Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Aug 1913, p. 12

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'A 1! Every =utome r of -the (lobe knows that a dollar' spent here goes farthe than, at.., other store in -t1ù>ýicinit, -Of c rse'you wil alwayâ in a few, doubtersin aniy m TQ further conviiý* ai to 8,tZll furth'er strengthen the beief among those who- have always bden ou r fl4 as weII as to convlm*'offhers of the advantages of shopping at this store, we have inaugurated -this dollarsa. Réad creful W evi 1m advertised for each one tells othe increased purchasing power at the Globe o every dollar you have ihiw. Sle St*sts Toi rrow, Saturdsy, Auguet lêth Roue Drese- Includl- ed are the fanions Utility dresses. Thé materialS are nealpattemgIn uper- cales aa g pinghamns.A ~,splendid assortuient of colors.......... $1.00 Coata-One lot of short coveit and serge coats, partieularly adaptable for cool evenings' and early faîl wear. Speeial values for this sale $1.00 Auto Gat-FuIlilength auto coats, belted styles. lJpusually good values, f orruerly selling at $9-.00 -specially redtieed for t 6scêasion to. . .$1.00 BwiWhe-Made of an extra good quality of ()crman hair, al shades except g r ay. These swit.ehes are 18 to 20 in- ehes long; theY hav'e ,been 1-edueed to . .. $1.00 f Tailored Waiata-Made of au exeelleut quality of liùan, the kind that will "x car w~ell and launder beautifully, former val- iies up to $2.56, reduced, to eaeh.......... *1.00 Embroidery Flouncing - Imported emibroidery flouuîeîng, 45 inehes' Nide, dainty patterns, formerly selling Up to $2 per~ yard, re<111(e(lfor this sale ti .....$1.00 Wool Skirt-viade in gry mxture,naterials hgitwaisted efleets Tlie vey latest styles. These Akit represent an un- zu MI alue at.... $1.00 Parasols - There stiil rernains an unusually good astiortment of par- asols. Take your-ehoice of values forrnerly selI- ing up to $2 at.... $1.00 imona-In both erepe and lawn; a beautiful assortmient of patterns frorn whieh 'to choosé, former values $1.50 and $2.00. Now» are reduced to .. . . . . .... $1.00 Oýut« r Puff-Made of 'ýwuOuaiàly'fine hsir wov- en on a soft foundation to conformn with any haýir dress, especially re- dueed f o r this sale to ..............1.0 Boy's Wash Suita-For- mer values $1.45, $2.00 ad $2.95, in plain and faney materials, ail sizes from 21/, te 7 years, re- duced for titis sale at eaeh ... . ,itj WuasSkrts--Wonien 's white wash skirtt, an unrîsnallm 'good awsort- nient froin whiryli to unake yoir selecti4n,,for- mner values up t' $f-100, redueed fo)r this sale to .......... Gowns-High or low neek, button front or slip ovcx' style, forru'er values seilin up te $1 .5) reduced for thâs sale to ..........$100 Lace Curtains-Made fiil widtb, t4té yards ognice fine patte suitable for most a4y' rooni, worth $1.50, re- dueed for this sale to ........ 1M00 CraiMateial- FIve yards of curtain mater- ial, Nottinghamn weave Arabian colors; this mua- terial is 44 iuches wide, for this sale, 5. YArds for .......... $.0 Millinery-'-Take yourý unrestricted choice. of any hat in the house, no ruatter if the former Iprice was $3.50, $4.00 or $5. Chooee 10w at $1.00 potticots-Made of a fine mercerized sateen df -gond quality; the f or- mer price of these s*kIrts ,was $1.50, reduced for 'this sale to each ... $i.00 Prineas Slips - Eni- broidery triinmed neck and, skirt,, mrade :uf un- .usually good material. 4 real value'at the former $1.50 prkwe, now. .$1.00 Street .. .Dremes-Made of fine ginghams and percales, values which .formerly sold up to $2.50, -ail reduced espe- .............................. ... l Curtai Scut.. in cel ored effeets, values for' merly seiling up W 2(k per yard, have been es- pecially reduced for thi sale te each.... ..SO< Sm 'imes, men's 50ý s11k tien in ail styles,i beautiful assortrneu from which tW maki your oeletion, reducm for this sale te thrýw for.............