Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Aug 1913, p. 4

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i iwcru offiia]Par Ifor Lait .ty. M u.... ffles Telephone Number 1; City Edî tor Residence 41Phone Number 22%b-E.ýffý Ltrtyville Exchaige a@ Zmh. ..Aa. r 'U srdait the Postofbie e LibrtYvllle, Ill., ae Sécond Cma. Mail Mter- ____ _ Rral eIf~e rcbln~ iII Hupingi, Cut Figure in Two 1edEver Fridai. Adertiiig ate. Made Known on ÇpplimCtlou. Trs .t i,--E mates on Levy. Lie asCnttto i Î<JS8RtpT'ION PRiCE. 8$1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA#40 =u njh quien Tb)t~ ev 1-Conference. vtww*ato, ttmates on the. ceo f on Paneis. W. J. SMITHM............. ................................................... Ediior - xS~r ods place the Romtt e etjaite, while local rosa te. 0. SMITH ... . ................ . ....................................... UngrFAMOUS SPEAKERS COMING il >U'* tAFWECTS hi A LWOe NIN IL. «Y L. HUSSARD.....1..................................................... Cty Editor r.. I *;e Wam specifications and eut FET I tit~ two. in ZVoitCity Stili, fts a. cae of <'dog est dog," wfth a oav nrvm n ncUe n~e e taled Holds That Franchise Rlght do of F turs Uder W0dtfr* the. newly appotnted mcm- atrugie as to which is to be the mastiff and which wîll ho Lit beFarre Unor te ecommission, au te flot Give Jury Rlghts tk. poodie. Discussion., the dte Whou they will organis. GOr Dunne is expected to nome For Service. _____________ a tato I&hgsay engineer withun a A state-ride cnférence on country I tw. dors., Waukegan could show honor to the aid lite, caflhng toe. r representativoîl A. N. Johnson, who han done much As stated in'the Suir Priday. Wau- yeterans and saiors of the county Who are ta hold théir 01teTery type Of Mam organizatton an t maypoiton hoffroal pon-k n romen who wre throaten.d discussing varions phasesore rural edwtl oiin heofca e with beti gconiPelled te do Jury duty suI here thisY"earby mknw af oia ne e f are. a-Il convouin e f I o ll., of. etthe depatment for the romalîder nil probably oscape that ordoal.Thé. Tb ys. mUn durtag the COnt .oek of Beptombor. Of the Yogi' .111 be -along prolmnary service of a citizen as a 3uryman Io and oret b ont.hThe meenio ting wMto llenw th a tw e-day lin s. Co nuates who have nam d tiisir alw ays m ade at a sacrifies a d te sup. ~mas te mre OnQs W C8l SOW hem tU t-conterenco on ti*.CQutry church, tol, candidats« and fixed on tiseir stais te bhohInreturc for the. rtght of îr we'il feel in time ta cone. lIed by a tii.. day' discussion et road phoaï, are sendtçe them In and frncue. goneral rural problema and conciuded It l ieieled several nmenthe nIl wh Women InIilîlinois connut legally __________on Baturday Wth a bg Seil Day un. iecossary toeoqualize the dlfferencea serve on juntes. At least thts le the. der the. auspice oftheii DelCahb COUD- between thé ceunties. Ail of tht. rill construction placed on the. stat. las If, as the Chicago judge holds, the State's attorney hâas ty 9o11 ImProYesment essociatlon. 1 occpy 80 nci Unie that thore .îîî In au opinion made public by Atter- tegrand jM room, unmisas he's called tor'by . 