Up to noon today, the'registratiofl of nid veterans u tukegan attending the annual reunoi of the Lake Coun- association, was twice as nrnch as registered at the end flie meeting last year aud indications are that ail records l be srnashed..1 W. H. Mor-ton is the oidest veteran pfesent. He is 9-92 t cones fromn Rio, Wis. He was ai memfber of Company I Bth 11i. Cavalry.t qanmeAddreqs. Age.t 8. F. Oreenleaf ........ Waukegan ............ 6 Oeo. Coigrove......... Watukegan ............ 70t R. C. Stewart ........ Waukegan ............ 711 A. W. Hunter ........ Waukegan ......... ... 73 P. L. Austin .......... Waukegaii............. 69 C. P. Westerfield ...Wakegan............. 67 Heurv Waekenfeld..Waukegan ............ 71 P. J. Speihuan ........ Waukegan . ...... 6 A. Z. Biodgett ........ Waikegan............. 81 A. T. White .......... Gravslake............. 71 John Strock .......... Waukegan ............ 69 C. E. Webb ........... aukegan............. 70 Alinon Webb ......... Waukegan ............. 6 Heniry Domboki ......Waukegan ............7- Geo. Thaver.......... Ashland............... 69 Ed. Senseon......... Ashlaû~d............... 7-1 W. Benuett ........... Wauconda............. 71t John Lovejoy ........ ,Waukegan.............6-à H. A. Webb.......... Aurora ............... 75 Heurv Burdock........ RokefelIer............ 73 T. A.ýInyl1s .... . rysiake..... . 70 Perry Harris ......... waukegan............. 70 Hlenry (lunn ..........Wakegan............68 Loui Gonvo ..........Waukegan ............66 »ienry Davis ......... Waueonda............. 70 E. C. Carpenter........ Elgin................ 74 Geti. Pouty ..........Wauconda ............69 Frank MeBride....... Waiteonda............. 67 ýRobt. Walton ......... Waueonda............. 76 . E. E. Gilbert..........Waueonda............. 70 .B. F.Shepart ......... Curnee .............. si SPhllip Week.......... Kenosha .....0...g .John Mead........... Grayslake ............ 80 .Walter Faruha .... Wakegan............. 74 M.T. Lane........... Olencoe ............... 73 *WH. Morton......... Rio, Iis,............. 92 Dmniel Nelson ........Atioch ..............671 David MeChane ....... Waîconda ............. 3 Ruben Jones ......... Antioch.............. .. 49 ý. .A. Base ...........Zion City .............70 . James Murrie......... Waikegan ............. 72 4 Er4gar McGovern ...Chicago ............... 67 LUannana Wbeeler..Libertyvîlle............ 71, .Alin Wait........... Waukegan............. 69 i, P. 0. Worth ......... Waukegan............. 73 ;.* Davies ...........Waukegan .......... ' Tho@. Strang .........Wadsworth ...........68 L C. 0. Matby.......... Deeorah............... 75 ,!"-nKing ............ Autioch .............. 173 * J. C. Whitney ........ Lake Zurich........... 80 * Myron Bryyit........ Waukegan ............. 81 *A. B. B. Ellis......... Waîkégan............. 73 I* W.-A. Gould.......... Waukegan............. 73 ýC. IL Hoffman .... ...Gurnee ..............73 * Thos. Dwyer..........Gfiurnee.............. 80 J. E. Colier .......... Gbson City, 111......... 67 *M. G. Olcott.......... Waukegan....... ..... 64 *. Reuben 13otsford ...Waukegan............ A 0 J. A. Maaon .......... Prairie View........... 7î 1 Henry IHarveyv........IÂbertvile........... 68 SChas. Spat 'din g....... Waukegan............. 78 L A. Vuaell ............ Austin, Minnu.......... 68 1Henr*v Bater.......... Wakegan ............81i 4 Peter Laoekene........ Kenosha.............. 74 'W. B. Lewin.......... Russelli............... 70 Louis Kraha.......... Wadsworth ............ 73 .J%. W. Besley.......... Wakegan ............ 70 ý.Geo. W. Huntoon ...Lake Foret .......... 71, )Jas. Harding......... Lake Foi-est........... 77' i. u Burnett .........Waukegan ............69 -Jas. Haveoek.......... ýntioeh......... ...... 72 L A. T.-Look ........... Waukegan............. 71 3. Jeronie Burtîett ....... ntioh ............... 70 L Eli Jidd ............. Antioch............... 80 . Edw. P4tter ......... Gurnee ............... 70 5, Jerebiah Shea......... Waukegan............. 67 7. Chas. Numîtiotis....... Danville .............. 