V M T 1 l li cained ie andrd aýve th sie ostia aoutil W itngbt there semis lobe sonne- 1U115 b. admits îteaiig 15 itro . em - 4buy smre a( hir valuMe Eger. ibertyville-Let's try and The plan lie,10 nati théleeaigb5ut-18Eeilaene on e Paul Keutier. Twenty-firet street and Oison Io, reported to have servsd sibis chieken ooj aboutomtatbusineesset aeue.14; Wagner, 16 Beloit tour yearIa Imprisontient at Sttttwa- E UTV . now0what tbey are enltitied to n i SWALLOWSA TAK- vvere sent out fron the police sta- 3111 Giabriel avenue, 14; Kletnert,310erMinHeasrnoydbC.. t 'ae tlis inisuunderstatdiitg.AitIon. but io tract- couid lie found of E2itra avenue, 12. Anderson on a terni wet of Zion. ( 1 rke lok U) týt KEES O WOKIN. R ES REORDýite'tiiee8.R. P. Brooks, 2910 Elisha avenue, Just how tire thiet escaped ls bard CARL WESTERFIELD ui;:ti .irki>et hItao alum l EPlO'liGfiA(S Ee chief of this gang of tllicves was iud 5o0'ctiickens stolen. Albert Gould, . t explain. Qucstionedl as te howli <Cotined romPae <~ %teiitiet t it'e lu iizo i C hfouritBîjtita nsi hdtscovered at Kenoshia yesterday. Chier a farmer bad 30, and Steinberg, 1711 ige ourts cein dChic tla smr'tt n iasok Btina u. hnl a. a .Aa ker Locates the otPolice A. A. Vslkcr lias beteni0on tiii tre l.r avenue, 13. Tire total nunîber iroceeded an quitty about ltswork _____oi_1______hesaneâilie__________a___ 1, oi lolt ijob for a tew wecks tryling tu, run te flich tic'kens reporterd stolen Je 450. lhe repliled, "Soute of!tilleulshoiered. tims ot er Nis llet*,leenen' ui t heo iltf aile sili ba edi ' in Iîî ilsonitieluis iofitî Leader of Chicken Thief guîîty people dîw n. He repîorter] the oisoni ys lie grabbed tie chikelns dIone oftitheur iddt," but lie gel liret a it'~t'oîuif sarltheci fin 0! lu tie hief f oicSt tiîemaway just thec mre. lionsltin ps unre hei' iai cîlie tt s riin g l te bet . nst he waa repatrtnr on. ilSornebodppayei uanlg at Kenosha tîfs ci!o!Ioie Kn by tire wtogs. aud placed tbenît n a miltohtmirne'igltircl cu.l i apîîa e ail li %etltt tesot i on ad h .iewalwod *tu sud bld hlm te arrest anyoit stick. He sold lits cbickens in Kenlo- He walved examinatton ln court and FORI A.SUIT le,'i 'liiiî-.iîce nt il, inO tut ilesnl iri tc vatetinan emwbrîng chickenop from Zion(City. A trai sha and then went on to Racine P nd Was bound over ho the grand jury. ~~larklai and Ilr, irk * KtAlfred i'iîti'r îlîgî pUt' luioiailîî0 cietls ttc tac ilrelgrGsKng mlr fpints of lac 'rTheirtkii'esý He didu't cati a dochor. He ,ereiy DID Il ON WHOLESALE PLAN ýwas li n twre.AfrdOsn 1gtpthusS 0cnsab~c. eorenuiuui. J. Sirattoît, %\i, it Sratton, iaCtiltut Vi i,frttîld hatve nul inui, gulped sud gulped and tlnally the allcas Jon spo smiui. iH32old ied ulitiepose o t Ibe eana ttElgin-A.utoobe rce fa. weeo Welch (tVauke;,aiI, VWash, \hit" t-tiiii ptîosition îa iaric' 1and 1i itack sscit cicar down lotobis satlo out-td ih akngahbcerns lt s a peosIsssforn. Her bl . nioeh trn thtma rofitarito 5 eatéD- BMorn bleckateroiw nea- t'oîaî-î:; rbegrnet