Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 10

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»MlET SEWER MAN MOR LEAVING A BIG SEWER UNCOVERED Coblninssioner Dietmneyer Made out a Warrant for the Ar- rost et Ttios. McCugô. M~OUISES OTHER ARRESIS. Test et Water Mains on Satur- day Showed Manv of Themn And lad Leaks in Themà. Thomnas NcHugb of Joial, vhbas c4arge of William Maran and Cou- V.ays vork In 'North Chicago and Waukmgn, bas bat a warrant evora ok $or hi. armet by Connssloner J. J, Dtetmeyen on a charge of bav'lag lefi anuatre lock oft tibh unpro- tacted by llgbts on ltidgeland avenue several nighla agen. The warrant vas av(orn ont before Police Magistrats Walter Taylor. "Il vas only a short lime ago vhen a man tel] in an open ditch that this saine campai» had dug n North Chi-1 efna," salti Comlinsioner Dielmayer. ** arned MnIr. Mchugh to observe more care ta the way he protecleti opnditches but apparently lie-pro- I~dd to forget il. At any calte he le h an entîre biock ot dtch unpro- lecled on Ritigelanti avenue. JJust Imagine vbai voulti have happancd had ane of our fine vagons got Into tis dltch. Saveral of our iremen mighl have been killed. If a borne and buggy hail fahen ino the ditcb the city would have heen held re- spoasîhle. You may say for me liat arfte tuli he matie every Urne ve Bad these unprtected open ditcber. 71». practice ban bean somevhal oluoninthIe at anti it vas lime litau a exemple vas matie of some- Leakei n Mains. (M -Eetuiitay Corniissloucr Diet-1 àeYer testeti vater manls that have uMa bean laid by Mforan and Company. At a resuit of Ibesa hlgh pressure 10.11< aine Icak e ve .founti on Wil- Iha iom . tva on Ridgland ave- z»e. twenty-four on Xblrs, avenue r to n:cnColaoaealth aven',» ll t streets. la lthe pet hbas bean the practice te test thase vater maina by turning M lire pressure but Iis han ont Proved very onataactary because suf- *cleat pressure could ual ba secured ta ive the main a thorough tryout. tIýP panov fallo-ved ti .1fLtbe J*wl w ater andi then etluch a 5bI LPressure pump ta il .a s a it of vbich a pressure of oue bundreti iti ,pounda co bqantatneti. Tist high pressure showeti leaks ta many of the points and tbey hati to bec ai.- ed over again. Commîssioner Dietmeyer expresses the opinion that much oftltht- ity vater ia batag lost tlîrough thousant", ai detaclive points iu tueront parts of tia etty. Al vater mains laid here ini future wiii have to stand a 150j Pound pressure vbfich wili show ans logisý betore the pipes are covereti DINNERS Td CARNEGIE K1119 Abert of eîguimmle Entertainer -Other Honora Shown. Braseels, Sept. 2. Kiug Abert of Maîlunt gave a diuner lu banor or Abdnrew Carnegie vbo arriveti here frôns the Hague, vbere ha hati et- tandati the opcnlug of the palace of peace. Sevenai othen entertalnmenta have beau arranget In honor of m. Cannetla by mn-tbera of the cabinet .4<1 vminusPeas-e socinties. Pin. car- negie yul be the guenalof Thenoar ltgrhurg. the Amerîcan ministon, While ha su in the *City. tAbetter job ? 