Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 9

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WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 7ý, >L' \'- 0 I- A1 NV E BOYSHT T Y SHEVSABNO elBlo r d Pi tn eenlosazasFive WlimBonHadHis Horse SEEK TO PREVENT LOCKJAW Hlearin somte oLprowling around lpremlaes, adrimg that hie would shoot COUNTY SIDE SEARCH MADEI n the rear of his bouge about midl- NRl ADMA ASaan If lhe did not miake his mission Two Bos Playng Wit the Ps- nigt silknown. .SiIllhere was no answerHosan i Found on Mon- Tw By Payn Wt te i- t at rday net ight and fasngto aNbrwk NOVL FATRE LANED tol - Accident Happened a n epnet i ur st ITRAC NRA f t'h"(, '°', aig " '.®n"h" day Near Wadsworth Where FOR FAIR NEXT YEAR-TO When Bullet is Used. w'ho If was, StanleyNbeak. l HIS HOME AT MIDNIGHTý pulled The trigger. Fates eemed to Thieves Had Left It. live at he crner o 'ixeen direct mne course of the bullet for fit, STAMP 'RETURN CH ECK' waukean, setembe, 2., s'reet and Stewart street, North Chi- AND FA ILING TO GET AIfudismr.Afe taigahreadhgyh ON PATONIS RIST. Little Stephen Slazas, 6 year old cago fired is revolver blindly In theI- don't see where Neberawski can longing to William Brown whoc con- ONPTO' RS. son of Paul shazas of 1121 Victoria direction fraim which the noise coume, RESPONSE FROM PROW - 1hle hamed, for anyone would have lucts a butcher shop on the" North street, lien ln a critical condition ln As the report Of the second shot diedt LER, FIRES REVOLVER i ;one the seme thh'g "nder the same side In waukegan, two thieves drove Lietvle et .the Jane McAlister hospital as the away there was a groan and the<,cmtne. he Jh eke h nmlfrmFxLk l h a uTe maagi wibert vtespt r ut f buadwud hon th soNId. a fllng body.1 BLINDLY INTO SPACE - dwai! o the North Chicago police to Wadsworth. a distance of 20 miles, 'oyFair, whch oestomrro art oMytGod. I'm shot,"scameraivoineaforte >aid. and then abhandoned it. doubtless he- at Liberty'ville, bge, etrand 1phsiciathn osprn ase o naoidtones. BLE NESLNS Cifnekewl de hth auiFe they feared arrest. The Iheft more interesting than ever bfoe i oio t e inandteecis alostrong Neawk pocrdBULgtLm O ETGHOR- RER UGhdmer e tan ivetiadtionada credsaynghibute3 plani eng fIornethear114aprobablilitythat tetanus will develop 1inmade an investigation. lHe found(]that O EIHn -FR E alymad e couldnveiain, ij andaso'cc u t theiii(horse itandhuggy was uingqe amscem e tserit)holderofnlesthdnecinof ant.l-tetanus eha ho talyWirjefik, one or ARETD NA EIOSbenimiin aereely urjing a i coverd utnil o ndaby aon situngl admissioneIket to lave andsruin jected nto the boy's yste i is neighbors. Tenderly he arreal A thDO ASRI e vn miing adra l at e hurinde.iwhen the animalui wasndiscoeredet-SNATOALSn FRA retrntothegruns f teysogby a Physician proves effective. |thelinjured man lntoa hi" home and CAREhNDLTTR S e togad to he Ne bsk omewin filranimy talroads idrerçl Tsir r With a companion of Ih illownage placd-h i na bIdpromptly calI CAG NDLTE dto t a tendo i whowsiboard- B rownehddient oSLk nl ENOR MOUS SUMITFATE r The yse isOne that is ln use Stephen was playing with a toy re- in Dr.1- l. R olley. An examination AOPIALIBE TO vste rentwhy i he i ot gordirc- "adlwft he hoseIII cdtu ox a ree t the Ekhorn and aoter firs and vover on Sunday afternoon The gun soe htte3 aie ulthdH eundota hourdATlaterALand AGAI 1 NR OS SIX VOLO W - wasbrugt o te ttntonof the was oeitne eey o ln nee irjIle 3x body o th lef tgt NY OMETb"c' """'"tadt o dirst l'ad lrtthae hers ichd isate a ree offiielsil> enn.cartridge i ofpurposes. The