Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Aug 1913, p. 7

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AUG~$~ j~*i~ OULEU TO-AN 25 'CENT& . .. .. .FORSALE-B.. I.Urý purpffl +ali awousecond band ibuggics d cal G FO~ SALE 4'bArMns. LAun'a Livgat, LbsftV FOR SALE-1y M 9ugi',cD nd 4.. . '.s5ei4.4. entire autlit. Oespetf oacs P. M. ScvoAss., UbslSvilie. p.46.2 T OR lENT FOR SALE-Two drivionabore". vel Mouey ta baou (la Wubate ceunity broken. out eiraid ut autc; ealsa Pq!gY ~& AvaBINs --m ontit consiste t 4-sehee rg, barmes- - and aciddie andi good gestia pany u-dt ga childrin. Willaoei et r-asanable WIL"LLEAsE FOR- CASH4 RENTAL- prico.AnUGUMTRÂDL<sFV. P8tterson2 For 5 or 10 years tu risit party ai tarin, Libertyville, 111. Phono 2781,2 o ylu l aeC1nyosst e-46-4 io yln aLk OLrC"ziL mai dion cly 31. milk te &Y, Ans- a7 Oveu. tolore f'ls 55 f., thse a short. s te or muet Mère la uouai Il frilbt.» îts more vo did te local osesM- gla tha miii t ! contc if hm. ist Cent, vO mber. thei n- re l & Thon te gel sboe sYeux.- aiy an- viii he tint bof- ut> .0- are not di prit. be milk ore. As Ps tbsy .0 a re- ies CCNT. -An or- District lb cout. of mili a. The1 id the sud an- maiint Msy, &f- uni lait c preol- silar enter.d r MINi i miii às pend- Iat thes asuIt fo r Coin- FOR - AI.E-lO room bouse, tarte barn, chtckeu boune and other put buildings, 4%~ acres 49 very fertile tand orchard and b.autUI hMade trees AI- se lumüber wagon. hay raite. on ingte work hamacs, one single buggy bar- ness, i plow, one potato hiler. two buggies. Mrs. Leach. (trs,.III. wkly To culon sbav tes acres gond bey. W. a. APrrUn. p-45.2, FOR SALE-Ndy furm of 160 aeres ibro miles soth oiirayslaie; block I .; tva crebord. sti susaIlfruit. Goud honua ani vdtmiil; near ichool al mil# iors JaSEraTuRNER. Grys-. u452 Foit SALE-Prous 75 to 100 twad ut c.a bos, o»d eLi.m riass.s. Terme of about 1100 acres, 500 acres highk Improveti vith nWotera ho«@as.barn and silo$. Fenceti snd cross fint. with wvelà vire fonciag. Al li.l and cuits bIs fer trucki arming. AI expentive dalnying. A. ]F. MclCeow 4711 IA"s ave$, ChItlg, I Wky t MAONIEY TO LOAE-en MOImere boRi 7 .GIOLcT, lrst lNations 4. 4.4.4e4s 444- + 1+ + VANTE» WANTRO-Bnight yeuns lady for ISilo a»d mail'sg roin work, Appiy to tb ehmodo. Ucool. o044-1 WANTRO - Colored maor mitid &go vant placue on hurm; la usedtii taking car. o!fIrorse snd cowid an ca~mi.AtdrecoU L inla ar. a ui.Waukegs. la, .or taiephoni Wauba»w.n94y1. vilyli tuau Zcl. ADi 1Juv ~A=i. prairie GOALS WANTEO-Vor puttîlgug View. 111. DDO27W .1. BwNES- orlg Macaroni ansd r$p.gbtti pack DM1x. Urbeld. Pbono Deortield 282111. &o@c, pims work pa.ylng trams *7.1ffltu p-45 4-mn $1opur week- Only Arnrica,. girl@ ,mployed. Widit uarautous06 -)0 fie FOR SALE-Lot ai 3 monthe old week nut more la earncid; ligbt, airy Poland Cina pige, moetly frow regstered work morne, p»àaut boardinir bouse stock; sien 8 yr aid work mare, 13W )wlgblu fais minutes walklng distance lbo., and 14 inonthu aid mule. Ait in tram lctory. Boom and board *3 Si good condition. J . R,. Iomias, oup mile peWeek. Factorir lo-aied at Liberty- ooutheast of Ererett. (-4"- ville, 111. Addreàss Tn ForLî.s MILLIisl ---Z - Y.Libertyviile. 