1,,Sm the County Gener- W'k4»dinUte Prediotin bMSVALUES AND CROPS Land and Rentais WmiI g;«wwThrough Setter- .'Fas7 Yi"Id. se farinera bave vanierei vii>' MlOcA aon o f 1Lais count>' are 'lihe tara Improvemet or- @micn noaenthucattcaiy. "Sure- b mun e t omenewe fieme of hptwlera 10 do us.-" ha> mal. mury th"e.do flot reulie th"l the wMienmarm puttin;F thlir mono>' npuwvmesî sU a Ieittunshata- htb Ie beat kini. f 4»' no 9,»Airn or U*e em coqty fanma lylnceud, lien th, su5 are goiata deposit more Kr lb theii. n suaieniUmr W.for.both n.cecclîiesandBeinxr. et te s vel knowb tact that lihe fariner la proaperou, tho tir, lupromprous. id.. ii., ere lu reaqon for Ldtmeembi or thé iow ent ail, hua lageJao lai Iiirapt. rare.the iand evner "QÉ too Io sent aci hteret tv"otpt. And <rtiermor., vaoul4 rarey mIl for ~nas it nov doa. Purin- j~4ome abusiness Woposi- If~ ~ ~~t W l'oruclathe cotai- IM f anytlitng can lie dans tý fflhiar pyiyng crope, theI t I. Tlie calant>' agricul- or tarai sxpertr con- xSMMt uoef rop Insurunce >' h1lu o uPply lthe fNmera vith1 iact¶uI vice vilch niai, tep Wiiuauie cippa cure r u~ i iî, lractceThun 1"d-Sicn ie tilei go uuefr fron too mucli1 ýis w*ieicce aifeew b>'1 sD 551.4 VUhlihumus1 int.almont neyer isi 'lupeWt@uW ofiaiclaver lu' WOv4i ie i liUme, .io d dpo"sh *iiodare iaIojd, xjýnb bée imet la islb&w chutai- ïhsoeuiirlo milr 0 et oas ý4lirelte teatudy moenliflo taminh" àu *qlglo i 0 bilpalteove tbat- sOt liomasais ef dollars M iain ilas. th ~l~ri epetouainaoubi* M ugo laMie otnt>-that or Mst a Ml, vire," a boioaer! Aa _44.kCalagnt>' fumer receti- 4Ausggialtri advicor viii q, bI ut l a ve.us valuali Ëaa ,Ia.*bt he viii timulate Our1 ~4*t$ d." l:le ta nndotbtoi. biaineas, la largel>- c mat-1 '121 hpM-0 behini -he a.'l. e.enthuseli villa ratil1" vlat Wgnderfui1 Futeslias, and can Mel 4lO5IUtlt vlibis neigh.1 aM udieni>' fini uis farni1 tg;l«douly.The furmi-1 4marecnfidenc e ueacc esir more, uni support -t -bmcopal>' aiviBar, in effri ta maie their Prùgressive la the 1m s pitt iii uhractj mlêtic. price of lnd.1 Wh wpfag uphtu* exlerti. *b.os ,ca i Wtos. fine couty I.ë ffl c1 10,0 vnl~a The Goliniar Brothers Show viich exhubits ln Wtukegaun, Wednemiay, Aug 27t11. fouures everytiiing con- nectea vitbl, .'froue thcetreet parade,] t0 thocogcurt. The. prees. cf other citle. ha-ve maie oni>' th i« no4ta- vorabie comment for Golimur Boh erir parada. Evon viien the show visitsty rritory wvmiiee lbas noves beau, Itls maaalflcent Stret pageant no *pagreourprtse epublie that the.> usae sure te crovi the inmmene lents. gl ta la the, parade that the mnas-I agunent 0f a ctrcum reshow te go advaatage tho chablt>'amndichaioter of the sggregatlon. f It la a dbeap canceme, giving ani>' orilnury - par, formueqes, lileparade wviiitel!l te tlie. If il la reali>' meritaulus the street dIipiay viii demonstrule lteé tact. The spinii equipinet of the, areut Golimar Bothers Circus iu sbovn tô excellentivantain u1th bli parade, and It téa1wîayu coulait- minhol. ,The bercea are* ln fIe Inn. uni lie tableaux, vcgons, di: cagsa and charlots are rssplenbeahlY decorated vith costi>' curvlnga dit ,aid vavlub , An uneaaliy arge'un- tier of detiaare opeai, le ' Parade, ani the génral pu4lic lta min.