little fel- ;Eabout NYM MET y in te uer8ea of h tprmses a on]mad e r ithat thaeare n i e AANTSXVL O PolOf Icitb>ennis ilberrylial ,cie flOws were having the best kind of a 1 side. a short distanebelow th, aot nth e f h poissan ak e out thpace where head o ýte E A NA copsc Of Lbryil n edo ietime playing they were "bad mn."1 heart and hadl penetrated the lower -DOES NOT BLAME MAN why he did tnot answer Nehleraws h lle anot im lahnceaUre d t P eifNAfA ATRM corp ofteveunfomedpoieen Fiay the andpened t idapart of his left Long, The pyslinwen lhe shouted a warning are two hreanimand the lW aigan pliean F H FMOSRAl an etcivswho will guard vIsitguadd aridead flcdit in the desdtewun n eouenG H IE TESO. oetin hc h plc aeb e niitd ther ai-. in plremand ors t the fair fomthiees and gn bitout realiing the danger. 1 resdte ii d Fto theE ho ubetosehttle. Aoding tove he ho te th o ï.liceaf everaciy andT.ER IDING PART WHIHL- tirileraWh Ma b 10 mRgide a +tephen'splaymate held the gun and fthalt tienjure 1main go t ie 0ýp o, irjck a visied a tb hotn inLae county1 for oe itance. rafatetrewhoayiso iguddsplayfully held t against tephen's litai immediately, assuring him that dealy eaon. On Mnday ornI oi p cital a srtvCicieaotheriet and alg the northVshoresowee pisne of CURREDTHERES OMELC- to ttmp rerial. hndwhlehe uledthetrggr.the the wound was very serious. Wrhewsgiven a hearing and was re- theithftoand wre askedto beIonthe A c c o r d n g t o t h e n e w m s y t m h o ' 1 b u l le t p a s s e d e n t ir e l y t h r o u g h t e j e k w o u ld n o t li t n t o t h is a n d i n . le a e d u d r b n s o 1 n n t o h i m i d e la r e d t h a t l e i di t l o t df r t e r er s . T L e R E TI M E RA G O - O M EN T th igeamsinfair visitor kad lan. isted that he. would be alit. He 1HeI told a very straightforward blamne Neberawski for shooting him- hs iianenodut was what TETM G - O E leaveke lgrounds thiswit ilbenh acdrt gh pearentso'cl likewise refused to hie taken to his story of the affair. He said hie was chirjeikbas a wNfeandhfour smrait raused tthl vI eo < o lgst d0 ASOFC CIIA mrelghlwthan impression dently did ntrealize the danger from own home for fear that hiswifle awakened Iby vthe barking of is, dot; hlre eedetlcauhr T o nti nuilngn thsconin lintada which ACRM fromt a rubber stamp. iWhen lhe Infection and Instead of Calling a phy- 1would h al rgtndt aeRcnl hce he a tlnvstt i ntehsia on n- directinoin y:wshedndm.iCTNlAlSTTE'cAT shows this lhe May on retuirning at alcian Immnediately, placed somie sort hmbodthm tsc aesvrlo i bs hces ent a a otptei. .icn th meantime BrownACTIloASt no timeT sany time during the Hamne day b re1ofsalve on the injury and tied a rag himou u i ot Tl ,ra fl sre tht testhIfef had t l ms <mt thethat rjIk' ntgeting afttero nhievs. SLeuig TRE RCIAL adite oth ar rudsou u r d Poison a oi)oed raily l %and Dr. Jolley hadl donc all that could returned. Securing his revolvprer h res o eovery are verybe ight- aitautt omobile h rocedtha t SATSHEWLLAK O lems the wrist in stamped h le will ne whenDr. Alfred Claeboe was callid 'lhe done and there was nothing left ta'carefully made his way outlesrfr nol gn faten thtii beu e vw e ihad iven t inglestde HeE EWILA O bared.Th imresio i on tat o ated te oy bot 130o'clocklbe donte. On Sunday morning hle re. house. There iwas no one ln sight. 