Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Aug 1913, p. 5

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FRIDÂTAUlu I811913. I TuE STORE,ý LA GOGWD TAS mopont in swle; mlx vii b=.. crmbegrsudch..., sud liiipropor. tion 01 baves, à very lutile onlon, sat and pepper. FU11I esii bl; put bits of botter over final layer of crumbs and brown in thé ove,. Crula Ceea. Cook i large green pep- per and 1 emali onion, chopped in i tablespoonful of oùl.unatil sit; add C Ip frons 6 cari af uncooked COMf, 2 cbopped tanatois, Y, teespýooful ssii, 1 tesapoonful sugar anàdésh of Cayenne. Simmer for 2o minutes. J. ELITRG S If Tl.Men Faei Aeil>petY* WAi PÂY NWÇESiS Puu nm Lss S304114luug Wubing Powtier antiStarcb. 25 AND MË FINE SIIOES FOR ME3N P 'leasing appearance, honest -wear and comfortqble rt-..those are the requisites of good shoes. Some bave one, some bae two, but we make it a point tuut Our sboes bave ail three in the. hlghest possî«,le degree. And gou w1ll rmnd a variéty wide enough to satis[g everg te ste. IUlocks and tans in elther button or lace and ini auorte.iewpmlar -tyles*,M. Bno iîeas 'tihé least iànpotdnt is- price and tIS is whee we cano pler a special! boducemient, for Our cash sales system belps os to -1 ivegou better shoesë without increeing thé cost. We are showing some exteptionalli f i ie values at.......$2.50 up to $4.50 TEL] J. B. Morse & Co. : V! RYTIIING rOR MEN: EPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Any Time You: ýGet Too Ilol luit Stop and Think of No. 47~ Order Your #.COAL While ,it is Dry., Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Old Depot. Phone 47 Been liera 20 Yearu 'YVILLI Ta insu. pébkielln he iaIndepen- dont. toge mustenthe l.offieno falte Ias Tiuedv of mach iyai. Adver- aBm, auip*iI roaie sked twtake = fa*Vnte @t, e sfîct. N.x.o.I&Ç<offée as Ellsworth'@. L. B. Orici f Aqtioch, va. ln îown on businmss Modei. Wrm.n b ffau work lionday morD. isig escavtitlbg forthei.nowvvillage hall. Mise Beairico Carr opent a few dayo fast week vIttb friondsabai ladan, Wie. Je" suad HaR&MTripp of Kent, lovwa, are vicitlng relatives linLlbertyvllle and viciat.' Spend a plsant bout at the Lyvrie thon igbt4. Tii. ptograane are enter. talsulng and instructive. Mise Wicuio MatasagoDe ta WWcnn- ein to spontber vacation. 8h. will rjit st "ooit and Lake Kegonea. James Mack sold one of hie lrleh Terrier puppios, Balleyenon. to the Leonard Consruction lCompany, Chiea- go. The Woman'a Oulld of St. Laurone closrcb vili mIet at tii, reaidence a!'lire. Burrldge on Tburmday afternoon, Âug. 14. Mrt. and lite. Bys and a Mies Tratey of Chicago, oujolod a day'o outwug Thnreday ut lani wo.k by atbendlng t be Cauholle picteitbore. Friaag Tii.Muinai Weekly' a currelnt ce*is kre,&agoa"A [lu@- bauda d Mieak. .vuedy drama ab the. Lyrle Tbetre. Misses liarriol Gardner and Ratel Butler lo thi latter part of lait w.ek for North Rose, N. Y., for a monthu vîit wlth r.lairve and rlends. Unt. Robert Scott ontertalped lir@. M. Phelan of Mlva«kee. several days lant veek and titis. Tbey let t Tupeday fur au *uto trip to Green Bai, Wls.' The W. C. T. U,. yul meet with Mis. Bi. N. Mabsu Tneoday alternoon. Ana. 12, ai 2:80 ô'clock. There wulîl h the. aunual election of offiens and aIl members areutrged to be ploient. Automobile race enthuneate mould lay plana early ta attend the. meet ber. gaturday and Sanday, Auguet 9 and 10. W. bave the assurance tbat tiie J. 1. Case te.. ili b. bore to parilcpate. Remember Bosvick makes a ePeCialty 0f amateur flnihiing, Bauy sîzeo ll deveioped for 10 centseacwh. Studio opon on Monday aud Tuéeday next. Aug. lltb and 151t or yoD eaantmail ralse ta Delevasi, Wis., any tiras. Saturday a dalvas elas.d vhereby J. R. Muholland muid ta W.. Spolîma, St., that portion of bii proptty on Diviéouta. nt knoova@aste .oid Tom Ellis place. W@ nndsrsiaud the cou- sidoration wan $2400.'