111 . giving ,uoi- FOR SALE-Faim and tarm land. Cnes.Pand peroual refereucce c-45-5 Scal .o wlaudlmroodorunîm;PrAYNE. WANTED-ooad girl for geupral Isouse- Rceel a ler 11C . C lA,,. -f o .V. Wi ALm., Lihertyville. Bochefeler. II c 35-t We bave a long flot of iiuproved tariim train $40 to $-15 per acre In ieoutbern WANTED-A girl tii do general hbons Mnuesta, lied River Valley autd'wo)rk atM lAX Kotstosta. Libertyville. Wisconsin. for cash or traite. If Ini. P453 terrsed Cali uou Uc DyMoiti' & Ai $Týi. c-315-41n1 WANTED-4iiri for general boupmwark. _-"_ 1 quire of Iii,. 0. F. 141TTFliFI 1h11 Housee, lots. 5rea and tar. i..for=ale -37-ti In and &round Libertyville. fYyoxi, à A"tmix. C-:i5-4m iWANTE-lirl to wal t i t. [deai 'Lauudry. Libertyville. Apply nt the FOR SALE-A quantity of Early Oibo' Lundry. e 34-tf seed poratoee. 75e fier buti. F. ~ ~ +++ IlCNEILL, raysiake. nId 1Squire Sbeldon ..++ ..+ ...++..+ taros , utile est of BRollng. r4i2-ti + LOST and FOUND + FOR SALE-Hall dozen soda water.............. fables. 2 dozen chairs, drist chias con-........ dîtion. Cbeap.- Mackenzie's drug stre-the Itexall stare. Waukugan. ICE LA.+US * II.wkly-tl - -NOTCE-I will dean.rouf coffl or FOR SALE-S paseenger 2 cyllinder catch bWsn for iou al naqonatie rat. Buiek automobile. $200. Tîjis îar bas LEmaîR MLEiI Libertv vile. P. 0. tiieutboritughly tovprhauled anid im in Box 60). c-40-tl goodconudItiou. LsEivL~.Ri, î-2i1-tf We write Èa camlîjatiom polie ' vat i - rpduced rate whîch pr,îteetis yiiîîgaiguis FOR SALE OR RENT-Blaekqunîît h ire, tligbtning and toruado. Di iiîNi & efsOP on manin gtret or would lire goild inN-3.n manu. Addteea Box 11fi,'-. Ilii. e-13-tf WANTEO TO EXCHANG-A îîîîîderî " il rooni bouse*lin Hickorv St. Wauké- FOR SALE-1i rîllni hou a nit hem xaifoîr property In LihrertyvilIe For ail moîdprîîîîînveîie-i e,îlî tb- particulars inîjuire oi W . j. NDK electrii dcpîîf. (anb yr ternie5. Con.'corner South Park and Stewart avenue. duIýent for twQ faiiieii or mile. T4-l- llberN-vîUe or 112 Hickory St. Wauke- 1hiie 215Rk. c-27-tf Kan. fil. 1>46 1 PROr:ESËIONAL CARDS ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law bMoney ta Loan au Gaad Approvrîl Real Estate. Office iii Luces Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS ATT<iilEY-AT-LAW Libertyvil e - Illinois Luce iiulldit.g. Rer phono 152_ i. Oite Piiitae i, MARTIN IC DECKER Ulilce Opp. lsth St. Elctrit etatiou 'îlice Phane 848 Iteq. Phone 1360B4 NO.ITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC 'OUFFIN ATTORNE! 'AT LAW. flbertydIl., Illinois PUOSun88 DR. C. R- GALLOWAY, oYNwS OVES LovuLL'B Dnue sioii. nousa>-rt 1 to8àand 6 to 8 P. ý UAbaryvifle. 111111101. DL 0.P. DUTTERFIELD. Teleilione 1468-X et Setter prffssd than MY exveuse. eer b do ourlwork. J. M. Graves AUCTIONgE~R DR. !L Va SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE duurs stO '(0 a. i. 2t0 4 and 7 t 8 p.a0 Oncee over Ray Furiture Store. SPECLAL ArrENTIOt TO T H E XV LIBERTYVILLE. ILJiNOIS DR, 1. L TAYLOR oFFicE OVES J. EUi. 'ra'q't, LtO. mocus-7 to 10 a. m,. 