8peakers of national reputation will e ppotunitv ta spend any oft e Genieral P. J. Lucoy.- rWti addressah otrne.Oessinth@. 1400 00listte appropriation for In view of the tact thât Ini acTeri tiie conuerenc.aOn. sessionconuUes romen Intihe lustt e. days, tbej whaan't the defendant a rlçht te haVe a la'wyer nil! b. devoted .nttrely te Rural Ec0o-celmtd ufrg e 1h~u~why qq~ nmie Co-operatin aid tii. Mtdle 1Ift tua jetthe case It 111 b. lumpedsceltedr an.ufisb. k sectris qwz".g hmThn' imie sy rtl at d thtne dr.Jon ith thc $706,000 appropnlated for the. came o>rtv.have net ehe if a eetheeth raecutar lm? Il .1914, ., ga nd total oet listed In Jury ventres but bave atal ~' ltUzt vrs tie ase thee wuldbe e usu~ f ti. drcut i.. ovemeteert I altoer. $1100.00. fe use soen as the froat ereti oiin'tt1.atre Ctourt trial. It ail goea to show the tailacy of this grand ~ia~s u tU:in eut 91thtro und neit spring. noerablhch ras writtei by Aaue"t Ing. siiowing ithe enornious ai tiniyCaerIBe.1 otýrt in the cont of food due te the îmidleUU~U wc,~csad soiinrs.dei I mai systent. Other speakers oi Uis I AMkEÀ LY AglWgNI aider Robinsen, Justice eoftthe nesea. teplle l be Mr. Charles J. Brand.- Lmke Oounty farmers are deing weli in backing ) the chiot of the office et markiets, Waab- ItIw.bther women, by vintusort he adffl% aovement lauuched by the fair assocition et ro lgt-.D.C. ad n t. . O10SPNf tifruachi e sstin as serice eta ail rI n he euny Tui ~ f Qe.memiier et thc ne. Rural eai legally st a it n re in civil aMd mrieofas iop r ntecut. Ti OtM0 Organization Service. recently c5tab- 1 t's amnslng.te .ee some erthte criineil cases. The. attorney général basccime to be almeet a necesaity sud Lakeoeurt. itsed la the Departmnofe Agnicul- suai papers trylng te smoeth over cites Article 2. peragraph 5. et tie tueby ecretary Houston. ithe VeoaIncident and 10w tiy testate constitutio .1170, nhlcb Pm~ koo c er couritS3 nlu i ing t e T411cf Local Ventura,. 1 correct the tale as tt fOra eit t tvides th"atheUicrait 0etriSal St Jeu' ce nd&i fo Is amrs.Th lsabau worked FUtleng tisse Illinis tarmera wili ene ceuatry paper even gelai se fateMail romain invisiBe a anommes eu witb marked sucesa il Eother Places Wheléq t bas tell)oft succecstul local ventures fi nas te eâte postivelY that thoe ras la*. The la. providosonly fer meus- rural co-operatton as realized Urough ra il et the. rai-prty-tiiey say tMs berailp oet on c juries. bM elevators creamories, despite thse tact that the remen weho l civil cases the jury. accerdlag truit and miâ associationa, etc. posed fer Uic pi'ture. rent aid oh. w tiie Ian, mnkt b. compo.ed et 13 On Thuriday atternnon. Septenib.r taiied Uicermil for the .tucture, de. men, unIca. a lasser nimber thoai 12 4te special topic upden coîsidena- claring IW waîtiie sanie oie they usaed la provtded for hv sttut.ln the case If ltas mon vte set fire ta lte mayr'a home in I igh tien nIl b. Teiancy aid Landiord- as a saddfle for %Irs. Richardson. sortcevs. tiq ftepla et Dlhanoha. pan thin snb acoure vii t Itm sylhng, ha"rstant Foty er cnt t t tarn. f %r example. rend ibis paragrlied on ncme years cge by tue