'Of the nature of his injury is able toetopev d at acksn'sta nloonin haeTER NDCMETeE will Isantpear ln one or two washi. Monday afternoon hie found the in-ure and floundI th at Wirjcik' s cn-Theakn fhs.ohwvr s breathe only with the greatest dilt s paed and seough, slearl netat HER IDCM E Ings and the achemnelhas been found about twce li nor ai ize i e ai dition hiadt grown worse. He induced sured him that the intruder wssl lc;y h hevshdsopdteewthlt OETEGADJR efecie npreventing a visitor from ,once caused the boy to bie removed to him to go to the lhospital and teiabu h peie. h aela n called to the ay.thore ten ai t oppoftherenbefore.t paasnhs frtittruhefnes the Jatne tMcitearuhostalere heuit-jured man was removed there in the "h' hr and what do youn tention of States Attorney Ralph J.heaonwsatrcedoteto IN OC158ER. toahs frltvsadfriendso, sa ttnusfoclI a ster ingani-Conrad & Hart ambulance. lwant?" lhe cried if f ond tares. IDady and in case WMrjeik dies lhetheslonn wasratheracpelurther. that. thymygtit h rur The Infection ls a violent one and Assolste ot Ciao jo hr a no answer. Thinking to) stands ready to cause the rearrest of While the two men were In the saloon Waukegan, September 2. free. the boy' condition is very serious, lice learned of the affair they pro- frighten the man away hshobt ials NeberawskI on a charge of either heur to cHeit topped ad Inoure Tepacp f utfr$0 Working for Farmers. l'lt I havehoPen that I will be able ceeded to piate Neherawski undier ar. rev -lver into the air. Again hie de murder or manslaughter and refuseh the wrl o ndrec Tnmand aftrh 0 a ie n ici or nWu tohbinghamoutallrigt,"Dr.Cla- rst n achage f asaut wth a Imranded to know who vas about the to admit him to bail. lhadtleft laughied heartily as If they kI an late this afternoon byleattorneys Th1ai hs ebuetaizs ef-hesalod today."I hopie to prevent r sdrdlttebestk dofaok.1e forts to bring about an extensive 0r th e developiment of tetamus but it a en representing Mrs. Minnie Richardson ganization for farmers for agricul1 will be fromn three days toa aweeklbe- LC. H. Pattison as viceepresidlent, and supicosartnd athed heme oehl.of Volo, against h olwn oe fourai mprovement work. The.wol: oedecasto h Irbouo idred À O M R IA head of the e-ducational division. The 1W U Ei NK e IHe also noted the horse they were driv defendants: Emma Stadfleid, Levinn of rec.ruiting the, farmrert throughout it awould bie necessary to resort to executive committee Is made upt of ro awn h r been te latrde crib a Raymond, Almna Walton, Mary Sabel, the county is being done by Stanley amputation of the boy's armoito) save Mr. DurandMr.eGale BlckieandaMr.ed it later Kate Wagner and Mrs. John Stadfield. gal.t more an oi exp erwos n hi r. C ebbd le ne esshe notW.Irving Lake. Mr. H. NToleo t was impossible to follow the trail Mrs. Richardson is rpepresented by igained more thane50IN members th'.Ms of the men after they left this saloon the following well known Chicago et- fer. More members will be sought1 Chicago has recently been made vic and after any weary hours' search tres oetGril mt n among the fair vislitorsand a comm -GA RI0NWILprestident, thus suply ing the vacacytlvebe1 eic1yos b obney rte t antweldl.mTh mmnd teeofmor tana hnded emer A. F. Sheldon, in Letter to ln-md ytercn et fM r 'The Water Athletic Events l'be thieves to have got outs de of the, was to rave been ' sued 'ate th'& aft wearing handsome badges will carry N TT L H A E dpnet xlisPas Jamìes 1a.KennPovdIteetngFau e county ecause of all the diferent po ernoon. on an active talking campaign. Mr. F Hliholctwii nfrotroueeasr toonte ayslroractewatch. This sensational suit for damagsa Morse lsmsoonto leave for Arizona For Hs Schol twl • s orTadit fteDa' rg .is the outgrowth of the famous Mil- to assume@ the position of professoIn1 O f 0S E IA know that I contemiplate