ç*asa free exhibition of a Bp. arma>' of ill animale. AIl le ail., < là' mn* by mËüy, dtheut 1wamitnd rc ditpla>' e*er »Sa ium a>' clis Pet 1là5kfa lla h iclis perforiiince lhthemShow exceis.. ' - 73i iffla i the. Golîmar Brothiers Sliov viii aturt tram lot ut 10 o'ciock Sharp, »ud Saveahe the_ princripal 5150515.Wkty-lt.i) ,Wsuhi,$Saauumt, 13 J. W. ilarveIl, ham lotthle ge*oiaî contrac t i. l.Lfanos for hie ftni nos iuncarer hais.eviiçli ho la t eeocIon ObieêWdanroi utthd eaceh roui, four Sales orti r aI uueau. Thenrai- dén ' 'là ta casht lte naebrlod of thmo àI spriva .va t ,ntss.oy '- tom aIlaSmoo Tic roed«oe mue - lW«0 tcet, wM htva dmw uPm**son the. aorhl cpi !Ibdsimeot liehouqe> arage le sia. the r"f "ce vi len Quiet. cane ..........-... à4 John J. Daerochui, nayaito«. Mia. MMuaFomn;e.Batou, IrI......27 Lorane rais, Norh (Chicago . . .. Mory Doeaccame .............22 TbmsCale.- Chicago .......... 2 lPccî obuk. ame ..........Il Meornae saiutsoii, Racine .....8. MaNsarau, sua............ i E L. eemn ma enah.... 1 E1nnaHolat gMlwaukeae l....... VitorhePatIivae, hicao....É MU>' Marisu, Chgo .........go Edv. PeGirbons. lauke '.. Enna Haistl, Milauke.........# EdwinTreri, Cylaga ....... .211 Nire. rise, GChiccga........... s Jovn urner. Gaylake ... Aune Koufrchnilk, Grcrluie .. A JsieBaîz United lhe last te ae bemmanindvifs.. SLIGENSED IN CHICABO. Axel L. GaderItani, Waulcsgau...36 Anna Nyln. Wauieqmn--------..Ne W~IliamWa&eaBarriglonl11. 18 flnamentlproblemii that are cg»s nectei vIh ithe.prement famairentibg cysiena." They hope liat langer tapa leaa.. and a greater Int«ret af the. iunularii In their furme viirmvit. But even on a on. yeur liat. boum the. faui expert can b. of iaIctw asisance ta 1h. tenant. Acd pho- phate, nauriate 0f potasW and &Wf siackei lime praperiy uaei viii give' lasmodiate remuita ln tbe chai,. af botter craps vithaut leuing mutc récine lae ol. 1.The. asociation vIii umilt the tenant la settieg pure seedo,Ile eelieg or buyinglive stock, etc., le gettIna ln louéi vlth land awnerc. aud lencocuring heip. Inlurtoua insee and diseuses viii be uuccensfially combuttai vith the heip' af the couet>'. aivisar. le tact ther. l. eoboiy connectei vltb tarin- leg wbo viii noct beuelit In came va>' through thic tarin improvement or. anizatila n le iecounty. puy 1heir vwu MA* meapMtvbm duiii not e#al? *tate Ibmatl biirec"amiud h putciaeeotfiD prpert>' but thé 1h01' tht * oIbe wled the OptimiS indicUd el «Omgy that tlieyfeo ý vorbIdt~ ll*i~ ni bat byvl uth'P ài é~~ cioae the demi, con. iioert svarygodonea. vlien t fi