lb.Bafford Md Whcton famille. *pest Fridai et Bavila Park. lir. Mlis etmeyer le uvertaining Company fruin hantegan. Miss Grace Jaclyn loftîFridey for Lae Geea for ton day. meeting et tis Miw.qnary Meeting. James sud Louise Gerrlty of Vril, 1Lt, amre vletîtugrelative. and triende lu tilavlluiiy. Dort@ Bain ut hankelgas, speussesvral dcys mii Or. Jamlson'c amly. hin. Noer returnsd home trams aoulhern Misouri ho lies bien for *Ome lime. Mr. aidlire. Arhur Clark @eutl Rnn day wvtb Air. aid lMre. C)9ois utPis Prairie. Wla. Mr. and lire. A. K. Baad Dorolhy s1psnl unday vitbu Wr. adlire.Wm. Crm et G raylqk@.. Mf.hdlreW. G. idetiaire aidàso n acd Wm.liceGoirse@pont danday miib lir. and lire. Chose, licOutre ut Atioci, lmRoth D9warte ut Chiago, *pont a lbu das vllh h., unei.. A. iB. Stevribrl. Dr. Jamison spent Frday ia Chicago. lire. Nlck Lulten la quit @tek et pecesulvritlnt. Hahph Theslun ad tmly rslurnsd to tbeir home la W boston tis But of lb. wc es Bey. ieu. IMitchell and tmco sonsot gau.. City, jo., @pet Wdnisday and Tbureday mctb M. and lire. George Jamiceo. Newc memberes sSared lin!ievport township *eco lie organization utf iie crop Improvemial mok lm aufolamc. W.J.Olitr.J. . Katry, . C. Ame. Jame G. Velch, . . Bluphee, B. B. Bdidy. Jas. A. leess, I. R. Wlb,,. C. Ham. aGeo. OsPorris. A. J.-WaldkLirk, John C. Hovard. Juin . Pudley, Jobn Oirahia, Henry Pcteh. JohneBise. D. Lut@, J. . Dola.. Mr. Mdorcee. lb orgaiser nad faim exprt in morklng la our twmublp agala lodey. ,Mr. and lire. lu Bwdvrseiitami of Chiegol, ».4.n&thlb. ucatsud et Tou Bd vends. Min sW.lcb oterlain.d ber aise, Ber- t"e Peelkur, ove, Boaay. lire.ctu .and childrsm viiela Russelhast vouk. Mrt. &à Klire d Amis have bisa on- tertalaing rllie ram Weoaia dur- tue th. pie o."lire. W. R. Simons ofOGlenn Vllyn, bat. besu vsting viti lir. Simn'o'bleu,, ir. 9. .Northrop. lire. es bouseburimu dOomcuon. moruug li»t mesk. 'Miiée Oliver aid line Graham leWl Mon- day for Niagarae Pale aid ohiisr points of Iterselllb thetet. Elle aud WMgcrel intere srs &pend- luge aceek or so vlthbhir suat, lire. Ed Blmitb, la Pîkevîlle. Mr. &»d'Mr@. Spencer Crawford aid tamijl, Mr. aid Mli. Biner Faulkner spsut Bunday vith lb. home foke. %everefr. Rosent attenOddlth Sonay BeboutConvention vhlch vas beo ià Ruseelilait Rauday. Mies Lewis ham rturosd ta Boescrauc alter a àaete «'avîsîl mcilhfriands ln Waakegmn md Richmnond. ICKOIRY . A. Edlrardsa&" vIle ma. vistore lu Wauk#fgan Fnldaysund UturdsyX. lb. 82th Annuel Haieit Picolceand Corsera, Peidair Aufft lStb. Thoe mcli b.e ehorlprogramm end amusement@ of anl klade ChieS pie dinner served un the vmouads. Baishai guu.e.12:80 Anulocb W@. Gurns. larcbmall om t u la lbhe etog. Everybody eittlu coin. and epsedsd e, mcii n. la cms f Wadcstber. pficll h. held Segi d"Y. lire. J.nnle Pkleand daughter Edhh are vlslllug hie veet et Wiber Bu~@r'. li@ reBil Edmarde snt.rtalnad Bau. Ocy et the home of ber parente. bdir. and lire. Frank Bdmcrde aid daugbter Bert BOyards sd iamtly sud Lucilie Cristo- phereon. Frak Gtionen ad ie aid Mm. J. Kng ot Bristol, apet lb. day et J. Blocu . lireRaitleKtnu Wheeleml ut Sprns. field, la tlslting br parenti laid mauy relatves bers. Mie Cra BOyards epet tmcu ceke vlitlng relivtu uWaukgan. Thc it., gros. are bildingr a large tue barn on tb. puhnui. limte lera Frasier Wle peudtug bar tacallo mi lthe home fok@. EVET dmdvtpof the «M bSUyEd leovreue. covoelnidlt an bending pi.c #or dis....guns. an o ftit 5.1W your coucite a bsyud mdl t b hmbe igeta L mmjb.l YscIomMb. l& a etý le.t e j e 11::M "Cikes AA" t th..