tîla st Iiila;ierasi ii art lits stomacht.lie tnux e1t ieGn Ok uer was brough to Zton City snd cents on esacb bushel. He averaged iy 3,000 gatbered t10 watcb fiames carry AG.AINST S'Tlrik.flniritlar'inî ilî it îe adie i o cise itwold e ta ie agT o f heeciarged withbtbe wboleiraie tbeft 75 cents anlien and tbis. added uaway nearly ail of the tarin buildings. tant, Emnîuis. F, erri, Kirchnter,. of lak. I 'tier Mititan'.'tor lie feit no'effece,4 Up to Fftyat Once. !fchitckens. At tiret lbe denied tie woîld total $300 wbicb lie bas cleared The eâttunahed damage laf rom 26.000 lieyer of ireîîîoul e.111 e'or W'uk -1front It. He obéen contiioued lbis sorl, ___!__charge. sayiug lbe mcrely bougit te atrite business. to $60,000. The jinsurance totale1$16.' gian, Petits, Slntoiis Sliat,\'eît Btrtooks', W'titîrda 'Ht at tCook on rite shoe in question. cîceî rmaohrOa and aufled 000. of !tcwport Toesl. (-t îîintii.i (as(_ itil l b ii' altîed for îtrc. ________ _'lite wlOlesale cbickeit thefts fiat as agent. Walker put Jilin tbrougt lire A great mauy of ttec ctkenm stolen ABSENT- itroecher o! Waukegai.~ti i ir 's.c îr ati î1i'A trust deed for $50.000, secured ty taie been 80 soreiy pcrpicxiîîg zion grill. howeî'er. snd lie finally con cs vereraz.fws orewrevle Charmsn C.onrad noit toting. gan iitin attu o nurtireex-' ,dait$10 sud Mrs. Eliiot reioorted tirat John Burke, fornerly edltor af the ,'rtittl i tutl a tion tuvoite.s \Ve 1LakeForest réealestaie. frontJames CilY people for the çat few weeks '-ite lotih htreetsmported fowtm valued Anutioch News, naw of Chtek. Wim., Th Dsusio.t'titttltîr u rv' î~ or i'nAnderson te the Chtcago Titie and baie corne to a climax at lest. There He admthted. iiO ail, the thett of 415 ut $25. Mr. Ctougb tost four of hietumdhm usl Attone~liculîtit or uir esîr Ioui( couniti, tiierefiirc hi n le'Trust company was iled tn the record- may lbe other thieves at the busaines cickens. Fromt somte bouîses be took prize birds iat won frst prias at ses' TetundbreTedymtrvtn Arne Bexiaiie that Mr.dg et'msod- tti e tt'dssti is X, s rs office today. ansd fron a ePart turned Itoothe lio sS many as from 20 to 50. Prom I. E. eral shows. lit tactrnoney wouid friends la and about Waukegau. 4UIon sbouîid foliow bis return train sîiendltwaiee as îiic'h imonte% as ie' ilis vacation sud added that il was gelOt O t !il itigation Iertalîs and,. ufort:unate that te 'ookî couty according to the sentiment t it inOl 1 à» Ilnvolving sîuuiîar points to \Vaîikcgau, thei'pcopie do not favor lake countys sitoîld base conte(dlt-r su<'h a course.I1 îlîcre it ta fooisb bg is vcation îeriod, tiios delai tiiseid$1) aftur $7, ans ime. A »ng lie deciston. ic feItthie points iaulv Say tu ii lt îthtii'treasureri lnvoIved acre big iuesteilug co-il ieitir, il it-, ii. d. 10 oftrniialits ee s d De'ml . e r ed ýte state alto diter on liie'law. lo l tetil iiitt foi îr tt ut1win.'