Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Aug 1913, p. 5

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ri 4ver heI &#? plotai boliag miikanbd Cookl gentil tilil suootb; ad ans@by ans the bi.isa yolko t itisce. ee: beat veli sud ada epcopi icîtra cioppeti. or pul tbrongli thement grîntier; soaso vlth mat ta taste ane1foIîlthe iistff vhite. 0f the Pm; pit &ailolto Wel. butteretiMillte souide, anti bake tventy Minute@ lu a tîut aven. - J49 ELI' TRIGÇS 'aw "qitl ..mhpuickg PHONES 25 AND 3 "EFveryvthingË For Men" We have beteu workîig for a number of years with that îiottq), for it expre*seq our aini-to make otir store a place wiîere mn may find everythii.ig ueedful inthte way of hab1iîîîentt. Everytbiîîg to elothe the man front head to lieéi. inside and out and for every occasion, and it is a matt',r of personal pride thaf we bave always made quality the prime factor ini our goods. We want to gie you the best quality, the best service and the best prices, so that whenever you soes that littis inotto of ours you will know that it means ,,THE BEST 0F 'Everything for Men." J. B. Morse& Co. ÉV!RYTIIING !FOR MEN: TELEPHONE 14. IBERTYVILLE, ILL Any Tirne You Gçt Too Hot JustStop and Think of No. 47 Order Your COAL While it us Dry. Libertyville Lumfber Comlpanly Oown by lthe OId Depot. Phone 47 Sesi Hoe 2 0 ur,. E WlE VOU WANT THE BSESTi UY Elses' Blue Ribbon, Buttr- *This Otter is the .Finegt aid lest Dlils Made. i Paoked expreaay for CORLETT & FRI3DE BIR---EFSII -r Oea Flow 11flor &.lioeh. calied on Jh Ç olr f 4asUpeh. wualllÈng Boeimi ro. bore are attending the NOeRsaTY Countv Fair at Woodutock tiism wek. Mir». M. W, Hulibard lae pendlng a couple af weeko wlth ber sous, Edward 1). and Rtay L. biers.. Tbe greenhoue yl have a reft tent on Frair Groucuda. Oonmlu. jou are velconse. Loule Dieti of Cicogo, called ou Liberty ville friende Monday enroute &0 Fox Lake, wliere leie vOl@pend tht week. Mr. and lira. E. H. Corlett and littIe daugliter »peut Suaday and MoRday witb relatives andi friende la Chcago. Mir and MArs SBert Hamilton and lirm. Paul of West Pullman. Aich.4 are spending the week with Mir. and Mirs. J, B. Morese. Sir. sud Ir@, W. Ai. Whlgaîn andi chîltren of Chicago. are spedio* this week wîtb lMt. Wbigam's parente,lMr. andi Mr@. Wm. Whifiai. We have the flet niellons thle year w, ever grew ansd &be.y are ripe andi ready for delivery uow. CatI at the boue. ROBELCT Ei.î.ie The Clover Cincli club were royally entertaineti at the houme ofUlie cavlck Tbursday of lest week. Reiehinents wpre served and a very enjoyable tiue wae had. R. 15 Uodfrty sud lefer. tirs. M- Sanîara and *on Kenneth of Grayeflake, acconîpauîed by Ilise Emmua Turner and fieuds, vjsjted iu our cîty Sunday and attended churcl ibers. There wîll he danciuging tht new auditorium Wedneeday, Thursday and Friday nighte o! lair week. Music will be furniebeti by Hapke's orchestra. Watch for bille announcing thtevent. Hormais. Ella and (jertie Morris of Sharon, Wie., John Buckley of Bloit, Wîe., and Gertrude Gibbons of Green Bay. W, , drove over in their auto andi are vlitlng their ant, lire. Jas. IB. Mock.1 J. B. Morse anti Chares F. Smale, Jr.. took in the Beloit, Wîe., and Woodotock Fam, WednW.ay lan the interet@ of the apeed program, sud concessions a% the Lake County Fair neit. week. Judging frain tiI reports thee twu depart- mente at