Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 7

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4' 55 osCENTS % WI + O As + three years ld. PriS $25 andtii.. + ++ ++++++ N. E. IJaaYzeuT, LbetYville, 111- Picors 276 Wl. c.47-tl FOR SALI-S ledr.Suharm ow aer automabîle. SoIlOdwUnes; toP. vlud FOR$SAs.E-Fram 75 to 100 huai p1 s"Isd. Slsgc elei trnbuit ovu. tresh a»d lame sprlBmr. Terris Pris 0100., kddrm ox o174. Fax se anis. Ap>'À Lc5Rna.PraIrie LakehI.0.50.1 Vte.. I. Pone 257W2. 0.1. aoeEN _________ -----------__Acx, Dereld. PhensDeerfitdUlU25 eo BUAb i lt4 redy ta ' p-5.4. brs~k' Desos&le f akan atonCe F.W.Ueuut, w e vst 0 Lbrti: FORSAL-E-F.wm Rad tarmIn ad. ville.p 49-2 tipucs, l'-d, mproved or mnlmprved. _________________________ to 1 Gvysiake. IRINGV.0N Y, a5~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ea .1..t.smare.mvafdSC1bI5*l IrO SL£-i huo o od. ll ssiI0 1 «M 51 for " r W". iller oIe chsep. E. (3. ParsIl, FOR 8LEO o lbe as> tim e" n&lets. etar nket 105 Faa icga 'Ilckelsllmr.Phg HM SISAIWANCU o reIli~ SO.OUIU<Y-um à w Iaeb"a" aboelbt gra&daIi.5 O"abi odeail mm..Te-tm 8o.itis la cerswl>a snue os o* od b.wgale. BolieMt1bes> Md mes-e MuetU e4' FOI SALE-'wo Siluai sod oor om 15 lfh. Cb.p 9 Mv Pcslamar Ss LAM )m »ue 7L2. il--- FOR SALE-A 9 rmou boues »d bard wqod &Mi (letrgWio pnsfinie modem oniue; otS and els. «roetrk-ligte fp»t 2 blmke et of Lake National baak. Lot 100 b>' 145 FI» e he"e tm'ea.apptee and war umt oeofim«"l fruit; aeo a 21 tubla i-ofitn e vaier. Tort sut. L. fi REVAmr. Libert.,ville, m. GBse asis&BsAuND. 4 10 0! mPo FOR SALE-À q»utîty i aIHal>'Ohio Mdsi pol&tome. lI pur bushai. F. NMULl. ryaieod Squtreldon lrme. y, mile emlo! ofFilîn. 82t FOR SALE-5 pgeemWer 2 cyltoder Die* aetomollts,*"00.Tht. car ba liss tboloUgbt>'overaied aud le lu c.'26'tf ums. Addrsu B ox 176, (irayotake,, 111. FOR SALE-10 ro. boume &nd barn &a1 modern convenirnces; close 50 the elotIl depot. tCash, or tarine. Con. r..tmet for swe fautltee or on@. Tele Phoe.215IL ' c.27-tf 1 IO FOR SALE-Hors. for a&l purposce; tm, it &"twa second band buggiesuad snoe d, l ianse au' svm.Lbertv ville, Slouth _________________ 10 et + Y"3 "NT + li., or.............. MONEY TO LOAN--4u limprove.l reat "taa.J. . IunLE. Fi'îc..c Natonal FUR SALE-Rusian vinoter vhat'Bank. ..<-0t $1 50 U e ii. Inquire of JACoou________________ WoL. PraIble Ve. 11. R -98 BS ..... FOR SAE-A farrnof120 acres r WtT Foi Lake known ap the Jampeas . ...1mb .... II. Appt!* votaiM" N. itENPHAX. WANTrED-To r.'nt 4; roorii modern Pound Lake, IIL Box 124. p493 ihou. Addre'es-'C, ind.-eioient t oil.. FOR SALE-.Farm power outfitconmiwt." ing of: 1a b »a galloline enrin.', Inter- iWANTE--l(iîrlo tu wurk sar tis blu n.atiônal. geod runDlitg oripr; ilo ilt.". 1Lasundry. Libetyçill.. Apply at the ilocking ValeY. used tw.i sea*s)On; fFed! Laundry. .4t miii and mLklngt evatocir. Iltester,i n.'arlS ccv; uemali .lhrdd.'r,Keryston'; .. . .. . . .. . i, . .+ circlar ssw. 125 l.8t Sinvh'4li iv-; endîes, lt; eornpfrt.e outit $44m)0 cast. + »M ICLLmaEOùs + Corn i hlder. Il>eerhig. uwa< tbrpé âeaIlone,. .. ++...++... good codition, pice $50. Churn andi butter wyre..100 Ipound i-apat-it!v. NOTICE-[ i vii leanto Tur ,-l,'aet (Pr Pprnletion Jr.. îî.w: pri-e.'