Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 9

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s s~ 515 *tt WAUKI34JAN WEEKLY SUN iI~ --- .", - t- 1- X~:N. 48 PART TWO LiBmiTyvrLL, ILL., imr-DAY,, .AII.TO '2T22, 1913. TOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YRE»- IX AIY.i SIJ SAIOz AILOCI6TOC1TY FOR TURNIDOYER TO THIEM MR$. J. A. CONNELL, LJNABLE MANY VISITORS HAVE ARR TOGET BAIL, S FORCED WILL BE HERE TOMORRO TO REMAIN IN, CELL IN EgrAgo BUSINES& MÊN J THE COUfêTY BASTILE COIJERATION - SUN1 AWAIT TRIALTUSDY Waukegan, August 20.---- On roqilest of Dr. J. A. Concelil for- Waukegan, August 20. nmer North Chicago physicien, J#ao . oysln bIne stormed Whitney, Iis morning, ordos-cd ci. Uthe city to<lay, akp- cuit Clerk Brockway tu issue a Wit session of (G. A. R.hall of babeau corpus dlrected against un9. d Electrlc Park andi Connoll and Prederick Bowcrs aider. " Red bg te INaUs WpocrecfvegniRc;cI t t# e h oonr t ainne o'cock Tbursday the: tyunlaftr thacuampth tipo oel children, Wsnada and lire Thursday evening. ]Cdltb. s.gcd 5 and 3. Mande were clasped today whlch hise @tep by th fatherieans the bad flot encountered each other ln fira on la the buttie he la to age8 years and manY a téar dropped frous go g ucstody of i chWlren and, a wcakened oye as aid soldiers who trcs the statua of is wilSe ai present,1 are attending -the Sth annual reunlon 'A appears aimat certaiN e ii e0f the soldiere andsi alors ofLakel *vêab complet charge of the cblidren colniy met each other and exchanged lamlorrow. 1~igs Mr@. Consîl and Bowers wvere un.,- e eno pndti onn &hla ta -t t. ur *s...s ueo s uesay aP.- ternoon Imposesi on thons by .udgek Taylor. vheu ho helsi tisoria tistet rgrand Jury on statnatary charges. Thoy accordingly vont to thse coany jail. vhore ihey till are vhilo tisir friads are trying ta get sormebody te, ign tieir honda. lira. Conneil irvas piacoti lnthe vomena deparimont of the jli and her lncarceratlon na-9 turall broke hon spirte completely. Sho habeas corpus le dîrecteti towards uhese persans: Srs. Cosinell, Fred Bowers. Mary Burgot.f <Srs. Connell's aunt) 1-. Ansre Lang anti wife. Dr. Conneil states in thse petition thatthesecpersoaeprevontesl him tram kgettng bis chfldreis. Uat bis vite bas been living lni open adutry with làow- cru ansd thes-fore la unlt ta care for tise chltron. flot bains dîvoresi tramx *Mrs. Connell still st uthe niar- rlcd Bowers in Chcago sanie tinso &g0. Uer persstance ln tieclarlng iIs in be hUe tact iake her prcdlcasnent aeuonvrse the% ~if aise denlcd It andi mcrcly arimitteti having lIved vih Dowqrs la an unusarnlti sMats. Her admission makes her out a bîgammlt, puaabable by a penientlary sentence wblie the ther charge la flot sa sérl- t-. ub ln the eyea of tise lav. Ers. bang, charged with shatlng Mnm Vltb)enable. managedt tagel hon "0 tindi for $50 0, hence shc e n lot,.la * ,VMd spent the nlght there with iser vps as there ail day todaY. coapos rÜas IL prîsoner luit becau»e the tlan7Io chld. agesi 3, vas sent temother ta the bang home, bosre$h a kept yesterday andi ta- l t Is ta <et custady of bis chIlsiren tsaI Dr. Connell tartesi the action or habeas caçpus thraugh his at- [. O0YMatin C. Dcker. and. tise ;Éé~enrai feeling la tuat tise court viii it once order- bth cislsron turnesi vIltiste arrivaI of the delegates who Lave coine tram ail parte ai the couit- ty and state andi vhtll the attendanro today la nat large, tamarrov being the hig day of the reunlan. It vas very sati.factory to Mayor