Ž s aduiido m e ,e r c n rs o a i r ed 'eM t Wastertiiild ciuilii tc ionsidere .t-J I îii t 91 et I i litter i toolish it iicase le siinului irelidic is hi' îis c titti etle li i îtiiiîiu'r" tl'.ud tif oase lvsoiuiteeriug to turn ri'er iiti ig tIti tr-ia. irer tiriii a Wiuit t leswJeiie -uls ae o lu i,1 tt're 't il, ioue lo'i tîti tioit Liberal Savixdgs on the Little Neccessitics Needed in Every Hom e Be addZ dota tWesterlitIl l'us tIl.'ii'ger thliti, i te c 'a se i, deuidu-ul tor ey on ibond. ttat it tutdit st, lîî untire tigiter i irt, ut wulli e fou nd Ilrod thtireforc il uelu t îeîuu1ettiethe ti ai tr i, iititlýdli Ih i-- A sale wnicn every aressn'aiçer and one 'wno coes home se'w'ng 'WiU 'w'eicome. Its a, sale, 'itî'r deeci n iu i iiiill rit ut îrli lîeritaitu r tiltx. I thé counîtîueIricrsi.s lii iit Klu, t ? Aiku' rt' f the tit nîasî,r 'which means îiberal savings on ait of the littlie eessities needed every uay in the week., MSr. hîaubleit îrgu'dVl bar ah4- i litaiit tis iterîti ndi"i tuu ent& tng tiat lie boad retainîtil feî'lt î,jut tîtriedii v.'r tto Ieti uitî n s iare a"ot fadat a in. ntsr, tIi we Offer the P r e t o r o m like otler t relistirers asuîiif sit wi S " iCook u îuity s e u'ci i", a tut iitt tii'l. Il aresiîîs trIlaonnrs.aloucti cO u ". l er milu d %tuti ti' 't iiiA s 1a1 gpecial F eatu re w P r ec i n mos F o m a relai us t hur, hsitoortie bordi,. st ttitt,;ld ttuw lt' o itin sid uerbers agreed ,thihit ite ivotulhi tiii ttilinî,t t iiéie Io Beuin meedt roduce cul iv iotu o! ite C'okl, muit ca,'i, fr"-".'-"-IH m idence o! tudividuals m'ho tad Itatu Mr. Dady Expiains Position. These forms are iEspecially adapted fo rs ma esH m use, tfteresh on county funde lu a pr.' vitrne reaure. ýr. adv xpline hi, psiton.Ladies' Tailors and Garment M akers. "Ilave you u*u un 1ud a tceasur.'r le silO tie sas ruady to cnrrs oui or- Whio wassuore, ,traigittf(tord arlt'] d er,ulitot iltite as. to leuici 'lte_________________________________ who answecd your ý aulded lile t uîld iutt'tart a suit w ilî 'aIlînhAav uthU a Who answd llcu seqe.iseralol"utthe iii uard's ord ers.lie îredited' T e ue n Ad usab eImproved Favorite W it Forms The Empres ;fl n ilnl a Vsefed1i ut oil take tivo i ars te get a fnlai w srU'LIAD.rle s pnytotO you eser)thinuc sou h htcurt Vescricis " iitoldn r il D es Sj dJstblFor Every Adjustable J'I)e anld e aa co ~le heas>n 0tih gt cor. t esieon "Molîtufr il1 om e u a sadBsibe B ua oi itsh eita an sd interet$ 5 elr educed Io $5.00P rp s F r *-detal abou mouess. sud. ha.s t .4In'e itnce ta 8 lista7d30moree thaît tuer ,'lways been ou the square" mouesal n mr tin h Wialc Favoi Acton. d DOvestimalcd that iti woild '1.T'i loi is eon Wecî ~o, cio. '0- aîu lIMr0î'uO - AOÀMMW,«a, ine utinuphies. The ad- <i111'ltiuc 1I'eicb of Wed'îsgan tnsitted suluion ger esti lti tat iti' ltticresu ]îîistientu i5)ts res esl.v li t,' i hoe w liiiliît I ili . <îb94î,11tauî ui îmhut, abc tarted amontre, exptaiiug is re- ciones Ilorinz a fourc "'Carterni snuld efiang u use iiîfort" llfiielu that a personat element taul -n- serega- I iuinom maicilealotîg the iiîîts of f tnt togit' e( 1e ai lotothe matter, ating 'e wc th itîds uiîîl figît't' o toi aîîllîuI)t îî îeI's- g('iîi itse whlere<'latet ulîll an md %bouidli nttle influenced Wiii Specify esmount. 