Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 4

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COIJNIY p~ EfDf Ofii a >aer for A Cui wboiae Numiler 1; Cty Edi tor Iawglbce'hogNuie 5-.II Tt ASI IT s#,b ôbs PetWSesi L.lbrtyvitli. II 4 s,1t,'eoUd ÇluofMfiitMaê110r Y~5STCICTLY 1IN AOVANCE MSen D .Ià ioe Ure l. Commercial and cIVIc rAhf mn ... .............. . > . ..............................ios oiChiago1aI , n Pt ......«.......................................... Cty Edor oWIoon.masydy o mPouth 1 M e C h. ........ .... ....L or.. . . .... .... ............ .h a l es.uli, C h i c g o , it . eg t a rmo f w r .,u t d l r M li1 1 da l!iate road.u 1W pbr4«n Y 2 Esch, C, M Lor* LsntnCheles uthe hmport aLnier Mfqi. th ha . .....r . ..B...M......... Red Medham.............. Fred Overheu, Chicago, II Ol . Wliieierac !mkn 11angaI mifterit gets l'a* oWt4d 3 EbatompsonB. M. J.j.A. nderman...JOhfl R. Thonson, Libertyville, 111. Fort Sheridan a dilewoé' 'beaodqua!W elu bave tingin aU uch a"te OelI t@MPOI'UdlY, 4 Ella Todd, B,. M_.....Todd............ Chale Ë. Dean, Agi.. Paatine, lit. tors. Tho oecrtaiy yull hear the ar- ï10llvY i,@m18oflers 5an nole 10 procedW ltWU 5 Princess Koh, Br. M ...Fred Kohli............. Chutes E. Dean, Palatine, 111. 1gumonts wheu lhe arrives taire ta. jzl rs inte biea l i.cmat aIGMOOi, JUstbe- 6 Arion McGregor, B. G ... jay McGregor. Frik J. Ayers, Burlngton, Wîs. morrow or Saturday. oUl inarfre.withéb »W.. tat4 w lieu 7 Mr. Rois, R, G .... ....Cecelian ............ .. ... Frank Wright, Chcago, Ili. Secrtary Garrison Io coming 'te to mak the bidge Calumet, Ch. S ......Gratan ......Hary !utuam, Agt., Libertyville, 111. Chicago to Inspeet Fort Sheridan, as ZdwbM t 1h believe nlecurY t ae .big 9 Mrhiol Maid, B. M......Col. Cochran........ Wnnetta Buter, Chicago, 111. he hâs ail posta In the west and norlb. I MssGoeBe.M . lctrz¶.......Chas, E. Dean, Patatine, mw Hmr Elting. president of the I 2 ~~~~Diaiond Dsue .H.Dsue.. ........ Chas. E. Dean, Palatine, I.AsCtolfCO5lOreBnaml 3 PrincesJ., B. M... .. Cecilian Prince............ ... Harry 0tto,ChagI. rotrpeintfthcmmr LIE 4 A. G. I., B. G ........... Gaz a..................Frank Wright, Chicago, li t cl cubý and Homer St1lwell, forte. ftIllIION ea u . CIB I S5 Phirobeilla.B. G....... Ringing Belle............. Henry Hermn, .Antloh rpeloto h soito ~JFRIIi E.I)E6 Trampbells, R. M .......TraieIfst .............Robert Whan, Waukegan lit Commerce, probably willlisait the 7 LcileGrtta, r.M .. rata .....................Ben Rau, Crysial Lake,:ii. committe hat wlll waton the sec- SAE ÀE"9B R3:00 TROT retary. I~jj~I8 TO SAV ARENOW BET ER LuclleGeatan Be.M ..Grtla........... 1ayor Harrison may be asked for 1 Steadfasi L. Ch. H ....Loyal.. ................. ]ose ph Harford, Chicagol, mal13 to present the c1tý's dlaims tu à ahw hard Who Lîved; Professor of Lake Éorest Acad- 2 Bowbells, B. G ...Analysis ...............John lianion, Libertyville, M.h a etroen ed hcg' 3 Bob Shine, B. H .....Bartiola. .. . ............. W. Lehnan, Chicago, IlL tentr a tnhad ChicOrato% a Ir North Chicago Died on emy Seeks to Find Why 4 Ras Anc eius, Br. H..Reit Aniericus ......... .....E. 1. Weil, Chicago, Ill. cenllosa, îtonenduredasprait l a. he Operaing Table. noleDrde. 