iliCfli >lb Irty a rth dclse tl Or. Wvra«" ctas>'recelvei tIho re- Port of thu; Nos Yark Audit caui*un, snd . ticir mreprtshows tihocha o f the ooyefston are abasoIftely cetrect.1 Dr. Wattespon explanei ta Itbt comtlf Utt; lafar te theoaptioli Vet lMattered ilho bcame. et é tact theIbmassociation caâ91 r" l Ji gPr«Icfi Il ishes bebiae,1 unIeS I là15v.they merely have the '1sg~. te th.i. ldebteîsa8c I~y for 1the plirgie a«, egncs ithost profit. T J ears. UUeyfor a DI)5 S Ifll lie Laie rouet>' lua along Uminor a s 1 LV IA no-loua record. t aMa i.olie tinrt op" vomien voter. 0f KIdie l WL-f US ÏBEDSA tÀ the tof GIvither the caUetj M cé)mtý wviiibave tu vote viii be'on sWalord.,,mn Isue of bondga -mount' _______te ffla 819,10or 8200.000 for thili purpose aft caaa4ititùg smate aid0 Touristc tram Kenasia uni other * ,; <tMiut asse tu a ettes wlio bave bleu iusei 'ho make tue trip te GrasSLake vîti a nv bu sse0lecdt> ii a e ai looking oves a etugnlflaent b.d ai moniy &trot. lIte, Jute. The. matIes ai bioomlng otu, fiovers have beon a boni lune viil h o nuierci b>' the string aid tung riglit as retuming euperviuorm. tourstes eclare thut, there are net a liat a dosen of thé pate nts ým bloani Thé*Wr~mai van ta b. done b>'E anhe Ibe tebl"ous hat bave appoer- conviais àf Illiis viii be ona croui ei bave been ptei daid carrel tiatrlet, loicgie ani 1»eecouatlea-lo âvay'bofore tha>' vere putsthl.edit-te veut « klane cauaty. Thia vas ilug stage. Tii. pulicit>' lea -egan ta tiie beaut>' of the. béea as sent deoide dl d*"I<.' -ut b>'buils la the nogboilioai, It The o on viib. ciosely vatcheulà la a beuutiful trip ta Graus Lake »d leurn how ssii ani îow q>aciy the Ibhe lotus bis but lb. imtomobUie saecagsw oI iart>' makiig tIitrip viîli a 'nremi ofsutchreviidi. finîite i.muA sought fBasera vii Gav>eor banne has usertei th#tI. b. dilappointed.--Keeosha Neoa tiore viii ualb. un>' Politie n l te roui bublilu.auni that the corintdon ~AUib~tlai tmaie ipphIcation frsI viii bave (QIIJIthe f i rsI cMate aid rosis. LaSulle I~i3Lc~A~éc mi ~'ItM cotant>' hue.node the. OrsI applcation. 't S . LBrut. aiDeKaticane al'-isa -issn eletai secrelar>' of the statq COlta>comumicuion,. Ibe anzaf creuted by lie Tic. iaw. Thcl tb. Laieemcnl>' upfrvtaors, ut the noxt Meeting ln Septomber, A:JA II *111 aulianize the purclicue ai the WVukeuiaTnt Coioniy for $8,620.63, uni formaiiy taie. over,,the colony A viiere people uiThcted vilih hîhte piague eau be tr.slei, -aid, vhou i> tIheyTO bave no mec. reéelre treatînt ai ut lie caunty'i expense.' -Foliaving the confereece vili Dr.. '«. Wgaract, apes seadli ofè WatteruonaunidiBouton, Mondai, lie Mclitcary couet>' aid tock food In special sirpervisors' cammtte. akd sptor Lne iereevice of the state du>- the dachors for an option on lie prop. Ing th. ast tva >'Ouran a been rein. emt>bu bhit sas expiinci that tlho alliaifoilowlug chargeapref*roi assciaionwoud nt gve n otio aglaint hum for negligeece of duty.t sitiaul snoecash betitg puli doge, Mrunalr ispcl aasI. Cl &ainusI about $200, ai,,investigation ai the. unoite npctrIni. -Clair;spi iii recent praooeiegsof thecsupuyti% u t Ualre é.