's Increases Made in Charges to Towns in the Vioînity of Waukegan. CHICAGO RATE UNCHANGED. ONLY ONE RAISE IN COUNTY. New Rate Based on Mileage- Some Reductions are Made. A tact ef interest and net generaliy knewn ls tbet the toit rates eut ot Waukegan have beu placefi on a new bastei by thé Chicago Telephoie Company. ltévIged ratés. whicb are figuraed on a mileae baste, hecaine quietly effective Auguet 21, elthougb ne offi- ciel, announcoenét ban yet heen made hy thé company. ,White semée rates have iseén iowered, by tar thé Xreater nOimber has been ravisaid up. ward. but Waukégan reaily lsaflot affectait materlally. New rates are général over ail ot thé systém. Héretotere teoi rateq lut hencetorth thé miléagé baste wPl hé uséd. an officiel ot thé cempany of' saldt today. Undér thé néw plan, évény toit chargé ulîl hémade as per mléagé rather thanentuner -thé old systeni. thé tléphoné thus belng piaced on thé saeésort et baste as thé ra!- ronde- ttat la. chargés gaugéd xc- eording te miles et service. These rates te placés eut or Wau- kpgan are iinchmngé.d undür the néw plasn: Clîlago 2c., l>efild 15c., Even- son 2oe - Gléncoe 16c., Gien Vie- 15c. Gravaee U. Hlghland Parti 10c. , ighwood 10c., Kénilwortit 15c. Lake Illuf 10e *- Lake Ferest 10c., Lake Zurich 15c., Lihertyville 10. Round Lake lSc., «herinerville 16e., Wauconda 15c., WUmnrtt 16c., Win-lthette. hem place. hé met Dr. Palmer drivlng along in hia auto. The doclor et once toek chargéetfthe , ho' , dreesed bIs wounde and thé ultile teilows-la nea gettlng on ail right. Thé boyes mother diéd but recently and thé tact that thé lttie feliowco cn- tinuelly cried for hle mother mde the case thé more pititul and pa- - oue.-gîne and the occupants of thé boati hoodwntlng indle Sein In having it té,dae.cèeutéhll.j cairryiret ilas Uest'ostmaster No. 6-Bokléte et picture study. At Iiret ihey took It as merely a Général Burlesen bas sent eut a No. 7-Geegaphy botlî-,t .rnape et! art for tlîey alréady w-re wet and mvarnlng te rosmeetérs ail over the thé Centrai states. uade up thelr rmindis that as soon as counitry io watch for thé maquenail- No. 8-Arithmetic papi-vs, showlig the raim 8topped théy would héeable te log stamîl and eny person caught use- eneîyes signal for help and weuld hé towéd te Üug them wlth dliberate Intént te Advanc ci. shore wthout further miehep. It wasg chéat thé goeméfment, ulîl hé ae- No. 9-Best set et papers ln analy- Mrs. Schtffhauer uho noticéti their i vérely punlehed. sis et arithmettic pi'blemes. rel danger. pRP lane figures. . watr' sie crled exctdly. XeNo. 1-Best udy of solids lncard-rI w e u. The littie craft proved EN I NS 0 uEF R OJG O K 10otard ents excellent container for the heavy It l ths sen tat n ralit th NoTI12OIBTHEFt set of relief maps. dwnpour and the cater in It was ris- toli rates te nearby pintseout eof~I IT EI IiCIbT IIM IC No. 13 Hest met of political mapm. Ilng quîite rapiliy. The botItseif Waukeau bve nt bee ch1ged a- SULFORFAIRWEEK IN C N IOTE IT No. 44- Fle4t set of ceunty mape. ' silw Ie i.st'tli, gslows vbut surely. terall albouh i sone ortonsofNe. 15-1Hest set o! géography book- The danger -sa. grosslug more lmmli the district the raises bave been mia- alPpe o letes, 8owlng mapg ef year's werk. 1nnt iv-rali minute. The occupants be- Daily Papes to Be Sent to the, LUCky Pe1ýSoS to Get Sight - No. 16 lest set of mapins howIng gan te shout for help at thé top of lit was said et thé local offce that. County Fair for Patrons Seeing Tour at Capital or tertrial dévelopment ot U. S. wlthln a certain radius the oid chargel Leaviflg Grounds. 