2 tsi 4 and 45 t. 8 P. M. Sê1iilt,x-un Broadway, opposite Park LlOsrYVallîe. oinoto. DRE GOLDING 1DENTIST Baour 8 to 12a.m-lto 5P.m. witb Dr J. L.inr-Phoue 19 Bes. Phone 1092 Libertyvilie. Illinole DR) A FL CHURCHiLL Physcialh and Surgeon Office over Declier & Bondsa Deng Store Hous 8to »OA. M. 1 g 7to8lP. M. 8pecial attention Rn lie. Esc. Nose and Throat GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville . . -. .-.Illinos DIL B.LHSMITH, DENTEST. 3YSI LAM C OOSNYNATIONAL BSNE. ou»--8 te 1.2 and 1 ho S p. m DALTY. J. L. REDONtlDiOVON. VMTRINARY auýitaUN Grsdusc, ChIep age t. "llMe me icet Re.igne. fli armae Àvë..Pho e8-W. INTER-E STI1NG SOIS "ZTrugra FARMERS9 RULES FOR AUtO- LaeCaunty Titi, & Trust Co. : s s s s sTOILD IN BRU' i t : : : btractsoaiTiti..' Tlt4oo0tunm.nteed IT N A T " SOCIETY' 5. *H *4 ** *~p : . .uî, 1 .'itTERESTFNG COMPILATIONS OF THINGS T 0W B JULY M .1913. £loin-eugene W. Chafiu, twa fîmes total autnt dollected t0 date la $2,- Clama M. Erickaan te A. L.,Erick- AN AUTO IS APPROACHING. à. nomimes for prestideut of the Unît- 024 and the nu~eroa licensesIi ssued son. $Ill. Lot ',, Erickann 8ub. -______- + ed States, vas Inferruted and harass- la 425. in detail thea are: 165 one- In BUt. 68,.lHighland Park.1 The Automobile club of l.u'Lu Teen- must thon proceed careffilly, blow ed by drunken booiums as bo apoke horse, 75 two-bore, 1 auoso undor F. P. Clark and wlfe te John Krick- pie.Phaeltihenaucrc-terbra nd hoig u~ + er. for hall au hour yesterday af- 35 borsepower, 30 oven, Il motorcy- 1 baum, W. D., $1,400.oii. Part Iots 4, lors to ait ils members calllng atten- candies, ý ternoon on lte principies of tbe pro. dles, 3 llgbt deiivery a nd . heavy 1_' and 13, Goodwln's Sul). Lake tion t aine ot1ues adopted by the 7. Ail members of the Society , . hblition perty. ti ucks. Zurich. Parmera' AntI-Autonotile ,ncey. No gi'.e up Sunde to chasing sutm.î, JULV 29, 1913. comment la made aînd ut I-i up tu the biles. shooting and sboutIng ai ib % se Elin-S-even memberB of tbe El- Kenoha-Otto. Laiîgentach, 29 August Johnson and Wlte te Etta NI. membero tbeauoel.ueste observe or maklug arreste and Ofbervtae di$caWit -giu police deiartoeuî headed by Chief yeans oid, dled at a Keioaltu lîîuaptal Johnson, W.tut. P. lm. Lot 153 diaregard îbem. The noIe-a are: aging country touriug on tfst d mili Gabon relded e dlsorderiy resort et sesterday of injuriesk receleli Wed- and N. ri, Lot 17, T. J. Smiihas Sub. 1. l'pou dluoerlug an ailiroach. 8. lu case a boise viii Dot pa p * t122 North SprIug streot lasI ulgbt uosday nighf, when be cran rtabbed lu Sec. 12, W. Antlocb ing teaDi. the sliîonoblllot muni stop automobile. the automobillet viii céw about 1130 ociack san std I h en b eeWale yas~ . H. Fabry- and rite et al te F. K. . aBside and caver hi, machine alîh a the machine apart as rapidly as 10 iyLouise l)amon. keeper and Earnne old, employed os the farîîîof --rate Edgerton and ato, \I.D,.