Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 1

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Y -~ 'v>; - - r r.-- INDEENDENT -WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO.'48.. "WELV]g VAGIS LIB'-Ty V FLLE, LAX COtTNTY, ILL, FRII)AY, !&UGUJT' 22, 1913. ONE TO EIGHT SI. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂNCIC CAPTURE BIRIiLAR DISCOVERED AT MlS WORX; UP IN COURT HERMAN HUSS, 22 VEARSo YEARS'OLD, DETECTED IN0 HOME 0F L. F. SWIFT'Sb GARDNER. SAIO HE WAS JUST CALLINO. GARDNER FRANCIS AND HIS COMPAN ION OVERPOWER MAN WHO0 NAS CLOCK IN HIS POSSESSION. If You Bad been cattured in a iies bouse aStwio oclocklr n thre morntng andlhaâtri nyour Possession a cdock and a ring, and if you had a flash- light ln your possession and were snnaping about the Place, wouid you exPect a Justice te swallow your ex- Plarration tIrat you bad Just ralied to ses a man whonM Yeu bellevedI lved tirere? TIa'si hatlilerman Flus, a loung irran 0f 22 clalmed before Justice l'boa. Douglas at Lake For-est Weil- nemday when lie arralgrred on the charge rit burgiarlzlng the bouée 0o John Il. Franchi, g4rdener for 1- F Swift,.the î,acker. Francils ex pialried that. at -' o lock ln thre morning lie vas awakened hyl a noise i the rocto and, quicirly arouslig a frlend. tliey leaîu-d fron thelr lieds and sonoririrRled tire in- truder. lie watt enooprlng about the room aI the tine anf the, at once hled hlm unt i he L.ake Forest fin- lice arrlved and lie wart put tri jali. The mari claimed lie had called tri see a felw lie thought Ilvedl there but the justice teit otherwise saddire "Waah to the grand jury in gnoO ,,honds, nrw belig ln the criurty Jafi. Ir his polsesaon watt found a smail dlock and a ring 'shîcl, It lit clalmed. lie toriL tront a nelghhoring home,c jumttw'se hrie 'police had nlot li'ar-n- (Ad at the timie of the hearirrg. At tIre FrancîS honte lie %as lnterrurpted he- fore lie had ohtalned anthing ex.t ceç tint a Ipter. 's ichhciiidplckedi *~ai) dhotR-d liitis poirket, It 'as sa1ut eýs. 11 11-R usar inarnir-d eCZ .ptlirg he car- rled a 1i ketknlfe. Ile liad noirri gi and did flot tRit rip fiurl resistance seetFrrncis csptured hlm. IMPROVED MIDWAY PLANNED FOR TUEf CO. FAIR THIS YR., Officers Promise to Make RI Clean in Every Particular -,Many Apply. Mar-ked improvemenîs are bcing made on tIre Midvay anid this tes- turc rit the annual I.uke Critni Fatr la betng fooked atter- ver>- clasel>- by flic management. Tic officers lias-e placed a iait on nl iquorraof ever-y ird and tbec viii allow nothing scld lits vear that contains even a trace of alcoliol. No gamhling derices rit an>- nature and nerilcvd or suggestive shows cifI be aIl owed. "Yeu cari permit yorr hldreri io attend sny rit the ashows on flic Mid- way vithoult ear," declare offlieals. A good up-to-date merry-go-round vith allie lateat teatures, sucli as Jumptng Helrses, Revotvtng Tubs, etc. A polo gante In whtcli 24 (brirougli- bred lralned prlo pontes ar-e used, are Ivo of the teatur-es alre'sdy se- cured. Space on thre midvay is golng ra- ly and tri a hetter clasa of enter- tainers tlian we bave Ieretotore beeri abile te secure, Ail applications for M.1idway apace h lould lie made triCiras. F. Stale, Jr., SupI. rif Prtvileges, UAbertyvilie, fIls. Leona Hughes lias flled a divorce action against ber husand, dliarging 11r Sbe masys they were mar- rIed Sept. 6, 1997 In Milwaukee and tIat lier liusband deserted lier Oct. 10, 1907. TIrey bave one child. SHOWS WAUK 'EGAN BOY IS. EDW. BERRY IGASPED THREE ~TIMES AND DL .WATTERSON IN -RET ILS FILES A SUIT FOR DIED WITHOUT WARNING. 