tise far this year wllI eclipse ail tirerious efforts along thiolines. Fred Allenma of Tacoma, Waah., John Alembuaofai ilwaukee and Peter Alleman of St. Charle, Ili., were callsd bere the fore part of tbe week liy the critlcal IliAnes of their mother, Mrs. Fred Alleman. Br. Peter returned ta St. Charles 1I ut§s jawills Fred anti John wyll remaîn lndefiitely. lire. Alleman, Sr., ba& been eufferîng from a severe attack of ptoinaiue poleoniug but ai preflent le reportei convalescent. Lat wesk Thuraday was pieic day1 lu sarneer for Libecîyville. Mire. Paul1 liacGuffln Suuday echool clame, the Episcapal choir and ueniers of the Alpha lub andi their fansilieal enjoyed 1 picole ou the beach at Lake Bluff. Tbt Alpha club temmeti their eveut a moon- light pieute anti coru toast. Each fonction wa@ a dfeideti succeeeanud ail wbo participateti itît amply repalti. GIRLS. WANTEI) for puttingtup Fould& Macaroni andi Spghetti package, place work payiug fromn $7.50 ta $10 per week. Oely American girls employed. MlII guaranteeti $6 50 lier week ountili morre le earned; liglit, alry work raouts,1 pleasant boardlng bouse wlthie few minutes .ealking distance froni factory. Rooni and board 1$3.50 per wepk. Factisry located at Libertyville. 111. AtidrfesTi&FouLDe MILLIN OMiPANiY, Lîbertyville. Ill., gtvingr businees anti pereanal ff*frence. c.45-5ý LIFE INSURANCE. Aw 'reha e ellýam, gi.e OUtueu We«"ywso&la winiW" to wistm for a iii poieq, but Do cban tetogiou.. AN ORN Dweilci Manager Oid ColoUourelusuace Co.span office la secbk flhsk For Fire anid Lite Insuranceý eresabemamoisleh oing fait. 51be0mtuoCc 1.25 et ElIevorth's.1 L B. Grs et katiocli, vas a Liberty- Ylilun viisMier Monday.4 Gsi 7o on Your ionsy. Meredith Ploie., @smble W.,. vtiry . John Nais.tend KiemDoilieRackln of Cbkffl.@Mt iaay wtit . and Mr@. M. IL WlUI&mh eoll.a r una. Orcus at Wankfaa attraeled a lbiral patronage Iotrei i clty Widnesday. Botter lavot wliere You get gaod1 Incomns an your inaney. Greenhouse stock guar&nbm s70, W. E. Davis and J. A. Trepto.. took la the McHsntr' Oounty Fair at Wood. (stock Weday. Tise biles.. astba anti Minai Volling anti m AIma Polie were Libertyvîlle catîes Thnrsday of lait week. Mr. and Une. Lesie Hubir anti sonà anti lir. Marie Gorsage f t. jt ot Milsl., are spendleg the wpvk witi AMr. anti Ars. Ganiel Lee. lit" Eva Colline of Daveriport, Iowa,1 anti Mise Dorutliy Danse , Syrauîmore, Ili., are vlslîlng est tht hoîn f Ir, anti Mir. W. I. Coluse. As we go ta prose we harn of tht death ai Charles B. Smith froin heartE trouble itom wbhhoise ail hein ufferiegq fora longûtAi.. Obitnar.vini.twtk.1 R. W. St.affordt its veek piru.hai§ed at finie saiîe hors.oi,C SDurtîiIt lne r,îror,.d liepurchasedthe i. mal for thet use of lits daugliter LeAlovui. A Fard roatister weat flato the tiItcn1 Juet soutli ai HaIt Day Sunday nîgt,& tht front wlitel beiag broken but thet occupaets evldently escapeti betng1 Iajured.1 L'et Saturday Mrt. aedtAiri. 'N. W.E Burris leit for Plattevill,. 