tate Su- Il liois are operated by tenants aid trem the Grayalake Timnes, nbtci Preme court. Uic court held that the It VII reaul it uaguerai IsTefli df SYMP&tthe social aid ecenonilc effects of Printed ai article tellig etftth. rail- nIhbt et trial bY Jury as guaranteed un- »emayor, vitose lits vas endangered as weII as the lives tenancv and laiordism censtitute Party lest neek hu, uwhich tUts .00k den the constitution la thie sane as fàail. T t u nceidaryse fre o he ouste mont serions rural pnoilem et swallowed Uic story, hook aid ail: ne common law, nhidh speclflcaiy .. Ï 1diMmUr. ba u icentiay s fte, te bumthe Itate. Fer tuis reasci mach et- -The Waukegai editor wne boaut- oii. attor mene Jrdaor s Ui Ileme ne doubt whateyer. Semebody sheUld sufer; phanie laIt e b.ilven tlhîs tpie he. f lly snid tbi tisincident ras about rTcenatddrneyîaavfra crlbaeh tbe glky nes- or te pient bt chot seaker forthifer sstnuw session Iportnttonite moe paimportantd oiealfranhiak igplacev tii1.heues tesno B. H. lnbiiard. o et Uimnc the qvent oftbisi birt i te edi. no more empowered women te serve sueamutasny.thnssurely viiiamite uý- att ofAgicuturui Econcm- torb tisera.e. u ooft Uic iarty that asfranhis gvn ldeac1.cio lmsUnversity et Wiconsin; Protes. raitod the. photo. H. prnted it turnciegvnl18. sor E. C. Bransea, Deparntmont efthte Waukaga papor and la the Liii. Rural Socielogy aid Eenemtcs, Non- ertyville ekiy. lan't that a fine *.Plane Tuultag p, mal Seiiocl. Atena. CaL; and M. apeciion of a newapapen mai te bave C'harles 1- Bibrari.tUniversity et t1lt- fIa ccmaSunlty lue ours? Wlllfuuyllyivp ordere at Ray* ForDituelltere. not. misreprosentsthng aid disgraeing the IveUt done hi Mr. àAldcii e-45-tt À WTeo seuse Re&d". 1iPeople rie AMc iel#tng te pay forbils 4 if flTbVTiie eve-pr«est problem of ra datly bread. l'hc pofleeoetthe vicia- WIJIIIImroemntw reclve a round al ity et Vole are dlsaUsted aid serry _______________ no. mongtheapeakers securcd torn htis breath ras ever given te a J~JD tifs tpi. on 'Tursday iorning. are santal (r. presume ho mna "mer- Mr M. . Eldridge. ofet ti Officeel~") rsc bas no regard for tue truthk" _____ usu u. Wsusae. .c- In ainet Wl the lush rlch la Stpu*meth iic epovd I William G. Edena. preaidet ofthe bbng apreadDowen* ae.offert in soft- to beTàkenIII S#«- onthitu whch toprovde fo the llinis Hihwaysoapimtue prniiosonoVthlehoinVoieentidetUth Co«Y'Y O te a-goagloo fet otfrmluing e! te bonda. fron thUe date field; and Moner J. Tc@, autior of miter bas notbtng wo say ~- te date, ~~"f Ro onyfsSev ge i a en ieet etçun ~ ~ ~ bS OUU oiug bas came eut nich has caus- NE 00014 From Ho~i. 'ne.tiI tinte tour preocd raoute la &p. uchool Impnevein iit 11 be presented ed thia paper te retteOt snytbhng It < arh Frovei I s cesay otee -ndy afticrîceby C. G. scinia,. Priuted. ail articles printed Ih is i h i lu UM Ce « Ctic end etfail mountiseIf tou have age superintendent et Minnesota: ouu en ao nsaest ~P Y a WsOe TeyA- oue i Mei easic PlaId.tuereWlkiwu s u- 0f te remen wno ne eck te -ning te ohl net ompete ai doti) ic ii~Allt pemntnet e Paecoutt. Iowa; about a modifleétlon efthtie original My ir -wwmvTh" A-____________a___ ia the uis &nttn ted tur Cor NOLpse a"dProfesser E. C. Bri ofetAth- tetements. -a' or et Mate~ treaaury and b. reappeittiee . . eorgua. on Pfniat mornhng a ol m. ti ~'s "' wtis. outie i'lnrounpet d >idtable section on rualcredit VISCA E Fuhlokf ll«»»Omtti" [Ou J. ÎM wO i te acessàry ges t le IL t Pou- %Ill b. conducted. betere nhici Mn. À K U it f 4$.fl ofdm ge i..ds bigI tht e. couities aidonîj a George Woodruff. oethtie VirgL Nation- tu tw my ýt&U he m yeel p-;ai Bankof Joliet.,.Win »Peak. k ha. me tle rtten proPriations because of te dly t i vig eso. ul the zb M&B> man ti a nd eUuss he e lic fo latknaiet sein tc isin. .11 *ttles ai tnal, addreese by noted rural Ied OW W lw.Tbelate t o pewu .Tour county w puy tie pro-, Ameng tespaes rcre R P FOI FARM RS te M90ail esuties IL tganas1tek-portionate aae of tuetaxes wnouer cneec i)b dvtdt .! R »«- the particpâte orMt tbeawhy Dmton tusse prognamas are Dr. Jamesi n h td (Iemaiew. lit- 10.17 26 119M participate aid gtrmIf Roertsn er fArclue "Boys aid girls. not pnnpkins or Mt . B. .Msrvimi. reepesi.HL: mecet' -Dis on erC*s.daDr. H.- J. Waters, Of Uic cons, are the best crop of cur tarme. Ny l.. Mr MachaUner ep- Ot oure aUdepidan 1itier rCllege 'et Agriculture. Mahattan, More attention mutshob.paid te Ibis iwold go t< Matcu cver îMmsont encopy of n.Mno yon £ lsh . o- idl',,oioorK te, c'rop.Thve ontry mudet." made at-1 a. coucernlng read". If Yomu =111 t-tiee mXet tof course t deent trctieetr meusiarn red tue naaked seetiousa"ai part. moe ny difference. But i certain-'WOODMEN IN CHARGE- Thase statenients nere made hy S iu c et sections yen .111 have a conclusive 13 neme te e that e county refuaung iPoesrOl J. Keni, snperintend- argument ton net losîng acisseftu e partcpate la standing le Its arn' BY WALTER'S REQUJEST eu o s hoosIWiîîehago couity, ea1n h yCG -ish teP&rticipate le tie Mtate Hagt sspeetlly "ice ai muaL con- l.ini an address on "Beyond tue City ea ng ii Vende. Yenr couty mst compets 41triulbeote thse cemioftbuilding ton -h-uf r t uneam ever ieid i Wau- LimitaeI aiEdtcatloial Way" yes. i lie details. the mmre imporant and those wno do net participats aid Baslegau hn tihte recolectîio et me,- tenday ai mandel Hall, Unversity of fporlt selCD tisat wbhch te iniperative te b. the I have said a tan ceuntes may- get bers etfithe Woodnten. rerehi tue Chicago. The speaker declared taât guaranteeiîg of the funds neeomry &Il tue bpnefit ><ag the otbTeion- Woodmnoi ad entire charge ofUicetthe element nf beauty could be In; te Pay thse coutys share The state.,ties dlaa.tueaaiatnsnehhae , creased on the larme nithont ece-th o Mteni)ter pe.-,în te wcrk Der Very respecluulîr ours. auny aru at we. abo tter iundy nmic lois.f~ tt e w Mie final order for lm;nslic vngair HOMER J. TIC- 1atteruoon rien the. remales et Chri.1 "There are 12,000,000 boys and rond unt.l tue count bas ho band te1 Freepont Gettaug SIguy. Waîàtens.oet arlon etret. vore laid girls hn the United States who are surmnce 'W1 (*"da. t may requinse oi%-et£o the Ar. tue reouit of thse lice let",ar Free 'te resu la Oakreod cemetery. attending the country schools. These