(,l 5 bianket painted ta correspond wîth siblo and conceal théi parts In i un Adams, lnmdte. Se'nator Isaac T, Bithaî,triî the tawn ses on Sheridan Road 1051 -N. or the sconery. grass ad of Somners, Benjamin lishoju. a ron %Wlnthl-op Harbmor,2 The speed lîmit on countru, roads 9. lu case au automobile apprce>j ad E IgIn- T u nn g tu fl e on a ifarrow a f the senator. la alt iioUtr i c sod , but E, B. W illam a d elfe et a l tta h I is yoar cili ho secre , ad the lpe n- ng a farm er s bouse vbe n the r = , , turupike ea a hprp torve ta-o miles u.p formai cbage bas Itecu îreternod j . E . Husey, W. t.. 3,5.1 ). tti N. i aly for violation mil l e Si10 for ovory une dusty, it w m l siov dovu at weat of Huntiey at 2 o'ciock Salon- against hlm. The quennel, mch end- mods Lot I. ,Bik. 11, North West Add. mle an offender la caught gcilng ln mile an heur, and the chaffu D~day atternoon an automobile owned, cd ln tbe stabbing sterted Ilnih La.koar- dut u rntoftsebos tf aud driven by Judson Morgan Of room 0of a botel. i .Hadtan le taF. . 3. In case an automobilist makes a baud sprinkler worked over r.Hampshire, pinned thre driver beueeth-- Gray, .wDr., $1,500.00. Lot pliî. Coun-1 a team run away, the penalty %-Ill dasbboard.-The Croate t. Il -paraiyzlng hie iower limba. lins, Egn-Fifty soires of nets on the fy Clerk'i Sub. Village of Antlock. I ne $50 for the first mile. $100 for the ,ai Morgan and auohsr wotum nocupant Coleman faim at Wayne, soven mlles Auna Jasinski -tu Frank Kapturan- second, $200 for the iir, etc.. thet ELGIN'S EX-MAYOR of the car ver. injUred. from boe,.. ves arveuited yesterday ski and vite. W. D.. $1,600-00. Lot 20 the tuam runs; ln addition te the us- -by the uewly Inventer! gasoline blud- au S. V% Lot 21, Blib. il, Wahburn iral damages. t 1 ON WAR-PATIHý j' Dklb-Two vsaitby Dekalb cous- der sud realser wbich Io belug given B Sifings. Weukegan. 4. On epproacblug a corner, wbere .1-,-a +t a rAd ere . attec«, ad 40,ryout týIs w«Icî Thts In aboutt W. H. iFabry'and vife et ai te G. be cannot commnand a vlev ai the ELGIN EX-MAYOR ON WARPAT2 andAndewIIMathee, gedM veuty acres mre than could bave L. and J. A. Possland. W. D., $1.00. road ahead, the automobîîît mst Elgin. Ill., Aug. 1. '--Arwlu were inatantiy bled ai P'slrdaie, Ill, ee harvesteid by the aid metbod. 15 'Dca. on Sheridan Raad N. and stop nlot iess then 100 yards froin Pnice, furmer mayor, causer! s seaW gtbirty mles vesf f Elgin. yeterday Thse machine consista of a binder adj Wintbrop Htarbor. thre turu, tat bie hou., ring a bell, tion bore faday vben be bad pwlac "" tbey vernwe rbtheg a ctr!cb i be ic and resper opratd by a gesoline en- E. E. Knodel ta Alfred taiansd ire a revolver. balle. sud send up pested! as tallovi: Colo wrad eiigou»lIt hcago. thegine of Sfty herse power. like an auito- vile. W. tD., 82,200.00. Lots J and 5, Ibree bomba et Intarvala of! Ove Commnission torm of goverma- Covalrad Siant hel ric i ls. - mobile egtne. Treegie sbehind Bik. 3. Lenox Sub. North Chicago. minues ment. le,_______ndStPaul ____ bisder and reaDer. alowlng the T. Hf. Smith and vif.fe teMiuie C. 5. Automobiles must agaîn be sea- Four jokes and one commIs,* li .ChIo-ik elU . machine bu eut info the corners.-. A Scherrer, W. D., $100.00. Lot 119, souably palnted, that le, no they-viii sioner.- id cai ris GoidmReanl, alas NMst of plovs e a eet tacbed 10 the Shaw'@ Sub. ou Long Lake. merge vitb thre pastoral ensemble and $1,000 ufler for. the corret,,, ef J.Mrgad tv o hi ago yalis vh.rear af the ougine sud if canted thre R. J. Dord yto Dora Goldberg, $1.00.neualibe startllug e lThey must lha green guets. tize vesk b to Chag280 Iivery o plovlng, bindlng s"d reapiog can lbe 1134acres lu N. E. tV4, Sec. 27, Deer- IP6,spring, goldenunlu îmuner, red ln ARWIN E. ftICLý It ien fro f eck nba.