*zdfl siioved lie hourd did not aUtharlce "t anirce the cMitar>'lava là the the onrmtteeIo pendmono on performance of hlm uan IsalMasus* option. Thus, liecoammfitte :1Z eli D fCuferntéia tte« . e nat puy fo aus option and thliemiuccel civl. fvor C 31r.On utian olilcerc valid àtg t ,c w I i> W&u a ppd ou. iî% i and l à out s moIu>' considération.- ntStrayle- tmedbrie'h Hovever, as Dr. Watterou ataiconmmissin a iChicaga, -ili V;. 'l Olliors of theasociation prefer »Ilum. ' I adtot l.uautr ingto he ouny ton o Mnybdynai. Wd. Lumie>' contaiiied liat Mr. sisel tii oant>'no queston ut>'bo Wnraci could nat bave bomn s etil- the offr wyl hold good ho le ounty gn flt ûyI lrgMh h until iter tie Beplember meeting. setr'hv euaeh u tc is b a v ii c m ii a s e t ~ r n p tl. foo d In s p e cte r a n d r n t a c a t a r > f o d tecout le 17,860. oraniums uni dal>' reparla frome Mi. Xt îeveîaps liaI one ressart why liWaedrack'.e record aI tia >'easm ln =pi.irdb>'ftxe ollicers ta seîl lie 016setvlce liaI lieperf»ried filtiifui a p~I ebocuase lie fiuj guM servie andi lt ia l lt kle mmi>' la' doua not liii.ta have the lna.ebti.ââs taces exceding that of tva or tus..: nets continue uidlie board hacheboo Îeg n . Lustock i srgiit h i. maubie la ris. the nocees>" uluOY tüwtngcerîcne s abIaâÙo làlathere ta liftit1. Tlioefare lie alde .t,1thé lié U evc Omélte iront>'W&viaugeteî uni, dc fti ý l Iued a rierrelaatthm MrWae-.Ï flot remave the. colon>' tram lie une tt sa tc ta~uhiott 0f Ibe public vho vlsh ta puy for ec asa aea' tck" 1kett liore, the count>'Mture appeiedI la ioomilcrà Mt.iô l . lô cl tn. PAT GRAHAM It 'We preter ta sali ta 'tie 'cotat> '. NAMEQ GAME WARDENt taay>dd> ms e," sasfd Dr. Watter- +17-u,- son loaY. '"The moeral plan la ail P. J. Griahm, oaiCilcago, biatùeý mieetions ta for lies. colonies la b. of IiemaGrahan. <i lalnhi% rAl clartol.Ba ass e'startW ithe on.cOeunt>'. ha been as bè Ibtw, iÏtsré gelthlieu tôa a tadiaMOf0', ChutYagedis vuc I*ye4 àlfty enc> d' the1t tauntheni Oveir 10beauen mgn.d ta tue tefNoi7 - lio a ct>' or 4 calaehy. î?ro4Idîn«thé 511 eover but, uIJ«eS le nov 5,ý èWôan>'la hept uap toa sMeiîsandard i o asud1-di undir a county mauaipaifilthoaswomise' vi jil au. as ny aed patiui Anliauncemeetla is mde'~ Iem as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ig ff itvr altca l fMiae Matths iefliils, a! an f I weé e "d Pri Ilglaii P la o &I-1 in WlmIy1 0 T1'ati la h i cse icmir ire 'but lep'aCilsa T.h.pegfl>' 10 0 main tilan a te 10 Up up l1i et.P odn Jnl SUnd I*"O rim4tac enyor,àub1ip Qulge~qcsaM lir.. wsteràon, fthe orlgimataý f t e thein frimais ailei d=* Ii t Ji 0 the colon>'. bas man>' prSVpt.luýbi'Clcgo. 