5 Lucretia L_, B. M ....Cecelian............. D .Ar. John Fisher, Chicago, I. efor mavkflbgted an ialaoneot. 6 Esch, B. M ........... ....Red Medium ..............Frank Wright, Chicago, li et. am etr n 7 Aleo, Ch. M ............Lord Linton................. Chares Nuit, Chicago, 1I. eÇ LOT ON THE BÉ_rN.ý Accordlngý to reports from Lake I ores th enollnentai he ake8 Ada B., B. M.... ...... Snicker.............. Lewis J. Pentecosi, ChicagoltErB ...........Gmet rne........ .W ukCiao i* I LII.uch*Srvcs os Shed at Steam Rouer Forest acadens> this year la not as 10 Buster E., Ch. H .....Keller ..................Chas. E. Deanl, Palatine, 111. I130 Io!,l ,itg Wurmhif) preachling,l 1T'rew Blanchard Head 1 gond as fit as heen Insomne Past > l R. M. Aspell, B. S .....Red Medium .n. . Frank J. Ayers. Burlingon, Wis. lie,%v. , Bibi, leo, Atl o 'First Ithetlatteew year 12 Farnous Nutwbod, . S..Banker Vincent .............Gus Clarys, Chicago, 111. foc ieiît.r.Iliî with thre Ztttn City FutIt h od it la aatd there bas been a graduat 13 Charley Bond, B. S......Bon Voyage . .........J Mcanu s, Chicago, III. sel,001 eenr is t o edal r. nll taln oTI atnane sp1 al 6:45 p. aiî. Epwortb Leatue. ltaIiy WîukOPnf, August 30. from certain localities. This uas - RUNNING RACE- Speciai 5.8 Dash -- $1 00.00 Dav gsBlanhard, fi55 r, ol. c septhe auto7:3ie>tEvenlrt anworghlp. prëlcttiug. Rer. yee nd ~ te ubotle o odit1a Sylvia, B M ....... .......................... ... ... Dr. Paley. Lake Forest, ll .Wipt Pr, of the Arcadla Para. forai- 1investigation and It has been f ound 2 She \ins, Ch. M .......... .......................... Wm. Putly, L.ake Forest, I. 7W t.dnvtipp . 1rssrie spvn as tbe Upton Fana, about 'that the constantly rislng standard of 3 Happy Hooligan, Ch. G...Albula ........... Ueo. F. Murphy. Lake Forest, 111. %fin souiisvest of North Chic&- higis ochools In different eties bas, 4 Seattle, B. G.......................................... Chas. Gra, Lake Forest, HUIii. . Laurence Episcopal Church Lthe Groon Bay rond, dled in 1been the principal Teason. 5 Miss Kingbury, B. M ...Duchand.........Phil. (joldstine, Ag.t, Chcago. 111. Hec. EDWA ait>. CWHITE. Paetor ieMI5A1itrhopitil Fiiday %f- Prof, Z. A. Chandler of the acad- 6 Cheecky, Be. M.........Cecelian............. Phil. Goldstine, Chicago, IliI..; Hoi'ttîrtno s mI. , paO',e t ina it of tInjuiesosus- emy has heen buey for anme lttlp 7 Gin Rickey, B. G ......Royal Flush .............. ud DuBrock, Chicago, N ior ilîa r r.'.ý, 1l,:«sJa. W. lu ùerlbh"f. ywbon ho vaS tiImeconduettng an Investigation andi 8 Giddy Girl, B. M .....Sain ............... alBrgr hcglt Itinday actoni1 L1ai) = rmI wagon and landed ul- lhe bas formaid a very definîte opinion 9 Denver, Ch. H............ Bannackburn .............Cari Bryne, Chicaga, 11I ioi. ___aeai__________u I h oa ti e id. TIC Ciody of the situation. 