'ce-of the Most inter- ewta patrons of the mq îi L e cal6ig &y (dyhugh these 1 VISCOIJNT HALDANE jLord -iIgh Chancellor of Brit- in Prnluus the Ujnited liIe. DIES IN FIGHT WITH HIS SON William Pice, Formelçr Sheniff, Meets r-'. eath et Rsvi w, l. Rushbn le. md. - . ~.Williamn Prit-e. sb>tyyears aid. former sheriff of Rush county sud uarshaI of this city,. is deati as a rensut ot su alter- cation with is son. Erbie, agedt Ien- ty-live. in Iis City'. The son is being held pendlng an In- quest. Prit-e sud bis son. wbo lives In Fort Wayne andi vbt bas beeu vis- ItIng bis tather for a week. met in front oft bisfathers drug store anti ho- camne invoived inl a quarrei. Siectators say the ftbîer pusheti bis son off bbe sitievaik. The son et once retalieted. il te oereti. lu>, ttking is father a biov on the neck. The tather vas knocketi to the siewaik. and the authorities are ual certain whether it vaî the blov or the fait shlch causati hie death. DOUSTS "RYAN'S" IDENTITY MacLa>, Hoyne. Chicago. Vis-"Frank Ryan' in Grand Rapide JaIS. Grand Rapide, IMich.. -a&-. have doubla about the Jean urrasted et M9umegon betng Frank Riyan. bead of the 'seer trust."'" said! Stata's At- tarney PiacLay Hoyne, ot Chicago. ater be hi seen the clairv oyant et the counity jsil. where ha lg heit! for fetieral authoities. Witnesses trou Chicago are on the vay In attempur to Ideutit>' the man. 'Ri-an' la morose anti gioomy. On bbe advIce noftDr. <Charles E. Ilooker. tederai pht'stuian. he bas bnen denieti ail trugs. but 1<. helng gisen a veak solution of oplates. He refuses to est. Methodint len ta, Mccl Nov York, I1--. ---The national convention oft!tnhotiust me o beh bel In Induilanapols Oct. 281 to 31 ls the Irst nvt-nt of ils kind In !tletho- disiu. 1< has neser bt-en undertaken herore itocatittogthn-r <bren- thousanti deicgatet minîsters anditap'men In iequat otimbers froun-i ury an-ilIon of the country to put hefore thn-m the missionery wvurk of the ilethodist Etiscopal church. TH1E MARKETS Chîcago Cssia Grain Quotallona. Wbaat-No. 2 rn-t. 89%@ 8ilc; No. 3 et.d, Ou51< No. 2 bard s inter. 887(ffle. No. 3 bard vinter. 964e 9714r; No. t northern spnlng, 92ît93c; No, 2 northern aîînlng, 90ïl1 %c; No. 3 spring. 88,izqCk. Corn-No. 2, 7414 «75c; No. *- shite, 75Il5?Àr; No. 2 y eitov, 7O75~ ats No. 2 white, 4IlMlt24c; No. 2 whitn-, 40%@ 41%c; standard. 4ll'.4414tc. Chicago Live Stock. ranged t a 8itu9 light shippens, $ 3>1861hnavy shippers, $7.70C8.00 beavy parking, suit $5.75&@8.50 gond to choit-e igs. Cattle-Recelpîs 1,50A. Quotaions rauged ti I1.8c29.5ihoieto prime steere.s, 6 5715 choiet-e10prme beef t-ove, S. (-b 3 oit-e (o prime helters. and $12.OU 12.25 goodti t prime veal calses. Shoop Receilits i0b0bO. Qootations nangeti at $7.751ï8.25 gond la prime1 tamba, -'. i ) r6.15 goo t t cholce iandy Yearling&, $4.6OC749f)goodtbo1 choit-e vethers,, anti $4.26Q4.75 goond ta Cholce evea. butter. Jobbing prit-es on 8auth Water st.- 'rnamery, etra. 28c- per lb; extra. firots, 1U 4 q,2'. ; fIritte.25%c. priete retail riuut. l0C.eiey xrt rataIt ritRade 30aer,/ Tuk>.Lise Poultry. Tukyper IL.. 18c: chickens% towîs. 14c;. roovens, tb%/c; sprngm< j7c; duo t.s, 1.en-nse. loc. EstsB uffalo Live Stock. Dunn1lug & Stevens.,I.ise Stock Coma mission %Mcrliants, 8eaat ,jfab . y, quota as oltin s uutii iieliits 6 cars; marlitln-le' îî«gsfleceipte go cars; muiet tlc i<i5t'n. bnas>'. $popti:Yonkers. [ig3<51~;pts $90 S .5 5<i. l-i.1>:!