'WILL EXPLAIN ALL A copy of the Omahra News of Te- Long Lake, Lake Rourrvti .ug. 15 cent date shows pctures la thre bar- S P AN E A C Special to The Suln Wýhen Mrs. vest fields ot Nebraska, and, one rit E . AITE AN E d*arI Shtpman vas a'salk.-ned tIs j DETAILS TO FAKNIII tliem cardles a scenee of a large wagon - nornllng by th. struggir- ofRlier bus- - on thre toI) of vbichl a shown Newtoni Wife of Butrick Street Merch- band, she wondered cirat 's- the mat- Head of Tubercular Colony Whliiple, son of Rev. J. A. J. WhIpple. arad ucl oue jsett s of tlits ctty. The young man, vho ant Brings Sensational Act- -k! hlm I what apireareri tri Ie a sud- Says 'Farmner' Doesn't Have bas been attending Wisconsin Uni- ion Against Husband. dI n attack of norne ort orf lIhress. Facts. at Hand. versity. vent wet vlli George lie str-atgltened out i b led, gave Holmes and a boy naned Pierce, toe three gaspe and bis lite PaRsed away get work ln the barveat flelds dur- CITES UIIIICIAI HIGS before ligt a . udRVf e rtC RACINE PAYS BIG SUM NOW. tog the srrmrer vacation and they - Heart tallure ta trllced tri have bave gone rigît mlotIte work wîth en h cueof lits deatli à zeal, aboya by the photos and tler Husband Insisted on Casting b~ticu~wa41yaaod a Neigliboring City is to Spend reprtsas entbore. er Off and Refused to ReC. a Prominent tumbermari of Chicago $60,OOO for a Sanitariumn and,.wvttb thifs geand family hadl DIS UIDE LY INognize Mer as His Wife. Ieen spejtntuhe summer at Long For Patients. - Waukegan, Auguet j., had been àsuftre.r froro a steak hea-t P ILPNE ;IIL rallir sensattona] sellarate main- for many Ïners. Edt Sun: Waukegan, August i,. DRINi D I)YIOM1 teanc .ui ba laj flin ci-S YS-IAn ba local paper fast nîglil a tax BRfucuit court tn wivlcl the deferidant I bray".e, was utda atg ocri - ~~and tlie principal are welI Irrocri ta A TI' 1QI~f ng thre purcliase of Lake Breeze Sani- Frank White, Born at Loon thre ctty. I TMR 1U114 uaa4I~ tarlum by the county. "A vaste of Lake, is Dead, According t-e Srs. Pearl Plîclier Berrv, vile 0 I >n E IT~mny, ah9 flot bulld a airur T Rceve H Edar lerr, itBurtk tet, a eV t the Poor n'rm at Libertyvîlle." elegra ere lled an action ln court tiln w ch she Answerlng thîs tri begfn wlth, this ""eka tri have the court compel hlm Jean Mitchell of Chicago De- fax-payer surely îs a hack riumber. HELD PROMINENT POSITION, tri pro vide for lier support, ciatmlng mnands $215»0O Heart BaIm There lo no upto-date counîy tln the -that it la Impossible for lier tri con- From a Dentist. United States today building their Was Head of the Education tînue living 'slth hlm. tuber-cular sanltarlums at the poorý Systm inPhilipin Islnds Mr. Berry ila.