1111111ndivtOnal or nes-spaper-lb is Vidcv te reslution îassed lui ttc tm11vlen.Tefin sil ol.prsfon snee o el aquestion of wheubcc tbc board, tce m ers acre led to lue e iit afteîhing bet o th~~~î~lt ort s i(ed tor t îl usilY yj la. tunder ttc lat, enhitîcu to lieue trat the ia rescrliîeistholos, t , adjaii stableat w 1blsdapn taist's IThe meneYs or net- if te arc, se .Guntv treasurer nuttanser aIl 5< ,tsuaeeiing îi<i', bi"t, î'e>îîgadti eti t l.if Wce are n50 sashoulu Iupiitbons put to ticeuboard sud.siet\i%',.Il;tt s achiscandI nrîguîlar i.ellîîîg Elles are, d ii ii>Iit " in is u the aitaton freer ButJfCSlie is askcd te statew'at t tter-st t Iii've cac des on 'Out about Ilbnow by ttarlinu ttiis ts oiibd t u1 ovoTtsl t. of an ill fitting gîiwn. iiiev(fthi ril 1" t7 .-5).It Cs'('1 w ay and -w i ( Pettus' Opinion. doulît the courts wil lussie 10 depcide. Wihtusfi-noe idas'ns ate .,..-.-.- e ' . teiu'e. o Petitiso! Deerfield If Laske couutv Itiet shen tite'questions will b% laib , ea<iilv oubtajîsthelong- dv Je......... . FVlc iý*lrt. s suit, ilbstl gel into th- o Westerlcldi te designate titei waist effeet at thte ba'k, a____________________________ time atndIWitifoi- ,Mmne rnxî i ttuPwit %Icr.'elrh -aiottointlite bat. rotiecid lu interet th iti îh or low' hîîst cf- ____________________________________ tlli~ t,'lîII lise tletti. 'ii51u ý*It Cook couabi s <stuc lv nos i, sud Jush witen ite ls cxpete tl'd10an- . lefntti i.îsa wth dernurrers niiuucis. eux' - sud ise seor teuu, uemais te ilit eenl. ' ' M&feîtNti'ev-Uîlatgngr ltig WIInet know wbere ive arc et or lamFs S'odman offered to furnit xai,"îIti1quili"ii> nh eeria itiile ompee Non-Adjust- tiiheitreg- *onI ill li e intsbed. And. furiteitoard tsultahute sign nud lose to P E I Luaprc Ut~ermore, i undeetand titat %ir. he ilaced lib the 4ain cross-ronds la larget tant e otiatcîif i< (dSS( n demîand s anîd ___________ _ able lust Form tlx111 t' 'Wolcb hinacl. i;as a iwyr, is ne te counfit, bts coinuitc lîeîng aSot(of titis lîst, svaist, bllîs lor defending ta bHighland Park ma'i $5 for'the courbiebe aigritceluestti lI t -ifl s ~ ~ ' l~"~l)(t ~ <i oîni ak '(ormner osu collector Fred Stisetieru j hirt aboui t e îlaccdic i oncreht. tie w aist. '1lis ~is ii ei-el lii oitttn fort iAilf i b adist i io 1 O hl1 the suit sbarbed tn recoi ertmoleys -!The pit l twi a nbh'pibu t uie. wth a of he r s i'.. î iiodt, laiiies i u lt, ia bon '$1.50-litiilfo - 'Iligligrae iat iul' tireiiii'ed thrigistît. ru duîed i dutbet Tis oi ias an l îiistahle s'tandî iaamiis frthsi îjsabutoay i g îîîi1îîîlî~ t ~~ îtî~ sale to figure and aîîy of the e (vt'i îhauiging 7- 0 0 lvseual yoc s el sd3.5tvh's. A sîecial ____________$4 ~, iiii'i325Vt;îie at $100 This Mausoleum A îîî iloî(l îîîîîîl are'î'Stili tu 1' Sailu' andin- 