organizing rdn aea ooi hc eea state WILL REVIVE CHAUTAUQ U aiessnraree al nt H AD AN EN.0Y ABLE TIME. ATI prominent volo, women are alreged te summerujet ht Il of 1914, also to re<convene haerde1r.Rcado nari tnïer dsuj ltmorrw wh n Secretary of War Declines to the business Chautauqua, which, ow. 0 HudrdhnahveFomth " d den Ms Rnchmfdrta oe aorahir the fair aoe for ita four-day run, SteWhtH.nndD- Mr. Sheldon Denies Flatly Ru- hing to my absentce abroad, has neces, 'ne g that she fled from the AREty.T Little has- win be. the county seidleCorn day1 mors Regarding Changes in mari been suspended during the past Local Council Were TherebenhadfoMr.Rcrdnsnc planed or t a ttear profctbert the Management. two summers. These actividles are and En joyed Selves. that timte and thu. the damage action In armanddaiy poduts xhi- • likely to becomte ry extensive, and which shecnew fites ls the firlst ofRil Jit& domiestic arts, manufactures, base Secretary of War Garrison did not'----- -- utterace she has made bah orm , trap-shooting and abroe-lliae public Saturday is plans alaot Recently rumors have Lbeen.afloat tey iltk h c ftheprs TeKngtsof t'olumnbuishadan- State's Attorney Dady announced A horse racingr atheapresent faorr proi- 1 ntroperations lhere other Ibigdiny atl Round Lýake Sunday ishrttimeaota nalpoai ises to eclipse all others in this vI- bnoigorntaadnigFr othe effect that radical anet morlYorsverrtuly Abut 00 emersfrm te oca 'he ortiwaouldtaethenattepr up b cinity. It also has received the wid. Sheridan. As stated In the Sun, he tant changes have been made in th.Ytri eyIIbl 00 eisfon thelcli to the grajuinctob ter and aek est publicity and the attendance la visitedl the post but his decision was A. . Sheldon. councitl we(re pýresent and nver 50 from anino t mno the wrn uyicomer nsad o expctd o saterrecrdvo many kept to himself despite efforts of Chi- pesne o h aagmn f h--LFayette counell1, Chicago. The ball Panama, Sept. 2.--The last barrier be mixed up in the affair. Thus the yaefr s remcaen thae een Sheldon school at Rockefellerhin-lagame was the-feature. Waukegani win. at the Pacifle end of the Panama ca- women against whom the charges ha matoadeo pe asoteelfiect a nso etrmneeha hs lcudlieg a report that NMr. Sheldon, the GIRL SHOT IN STRIKE RIOTIgnin,g 14 iol, and roughit homne the .al was blown iup by dfinamite. been mad are in for both criminat rargelroad a onestamelines and are. ut M s ain founder, had withdraiwn fromtithe $2o priz, donaited by Mr. Renaehan. At exactly 9:301)o'clock a. nm. an elec- and civil court action. lr resationsaeepce.Yumyqoem syn that schoolt as its active head. Inquiry by Clash Between Deputies and Men nof il w tl large aito busses thattrcsihwstundnadte, Fine Mildway Planned. I1Iwould say nothing about Fort Sheri- the Independent, shows This ta lbe May Resuit ln Fatality. 'alle irAt arr nethed t oic 50spetatrinldinadthe rn nfteclsyfatrstisdaIn"sacidnofthe srtar. olwighsutrue, for, in answer to questions Clmt ihSet na uaid: wm orced to retuirn to Wau- ers vsiting het-e fromn the United Ysear WIllibe teMdawihwlnpcino the pot.pudbwtispaertoMr Selon h armed clash between deputy sieriffs kegan Trhomias Snelling. Peter Kirch- States and offiers of the British cruis- FRMNHV ADN H bie filed al along the Pike with real! He was accompanied to the postpu ytlpaeWMr5hlIh and strikeiprs st the North Kearsarge ner ad EN. Oris dnateRtheserv big city attractions, worthy Of the at-, by members of the Chicago Comme-funsethsemtprined e mine a girl with the strikers, Mar Ices of tlwir machne and the party er New Zealand, were rewarded by a Manage to Keep Logansport VIfeIII ttnionofbhe ostbeseoollwesnoicaltCuboth oraniaton h Ic, i lwnwichnotonltdsprvestheru gaetPazaak agd fitenwassho ladel a th Avn Prkresrt n wndrfu siht.Frm SreairgtoGaslin Taks the amusement parks. A special Fef- mors, but shows that even more ex- and probably fataIIy wounded. tifo the chicken dinnevr.