arm trylag t. decide te:NdM't tiseafi&Bad ifowgà»uIbo= las chilld 3k. bis looks or î$idis'tho '%kea Wr. lth e ontry knpayr »M yre the feeling of the sisears or wus It ho- Auured that tboy wli be buiit, sud isuee e t wlsbed to show his oenlructed of brick or ernent or of pape tbait be wns tbe boss of Useir adamont-amothlng tbat willi astare famlly(bat he wouid not submitlthe tbe 50 t (boy willi fot seed any the firmt instance but was flualy ln- repair for several generations-at IlIO,- duced Io ipermit bis locks (o ho aun 000 to $12,000 per !mle-gso that Boone putaird el8e, bore. county may ge t about 160 rods-(no miles>-of roa*l per anna. which will take 12 years to build tram Garden ED. SIIIRTLEFFJ Prairie to Boividoro. Thon atter the s a O roda re oauru'ALda mre lno HIS OTHE RECUESHIM'amedmet tothelaw-wlth (ho citieç ON ROÀD LAI 1 represented, which la over haift(he Cries of 'Mamma, Dear Mamn- M l I tate NOW-wlIi again place the bur- NO E T USuS I i don of repair--back upon tho locali- ma,' Heard by Her and She C N iU I S (es. One great dofoctinW (bis law le, Rushes Him From Shop. 1tînt the localitils have nothlng to say If Brick or Concrete is Used, about (bese roada or the expoading o! conteratinsas created In Ihe Boone County WiII Get About j he moneys-thelr own monsys. Ida abrshop, just south of Tii- 160 Rods Each Year. jVery reapeettlly, Sun ottice Saturday night bY a Noun,-- EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF. lad o! ite ears o! age who ma.,;__________ soînething like a bull In a china sboti * Marengo, IL,. Sept. 13, 1913. for le eldbi fthe ad h (ïcEditor itel'.idere Repubican: Beividere-.-Mi*a. Abblo Jewett lartîcrs force in te shol, St bas- for 1 i notice In the issue of your paper Cag omryo evdrwsFi liaf hur bie so anded nen tday th i3iî,anartcleon age2,day elec(ed connty suesprintendent o! a haf hur hil t 'o undedmen todY, he 3th anartcleon age2, chools of Wlnnebago county to suc- woîrien and cbildren gatbered ou- beaded "Five Candidates for County side and watcbed (ho little feilow Supt.." and In the article dlscussing! (i oaksf. .J e n, hsreptlh ogo- boni off bis antagonluts. Talk about the supervisors' action, under t(liew tio lue es (to ep ductie o- te rute and (he elephant and ail rond law you say itear (lie enîd of (ho, tihe nioise dld (o tbe eletîbant! article:i Anud if wam ail due to tbo fait (bat -The law says rîotlîlng about (ho, Kenoha-People remildiag along the fater o! the lad warîled im to road nialerial to be used and It is ns- t(le laito shore In (ho south part of bave lits bain cut and tbe lithoe fel.j sunied (bat (lie sate liglîway commis- ibe city bave made an appe'nl (o (ho low disagreed lie dld flot wanl il s510 witi lie guided soînewhlatin i sletfederai officiais to stop the noise cnt aîîd lie just wouid flot permit i lîîg niaterial byth(lisîses of (lie Io- nade by unmuffled niotoir hoats now, Arîd, as tbe climax to the affair, the cal officiais'" in use on the late. The owners o! motiier, to mate the stage setting i-x This is mereiy an assumpliori and n soins o! these boats are seemingly actit rtgbt, rusitod mm tbe shoti violent assumption, at tint. Wben 1(1 seling (n make (he boats the grisai- grsiihed tie boy front thebecair aud iii understood. (bat under titis law. (ho est nuisance possible. escaîîed tîtrougli (le crowd, esîiali Ing t(balth(lite 11fellîts' aer -houldl liave bis liair cutVlief o oljecîcti - If sorie movine iicture concerit cotld bavelbadt a niachine in frontt-if (ho 0110p, tiîey wouid bave ohtalned a picture which woaid bave made a wbere oser it coutllde hosown. At an>- rate. (ho boys father, Ed Ray, took im mb e eshop to bave bis iair cul. The littie fellow was punt In tihe secondt chair and Biarber i-arry Eliot started te earn tithei cents. 