*-,le son rif T. E ai isJean 31tclicll, orit l, (orricla tarms. Netw York state ta spcndlng Bierry, and tîtev conducîed a store %Vriod, a dental magnate. formerly of millions rit dollars getttog away frrim -There Since 1899. on Butrir k strlee t for 9 cars- frs, Chicago, nov of FrankLlin,. bd, lntrisuavcry mîstalie that Illieriade a - fia.Auut 8 erry ru tIre daughterori Fremoit te Common Plas Court of Cincîn- tes years ago rit building the tubercu- oy JWit f heudetkigPitcrer. rit the Mumford fRad. w iratl for $25.000 for brrar h of rrrim- ar saniarlunru et, or lri con- lirai otf White & Tobin, today recelv Sirs. Berry states that ulie ase nectîon witli, or listing ariy relation ed a telegrari ntrIrmirrg îim ofthIe marled tilirhusband Oct. 9tli, 197.,' 'metr5fr. Woondalpin s tear derth rit du cousin, Frank White, aged and Waukegan and llted with hlm 510,- sald Mits Mtchell. lie 'tld 'sirlitheprr amanthrl fo aboult .17 yýars, tri the Philipiries. Ac- until lune :201h rtofR912'siensIre me lia w sa asingle mari arnd var, ery a weli îbiikirig supervsesr duo ciii ctrdinig tri the telegraril 'siicli 'as re- 'sas cornpeiled tri leave hirir; that rife attentive to me. He asLed mie tri consider sucli a mnove for a minute. ceise cd rrm tire father ofthtie deceaR-child, Edwin, vas borri, bcng 1v-o marry hfint and, ln May gar e me an In ibis tame article Iflu mertioned ed and who lves ln Lyrirs, Ncb, death years oid now.a.1Iut tea an engagement ring reorfunrssadt pyi m-s ey ude r.W iwo1 SIreclaimes that she conducted lier creni n the later pr t»%a llarins nil e recessar, tri car-rt on %vas bore l Lake courity, anid spent seff as a dutîful wlfe but that dur- tous the machine baek, sayiig lie vas thre grenter part or i ill t is 15vi-lngblerresidence sili lier hushand. boing on a busil" atip. He als: tIre 'ork whicl islanov hbeing drife hi cmnity, held a ver-y responisible posi- b. vas extremef v cruel tri ber, that took thie ring, Win&a; lie as going tri hait that force. Thia aurely must lie ouîti s o FR--ernl'lt1ffsp frequeritty h' f<ld ber lirevas lIr-ed have it repaired. Jan lusult tri as able a hody rit su erinterdider it fthe educational work i frt ler and wtshied tri eave lier and "A tew 'seeks later 1 heardlie 'sa-tpcs 1 arir8 as Lake corrnty nov Iras. thre Phuifipîies. scudnyraar retle sII uarrled tri a Miss Mldred Blunt, of Agaîn tIre paper states ihat tliey The ukaan elaiverit he e 5Ife, vîahîng tri have lier under-stand Artilr'h.1 aieheard (liaI lie are r-ould flot expec uit rtide patronage. ceased saad that vhitle tihe telegr-am d tIrtaial conjurigal relations beiveen tire mat bine sîrd the ring tri'% 1br-s 1 Intire state rit Wisconsin a seul- îrt gise tire cause oft reatli, that fe hm sr1hîiart Ieps; tret IlIunt. Irta., aiost prostrateRi 'heir lariarit rery- tmilar- triLake Breeze is rit tireopinion Iliat an ilîneas vhlci ih betdhmel r el-a thiu nec r-ume, and vent immedi- Sanitarluln, kriovr as Star Ntound Franrk Whirte suffered about rthre betdhlfroeal.....................i........-- - Va'- ,.. - t .,..