BiAinger and otisers who have Interesteti theus- selves la the annuel affaîr. In hunor of uhier ramlng. the streets remindeti one ofthtie Faurtb of July ton wIndows andi stores wero derorateti vith flags and buutlng and Waukcgan peparcdt t <ie the oId saldiera a gondtlime for Use Ivo days tbcy arc ee. Ih iIs many yeans a stnre the azsoclatlan -met in Wauke- gan. I 51 Veurs ^go. And., as the reunion openeti up, one aId ici., K, C. Carpenter. ai Elgin, in laaking Up Genesee street expregicti the sentiment of tbe entîre lot of visitora vhen ho saiti "Fitty-one years aga thIs tume. 1 vag in Waukegan with athens tapplng ata ns af thre hotelbprcparatary ta bclng taken to Rocktord ta, be mustereti loto the, 911h Ilinos regiment. Borne af us stappeti at Uic Waukegan Hanse anti1 same ai thc aid Sherman Hanse1 arroethe creck. 1 enlisteti on July1 261h ansi ve vere kept hers some of uns until September. -when we vent to Rockford. wbene the regiment vas' musstred lt, there belag tour cons- palee tram Lake county anti six ftons'- Otena. We hasi qute a watt bore ansi naturally everybady vas anxions in <et in the front, tîseretore viien ve vers taken 10 Rocliford, ve vere glat." Cone From Disant Points. The olsi xetg vha arrîvedtitIis snernlng, cue tramnaIl points In Lake county 'ansi tram neighborlng rîties andth Ue belloflt UaI, tamorrav vlli ece the larget aUtendance ai veterans at a reunion ln Lako caunty Uai ever turnesi aut. Olti Peehiencti Cam p ire. Not slDs-es days cf '61-'6, vîlI the grand army veterans a! Lake cassnty havc stalicacd1ý Uemselves aver to i cane. Tii. chances are areunti such a camp fine as bas beeD Use soctar la tumnsivi place Uem lnla arrangeti for Usens at Eleclric Park car of is vif's mother, hmisVan- tienablo. vho 11e la North Chicago. Bond@ FatiTodey. liovers ansiM&. Conneil hat bank- id on an affgtr ai Port Sheridan «ign1ngýtseir bonds, la tact UscY fit ho tvelawouisi do no but. whea ap- (conunueti on Page Pour.) Iis evecnig. The commbte la marge of thia Neature vent ta censderabie trouble ta secure reai rafla and railroad dtes ln ender tisai Use cansptir-. might look as mucis 1k.flace lsi faehloaesi soutis- ena vartinie campflre sappossible. Doubtiees the uigistoethUe big rdaslng ere taniglt ill carry Use aid veta ban llnumomory over Ifly yoars ta RIVED ALREADY AND MORE OW-STORES ARE DECORAT- ARE SHOWING THE VISITORS ISSUES EARLY EDITION ON déclare they are wonderfully realistic and true taIlite. Vte Gaiheroti Early. Olti veterans trous varions parts ai Lake county anti tram varions cilles began ta galber in Waukegan early Ibis moýning. They visheti ta meet comrades vhom tboy bad nat seen la a long tiras. They aise titi net wleh ta miss any portion of Use pragram. It vas a sight that titi ancegoot ta ses these aid soldi.ers'walklng aloiï- hy about the differeat treets. nome arsr. la ans. snome leanlng on a cane or assiglet along b'y means of crutches. each praudly vcarhng a badge whlch proclaimet i hm a meus- ber of the thinning lins of blue. Roroiveti Cordially. Anti the best part of il vas that these veterane faunti that Waukegan was eatiy la extenti thera a cordial receptian. Hundretis of Auserîcan flags vers dlsplayed In store vin- tawn districts antillt front of many dovn districts anti In front aifusany haus. Everyane hati a word ai vel- cause for the vstea anti ail seemeti ta vie vitir the others ta make the soldiers teel pertectly ai house. Each anc seemedtiat delegate himseif a mamber of the eception rommittec. It vas the tirnt