î~ne ue.Cre la mcx tn.ymre lu Fn Boi"t About CémSie Dauaa HOME LUMBER CO., Libet7lIs, DL NORTH C19CAGO COAL& LUMBER CO, Nortb Chicago 1). T. VWFE.W-.uketan,.IDL PLAGGE BROSCO., Lake Zurich, MII LAKE CO. FEED & FUEL CO, RockoI.Iloe, DL tri 1 60c package Dr. Mless" Poultry ,Pamacea E end 1 25c package Or. -Hless' Instant tourne 41, iIIer for 69C r Men's Oxfords prioed [rom $2.75 to $4.00 pet pair, on sale at per I pair .. . . . . HENRY KUEBKER' [ rayslake_ - Illinois PHIONE 5.1 lit Alsa'hcreurnidsndea it., albre. wistsvt ieilmciirelatives and trins aetGum Jaclion. C. . Loffgabangitmd wVteoutChicnao, lb. mcSk end wihh tbir parents.. .C. linCuU a lineted bines. ia (htweo lionday. Wdl. Elizabethh uebter "o'ut enae, "oent Bclurday and Bunday vlaltfng relative@ bers. L. F. Allen, mho hbu been attending colileesai eKaih i. humne for a ew vesks vacation. Miese Joette Stevene bas been qulte 111 for the past wvee. Henry Kuebker and Monte Allen were vistors et Russell Banday. Elmet Burge, Ruin dellite, Evert Hlook aid Irving Brandaester vltuesesd tiie gae betveeu the Cube and Glants saturday. MrwesMarie w.. e Chicago vistor Idonday. Mire. Aima Fenton la vistilg ber son Lao at Gurue. lite Florence trovs oltcageo, le spending a iev day. vith tlb. D. G Whit aid temily. Gua debults aid ftmmly malurad lu Bnrllnglon. Ruadal. W~frances Mlicadeshve. tor K.noehe tbis Veir vbere élue viibta acourue. ln nurelng et lb. Kenoolba hoepîlmi. lite Blanche Hougluu ut01Chicago, ila epeudnx ber vacation vsitlDg her moîher, lire. . P. Barro. Thon.. Meade wai qulte iiadly kicked whie lrylng lu untsangie aborne.frain e pile ai rubhieb. Page Keomcn Wlblionday mornlag tai GÂGWSZ LAKE Mr. Mndlire J. B. Keller, lire. J. B. Mrin and UmssVera Pheipe @peut Thureday vlatlng friende ln Ubertyvllle. Tb@. Mise.Duffy utftlaclnnati, arei vtsting thir eder, lire. Lewrsnce. Mmra George Kapple te vietlng relativee et Antloch. br. A. B. Cols la @pouding the. week at hie tari bre. lire.Taylor, lire.John Shbeaof Wadoworth, and Mr. and lire. Jo. Taylor andOsun ot Bed Grarnite. Wl., vlslîed relative s nreoa day laut wesk. lits. C. J. Wrght spest Tneday iW, 19, Auf. brlnt a ugbter, 11h ber il day. ta, vie-. t mesk. visited hI. on tyrla, itb ber 'bell. et mcii !roou. un for plant. lW lb. et tb. f Liber- lelgbte. Pari(, »inter, .NG ES. ceeu,. irieson ge par- >resent y test- Uee 10- Ion an annuai ver b.., le par- Th. Guru.. W. C. T. U. wulU meet mcii Mmr. Lu ren J. Ideflai Frlday, Aug. 15, luciead ot Wedneeday as usuel, eit 2:801 p. im. Evaryone invitad. loches. turnishe. lunceon. MisseEtbel and Stelle Haines have returned tram DeK&ib *.'isre liaiV bave been allsudlng Normai achool for lx weeke. lire H. W. Keei @peat the iraI part ut th, veesk luChilcgo vlth ber daugbiier, lire. Roy Young. Harry NQlan and famliy tatI for