---%i,.,. ,,,, o ...,. . nrRnirrs ago, had somelhlng tcr do 'sill Aitirhai tinte"Mr. White coitracled a dIse -e c sircir reerred to baffle tire l'est plit irrair, inritie Plilliplirca anti il 'sîreciri,-ritrrsendi hlm irme tri ri-cerve fr-alment. Tic fatirer receir- CRI a crriregrarntrRo meet a certainr boat ut Sair Franrcisco, ltrorder tiratlire mirgliriaccompaiy ibis soirtbome. Tht- stas trilo'sed almostl mmediately b'. artirer miessage which tld hlm bisý soir woruid Irrt arrive on titis boat and tri as-att furtrer ads ice. Lter il seerirs it waa dccided rirt to send hîir brime for trealment. Mr. White dries not kriow tlie exact nature ri ttie discase vitir 's-udr I s crosin 'sas rrfricken. Frank White cas bor-n ut LorrLake anrd receised lts early educalion fliere. Tbrouglr drgged perserverance Ire worked lirIs ay tirrougirtire Univer- sity rit Chicago. lirtirhe yeur 1899 i and If she Inqutred about if, Ire wriuld abuse lier-e and IneRrit her. That lri AIril, 1912, lie told lier Iliet 'sorid rirove tri Kenoulia and tIrat -,-e acrmra, e hlm there buthIle bouse lie pr-risided for her vas un- sanltar> and untit to livp ln; Iialtirhe child satarleri 12 mcrrtha Ald and irklis andid tat ber lire as 'self as flic child cas cndangered by heing tIrer-e i lniaf bouse; tIraIlie gavelier ver-r liffle monet- and 'slolly failed tri îrr-vide food anid fuel for- tle bomte; tirat lie rareiy spenî a. nîglt at homrie and wlien be dtd lie locked himscît in anoilier- roorir fr-ontlis1 tamily, allie time being sulen and Filent or using abrusice lang age t._ wards lier. That lch a ita~ungov- er-nalfe temper anid ilent temper, and hurla epithets ai lier. She laims fliat recarrse of flese GMTER ~IS liHER GRIICUN ATFERI PARK 18IN oTiNilLEG Y9 MRS. ANDREW LANG OF HIGHLAND PARK INJURES fi ALPHONSE VANDANABLE, NORTH CHICAGO, WgLKeg~ SEEKS TO SEE CHILOREN 0F DR. CONNELL, NE& IN-LA W-DR. CONNELL, RETURNING FRDM W<LAI LEARNS FOR FIRSI TIME THAT WIFE IS SUPPOMSEBi' HAVE MARRIED ANOTHER WHEN HE SEES R NAME 'MRS. FREDERICK BOWERS,' TO WR CHARGING HlM AND MER PARENTS WITH ATTE:1W KIDNAPING 0F HlS CHILOREN. INTERESTING FACTS DISEBNSATION f INVOLVING NORTH CHICAGO RESIDEBI9 1-DIr. J1. A. Coiîiîtll, foinctIy of Nr Chieago, reti to Waukegan, and withi parenîts of his wife, go to Highlanid Park to see his twvo littie daiughter&., 7-lus lflotei(-ifl iilawv is sh<it ini the leg Nvit1i a revolver, r Mrs. Andrc'-ev Lang, a frieîîd of Nirs. Couineli, ai r witlî NvIbonî she bas ))e(Qll Iilig. 3- ltîjtired %vR>l1la i earried to ln.RtRi- Robert 's off ice whW wR Rîîd is tlressed, after NwIl-îw h e ivtini and 014 %viîuiiiî ier e to Lan igin 'lhe, are aiTemiti RfI c(-barge o(f atteinîpted kidnapig of lDr. ConneU 4-D. I C onîneIl, wlieîî lie ses wife sigît warrant, first tg tjizes tliat she bias assîinned the ame of Mrs. F g1lîilk Bx riiiîîlwatiiig thiat she lias obtaixiM, divoîrîe froin iiîùuîanîd remîarried; fact that lie d t' ' ieard of anv divoree artioîî against him 1eadé Iii, suspicion that lis Nvife inay have commIU 1 rganiy. 