cuanty to issue bonds If your cut onctzeaegelaug saza" i litnMr walters «se au aetlve uientbr hlar thus the btigget single boarid decides te ratize e 1 1-- ap<îdta Lake Prompt àactin laofLake Camp IL W. A. aid ho h"deuahnltreh h ain i tibt W.Y. Yeun cli only bave si Stephenbon ceunt. requeaad oftbis nitp zt, inl case they nauna be mode beautitul. Thse _________________________________________________ ho dled. the Weedmeu alons, have ftafere au cltivate beanty aid IMMareu ii usrI .scm i o ite money oni. iehrgeof is umrl srvie, ithut "The scht.ohouses can be hmade an>' mntter b)ela La aticadce. sise more attractive in many nays. COEn- 1 . V eompiied irt is roquet and zMetiid try children get a distaste tonrithe the oMtcars of tue camp nia sgrecd ta toi iiteholhoss.i t k muai h etave a better environnent ton The Tailor fo ~~the mciat> hl.buno1tnto -fi- ~~Acoordhngly. G .L. Hook, vencrable tehmnPat eonsul, liai charge ofthte service atimPeople are deung wnderful tuings ~ '"~; the full honore s pas i d o by the c unry' bigli ch els as connecting S a s'iYZ 4 -bead or e . , lisk pal) hehearho dO no t hetS n d f r h e " - ~ , ~ l>iger Chrte A atri'leta licleenae do etwntSn o r arye Remrniscentty: ..Ç.. ~~~~Thb&me Çk nttiae rs pon eani-ATOTSETN DTOgbakh 1e Se"îr'ruudtsetuea e bavc: t SenPPoysT GI Ro. VcTI. hi- oce lixAl ,h.Uj~orsi s J erey, et e Agla a. ut3.Cnit lAI SI ~ b a n-rfi k is condnted b an itelc ted md dcaafu a acio r iiteeî e . "rec Aondry alchprbby riplcdMis Oiv Tenpthenl.eaîtu arn lai.e . .inTe i.- î t4at cioe erlw c o n-avito ite..S . cNuOTO gons. Le- T? r 7 pou y enc4byiS wouioeJui cmWa".unon feJO his n cHe No ou oulu tnd ls.bayfortbeNeei...'k-tnmsfi, il pefro0t waid fui ted mîLeAidetles ion besp1.-ýietil. lid r eç,ê aitutCi ty se amil elied o ! cing hetomprison whitey TH N ÊD ES W E E USErtgill 'u àter Maeytned y a t ite and es b isbny on cndio Ihin,, J!.-rI nidtue eycit"aervc n a hc sprolrta e ued i011.o our dreameo!m tic lotoraet -- -d-P - l.-h- de iendaf-ent aIs-rended sen-OO >4Qwjlaihe tiwelo hbve"Our alt erations madeor..> new oùe 1îàtàali.d whellyoeau have one 'lnstaUé«. ln a 6-room dwelfg for..... .........>1 l50.00 And a nice three.ftxture Bath Room Installed ready for use for.....................5.0 The"e pries. are te cash onsiomerî and ownerà only. No rioes furnished to contractors. All plumbing subject te state lnhp.ction. Btond famioed for twico the amount of cut of'j heating £ystem 1te iusure the lieating and mancal aIperfection. A. W. LITCI-IIELD LIBEýTY VILLE - - I.N Id «Oiy beur te b. poor; one cemM*vo 0take h6WU* aod edrop dowa with Îï he éo.u isgdb b. With Buttogo ffto lb temarrut, adto ;o d wM tp"vrty ad Mthe P& --- terve han woward to*.-Lyman Abbott. ýyou tbinkr of the mian Who pHeaven and listen to the and waIk the golden atreets, widow here on earth to sup- Idren over the waah board or )rId with a needie? Life, in- 1prevent ail this. FO Get Life Insurance te agent and- get m5amined. You will out ail your plans. Do tis sa once, then 'ork and accomplisala you cati. But do :)DGzE .. .. .. - Manager f COUNTY.

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