan au alternoon of real vank. Jusi to showv yau bow tire boyoi are blttiug tirs plî a Hlot of battiug averages il appeudda: B. Rouges R. Rouges T. Dortien R Dorfier Swva J. Dorfler Klng Hapke Felsteai Suyder Averffe 473 459 450 428 392 372 872 360 3481 300 135 counei1 Pr9cee i s at;tire village bafIl Mds>v, Aug. 4.1913. Preoint, Waesn. preeldet; lérustes., Wilis. Devielaux, Zersea, Irving, Russel Absent Tripp. Tbemnateeai tire privionsm@tIg ver. aud spproved u motian of Russeli sud Irving. Tire tneasurer ruandiis rugirlr monthi> report viici as audltiai b>the finance committesud acceptuai au motion 91 Rtuseull and Devresux. Teflvîgbuillever. rueai: W.D = ..»g Pot oupplies .. 2 60 C. Deau. labar ...................... 1.50 8. L. Tripp. lumben. etc............ 493 Publie Service Ca,. ligrts .....89.58 Ail bisevuru slloved sud y-errants ardoeeaidravu ou motion oi Russell and Zirsen.1 Ondluauce No. 60 rnaiing annunsl apprapniatloné fon tire local Juan endini Wsnr Siet iras read sud pased au n3tlan ai Rassu"ll sud Irving* Ail prisent votlug aye. Mdeeting s djourned on motion oiRelIe and [luvereaux. T. F. SwANi. Ceri. Henry Kane and fau'ily @pont Sunday at Lake Fore.. Mr. and Mr@.. terojer were Elgin vistore rocently. Maywood camp aad their riende enjoied a msrohmbliow roast lestveek. À roval good time vaeï enjayed by &IL. Fred Buescling and vifs ver. gueste at ijebrie borne laut Tusday. ce. cresm social on Mie. Anle Itouse's lavn Frid&y eventing, Aug. 15. Every. body invited. Idr. sud MWr.. E. J. Umdmesoci palle on Mr. aud tir@. Phil Auee test Blida,. Mr. and lMis. F. Dlcisou rotuiisd t Cicsao lait Suuday aller speudlns a veek hore wllh tihe latter'@ father. Mr. and tirs. *B. Lots lait for Mil. waukee Frlday viiere uhey viii vîsit a vsskvfth relatives aid iriends. Louis Pepper called on a lrieud at Bighbland Park, Sund"y. Rev. and Ur. . . LMmaunofLom- bard and Mis ch. ovman of Chi- Oama, ae pendlug theïr vacationsont boe vitb relative@ s»d friemds Mises ther 8nrma rats :rusd homelet Monday alter apending a vosi lna Cb!ca- go. Mn. sud Mnr. H. L. Flaier calisd du DosPlaines reaiîvseSnuday..l Roiv. Fricie ai Aurora. vWstod vitir A. 9. Scirvorman a fev dale last viii. Md n sudMre. W. Krockemlrg enter- ialned Oak Pari reativeit viii. J. Bgger» siiended tii fumel raIaau aid lime frtnnsta:Chicago, Sanda>. Tb@ committie. ortire Evaneal L &bra ouitio" aeoring Iolden Jubiles,Zdias> .& tbi. r mib, j; pAt the uoàllowt It be twooir ihrve bil$ bsIsableocouw %note the doetoaareuorethaî hiel, isgvii benà he as sivo.g a»d veli as @ver. Nueo rour dogeulethli *order given Out i b> Maor Resi &Rd hif a varmilug %h musiet besdu. as itt en augerons for doge ta re.runlung aronul vitiraut unae deruinbs iro oali eir. Mr. sud Mm. P. J. PblR ud farnil> sud Chai. Laver> and sister., iMlses Jaunie sud Angela 4&verj ai Cileago, are apeudlng tva us vkeitir tire Misses MMr. M. t.P"i01 oiMt. Paul, sa #pend. 189 s fev vooein lou? village the gutent ai Miss Neitie Murray. Wu, PrIpseformerly oai Darrlu, le