5-iitgi.tstiigfeature ot situation is that ail of Mrs. 0 adi 's relatives are Iiiied up -with. former North0 p~ciIîiosei'ui tlitose Nvho have w'orkcd asti1I ytg) thîe poin lit vet' weapoas wvre usedi i -r.Lang, Bowvers anîd N[rs. ('ouîiell, lîeld to gral juî'Y Tî's ini $5( 1)0bonds tcaei, sei îous hi d >eiiig pretciTed. * urJrrru t rusat e ' a mrrd autien AuzuR1. at n p-e'r: te u- ""td 'ent to i h[ office and lie lretefldRd i tari iPars ago to ',Ilwaukeeaesountvl Northi Chicagoi people ver-e prime-rithtIe doctor that bis vite tla flot ta know nme. sa>lng tbat lie had aird patients are gring tliere iront ail ir, in a bilg sensation Saturday nighi maýrred and be neyer knev of t net er seen nie irefrire. I orer Wislconinr and esen trime trom rit Highland Park, wbich promises TIrehioting occurred aI Hish *Whille In Cincinnati 1ftound trilin~r h oe t rertirrsrsrrrrt'sici1Pak. ab Ih out 1 Ilios h at hlig I reo a ,snainprincipal ofaturdayarntg, t .%Ir. Woord han ireen rnarrled Iefore aitiNseli coriducted sanitarlrtn, withi i-rlire kriovlcge gleaned hy Dr. j. o'clock and a detalled account «, and, that lisii- r ic'sas dlvor-ced from ePr condrrcted b> the criunty or prriv arle iA aniei former weil knriwn affair and thee circumatances I. lim in tiarcir re(cause rit bis nmcc con,,erri, irrrvided tIre Institution lu Noirth 'hIcago doctor that frir cite, Up tri l ver-e obtained by the. ous affinities i rournd lira. Wood andti ro rnnectcd 'sitli the porr arm. ruppose<i tri ie hi-s ite) lt eltirer triday directl>- trot Dr. Connell, she riamed Larc Keller and Gertrude I1inote Ini tire ead fines of the riarrîed tri a soldier rramed Fredertck for sorie years, vas a vel iti ree, oh ofinO , r-irnati, and said ilial r-JtRre ar-ticle iliat rime farmer ieletes fower.-. or tira! ý sir u rslig his uame Nor-thi Crcagoidoctor and vWU lie liad taken lb-rion nuouerritu trisihat rire counl>- rhould irairitairi a cl ittauthority; ard, as lie bas not kna'snbecause lie lad an exteru and. irtr-odU(r cri tient as bis 'site -aniîarr-nr at the 10cr- farmrr1 Ilse rnd ans tîrrrrrledgc thar she ortihlned tractîce Itriiis section. Irr-s WoodIifru re Iliat aIe liad ri) no drialt iliat the crifer I bouRrrt ra (11%sorce frornr t inir. theieiuRatin ap- Dr. Crinnelileft W'aukegan. i tatneda dirrcrt on t ar-ch 8 anid issuriglit numerîcaîf>-. but heirere lie it'-ra cornilex antI on>- tinte wcl ex- >cars agri and located In Oklshel gît-en île crî 'li i tr hlde rd crrd ise ctrrsidesahle difficulty Ini plain i ritrrr. lie saya Ire made the chiange beeW $'-1 s mnili tiori>. She promisetlirriga ccii ar st isthe -Dr-. Crrtnciiiast Octotier icit Northlibis vîtes actioria led hbitotebelý to aid mc anri o testity in my i b~rrr elief. lie sîstesttaorie or Circago firr iialrnra City-, cher-e e that a chiange migtgbIe better hlaI.' wo rr inb-or-o ar-e trcirrg tire pur ripeneri an office and since practiceri. hum and lier-as welI. Wood owns nrtf a dozen dental rit-tibase crf lie sanutariurir (r> the lie staîrd loday ilialhi& vîte's ac- tAst Octriber lie rays lits wifoed lices Ini Chlc arrrrand ta Interested Inil -crunîv sard admits Iliat tire cost clienlos m's chai carrsed imto 0leave cd tri came tri North Chicago teo I a number- rf offices In Ciricinnati, irrt )re larze. The factu ar-e tat er\ery Ntrrhth 'icarri and i cie tnir s inra- ber parents, Mr. and Mr@. Alv1w Mlempils andi tiler cilles. rime or the suiriisors