$26odie hro ad ou aI1h «cMe D. field Tvp. autumn sud vhite lu winter. Elgin bas beon under lb.eo-MuiM pro theving ibrou X Dauod nt le&a. lu t hesa«Auna tD. KrImbillI 10C. J. Davis, 6, Automobiles running on fte sien form of gaverumeut during ir ;.' in fisree days Daben arraigedlafretu Antoch-Tumdas<IY aitonoon Mns. J . t. 3010 o .Cak u.canr od tu tme et pyeans. Price declared is attion O" k« hre des. henarrignd bfor M Hucber vbo bas been a patient village of Deerfield. a red racket every mile sud seit tes today la the iraI stop towardis a fmiý ýO justice A7myer eterday ou a charge aufferer of tihe 11lIt ive yeans <lied Master inCacr eBbP b-r iuesfrtera o la.Te al Io of borne efealing. vere ixeld ta the et lber bore ne aAntioctu. October 14, 1D. $1,050.00. Lnos .f2and l. P ifr iutsfrterodf la. ls a ,r Septeuther granu y under bauds ofa 869ahre vac United ln ioanriage to doLots i. 2onaLak3.Mard- 'Y___1_000________ John M. Hucker ai.Ibe paraauage at C E. Osylord and vife ta . se Auos.We andaud ke; miortly alter the4r mer- %leurs, W. D., 81.00. 40 as, ln N. Auror-Whatseemed t be rdaqe they purcbased the aid Emmons' U e.1,-acnaTp -unavoldabie frsgedy vas barely es- faffisouîth ofAntioch here they re E. ly 3Sec.913-WWaucadar 1 Fcaped fridey moriling St 10 o'ciock slded until a feV yeaurs ugo aben tbey Jw y30 93 .W.E ad u a- wIfe ta John Zilla. lot 20 and vest 10 - when a Schoal treet car crasher] mbt moved tae te vIllage. Pour Years ega feet flot 19 Edwands subdlvhslon I a moviug frelght train et the Chicaga, 'gm. Hucker p« a wa vy Te thiera tn2,Avntwsi.i.D 0 mliiwaukee sud St. Paul cnossiug on was born tva cildr.u. on son, i~. l- sectio 2.l-nnonslm u $ - West State treet. At the lime there liam, wboaiaso passeti away Scia yeuar an. wBirn 30acrvies n ta H eaTH woeesix liasseugers ln the car but ogo,'end one daiwlter Sophia, wîî e-o r sctifn*16 Wacre n on aa A. .S N TO botb tbey and the crev oacaped with 1 vittu ber buabsadu sand chldren el. W.rtD.u tl,500. Wre - notblng more than a tbaking, altbough main. Besldes belrdaughter and finm- rîp .t A. W$4.500 . J uea 9- the car vas hadly ,mashed. ly abo Is surviveti by ueo bnutiers, Haot ie8û AWilsssnd HJsuuabvso, S N AA ParkOue.bunred andWilliam and Joseph Wertlake, oneO Long Lake. W. D. $300. -HsqtladPr- hne and bnothej-ln-law, qeorge Broc.nm; onie H. J. Suseliacli ta Rena Susebach, cehicle leries bacce lioeu daugbter-in.l.w. MiM. vida Hucker lot i% i, N'ilsoir second subdiviaio i. saued hy the city colector ln Ihe past tooney sud lber Oive cliidren, and Log ae.W.D $10. twa weeksansd uearlY 1,000 added ta1 - J'nne 'Bien hmslie ris- 3ng ake 31, 1913. T T L E S 1 the road repaîr fond as a resuit. The d tram cnidood. J. H. F'ielee and vile ta LIll an BÈ ________________________________ Fiebele. w t)., $0.06. J.ot 4, Blks 8, fASTESI DIRI TRACK IN TII!WO - âJCHANCERVý NOTICE. Exmoon Add. Highland Park. AUGUST 1. 1913. W RDSGe TS IIES :WOULD OUST TIE stae of Illinois, Couttor Lake, as. C.* J.