()toi marketl laier ttis)is îî îs.i .2 Yualinga.1 O ctiuu%2j 05--',;oses,.bC00baes .p V y 3.00. ~] LIKI~4tTII~ ______ ~41 -k l]i#EtP "lM01V E.Who Seen form 1he Batter>, HALE GOES TO WASHINGTON On Iil. ArfflOi There I-e WiII Lay the Mesieun Situation $alors Presîdant Wilon-H. laeti1111Hapeful Thot Pouce Efforts Wii Utimetely ns Crowned wlth Succes.. Mexico City, Aug. 50-John Lied, Speoinl envoy ot President Wilson, ftnrasbed the one big myetery of the ~Mexcan situation. No one vas more peuhd than attaches of the Americaix embassy wbo bath confidently expect- 'et Mr. Lind te arrive bere earhy ln the. day trou Vers Crus asid again talcs up the negotiations wlth the Huerta admilnistration. lie talied t oarrive at the time set. Tt was a gi-et disappolntment to Nel- son O'Sbaugbnessy. Arnerican charge d'affaires. It vas O'Shaughuessy and not the Mezican gos ernment that calcd hMr. Uind bock ta this city. Il vas said by a man in clo§e touch Vit 4ýg~lca.side <f the negotia- 2. L>da< lê.hot returh 04-~ r-W uF resigned nd tram prenant indidations Huerta villi neyer resiga. Hai*efltaite for Washington. Williamn Bayard Hale, vbo bas becs assisting Mr. Lind. embarketi on the Maorra Catite bWord Uine steamer,l Intending la ratura lumediately be Washington te lay the situation b.- tare Preident Wilson. Washington, Aug. SC.-With Preei dent Wilson on bis vay 1n bis Bute- mer houa lu New Hampshire and Seretary Bryan on the Chaubauqua circuit, the bMexiran situation. so far as the Wanbington endi vas cancern- ed, ilaet a standnblil. Oas of the mont lntaresting develop. mnents ofthbbcday vas bhe Informa- tion containet Inbunofficiai dîspatches troum Iexico City that a raferenca ta possible Intervention vas contained ini the warnings telegvaphed by the state department at Wenhington teaial con- scier agents ln Mexico. This warn- Iag or set of Instructions was sent out lmmedlalely aiter Preaident Wil- son had proclaimet iei new policy of Tâtolation bavard Mexico. The varn- Ina tg nov baing carrtcd by couriers te ait parts of Mexico vhere lunac- cessible by vire. Acordilng taelte Mexico Çty dispatches, the official vsrniug cuntainedt Iis sentence: "You canvey te the authorities the Indication that any maltreatment of Americans vouid ho hikeiy te raina the question oaIintervention." TAKE NEW TACK ON SUJLER Investigation to Be Made ai Direct Prlmary Campaign Fund. New York, Aug. 30.-Goveroor Sul- er wiii be attacked trou a nov angle vbeu the Fravley camittea re- sumea ils bearlngs ai the city hall neil Wednesday. The committee vili try to lidout about the money vhicb friandsa of Governor Suizer ralsed to, @ 1925. by Amnertean Preis.ABseeisa.U Dy ' mmmlng tir e <tc attery. lenlis York. <e Sandy Ilook, a dîimiace of <Cea-1 th-tv. miles. lu 1h01.55 hoites snd tbirty-9 elaht minutes Comtdre Alfred E- Brolra oft he Amtenîc- D<1 e Ssvlng Society hba9 .tabILlsked hie rtgttathe i,.champion àmvimmer or Ame,-h>1 Sc,,een or atteuipte bave baimmade b>' tht- best »vlanlers la the~ eCI te ope,-fornm hi regt. and Comd. but fhthi wtc b- le ht1 beau.. deton ht< arnoi Ssndy HooStheb. mlmmer. Ww m ntob Wlthl& H.aed that hele iIttc . v.- yt lie la ownfla th. pist. sIlh bh11 ti cdaughter. G ~North Chcag<ù. SERIE$<QF ROBBIRI!IN CMy SUIWAY 1ORIJN6 A mont daring place of robiner>' took place ou the South side Saturday evening. iPour or live houses verei entered anti nobbed-an negr as caq be tound ont between 2 and 4 o'cbock Sunday uoanlng. Tbey firaI. enlered the bouse of JoeEPricapo vbere $12 lu mouey anti a suit of etothes vere taken. The>' then vent ta an Italinu famil>' near by and took a pair af sboes anti a butqhar kalfe. Theknife vas atterwerds found under a tra near b y. They then entereti the home ot Mike Hart. wiere as fan as knoav anly 85 cents were taken. The next boutse entereti vas tat of Cypron Janaus. vhere the blggest havi at ail vas made-$4.i anti a suit of ciothesi The>' then vent ta the bouse of Wil- liam Lipke, vbere they prieti off e strn-en trom the vlndov, but