Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Aug 1913, p. 9

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iWAUKI WI3EKLN SUN PROMINENT AND WEALTWY BêSINESS MAN succumSS1 ATTACK OF NEWBIFM0LqE-WAS 80A14ANDe-RAiSI IN WAUK" A AWSPRO0#«iefUT FOR YEARS Iw POI TICAL ciRCLE$-"TW11I STATE REPRESENTATIVE9 TIS ISTRICT AT SPMINGFIELO. 'T 0 1 I o Q lob iat s8e- of nty ýov- & of loy au- re- nin Inst 'oru art- Kan kme air, biy> Whio nds Cven 'sit. lice- i as 1of ich that tuy, i.ct- nii girl, liedl and ii a hi ni he the ir a h ,-r. t the r tie as 1 , i-r al-r mager gatiiîn .the. ations rge of a ere hesint' a.4ed ,lit the reach- reaadi 44* te Pulie choos oftht. City àd-Iak. <etbWeetern Umivermily tt Uvan. III. At the, &go of 15, rute, 13i, ho emlated IDtu the6911 Iia thFft e nthe' reglment, amd ou bstermý Ho re-enftd Sthis 41k JlUi01 eigiment and vin î»8 il, under Oestral Sherman trou )kàitaoffa tu Atlanta and on the. h«gareutotheti.8Bo." amd on the. qsbm througb th. Carolinas 10 I'iiaington. participatlng ln the -p d revlev" la Washlagt6n at the Oflof the. va,. Ne vas arderly musnt of Co. K and vas ustered of a the. ser#ice et Louisville, Ky., mnriving home July 18, 1865. -Mr. Lyon haid been engaged in the o mercantile busiveas established by hism hhbher (ln 1848) ever inca thon and et . tuie af bis deah vs associ- ateU widibbisansou nder the iSm aguieof0. IL Lyon& Bons. RNovas mnMier or the Board 0f supervws S# ori Lake couty for titre. yeara- the -lut ear hoa chairman of dia Boaud. Prusidmut of the, Board of Education le 1895. Pont Commander of Waustega Poet 0. A. IL.Junior vice Comu*nder Illinois 0. A. IL Was iegaMte ta the. National convention GI A IL on gaverai occasions. Poitlcay Mr. Lyon vas a itapubit. ean. Electad ta lthe Mate leglbltura in 1894. Re-olatai 1298-19w0 1902. lie seFved thora twa talus as chair, "an or the. omultm eon Beuand ilumâina" in lm 00 as a PrOmi- ffnt candidate for, speaker of the. floue. ne wuas at BSnmst com- mander 01 Wa*U1'ea Commandery NAlta Templarsanmd' a thlrty-seCoad degr« Mason. He vas mautted la Waukegan to phulppa B. yeoman, vho surives mOus and ho haalvays Uved lna hie City. A4UGUSTý 15, 1913. FOUmriP 'FAIR TIRS YEUR Là TIIAN EVI3R BI3FORE S The Speod Program andi Rules lusigi Show That Something Ging- SUI ery is Coming This Yr. kW e>n0 PREMIUMS OFFERED. IGET UP TO, $W0 Extra Asidesi Attractions Given $p ring Crods to the Mid- Way Next Month. i LY.. -I FlOTS BOUT 101 GEORGEED LYON. Bornim.Wankegan, July 19, 1846; lived in'city ail bis )ite, died Âugust 7, 1913, at 5:40 p. m. of heart trouble;a afi!ug for uoeetizne, critieally il but a few days. Was state represeîqtative from Eighth senatorial dia- m triet from 1896 to 1909O Won junior vice commander of Illinois G. A. R. Was once a delegate to the national Republican con- P vention. e Was delegate severual tunes te national 0. A. R. con- ventions.L He was a supervisor fromn the Town of 'Wauloegan ini 18M And 1887 and ebairman of the board in the latter year. He enlistd ni