'm 1 owon W*,e--.3.-Aler a carn* pula u tv yorc oirvomeutole. t~dioiê Voili' 'a' 1e but a se ~o4'U5Ua e the vma«. lmMi. t ,Wfflhammp ?diatieibd Iniorai tm f Thé declubon ao la ie vo ,m, I" sali, sua 1h.foresbait oWato tbotv*Dm et tthe uOMd5 a ml- - , z thé A umiority ata& lie deiehco thei. m o mu rerparbd olt avor vom Soiuiium m. top.damce.lots- cf 101*4 ewaero lu Loal.I.9. . vee deno» e la résoiptlons adoptaS iy the. toeun. la eu htiw Io mânt#%e Ite~ Camp ha. sustinsi uni paiover ta boeeartea, $8,000 lesurance, or, oaa. alderabi>' more tiun the camp viii 9*7 back othle lump la asceacnients la over a year. "5r@memniersauni the amounte ear- rlei falow: ClitaWaiterc-2,000. Jlohn Pilifant-$5,00. William LývIe-$S,00O. A total ar 88,0w0. Thi. la lhe lurgegt bs ln a ilinliar perioi,' or eta n>' lie riga lang ta a 110e that the. loca lioda. bas ever sustataci but as lier. la uoniethi* lbe 112o,000000on bandilnthel .head camp'. îreaiury, il la seen that the loîmes couii he met prompti>' cedtiey ver., for, ln each came, tiie vidoa hi ve been pald 1h, ninaunts mention. The tact I paetthiat the roc- t onie time for tvo years the camp bad nol bail a des* Ionsiano, t ta seen, for liaI entire portai the O iq bers ver. payiln eassesflentis nc noboiy vus gettlna baci finurane. Mrâ. John Shbertiâsdiei at ber home ut Wamrr etaI9 'ciodk, l'usa dal evening, Bter un Ilimes. of but tssnhy-ionr heurt ar heurt trouble. Aira. Sheadan vas 70 yuurs aid mai liai lived ta Leke caunty ln the vIcia. il>' ai Wlrriataai sgroat mm> . îte iesvdd her htaband, 76 year* ohd ani Ove chibirea, Hivurd. Wil. liai, m. McCart>' unid Mr. CUàl hianall u fl Ciîago, and Soin, vii conducla lie fam *uthelead borne, aluai. aima aiels ituSe, Mrs. 1011W, Pcvoo. of, Chicaga. des*ll fthe - tct liaIber lineei feU cmi igo-k i& is pdive v-Uci Mdi huam~ t là,ied sinon, H Se o l viii sot b abale te. -Worm. lituera -ae ov b ai ii Wushléagtoa, D.1~.Ytg uAa. tlanui rural bankiSas ystem as uero- loe n à bil biB>' b>' enutor: Flicer,ctMamnofI li aâerimai coanmiisop on rural credîts, #ni al»o bl , tlic..feo* m hmcion m '- ure-, ce*-ppente-lay the pr.aideut Th bM'ilpropoueg a cysténi of 1c national rurail banke ovneid a r- âtémi bitumerai e a at.mrioal huekI - aci-Ie tae -w su conb»oiledb>', tii.local hua& . us tomiioldu's nd lie iwationul. lIera -bota04 -tàl ttei Statma, taelie bW catei te Wucblagtcn, taelie esnelen- t4<u, the shile rural bausi t Ire ~oSupervise lie propow . chais a00 apka thure souil b. creulmi la fia treaciài, antrégnt,.ivisiop a irital.akea-ne dent a tSoa aMio thenia amiaroi.'t es~~ ha ~ ~ ~ 7 diusis* o Iesu' oP s M li ud* ieIm Ie 4 imd states Attorney Raipb Vduy voro e (ft~ tlOl$ A qb iniiellai vor hie face todar. Peie 9eS V # b fleveWiM *a ?n., ?11bwsrk VU a vwator te. hôbaoes»daJ'aflo. -'- noon, D* 1 goi~t to )iàim mai4hi, pil ta pm dor thé to*'n cal and 2lela u hr 41 torney wscubodl l*oe, worU. Iab&n ~ , I obt~i i wroporw *8 g otfins *ajgm*toinr an he. awp A1Iorra*huif Com la d.llsted bagUi lon.k wiii. st lte uoencom"odi Ua Wîam Duqjiale <tUle% are e tt*fo t*~bise their homn e l ltle pa M"ulr.ifhlivaenieSSSn Oa :h tMie l tbo_ au ofat* by the promdent Tueedsas - lt fi>reý vIna miglit bu iooakiligflirvuOr«tru orPO*àAOt1UDsVAt »iildU -ta an assistant rosecutor oft tePr.I, lo, a to ei* Oouflyl theftct tat womc'sa*. "On&date for tlýie ý. fr omet«81 1rageba recmnuy eueonetta eet là andil Issu gêer@4 tot- hée oulil Illinois pianges the. comzian 0~1usdthe.bonor bicmu»e hoe as boim mgttffs-and, vîlo » 1gtîttu Ako 4, DICocrâtic leader fer yeurs la coa*My uhve a."Uvosmtews utthiji tOrDOY? That'. how the statu, uet. Te os jc ob, aI Hlghlaed tii*Y fél &B tbés hu, elNU ond bout faderailjobih ~~ m"4'g"*$ o la 5wo 3,10. W The .P uponent of Mr., Dooley ta. tereste ail lake, couaty demaWrata, ai. Uv'#~g Poluily vben certain clreunilaoi are recalled lu a nco w ,.t (iF N'~W Y elioslng tbe Democratlé vlctory Ie Vflosing thelicvctory. Il le iecsiidd. Pen of theDeniocratie couutya" u they vuabu te dT tbroagb endoummunqa ofsesa Xe OtO fl ldidates, &mont theun -poing Wnî. ~XMotie A"tie SEl Jqr ilnaWaaieffaaftce and John Ijour TNs Mgornnlg. (rCé. f llr iiilaiuPark. T.tare- t%-nface 01 thi.e» oi«Mmemta. Moud. s f Wurd a" i 1olee toit *If-y, N Y.,ýug.Il' r"ta hoy vouidlith*bmob$. but. Ahbay, N Y. Aug lS-WUfIAfli t ceorna the endorseinoa, dui et Biaiser, governor. of New Yark, wu carM Wight for nolthier fl .,for. lRpehel by the I.ver bauge ac i e Doas aow cnaudaeDan Orady leglcilatiro ut 6: le o'Clock tbls mors. got the Waukegan pluin. , ing aller uit cIl niglitsession, by a Oc ote ooe voté of, 79 10 45, on charges, of hnc"Pulate Bfoo lut diverticanipalgu contributions Doiey Ilaflot an InexPetlencoi poolt- t0 hi. privute use and ibovins made mucher. About twenthi in uAM ob uimier 0&* ifaim. . temest du ta iis 'uc po.tmatar t iflaiq&4 Park la. cunipalgu «ept 1der Prealdelit Cleveland und lho mcde Au elevouthi hur deciaratlon on a gond *man In the. omêPmon the0 verit ofthe. goyernor'a vit. thut >ears ¶Vont hbha been caher la. Ibm ahi hm -dîvertai nome of lâ,tam.Ui lteBank ut Higbiand Park and la 1)51511Cotrbutions 10 th. pn'cbaa tha$ Position boama"cdo "vervccuÀi IcfM- b«»» shl tot h e boug e uandi en Mn.ae, ebai coi. hl âeeded money fatiei ta prerent iuctei a quiet caunpla for the IMPcahMeUL - offico jobi uni h(m frienis toit hé s0 Win ladus srair elieho uld *0 0u11Y Ont Man Explmine Vote. la Waukegan. st i. rail cii vas n, 0f te qucn. Cîher Apwontmente Comlng. aidet ft ic-he mai I boguchn 111 C0 Whie Iboir nâmin bave mot bin siiesuon ai ii. nxpechn Pro - §ont Io 1h. SemaI au, Pet, .Iaemw Wu ceedins. fnry on.eniember roce to formation from, ' W elnglon atm"1 explitahie vote.. - ;.ru .i., ,4w 7 ,CI a th lIm alrol lin theiAosmhly the m c ai *. rAit t e k ligmeau len lcontinuons ugacon ceven County Board of Revies là ta. lhe bourg aid many members bai luSt naniei very sliortly for the, picUel ayikenci, from. ouliàmer la thair loehip ut Antiol.s au mat J. C. goa. Ldi*lag s sure .ajortty. domno- , * r.. thb. Bull ol o nil4u crutic leaders bail prcticalY mrkei aew" hmsitbI te th e rv d Of Hubiar le th. vIlor. mU a fov u'dY» from, New i iriIIprove. 