titi 001 enter* Prom here they vent to the boue of Stanley Zagata anti took $7 ln morte ' and a jacrk knife. Thc police have beau unabte ta get anyrlê tiow1 thp robberies so fan. Il is1,obn-inpd ty Boone to be somt' nlt otovo parties Who came bn-ne to Malte a haul tiuriog the iabor Day celebration. beip him In bis figbb for direct Prl- Tht- North Chicago Cardinale tdn-- mories. Speclficeiiy il vanta to featet a <Chicago tbn-mu <>byte score ot knov about the mone>, anti bow it eau 9 tao ( at bbe 141h atreet gratintis Sun- spant. dli!. The tiret vituens probebiy wcul be L. (7,<Camp otfÇGarrett Biblicai ln- Herbert Labuan. Inenurer of the sitttocuipîn-tithe rutlpit at the vayo ndtimeans committceaof th" etheIodintchuncb Suii<tv lu the ab- oomuittee ot the 100. vhicb vas or- senc-e ofr [ee. Stodgbili. vho la on hi" ganiiedti tasupport the gavrnors pi-sacation Maryr4mPi»LHe ad oher em- Mn. and Ntrs. lames Sayitr arce n- mry ahlave H. anti othr me u- tertalning îrs. Sayer's ftnr, motb- bers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . aaeba ubon .nn sd lîrnther trou Indiana. Thn-v drace throttgh ln an automobilie ist LOWTARFF UTSTHECOST Eatiîrday. LOW ARIF CUT THENorth <'it-go, von bath of the bail gantes at the park yestn-rday. Th" ftepres.ntatlve Klnkald lournishes In. score of tht- gaine bebveen North formation on Meut. <bitat-o anti Kenosha vas 9 to 3 ln Wenbngta. Ag. 0.- preîctan ur favor. Waabingout Au. 3.-Aproletol Mn. Frank TurneIl of <'hicagn anti that tha Democrtirt- tenU lac piaciug 7isEm uaet ?NrhTlaa mont on the re ilet cil! redut-e the Wab . spent Bonda>, vitb Mn. and cost otfliving so fer &E that comuoti- Mrs. George Nelson of South Park lty vas concernati vas mada lu the avenue. bouse b>' Representattive Klnkatd of Mrs. William Nelson anti chiitreti, New Jersey. George anti Marion, reburnati Sattîr- Mrn. Kinkaitiilied avidence in sup. day eveulng troam Virginta, vbare port of hl& contention iu the foru ar thay bave been spantiing the summner. a ltter trou George C. Enget. e New Mise Margaret iRobingon, sîster or Yoi-k commision merchant. Mr. En- Mmr. Nelson, amoowaniedti Ibo. gel saiti thet h betaî recently Import*d The Uttla boy of South Pânit 460 hindi 01 beatf represeutiug a avenue bati bis noue broken by being bi ht with a base bal aI the baIl gae tblng 1k. 100,000 pountis of the Proti- fundey et tbe i4th street grouatis. uct, andi thet be had disposed of lb et He vas taken houe b>, sauva of the about on. anti oaa-baIt cants haiov playersq anti Dr. Tole>' vas cahiadti t the price.olffti. dometic product andi reduce tbc fracture. bcd mades a reasouable profit. Miss; Mercedes Neahians teft, Yee- ______________ ertic tor SterluIn.I, vhama e ein angagedti ta bach lanbina prinarl' DIPLOMAT AND WIFE PERISH graes fer the carnlng year. North Chicfe ag e noassured of Former Spanleh Consul'» Colleotion bathlug hasch anti pier. 01to-boIt Or the proceeds of the énatIra Fost lx tu Are AfIoo Lest ln OPiantea, go for Uhn purpone andi alo hie pro.