time ho nearly twenty ycars that Waukegan bas been given an opporttsity ta enter- tain the Lake Caunty Sldiers addr Salions and ti t as decideti ta make thse occasion a memorable one. E94g Time Piannod. That tce veterans are t0 have a big ime ln the rity la sbavn hy Use fart that ibis most interesting two siays' pragram bas been preparet for theni: Mayor\Bidinger ans ie asescectesi coiittee have been vorking bard ta mia e ereunlon tiisyear a big kth Ustimes tney est anout a simisan succs sn hs a e e sry ,-asv.. o campftre attei snime harsi tougbl bat- slkUst lni ffrt ii ear fruit. ~XECT PATIENT MADE - Ue. 1entasecewlcvlIb. exchang- Thse . A. R. commttees bave ca.oper- ç WAY TO WAUKEGAN. et. Varions coniraries viii relate aid ates ithilla nensl very vay possible. valu t ios ansi agala In fancy The publietla<ien a cordial Invita- -Police taday arc seeklag Emil tbey viii ho living 0,cr agala sanietiton ta attend the mounton bath daye, 4lo.a aaesi Iinnate of the Elgin of Use mont lnterustlag eveata ofthUe AIl the stores viii close at noan on 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e is s ie, i a o ca ei te g at-1 Ciil W ar. M oving pictures viii o b u Tbrsday ut et respect to the veto- f'mrda igi thUe lastitution and shova o! Use tGettysburg ansi Lookaut ra. The commîttie orking vitb ý1eha. at yt hnIccto.Jamos vas mountain battles ainsi Uese viii do Mfayar Bidinger in maklng arrange- voi <rssesi andi It la beievesi ban u tch ta revive Use memc;rlos oi the monts ls: Cômmissionen Dietmeyer. - maté is h w ay tu Waukeganm, Ili, aid veterang asusahonsvho have seen M. 8, KranseC<E, P. Bld inger and Ray vise ho has rlattve-Ilgiii Ne, thse portrayal of lce. fanions battilez Whitney. FOR 1mw1 I. emIsJuIJ DEPUTY CORONER CONRAD STARIS PMOE TO FINDI WOMAI& HOMURDERED INFANTAP TOSSED ITI FROM'CAR WINDOW. BELIEVE HER FROM CITY 0F CHICAGO. NO CORONER'S INQU EST TOI BE HELOU NTIL MOREý DEFINITE -INFORMATIONý THE WHOLE AFFAIR. The identity 0f-thse worrrer, for there Is na Indication drat it was a man, vhu usurderoti a tiny boy lofent and then wrapping ftinl several toida of newsPpler, toued the par kage onti of tise window of a fast 'trais on the <'hicagO anti Northwestern raiiroad whlle passhlag througlr Zion Cit,-eriy Tueaday afternoon, la btn oultb Deputy Coroner Elsiard Conrati, who vas surarnaedto tMZon City Tuesay atternoan ta invetigate into the tacts.. ,M-n.fýjrad admirstetthe case ls a vcr3r puzzling one anti aaya that while the chances af locatirrg the guiltv Party are vory llght, tirer he la working an a clew that he haores wili gel the tieired resulta. That the wousan vha murtiereri the child came trous Chicago tala nticated by the tact tiret thi. utile corpsee as wrapped la three Chilcago newspapera. One was tire Sunday Tribune of Aug- ust 17. The other tvo were the Chii cago Daily Newse andi the Chicago, American of lMknday, Atigust 18. While it la possible that these sanie pepers migbt have beean purchaseti et almost aun' station elong the Northi Shore. tire tact tiret tbey wers al Chicago pattera furtrisises a very llght clew. That the vanran vis a 15being, saught performed hier art very hur- riedly la indicated by the fact that I se -diinat take tiras ta wrap the grewsome iackage very secureiy. AI- though seversi Irmpers were used they were wrapped ebout the little carpse very careiessiy. Sa insecureiy vas the huntile wraîrped that it broke when it truck the cilroad tnacks ent the tiny carîrse lav oxpogeti. The section foromran et Zion City teptiled