aur Dew batelier. boving boub ont Frasi884eonlasi velr aud is illeking op hie mark"i la gui shpe.s intende 10401ake hWeovuaseee end lard sud pTOurh Oe ur iooi lue upto-dat iurrei. W. vii bu sesse Thée folowingmg obese of the crop Impooveuoni assoelilcabaye beffm nesmredlà l.Wucsa townshilp: Wec *Gieaol. W ILE.Brook*,EL H L Brooks. E ibs .Co;Wlv Darreli, C. .Wbuocok W. Clark, H3. P. Uam. fi. . èiroobs. WiII Dilos, %J. lasieS, MWpPaddock, 111h.' ooi.8.C."tu, eou. LA .ae Ly-E EnleL. A. SUremu, V 8Wilson, »,.'L Cw, lWin is,l, Ba> ymr, W. IL.Béaon., leutr>W. -Davis, a. lMas, EB W. Brooks sud Arthur L. S161110M.. Mr. kanie>mooeorgamifer sud fan. ePUS iii @ensd everal dApo la Or towuship ewon. Do't fallet tihe java fe@AUL 22 apd 28. Prof. A. Edga re> of Mfflurt. vas a boduol.osir a ur vilflge dmooa>. L. E. Maluanof ai anegan. ced ou relative. lu aur village les: Frida>., lbOrt .repeau nad sisse, Mm. Blond af Nortb Adaus,Ass., anre pending a 1ev vaIs vite ir. sud lire..George Jepaou. Wr. ?aud Wr.. E. J. tieyie sud son DBse,,Il ai Narthr Orytal Laie, are spendlug a ew wvus lu aur vilage. Wdr. and Mrs. B. E. Miman wdr. Uifego visitors lait Friday. Mn. and r.. eo. Meye, Jr., sud motlien, IMn. Oeo. Meyie, l8r., of Mcfleury, visited vîtir E. Malusu sud Saml>Tut.dsy. The bal gamnts:t rabbe's haillpari Bunday, Waucouda vs. Waaiegan r.sltsd lu su easux vin for thre bous iab a.more of15 w 2. Waler Welcb did tire tvîrllug for Wanconds sud atter tva cmres lu tbe firet luuiug Waaiegau vasQunable ta mais fartier count. Next $unday another gSaieleto b. plaed vitb a stranger Wsuiegau tih. Wspatau nd au e.cltlug tien is proailed. lie sure..and attend sud enceourage the borne team. The luangotor test by Mr. Tyler of Chicago, a: the village bal lhait Frida> eveulmg praved ver> lu:sreetin< aend a. large crovd vas lu attentdante. Aller. thie tant sud explanatian b> ir. Ti ter aIJl»eued Wil impnmeed vîtir the mmcile asdudt tire meeting af tire VIllsg9 urad on Monda> evîulug snnaagementt vire made fur tire pur- clisseof une uftirhe machines. Dr. FulIer end J. P. Blanci sagreeing ta iorm s volanteer Ile ei ait crev tu drijllspd hi ready ta anaver suy oergency Cam! of drovuîng ou hIbli. 'rite lung- motorwiy u ie ept s:tihe village hal sud bath Drm. Fuer and ticCormilci se velI ai tire eutir. flSe savlng cnv vwilI hi iustnucted boy :0une. it in case af emengsnci. Thre machine ies ut :ouI> valuable lu cases of drovulng but &lso lu cases o! aipiyxiatlon b> gus or electrie ebock sud lu esireme caseof pueumouis lu glvlug oxygon. Tire machine clais wlaibave .msuy advant- age aventhe Palmoton vicirl C. sidered oui of tire greatet lie s&Ting jeviceu sud vîtil ban Vllage purcbasing oui of thee languuors v6fuel tâ it iras made one of the visesiniveeiaet possible sud aven tiraugl i 1: soald @av@ but onu Ille itsavortir le inestimsble. Tir etsitir anuai Lavn Festival vi»l hi beld under the gauspiceai the ladites' of Trasefiguratiou CétraIc chuncir on the panachaI groauta:Waonda ou Fridsy sud Saturday if rimoon