Kasas Cty Monda. Ilise Ethel Day la violing et the home oif John licOarva. Baverai members othle Ladies' Aid @peut tueeday lu ciaaing 1h. paneonage lu preparation ion tie occupancy ut aur 1 aaw pasto, &v. Cord.It and tamnly. The. 1'Amai e contemplattng c Harveet Hume bu h. helO le tait. Min Venins Youg leentertalningaa triend truin Delaven Lake, Wis. lb.,. maes acial on C. . Cham'@ isyn eveiug gItan by tbea Y. L. Bý C. B. F. Bbspard bas iea enteriainiag àa reative troinm achmu@ett. L. W. Wakefield la entertalning Frank Falel and party froin halseka, 111. There mas a reunion ut the Staffo'di famïy et tbe bome utflire. EO Ray ast Suna y. Prasntloas are n.ariy tomplated fur tha HueComiag picolet lu h. bild et lia Gurues ballon Weduesday, Aug. 13, by lie Ladie' id soclety. Ums Ruby Hughes ls eqeadiug leD deye st Mlwîauke and hiûona Lake, Indi-, ana. V&aNees Young andO Wesley Straig Lîncola, Nebraska. llselebel ughes spent aturd ase uuard uoe. lTee t Vo: Lai smse' oit Vuh isau t stic ichoolboues Auffus L Bt. Louis mchefe b. expecta to locate permaisentir. sa»e Bail The Athuie epet lait Sundey ate.. aoon la prrllle@Oo, daim il mcas battln$ proctide bile uthare are outh#lz opinion i t 110 mîu tenugta marathon race. Tbrboyo Wbo §peut 00 mach outIhir lime llb.hefild vera tram OakPark. Aioerac lb,.. our work out tbey ratumusd Iother camp on tii.eeut shore ut Grayelat. vitb two mon out of commission. Oui mai vas bit ia the face byea pltched balvbil, anoîber bad the mstortun l spraln bis ankle. Ws are boplug tome lb. Atbleticse chadale aegood lite temtfr Dit Sunay as It takas a hunnh of llvp une@ to make &Dy ebomiug agetur boys. Ford Car sand Moiorcycle Colide. Whieretnnning tramin eKalb lest Fridai ulgil, Alfred lieade ut this place bcd a collision viti a alotorcycle. Mr. Idede iiad jmt lurned tram tbe licHenry rosd astHlaseffl. vaneu esav the besd ligbt outa malorcycle coming over ai@mait bil. go lnmnd ouut lbt. road au tar ai po«.IbIe bul lismotorcyclistu vs,. goins aIssci & lerniffic spesO lha% they w.,. ons iii.belote h. realizdItOi. Tb.y strueo&the trust mh.el of is car tsaulng off theb b sud breaklag bis stcernug knockle mcttlciimmde It la- possible The car tused compisesj round in the roed aid mau Into lb. buis. The tact tmal Idr. Meadebad Sre. peesnar@a lthli car and wcu gohlesa ettry Iov speed wmaual liai esved ibem trom taruing larti., lb@'motweeyilae mers train Wyaega. Teg'îmcrs aban to Mr. M.aee omeeSsc apyiean mas eceisletuIuit ot aiu iiinjuries. lire. Chas. Kapp. ot Grayeake, @peut ' Friday eit A. ..Raymondcs. lire. Henry Kruegelr of Lake@ Corner%, @pont Wsdnenda*y. Tbureday end Fridey diih Mr. aid lire John Walton. Mise Anneus t e he spos.eeer uf a bemutlul »wv "oealpiano. Wr. aid lire. Lawv1ronce Miler moyed tuis mek tu fU Cloud, mînneosl. lire. Bd Lnk of WeH.ary, "eutî Friday witi br mther ~ec The soc i gmveàhle Vola M. E. chufth mcOa e cSuccesbulleocaly aid ânaaelaly. thirty îvo dallare helg cleared. Tii. young ades morffd hard ad déesrve grete rdit. Jams norad tanily uuoved léat .esk. lesy sîpet lu locatla1,E4in lu lb. neer tuture.. Robert Walton otwaua.. t lait wesk wlth hie brother. lI aln Leusen Brothars thresbug machin. ham ceeu hhreshiug bars Ibis esk. i. .Du'ailil andOlrm.Jas.Kir- vin.