Company C 69th Illinois Infautry in June 1862 and was mustered out the following September; r re-enlisted Feb. 22, 1864, i Comipany K, 64th Illinois Ini- fantry and served as orderly sergeant until Jüly. 18, 186. Was edueated lit.Northwestern University after at- Entered merchantile business with fathel,,Isaace Lyon, t i Waukegan snd later, in 189, took over the business, ex- pnig it as the eity grew and eventually establishin te big firm of «i..R. Lyon andi Sons, his sons, Charle »IlWil- liibeing associated with hum in business. Waa considered the second weafthiest resident of Waii- kegan. Was once president of the Security Savinga Bank and for many years a direetor i the bank. t A NATIE OOv aààabiiged ta ga ta lie d atmne A NTIV ~N dat Umne hl@ condition bai basat Thisew» etatys muan-bernative aun; mateserions. , liNme.» ho usuall-amhre S.cures Thumaî morang et a SO'eock ha 4amiaidiemoa svere attack ka Here ila the. boight mand sa'hlng siiht bahad iDr. Earbet vaacosun- of mm d iiuriedly. loi, baum. k. vailm He lîvea hi. e-.en areal citizen, ver die tricen u n mbefore ais On. wimacouilal de thue tipi. se long a0gni aOfinurovemet veau shovMu t a Wondie maanth* Dr. Sippy had bae Màuai neede have ...&.noble type 01 iumntaned sud b. arrIvadin awau*#& mon.Sm et iegbt oclock, remaln And s the $mu el tanmal. In peace or Ouni ton 'ciocbt, Wheu It vas ne»ea- stlfsary for hl gota rtn te Chiesmo.Bllm Msla thm @tory of a volant Ile: distendsmi5hich va@ soit bng. Huree guda miere anmy ymramrm>a $. belve di slmOuanOfaaï,. J.«gS son . 1candition. Tt vas 'maithemcrathUm Th.elts co0f e fà rju5 Amnrlbn* that Dr. Slpper vas milai mb Burkholer camanultatiée vith Dr. Barker as km lestt ev umdith. flon. George Rend lion, a paid- ONCE PMEiDEfT O 95161. met marchant. MM' 4remdfent ai 'Mr. Lau vgs iwesiim O f hi. e for imrs prouteme. Poei- csitty Savinsl e im* pmlote na eath atla I1m:z'OIled. a£ dont, "d. for nuîyens kham emd hie bome, cane UIhm itod ond amhe.boardiofai rerim, ovnimsn Grand avenue, Thutmay evenlm6, large hs hap ide banha .10mbAg Augua t 71kai 5:40 oiiOOb. fevyIamgophm dispomed of a larlO Milsfamiuiy vas gm*efsa bout hie nuubar of &hemasbut retainei iome in khieplatial home a"i as khabd holdings itih ho hbdaiaIhlieauhM. ben citticalli 111 and beUleve ta bu Ur. lqaa persoalmly retaie ai nsarlag deatha door ail dey, hl ie duolatereitulathe . aly fabig lbig ltore depare u s u ot Otiéli u des.impite th* tact titthie sons fom the ed. Imdeadi of. tidilU mVenpat fev, 7mrs tadrelved hlm if resident vms maie the more aidvitec machi repougitillty. lr. it vas re&aled hi bis triends diat hie )I. ni -Mis. lion vere mont tîplc- vile vas In bmd la anotiier mon. Qu", a baan copaioma for huab»anmd "ickas a roussit af dia everes#traint vi*eaami bah n..yytripe taaalhgr. upen bier attendant upan brhus- ise. Lyon vM tahea alck a feu d% bands aieas idurintg die pre-dint &go aifit he s ai th ds ialt dou1t à"aaserions a~ cmn i l @dat andavd o htrl wu o utlmai D hai b"bmoo ueh a,ck ito tI sltet aOrM0he«AI anxleti, hoA hi ndoctoruin U14Md, ary -ave Illte. fullilaaumn~mio 1 mroehl ietbWoaim less llkly bronshi au b«tbu n vIl, far= dioeevh mdilona o w thiaIaiody vmak- eai uLt abot t î urnSosi"*tem tépit veob ol P&t mi N. Iommwa eMth hate ur em-a bt ntione vit a murbad change bDu tmtea let em a &hit and une., em e ove hlm. A man vho a ÇOw queam o!aaMuiaindoa. 