$50 1NE. l<aie-I. a»in lfor >u nt re-e..iiSLlk- rate. GàTzBILT. Ltertyville. Phone27SWi. LEsîsEa & MLas îlet vi. Pt -47-tii Box 60. (.40 ti COMES FAR FOR WEDDING; SEES FIANCE, TAKES "TRAIN HOME MODERN LOTHARIO 0F ZION CITY SAIO TO HAVE BECOME ENGAGED ON TWO OTHER OCCASIONS VIA THE COR- RESPONDENCE ROUTE-PROSPECTIVE BRIDES LIKE HIS LETTERS BUT FAIL TO APPRECIATE HlM, HENCE HE POESN'T HOLD THEM. There récently arrlved lunZVon CitYjafitit a amnen ail oicr te1 land ln an a )ouig acoani caru-) itS a suit case efrt 0 "land a wilt- lu W hich waa a aedding trosseau; Three SucI. Cases. she vab weaihed lnuenlies, ton she Reports have l Ihat lie managed hati coma e toiCity' roni a distant Ilirougli correspoittence, te get a line 1 itinluMinneapelis fer the purpose o! on ta o other aomeu teeides the one get(in g marled. ahîcit came troni Montana andi thal 14r heart ligt sud cheen> as she ther iceeame engaged via the curre- thlought o! the prospects of meeting spondeuce route. Tceec. tey. lise the lier lover, whorn ah, bad vu-itten .m., Montana iss, came on 10 tulill thelr frequeutly but bad noer a seen. She enagmette hlm andi tecome is ws a xiaus te ose-im for she liat i ve. aucd, once seelug hlm, tliey vrltten and received oh, such tender bastlly heat a etreat home as fast notes. as trains couid carry theni. Walkiug up tovo. site asked ao p-Musser hi. a sulisuiiben to s mat- liceman to direct her te the Ioml mola paper, heure Itlau net kuowu of Burton Musser. a veli buevu char- bey mauy, cases oethstnd have acter er the cty. Site vas sent there. 1 been marbed dowu on i dlau-y. If ha the officer wouderlng what chie vas keaps on aud the chances are that goiug tucai on Musser fou-, a man vhc bs aud i urn intentions Tii. oiSeru- atched the lieuse just as ha surely beeps a record book of fou- fun becauce ho bad bts suspic- is experences. tons. And, bis suspicions prnved It ts said et Musser thai, vhule lie about correct, for. t vas oeeof those isn't mucti et a fellow aller eue talks cases of vbere -she vaibed rgltin l, te hlm, the tact ls that ho wrllee turned arouud and vaîbed rlght outla vruy good letter aud Il 1s those lot- agalis." ters, vritteu ln a gonddibond andi lu The chances are tuaI the yeuug endearlug toues whlcb liave causedi vomnu ad ttis experîçuce althugli ic aould-be brides, ta couSent te et course detalis are lackilng because icame tu hlm for the weddings wltlci Musser naturali>' daesn't lIke ta talk have neyer talien ptace. about sucli thlugs. She Ilkely went Musser le about forty yuiI's ld, le luto thse bouse and, answseetty as ch. extremeiy near slghted aud lits con- couid. cald ta the untertunste youug dtton lasuscb that ho cannuet de auy man vhe greeteti ber: "I ami ioobiig reguiar verk. While It le natural! for Mr. Burton Musser, viii You mnet aggravatiug ta the prospective please» teil hlm i'n here?" brde" te oucountter the expeenuce Andi, vbn Musser replied: "I arn tii,>'have. there really la uothlug Burton Musser," it le believad that that can lie doue about the niatter the girl neari>' falutedl andtivtbtut for Musser bas the rigbt la corre- saylng but a fev moe.wcrds. ieft spout i vtb auybody vbe visbes ta more burrlediy titan sho bati entereti. carry It an vitit hlm. aud, furtheu-- Musser le a veli bnovn character more, ha eau become engageti via thé about the