- New York, Aug. 30-Don Hipaitto cactis tram Iba stands mun h- thé Uniarbe, iget i eghty-two, former Span- badins' Ltbrary club andtihie mon o? lsb consul at Nov Yonk. end bis agedth te Prognesa cluib anti the businèse v&Ite peishedinluaefine bere.. Thou- men of the tçwa. Mn. Senkievici sentis of souvenirs, books anti pavne vais unable ta state Juet boy inucli fIle I'lat bai cliecetidurng , vs mati eat tbnehre stands rua b> (ba1tUit'e ans o lite vr. d te- the clubs of the city but It; vili b! Pastfify yareof bs lre erede-announceti Inter. etroyed PMns. F. >,. Dayoa anti chîltiren ara A match accidcntally tirnppet IIlabo exetd ta arrive lu North Chicago a pilie ot papcrn startati the blaeeilu(rou Mtchigan totiay- Uriartes apartuantlun(Cuitrai Park. Carl Buseb von tiret prix. lu bbe W/stat lie ves irappeti lu theaomu200 yard swiiung content anti Hd- of bis binxlng ineesaaimni- anti burnét-u 10srti Drury second. T4@u are bath dee ahHie vite, ber eî'>îhing afrin Nanbh Chicago boys. Tih. reeult vas un a surprise 10 the jutigos. as qîjiteia jîuipc <I tutuaecourt) ard fouir slorles nunntnr or saliA boys voreln bbc beIcs cuti cas kieti, content. LINJCWTY Mexteafi overiwnelWifiIng ta Do Ail In Nes Power for Cordial Under- standing-Htierta Barni from Can- didey.>bMesionn Constitution, It 14 Aklieged. t ti ti t ti t t Compsany. CROWN FOR MANUEL'S BRIDE Munerchiai Compaign In Portugal »&- gun ln London. London, Aug. 29.-il vas lesanu thgt an active monarchial caupalga looilng t0 the racover>' of Portugal for King Manuel I. baing directati tram, offices la Oxford stncet, Londion. the ide& being. if lb ia possible, ta tire- sent Manuelsbride vitb the onaua a vedilg gitt. Hia zeabous frientis have sîreati> sent aver a blaiof earth tram Portu- gai no that Manuel ut>' stand on the lanid ot hi& fathera vben married next uanth. Ack Divorce After 48 Tenre. Washington, Aug. 29.-Ssude1 Jin- kOas, a civil ver veteran, aeatlng the se'reuty-live yosnrnmank, aller tr>- eight Yeats o aimr riail lte, ba Sied< suit tor a divorce trou bie vité Pou- AnJinkens, vbo. ha says, ra Mi ave>' trouthe gremiseos anti compel- lad him toaelet» la bbc suokehouse. Tho>' bave Ive povu cildrea. Aneihcr %WýIteon Victhry. ýWeslngîop, Aug. 29.-A4cohien vie- tdý for Ptestdemit Williaùvs raecorti- ea vben lthe cancus of thé boulse Deii. oerits adoptaS tbe adminisotretidn bankiai' anti curnencY bli bi a vote ot 160 ho 9. The finalI-ote arnounteti to s couplets roule of the Ineurgent*, wbo had aucceeded .in holding lie bill la caucus for neani>, tbrée e eks. Miss Nort adigof thie Globe la enjoylng ber anzrugi vacation. liern Yager bas returned trou a Vino veekbl' viuit wfth &tned and relative. àpent at Bristol, WWs Mien Mayue Kelly ot Chicago speat1 Labor Dey vith ber aunt, Mm, Neeley of North West etreet. Sam Bootiann1lesuffering vitb a épralned angle at bis home. on Nortlh Park avenue. Mir. Gard has resumeatisi.duties si, tbe Globe store after spending a ira- cation. .Mise Ethel Dunn returned lent <iv. eniig tram an extended trip througb Colorado. Miss Eleanar Hartman ie vlsiting wltb trlends§ and relatives ln Chicago1 Heligte.. Mise Florence Kennedy returned last evening trou a veeks auto trip t0 Detroit, Micb. Miss HIlda Oranholm bas resumed ber duttes et the Globe departinent store after enjoying a vacation. Mns. Margaralha Kpehler Allernen.' 72 years old, a velI known rasillent ot Lîbertyville. passeti away Ibis morniag1 E. A. M'eyer andi tamily of St. Jarmes êtree« epant ffunday and Mon-1 day vthtbriends andi relatives in Chicago. Mies Ernliy Tonigan of Chicago apent. Hunday and Monday with ber parents on North Park avenue. The tuàéfal oai Charles S3mtth, a Weilt knoovoLibertyville liveryman. vas1 beld on Saturtiay afternoon. Misen Frances O'Boyle renunaed ber duti«e t tbe Lyon store Monday rnorniug afler enJoying a tva veeks' vacation at n' aLke. Mtr. aad lm. Richard P'agarty of M4wvaukee spant &unday and yeeter- day wltb thelr parents. lMrad Mrm Peter