% ~leu Maude Butterfleld ia onjoying a eolt earned vacation tram bot dutisi ai the Shldon Sebool. 5h. lef t Tuooday accompanied by ber grandmoibor, lire. ABlansa, for Vicksburg, liasu., wbere th.y wil s@pend a couple of veeks viii relaitv.sand trl.nds. lunde'. LightninS Raup Cure for @Me by aIl drugglseo. 50e and $1.00 per boutle. ,-25-tf IEFSI fiEmTIOfl 0ý#,HE WEEK 5 IboeBitlagoàls*. 25 at Elleworth's. Attorney A. K. Steorn@ îranoacted bueluses la ou, Nal.City Saturday. MdmtoClypde Brown le spendlng tva vieks la #t1iqsô#ith hie grandpar.nte. lit. sud Erg. W. F. Ziegler ot Anich, vislted at ibo borne of Mr. and lMms R. C. uHlgiauadAy. lits. M. S. Fns.*n aiChicago, speut lait week vttreIIirlatir.',and frlende hôte. r.turntag ha,.. Monday. 1 enry Jeveit of Wlsnn'uia. pent the latter partiof the voek with Ilrs. Mary Brown ansd otber ftlend-e here. M,.,and lits. Y. R. Tripp ssent lesit tek tbirelative. at lJwners Grave and attendeà the Chautauqua at that place. Mis WlbeiminaEngelirecbi bai te. turned ta e banomeaftr aîtending the, Sorthen llinois State Normal ocbcoi ai D)eKalb. tirs. F. J. Alloman dn.1eildren of Tatomia. W#Ai., arr'ved Friday for a to veeti' visit wiih relative@ sud ltiendm bore. W. viil i £1,.Otn cabinet photo. for the prit. ut a dosen u. Muday and Tuesday nesi, Augissi11lth and 1'2th ai Beiio ttdio. Laist week te. Liberty ville b oy baIll teau defmtd Lake Bluff 2-) b 7. Clarke.wuva. A»uetfrtu. allowiug but tire. bits Md ".Iiag We.. Mise i eoqQuiasy o! Ch i'ago, viol ted a fet day. iUm latter part ut laet v.ek vitiilse Blasbo Kimbail at ber borne on Met ianici Cr0,. Iiad. Edin Austia lest weel. booght through Scbawk Bros. a netive pa.ier Pora tomsoble. I t wll bo dellrered samé1.. ibtis week. Alitthe Lyrie ?boatre 1îunday nîisih mManager Robertsoni offéeoa epecial twa. roei MeaturseBaIlegaChance." taken troiu the. famnous novet of the @-ame Dame. The. uonthly buiess emeeting at the Earusest Workirm Clam. vill b. Leid Friday afoornoon, Au«. bth at tii. home af Mm. WilWhs.ler onSte wart À e. Bakery sal la the Hanby store ou Milvaluke. avnag Saturdar afternoon, 1Augg. 9. by M. 9. S. S. tlase No. 8. AlSa acétody sai. lu front o! f 1ers a re in tbe evening. The. Sock River Yally Asiclation a! the Mystl.' Workffl vii b.ld ubeir &lnouai picote at igial iPark, Satur. Iday, Augnot 16. AilU embors sud luheir 3f riendo lnviied. Tho uaderilgned visIonto Otate tni tuer. le au scarimt evr rla ihW "aIII nowov it at sy il...Thia tan ho VérliLd by consuliag huaitb officiai, at Altwb. IL J. WEDERt. "A Desd Idan'. Shoos," a Western draina and 'Pamions « BéHad Thrse" sud fi.ip, B.lp, Hydrapiiobia." comnedise at the Lirrie Theate Satnrday Digits. kilses Catherine sud Mary Melioy, Eina Lind sud LorettaUoffl,employe of tbo Sheldon Schooi, are .ajosing a vaatiOn wblch uhey *araei>sdng ai àPetite Lake, une of the popular summer resorte of nart To W!IOse T M Notice la beie Th i eeigof lait ,reek the @Comspany, an W. . Crr eoienc utcarnet of Lake bisa Increased cmi na udBainerd court va. the bcene dollars ($85,K of igay merry maklng viien MI@ii.. riéeaud'dollars certificate oftos ,utertiled &bout thlrty ai ber yonng vltb the Secret triendeat aiavnparty. A. iscustomary Recorder aiLL ut si fotnctionsm, gamea ver. played Iav. ouaili a late haur vien ighi r.freshments THE MEREDITH sier served. A mosi pieaâant eveaing C. W. STOI T vas @pont by tii. yanng people. GIRLS WANTED forputtina up Fould@ DRY IN Macaroni and Spaghetti Packages, pieea w ork paying trace $7.50 to $10 pot A gentlteman veek. Only Ameican girls empiuyed. irons a visil;t WiliIguaraniood$6.50 per week outil etato and houi