unt>' untortisiate la bis ialratte If thse otiier part>' ts wll- physical and mental condItlone but lng. Musser excuses blmselt treni alvays baving a désira ta be assccat- te puatograisti matter by ,xpialinn ed vîit young voulai andi avays that he bas neyer "st fer bis pic- bavlag bati thé déira to be t tise ure." vblcb expiantilon makes gcod head of a bouset bis ovis. The un- i vitit the ladIesvita set hlma devu a turai resut bas been abserveti by hebitbIhblher on te deducatlon tliat he's acqumsaitCes-he bas cerrtapeuded aSe least aztremely modtent. Better Than -Spatking Spaxking wiii uot cure ehildren tif wtting the bed. because It le flot a habit but a dangerous ilseaee. The C. H . Rowan i)rug Co., iept. 1250. Chicago, Ili., bave dlsicovered a stritlty bares emody for tis diotretwing dioease aud tu Mate known lu merie the.v viii senti a 50e package secureiy vrapped and prepald Aboutely Fres .±o auy rmacer of The IIDEPENDENT. Tuel reMMY >'aloe cue freouent desire tc urtuste and iualilit..vtu cntroi urine during tbe igbt or dey la nid or yong. The C. H. Rowau Druff Co. Isan Old Rliable Bouse; write tu tbsm to-day for the free niedicine. Cure the. afdittsd membrs of jour tainily, 511.8-teIt your netghbore and friands &bout tiis remedy. 26-14 ON 11IIWEST SIDE Wikukegan, Auguet S PIay'Ing balle hall or fot ball ~y electrfr ligt bas Isconie a reaity- lu fact bas ceaaed to be much of a îiovity, but It remalned for Wauk- gaa to net an enitreiy new mark along tiIs line. Piaying croquet by caadiellgbt là tthe latent diversion In this City. The. Day fasition ban been set by residente of Park avenue and before long It la expcted tit people ln different parts of thse clty who are partial to this farnâof outdoor sport, viii bave fallen Into line. People passlng the. Park avenue borne et irst dld flot knov ubat vas up whon Pr.(esiWal Cards DYMOND L AUSTIN L.aOs. laaswmc ed lEste Md Homme Frcmiig. Office ln Kaiser Shock. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Mouey te Loan on Good Approvedc Renl Rsatte.-1 Office in Luce Building. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTOREY-AT-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Re.. Phe»e 162-R- afi Ps'c- Ilt MA&RTIN C. DECKER t TTO t '-"-% Ws o4tice opp. lt4til st. Electrie statlo/ .iltice Phone 84Mi Bep. lPone 1360R NO:ITH CHIIIC &ljIIL[LINçOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTJRNEy AT L.AW. PsOcs 83 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, ,,priCE OVES LOVELLS DEnUG TOHU. Rocxa--from 1 to 8 and 6 to 8 P. mr itebertyvîlle. lno. DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD. VETERINA.RY SU RGEON. 448I9TANT STATU VETERINAIA. 1Ih.'rtyvllle. iiul 111;1- r40M al i t-i 11-11-~.d than ln - lxpeos ever to do y 'or wTrk. J. M. Graves AUCTION EER 144 Einniood Ave.. Waukegan, Ilinois Sce me iefore maing your date DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE to 10.. *me,2 to4 and 7toSVP. (OIce-O' yTRay Furnturestole SPECIAL A Ut C NTlUS TI THE KYS LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS for Dn e>' ira- ris- re- lis med te b>' Ln; re aort rd- five an mi. ,ha, âai b>' tir. itb: x're mDi> lay ri «sk the e ta Nure, the àiss t & lt UaLM- Te. Bas ueIf 1 1o red. PUBLIC AUCTIONEERINGI Cloget attention paîd te arranglnu sutn Me@ ae and bast recuts in handi. foen atset thelavlng n te Gnvis Bea cm......look:.T L D N RI r ::: eseemed ranathemelves et aueilRod11pmer G d. Milauee ..........t32 4 utinoat.taranPete, cam.............10ER the wie arces. Flly sx peole ttoer iaron, MOai............... Rueeg"dI lyigad the rfouve r erbs,Cae..... IeSnt hscnre tea1t9ln ehdbole laPd - By EdvAmlnla oee, Cineag............ atra tgiadPran tl1qlosyljrdbu iyllr Lake.CoSntY Tille& Trust Co. i Latiela Hoffman. samne............ 22 Probable that lie will assume the Office clore ha viii lige. Abtracto çf Titis. TitI.', GuzManled1 Fred C. Brown, Alion, Mic ...44the irest of SePtember. Hie bond vas! M"Ionl T, pclle .Wukgn Ciole Penn, Mlwaukee ........... 36 jsent In fer approval last week and the' Jolet-Peter Madieon, agei _àý BId. ankga, 11. Wm. Relct, Milwaukee....... 21 commission sbould arrive at an early of Louie Malteon, 9 fa1's'. AmneStaibe. saine.... ........ 19 date. seutbeast of Joliet. narrovi> UU AUWstS 27, 1913. Emi Dey, Racine................. 26 dahwe o»o A. A. Siiogen md vite te T. J. & Della Knevl, Milwaukee........... 24 larvard-Survlvors of the 95th 1111- rldlng vas etruck and 111111 1', Mnte IL Ker. Lots 6, 7 and 8, Fe Wi. Younghupband, Milwauee..31noie voluntèer regiment vili meet ln cage and Aiton sv:lc naa briche gub. on Lake marie, W. 1) Emma May Steele. sanie........ 20 Harvard next week Thursday, Sept. vas hurled totte gh n - $1,500.00. Frank Schailan. Forest Park ....26 4, ln annuel reunlon and the prcgram, tance front the tracits. 7*5 > Elizabetht Haiter ta F. C. and F. P. araeHtmnChag . 4te be carled Out wiii Iinclude an ad-,hpee ntecosn Harter, Lt 10 Cotes Add. te Wauke- Arthur Core.Mlwvaukee......... 21 dress by V. S. L.umley of Wecdategk Madison berne, four mils mI' gan. De"d $2500.00. Augusta Gable, sanie............ 21;i and rernarbi tiy severai members Of haif soutbeaat of th itisyi>. MabeliX.M. alien and busband te Ernest Becker, Mlwaukee ....21 the regirnent. _________ L J. VWWIkeUndlvtded % ~of 28 Barbara Bausch, Ranie..........21 - , North. Chlcage.....G.ooge o** acree la ILOSe. 34, Aven Twp. NV. Andrev Sebubeel, Miwaukee ...21 Joliet--Captâ.ln C. W. Troxel, ln Yeara. of Ceveland, Ohio, fin o. $ Grac. Schraufuage, sea........ 20 charge cf the Prison on the uigbt cf' self a strangar laulthe Mg* *çJbultelie Dilion aud vifs ta E. Geo. Lautertuann. Miwaukee ....28 [the escape of Jeif Sharun, allas Ittle 'lu Northt Chicago, vhtcli1i A. EL GrotI, LOt i1, Lyen's Suit, cf Giadys Larson. sanie.... ......... 181 Jeif, tendered bis resignation ta bond hoeewvien li ho ue Fair Goofs. Wankegan. W. D. Louis Erdman. Chicagoe............4 Warden Edmund M. Allen last'fev deys aio for a visit MW $3,700.00. Anina Wlnkier, sanie.............. 24 lght atter a meeting during vbicb brother. JosephB Se',Br. et L4 le. A. Cumulngs and vite ta Jo- I Pete 8isdorlc. North Chicagoe... 2 It lo sait! Troxel becarne lucensed toila and 17131 ssets. MW àsw4 seph Palruelus. Lot 3, Bib. 1, Wau- Apolon>' Sajevec. Waukegan ....21 ever being accused of negligence. L. Neai of itive Points, fe ktega Elsnds. Northt Chicago. ICluton Thonipson. Seattle......21 sOulte of tventy ye.'. 1bal M, W. D. $.'00A0. t SeimisZimmermann, Milwaukee.. .. .20 *elvidere.-Brakeman August Sch- 50e trange to in ham 1 ho -li .a10 W. P. Bradie>' ta T. H. Horan snd Warreui Frey, M.