Nolan of Goesae atreet. Mms. Lawrence OMala of 316 South Sberiden road left today ta visit ber son lu Canada andi then to loin ber husbsnd ln New Jersey. Mr. and Mni. A. C'. Ward have re- turned borne trorn a vieit at Royal Onas.Mlch. They report a very pIes>- ant lime. Mien Marguerite Harbaugb of Ke- nosha, fle...spont Labor Day athe guest ot Miene Maria Weybe of Shesi- dan iioad Today vas typical Lîbartyvilie fair weel< veather, as It usually i. exîrernu- ly hot durbng the tour days that the fair laste. Herbert Roof; and brother. Charles, bave returned ta their bonme la the City atter enjoying a tan days' vIit In St. Peul, Duluth and %Onneapolls. Saverai molorcycles returning trorn a rua tmrn Bbeyboygan ta Chicago. pasati through Waukegan Monday aft ernoon. M. William flurrla. wbo han been vlslting ln the county tbe peut three weeks. bas returned ta bar homte on McKinley avenue. Misses Mille Oaks% and IÀ1lan Zage returned ta tireir houes iu Gro-A Park test evautng atter visiting vlth friande and relatives bers. liera Cruz. Aug. 29.--%Iohn Llnd..ljwI apaclal representatîve of Preaidenti Wilson, bas decidadtie1 retura to the capitol at once. This action sa due t0 the lit@note trou Soer Gamnbas, the Mexicau minister of foreig a @& fallu. This note la coauldoee4ta sceau th&& the Mexican geveraimsnt l4 willins tw 4o ail la lie pover 10 corne ta a cordial undenstaadlng. wllb the Unitedi States If umcb a tblng i. pos sible. ii wiii doubtîsess lakbomsou Uime for bath sides ta gai together and present thein idea. This wen a day of conterence at the Americea consulate bore and ilit as ai the con- clusion of tbe lait oae Ibat i wa annouaceed that Mr. Liud vaulti r4- tura to Mieico City at anc. Ilcen abc staleti that William Bayard Hale. the peraciaal lèprasentablve of Presi- dent Wilson, vanid lbave for Wasblng- ton an soon as possible ta present certain details ta President Wilson thers. There la grat maitisfaction imong tbe Lînti party over lte latent developrnenin ia theo situation. Amarleanu Wenl te Ste>,. Presideat Wllmonsa suggestion Lu bis mssage Ibat ail Anenicans leave the country islate caume of muc blbt- ter comment of the admlaistration among Americans ber*. Tiiese mon say tbey have &pont years la gstting establisbed businesse. boreanmd they de not 11ke the iieà of aving tu abandon them. Huerta Wante Steaue tStand. Huerta bas vithdrawn hie roquent for a neichange of ambasaors and asketi that the present diplomatie statua continue until alter the Mexi. cen electIons ln October. By nome tiat s as laterpretati as a coneusici A requst for recognition as the "doiw atitutional goverumeat ad Interins,' vhich vas coupled vii b.heproposai for an sîchange of ambanathors. vaa. bovever. Interpretd by many olalu" as a praclicsi relteratlon of lte orig- inal stand ot the Huerta governuent. Senor Gauboa. Mexican minlater of torela affaira, pointeild utthal the demand ot the Unitedi States for he ellmination of Huerta vould ha met by a provision of the Meican consti- tution, wbich uakes a provinioni prenident InelIgIble ta re-aisctiob. The Washaington govsrnmeal, bow- ever, desires assurances more deffnite. SON SUED BY MIeS. PULITZER Hoe la One of Trustees, She Aliegea. Treating Her Unfairly. New York, Aug. 29.