• Abolit twenty long tons, equivalent LoasrtndSet2-rme fortaIen mader tabring theMid.n196. pcresentelad the governmet withtensive plans are contemplated jn fthe The strikers attackled the depuies Thiewat-r athletic events proved to 44,810 pounds, of 45 per cent dy%- fought for hours to prevent Ore Ibarer Imoanto ltser a ndt ngthe an 00are.f anin hchth or atter of developing the big corre. to drive fthema OIfthe property of the veryhinteresilng. namite.coustlituted the blast. which igi oa iefo!sraigt ¡Accomnmodations for the serving of wa1rct spondence school located close to mining company, usming atones and After lunchcl the Pentertainmrent bie- was one of the largest lever set off ln two great tanks of gasolines stored la meials, light refreshments, and soft Lbryil clubs. A squad of militia from Wol- gan and It was along the wee mosa the cnai. a barn. To reach the rire, which wVU drInks are adequate this year, as are Rachi-l members of the Racine, ietvle verine restored order and returned to hours of September morn' when the The charge. whieh wspatdi n h xrm at end of the 011131. the.drinking water and tolet con. fire department will appear in regula- Mr. Sheldon's letter follows: their post after which the delfuties party broke up. The LMLFayette quar- 4 oe ta vrg et ftIr- thewas necessatstng10dft veniences, IDvery1 perehnan 54haealaavrg pt otir possible plan has tion uniform overcoats when apa-Aera, Ill., Aug. 29. were again attacked, tet, MaloneyKilleen, Sheandad yfetoeabg a nth arer fhs ecrom t clstnre1050#$» been worked out for the comefort of ing on the street, rinotIn response to Editor Lake County Independent: The offlecers drew gunus when driven1 Murra molore than dd aukeganhare of bty nt tlo a suficIe n teth toer. Rfebsdenfotseelare toe av the large crowds expected. ahrmoo- elftrcovmbet1,rc- In epyuotourreen iquiy onahrdwhn hestrkes ls shwe Gllghe.taoan Sudeli, ieransmt he atr o lowthouhas hefrm he icniy f gte lar à~i wil lof hehfis offrattrac tcson cording to notice posted ln ail sta-1 cerning the future plans of The Shel. arms and shots followed. The Fazakas and Flood were the recipient of much sea level channel was at low tide' there was danger of an explosio. four acte, comprising ln part a come- tions by ire Marshal James Cave, don school, I want to say that the ru. girl was shot through the throat. he applauise. Breaking of the Barrier. The firemen succeeded la keeping dy raesy ct th anaraceofWednesday .Mors to which you refer, have proba-18bngtkn.aeoinhemlar A week fromi Sunday the two teams Equally interesting as the explosion the linmes from the tanks. The 10 two Arabian horses, Including the field hospital at Calumet, and Tt is play lin Chicago at the White Sox park, was the actual breaking of the barrier la estimated at about S300. highe« hurle ln the world, and a blY. originated because I recent y e tated there is chance for her to The Sox are away on an eastern trip In the afternoon, the tidle creeping troupe of trained dogs Including Bisomepilacedi my interests on a royalty basis live. and arrangements have been made for steadily up-,ountil at 1:35 o'clock itý sanline slack Vire walkers. Instruct and amuse will line the entire 'in order te enable me to