*DR.visud vifte tF.pG. Peter-W R D R ATS RV R itcorto liLeContOct- son, W. 1)..80.00. Lots 8 andt 9. Louis Disbrow, world's circulai dir't traok ohai» beTenm, A.D 1. Clarks Suli. Village o Deenlleldf. Iughes, EndiottRickenbacher, Nikrent la Ce C. LM E. R. R. FRÔMOI 0 rsna ~D Ilong John Griffith and wite ta R. H. DaOn- Newbouae, Ulbricht and othaes. SENT e K. S5frT' L'erce itchell. AleS.W i Sec. 14. Libert. ville Twp. woRLDS FAsTrsirCARs a NILWA RLE a) ~) klnerMatte Sver GeigeMithel, W. Spelîman te R. H. Donneiley, 290 horsepower Jay je gSeo; (Fiat) i.mpex Mary Wallace, Henry Mitchell, Frank '%. 1D., $4,iu000. 4 acres ln S. W. Tulsa, Case Tornade, u s e cial leo -'tilwuke, is. Jdr ),Sau el liste,1 Ella _ HNlon- î4, Se1. , radle ta 11 1 tugalîs118Mason Special, Pirate, B0 Draoàn & ohexa. Wbit- o d P. W. Buck. W.. D,,,$10.00. N. lAtIorneytWilpieseu ate da pc c.a ce A. toh N ci sud 1, homnkas n accu_-7 fi.lot 8and S. 20 It Lot 9, Blk.- lotin tepresnt e th comon o rs W Nof a d iosterh e le w-1,orlg.Waukegan.10 - B G EN TI. cil wbtcb h I direct the citY attarney erelosat ern i e rli ofComln te . wlfe teiAugust aud F NE TO ONE HUNDRED MI ta î,roceed in court te oust thle Chi- described,- lu cliancery Generai Nao.e N e.;. )..$500 etcage and %Illwcauikee Electrit reilvay 6317. 1k1. tHae'ubWucda ftom ltme streets of the cit>. It bas The reqitifsite affidavit baving tieea J. -S.Uas and alto te Annie Bal- ADMISION $1.00 INCLUIN S been held by the cîty attorney Ibat filed lu the officeitf tihe Clark of uald lillil. 3"AtIH, me" lit. Lota13egn. TCESO AEA EKR&àN > it lias no legal franchise. Court, Notice la tlereore bereby gîl 11 . iHmv'Sl -akgu The attitude la taicen by te admîn- on ltelime raId aboie named and u~- %W«.R. Beisei and wire te R. W. Niar- ltratlan liece of the failure of thse knowfî defendaîîi-. tirat the ahove iiîî. ý - [.$.IitL otii O 1, Btk. 4, 'W Frost company ta îpace aithin the namned ComPlaiîaîîl boretofore filed RlîIgpeci Park. Highiland Park. track 7on6 on Second street, lb, ber BIiI ai Conifflailit ilu aad Court ou Lewaudoskl te C'tueries. Only portion of the big downtown Pev- lIce Chancery aide tileroof, and tiiet a lilkolutaesk.anuîd alto, W. D., $41)4001.--. - ing project net comîmeted. suiomons theneultoîl iasued out af sald LotINs, 131k. 12. Wasbburn Sprngs, Commissioner of Publie Worits Court against tirt- altove named déened- \\ aulîheis simmons says Ibat bis lettons te ants. retuniable onithile ra day af the AUGUST 2, 1913. Heceixer W. o. Iohunson, of Chicago, ternk of the tîru-at Court of LaIe Arifflie Johnuson te Frank Jappe], W. W- A m hac-e been Ignored. County. ta beholeld ai the Court Hanse D. I.ottii ,0 o1, Blk. 14, W',asb- j ~ ~ ~ ~ l __________________ a ukegan lu eaid Lake County, on itîln iSpiringa. Vaukegan.î tb. Firsl Mouday of October, A. D.j 'G. R. on and alfe ta F. i-. \Wid N 1913, ee lu. by la.. ettreil. and -hIi hd en, W.t). 