carinot blir tc ractie.'Van Dariabte. Sbe remaiined el therrhimll pos.s fii n as irauodor renuaîn near hInîirand tirat vas A Tfl(h1II'T nlaserof the -anitarluin ai thitine, kidinappinrg haie-. rt-lt irct agaîist tinued tr i lIe wvtbhlm for a cliy, on lune lotIr ]asi year- ie left I O H « R *e t ri yersc vithn i e adv "tlades ut ihm and bas ncrt rcturried 10 lits t li ~ E he , vare. Rarcne county rs complet-,o ilht-,rirtîcînrîatc arrýtfring rit mother vas sick. rebrured to: thre earso teo'senIre 's-at pnlc.' t Irrie; sire says lie la engsged ln busi i j N 'L DREN IN lg s sanitar-ium foc the cur-e of theiirre kindriloit! silI baie thRe efectrit Clilcagoi agairi. Beforg aIre efi,.- te itheof fi sesseuionaofthirat AN I naifeatures orf Connell states be.found a latter Vte rRtStates. He ad an exceeding irh14 a-nual Income im at least $104AÀ CLOSE ESCAPE j Tiec itrir of ire anîtartrrm s a iroit.-~ugc- Fredrlck Bowers, a soldier it b1 i>~~~~~ briin uue ear; iat hle able and rtrng and ln the -icnit>- rthe greatetat acitti- DJ .Conl.Sean, wvla i i atbhefort Ib A lttîe over a irear- ago orrterecitef Iis can fake car-e oritIrs tamil>- If lie Dr. Warrîner and Twe Chiîdren ilhe rreai 'sbir e Ilagîre, therefore Mm, un d Mme, Alphonse Van Danabie. sa>-s Il lied endearing fanes, e tripa back to tflictfed Sa ws a ilies but lias retuscd and negîcct Out for a Ride, Hit by tranpior-laîlon ai the leasat rit ai Mes. ErhWowr. nvy h eune aNg~ 1 teecliarrcorli la rurg 's-o-lier and lier- child; tIraI ie lias no 'Flying Cars! the satimc lime kecping the ipattent.a Theur riefendanis are ouf uuider cago and 100k vîtir ber Ibeir t» nran wliontlhe made bis 'sife. She prriper-ty or Iriconte ritler rivriand Dr. 'ar-rner, a W@111irnovo drictor reur i»e relatives and fr-tends. Thec 9,-rt fondsri, gned lic John Hale clilîdren, Wanda and Bditb. agel returned fo Ithe Philipinea s ifl imi ls taenttrely dependent on rthers fom of Aritioch. harl a close escape fr-ont 1rice lr righlt.The cestiof mainten ainti cris,'tWachier, of Northli thicago. and 3. Aithugi be elegant id iot ayt iersupprt.deatîr Satur-dar eîening vhite drising-'ane cari lie iowered tecaîrse rit the -fouorurng their- relng arraigned before ln Aprîl aIre asked the dootos to- so, It la believed liat tic body l lie She asks the court f0 compel lim near- amp Ilr,-Wis, As ltIIs, ls - coirnty bandlbng the pro-î'eutionri ailir-1ttli, oylarir. etHighlanid Park, send for tlie chîdren and lie sent a lirouglit back t10111e countr-y for hurlIto provide for lier car-e and that cf auto is badîr**sintasbed, eapectally lncm Ian a corporatian, rîbiclirnrtrst uiiere the alped kidnapping tol vwomanlier-e atter tIet. ln tis at Lyons, Neli. ber- chld. Thre case t, returnable tri tIrefront pftrion.rdeîrcnd uîrriflthe ilrer-alit>- of the corn- rina- e Tc earirg 'sas met for rieantime. aIe bail ata>'ed vitIr h Afr. Mbite ]eavez many relafti-es and Ithe Octolier tenritofcourt, WittliItîtie Lirl named Lofa Wat- munît>- for It upotu . riiTurr--rar irrt, orvI,in trieI act bliat parents. TIre ililîdren ver-e rebirf fredty. akgnan aec r IecsevsfldlI-2t bî r n nstboy, vbont rlie ad 1The secretary of tte Siatri