mq'e lassuasned; lhaut, airy vark roome.vate aa plesant boardlng bonusevItbiDn 1 e tead minutes valking distance irons tsctory. off ibis one: Roons sud board $3 50 pet veek. dry there theiw Fwtiry lotdutdaiLihortyvilie, . wivtis heir toi AddressTHE DFOULD@ MILLINO CONi Libettyville. Ill., -giîng busin..ssuandood tire..oe persanai references.c45-5 The bogo hav aver nlgit @o û it i. vet en 1 LIFE INURANCE. Tiie catfiab 'iie T 1. WIIEN VOU WANT THE BEST, BUY Elses' Blue Ribbon Butter This Butter is Ieo Finest and lest Dulicieus Madie. Packed expreuuly for CORLETT& FREDERICKS Approaclal a sera ivee u maay v.ary vashe la vh"e te viols for a hIfe pelsey, but ameunes te tet orne. ~AN &FR N Oid Coleay'Lueé laieaces Compay , , . i cheS lmock have ta o 51)5i Sibau. A SPAI ta a pond and f toge hoforet tingssiabed. i cravflh hales puled np ansdi viiole terrîtory rallroade tunui setion tannat Just at th!@ tbat had dane fell tram the wv .snd pee #fambngtofa f îteetem Lake ounty. MAY Co.%CxaEIl: mby givea tit thei capital eredi th Fîower & Vogtable in Illinois orporation ýsas d tram tblrty-lve tbousad 00). soon Ouasdt4d thon. m (100,000) sud that the ouch socteaso bai been fiied cary of t t ansd vlth the stke County ai ptovided by S L }IV FR & VOETABLE CO. j- E. MggrnssTI. Pte.. TSt-. Aug. 1.8.15 ýTHE EXTRE.ME in who bad lnt rturned tthe central part Ofthei ring the r.mark about the 1that rain vas needed, gai "Why, *said ho, 'litla eo wag,,uv are golng sironnd ogues ont. The. Cotton- are eX.tafigCotton. v.' ta ho soik.Inlu ater that îheY vîli hold stîli rbe euaked lu vater belote lngh to Malte lemonade. 'k us. eucb a dustIn theb streautiait the otreamp rinkled hofarey mitanga jrk froinan sugio set tire ibursed up & lot of bull the. dames canld be et. Tlie grotund in un dry that eita low plat.s are belng Jused for ga i ppe.Tiie yr jes so dry that aven -ti. uitag îlîrongb ibat certain ot vater their stock." bi. point the, ofice towel, i duti' toreigbteen moaths, ali and bruits iu a thon. and the picinre of George faded entirely aviy 1 IFOý,ie and Lite Insurance CHARLESD. PROCTOR NEW' BIJRANCE COMPANY. oîûtmnceCompanY. CARNIÀ OA f VEAR .AT LIBERTY VILLE Speed Kings of the Country WiII be Seen at Trotting Track August 9-10.. The famous aId LibertyvIlle speed- waY. long kuovu as one af tise fast- est circular dlrt tracks lu Pmerlca s"ul soon resouud wlth the. dul i sa- caonroats of iii.exhauste of igh povered racing automobiles intead of the more faniliarthud of the hoof'e' or flylng thoronghbreds. A tva day speed carnival vil be held en ithe Lhertyville track, Saturday anddOn- day, Angust 9 sud 10 and sanie of the. greatesi pilote not engaged itu op~en ctstapetttlon wlll b. seen tuac-t tion. There viii b. nia. events ai the prograrn each day snd the meet- ing wili be saactoned by the. Ament. tan Automobile Association, the gov- erning body la automobile raclng. 'l'h. motor tise have paeeed the. ward sronnd uhat vorlds records are sure t a lu during the Ubertyvifle meet. Tii. race management bap al- ready seeured the. entry af Louis Dis. brat, the. dirt track champian, tha, with bhie Simplex car boids aIl tonld'. records for tram three ta Ii!ty miles inclusive: Ed. Rickeubacher. viiose Mason car huag up a net worid's record for ta bundred miles at Ca- lumbus. O,. July 4; "Wlld Bill' Endi' cott, wbose Cage Tornado uà one ai the fastest six cylinder cars In tIhe tonld; Hughie Hughes. the. EnglisIs piloet ho receutly finished third In the Tacomna raad rate vt iel Tulsa car; Ulbricht titIsiei.Pirate racer sud Nathause titi bis Red 1t)rgon. Efforta are being made lb soeure RalpIs Mullord tb tIse Peugeot vbich won the. Indianapolis race sud Jo. Davson vitb tIse Marmon car wbich he wilI drive ai Elgin. AUl events tilI ho electricallytIimed no tbat lunithe event of Dot vorld'm iTec- ords the. marks vili ho retogntzed as officiais b tIsa A. A. A. TOWNSHIP REPORTS Shoving ithe total membership and amounts subocrlbed in the. varions tovu. shipe, lu the trop Improveusent srojeci. nilto A nguot 6, 1913. Township@ Ieusiens Funds eacl. y-sr Vernon ......... ....29 8135 Warren............ .... 191 66 Wauconda ............ 2 7 128 Waukegan ........... *V 133 Etâ ...a................. 12 <60 Fremont ..............21 95 orant................... 1 5 Llbertyville ..........8 78'2 Newport............... lm 41 Bouton ..............9 34 Antiati .............26 79 Avon ................17 86% Cuba .................12 68 St. Laurence Epiacopai Chunch Rev. EDWAIgD S. WFUrt. Paitor bdruinit Prayer 10:80 a. ni. Sunday mcbool 11:30 a. ns. Visitorâ are aitaye veicome. Photo Studio Gîves a Speciai Offer Beesvlkk, photo Studio viii'ho-P-0 o oda ansd Tnemday nez%, Augusi v.e vill give 15 cabinet photos for th@ prie of a domon on &il cabInet slttingm. IlBIERTYVILLE'S First Novelty Store JOHN LESTER, Prop. With ils many attractive department of Novelties and 5 and Mc Go"d now offeis tls patrons the oppoetunity to secure lligh Grade Music. If flot in stock wull ordtr. Save postage and gel Il htrt. The. McKinley Edition of Tsn Cent Musie a SpecialtpT. IJBERTYVILLF., ILLINOIS road to prosp.rity. W. not only accept your deposits, keep your money aLÈely andi rentier Yeu every possible accommodation that the. beat batiks in the country can rentier, but we will talce care off your valuable papers anti give you our assistance in any business bans action free off charge. -We invite you te inake' our ban> your business home. Lake County National Bank' LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undividedt Profits. $95,0OO0O0 WIE SO LICIT A SI1ARE Of vowR P ATU ON KAGE Get Our Prices on GOAL & FESIE, TUIEY ARE RIGIIT. Home Lumber Company 01fLLtoirtyv4iIe. -31L- Ch lidren 's Swnm4 Nceds.. With the. durable, .vaý thiip th. youn--o e nd for vacation w.sri, you'l finti us wel stocke& Rompera, made of 1ood blue ohambray, aw4j trùxmed1with Turkey red, ec Boyls 0veralls, several styles and colora, atI2.9 Cbildren's Homiery, blackatans, etc., seveal uh And grades llcomen for theïr wearing q5 At our North Store we carry a fine lineofo hlra~ Shoes and Bandais, also Children's Btraw a Grleies.- me tilad Fruits anti Vegetables, f resh every day, at the South Store. W. W. Carroll Sons Go.," NORTH' STORE PH'ONE 29 SOUTH STORE PIIOtE AGood live industry helps to make a ýgood live Atown., We want ours to be that kind. Thon let's lelp to miake it such. The nmil who cannot live ini bis town to help its own unprovement is better WENT, Get in and be a booster. The old saying "If you can't BOOST don't knockI" would make our town a live one if it could only be oarried out. The greenhouse is a good live industry and a good thing for the town. Started only three and a fraction years ago with one smali building. Now the plant consiste of two acres tnqder glass and four acres in ahrmbe and bedding stock,. The carpenters* will start on the new buildings next week and we hope to make it one of the most com- plete, up-to-date plants in the oountry. The stock for this purpose is selling now. Send your money to Uec'y Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. at once and get this good investment in a home industry. Shares sell at $10.00 each and draw a guaranteed dividend of 7 per cent.' You cannot fiud a better investment --- investig&te and se e for you.rself. Get, your money into "ctOU.Tb stock is goiug well. This is a good iave$ it o the enterprising boy or girl. Let us iear t~myo~ m t 'S >1 -r

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