1 mai potai tht Iir-progrwg. cuA in »0cti the racs ta eut d, l. ' r frIyviBci ee ad ri*t.li Tbearfcis 0lPescnhmaa ý_t hea ley, - Belimoye anl icb th agb gdgptedafer a thont roces hi&uV t . bdineyt aiOndale Ou*vi etathe dci. of 49 ta U uni yUl b. Prooeutô~~lkhit a ncrace hn &he aeeIe ut ita meeting @h.g Pd Frie>'la the Voliva nasa. Beimeper for il o-ciock tbii.morula. 0Go.la Ibm îmiend-)h iilser vii thon coa. te b. govoanol. '01bcr appotle*tua 4Sn oo .. hob The urtioles are uppraximataly 4,000maie viii show 1the».mon named: varia long. The cssembly »d, edJais.. CIOUT, Marengo. MHO.nf 1 t, 7.:30 a. nm. unt n.il . count>'. Michael P. OCoaaor. Sar- vail. Mclery cosnty., IcI Ati c.oim$ahe d oI n don ,StJIjng'~ 4w is.rJf'44 Clas BeM.*o~at1~oe~aV ck&arp. et ie CFrs neu rere ~aAUguat -l6th f,.bîertaiËmmi>o al ië. J f, - - , - L~TD SIng the mi bier returNt imid a littia lahu choe holà, et >t end hlàiaib Couanty 81 T. Arthur St as Iblqr ecia te*rible atler mliien Simps daugliter, wl bour tbis atA ' tie north refluiiy b>' leraoon trien th.e latci truc.of lier. Planne Tii. tacti lieo mcdoni canami lir 1 were viteji>' Imme d 1oro thf le aflernu #"y teit ah. Wbalr', w tor a part of Mavaver. fi cauii ber i viIb the roi thé, bainiai esly parents trame of Ml Uren.Institut toate tekism il vus lin'. ai trienda tc If Boy trace The. tact il "di quite tsi th1e tamU> t- lie ail rialit. sa no trace tho situatona ,oni lia.he r 1i0u0 vigaoiu -.1' =c- Graduatiaon exelaea of PoUbt »chocio ma demlnattonai churche. ver cwlhtied ta the repart of the oduuatoal om.itteo. Thec.recolu- tloa~ jireb thed le i nlt. riat of thc CahbeSoChIli 10 a Cutbello sinca&tion. l. gr-Outh oethe Cato.. lic edacatàllo yste &ne th. uMo ah"ol lm sea apsroved. Ai ua I for -Ulate aof ethIoilc oeh4bla vu vothu dla the remuitaléa. Ulugeuisaor *#«,Iile, and the mca etf "eiitla1lfton l of oducallonai agençise, ver. icounffli. An International Cuthalil eierutlau sca favofli b>' lmstious vote. Pion Pationte Wlison. The ,co»;Uvepn edecideito petition President Wslon *and Congruas, usi- fthut the. Uettei Statesua me A vigoraus prateut maclat ioapaiiation ot church Propoiticoéla PortuvaL The report of the socilai e'pa recoiution coiiiniittee tavored labor Iinican, a ong cm they did nMt ah tn lilltcs id exerted thoir influence ouY tava the. bettorlient of 1h. vqrklag mai fras oning sma- Blihop 3*...s A. MeFaul expresem di0*pprqvsi of iunnodest, clohh..He iêes mot Me, t bm prement icahlon et sl*«kJtâ iba nidI"kna tho mec, ara too Ibinly clb.é [M m