4le no sooner sînred to apply (ho scissors (htan tho boy lt out a yoil whlcb causedt ho barber to ieap hack la terrer, and cause (ho mon iying in (heother chair te start up ns il oppmehQdy, was beiag Pkilet. Oas barber aiment slnshed is cusomers Biaitk, sesuddlen did (ho explosioni torne fron t(ho youagster wbo re motod barbererlal assistance. An",he dld net le(up! Theobrbor eUtouraged hy (ho father We keep on. o bi'tod la again. 'rhe boy ducked hie iseag lrst one way and (hon anothor; EIM" grahbed bIs bond and (riedtu ( bold I;taW place. Atain lie dncked Then (ho fathen came teo bis assist* anco. Ho trled to bold li e euirm- - Uej>"d -wbile thie barber appleti tihe shears. Hlm efforts were vain for (ho boys head wlggled and (ho barber couiti nt gelthe(ho aonne art- odrigit. .A» t hîs Utin e oboy wns yelllng ait(he top o! is voice, bie cries o! "Mramans, deati majuma; dear. des- nanuna." bing enitted with such forme (bat In a moment a crowd hall gathered and people came fromnt lock away to son what was (ho mat- ter Gathereti outaide (ho window, s CrOwd whlcb was estimateti et 200 Versons, oxtendlng Irtto (ho stront, watcbed (ho maneuvors o! the barber. the father and (ho vîctiru. Coaxod. in Vain. The father triedte r coax. thon tried to (hrealen and Iben (riedte W spank tho cblld, but il was no use. Finaily, alter (ho scene hbat eon enactoti longer (han (bey could stand, anmre o! (heo0cpanté; o! other chairs or- dered (he harbers to wiiîe the lather Off t(ior laces and (bei rmade thoîr escape. Alil tIis limtio(ho (atle was silil lin lieweenth e oiîeraiiîr.lietaîbîo- aud Irle icîlîn aitb neitîter side gammen a reint ailtîugh tbe lhute lot îîrely belisusiî,iesRors ai iay. *Nlaluîniat(Par iainia: dear. dear Isanînia, shrleted t(lie ho> an-i nraMmma evidentit> iard hlm for. at tisatmontent, a voîtan rîtuboti nIa t"e barber s101)li fter edgilig tiir s-ai S-thPough (ho crowd. gratibetite boy ty ho arur. jorted hit ouIut oflie ,."lor andsaniti eblessouidnt'îstandl ,4eîr incb Inhuman (reattuient. ile .)dld't wan( (o bave is hair tut. dastiug a look at(lie Ipour, lierxiiis' e glteidand almost frastis- barIber. Metoid bor bushand be ouglît tu bo otter (han try to force (ho n- erous lttle fellow lnto subnîlsslon li (bat manner and elle carried (ho 'o bid off up (ho street white (ho fatiser andi barber st down andi Tiokseh( o colec( îbemaelves. Ti.aoywouid end ail rlglt haro oxepting for nlle tblrg-he mother - to he boy iit(ho street to tnother a boli. where. after coaxing hLm and 'tKIkîng tbitoi. she àas able to get hlm Ilathe (h-cair and tho bair, "'bteh hall pnnved (he lione o!fcn- tion for a haIt bour, was soen eti aaBile a-lhod ir ile (ihe kid andtis"toud for I.' New, (he BÂntI FORCE AT BAY ON SAT. NIGliT Little Son of Ed Ray Resentsý Application of Shears to His Golden Locks. 1 Petted in Evanston, They 'Bit the Hands That Fed them,' and They are 'in Bad!' Squirrela in Evanston-pampared, nut-fatteaed pets of (lie residents for many years--have tiecome a nuisane and (ho protection w hich bas hoon afforded (hem by elry ordinances Is te ho wi(bdrawn. Fiîgura(lvely speaklng, (lie busby- taiied rodent& bave "bitten (he bnnds (bat fed (hemi." hy scamperlng ovor -oof s and awaltoning their benefac- tors. Tboy aise are nccused o! ent- lng birds' eggs. drlving birds f rom (ho auburb, leavIng Insects te muliiply until they are des(roYing (ho treos. Twelve years mgo Voney W. Pos- ter hougb( several squlrrois. They were anqa of h! undreds wbich now lnfest thie city, protected by or- dinances,. and imquden( by reason o! (ho fines lmpoaod ulion their eneiflies. Mayor Smart bas been receiving complaints. some saylng Ihat (ho no- dents bave gnawed bobso In roofs nnd built nesta In attics, Accordingly ho instructed (ho corporntion counsel to repeai (lie protective ordinance. and declare an "open senson" on Bquirrela. 