7 M&go, er, eVen a ye ma. vs W-e-m oie. ý.ttherjthy loabg andl la good weas of *0 .pro*amce or mi. à .. pirit,hmlie . to nosUime, dia. Lyon U," é* hgl s pimyna mi ak«esicondition tilicat- -,r&Mb>. dig' r t teaf-,dth lu ms ha k b.u a issi ilc molle~s City. & aor 7«.tp#ovnerm 0f« whloh ka a savate hou upaou hlm. 'a dm.Sieta ioià e d«dsu j». g. w. Slpgey, a ,oteduith tabasfumeai: =. hri, ahecatabs ffl n to te 4 tkwso rspc mDbte sboso l'grave. -Mo report ihust ea» srclo a umo¶l iii ofu thé The v(aLG.Aé» of vhtsh,ui. -No. 17-Sont ait of lattera, 4 last, 2business. 2 social. one net trou emeuh of tva dîfferont puptis, momutei ou ,No. 18t-Bast dlspiay of uscular movoment vritlag papers laciuiing eork from not loes dian 20 per cent of die pupils la achaoi aboya luth grade. ,No. 19-Bast dlsplay of art vork. No. 20-Best display of sevlag. COIJNTY FARS County faire vili hegla tiirouilhout the state tovard the latter Part et die current montit and attacited ha a list of the faira and dis dates diey vii be beof o! dose lu the vlclalty of Wtu- kegan. One toaturo la die dates thm year particulamiy notlcabie la that à great mnuiof!tho fuai ii hoheld but thredays. Thelit.t foiiaWs: Bolidoro. Sept. 2-6. Contruia, Sept. 22-JO. Delavan, Ans. 36-28. Elpasa. Aug. 25-29. Galons, Sept. 23-26. Galmaburg, Sept. 13-19. Kankakoee, Sept. 1-6. KeWanee, Sept 9-12. LaSaiie, Sept, 29-Oct. 4. Lovlston. Ana. 19-22. UÀbertyvlle. Sept. 2-6. Mmcomb, Aug. 12-16., Morrison, Sept 2-5 BIL Carroll, Ang. 26-29. Mt Sterling. Aug. 26-29. Olneî, Sept. M-. Oregon, Sont 23-24. Ottava, Sept. 16-20. Peotote. SePt 17-11. Princeton. Sept. 2-5. Qulacy. Aug. 2f,$9. Sandwicht, Sept. 10-12. South Beoat Aua. 26-29. Springfield Stato Pair, Oct. 3-11. Strestar, Sept. 6-12.- Urbana, Aug. 26-29. Warren, Sept 1&19. Woatack, Aug. 26-29. IIONORS iffEN TO mAN13OSSý i r lir. Lan bai tva sons. Chus. R.. Lyn d Wm.. .lion. bat th i dt.p'A TO DBE iyfunerai SaturdaY et 3 aciack at - tie resIdence ami hurlaI vîilha prt- IVET C ffI rate et oakvoad cemotary Boy B 9. 7 TC mO<UWI4 e W. Chidester. paitar of Mr. Lyon a ohurcb., the Preshiterlan, bas baen F~ A R ISL Y vireal la the omut aid ho innovF N enYS" route haminl ordor te, omiclteaiat 'X ths bervlce. Waukegaa. Auguit 9. .