%llltaukee.......... « nette, vorblng on the Nortbvestern i quire viiere caftain places tamm wife. Lot 78, green Bay Add., Lake Berthta Geeldner. saine......... 2Out et heu-e, vas brougbt home this buim niis cit> ver.. Foeat, W. D. $10.00. Ferdnand Waing. Chicuago_.29 momting tramt Rolle, vbere be vas- Augmet 2%. 1913. * Agues MoGarry, Mlwaukee ...29 I brushed off the aide of a car by a' Hsnvard-McCugo.EBloek(>4 EdnaP. Hrde ta amesVanllarry Nesen, Milwvaukee ........... gate whlch lied been left open at the Waukegan. bave been gaasis Pedis4a F larai tt am % e.2,F esV n eveeNco aie.....21stock< yards chute. 'Luckily be did centrant' for top dreemlng t» _% monley . .4sa Cl . $.0.Sc.28oFh-GnevHaethaays.rensay........21 neltfai under the vheels and bts In- pavlng nolv under va>' la "IlS nentTp .C 1.0IJh taaGeen Sewrtandy .e a B.iti jries corIt of eta prained back and the centract iiavlng bee lot on EueeSeatadvf a11 .t iens Pennlifli, sainie... ..........21 al rselib.dyngttameigof» Stewart. Lots 53, 54 and 55, Bib. 5. Otto P. Caribou-n. Highwood ...32 bdybuedlme x ih Sameigo l Wiutisrop Harbor. W. D: $1.00. 'Katlieryn t'àreserimen, Chicago ...20 Iceuncîl. The contrant price l J. . Hââandwif t Hery ol- CydeA.TayorChcag ....... 2 Joiet-,Patrlck Haurlingtou, 40 cents per square Yard. The J.g L.tRama and vite tk Henry <oid- lydae tA. Tayl, sCnicg........ 27 veau-s aId. an eniplcye ef the. illne s awardd the contractle the "a lug,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~' Los1 m 4Ob u. b-EiaehHlsne......2Steel Comp)auy here. attenspted sutl- laputting lu the pavIng vit. I couda, W. D. $2.00. Elmer Hansen, Miwaukee........26cdelStJsph hspalt.l roesngtI>vi.bU W.F.Ilga ad ll t AnaCarnie Rousar, camie.............21 morfflnz 1), trytng te brain hiunself' been harnpered comssderalily by Filipo, 8. W. part Lot 59, Hlghvcod. Edward Miller, Milwauktee......... 13 nu -china pîiter. Nurses andi et- '%on of Its Inabilit>' tosoeue WW. D. $400.00. Katie Russe, samie............... 19 wtnh l use oo h aa om 11 August 28, 1911.-A. G. Scitaermani OruIn L.eigliton, Racine.......... 25. edýt uge note a' o fient help. snd vIte ta H. C. Reineeke. 75 acres li, Emma Patzke. sie......2 northwest one-feurth section 10, Ela Norman Mayor, Milwaukee ......olgte. I lrsyWthu Lg township. W. D. $4.900.1 Rosalie Zalin. sanie............. 19, itani" Sock once saidth iat lues! The greR.i national uis Anua Carlsou et ai ta Gottfried Johti Mll W. Douglas, St. Paul, 2.inn ... 31 venT 1.1.- cr-ation-"made out of notb-, France, theii.Bbîlotiieque s sorn. 17 acres ln nantit une-liaIt section Elsie W"aclîssainie............... A lflg and ceci' gooti; and another Amer, lu Paris, bai a splendid. 14 enntwsip .D I60 EmtA i trs rysae.. itan watrientlus cortlugaled the verb inmies oft eeves and 3MO.# 14. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t enotvnlp .H 160 EmeA.Wtrrcsae - kios.. te ktns bn te Ume* ta 011 theni but tu th AW. Fox, te Saraht McClntock, 165 Beulalt A. Jolicson. sante........ 8 eos bise; r là ,. akig v thout!hat vact store ot iearnlng acres in sectionh 2. 9 and 36, Avon Francs W . eteiart. (hicagT...... 7regad i. r.qr;slauteks ctldeltlenri'b* townshtip, W. D. $7.j51>.! Marion E. Yost, saine............ 