Rsoci \rr-, Ssiinfanahîca coondîtton as a ed te the soutIrern clty arid sbro-. ttIre papers vere not serr-ed an IBer-r-yItdken for- a ride, lie vas crostng the atton of the Sîud>- and Preventibn resultori the sbtrt fircd lnto lier leg nratned In Ibis section, the doctor tl until today as be lied been awa>-. Soni tracks, anti. directing is ftteri. ef Tubercuîrisr. f-lates Nlimmo(-k. I-rsrrt h tirat sire cannût appear, tlie ting bier take lier- ovr course as WHERE DO FLIES COME tirin ftri aîtîrr-eclilnf train,.lie fatled ln- a erent tuik irefore the briard o!fiiearbnz iliiife contItred and rumors believcd sIrelied decidcd ta reruAt EIIJC CÂUIMtri note that icri tretgbt cars ceme rcuirervisors ur-ged thir fot tri build hi lIu.tscdrtIi dtrdnsa ro l.T r uere FROM? HEFSANSWER. L1E 4J S .SAIN L1betng let r-uit town lIre swîtcîr, îrýa sanItar-lunriIn crrrnccton cit ll i nb o rseculted for- kidnapping, lIre ago, sie returied to OkIahoIii ~"'~' AN I~~U make a 'fIlat ' lie did 001 msctIrentcounîr' tarnr. That man knaws us fatles tav tur-r and the oflier prin- iaid -he va-t ready tn reM&igi Boy offeri do ve heur people say, DIESÀJ N IO H andflic result 'sas tbe cars bitîthfe sieII as dries the criber Ihal these ur; rai irithe falr v-litlibe rosecuted htm. Accringl i>Ie engage 'Wbere Inth le vorld do ail the flics A fr-ml end ri thté machine, hur-fing I r sanîlurtunrs are flot freing hîîiff at tit ereri more- serious charges before moirns anRt prepared te atart crime fr-ri?" Iis simple enougli, The Ella C, Sabin of Antiocli, onie et the tri rie aide.j corriti farnru. but arerng conducl- the matter rm dropped. ping lolgbrt e toiper makes the blue-bottfc tfy; fhe died Saturday follovln.g a forur wecks' Just hefore r,"ec cars bit fle ic a-ed separare fronrtliem. 'Tire cule des-dopa cie ot thc nîrs dr-en front the quartei sterri ftler makes thie gad fly; the lneusatram pneumonIe. Funer-af Mon- chtie, fie dricior saavthre impend(ing ITirec-r-iter wsali e gIad 10 show tIre nîer-eatng lot of points ever Irrrit bli eer keeping tireu. cyclone makes thre liorse fy; lb. day atternoon, contact and lie setsed thre boy, cho îrrxpaî cru, quotcd initie focal Iraper- oun th ll section, Includirzthitie de- *emo 4..a lu VMaft backemitir malies tIre tire fly; fie Mr. Sabin ta survived by isvIte vas riext tr intl on tIre seat, and lcap- wheretr ile certain>- la misiaken anid partrîre of a elfe tromt a rrood hon.e. In thre ueautlre, D grce mke tesad lyan tebut no chltdren. For yeara lirevse rttecr efivshreli ltWti-u-hac-i h t e w-charge b>-lier- Irafrandti hai q al id piannei to vWit b i o 1trourdera maletehIe butter fly. one o! the best knovn Repulilcans in Anid, strengefir, tie gtrl alo escapcd cannai belpi but sec It, If lie will catI kidriap.d Iis chidmen and ltre roin-i in Flanagan, U111t@Ia I W, And everybody maltes the mone>' that section and vas knriwn In ail uriburt, afthorîglitIre car vas hurfed at the office af an>- lime. 1ctr charge for-maIl>- fmadete er ln fi>', ~~~parts of Lake couirty. tri rie aide for trotte a distance. I W.iH. WATTER>-'ON. Sfgr. cu- htIehmethna-e s (otne mPl

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