'Short Course at Urbana. No. 17 flést set of letters. four lu a of ive cents a minute for conversa-I set; two business; twe social; one set tiens et mere than threc minutes' i BIGRTSOFFERED..C S RZSFRSHOLS. i r1éc ttodffrn uis I ration wiil be retained. Outeidé f_____ ___ntxnutdoncre thea reiucnuesatin l nge r on a e dat Hv hne t an No. 18-Ilest diepiay of inusncular' iII thon trad ins, uonersationsot lone r on a e ÀvnaeofPupils Hv Cacit a n ovement writing papèrs, Includingi cents per minute. the Regular Daily List and M oney by Proving Excellence work fromne lt lemsethoan 20 per cent e p ________Weekly as W ell. in Practical Brncesad te The largeo aov fft BOY UTS111 - ue iii::~ ditonsforthéannal aibliou wil bve u ~No. 19 Beet dleplay ot art work. Theéal Sun is planning to l4- Lake county Young fos woar!N. 20-Bet diplay ot sewlng. powde2r5 but coufty fair to hc héld at Libertyviliè chance te earn this year, threuglî théeE1r D ta es t e ¶~fI" ~médium of the fair et Llhýrnvvlie, any tkst e iujjT BADLY AS Sept 2. : 1,, 5, anîd the plan le te of the teUlowtnan ari.NARROW LJ Al uîsrd 150 s1poenu is ji BIE PLAYS BALL .ech :fternoort on WednesdayTiîuri,- os" pmd. a goaepr. FROM DEATJ AT clsadp Litie Lous aue o Lng! rd~tLîued f ree te patrons ofthte culture et Ur""n. FOX LAKE3 SUNDAY is guaranteed Lake Sustains Painful lnjury wlcti n eoiwie ao hi as they leavé the grounds and T-he rtthe awer<is are for eu-I tFrg Sunclay Last. tî prernacy ln the Lake county corn con- HeavyDownpour of Rain Near- i,ress turn e.t rié fr ieairp In, ly Swamped Little Motor- _________________ DOCTOR SAVES HIS LIFE.ý Speclal cluhbing raies fer adver- MS ILA CE boat in the Lake. tisers are belng madle for these extra, Thé cern conteat l oert ail un-' Singular Circumstance That Pditions and they Include an lnser- der 20 whe havé prepai-l cr e!Jo0eplî Schiffbauer and vite. 3756 1 inin THEt LAKE COUNTY INDI)tCgo North Forty-eightlî avenue. Chicago, Doctor Was Close at Hand 1 EDENT, Lake Countys greateet grond. attended the crop and lntend narrowly eecaped drowning white mo- WhenHe as urt ý£ly.Thus adertser wh wih ite harvest It. They mu i rst have When e Wa Hur. e~ly Tus. avertserswlîoc-i1 notified the fair seréiar, ihat th,r torîng on, Fox La~ke lest Sunday. They L . u ti, rè.ach every resîdent ef the countv chosen acre lé ready for irispection crýere caughit lu a heavy rein ln the inid. Souude' chile playinut oel iln I hi-i ulrng fair weék, con do se hy apple The scîtoot dlspiay priz/es cr,- îî ror die of the lake. The motor retuséd te yard oftIÀong Lake. littié iouls Rauer, ing .for Mpce lu thé three spécial each firet place and 40 cisfer each work aud the bout rapldly was fihilng aged Il, fell and, lu slding. rut his dail editle'ns and thé weeluly edition. second, with water wheu they were rescued byIB al iDa wri$t meét eeverely. The artery and 't is a circulation wiiich is seldom Th leeois wili be dis lded toomembére et the Dellwýnd ClÙb. Gé ts a veiue et the wunef wère eut and the ofered te the public, for.,lbesidles the jthree classes. the ene-roe,îu sciiocle, Th weather looked rather threate- chiid bled profusély. It wee fearel rctguiar daiiv circulation ln MWaute- tIamsaA, those wlth four or l teach- Nn inM