65 Mr. Sannous was 14 vears old when he enlisted 3. Samnuel Crapley ....... Kenosha . ..........69 P, H. K. Harris......... Wauonda......... .... 75 i. Ud Blaekler.......... Librtyville............ 80 SL. H. Bryant .........Libertyville ...........75ý E,,Ch.Fdmunds .......Waenda ........... èý1«Humin .......... Lake Villa............. 65 X.ougas .......Lake Villa............. 74 Jones........ Waukegan............. 71 Hofa........Waukegan ............80 .M. miWtn ......Rolins .........83 . ~Mney ........ Chi eago ..............66 ý' 'Yohum . .i........ . Chieago ............... 81 >- (). XcDosiald ......... hicago............... 62 1Oliver Peck . ~ Ci~.......68 !.Ths S ven. ..Chi 0 ...... ......72 $C. 0. Holmes ... ......:Chicago ......... . RHenry Vose ......... Magon City, la ......'... 67 5Mike Smith .. ....>. Waukegan.......... ,. 79 k. Robt. Hunter ........Richmond, 111 ....... ,.. 68 knovn l htec e Ï tua I i -. IL. Horien. of portli Eonesa streçtas beai or the Agrtutum l epa«,nt. of tite . 1. steel Corp«meloa. lu te talk to thoSanmdsetfw*stern himer eiat, veek.-trsvelin* hila àspecll train lhiluterr etto m ntuaip. TutIeueue, 4iie clerniat ho lias been 918004 hi charge of tis depart- ment assmthe ti.rois much la liithe presientiai oand!Jiates vWhac, tu be. ig liust ironu town to iowa. ,he delivers addresses froin the rear Plat- torm. baving tiret beau advertisedl by au advance agent. Next week Dr. Rorton leaves for a trip, on a special traitlirouzsli Ok- lahorna and northern Texsa durtns whkclih. viii deliver six lectures eacli day for nine dais. ýAdvance men have boul t at ead to put out circulmars s gthe. iarin. ers ôftue surroundig territery and, at eacli point Uic doctor *Uti bave ai gathering of ltsteners anumlins eny- viiore fron 100 to 1,5100. The itoctor teis then about the recuIts oIxtained ln tue three experlrnental te s ehl thie steel corporation naintains sud gives thenu the' benefit of bit. expert- ce in chernIcal treatnment ot so, la order to get hest resuit4, Dr. Horton ha. heen iieud 0f the de- pariment for tup years and lias b.. corne videli kntwn tiurougiiout the western faring terrltory as a resuit ot bis lecture tours. SEIWOIÀ WAMTDFOR WÀFNTCiDE <contlnusi Fn. Page Oua.> before one o'clock. rlding on hi, bsnd- car to the. depot. Wbie lie vaà at the. depot, botl i ie :00 o'iock and 1:04 trains, nohbound. Pase. Wben b. returned lhi ls handoar ahortly atter tii... trains has passaed, the. bondie was iying hetween thie south and 1norul honittracke. He ia sure It wuas fot there' wien lie vent to the station about one thouuand test away. For that reason It le Vrac- tically decided that the. body muet bave heen thrown fronu on. of ti.e trains& Thie section forernan witiiout tkink- tIng gave orders for the. body to >W buried and tliiabaal beanu'do». eNt Captain A. A. Wahker, Ctymaea of Moen. carne aioig and ordered lit e.humed. Deputy Coroner Conrad wau sammnoned et once and vent h Zion vlth ail possible speed in su automobile.;1 lu speaking of the, natter tod&y Mir. Conrad sald h.e dtd Dot see vhstv any good would corne frorn PuWtng t#e cuty to the expense of a coroer'. are known. If the.voman In thieease ie located It wIii b. dfereat iMd tiie Sinuest viiillie ordered irnredlateiy. MTIR TAIE CIIIL IT A (Cotd io n u PUPuge om% prosehed hyfriends of the eougo b 0 rnorning, hie absolutely dece#d f aigu thon and therefore tliey dia gain tlieir freedoin today as Ui*1 ,IDNAPING CHAR& OAOPPO t/iiglland Park, Aue â20.- p4 Mthe Sun.)--4W«Ien r j '. 