Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 5

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FRIATAUGU8T 22, 1913. OUI# wUMLY MolW. CORN soutrtE: Mtatabieft of btter sold add tu it a tablooPOoa- tui otftôd 5foue-, eeUt fe lowlY halt a pat of boiing m11k &Bd Cook genti> tiltiesiootb; add one by un. th. beaton Yolk.of the" egi'; béat veil aisé aU a cupliion ronD choppod, or put tbrough ltse Inealgrinder; mase wlth liat lu tante atid fld lu the .1111 vhitenit heeggOR; put ail loto Weil- bnttered littlo 'moulé., aud balle Iveut> minutes fa a bot oven. MIT AWAY. goodbue." PHON ES 25 AND 3 FOR THE FAIR t'eir tinte jes ot fer eway and it migbt be weil to overheul gour werd- robe and rond out just whel gou need to put gou in order for thet [estive week. There mat egb juet a few thinge thet gos need end there meg b. menq but whether it b. much or littie gyos wiil [lsd us eble to lit gos out and sae t os nmeywhile doing t. You will meet meny weil dressed men et dme Fair but il gour turulaishge are [rosi our store gos will have dmt satisfection of ksowisg thet they are not more so thoan gou. J. B. Morse & Co. : EVERYTIIING FOR MEN: TELEFRONE 14. LIBERTYVILLEý, ILL Any Tie You Get Too Hot Just Stop and Think of No. 47 Order Your COAL While it is Dry. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Oid Dopot. Phono 47 Been Mre 20 Yors. WIIEN YOU WANT THE BEýST, BUY Elses' Blue Rîbon Ieutter Thtis Putter is Io fiuest and lest héiciohs laie. Paoked expreealy for CORLET & FREDE VILLE< ENTION *NWIt EE m* age o u«$,"faI b neoe- 5bUoteei2a Elvrho du~m.o4 S*5Qb la ~genoftei Wh.nin'UbpvUIedont fani wvisât o'W0 f, U5O W k. Advar. th. Liufk tteal. _Roe91, i* aetd it, take J. M. Fllisi. aad dauxhter Pnisille of 0" àê5hé#o. Waueoads, risimihl&smother, tire. C. r -M. Flr b , Ma<» colis aMEieoftb'@. Iiu OrWue Germer outehifgo 16. iio liri. Paul 0. Ray ' pent tin- $Peut à de.>statllb."Of berhocousn, dApla bIéflýA. A. oi'endg Md fmll y at veek. ç"ieWm*Lb*@ «dlq g Vover Tihe W- C»T. IJî S'I meet witb tire. * iewtaMe Ce., are nadei Oetruton. John Selle, bou0403; &t;'uoou, Auguet Frank Apple> roeuued hie dutios et 26, at tho bout of 2.30 p. ai. the nid depot Monday allr anloylug a Thore viii hoe Igi1atlon at the Boit fation of Ivo vesho. regular meeting Tubeda> eveuing, Aug. Ulm Beon Carroll in spendlug a îev 261h, ofthtie Mysile Workerei daY. st the homeofnibho brother, Genrie tir. aud Dirs. M. J. Weber are enter. aséd vit. at Cieago. - taiulug tir. Woers niother irom Lait vek P>aul 0i. Rey delivered lu Kenosha, Wl.. P. Beuingoer a Werner piayer piano, niftir. and tire. Claude Farlpy,.ënud so. the neveot and lateet type. and daugisteofn LaFonutain- lud., Mfr. and Mir@. J. E Meredithb bave as ,pent Buuday vith tir. aud tIr&. 0. A. their goet Ibis veek. Mir. Mferedith,'. Neveoln. sister, tirs. William ibbe ni Shelby, tdiisse Gre Butterfieid. Mary Raugbt Mici. laud Nelle Grlsvnid rettiun,.osnndav Mir. aud NI ru. HanrY Poînaînenter-.1inom ibi L.ake visere th..y bal epent lajied bis ioter, tire. Belle Newton ci sliewecamping. Chicaw,, over Saturday night aud George Hardin ni Minneaiohei. minu Suaday.1 le spenfding a couple of s-à. m ith lit. Mirs. Roger Kilby of Evanoton. and aud tir@. L. B. Morses sud ,th-r relatives sister, Mi#s Gertrude Evilsizorof Paxton,1 aud friende lu Lihortyville suan,! îot.. I. @pout Tuesday al , o rieude lu The Libertyvilis grVenhcnýis.