carry out the use of the grounds.waleewthheopftega. "E"CYWN ABRO These three acte wIll beien Iln a length of the Pike.1 somne of my original plans which have AMRICNS R SHT - A wkma sthedoaOfshel and"E" O IS RD space before the grand stand on the Never beore has there beaeiuc.been fixed since the beginning of our ALIBERTYVILLE MAN mAde a small triench, thog wih ome al oobllndPW rae ack. Teyowill rainedOstrich been such à aievr. twofnthabte, neprsÎer.T.s-vlvsteKilled by Meica Bandits While At-a1r1l of water trickled. Gradually Tt Daughter of Georgie Attorney and a hrse i a race agaitoltIme. "samne old fair" by any manner of founding of a sahl for boys as a temptIng to Reach the Coast. 1 HONORED BY INS. MEN. . wi1dened, until an hour later a raglng A,Ie. .C., et. 2.,, Md They vil]lieb itched to a sulky driven means. Commercial University. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 2.-Amert- torrpnt with a thirty-five foot faillJi. ("Ted") Foy. the Yale maa V* byt a woman and wIll go half a Mlle. The entire fair will be as clean, There ts no fouandation whatever can refugees are ln force here, having Frank Gerlach of Shullshurg, Wis., poured through an opening 400 feet wshrle n10 n 90a Laster the ostrich will make the race thorough and Interesting to the gena- for the statements that I have ln any landed at San Diego. Sty persons wvas chosen president of the Seventy wide Into that Part of the canal be- wsreae ulack0ofaldtime, has t aloeMtr fsnstoa ne estTtand ublas eeeslt fft cark wilway withdirawn fromt my position as were brought northfrom Guaymas Ivle Thousand Dollar Club of the Old tween Gamboa dike and the Tlliraflores gomaeting morel iports. ant t Thk fatreofsestinaeiteesft ntheeta aand vicinity by the United States Colony ILife Insurance Company at a locks wich hadereviouslUbeen ex on the Midway fis the motordromilea lbe set for years to come. president and chief oelecutieo h rie itbr bnuthl nteHtlLS lle , ated b ileam soestfootbax. l gme mostou wodn aupr60fetin One of the plans that Paul Ma-roresonenershol ivsin f ur .L Fnlyo i. wyt hsCagouetrdayIngt . h e hs ct whch i 50 fee lon. • ie as rgeundfrma diameter and with a tilt at an angle GuffInsecond vice presoident la work- enterprise. Neither have any official T off o i wyI bsCicergosetrn ere: V e oeentands tred oshnea: em fcl 70 eees, in swilch heeimtorng asout fork publc onvenen.e Is cangsbe*uade ofar as the otherhmonE asTxdclaredthat Fred Pendrel, Detroit; secretary and 600 feet wide, und 41 feet deep helosvtruhth atwt cyce seeddemns wil fae nstnt sytemof arkng utmobles Itc ageseenm esoMany Ameicans had been killed by treasurer, W. C. Sanborn, Liberty- men sealevel, was entirely filled by tSopg hie er i agts Injury or death as they career wildly Is probable that a space VII li e set offices of the company are concerned· bandits while attempting to rach the vle Ill.; execuitive conmmittee. E. P. 3 o'clock, Nwhen thewtr of the P'a-iSohie1eldrim .dnatre th at the rate of more than 1100 miles an sasidleat somnepoint in the fair 1 still have thebhonor taolbe the lcoast fromDUorangowihwas cal u ckrpCia.:R ,we, EIuIcile laed for the frnt tameorhesolod ah, Ga hour. grounds swhera the machines may b pesdet f h hedonscoo_ih tuedbyinuren i ecam othCar, . Radteoillcwer ofE a son aëfry fte M irat ine loksli Geun Aaaa er mntel mpd ihutitrfrn wt n M . uad steaue; mr, n h steamreni to Juars. club and nith t6uothe attrction to Pase1,tthe ehibiton. , • • __ - - --Oft.--- 5PER YEAR, IN ADVAN.i MUNTY INI)EPEN'I)ENT EIGT TPAGES îr-

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