that he prssed-ithe spot where the botiy 'sasetound sbartly <Cntlnued an Pace ftOO.) CHANCE TO SETF LE TELL US YOUR YIELD The Lako Coanty Fair MllI b. heiti Sept. 2, 3, 4 and ti rat Liber- tyville. Almost everyhotiy In Lake County yl ttendi. Au alwaya thre LaIe Connty ln- tiependeni wii hase as, tent et which a collector wrll Ibo ln attend- anre andi subecrrbers efthtie In- dependent on the Oaiiy Sun May ctle thir subscriptiofle for thre ensuing yer. It ias aiways boots thre plan of many readers of thoe papene. to make settlementu et thre fair each ycar. As to ielis of Crope. Thre Independent ru unglous bo mke notations each weok of ex. ceptional i lds of varions kindu of crope in Lake County. .ln onden to do se, we muet ihave irohp of farmoru. Tire- fore, If yen have an excoptlonal yleld of oate. corn, hey, OU, wont you just drop tire Independuent e -Une cstplaning vdfit you rasgd on a given sorsage. t viii houp tim. niaeoyonr neigirbons,. in- anothor sectionsandi snch pubiity wilf irelp ferming gencraily ln Lake county. FINE DAIRY FARMRS MECCA FOR NATION= AL FÀRMDELEGATE Hundred Delegates From Sev- enteen States Inspect Sev- eral Fine Places. i)eiegrtes trom severrteen different states reîrreKenting mens who lecture at varloua fermera' Institutes, toured t4ake cauntys daIrving district T'rP5 day as gusats of thre Universel Plort- lao eCorent Company who :Irann,.ed the *oie.rence of fermers' institute andi short course workers on permna- nent and sanitALry farinta irorve- ments" held in C'hicago during the week. Twenty-iive autos were used ta carry the hundred guests %,li erne te Lake F'reet in tire moring. ýhe Imachines carried tihe delegates ta tire Arthur Nleeker farm wiere they were shown hoa, the fine herd of catie la cared for, how nriik la îreîrered for the Chicago market under seemingly lierfect sanitary conditions, etc. Af. ter each man took a gond drink of buttermiik the parts entered the au- tos and journey ta the Samuel insuil ferra where Superintendent Efinger showed thera the looded stock wilhch bas made Hawtborn farm tamous. From there the crowd headed for Barringtoa where. in'the trasementof the iliethodist church they were serv- ed a fine chicken dInner by the ladies of the church, toliowiag wbicb they again entereti autos ad went ta the farm conducted by Spencer Otis. Jr., then ta the G. E. VersRlagea Iplace, c Il. Stîlison Hlarts andi then te two of the places owned by Spencer Otis, iSr. At each of the places vislted, the delegates asked questions and made rotations of measurements, of resuits -attained bli followlng certain methoda ta dairying work, of the cost of con- atruction, and, Ia tact. put s may questions te the gentlemen farmers whose guests tlrey were, tiret tire farers heti ta keeîr their wits about them not te get cornereti. Tbeetig feature wblch naturally ln- tereateti the fermer lecturers was the predominance of concrets construc- tion Ia barns, bouses, etc. at Is s very apparent fact that concrete bas madie possible the bringing up ta the irighest possible standard. the matter ar sanitery irendiing of niik anîd cet- tie. At tire ferma la question ail of whom furniah certilieti milk ta Chi- cago patrons, the sows are kelut In concrete barns enciosed with acreens so they are net pestered by files aad their effilciency as milk-producers ls thus aided la every perticular. Men aesh the caws carefuliy, and maust aise keep clean theinselves. Uniess these andi other thîngs are dons, the state Insirectors wili net permit