- o. ne ni tii y. the beet, pe phoeer. teîuee The Mlk Poduce@' A@ocia u iii butions in tse couuty. MeTstMlkt rdh ert B alsAssocat ing.ii rs, C. R. Gallnwsv sud rijdren, meetat te lou bil Sturd> 1vnin . coupauied by '.7e u 1iý,way, loft Aug. 23. Everpbody lnterested urged Wdedyfr~ iî îb I , t', h preeur.Gaiîoway's sl@ter at Pittshurg, l'a. (.onduator Wai. Hill laenejoyîug a 1r.Ftn lbbdad~nFal il)reain beveanse ni ies We ad Willle left Monda> for Boston, ndtii ertu. b vr is aa Mase., wbere tho> vzpect to visir a iew DrotlasrioB. weeks with relatives, kBoston beiug ber Dr.Claa B toore, professor of cildbood home. linical pathology of thse Uiuversity orJ Wisoniin pen Sudayet he orn ofiUne day lapt veek while h-bling at ber couel ent A.JL advay tehoeoThird Lake, William Laycoik su,.,.eeded1 berd nehigA.t. Ge ra hetr,. Ain lauding three large snapping turtles, Child ni War." 2 reel feature, Kay.liee. tie> rertii ar e uespvivmeon au Don't mine this onue. Te etil r n pcmu n Mirs. R. W. Staiford aud daugbter tipague "en tre@ acinthlo Letioyne aud tiin@ Kate Carroll atteuded$Pau te. a performance ni Quo Vadie at the William Bradley of Phoenix. tri , is Evanston theatre, Evantoté aft Friday. ending a nintb'. vacation ,sitbhi.jM This #eek MissesBesi Bond aud lather, P'atrick Bradley, at Lake Forest Hele Wager nd R&@ Dleyni and relative@ and frieudm hre. Mr. Bloouiigton, I11 , accompauied by Bpole foe whlbeostnhe Phu held Clarence Bond, are camping at Gages doligie frc be Psit y e brs. e Lake. drn h attreyae , WiliamWarrn ad litie augher r. aud Mr@. E. L. DuBois eutertaiued William Watherhen u e aughithe ,dancingclams t their new bhome ou retur, uesda teirhoe i auerltoDivision street la@t Thuriday evenink. veeke viil vils relatives sud tiené. As-0a&tOken o1 tb. esteei in which they here. are holà b> thse cam. tleY vers preeented tir. sud tire. F. P. Dyrnd returned Mondayr froai a several weeke' pleasure trip tbrough thee asftern @%&tes and Canada. Tiiey report baving spont a aiost enjoyable lime. Mfr. and Mir@. Henry Quentin, tir. and 1fr, Frank Qusutin, Id. Umbdenâtock and lamiuly and Chas. PÀiddakter of Éicago. visited Saturday and Sunday with relatives and finendâ hore and took ini the auto races et the mile track Sunday. tir. and Mirs.Silla& Wrigbt loft Wednes- day nlght for Ellendale, N. D., for a aionth'a visit with Mir. and tire. S. J. Young. Their grandebildren. Violas, Joseph and Clarence Boyd, accompanied theui ater haviug @pent the @ummer GIRLS WANTED Iorputtingup Fould@ Macaroni and Sfaghetti package@, piece work paying from $7-50 vo $10 pert w eek. Ouiy American girl@ employed. WiiI guaranteed $6.50 pLer week until mure so earned; lght, airy work rourne, pleaâant boardfng boue vthîn ev minute@ vaiking distance Ironi factory. Roota and hoard $830 per week. Fact.iry located at Libertyville. I11. Addrees TuE FoU'LI,, MiILLINI4; CoUPANY, Libertyville, Ill. giving business and persona[ re-4en-5 Special at Photo Studio c Beowick's Photo Studio wîll be open for business on Mionday and Tuesday neoi., August 25th and 26tb and on both days vs viil give 15 cabinet photosb for tbe price of a dozen. C. A. BeswickL wiii be bore perwonally and mats al sîttinge. LIFE INSURANCE. Aftrochiesg d-eM y tirec 7M. any vOaI7 woks a n hicis teo " for a if. policy. but ao charn. t. gel oo. MORN AN Distric Msaag Oué Colo.7Lueo ia*nae OMM la sebe. sir Over th hundred. Tise eppiv o almuel i-zbausled iorty.eim 14e tickets vere pla-e] o t to ilrng Stores. .The1M. 1P. tioller tirgan L Eageretowu. Maryland i 1ver> fiue pipe organ whlct for ose for dedic&tion orgau le ver> sweet of ton, lu give great isatisiaction invitations bave been matI fe the count> sud Itle sb ne bas been overiooked fi aud pasîtrexteude a invitation lu ail tu join feaetonignod things. A 1 wibn e neaticnet gissel.tAttorneySonda> aioruiug service B. R. Miller maklug tbe preutatiou retion