- -peut Manday viîh lire. CuesOmai st Avon. lire. A. J. Raymond @peut nevorsidays tie firal oft h. waek witii ber Oaughter, lire. Chas. Kapple et Oroaleke. MmuJohn Walton open$ TTnday lu mies Berthe Hironimac speni gbu Set- orday and Banday wth ber eish, Mr@. P'ran Beakel and f&miiy. Wr. and lire. Frank Heckel and amily of Volu, @peut Sunday mctb Ur. aid lir%. Frank Hîronima. et Fremont Cnter. Uir. and li re. John Hertelng aid son, Geoffle Bau, and @on Franir took an auto mrip 10 WeukergnnTueueayteuthe lent eolouy to viit Jo. Rauer. [ORT HZZ3 lire. Fred Converoevas a Chicago vietor Tueiday. lir. BeavetI of Morton Park la visit Iug ber son George aend lamiiy. Bora tu Mr. sud lire.Juin Lesssn, Jr., July 31s1, a son. Wr. and Mmr. Veduè Outzls, havs me- caltid yard of the serions lIméesofut lsd naph.v. Jo. Ratier of Waueonda. viao je et the lent coloay neer Wankqfau. Mr. sud ldre. George Camflsld, ut Colo- rada, are visiting relatives iied. lire. Rachel llrlgwgmfuerlandluva, Wbo ha. been Vlsilîng ber brother. Richarde. Ouse@end Chs. Tawnesnd here bas returned to hem boins. Thera vili ha an entertlanment and te crestu @ocial et the Wuodman hall lu Round Lake, Frldea oealu, August 15. for lb. isuefit of tbe Fort Bill chanci. Ticket. for the enterteament vi ib.915 cent. Glycerine Soap We are selling the. vrY best pure Glycerine Boap 3 ona-hai pound ban ....- 25e 2 largo bans pure Oatil 80for----------....150 1 ber 0lyooine SO&Pffl 2 a' mtl 0 o.U Md Sa- 01 Vahffl fbr job werk Ad»rdwqg lu»* en Application ______ I Ekectric Service in The Ilouse As an lnvestment The. property in imn- pr e.It will seIl boter. As a Lighting Agent The bet in the world. Arrangeable any wayt t As a Labor Saver The ourrent wlll per- form the drudgery. EConom!y Proprlyuhed Electio le YOUR hmso wied? lf-ant v. oma mal. »an raive Pp" ea t qu0 Lp ____________________'t' Tb@. Y. P. A. club met ou Tbureday evOieu with Ira Hoeford at George Deponris. lire. A. Dison la opending a tw dojo with trieuds at NorthhPrairie. G.0. Cerhkart ad family and Watter Btowney aid femlly of Waukegan, epent guay iith hbir pareute, Mr. and lie. Page. C. . Gonbaanad fantihy. John Boaner and wlleire. H. G. Marrie and Dortc @pont Frlday wiii lMre. Corris. Wr.aid Mmre. W.E. Wurray of Keno.b epont 8»turdc4 and sonder with bis @l.1err. mChancey BOards. Free and May Mlvitlle epent a coupfle of dey* et Will Melvilie'@. Mis Quayle ot Oak Park and li. licDermott OR Kenosha, are visitînx lire. A. C. Cornes. GrandinaMerville tait down staireaiau day laut wEek »id broke ber st tu. db. won badly brusesd ol&arwice, but she la gettlng &long a@ weil ae could be expected. (i M Noi iOTHEjOi55E@PONi)ENT) Tii. Sunday echool convention ma w.ll atsuded and report. show it WR' a complet.suvces... Tii. Ladies' Aid eocty were weil asesint thoir efforts by tb. Rusel chorcli choir af whom we cananot pek ta bighly., Tiey were aesisted some rom outsiders. iter Broc. fialched BabInge harn lait wesk. âaturday forme.were placed for the n.w boucs of lire.W.. iver. Mondeyton mon in lb. gang ably eeite y Wr. Kairades gang froin Antlocb miii erect Wr. Pulln'a bhen. Retier tome ta lhe raliag. To. mctli b. .urplued ta me bis coostruetionéaid the. masterfut mas il wifi& b. carnled Iu compistion. Sain nce entertaininent wilii b. turnlcb.d. 