'dl un. VanDenabiealOM ' 9 Woodward. appeared la U4 lans court, tht. nmnia&.,h te thie warrants servs e IM urday night. tumi fou"d aebody ont to mosecute then, bernetUi« 3 tic disrntsued the sotoll i M fendants laft et once for tbd lit larccatfsd Uiey wver. tii. Cham*e of ut'lg *te Mme Conneiis childrom fron tii.h*, la"g lon>. but tl e wold Ibe tor nerely vent thon te iathé dren, toflowlng WIcM is.MM *5< É Mra. Vaà Desabie hi tte <se03 va, leevins tihe oue. T'h.es"te piaUsi y.ter>hY tu mileg tht, action agaiR* the hi lrsons becaua oi<h atrdvg nient, viierein Xmi. C*o= L S iind Ms.. lacs vemrUtmOi 0a* aerloua charfes and hletd <tu e0O jury sa s sown above. TI.O ,charge wva SaiOsi.and alrt vitiiout foundatlon mmrs Beedborand Ms.Lutgcane Jnoom Itea w u ed iat 1Uow.rs led Idton. The Ia" aft.roofl secured iat'vq '1= r.. J.A. oun wvho - t g>ve year 015daegh9Xî oMcuIgi N..eOthithe county jeu il ««ýSmoji 4*td 'as on. ofthtle nqd vWIÉ irelguit., 0ftacts tuat anc couM tthuacts whicb tfif ptu# vetS plOi a nove>. laUi I*ut M place Mm..Consel -Y slit bfflo ah. iiad bien marri> to Fred -»»"%uthe soidier and 1*l vent iMOtedutelata tell>bwohéieat coui»W .idi i and a f rtend to a'c! talln OMMe tuChicago cher. mshe M a ma* tap and weniturouili Us ehs bieved t e b a narrage cmi mony. -où&sape Bowers feit tu« weeO»Is wiiii amtuat cas hoecou vent t6-li». vii>htm. lakl bOy Ihe thouglit s ecoo gt niafflai vithout iret gettlngj divorce, eil qd that Dr. Conneilt li writttca ber .1*0. Oklahoma~, the lette telllUg lier b. lad obtained a dîvore tii.>. and, therefore she saYs she fi1 free tgnarry. Aaked If Me had saved that lette#, silo OaW"e hbd not because sh*. jiever OMc* t~ lt of gettig iarri Asked If sie lad the paslere vwhick sliov.d ber mariai. hi overs sh* satd thatât. Conne» had vrlttea ber fr0. Okl*sMMpue tlling ber hi mais. the divecu" ieWal e.mnuet send tii. Ppener .,c.liugber second màrri. aget in'bOe the soutuweSt.ah*i Says sl8"u %lDWtâtent and nOv Dr Connel myepahlie eyer received then. Site mays she bas notbing else te Provo ber narrlae to aevers. Mrs Conzell toid tuls s toiy asliho lay on tii. cot ln the e liwiti Ove Year O10 Wand* ing asleep os her arn. The. child finaiiy awakened and snvul.d Up na ber mother more closély. 1Mms Connéil clierged ber husband vitu tmavelfag , around witb oti.> corn and insista that he drove hot tronslier homne by crueity, etc., 84 eays thi I ldren did sot van't t, teavc ber and Wanda corroborats& lier stateuent vhen she sald hi tti. reporter tMat sml iddnot vish tu go hi ber tatuer'hi Oklahomna. Ms.L Conneil states tuet shtelias bea e 1k much of the Urne and hard. ly kusv vbat ste vas doing. 'Hf detalicO decription of tue ellegod :moci> marriae vas flnely drawn. The 'bbllWtro.rernember cheretue coe. sooy va. p.rforued. vbo it vas tha> perforrned 1*. cheu It vas, or. ite anythig about tt; the lact tuat the papers vere suppoeetu ho iemailel tu Dr. Donne». tho lest personla 114 'te Ai ,Hein e bu* -A"Mna va- 1~ .The new fanl g"idare coming i, we muàt make room -so, take advantagce df thse big bargains. Ladies $1 Com- . a$1 .50 vaes... 75c Dressing 29 ;Sacquesat.,... 9 300 vir'y Prety Sum=c Dresses, vaups 170 up to$5, now.... *% Boys' Icntee pats, at... 50 eatiulnew Lace 298 .0values ... AUl Woo Serge Suit,mada Up in nev fui styles skim.rs *0 sati int tespeclal ... 7eCorsets. .o ..........39C Ail kiiids"of high las .iIksft nderwear, Ladies' iness slips, nightgowffs comnbination suit9 1.50 to $2 values 5ý Ladies' fulil ength crepe K.hmonas, f values$2.00t at.9 Ladies' black and white checlced slcfrts, wotth $5.00 at.2.98 $8.and $10 Sitk Dress thrc days 40, specwa CWidren's Coats, must go now regardisa of cost, sizesIpto 14, prices Up to $5.00, .o..........1098 Ladies' Rubberized Rain Coati, special, *17 now .................17 'PI 'If yov crn BIG ýBUSINESS MUZN want youl Theyi need yout LOoIL &U11 ound et thé yosamg people Just drlfting...,TkIlng a liig nt that's ahII - Sui-that's a#éi .11 for ýu if y@u'Il siteply -theo1INITIATIVEffluw.1 -ive you the T&AINING that wfll eie. y oiz t.get aud old. a ras nauible position. Tht.ais *010et. livel.b!> M 4p secbolet tIborough courses taught , CiU0tCt.5tstructorstiî. wileIJV»> >'oiza ,eleMO1UZY MAKING. KNOWL- E »WIhat yiéb I acquir. tW a* et 'r way!l Write or c &U for our hiandsonam Ç taJhdu"s and Journal. 411 ,Tçriia p0.»s8ot~e 8th, 1913 secur stage vork He v cerai their here. away sma> n ne that and recti tend- Strtf ther4 be e tinte bn der@ exte j give the Ilef of havt and Ttab 1 col( the hie for hie othi tim4 Cyc iR orc vae thie suri nati tha uilg for Pas nse mûi 7I ri ploý the. and pin. ti tall ad