-A dlipute ha- tween Mrs. Kate Davis Pulitzer and the executors and trustee« under the viii of ber husband. Joaeph Pulitzer. aven stock nov vortb $87,à00, vas dis- ciosed lu the suprerne court when bira. Pulitzer lileti ber anever to the suit hrought by the trustees for the ludicia construction of Mr. Pulltser's yull. The atturners la th.ecase have la- sstt icc lte action vas brougbt that the action vas entirely triendly and vas ot no Importance. but Mn. Puzlitzer'@ anuver shows that she b.. Uleves the trustees are net treatlng ber tairly ln several Important re. specti. The. trustees accused by MrN. Putitâàr are Gaorge L. Rives, J. Angue Shav, Frederink N. Judson, ber son Ralph Pulitzer ndulte Union Trai A girl vas boni te Mr. anti Mn. U C. Kraft on Grand avenue and Spauld. Ing corners on Saburda>'. Thea Hîke wlll give a concert tc, the publice t thé club 1gvn on Sheridan road Thursday evenlng. The naval sta- tion baud vilI furnlsb the mnuslc. -Mie Margaret Jobneqtt bas re- tù'nad ta Ibis cit>' atter speudlug the sommer ln Montana anti Hùdson, Wl.. lItre. A. C. Ward nas retornedti s ber' lime ou Aamh streét train a miop$h'a visitlu In fyal Osits, Miéh. M !r. and i-se: avNeuta of Wti- Iligmon alf stet rs vistini -it.% rala- tires et Watisvortb anti Taylor Grova. Artlur Wells of W. Washington Mmret bas relu-mati houe trous maonths' vlait Witb relatives la Can- ada. Aru O pierling or Boston, Menu., foruerly of this City tlA pend- iag the week lu this City end chieano. Mr. and MUs. Joseph Boodbout bave suaamel btahei bonne on Utica shtrft rou a woe.k'm ui n Detroit ]Ich. A u muanbon thlA uornlng tgNMr and Uin. 794uX4 L.. Spe09f Kprtb Bheidun 9Lsd.* lMt&. Boers val formerly UMos n*l poor. Mine Belle an#d aymoid Pîllifrut haie returned ta their horne on Wash. lagton %trout ftom a àweçk's ,vie witb thoir eloter la Grand Igl4de, TII. Tow wou.4's guild 0f« the Conaregtlà elalchrc wll hold a meeting tontOrrow afternon At the bome 0ore.MRoy Miller. lit- 'ourtb etrge«. uin. CWare lover and Mise olive Dovat bave rtumeed te their homes trùu a svteil days, vieit at Milwau- kee. Waukesha and Oconoinowoc, Louchla <3oleot tbf. City Bat- urday for- inneapolis for an extend- e& vinit througbosut the sigte. and aieao for a trip througb lowa. Mr. and Mri. 3. P. Maxwell came up tremn(Chicago Sunday te visit MrMi. Maîvels sister, lire. P. Il. Smith. of Uttea street. Harry N. Powler, forinerly of Wau. kegan. now piominent auto parts m in- ufacturer, InChicago. val, chief orit ci '<'rer nt the 1Cr n road raceu Isst Major Hauxhursi carneborne Bon- day tream Detroit, vhere hu is nov nia- tioned with the< Westinghouse com- pany, having been made manager of the auto parts branch of the company ln thât city. Joe Hampson and George Stephen- son ver. each i.ined $3 and conta for being drunk and dlsarderly lni the eity of Mion. Tbay vere celabrating Labor day in Wawkegan andi vere not con- tent vith more lSCa renin sodas. The Soutb ide lire depsnlmnent vans ceile te tahte.Jacobson borne, corner ot Gien Rock avenue and Vlctory street early tht. atternoon to extil- gulsh a gransslire. No damage was doue. SEthel. tbe one and s hait! yenr nid daugbter of Mr. and Mr%. bMichael Fnbrer. dled Monday morning at the home on Lewis avenue. Vunersi vas beldti Iis atternoon et 2 o'clock witil interment ln Oakwood cemetery. Th isaMary, Nellie and Ann ,Lynch, Alie Keegan. NMay lHurendt ITbomnas Iroy and Fred Long of <Chi- Icage spent Sunday ai the borne of M lr. andi Mre. Tbora" Kirchner ot INorth St.fugues streat. Miss Lavînla Sylvester bas returneti 10 her duties as stenographer at the offices of Attorneys lionne, Dlen-r & King, afler a vacation speut et the Dolle. ln Wisconsiný The police Monda, et ternoonpick- eti