30 yoersnid, aleknarned «'Big Louis," and bellWvsd to be thse biggest man ln thse world. died today ln a hoapital at Hancock, Mlcb., af(er an Illness of only a few days. He Was 7 font 8 inches tail and at one (ime traveled wl(b n circus. He later engaged in farming. Evanston-Evanston estahlisbed a precedent ln ecly govornmon( when lts council abolisbed tbe noblies of chief of police, chie! 0f the Oirs de- Partment and bealth commissioner and placed (boss departmen(s under an elltcimncy expert. known as com- missioner 0f public safety. Walter C. Hedrick, expert emfciency manager. was selected. The heada o! the (hree dePartasents were reduced (o depu- tles. Harvard-Settlenment of tbe Har- vard postoffice controvoray was brougbt about Tbnrsday by President Wilson transmittlng tnt the United States sonate tho name of M. F. OConnor aïg thé noat postmater of H-arvard. Mr. OConnor was recont- mended hy Legsla(or Thos. E. Gra- bain. wbose indorsement In this ieg- lâlative district 9enator James Hanîli- ton lewis is reAnlaing In evory in- stance. Girl@ Man. "The average girls ldta of a umm la what every bealtby man wanta (o klck"-Fmom The Gay Rebellon, hy B W. Chasabers. 111 %oEA I I AMUU ÀTE.. R. KM Tennessee Governor Dare Not Leave Democratic Legisia- ture ta Addressjhem. Chattanooga, Tenn(,, Sept. 17.-The annuai encampment of th. Grand Army of the Republic was nsarked with addresses of welcome and re- sponses, greetinga front the auxiliary organizations and respqnseg by )agi national commandera. The crowd was estînsated at 5,0001 witb the auditorium and as many more ln thse streets clammorIng at first for admission and iater slnging patriotic songs and making extem- Pore speeches. WVtb practically ait trains ln, the attendance at thil, en- camPment ta estimated at 20,000 vet- erans-considerably les# than ex. pectesi. Mooper Faite (o Appeer. Governor Iloopor of Tennesase falled to, make the address of woi* cone, according (o the progran, rnucb (o the disalPp6liltment of (the veterans. He sent word that, having tbe legiature ln bisb anda, he feared the Democrats mlght take undue ad- vantago o! bis absence. Oitr1 îs5 a yofa IYSM (s., Goals., Go wns, Skoes,,Nec k- weai, Silks and Dress Goods is Unusual At this season ofi the year you should plan on purchasing. your entire supply of wearing apparrel. The styles are more varied and stocks More comIPlte, YOu are assured Of the funl attention of our sales ladies The eQol weather is not very far off and the wise wornan al- wavs urehases ber supply of %%inîter underwear before cool weather starts. Our line of witinter îinderwear embraees the fleee Iined, up to the.ail- Cornes in wvhite, eream and (titi, fleece lined; an 10 e xtra good suit at.. ..0 1lAv il, vînir ehildreiî's sitpply of winte underweart VI 'J(e il e îw ntdîrw-ear for them yon should corne hlere au dtteis it- We carry the farnous line of Mîîîsiîgwî i.Kiiit elosely, but stili allowing plen- t ot'l velit latimi oîî tton, part wool, threc-fourths Feee hîîed, about three-foitrths wool; corne in gray OfllY; ail s1zest, priedi very speeial at per1.0 uit .................... .. ... ... FàlU Ieadv-tc- Wear FaB Dreas at $12.98-Made of crepe de chine, core ne lal the ieading colors, suvh as niahog- any, navy, Copenhagen, bline and bline, trimmred %vit lia pret- ty' lace of fisehu long siceves, skiît slashied, barrelcffect; a leadler,129 at-------------- 1 .»9 Junior Coata, $7.98 to $15.O- Made of the popular inaterials, such as Boucle, Chinchilla, Zibbeline, Persian iarnb and Astrakan, priced 5 $7.98 to ..... 