'V,, to vîsîtt thtir parents. Mr. Bernie returneti Mou-. day whileIsiMr. Bornrisriiainedl for ai couple of week.. Lesr, week Tisnraday the J mnianti1 Austin familles helti their aanuîna picairý at tht olti Dyinond honuerteat et Lake Zuiclh. They vers eearty alilther. suamît1i to uake k lirlef enjoyedti teunelvee tok tht very ntmost.t Tht St. Lawrence Episcopînt churecl@i beieg treate tu1 a newr coat o1 paint1 which le a tiecideti improvemeut anti1 atde iuaterlly talite appearauce. Theo reitiece o! Dr. C. R. Galiowey le being1 treatetInleaelikemamener. Mir.anti Mmt. W. Win Wrght oai-St. Louie, vietteti Satnrday.uigist anti anoday vush their parenteslitre. Ltte Mise Kaiherine reisirneti home vlth thenu a(ter spending a coupla ai mantils witb lier gransiparente. A mnotion for a new trial ie the cage ai Jahne1IL Stroseidor, aliegedt,)t have swietilet Dr. William T. Ktrby. a private benker. ont QI 120,000 by a "wlre-tapplng' game, vas continueti on Saturtiay ta Aug. 30 by Jutige Wiedee ta tht Criminel court, Chii- cago. Mra. C. J. Davits, wtte af Dr. Davis af Deerfieli, tileti Wetnesday at ber home there and we, but-ted ffldey, .%irs. Davis 'eas about 30 ycare aild anti caine frout ('illcathe, 0.. before lier marriage wi. bh occurreti three years aga. She hati been stck for saine tîme, Dr. Davis but no a cltdren survivet. WEEK a LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOISN When You Corne to the Lk County Fair, the first thgyou~ do cail at The Meredith Flower and Vegetable Tent, and rest, and at the lme time look into oint stock. proposition, then go away a richer man after having bought stock ini this best of ail investments. No* b. fair with yourself and look into the propit You are stealing from yourseli if you don't take vantage of this sale. This stock will soon be Act while the notion prompts. The Mleredith Flower and.V~ m ENISMRCARRIES, MIOR1AR IN ORKNR TO RUSh TEEWOR -osetga#proxtseaa.y p"0,000.and huma, ultbout question on. of lb.fInst chantA*atdilaAntAle panI aithe elste was ddicatsd on Snnday, Auum 24, an excoedinorir appropriais progracs bari.g boen areanged. Hany aut-of- lova spuakers wvespromusud nde a visole tles dslcaîion W&$ quit. ansplo. leu.. The mercheraeta the congtlon. u1ho ane Mid telis the oldst MeUs- odist eoclety ln the county, ove mucli ta their pastor, Rev. W. U. Wýhlpple. No man bas taken a greater tuterest and no man coulti bave dont more ta mesure the suc- ceea of tht work iliat lielias dans. Fron tht very tiret lie assumeti a general superintendcy af tht work. He,ntatie vaduahle suggestions when the plans and specificattons wtt-e sulimitteti; wlen the firet atone ln the foundation was laid ln place lie was an tht poli ta ese that It was laid properly; when tht cornerstout laid ami an elaborate ceremony, lie an hanti tao ofer a sincere pray- er. ENery day lie bas been on the inb frora earlY untîl late. Htelis, Fuperinttnded tht work of iaylng each brick and tone upon tacli oth- er. Ont miglit aay truthfully that Le m'as tht hardest worklng man on! tht job. And tht, doe not appiy Tnerely to the matter of directingj tht labor, of the other men. Wbe'i the force of laborers was àmallihe lias flot been av.erse to pttchlng la anîd tiing manual labor la order that there mîglit be na delay. H- has even goat so for as ta carry morttr fer tht stone and brick ma- sont. There le flot ont mlntsttr la ten thousanti aho would have abown sucli an Interet tln tht work. Tht nîejority would have consldered It toc, fer ieueth their dîgntyNot z0 wltli Rt.. Wlpplt and tht resuit 1P, that lie ha, endeared himnstîf more than ever with tht members or its congregation who have heen b hown what a spîtaditi type of man tbey have for a ehepherd. Not only lias Rev. Whtpple