thons ta handie mllk as 'certified milk." F'olowing the Inspection ot the terma. the delegates returned ta Chf- cage for dinner et the i-itel fhermen foliowing which an interestlng even- Ing program was belti. The prograra for Wednestiay took tedeleg4t.tet Elgin. which Geneva was the objective point for Thursday. At these places the tielegates aiso Inapected the methoda of caring for cattie, etc. The convention waa planneti hy the Universel Portland Cernent compay in a desire to show the rmsa who lec- ture ta tarmers how -the use of ce- rnent in fanri buildings has matie sani- tation more easy ta acqutre and cheaper Ia the long rua. These dele- gates are entertalned et the expense of the cernent company which sureiy la tioing an educationai work an a wide acope, with no assurance of di- rect returna ta the compeny ltself. In short,' It la doing a generel haosting business for cernent, anybadys ce- mnent, so long as It contalas the con- stituencies whlch permît the maklng9 af real concrete. ANNUAL REPORT TO STATE SUPT. SCHOOLS, JUST FOR- WARDED,' SHOWS ALL SCHOOLS 0F LAKE CbUNfY SPENT $501 ,884.96 IN EDUCATIONAL WORK IN THE, PASI YEAR-242 MORE BOYS IN SCHOOL THAN GIRLS -TOTAL NUMBER 0F PUPILS IN SCHOOLS WAS l~ 893, WHICH INCLUDES PRIVATE SCHOOLS, NUMBER ttt PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEING 9,300. FAOTS ABOUT LAKE OOUNTY SOHOOLS DIYBAI 1912-1913. Total ntet eost ofi naiîîtaining sehlîrs tof iounty, includ- in-g ail sehooxls, publie, private andi higli sebools, $501,884.96. l'lt ijitti flw 1)lildifigs, $94,970. Total eiîrolhneîint, 9,31K; xith 33 ï tea.eheî's. Twvo liiiitrcti andi fortv-twvo less girls iii sehiool than itv;the totals heing, 5,630 boys, anîd 5,263 girls. L-ake countyA vat brain factory Between $700 andi $799 ..... 42 femilierly knowa as the public srhaol Beween $800 andi $899 ..........314 systera bas a total enrofiment of Between $900 andi $999........S neerly 9,?l00 Irupils wi bot137 Prom $1.000 and $1,099........ . teechers. The total nuniber af boys Between $1.100 ta $1.199 .. * 1 and girls between the ages af 6 andi Betweesi $1.200 and- $1,299 ... 21 la the eonty, accordlng ta- the Between 1,400 andi $1,499 .... -h-1l ce- us- 551. ,r11 , 1 o9 ng cac . c. e Çv 5 *112000 Ut UIU aniy a very amali Iercentage of the chiltiren ai achool age are nat at- tentiing either e public or a private achool. It requines about a hait ai a million dollars ta keep the system. go- ing. These figures are tram the annuel report of the wont of the Kane coun- ty ochoola orade by <'ounty Superin- tendent T. A. Simapson ta tihe state superintentient ai public Instruction recently. Mare than three-quarters of a mil- lion dollars. $ýùl,884.96 was spent fan maintenance of tpublie achoals ln Lake county turing the year ending June 1, eccording ta the annual repart. There are 242 lesa girls than boys ai school age la the county. accort- lng; ta tire renss figures. There ere 5,630 boys lui the public anti privais schoals. There are 5,263 girls. BY fer tire larger number ai boys anti girls are ln tire rublic achools. Only eamali percentage ai the boy sud girl population between tire ages of 6 anti 21 la enrolleti in tire higb sehoals. The figures tramt the report are given as tollows: No. ai boys between thre ages ai 6 and 21------------------..7.183 No. of ginls between tise agea ai 6 anti 21------------------..6,941 Total--------------------...14,124 No. ai bava untier 21 yra. ai age.10,85S No. ai girls uner -11 yrs. ai age.10,668 Total--------------------...21,526 Enrahîment- No. of boys errolled ho the grades ..................... 