'Lunch and retreeh. ment.. Mire. Win. Lu'@ boues wma@truck by llghtntng lait meek admcoiiy cou- auued. Mir. Steinbach ha@ rseuinsd second triek et Russell. H. lamelconie. Road volt la- progreeclag very favor. aiily. Bucinees la v.ry roeperaus and the crope ame su abondant liat everybody insobgood natursd and sniilng al lie tlime athough the. weather ta va.. E. H3. Schultz ls very busiy taking cars 'of bis trade. pron5oting public Interete and cpending bicscunalli ernîngc upon home improveineîswlcb adOs mach ta the. evlopinent of tht. cummer home lowu. The. general stores aid In tac% uther industrie muet add tu Ibéir @pe to accommodale the public. Uot.i Bd vrde la ovsrcromcded and muet huildsan ansi soon. Plans aid epeclfcation are alreedy coade. Mr& Abert Corna buba er .ihome ehingisd tb. peut mesk. C. P. S81,rb ieson Warrenand Otto Inecesîl of, n, reorrking vith the Siver gengbs esesoM. 1 ROOND LAIE lire Bell aid danght.r Margeret tram Austin, are vi.ling lire. F. Hawkcl. nAnals t ram Baredals. 111., le .pendlng tmco mceskc ithber cousin. lire. Frank Flary. -ýe 11 à ngele Tilaie la home for a mesk et Peter FLary 's. Walter Rertlt froin Gochen, [Bd., la vlatlng relatives h.,.. Father Zelle froin Elmburct, la epend- lut thie week et Ulch Labysa. lir*. Strenge end @Bs otriCbt-ago, are viiting ber moîher, Mmre. uen at Amour boardlng houses. Round Lake wonu lie bail geai. et Ranahano Sundey. 13. J. Bckman i. building a e Da8s1l on bi@ tarm bere. Frank Guarin ià shomciy recovartng trom aaeprions Illiesi. Mr... Devia Gibbons uf Wakian, le a re wth ber daaghter, Mre. F. Guerin. Michbael eud Francie Kelly sPent e tav deys lan(Chicago recetiy. lire. Fred Krueger leat.rtaiuiug rea-a tives this week. Mises Roette Carroll end friend Mies La&ke ot Chicago. @pont over Suaday here. A STATE SANi Capital $2!ýOOO.OO At tb. regular qmtIng t ol)ime Ir rk re gIl Tuesdal .vqning, Ang. 12. 1In= l clitIation aller whieh there >b. a dalleand refrs.buinta. Aimcm- be~and friende invited. lire David Hcnneemy end deuuhlerc Mercedes and Therees md l"ater Neel Rannssy of Cicango, vlelted et tii. home of Mien Bnci durlag tii. wek. LEWIS TO ASIC aFATHCROS DAY." Wasblugton. JIly 3.-Senator J. He&mUtc. Lewin bas cotn 1 theicus- clusion tbat the, "010 inamfithtei Ftamtly ha.nflot recelved proper recog. nition tront a grateful counrYi ai- tbougii the.nation, bas honored thO other members oft h. Ameriem bouse mhold. As a remuit ho annommoed to- iday hkW intention to introduce a bih 1settlng acide July 29 as Father'. day. rAireedy hhere tg a Mth.,'. dayrau. a ChUldren's day. Bell liK Lake Villa lO4 ACod Resîden Diese J. H. Ws.terdetd, for uy ymaa remideDi of vernon tovnship. d"SOli". Iý day algbt aofcancer ot the clomau toiliowinit a @hors iltamm. Wr. Weetenfield mca.promîeeile inase. licmandadpoil"ialcire a n the coupty anddmcl ireatly mlssd 1y a lamrge fsutfriende and aiealelfl B. mcae 70 yeare u9 age. H. wéeau Ii nnentimel member of l*. G. A. R&, BueLods* Royal Areeas. Masun, Oriental Canclabory liotuab ' Temple fibrin, and elotsd by ail bit lov membeke. Bised"c vldov b. have. lu o mm bis demie. lb,..ebildres, BHhey s.