watched tht construction of the churcli fron tht tirst ta tht vtry last but lie aise has arrengeti tht dedlcatory pro- grain wliecl coulti fot have been in- proveti upon. -. A full detaIlatiaccoutithe dedicatory services whicli endeti Tlureday eveaine too lais for thîs week, willlappean In au r nez t vsek. Notice I intenti opeuiug a private kîntier. gartne iis fait. ADY information rela- tire ta it May lie obtaineti upen application. p-49-1 KATIS CAEROLL LI BIERTYVILLE'S First t Novelty Store JOHN LESTER, Prop. Wtii lis snany attractife department of Novelties and 5 and 10c Go"d now effets At, patrons thse opportunity b te mie ligh Grade Music. if neot in stock wîil cedtr. Save postage and gt tlithe. mhe Mcinley Edition of Ton CaimuNwa eSciaitir. GOAL. & -,FEU£,î TlIEY ARE RIGIIT. Home Lumber Compati of Libertyville. Autu= in snaturaly the Urne for rp.lI' houuehold .uppllss and w, ane now PartfoUO* w-eU equipped te 1MI1your W a n t s9t»thhsUmm O SHEETS-s8lx9O inches, ruade of strong, neamie., inalerial, tue- and benanedtach ............................ IM SHEETS-8lx99, tiéis i a poPuiar nunaber on accounni of extra Iongth, made juet 111e the above, esoh.........5 SHEETS-* bed six., 63190 incites; if in ueed of titis size yoI find tient atgaine at ............ ..... ............ 45 inch CASES ta matchi these eheets, tachl.............. 1 We are already reoelvmng many of our new' a XaterihM MsW'e11as Biankets and ob ~iold Gosan ould be greaty pleasel have you ume them. DON'T FORLGET THÂT WB CARRY A FINM XI 0F GROCERIESALSO, AT oui SOUTH aTOll W. W.- Carroll & Sons Go,,, 2-STORES-2 1 .1- NORTH- STORE PHIONE 29 SOUTH STORE PIIOMM i Iu canmp et Loîic Lake thie week are the folowing mu-jîthre a! Lîiertyvilit Troop No. 1 Boy ScouteofaiAmeica: 1ev. Ed yard S.White. scout aoter; Mark Ellsworth. asitant scout master; LucisanEllsworth, Howard Flagg, Russuil Flagg, Josepbi Hener anti Oscar Pierce. 1ev. White le@ta"Dg tepecial intereot intht boy scout movennent iu LibertyvlUe and ti@teta b. apet iei efforts viliibe crowned viii tiec lit iof BUCCes. Prebyterian Services 10:80 a. th. mornîng service. Oubjeci 'Tise Christian@ Race." 11:45 a. me. Bible Scisool. 6:45 p. ms. Christian Endeavor. 7:80 p. ms. eventng varebip. Subject "A Wamau's Faili'* Vitore alwaya weicume. H. M. ALLBUET, Pastar. liandeese Lightniumc houp Cure for sale iy ail tiruggisle. 50c and $1.00 per battis. c.25-tf St. Laurence Episcopal Ohurch Bey. EDWÀiîa B. WHITR, Puit liorning Prayer 10:30 &a . . sunday echoal 11:30 &a. w Viitoa are alienys velco.. Working For SalaI8àéj. We otten hear teachers,- clerks and othMu who work for salaries say that it la Do nu for them to opea abatik accmt. If louu OpKSO esat up ail your salary It la only one more rmn- son why you should have a batik account. At the end of the month your checks wti, show Ion where every penny weut. When you look.hei over you wlll aee where you could bave @av04ý a littie here and a littie there. Each Mogu- you will save a little more and wi.l1 soon naim bank account to be proud of. Our batik alwJ lias a warm welcome for young people wfth their first depoeit. We know it means much to theai. Lake County Nation~al 'Ben LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profite, $95,000.00, WE SOLICIT A SIARE Of YOWS P AT RO-N A GE Get Our Prices on

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