*1.N wool tropical muitiage. creal j=l.Zd bl mir 6100,4la 1 .~'quattes. saiePie%. p»r .............................. ...................... m hi poeetty pruta.,dLesignu. soit- alla for quittasumitvAMPhsg Dur- P 9t12%c quatlty. sesprim. ............................................................. 01.00 FRIENCH GINGIIAMB - ?iMR mephyr weave Wreach glaugllm, tu- -neat chiecks, stripe.suad plaids. 32 luche. vide.,7Un grade ale price, 7 yards for..01.0 KIMAONA, cREPESB-Serpentiue himona cropsatu rieil printed floral designe. latent styles and colorluga, 19e kiud. aisprie.ô yards for ...............1.0 APRON GINGHAMS - Staple bie checks. genuine Indigo9 dyee. lght and plark, th. beat Se killd. sale pricd (ouly one lot ta a eustomer) Is yards for... $01.00 BATH TOWELO-LiarIi5 mise,. double thread bath towels.bhem. uied, hsavy weigbt. wlth.4Oienb initial. SOc la the reniurarpies, maie price. 3 for ...é. 1.00 sheetings. 8-4 wldth lu MI bleached 9-4 width uubl«eed, bqavy ýround thresd lad. 24e regular price. saMe prie (net mores ta" ne olot to a eumtom- er), 5 yards for ........... 01.0 PILLOW TUBINCS-42 luches and 46 tfuche.. f511 -bI.eehed pli- 10w tublugs. apental acf t finish, regular 24e grade, maie Prlc.ý ô yards fers.............8100~ grsde-iipOfted pillow tubing. 60 luchtes vide. fuli bieached, close- ly wonansd nleely finishai. for fancase, se.Sc value, male prie 4 yards for............ .01A TABLE O AMASK-70 luches. bleacied lrlsh table damsk. sud siver btescheI German dea mmml, purelinon abria., li et Serai ëud ÉMeU desiane #1-26 vai!M-.1@W 100004 ira. larne melatno o; Pretty mietrls.5Cpie. tro yar& CRASH TOfWELING-BleiirhO sudubleachefi Pure lunen crast towetgg. fast colored border rouqd ihread klud, 12%c rugulw maie Pris. 10 yards, fo... .01.0 sEp S$EEAOS-Full sised crn 0chât blpso efibd preade, hen M04i, Close veave. soinlufiuish mpléadiI 01.26 values, mals priV each.................. 1- eWOOLý CHALLIS-iPleIdid ai Sartmeat of ilght flgured chall lnutmrong dflmand nov. 40e grsd male pie. 4 yards for .. 1 A ENCLISH LONG LI - *Bleachel Iuselathflue)MeO finish. yard wlde. for flue SOlde W ear angilubfsuI' dreamle. 12% quatity, msvpies. le yards f( -ontly .................. $1X Il MN $ PNT$-Uen'a wo Pene, meof snun=a t, goc sIO efomer values up to $1.5 Sredpofita............0.O 111.1<. ANO WOOL POPtiNe 8 0- loche vide. wriuleproc Il te %n durabl. slkJ se 01.value. maie pries. rfi. .0 Mme 90POPUINS e M m ât 1 ânf fle s511 finish, d*eWrt abades, 85c grade..m D Prise -4yards Tor.....81 BalkaI-Blomes-PoP- Wgaiansud stylish Balkan -bloufeso se uh ini de-, inand this seaedn; muade have .11k tiesv *.69 val ues ........ $1.00. Girl'is Dreaae-Styhish- ly ruade, girlish appear- ing dresses Of fin e zeph ~inghanis, excel- lent valg at'$2, for titis sale redueed to a half $1 Eoy'S Walas-Boy's blouse waists, including the fanions " Mother 's F'iend," with and with- out collars, regular 50c grade, reduced for this sale to 3 for .. 1.00 "ut Gases-Fiber mat- ing suit cases, 24 in. size with reinfor<ced corners and leather handies. Our regular $150 suit cases, reduced to....... $1.00 'Oupas d Sauéor - ji- Semi,-porcelailie ware, dainty bine decorations on white gronnd, former values 15e per pair, spe- cial for this sale: 10 Pair for ............1.0 I 1Sale Sooo ame-With re- inforced corners, leatlxer handles, aiQth lined, 18 inei .Isehese are ex~- cârlnu values at the- rcd~e4~plCe et.. .0 KnieibfuIk'a uats - Boy's stylisit knieker- bocker pants, in plain blue serge and fancy mixtures, former values scliing up to $1.75. ...