sud iviuing, Aug. 22 ud 23. No pains vili be spsred to maie tis an asnal tire Ieadlug avant ai the tes&in. Tb@ gnouuds wvili hiprettîl> deconaiid viti ilectrie ligirts sud Japanes lanterne sud varions aurusements yl hi arrangeai lncladlug dancing on tire open air pavillon sud specili fatunes vîli bhI lk sud mi dantin b> @orne Chiricao artiste, vira have kindi> offensai theln senvices for tire occasion. Wireel ut fortune, dol racks, eiraatlng gallery. cane rack@, Klondike end Cther gamnet ioo nungrrous ta meuttqu. A nuai pro. gaiiaiabeing arrangeai for eaeir esigluciudiug spe"lal electlous b> soute Chilcago singera sud masicians, vira have iindLy coflseuted ta douate tiroir eervIes fur tire occassion. sloue proualueut speakers vîlldeliver sddresse Ou Se*undaY sveulnu. A suppen yl be servedl eaeb .veulug b> tire ladies of the ;parlsb.wviramar fameai for tirl culluan> &bitll' A mont enjoyable time le pnolnlsed sud a cordial iuvtation ln . xtiaded to ail. Lake Zurich Whlps Dundee enadav Laie Zurich detid ti Dundee Ramablen b> the score aif 9 ta 4. IR&Ytng dsweated imn>0aitire beet tes tirrougirout tbrS part of tire country Laie Zunriras bicorne a càmpetltor for Su Laie Conu> ycirampoaip1 hronors. A gasm rsbeu irooied vîtIr tis trouz WaIsugaihum for Labor Dey. Tb* tais evienti> are ven matcbed as Laks Zuriir deiaed the Naval Station, vira rere ireson b> Isaikeganscalauten lunug game. A game vill poèssbl> haoarugel vib Lltrtyvillie soetirne lu thenarmutue Lahes big eikll-MUDPNDEf.1 BOY OFrS: STARt$ SANOi S ACCOUEr. Three yem &go au enterprielag'boy of 5 yeare of &ge etarted inut tell paper~ From. hie profite sud vIrai pe~lae bu amued ut iont #mail jobs ho apenod a bauk socount. ToýdAY ho hbu iu baik S$62.- Heu ana Ambitions boy vire viii ire a ric h sud sitoossfuil man. Can'î- vo number yoe aaiong Onr Saviage depoitors? We have 847 of ihsm nov AUl ste.rtd on tire road ta sucoomo. F IRSI NATIONAL BANKO LlberWt lfllinlois, We art now locael la out New luree4toy Bsank Building. "Mies» erss idCmpea", a cuu- edy 1. ate vilu i. pr.seutedb e Ivanhoe girte la Su Wooeiaan BaIl, Bat- urda> evonlag Anusi lth. ireging ai 8 oeiloc*. Admuneeon for Adultes, 25 eutmle idr, 15 eote. Mr. sud liraFrank Smith entinslne relatives ra. llsoosisthes pui vii. Um Los reiurued bhnme vîit ir.m for as eindedvisit. Mr. and lire. L. H. Drysut of Liberi>. v"ii, callbd ou relatives aid irieudl ii f lliu rida>. WESTIlFRMONT Irvîn Noidmeyer o! Barlutan, i apendlug a ev days vitir hi. brother. lu tievielait>. J. J. Dciii snd wlvifvsited hi is ter,1 Mns. 0. M. DAy, Sunda>. lAosud Devais Ulricir ver. home Sun-t day.9 Tbe Wept Frearont ball team played tire Grass Laie teau tir, sore eilng1 14 ta 2 lu favor of thre Graus Lae buos.o Mary BRani spo-ut a ev day vîti r couelu, Viola Weillo of Rociefeiler. i ~ Tb@ii. Ldis'Verbon Csiutery assia- tian, Wini bave aM le r.reansocial ut Hertel'@ Park, Wedusey evsuiug, Aug. 18th. Mdeuh.. requeetsd to, brlng a Mnf. M. A. Wagner and daughter, Beatrico, of GraYsiake, vlded iwth ber ddoter Mr@, A. 0i. Masîber, sevoea day. of iaevek. Vie. Bellsltlchards of jaks Villa, vis- lied ilîh the Richardes famiIila.: vwesi. Mr. and hMr@. Ch&,.Beliiedorf, visitait vith relative. at Arlngton Beiabtu on Suuday. Mi"s Blanche Mitchell of Llbortyville, SMSp.Io veek vacation vith ber parents, Mr, and Mre. Frank Mitchell. The L&dies' Aid secety vili ipmet witb %I re. H. A. Koopf Thunday alteucnon. Augnet 14. Kn.dlev lOro.