47 the handz tflT.TT oTcf tbe lips; blonde>e cause f-be llbary bas n C. 13. Congdou and i aie to G. D Irving J- Lathani. Chicago ...1 bus, ta kiss tiie. vrang peuson; erbus. lgbt, an., l'A book@ are Browni, lots 8 and 9,.block 33, Labe -la oni. sainie...................2i t6 n te e î . Lýdürk: Omnibus, te blam readers è.d students oui>' la Bluff. WV. D. $2000. Peter Niuslowsky, Waukegan..... U try> OLe t,. th. ruo~m.' dli to the abanrt days. Augîtît 26,. 9LlS-G. N. Voie andi, Katie Suckoisky. sanie...............8 wirie ta W. C. Hoiman. 80 acres in nortit ote-hlaItipgl n11, Warren townshipl. W. D. 810. Scott Aines te J. H. âmes, four 1ae ('hicago Sprlng bluffs, W. D. $500. C. A. Newcomb Jr. te Jacobi Kenar. lois 13 and 14,.block 8. Wasltburn Park .Norîh Cit,-ago. Deeti $480. Sn, On 1 Andi vite te Loui e Pîha, andtifp lo',tsI.43 and 44. lblockt Q. Dreers sunbdivisTion, North (Chicaga. Ada 1).AdiTels ta F. J. Akin-on, lot I H 19. hock T North Chicago. WI. D. A August 29, 1913. W l T E Mr'ivd G.XmNforrmllLt lu vIlaget Gayl sake. W. D. $3,100.00. MNaster ln Cliaucéry Su, Theomas Byrne, Part NI, Sec. 9, Shieldis Tm P. Ijeeti8,7,2 Clans Joliansen andti vie te Jolin Nanîz, Loto 1 andi 2. Bik. 2, Messins Sub., WWTkgn W. D. $l,900.0ù. Dora Herel to F. C. & Ernet Her- tel, tract of landtillage o! Hait Daaý.. Q. C. l1... Hernittie ilTIRonman, te M. C. Decker, lots 47 andi 48, block 32, Northt Chicago. Q. C. $100. KN IGiITS PYTIS TO ASSEMBLE AT 116H WOOD IN SEPT. Lake Shilore Lodgé of Kaiglils Of Pythias. No. 558, of Hlgbvcod las pianned an lntereeting pregramt andi eetertalnment for Menday eveelng, Sept. tli. aI Ileir baul. It is expected that mauy Kîiglts vîli attend front varlous lotiges along the nertb shore. The evenioge program t olows: Drame ln Motion Pictures. Atidress ef Weicome by Chaîrmaui. i Short tlks h3 the faliowiug: H. P. Caldwel, G. K. otfR. & S. et Illinois. Attorney James G. Welcb, Wauke- gan. Carporation Counsel Arthur Bulb- le>, Waukegan. Hom. Jutige Pari'>' U Percens, Wau- lug snie.Jeseph M. Omo,. G. C. of Illnois. Ail kinde of hanses.,,sagons aud Steropticau Vie"e sud Lecture: harnece for sais or aehange as ail tîme. "The Onglen and PreseuilTineofo HENRY SINE the, Kigbts cf Pytilae," C. W. Weg- Phono. 14g or 48 ZION CITY. ni- ocer. ______________________ W. W. Carnes, Utertalner and lm- V I ronator. J, L-7RI3» IN<i, D.M.le 1Pulovd b>' P-1 , o tIon - Pie- Ave. Plme 21>.s W,-t woé« "»n b> Mr. .M140, o.44f 5EPT. f6-1748l1- EST IN M WE#J DR, 1. L TAYLOR Office in, First National Ranke Building. so sItT3:3 :9 nd 7 to 8 p. m. kf ietn iBroadway. oppoite Part iur>re. ehinois. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Heuro 8 to 12 arn.-I tu 5 p.m. J. Eli Trigg Buildinig wlth Dr J. L. Taylr-Phone 19 lRes. Phone 1092 Libertvvllie. illinois DR. A. H. CHURCHILL Physician and Surgeon ofice ove? fecker & Bonda p-ug Store Houn, t 0A. M.- 1tu 3,7 tu 8P.M. Speisi attention to Ee. Eer. Noce and Throat GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville. - - . - Illinois DR. EL IL SMITH./ DENTIST. avme5LAZL COUNTY SATIONAL B5151. ouus-8 tc 1.2 a. 'n. and 1 te à p. m. DAIL!. Lbertyvilis illixole A4 ý, 1 , - - - , 'eýoof -il J60000~ w ---------- ýj Pm 11, .11 ---------- ----- 11",

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