1tiiiatiuiî ii \lie Iii lîy alilissilig thie UNI1ON MAUSOLEUM COMPANY, At \\,itligîii "lie griumiiiîu l.u ;li it t1l ai îiîi euliiiî 11,(, ling iieatifiedl a stuil t-îi lias buut-il euuist'iiti'l ililt tIti g'itiits,'ti ilruui g~t5titt îî;iif-Ilee;îtiîe ndlwluiitîjtil î'îîuî vst "' i h\ l iaktlig if, St lîî'i ti-\i uî'k j l'li~iO I'î,iI l iitti' uIs ingIlautil i tii "lU' I'o il'aî t ýiitlais ad<liess Clairle C. Edwards, 221 Washlngt on St. THE UNION MALjSOLEUM CO. Waukegan, Illinois Savings that Mean Much to Modistes and Home Dressmakers Standard BiIk 50 yd sî>oiis in ail coitits, also black andil white, 3c Coat's Sewing Thread-.Speetial, lît peril dozu'n spools, 55C Bastlng 'riem.- 5(J yard spot>is, ini bîavk oit wshite, petr 4c Dress Sbield-CoîiIe inu Al siPAM, per îpair', Pearl Buttonh-Fiîî- est qîîality, ft'u"uliwa- ter, fisli eve peari buittumns; mie ulozen on a eatul; f; carils f or. 25c ;10vs'aite, per Common Pins-Spe- eial foi the' home s-wer-s' sflî'2 1 patk- ageslfor-, Ic Hook8 and Eyes - Black orr ss'hîte, al Rizes, carul, lc Button Mold-Re- dteed fi) tw'o do'zen fo r 5c Tape Measures-6O juchies lonîg, good quahity, special, 3c Needles-R. J. Rob- erts' neuidies, al k inds, 3 packages for loc Cotton Tape--Choice of black or white, speciai, per roll, lc Featherstitch Braid -6 yards on a card, regulai 10e quaiity, 5C Machine Oil-Reg- ular 5(- bottle, on sale for 3c Scissors - 41/_ to 6 in- elies in iength, reg- ular 25c grade, 15C Globe Pin Books Assorted eolors, reg- ular 10oecard, 3c - VOL. SUPER LUT TES' HER T' ER KICI EST ED- AGE the boni -1rtendt) urer Wi seI clati boutd i lobtionsà Dady te Mr tyau, * wut the lu c-ff ot la ho ha and 's ot ne 00ti forb> tb>mc t and, long@ thiel (fors8 ment Ibis i RtE recte as ai deern ordes t' led t id out luit by mut or den: Inthe luths ~t that h MayIlb or snll mary a Bron wasa The able lu sOit gu tue la Invoivt An campE'. fundm dion , autiios Weste cotIai tUme I standi liatIlb oultbes oncuri fonds. did T fai tgt ta PIx Mdr. tbut 1 ai] lu tiat. Oct. resobu time. board tue- New Druess Trimrnigs for Flu and Winter TIhe. ioveltieg this scason are hi far the inost uinlie w li'h have lwen îîsed ini vears. Beadeil friîges and gold lace bands~ antd etigiiigs, eliffon f1owers, appliques, ani su k Il Qe baudls jani edgings, also Chenille and lui triilîiiiiiligs ie iii great fa- N"1v1*. We are ais'> showing a great variety of* iii - tetd( -I m iain and lFrerieh tiniiiiiiflg idceis. The New FaIl Suitings. and Dress Gneds rFh(, miateri.tls ini gcat favor for Fal 'ar include Brocaded Pi'inel las a d Eponges, ( hex'al Cords, Diagonal Bedfords, Dr)îap d 'elte', Wlîipvords, Epingline Repps. Poplins, French and Sotvh Nox'elties, Reùfer ('lotit, Eniglisti Twveeîls, Broadcloth, (ii iwhîlaisandi îan y otiiet ioveities. Anyone bringing this advertisement to the store will receive one 10e card of Wil- son's Famous Clasp Hooks, without charge. There is no obligation whatever to make a purchase to obtain these clasp hooks.