10 Dick Wiggs, B. G..... Dick Wells ...................G Brooks, Chicago, 111 Lawrence Duolittie bas been oelect-. C 09 ulWPP*i to 1hi6 hain In Gen-: Thore le sucis a thtng as Iiglir . ~ . Aedto tmake the awards of prîzes for S whe, . asho bas iree brOth- ochoolo beconilng boo good, lookig nt. i1 i5U7 SepL5t 4the poultry whlch willl hoexhibited ' glnoatenhd held hls position) at lb froni ono point of view, and e>>.mO st the l.ihertvtlle fair ibis sj*ar. This iv 'CB4IB fana for the lait four;t prof. CIhandler' on Wednesday regis-224T Ohoin Nr etarait a kilck tu LaCrosse, Wis.,1Glemidora, B. M ........ Enet Gratin-....W. M. Wrigý't, Prairie Vew, Il,, corsiered c ia t sonorr imuq fermoêos lisvW" iriiii hr o aetgt 2 Jessie Gratta", Bi. M ....Geattan..................... D. Hart, Clinton, lowa. D'oolttie bas. shown is abllty along thefars wthIng Dr Chnder enoo10 Cros 3 Calumet, Ch. S .......... rattan .............. W. * iWright, Prairie View, Ili. this lino before and laenettetlot Tr« oulb aath n.D.Cadlrvn 0L 4 Loxiey Hall, Br. S .....Walut Hall.. John. R. Thompsan, Libetyville, 111. appoinmelnt. Ho always tikos an ~ilk Tsa ~gpo oola ta ascertain wisy theobig delogaiofl or nThmonBI..l.Aioi .JonR topo,1ieyv importantI part lu the annual poutIT gs~rla htvssuat fç ia iym iliy6 Mster Rose, R. G .....Ceceli ...............Praik Wright, Chicago, 11: shows held tu Waukegaii. *i5tihO. Iai4p0 fiflYattie io orotinUt. mMilic, ......Tom Miller............. ... Green Heney, Aue aBII. fftS Wt rnd TI lar ten rvnd helrai util mon ai8 EaBohre, Br. M......Marvel Bohr. ..........C. R Living$ton, Otawa, Ill. glSO!Irem i. lM m ra id fothtara ib t p 9 Sipltg Chimes, B. G ...Coscl Chiies ......L. J. Pentecosi, ChicagoUI. .,u i saieu ildi ottkemelngtam I10 Fanicus Nuwooi, B. S..."Banit mnl ............. Gus Clarys, Chicaga, III. la tl~ 1os thermsun." ho sali. Ho nàid thse P - 'Mumbeus cut tatWWMOdSI and- Minnoesota ,>by 1 Daly Muscovute, B. H ...Muovite ........Chas.E. Dean, Ag't, Palatine. 111. the utuim hey rdirUypurse e 3 oak ratneB. e.(3. mmeti(traitait .....Geo. A.Wright, Libertyvile, Ill.1 howoaL a to Il pepaator schols udRUNNING RACE-HaifMile and Repeat hwvr netini ow 32 oakGratanBesGrmgeonsaianteA.Wriht.Librtyill .aIn tfrntpaey v orne o 'a W o v s ,6bB re mG .. .. W aite r 1D ir e ct .C r earlesA E . lDe ah a c a s e h e i ns nmil. -8WB14rfngloteR. S . Bea. àago...... Dick sent anbigUdaisyville, iii. 5 adosnt tae much b th 9 Eha irttCh S . aro"Drec . Dck cMaan Lieeyvileofi. aethe an d th e Coma lie t îoPinstm wu la pogme. prveilen m ch ta 32 ucEae a B. G ... ......G an . .. taPrc.E......... ... W. B e, C hical a , 111. a re u n or xp u q1 f ut o siluattete athm butO5 W. ly Msoi .H ......Mucovie...........alsEe W a n, PCine,l WHEuicng ayOU APU ithC V, tlove I'rcles atd olavaits i 9aRty ymericus, Be.til. RexuAatericu ejý" ov ors i tspso 6te 0BobnShirec, B. G.........BarDirt... .......O. W . ea, PChainag, 11. à y,,ýbs so Ur s couti are ng mi beo. ater voig I7l leadasn, H ....... . Ltoya........... Jo . esephKrti, Cicagoe,;oi n ei nf 12 R.aM AspeilB.iSRe. Medun . Frnk j. yeas, Blunchtn, Wis tisýa*D bo e r, y l b gonyald te l cl t3 .FDck cankJye, Lbeliln, W1s1. L U Brts0X ot orthChiefl buThe tandrd bas 149 Cha rectond. BS .....Bon Voyaet.......... J. McMan, Chtyicaga, 