$ Soren Dor-Fuil size screp doors, with extra heavy green painted frarne, covered witb a good qualityý of wire cloth,\ cspecially reduced tô ..............1.W0 Boye qJualiteof lue chambraly and black saen, unualaues sat teegulvale,u atereuced fr ic aebte 4 blouses for .. .. $1.00 with a paten.t lock with fittinga, an excellent as- sortruent. Values form- erly- selling up to $2.50, reduced to ....... $1.00 811 tç. -Women'a Oi1k koal in black and tan; thes are regular 50e grades which have been, reduced for this speejal occasion te 3 pair for........ $1.0 W h kt 0Pettict - Made of unusuaily good ruaterial, neatly trini- mcd effeets, foimer val- ues selling np to $1.50; reduced for this sale to .',....... 1.W0 Boy's Pants-Unuisual- ly good quality of hoy's pants, muade straight, which is the reason for this low price, former values up to $2; 4par for............ 1.00 mu'. Hat-Men's soft feit bats in aIl shapes and shades, all sises; just the thing for work;- $1.50 to $2.00 values, re- duced to ....... $1.00 rail Outlng-Heavy, long napped outing flan- nels, new falruerchan- dise, in stripes, checks and plaids, grays, tans and blue, 121/2c values, sale price 12 yards *1.W' leather, up to $400 va- ues at ......*1.00 Women s ILow Shoo- Odds and ends, "ruostly small sizes, includcd aVe some Red Cross at *1.00 Beathe r, ce te ox fotrd, gooarountyýocs, values up to $2.25, $1»0 ObIld'.Pump-Patent gun-metl and tan leath- ers, two-strap pumnpa, ail solid sises 5 to'-2, at ..............*1.00 silver plaed teaspoons, gray patterns, unusual- ly good values, reduced for titis sale te one doz- en for ........... 1.00 Ourtain Streers - Bise 6xl2 with adjuat- able nickle plated pins with center brace, for- mer $1.39 values, iredue- ed for this sale te $1.00 Men's Work BIt Men 's dark bineech=r- bray work ahirts,tade fully, al Biges;,rguar .50e graMoespeially re- duced for ths sale to 3 shirts for .......$1.00 styles, asn nnsully I goods, -aÔrn en of st- terns fortnieofpt- trnake yor s etoth forme r ale eing thp Wo $1.,50, reduced to $1.00 Union sult$-Women 's union suits of unusually good 50e quality have been reduced for this sale juet a third; 3 union, suits for ........ $1.0 Boy'. Suits-In flincy wool mixtures, auts which formerly sol4. up to $3. All of theae mite hive straight pants suit- able for every-day wear, Ichoice .......... $00 LigiteWghsr low ek long or sort lo eves lovgcrastorthis sea-. sonr wssye aittri na med' efyeets up W $ t.00 values at .......*.00 good unibrellas, a nies assortruent of handies; formerly selUingu4p to $1.50 have been reduced forthiualto.e.$0 CofféesPots -Nickel plated on heavy copper, aIl sis and s"pe, f or- mer values selling up to $1.50, reduccd for titis sale to.........1.00 leeWindow Shades, n exelent qudosality f ou opexclth, 5 aluesofi opadu ei oythis&,salest, 4 shadfes for .. *1.00 Prylng Paaa-Âlumi- nuinfrymg pans,' save tiine and fuel because they heat much more rapidly than any other kind, reguWar$1.»9 val-. ue, reducedte... .1O i e a El, If Y. bouse and h and a liglit expeci planai to see thereý. Tha tuait Thos. nemda cbarg. John Fra a nuit arousi their trudei roomi held The see a but il was i he t( Jugt -d ai Franç fore valu rlFd and PI Ma ruadc ture is be the i Tih willl contE garnI atter way A with JUMI A P( bred are cure, SI, idly tain( able AI hbou Made of Bogr'.. guar- anteed -silver, pretty gray pattern, eqpeiallR reduced for th ae to 6 for ..........$0 $1BALR "pi n s $1 SAM si1[&AUE * -M *1 U(Arv m 1sl.&,w G' ~ 1 T- m 1 p 1 ý àA, - . * ---------- «-"L- -ýl.'jl ý 1

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