@iav. shut dowa for tbree viii. wblle they are inotailllnga uew blgb preesurs bolIer lu tbelr plant. Mr«.. .Coon. ii.Laura lsprsga Mr@. Leona olst, lire..Frank ithl and Mr@. Louis KrueePr a:o'ndé.d the ve.n r eerY iong Wheut the bomne of lire. JobhnLolleniuaier of Liber- ty ville. Wiii lRay le deliverng mail on route -«ie nuinirtiree. durnng Heur> Kublanki . Ulm attie Stancllfie clent W@dn'ýe vacation. idey oallas: viii a: Anington aulght. *Mr. sudWMs Cari of Waukpgau. @-Pen% Buda> vitir tieir paneuita, Ir. sudà,Mn.. Tîiauipe. Sebool tiacirere ara placlag toc rnucb elupirals ou tee lutslîectual bide of education sud toc llftle ou thee Practical asPect. accordlng ta tire statements imade b> Profeasor Walter A. Jessup, of tee University of love in a lecture on "The. Social Factors aftie cirool Curriculum" yesterday s: tira Harper Vmrasilîlbrar>, Unl- venaity o! Chicago. Tire lectiurr as- eirted tirat the e uer branches of tire scbooi programme had been vrongly lnterpreffl. -Mm. B. 0. Fritsch ai Highland Partc, vil',teai senvenel days vitir ber »iner, Idrs. M. W. Kuedier. DELAVS PARCEI. POST CHANGES. 4Wasiringiou. Jul> 30-Epon assur- 'Iuce b> Potmssiîr Geurerai Burleson I thst ira vnuiOtrot turther chrange par- I el "ot regulatiaus until presest rstes could b. more týorongiry test- * d tira Sejiati paoflce coimuueeto- daY fudelliteiy petponed action ou senator Bryaurs resolation t a aueai thre Post-seter Generalas povor te,. change rates sud sie ofmalirle par- cil Pott Packages. - a-o t isest Fr Mn Laie Gsi Miswqna James 111 , are1 tiSvieil Dori@ I Wm. autbon iOme tn Mr.a day vîth Prairie. Mr. »u aad W. Mr. sudj UmeR aguied Stevert. Dr. jas lins. 1 Ralpb <o tbelr I viii. Bey. C Nev I crop Iui W. J. 011 James G Laidy. Ji C.Hanom John C. etraoa Luics, J. Our toi 1fi NE WAffl REPAIRTNIR1E WAS WIEN TINE WAS I CNGRAVIIVGJ0 BY A SUN DIAL 9ENORIAINORallier Crudi fur Theot Upto-date Timeus In Sun Diai Timues ihere diq not exist the neeewei:y and dernand for thu exact keeping of engage- ruaente thst nov axist. !IN THESZ UI'.TO.TIIE.MINt'TE TIMES the -ani or voman vithout a thorougbly. reliable time-piece may maie mistakes far more costly than one of our Moderate Priced but Dependable Watches. COU£ IN M IHEMR THEN TICC A. LIUS S The Model Cs MarketI ,W. J. Mundee, Prop. 1 LBERTY VILLE ILLINOIS EVERYTING fRIESII & CLEAN r 'INUIII% UT 111EVERY BESI Qor MEATS.' AND THE PRICES jpUlr A LITIE LOWER TMAN Tilt rELLOW WHOEXTENDS CREDIT, FOR WIE IEL FOR, CA~SH ONLY. NE j ual HOM~ NOR1 D. T., PLAC LAKE r tir 1

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