up on the streetu a man vho ap- parenti>, vas suffering f rom e fit. Laber it vas deciteti he vas a "dopa tient"- Ha vaà removeti ù) the couutyJoil for tremîment. The thermomneter regitered li5 de- greas ln the sun Manda>' aflernoon. The day lasamid 10 have been the bot- tent Sleptember 1I n zmany Yaars. Tc- daY vas a repatition. Peoi, vho bai tiludeti themsieive» to t Iktag cool veather vas bare are mai11>,mislakep. Among the many graduates at the sommer convocation of the IJuiver»lty of Chuicago Just coPcludeti vas Garfieid A. Bovdn-n oS 'Waokegen vlth the de- re of 4.[D. nI. Bovden le science teacher ln the Watikegan high schooL Nir. ant irem. James Stumèrs of Kokomo, Imd., aud Miés Agoe$ ie >eï of Indianapolis, tageth er vilb wii- ialo' Sommera and feuil>,, returneti home Batturda>, afIn-r a vlait vtth Mr. anti t8rs. E. V. Sommera of Wesit etreet. Sap1tember 1 wss the lest day o vich Strav hatbi are 4uîýpost1;4q h vorn but there are mayn>,l Waukegaa wbo are dotylng the ancient ruts on account of the bot veathcr anti sa far as knovn no lida have been nmaabed as yct. ClliLtlogber Claraocr iver van rauvt ohjs.loude fl'onm ,11.0 JenMao Ji1ster hPSpital Mnidu. lie suî.eý; an aoperation for appandlctia sogverai day. ae abut bis condition vas Bo niuch ImProveti that ha vas aliavedtu t returO homne. D. H. '%len6Bin' nvinb hi% enÙ is- tiit tstorer6oôî keer for the i1u%1) Sêrvice coumpan'. b as'beau bi' eperr ' o~ te Waiikegan office of tle Cl. pany té the Evinstau offpe', Wllhiý Brown, viliQ bas* beep assistanit bes le pronnoted. ta ii the vacanci-. Mh district, Includes four ecilas Bo10 til ha sean that fie poiint ruta respOnslibi ons. Thý eutlfa Mune,è. brcha ,#ervd or dhfi 'i altdh are Mýkingped-.1n n aiypart of Octoben. Ti4 ... y iii b. under the' d etonôt Waltei- Kellar andu MgupSh- ; Mn. Keller ltea> vef nvn ditebo e'frlas direvteti.a.nober et 1ight operas. i Moyen Kuhaisky. e South Sida îOlth- liii MerchaNt boa> svora out a aranst fon teé Urest of Manager Luetkte of the Star theater on a change 01 disosi. eui>' OnDduet. Altai-dingt tothe pblitis Kubeltky became inceniad et o01W el thi Plceian«thra-n upon'the murmel andi <aiketi juinthe lobby, vberrainp prently tiiera vas quite an arguent between hlm andtiheb manager of tha place. The casa viii ha hoard la Po- lice court tamorrov rnorning. Miss Aime Rnebei and Miss Gruce i-uber have reburnedtiet thair homes la Rock lsati, fl.. atter spending 's 'tav daym as the gueuts of Mise Anna Garbin of LUberty, treet. The Luther league of bbe Svetiusb i.itheran cburch viii meet in bbc par-0 ions ot the ct-bond thia evening. Re-f frn-hnente viii ha serveti b>,Aiea, Ashen anti Allen Nelson. Maurice Denho. bas retunnedti bhie home ln Trenton. Mo., aftter visiting vilitls sister. Mrs. W. T. Stupa>,. 326 Genesee streot. M. J. Dunn sd lira. "nances D). Connery ot Chuicago, have rented orle ofthIe large cottages ai Round Lake for net 505ion0 Misss Jessie and Anna Etivards have neturried 1,0 their homça on North Coîjpty sîreet tram a tva '#aaks visit vlth fionde anti relatives lu Pitsbung. -Bon. ,tu Mr. anti Ms. SBd. Scbovery1 ot South St. James streat. Suntia>, a 12-pounti girl. Bradiford West bas reburncd 10, Wau- kegan atter spanding Sundey vlth bis parents ln Chicago. Mkes. Pearl Pffllant spent Sunday1 vtth Mr. anti Mre. Hugene West oft Çhtcago.i Misses EdtiI, Claudia and Carm ?tiaAdow of Chicago spaut Sunda>'j vlth tniende anti reatives bere. 11

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