4,327 No. ai girls enroiled ln the grades ..................... 4,044 Total .................. .... 8,311 No. ai baya enroiled ln high achool ...................... 3961 No. of girls enrolleti la hlgh acbo---------------------501 Total----------------------..897 Total enrolimen t ai ahi pupila the public sciroals----------.9.268 Total number ai grade teechers 282 Total nnmber ai hlgh school teachers..................... 45 Total number of public schgal teachers ln caunty............ 337 Of which 49 are men anti 288 are vomen. Nuraber of Irivate echools ... 22 Total number ai private scbaal teacbers--------------------- 87 of which 32 are mon anti 55 are varnen. Number ai boys enralict.... . 103 Nnnsber oa i <rieennolieti...1,223 Total . . . . . . .. . . . . .2526 Number a! teachers vhose gai- ary vas less than $200-... il Number teachera virose sal- aries run tram $300 ta $399. 39 Beween $400 ta $499---------- 81 IBetvcen $500 ta $599......... 41 Between $600 anti $699 ...... 24 0f the hlgh echool teachers 1 recelves tram $200 to $290. 5 recelves tram $400 ta $499. 6 recelves frans $500 ta $599. 1 receie tram $600 in $699. 6 recelves tram $70"-o $799. 2 recelves tram $800 te $899. 9vgecelves tram $900 ta $999. 7 recelves tram $1,000 ta $1.01. 3l recelves tram 1.100 ta $1.100. 1 receives tram1.,200 ta $1.299. 2 recelves tram $1.400 ta $1,400.- 1 receives tram $1.500 to $1.500. 2 necelves tram $1,600 ta $1.56». t rereives tram $1.700 ta $1,7#9.. 2 recelvos tramt $1.900 ta $1J.9 1 receives $3.000. Amount cf bonded ladebtod- aesa ................... $379wm Amaunt ai district tax Ici- led.....................4.5 Amount of district tan col- - lecteti...................346 Expendltures fan school hoards and business ci- fices...................... .5 Amount of tulion tees....... 4»J1 Truat afficers...............1,099 Supta. andi principals vho teach less than hait tUme. 6.900 Superintendents who do no teaching...................68,779 Tearbers who tearb mare than haIftitme ............ 206,141 Text backs, supplies. etc..10834 laterest an teachers' ordere.. 373 Tultian ai traneterred .pupils &MI6 Jenitors. engineers----------- 31,804 Furel, vater, ligbt. paver etc----------------------....Oum Maintenance of plant........ 30,453 lýibraries.....................3M99: Promotion of health......... 1.2« Rent ....................*» Transportation ai Pupils.. misc. expendîtures (repaisi lbans. etc.) ............... New buildings ............. New eqsslpment ........... District bonds ............. Interest unabondes.......... 33. 4.93? 43.799 04.970 19.800 -s.. lus. Total cxpenditures .......... 01.84 Township funseis bvoutotila bonds, or real estate ...41»R9 Income tram township tunda. 3*5 Mast ot Use touchers In Use couvU rereive less Usan $700 a ysar. Tiier are 22 private schoels ith an oliili- ment of 2,526. There arc 282 public scboi teachers andi 45 ligh enlaaol lastructars la th» publie scbools, ai total of 337. zero In Vaogumu a somiuo vtpnkor receatIr o eeeded Ja exhasnties Ù=v09elf»ea solftineter of meroury(four MOsthSdt sand mioess of a Pound P-, lacis), vhlrh la Useeisigisec *er atteineti oxperimtell. £4 pressure en* oublo MUO.t« C vanidsi liiicontain ehOSt , bafSilUonth. oosh anuai ta ncariy tvit"U New York ClY. y, j$ vlsltlg ber 8It Ue.W Evaniirt, cory ave* ; -v et 4 4 ill be ever Ps is oamk erecLk îccess ~ ýIr i

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