n ie cifae e ort h hé mlght bleed te deeth but, the fer- cen. North Chicago and Zion city, ère ln the grades, Clamse13il Ile with eut f rom ebore but they teok e chance tunete circumetance et e dotoe - arong c-ii hbave 'thé sdvantages 01 more than tour téacîters,. <a, that the storni cloud would blow ovér O S E Ing néar et bond, eided ln lîrevent- thlic oiiIty fait patronage as weil. and they did flot like te mise thé oppor- . olle.1 ing serloug censéqueftes. and now il t'sU woth loektng into If yen have OUTL.INE FOR ISPLAYS. tunlty et takînga eleunch ride. They 100S au ms.1ae le felt hé ulî net even have a stff a nything te Ray te thé public. The dispisys expected: were in midiaké uhen théerein bégen tstlRom lî atuke a1n as . rec1uIt et thé accident,________e. Primary. te fal About this time the engins be.- b Chîtake The bo, afte callng louly "ma No.1-llustrated stores by ulount 'gan te halk. sa li Thé boat ter ewa ladIn aouig 'and h o- .tprcl)sts d figures In paper cuttings ' Thé launch had ne covéring and the stanted ton Graý qlake to Dr. Palmer. ,een discontinued iîy thé peetoffici- o Ca mdln.hav onorofri pe I yD n ing Aftoruu No3-Weavlng. cusd the bottera et théIlittie boat toieu.DN ae lt se heppened thet. as thé drivr uei'artnient. it was seilkit iaorlth N 4-Basketry. hé covered wt111er1T- eemd u ras eWalleras iassed thé néat tarm eouth, thé Gm -er the "<o cent lettér itami, thsî1 No'. 5-Construction verk 011cr flian tebae he ffctet killg' héen- -- i. LCncesson LofliUCe.--- Jas. T. Rayes F. W. Co*;k Augua Hoebehace Corn eEarl& 5&,uav 3AINS IN USED PIANOS Make K re il Behning Yeoman Schulz i -Ebo -Mahc Wood Prlcewhen new ialnut $300 >ized $350 Black $175 rgany $250 Sale price n ow $165 -$175 =$75 -$150 Make Wood Pi Iienning - Oak Deutzer Bros. Walnut Yeoman M Oak Hobart M. Cable - Oak 'rice when ncw $275 $225 $300 $300 Sale price' now -$150 -$175 -$175 -$200 Make J. & C.- Fischer A Story & Camp Wood Price when new labo- $400 gany Rose- wood $250 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Ail of -these Pianos are in good playing order, and are positieÇI for sale at prices quoted. tJsually pianos quoted at the above prices are "sold" when you*cail, and then you are urged bo buy aI new one. If you find any one of these pianos sold on the same day the "ad" is in the paper I will forfeit $10.00 f rom the price of any of the remaininq uns 'old instruments. This ought 10 prove that I have the pianos and mean business. EARL G. ALDEN $5.00 Monthly, No Interest, Buys Any Piano in this Lot 114 No. Sheridan Phone 395 Rd/ 1fNSPI N Hb'14 No. Sheridan K -A D N"S IAN'S,,:OP Phone 393 Wi1I show Pianos any evening i you wIllpoereiec 154- M Sale pric ROW -$1 ff ms ----Qom what seemefi an lntermtlnabl the members ofthe Dellwood Clubu ticed thelr plight and went to thet it sistance. They were none tee iI for It would neot have taken much mné to sink the littie crut t. It so happyfl that there was nothing on board Vh could be used ap a baIl. ang Powder sIts Stren"gth ecan of K Ca"longe s worth of other bakmng ýno matter htbw Iongit t t the bottom the Us jst as good as the firat. *ie nicest, Iightest biscuits, astry you ever ate, and it d pure and wWoesome. PednwmkIe. un K C Ever H.Ud en the, lShore R PARADE ila.Slmhl.e Coin. nantes. beliles ee, Daue, Ke»o-ý cauge, Etc. cou ami Evaulu Reete. Other Sporlu. donsfe 1otSale, Apy- maný diAionest persons succeeded ln i .