of members. TIc speech. residents ni Liberty ville or1 iug ceountr> are invlted tou Seturda, igh t ithe Lyrie, Theatre, churcis and hy 80 dolug coi "The Crepe Bonnet," draina b> Than- linluene w the hest tisingi &ouser, feturlng tise Thanhauser kide; munity. on ths foloi alco "The Ban keré don," drame b> Augruet 31, Ihuge s il iaiestte. ni baptisai forIhelir cbld ren The Mierediths Flovar & Vegtabie them ai the mnrning nesr Sacrement ni the Lord'. ti Company are enlargiuig thoir already admiulgteredoin the nel maaimoth plent by building tbres large sauctuary. extensions sudonue nev houses outheir ___________ property on North avenue. The nese additions total approximalely 7000 LU BER TYVII square test whlchi added lu Iheir preet capacit> will make the plausi onenifliseF rs largest aud betti hsscin i uponda Jo.paW. sig u waE . io rreth o e Mponda>J.W.rn aitsgedyE..Eswrrthd e ty . charglng bum with iolî~ating the drani @hop ordinance hy leeping bis saloon JOHN LESTER, open aud seiliîîg l:,îuor ou Sunday. The fat is the attkntion M Marshaill mberry Wih its many attractive de vas calied to the inat ter Suday about Noveities aud 5 and 10c GGo non sud upon iu)ve@tigating ho ioond S il patrons the opportuni number of patrons in the buffet sud ordered the place vacated aisd ciosed, llîgh Grade N vhicb matteir was atteuéed oab once. Noi havlng a warrait vitb hlm, the if not lu stock wiiI ondier. arreotvas delayel until Monda> ai ter. and gel il tient. inoon. Mfr. Brow n was laken befo re The McKiy Esition Judge Davis wiho -Inehlm $2500 aujà Cent Music a Spec. cosîs vhicb amountel to $2900. Tis fine vas paid.IBERTYVILLES] Monude@'s Ligituiin loup Cure for sai@ b> ail dtuggisie. 3(c and 81.00 pet hotti. -2Z-tf Th M e St. Laurence EpscoPal Church ' i ve 1ev. EnvÂnu S. WHITE, Peator qs Ln.a e tiornlngt Prayer 10:30 a. ai. n k n e Suda> sebool 11.30 a. i. Visilors are aiways weicome. mo ey wm<c Spectacles and Eyeglaiss N w tok C. A. Bevlck. gradkiate optician. vilii tc be lu Libertyvilie on Monda> and Tues-. per shart day next. Auguet 25th and 261h, e.nd test and fil ail those visa desire There is s spqclacleo or eyegiasses or ne a change ni lenme. Those that eau,. vbo desîre west SOI their eyos testai!aru requested l cailau the moruing Ifi possible. W@ bave a ilior of speclel nov lens for weak eyes tisaI iittc worke vonders.Ths9ok :I (ADimONrroti LIBERTYVILLE PAnE 6) For Fire and Life Insurance ÇIIARLES Di- PROCTOR NEW HMP$Mu FM, MNSIIAM4E COMPANY. Nbu* t" 4uslLiw. lssute c.CornpaY. gour rec Thtis is e p drewing wltere g income. of tickets was ht hours al ter mn sale at the BCompany of are placiug a I will ho ready services. The nand promisso Five hunlrod ied tu resideuté, hoped thatno fr ib. churct moit cordial thea inluthis feators ot the v ii ho tho boae becoming the surrouud- Snits vilh th. intrîbuto thoir ie lu the corn- wiig lloday, Ibe sacrament ln ma> rsu lce. thsrt 1t Soppor vii ho wl> dedlcated , P"NAL Tonîemdge W. W. Carrolil& sonscc NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE ILLINOIS rediih Flower and Veget e icceptionally good- offer toproswk1 ch 1-s not afready bIgn in a gooditr kwhile itlests, to new stock holders et par velue, $ 10.0() re. Thtis stock draws e guerenteed cîvldeqd of 7 per Centt. mrne leit and itl i en opportuaitu sot owt. If goti >me of titis stock see the secretery et ooe-.