11 hIII M nad h o FREE waOt OR PACE40W. don't kfur Ilýitla sit n ontac fo 1BuseEdii, Bh.TH.......... sele o..........Chars EDean,gt Palatine, Ilbu., c pqfft ofmm« hietthe orme wei h oew MissEaaB Gare,........Be .. . btAincatz ... Ca.......E. W Bea , hicPaagon, Il. 1*, a u hm orhIn dlie- am frth soio ytq&J i 3 apeBa., B ............A iertei............ei.Hene ir hiago,111 OWOLY pid. he ue wo fled d m Robrt . Gruwyor .qi9- ô4scD B.Man..Dispte...H.......Rdeiute... ...... Chas E. Fran, Wrgt,CPiagli, 'oet os oay ed ak.àprga5 Reaia U 7GmetotPc, G.......Bmlon..........Tho.SwnrnougBa, Chicga, M. i bisgien y isaPoti Masfeld8 KucebStiarL, B. M .......John Krby............DcJohn MihobertChig, 111.II iltl~ Xýý1L Dortaug of e au 9 ~~7Rybeerrons, B. H.Dupl... ex.eic............M.... L1.ilk, Chicago, MIii bleu « Jer IiMr 0Iowsui nt sd h e t dr eanMen d md 10Bobeine, B. ...M.....Certla ....P..n..e..... .. .Lhar Chitt o , I 1 K rW . nu M o ff etl Newl w ork VIIIpss nse a 1Rea U NNL C .IN... R.... E -HLo ali...... M.... le....J sRee C iat o H wtU b. r e rId as frehAnrthe t dn l kt & u . the wu le o! eraf ab3 wm F ree- or B.GPace ad F eeeorA F rtk dAelred off, an Free ULs.U Nu1U'SU 14 btC1.cotmdair r aeyCBons, purS ...$4....,BopVae ..on..c....d.foc...Frida, tChicg,11 &Élu 1 Edbang, fit.G ....a...........iLbbon........aparons EhoDanorgt bislatneslami 2 ok ut lht o frgeln days0........f.. ch til..........h...... .tH nr-ermn to ih vIL' btho c 3 Mvlle u neoum ht Aiss dt . M .......Aflatraz......on..vont...tohas. .pensom al matnerit 5 eng stoot . Gi................onor ............... ho mpsouI more tCiagi t. 6 bi S m trsda..........Jht n Ka mm ..-..A.t..r.tick e Mnisygbo John !s<ac i .hii T p ________________________. uplx..j.............. M L llUa Chcao, it pmerfvhich voriikibave bous caue-fo Miter anvstud oe to h nigbhood n t a omdn tiae - Th-elceaas ohelaheo isomg he on ribl laWredroand s as eon tthettoe chage.nedn Aleniek look um rght te bisK nhomo la anvaul k ro, ulb n.. e, la aisol atiecujail 19"wri UBa eRTYVUibS ad a ecnoLL. v isondIho ago tla . bose idis- onfactlotoa esimllarcha bage.o nEEeN 14.cre hat sawoul aer cbe a a- o te aw tmdoe o-h ktutwdoiInthe gaidetity mfbs. Tr-niae nd e l no w ado-raid on95 a Have goocýppf~ mon Who hami K Course of ntO*oi'i atthe ~TYVILLE -, ILLINO(S' TAVER BUG.GIE S LARGE STOCK. Cal and se tbem. THE STAVER IS A- STAVER. IF IT SSU AN K CH1ANCIK>'S lause cO 0 ife insurance agent off with the promis@ month or neit year, do you ever reflect whether ho eau do you any gOod thon? rnot be alive wben the tine cornes around. is settled once for ail. But if you are, eo company mpy not want you. Any one turnuUp to disqualify you. The cough inay have weakeued you or disabling Dr*added to already noue too good record, es may have been carried. off by a pe company la a pretty- exclusive sort of iive eau get a life policy at ordiumry rate@. çt you blackballed there. Il la a goud day mpany both conclude they want each other. OUR BUSINS w much about any other business, ,rtainly C-an sai iurance.) - - ~ 1anager 1 dm dm 5

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