< lire Belle Waidn.r of Cblcimmd Mn Joseph Exan ut Prairie Viomc, ben"esa' boat of otber reats. andid t.d. A residsas. Thurdy, the local iasn Onde, baviengcharge, mltb lulemr eet Raet Day ccm.ery. Systeni In prompt tesponse to public demand, the number ç)f Bell connections haï now Men to a total of 7,000,090) tlephns~a ihcrease of 140% in the past four yearu. Every one expects as a matter of, courue that the telephone at his elbow shail bc the means of instantaneous communication with everbody else, whether acrosu the ,way or a, thousand mtfles distant. The problem of keeping up-to-date the equipment and orfflization and temrtory, al developing so tremendously, is being ad- mirably solved by the Bell System. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, A. RX Audrews, Do You Want Cows? We Have New Milkers and' Springers. for Sale. HORSES of al sizes and ages for sale at ail times. If you want to have an Auction Sale se. I4S about the Auctioneer. Col. 1E. Le Downes&O ]Phone 290-R-2. Shaswk Farm. The limnsen farnliy vIsilSO Monda la Wank.gaaniday. Mr. and ire. fi. Grimmn,lire.F. Miarin, lire. lues Aines and mmr. Roien. bock uf Antioci, spont Friday oeneing at the Aine. boni. 'Mr. Hai&quisl aid con Rudqpph spet Tuacday lu Chiegou. Clarence lloyd of Ellondale, North Dakota, te visitlng et the. Keller hoa». Louis T. Bobrinau ctrted out threch- 8& Sturd@ey. Ne reporte grain turne .9ut good thîs yeir. GURMe * .., -, .. - ~.. *:~ ~ .. MI10' e pioniesuhpe,. .........y 2' Côouiting uqde SàI's Cash Witb sverv chanié of Tremrer of tii. United ORep4lstbW money ini the IUited Reaei Tr.eury lu Washngton bont b.Io ho t counted. This e Io rh jou John Burke, tortuer orOvetUOI otNortb hiikoýl butamed un I uit.d 8tuîtes «Treaeurer by Prcsidst Wilson, te Dow fis gaged ln. t goueraliy 'eqtîiree tram two 1.00ve monthots 1.k.thecount. A' novernoeeut matîbaîtlian ha. Ogured ont that It vould take on. pesuE 300 Years Io verify the record ot Mr. Carcai Tbompeons. whon m uflà0lS. ceedsd. Ordinarily avery note, bond and oti., eecnft le utedW Loeeebave eeldom been touni lathese COiat. Wb.U lb.Trisie5U w.. changed oeniayear. ego 8000waeoisu durlug b.officai ouit, & labo., sngaged to litft the beail bqp of a eubelituted ble"don ure 0 Oliver dollars la eeveral bagi, neccestktina a U..montW ' tonl 01 svW dollar of tle.il115.000,000 tf the. big eliver vomi. The . laborer -was eu VICi ofo the thetend the restir Treeou rer relleved by tUongisnÙtlMe) teeponusbility of the Io@%. ý, Vile the Treasurer of the United 8tle. baplses no money p@Men@&lla b. le the cSly bonded officiai I bts office. Rie 8150,000 bond @.a"e v- enhordinale, and for many yeare Tremerre bae . roMed Congree -w',0 lb. bonding of arnpioyeo who artually handie tii. 06,,000,000ff wbuibi pause througb tha Tresurer'e office anually. It wilI flot take you 300 years or days to count your money, but If yeu $tarita c ave now you wlIl b. surprised ai th. way your bank accouaS wl grow. * START NOW WITII ONE DOLLAR Ikt uila n- ruiit wu M tn Il UÉ -vuqk, oý AJ! C't c icuirlly(illl 1