* SPeOi8IFiitiii Planned for the Prlnds palid r is.t tribute ta - CouW Fair This Coming tii. lats George Raed Lyon ibits&mier- Season. Woan viten, ett dne ocWlaci t ho beautfui home ho erectai a tevr yeam &go et Ibm corner of Grand SvMa" ai egldan RmAos.ty at- A-êA IE CR RZS teadai the simple servicas camductd-S -" CR IZ . Syxl . W. Cbldetsr, of die Prei. byterlanchurei, of vhbI&Mm. Lion vas a niombar ail hi& lits. The service.vos ver> mîmpil cou- Tnip t< WadhhigOn iS the FirSt mig Smaly aof die esual limiers, Prize For Yoiatin-County anal remsrba by the petor. diera ha- CmCnet Th Tii.her cantalaing die rem»aunOfak the ceea marchant restei la diey parior Md, over it vas drapaia Trag u v-it iem 9one larg Ammrcan Msg. dis.carrrytua out mont of!the pfimaSiDjit fia or ichool Mr. Lyons lave ai countri mmd Old itaplaîs and for the Oecre-f-eoru con- Gla t thde lait. Aodier fonture test do not appeaLr la the. pairElioolc. ývhimpressed ltse -Indaeai iathe eAssociation la aniWQ oum a ve mmn vho ttended die srvlcm vas diecontesta pipllicti mmd 80 Lbe the presence usar thie emket of! a mus ilb'nvpe hog pcture of M. Lion uhan he-W'mS1the ronma lib'mnwjeitro YoaiOr a a,.varhns a uniomnin la helcorn ct e t hkopen ta ail vhlh h va tareornt fry, w 'ih adlYoung people af the, county under the Damebieshm ntyvlh1~~tventy yem ofa! age viabave prepar- calisi an hlmr tuamllet la dis great ai die ground 55d titied die crop meOlO1111n. Titis Picture wvas n andmi viiiharvos it i. Ciat.sntâmuet vâitciiMr. lion vas vely foni 0f anid- nov seni to theua Se rthaiui ar it vas attiunstuaI lit ahaiuli honer Associlation, Rai. 3U., .U- hia body as Il vas piepared for li 11a"5dreas Thestnphms Muiita fsaternant that tdia acrehtakod ouI Thepoueaerstulidd to f ad amt.ready fer 1bapQetion hitde M. Lyon'a oifi-eais, John Douglas consilee.: h.aire. Maylie chosen ,adl johnbsEai,,men uho abea uit ramani part of!théie ldla.munet ha boys vîithlm i- nbaibeau close t ut fouraiodevie ani rectangu- WMh men hla Ufs. The otheavpellealr tu la flir. Tril' Jr, Nd iituhs a is tho firet prilasthe Association floUYsomn ela reaties. lit aord a'trp ta Ibmediy ofWaah- atoyi neit vinis. ail oxpenses pald; mehe vasJa! ievteiaiso ~ tde second amoi lui prises are trips long isai ! Mr.Lion thedi Short Course t Unbana 0.11 _______________ vater, ail expames psud. . ~ ~tnrne ~ The.announicemeut of die sebool AMMIAI. LA~E~.~ list tollows. tho pelse tibis yoar viii n.aÀaiuisuao haone dollar for mch iet. fifty cents tanforseoand. l t.aot nscessnry tu INs~IUTE TOter , ispiay l ns Item or part or ail auntoer iec tu cta a RELD ON AU<iUST 25, as m« ai choomer 'pr stand taiso vie frémi ehool oftclamsA. B an C. o sc hoola ametta ha ivlded It Olsbn L Manciater, F«rwer tbree classes, tho on-ron Cos A, - Waukegante, WHI lBe the thoso vitit tour or lub omer l the graý4os, Clama Bthase idi more rilm*W ,Lecturer. titan tur teacier, CiasmC. ,Esci dieiovm clase, the preiuim lsIta 'he anmai leocber@*inlstituts viii a the. mre for a&L The -"mttu bo ha hOlal la Wsukesanthi e k hebgin- ividlttuthree classes. prImari, tn- structore bas beau sicurgi far the termediste and advâmecd. stuctorah em hein ascureal for 'the Pimary., Weeb àaal àasaemul institute lasix,î-nupîi aifillutrati stories pmmutaedIii mounted figurem la paper cntttngs.1 Mr. OrSon. E.Manjiite, eanof No. 2-..iDsplay af Clay modlilîn:. di. Blonngtan Normial Scitool sud cNo. 3-Ouispiay of wovesvg. a orpur lae ecoutity boy viii givo No. 4-.Dtspiay of bhametry. lv, lectre. along goeend educatitn- Na. 65-Dispai of canatruction work lUesurIna veob. IBO lana&& otior titan aboa tu abav-:%have tva periofs 1 nternedlate. Y for tdi lauaSIOn Ot dieSocial, fNo. 6-Display a! boaklets o! pic- indWftWel aami *ca.omlc phases oftur. îludy. Ueoulamt achool studios. Mlr. Malt.