5O Chldren'a Swesters, $1.98 - Button high at the neck, dou- ble breasted, two pockets; col- ors white, navy, gray and red, speeiai for Saturday 1.98 at ......... ....0 Ohldren',s Coats-Made of serges, cheviots, flannels and broadeloths; colors navy, red and browýn; large setion; priced at from $1.98 598 up to........... l Ohildren's Dreese at 98c- Children 's new fali dresses, neat plaids, high neck, long sîceves, ages 2 to 14 years; priced special for Satur98 day at $1.25 to- .......98 Corne in ail the desirable shades, regularly suld for 50e; priced'as an indueeinent for Saturday,39 aper pair . . . .. . . . .. . .... 9 AMI t he latest' models and new- est fabries; cvcry s ui i t a winner. Step in and sec our compiete line. Prîccd at, $16.50 $18,50 $20,00 $35*00 "t, - ,~ la, "timae l e imâ.151f Marns of Nèbrasansd Gardner of ichigan soem t. bave out-dlstanced ail otisers. Predictions are rather gonerai (bat Adamns wlii be thse wln. ler. Scott of California muade 'maierial gains today ln bis candidacy for commander.ln-chlef of the Sono of Veterans. Joiit--Joliet willi be the largeat 1111- nois cl(y on theoLUncoln nienorial hlibway, whicb willlreicli front coast (o coant througb (birteen states. The Lincoln blghway route (brougli Illinois wili ho as foliows: Chicago Helghts, Joliet, Geneva, De Kath, iRo- chelle, Ashton, Dixon, Sterling. Mor- rison and Fulton. The road enters Iowa at Clinton and goos tbrougb New York, New Jersey, Pennsyiva. nia, 0111o, IndianaIlîlinois, Iowa, Ne- braka, Colorado, Wyomting, Ne- vada and California. It begins at New York clty and ends ln San Fran- cisco. Milk a nd Muai. it te a uilti knowa tact (bat tise Most deligbttul muuic at th. proment day te produceti by plara on miliii The eupply of ivory nowaAays dosa Dot tuo a gret extent Mostt(he de. mand. Strange au It may souad, sklm milk forma a substituts. it la used for making tho keyboards of pianos, and la appearauce thlm barrlonod sub- stance la bardlly distsngulsbable trom, Ivery.1 vo' Ami ?ê&4ucu&r Q&OU Mt JU0(40CLor CO"! In selecting your ne"', faIt corset theInaîi poinîts tii he coltsi(ir- etl are: "Is it stylisît?" "Is it coitifortab)le?' "Is it durablef?' "Is it worth the rnoneyJ" ... A glance at our stock wsilli cunvinve vou that the designts are excellent, and beyond qhuestionî represetît the crowsning aehu- evenuents of style and comfort. This illustration van oniy begiri to show the beauty, the style and the coinfort these corsets provide. Ail women are particular about the fit of tlfeir gowns and to have a perfect fitting gowsn the essentiai thinis 15yuur corset. We employ expert corsettîcres an(l voit are suîre of iing fitted with just the corset for vour part icular figure. We bandie the following i mes: LaCaînilie, lace front, 5 0 Ainerican Lady, 50 *3.00 anîd ........ 50 10 o...... 10 Bon j*( Royal Woîrcester, 30 Nento-Seîf îcdu îing,50 Corset W'aistut, .o $2.0 t ..........5 00 ..50e to ........... __0 _ ln thic st 'vles of Fail shoes 'oti will fiîîd the mnediumn ow liteel withi extra wide box toc, the Icattîcîs are patent, with white kid up- plers, guîii-inetal with waterproof vloth up- pers, viei-kid, ail gun-metal, ail patent, with gun-inetal uppers, and eravenette cloth shovs. Ladies 8ltoes, priecd front $3,00 to $5.00 Cidîî 's Shoes, priced froin $1,25 to $3.0 chu fr ie. on Tél eh col ait We liii mi ln ut of v il fol he te ijk ret talo soi tah an on br eIt BC th ho fl 1fu -je U4ffCjO04 OatXL $ULk We are showing ail the popular shades of silk that are so scarce at the present tirne. You wil find the messalines are comnplete with mohogany, Copenha- gen, blue, chrom iyelnw' and ail the other deeided shades. Messalines priced a per 1< yard................................ Our wool goods section bas ail that is latest in the fabric vor1d, popular browns, tans, blues, grays and other colors; w,îde variety of materials. mzmlwý MUR"