-Offce second Schenck Building. kwiIl be redeemed et ang tinte by the Boerd of Directors et uest elter 30 deys notice. periecdy sele investmeot ini e growiog institution, and one e good income, et the saine tinte gour cepitel is net tied up ou cennot get it. Setter get your rney to renrizing a good W. esk gou to consider titis matter end investigate thoroulgy. J. E. Meredith, Pres. C. W. Stout, Sec'y. Vours tug Meredith Flower and Vegetai.C J.E-LiI TRIGGS5 como»V 1. TO MUCTE NEW CIlIC Mothodisa of Lbertyvilo I. Dodcat. New Church Sunday, Augtabt 24 Tbh. oldeet tiothodiot oociety ln the counly wviiidedicato their nov churcis building Doit Suaday and vii I continue tb. dedlcatary servie.until Thurd.y ov.nlng, conclndfnq vlth a banque. Souder UoraugBloop William Iramo MOOovell, D. D. 4. L.,4. of Chi"og, vi pro.cb a% 10 o'elgck; Roy. Jais,..Dove, D. D., ef Chicago, vili aio hb. one99theb moinlg.pokere. Tb@ Roy. Loulo rP. W. L«eoman, D. D., Distritiue" n, tendent vil b. promutnthl.enttsdei and vIH prch in the ovoiag a% 7:8&. Rey, Llayton Yonkr of Lake Bluff, vil load the dorotions at the Epvortb Leagus mentionghoid at 6:30. Roy. Elmer L. William. ni Graco church of Chicago, hm. met rtturued trom ti Geneva Lake instituts and viii addrss the L.eague. tiouday svening the building viii ho reception given the public b> the officiai board, wtbf.hi occasion aIl are mont cordiali> fnvlted. Tueoday evening Mis@ Edîtb Corretté of Wlmette, willi . give a pipe organ reclisi, accomapanied by Mfr. Milan Lusk, violiniet, alo ofWilmette. Miss Corrette hia, tudled abroad and la glving ber tirue toorgan rectals wlîlle Mir. LosI expecto to play in Vennatbecomingyear. M'ednesay evenîng the dedication prayer service will be beld at which the Rev. Stanley 0. Royal, D. . t, ni Cincnnate; Ohlo, willl speak. Me. lio iq a %graudoon (ift h ptoqeovW organized the Methodist Society lu Liberty ville in the year 1b3i6. Hie fatbe,' wvaâ pamtor Inlu 1 an sd tbecomingj speaker- was boru in Lîbertyville during, tbis paatorale. Mr. Royal wiii be the1 principle speaker at the banquet on Thureday evening when be viii speak on the subjeit "The Fonîprinîs of Grand- faîher." 1ev. Hi. F. LawlIer of Chicago, wili speak ou tbe subjeet "My> Five. 1ev. John Lee of Savaunn, Ill., la expected to speak on -Back to Liberty- ville." tir. Hapke will furnish the aiuei aud a mont enloyable evening is autici- îîated. CoverF are being old at one dollar each and are linited to twol Working For SàaarIe-, we of ten hear teachere, clerke and ôthere who work for saladie@ say that It je no nos for thn oopen a bank accoant. If your eipenffesý eat up ail your la ouly one nmre r«.- @on why you should have a bank account. ÂCA the end of the month your checks wlll show you where every penny went. Wheu you look thern over you will mee where you could have »Y60d a littie here and a littie there. Bach moot, you will save a littie more and wl son hav$".- bank account to be proud of. Our batik alwiw i lias a warrn welcome for young people wlth their first deposit. We know it means much to theLu. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYILLILLII. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profite. $Q95,O»OO WE SOLICIT A SIIARE Of YOJRý A T-R-0N A~Q Get Our Prices on. L U'MSÇ9WýR GCOAL & F-EESDý TIIEY ARE RIGlIT. Home Lumber Company, of Libertylvllle. with aSmumi% e yoMUagat ee .d for Vacation w..,, youl find us w.ll stoced. Baompere, made of good blue chsmbray, neSU trirmoed with Turkey red, each ........ Boy'a Overalis, meveral styles and colore, at 2 Chfldron's Hoiery, blaok, tan, etc., sevral, and grades, al ohosen for thoir 'W"r q at .......................l15cand 22% At our North Store we carry a fine line of Ohldr'-en Shoes and Sandale, aluo Children'is Straw Hat&u$ Groceries- S'mp Mc~ Fruits aigd Vegetables, fresh evme day, at the South Stotie. Weari*niz Appaý,yl

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