-No. 7-Display o1 gaography book- e@W5il unof theIbmbig mi on!r l ots, "Do of thie Central States.. ois oihotomily, anddithe omee« No. 8S-Diapiiy of ai'tthmottc 15-l t ÎÎW reeoee utsih gond froa ibis pers hovlng ailysis. imogta.Re la a bradier ai Ada Advptmmd. Mush.former tocher la W&*. No. p-nýBesaçof«pure In anaiy- st.ofa niitmsllc'brohiemi. 11*l X& *ry Obav. of Joliet, viii,-Nq. l-S0esI et opapere ln con- * hve,4~Wo pafldidalli ievote hitructioi, plamn«figures. - MWk MieUlmîhav kbu Md No. il-Boit ofply !sollis ln lm g'oesabe 0W-- lo8uist t ne mllet uap.- - sqitsno! Wuh~a.-.1st au0f PàltIal maya. r «South 1WUW4*i lia - 4-seta tfirlmyruap.. a VoPumh 0.iks Wy bock- - b é> y*ji .,.n$at*- %~ miovhma There are 1Cer Whioh 1 Thos.Mt thé. LaXe Cu Fîair, sept. 2. 3. 4 Copies or the - aime il Andl 5 111;. lal thdrée.eeks Pens in&w hav ssai rvlw *'dwnt and ltzdglng ftou preseet Pr. t-res la Met citî. Tb» pesadte event tlii yeur promises ta teially Chansed inamuekIhý *milpseail pelous years, vtewlag in mutvio s friu every standpolat. for the support of chodrehu The. Sofed Prograin. Coufty JmdgePasm The speed prügran. saargatlng a muakiag a certul -te(W o total of 14,500 la purse4'lasthie lamS- Io."na. .law bbe8ir «Xt sud bout offrod ai a û& irfn lit. l4ke couuty limer. Tvo ai11 y e>.iitenms or thé OUWOS hgevents, entries 10 vhh, cios- j30.aMotdis, vta *d an July 1à, Oued te, a niceti,msud atier bocaese niallia entries ta the other racesam ipe ady came her humndla bd coucing la aocoinlg ta reports, snd tng sp restqi--. tram die retotioak laveras<of piy for heip t kté-M oo tiip sport viii ha givéin somieoaithie r$eceve tg hqtexhibitions ofo! siasi ver vit. lmout. mgsmed on a Lake cout trmc. he t, TO Set &00181830% à ba a cline0f the Umtel prévauars arrangea a résiduent or thé, enJ r Wedn4esdy, Sept. 3,191&3. > be n. be. 2:20 Trot-Puise $400.00. réel estate uer ceau 8:15à Paco-4P)arae $406.00. pnrety. oufisideOt. k 1:00 Trot-Purs. 1400.00. l'or them muhllrtf Mp, Thuredoy, Sept 4, 191. iav 181 ver monib, adiuioaaâne u"der8 2: 24-<l'rot---iariy Clomln-400.00. oo lepa -Du zI 2:35 Pae-Purse $400.00. t M. ha. Trot--Purte.$400.00. To st.rt theébla ilà. «unala Raa&--% fMe and ieR.- aeomwy bUsa a poat-Pure $160.00. asta f a cflu. Thé, 2:30 Trot-Puise 140.00. 1Ireetor-Au Puce-Pu"se 400,0. 4 RuanunaRace"% NMii.sud oItisa %mel lpresnluiii. 