8130.00. Lot 86, L>ons 1 0fN TEÊT H iPOIZON! suit as tili pendîn'g(I . Su-i.of Fain Grounds, Vuaukegau. ' VY U Cures poison lvy, Oak. Sumnach, Etc. LEWIS o. îIROCKWAY. BS. Hamîîîoud and wite 10 J. F. ln 3 Osys. Cierk. i ms . il. 4$1.00. Trace of land ln Let us Intereet You in One of the Followng. Externnat treetutît i tdt taire. Waukegan, Ili. îîîc i7th, A. D. 1913. Secs. 2-, and 2,Wauconda Ta p. DMUSrArt. Se4ttîreiiaid OUreec>iPtiof5Dc Cruin Drug Co., Cbca<o Heights, liin LIBERTYVILL CABINET WORI4 PH4ONE 176-R I1arry Cor, Prop. aix Mç 110W ABOUT YOIJR FURNITUI IS IT ALL IN M00 RIEPAIK I do ail lilds of Furnitu Repair Work, Upholsterir Varnitzhjng, etc. Mimalon Furniture made ordor. PictixresFramed and ovez thmng in the cabnet lino. Soreon Dooru, Soreen Wi do-vu (hall i rm ia deniret porches Screen.d. * Old Soreàns repafrod at reasnable price. I alobave Turnituref sale, anid mgk, furnituro order.1 - roTice. The Liberty'viIIe Cabinet Woi ioe now under naew management Mr. Harry IE. Hicks ha* sold out me, age'I ailà ixfMU charge elof shop. lomeae0ca1or 1eIeph 1e ,'d 1W. C. luploîu, t ia a S çiîcitor. cklyý"JUtIYÏ5Augl-8-16 POOLROOM CASE IS - STATE 0F ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF DISMISSED IN ZION. ELAKE SS, lunlte hCounty Court of Lake Count>'. Ocioler Terut. A. Ds. Zioli,îg. 2--lenry Vogler ta- - 1913. lu the mhtier of the estateofa day si mslred by Justice Have CS Elîbu B. PbIi1iî-, e. ceased, et lI-sleariig cienein lie %as chang- i To Julie Laic. lranoea Washhurn,1 ed cili operatlng a paolroo, a entrany and ta the unkîîocc îî eirsat r Iw of 1 ta t liv tyordinanco recemîily pasaed. Eiibu B. Phîllilît, îecaed:- Theijusice hieid that lime evidence dtd Igro. Yeu are bereb>tittfied that on noî olînte he was openatlîug a puble .londay. the Thirteeiîtb day of Oc- ilace lnfitlîch men congnegeted, etc., talion, A. lD. 1!j1 , at the hour of ton Thme civ. iiîromîgh Attorney Fonhy willl Roclock in the lorruliton ai Dald da, appeal thie case. th nge d Executar 0f thse Lest 3 umler (1141îîot aunounce lts Inten- 19 Witt and Testamentiî of ElIbu B. Phil- t'uof IoPein iigls place ionigbt bc- '? lips, deceased. cr111 preaeut ta the cause te îact b ho bas no pool balas ueHou. P. 1- Person, jude af the eand chies, as tliey saene coniacated ne- LIre g ceîîily km> the poice in a raid. ù1ýC,ûunty Court of L.ake County, Ililinois, __________ bsfinal report and final aCcount of bis acta and doiug as sucb lixecutor. CHANERY NOTICE. Dte ask 10 have tîe eaine apProved, te ho State of Illinois, County of Lake.,au. discharged, and ta bave the estate of Circuit Court af Lake County, Oct- saiddecase delare fuly etted aber Terru, A. D. 1913.' ) ry a d 0 d c e a io d lc t i r e af d p acett e d E i n i h n S . F a u l kn e r v . L y d ia E d - rYo abcsed;e crIfich tissudnplace ards, Coa IlcKenzie, Lora Hartray, ou s I o eelt5 Frak Cremin Alfred Read, John . tado f Rend, Edgar Rend, t)eLong Willams Tin- Dated thia Sovenih day of Augut, and Charles B. Wiliamens, ln Chaucery d.) A. D. 1911. DAIDANo. 6319. AVt DAMS, -TIîe requttsite affidavit lîacIng been Exettor of the Last Witt and Testa- iled ln the office of the Cierk of saîd 't a ment ai Elibu hi. Phillips, decees- Court, Noticlaistleretone bereby giv- ed. e n ta the said ebove named defend- Wkly-Aug 8 aI sIs at the above named Complain. for __________________ant lieretotone iled bis Bill of Com- te plaint ln said Court, on the Cbancery rINEtfARM TO RNT saide thereof. sud that ase mn NdY1,0-acre tarmin ihelbutes part of against the above named defendantc. 1s k eta onIozty. Ili., undaraa bhsase of returnable on the final day ai ork citvaio, hee oucam gel abotit5 the terre f 1te Circuit Court as u effe a quart for uîilk tb. Yer 'round. of Lake County, ta be held .1 to villi ouslate building@ aul 25 mlcb uat tihe Court Houa, ln Wankegau in the 10%~O tborooghly pr.eli$alfarimer said Lake' Caunty, on tise Plut MoXs. = 1pfflmil I Te ig ubve & day of Octoher, A,.t). 1913, as la by law s seshy. tyul'restthabr'4 measop- required. and visicissuit la stilI pend- Il Yeu ptsis Id- __ Pro>l ido. imL LEWIS 0.BRCKAE Waukegan, nii., July l8th, A . 93 W. C. Upton, Camplainant'c solocibur. vllY.JUlY 25-Augl.8-15 7 r-a> ni rill neer> CI ,a'e ail Park Ave- lait (tnxlrt, AIl imnenrinenir. siteaisia5r-_fflvtr l iail. Part ian> balanc. caat! 7-nom Mode tuH.ti'rai iIneînA- Ail lirt ivliiti. lai',2 . x[ Prive.. Hotîr- a-i 1,t, Man ilt $1 )o~i 'hircon ta ..e .1 t> thcie HBroialnlani Thîrd r-tcel iiern 7l oirunt n htiin ti l arn u Prîie S . ....tuai......i S 5 romaîî Hotitre ani lt wil hairt)0on -îîI Si.un,11 rti $1,400 Srroom Hîtoce andti lith il lar. u.a 31itiîiankrc.Aheiihue, .mile ntilofn cne halftllae'ni land. utlIa, awodIiwa&tder, god t a nbos Eary Plinien a n.h...,....... 7 roani HÇi- on [Iiniion Si . Wiih barsM îaeiilli d Liii rex2ue.Fruit adV niaiSe Sari Paymnte. 21a StietIli Mode- mu ne aIth slx large ranin. leet ion hall. à large closetI. bthi 2 store ronia. hardwood dom. ,.. andS eleetrilety. testigeni. lsU» tistera. 5,otair fIonise..Large iant. lot. rnI Sewer. C9Y .51er a&M rîidenaililan Ma and afe enta tiI Priere lavern reaaonable. r r-mn H.uwan Ld lot onuDivliin stmeet îr- andtrictilîy uldero .115il a infrît-emenb;s.lot 4RCaM6 shiîth tront. A iarîia.iniftaken st nues.3 0 f.-o nanaurse on Millwaukee ACuue. bîath. elorete. an iodiema tmniienemeuts. Alse uer ad aSter aasesamseiiu phd. C§le492250fI. eteh. guelnaed sleepng Itnreh. OneOor the lt nvtete a l LfbetYnilie. tLots an I -*, hInd. 0I fruit , hearlua. .- $,0 i roon11w elble cash hou"e on South Park Ave. rsith aU lamoderanistirrie- mentc sud sn speelai sîseum nu iala lutu, fr- fladnsood ROr"anSd fRajah theouufiont. Sous fruit Sud ahade Irette. Owffl bas Mort Iowu* and vill oioeàP fer cash..$,1O IHubbard &Tkibbard PhonEs { YiVi J± iiLIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Better Than Spanki.1 1 Spauking seullDat cure cbîldren of wîettilgt the bail. bscaum te. t tbut a dangeraucseae The C. H. Rt wau Drug Co., lieptI. 1250. elsq,. bae, discovered a @trictly hermiesr.edy for tIti. s f.dgdcaeu meke kuaien if. nits they wiIll@end a 504e packagemcy* sge Absoletely Free toavy reader <uf The I.,igpzgrnu. Iieugi rr frequent deaire ta urinate iantrliiiîblity ta coistroludui g cnis i oid or yauug. The C. fi. itiwan irîîg Co. i.aOl ale01 Homme1308rw'ita4ý tday for the fIre@ mediine. Cure the aâIisbd mmm of iy Mr hmly bg ,lyour neighbore sud friendo about thle ?Uday. 'e For SAE-umnee. Ill, a madegn »oYen room bouse witii furnace, bath' ,lectric wlred, bard wood floors. lt l1o0Z65fit; 14 fruit and 14 i.1d. tre..; new chicben hou" and a amal barn. Mre. Leach, Gurus.,Ill. wkly. h Co. ilos down. Ir andDnt It nov. Énteod ltimai. E. ILL mite mmàmàý fl -------------- .1 ;il

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