11»v As a spelaltenture Ib ladié ver iymens and stock raisonsrs O Le epare ooimy t, àibi :mue ««aidY.rilatil ast tacreate competltian l inehosPar-«W e deniorer lumos.spectal- preail. eh"S neyer of5eusd b hi tiimaoitMOttairA provinceaants, viii dis imaibhpali & lai classes A a"i Hasufollovi: Lot % nometorade colt, sied 191&.the t - knst ha riime d moneifln Lae ma coliti. airayi i gster.d stlla. t ai r, orna of thoetaoltvng breeda, vh oatri eté@Jioauwmt have beom ovnai la .To huea couaty et dtaelIme miatheor ne at1 qIý Colt vms brai: Perchieron, Clîdea- pelai qW. Sklrm. Bqholk or Belium, " PliaI>p190-4100-0..D-RYi. phird pnlae-PA.O. bopt *uat b. trommubm itrin. dmled oie livm airegWmtoibull ovmodi l»la2341mo oqunti a! Ibm iolloving lbrande: RoI- ais mti.Guernney, Jersey or Brovn Th, *ise. The mother of the Cnl! mut t» ha pwngi ýn laitbo aty. and the becs énif ralpd and ovne IniiLake couut. cauid Thlrid pts-40.S. - a Il vinbcha uced the os«Bstallty the 0 of the prauttuma offeM in lahae» digy doit 59,011classes ftarescb tint dim ha i*puld prove a spcli acl meemOul b I trurs te oote. Ommsof hi. pur poéses ortheiaLakeo CeautY Aafodur B*osld t. tpro" ti ie alaock raws log lndustry l I. heounty Md i IlWu vîi dis, andila Viev, dies.é, Iomev las i senr.ol ad. tU* SemiAthi-ictim lute di &vy ot spoctaiattiaotlu. te s vbile 00nt; oeu dyta male tbm eu- a nommceunt publicoai te tiel s-a tumr. mehofa!lte banli peime-Vi smiethIsney»er beroem M.e»an tdii dia »at grouami. 8mai vietb6 tagtber Wtt W otbar -tealmiseh"mi Misere a Me-to a vuUm«ORb lnelPhMe dits1 îoyant la the. Uotor otdia amoctm- 7 idi. B ut lesi uhat aureee pe-«P gol ml*isetiee M dami atures? We six ppt avt gshie theiiannonce.- uqut wkci tM probnbli ha maie A puffl *tei vOO. the -1 The Mldwmy. Iri 'rkm rgtdvaa' bide fair ta haclaraa j4î groilder diiyerhn $n ver b ft, »iomtems ton conceons e [ Iilsla ta he. osfcer la Cham-O 1S t t epatmomt ou mvery MailuaêMd W cattacte mgoai<bq~U k. fdU~. boar tetl ta) te a@o msep pensionla tdi. Oh the. courtlae tom 0"or.osi the oSie e-bp provisi la mdw 1 t t ee oa e :i lvis e te b l' of * te au s «w 4 mout" la JSL, te n34v mcla, Fe vf liet. bos Wiih. i -,q mos via kvtg' n ia l d 1e sema.o ob 5»L A.A.. Wmaem ê gilsm ion c. ivdutia» t. e$usil um laB mot lovu. ý lt ta the ftt aItmm ke satire, yen, but 15 Id. i.ý The police aIâo reorWtIA umnnoidogn end ti hrte City. 'Tie reports aise ptala bai dlrmoti àbig b«$ J.a T.Oside Man Who Represnted This District for Yr, unvted to Big Ceremoniles. George bimumi Tauis, iormrly Con- gresaman tromi dii, tha 101kDI&- trict, atteIàon a viyî la Lonon, dur- lng whlch h. met nome euftnent navel people, hum ono ta Lausanne, 1Suit. serland, ta loin hia tamily. Hils chil- dreav baeheon t shool la Lausaune for a yenr. Mr. Pama habeaula. vlted ta attend dia ieicmtlqna ofthe Palace of Poace et the ltagum, aIs. lte olgiteendhi tlatrrlig.tas- conterenco, vitich illviimntetahTie Hague iront Sept. 3 ta . Mr. Fou' tamîly viii accompami bina 10 AMI.r Cm la the anturai.- A bao! f81,033,780 la ihdudlsse and coatent@ » unsiforýei 19 last miath iromi *gi,' t. The Oires na 3si». Otisl nmior 248 w, e la %ta. lu dia Agromlasu i"M mlum sa dise CoeiUitliAioI4 i . - t .-- . ifE uy entailete nt. free of nalte or L ti ri ti

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