~AKE TWELVE PÂGES vul . J.." . ---- -- CON T?% - IDEPNDENT LIBErTITLE, LAKE COUýNTY, ILL FRIJ)AY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913. iger of tanced rather 0 Win- aterial V for no of lit li. niorial frous states. iraugh hicago lb, ito- SMar- entera àrough isylva- 'a, Ne- .Ne- i Fran. irses ho do. t, skim a us.d pianos, bd sub- 0 trom W AUKEGANWEKYSUN MUNETHE CAUSE. O I ED v day had been disposed of.lI1t"0lIfl? i~~~ ~ nienSccm t1Ioil assast ln tIeIhIKtcseIan ms ofna Bu Very naturally i agreedto osteir ne f u D ays. a fou i>ADÀD FELI case havlng been dispo ,inu of." i Fn Py. Eddd , 1 SIIOULD NOT BE o ajutieentering loto what iN prac fhI I *ter Hosital at 1:15 Develops State's Attorney Dady which came before hlm bhas-since ai> - l&~g abe ha, ing ben pealeti to the justice with sUcil foreSUET 0 the. previous imorning. Stated Evidence Was In- that lie la planning withdraa ing from, froi au atta- k of heart sufficient. the civil action wben It ls started. HIGII SCHOOL g. l heOb had no. been ln justice to Mr. Orvis. il must be TET CA 1SE 6 i~ time and on Tuesday WILL GRAND JURY INDICT? tadt hat lie wausnes fien fcits T rioaiay 111 andi er1lk-mon utlgbsns ~n ntc, OPINION FR0M eIdi1ig ta treatmnent, shq îiWukanbv r uîes STATE SUPT. G »the, hospitai. Behief is That, in Face of Mr. men wîîn tthe huatie ln theus for the owaa bortn in onneiis- 1Dd'sFemns heJr good of the city that Mr. Orvia dlsplay- TION, IN WHIC hedaubhter of the hate Dd' erns h uy eti at varicue tuiMbe, tie city would be DISTRICTS MU - WiII Not Indiot. 25 yearsaheati of where lt la today. - 1 5 1. U t. , of5 Lt. -r 1 vs a oeottiei_ ree . . _HU L M II FURNII Y GET F. 0 I CH 14E JST PAY j~g'g~y, qs~te the Board of Reviéw for constelera- jEllIfhD CL H EART FAlI l1. ion. Thea ted Ink. or correctsd fig. OU UP ESI -I~* JI s they appear an thse recorda. 'neII Knowu graty ùtumbrth oigna et ies DIVORCE STEPS IN After ln addition,ÇQ re:batratio d vision ad THIE CIRCUIT COURT Fi It I 1 5 1 fI U@s mutiplication. thuas toing ln ail tbe 1'1M-.Hbr -varions branches or inatheinCtics. Mrs. Smith A. Wright of Sand -Jane MlcAliaq N..d of New Law Seefl.' Sunday morai LAKE COUNTY BOARD 0F RE- msmbers afth. Lak. co...ty Lake Starts Action After 37 taken there VIEW FINDS 40 RICH LAKE 'S13«r40f Revlsw ore very am- Years Wedcled Lif e. Deatb came f lhs q thoir he lof correspond- failure ait6 a. FORESTERS CHANGED ln@ wth thoas 0f lths rch Lake HUSBAND HEAVY DRINKER? weiî fora ion, RESIDENCE TO COQK CD., eron m« hepssàsd wautoelal~ W omnSy ue e was taken Ber BECAUSE 0F TREATMENT -nbon ofBord f Riw ln soutlteS 1k. Lake, holden for Badly-Mrs. Wilard Corser " u'0 arte HERE-BOARD WANTS TO mors thea.on@ year nt à time. Sat nAc n ~ vLleyPi..tii AMICABLY ADJUST D hyo.,ta obr lP-e trt nAto. 11'P. h familier wth sntes .nd -v.lu.. Mtbough married 87 yeers ago, M t.'- aLan c FERENCE ANP CET THEIR > whth thslr torm 01 on* yes MaryWrlawfeo Oi Mi . igt t ioar out and lis>' tep soide for *ew formerilV prominent resadentp of Sandte jHobat. TAXES BACK IN THE LAKE man Who, the feflowng year, Lake vldnlty*.aaaet iaat decideti tht Cornei00. No COUNY EXHEOUR - O"tIPA anl md themife shve to nensaandi almaivenesa of ber hM-ofthe relatv ASSESSOR APPLETON IS egin -and -id rajut as- ;bad. aceordng ta a 9fivOrce actionthe Wukega ment w th the rsuit,11jiat much a isehan Oed i u the Circuit court.b s-ofth Fr t nera mi i inMD B HE RC lsatsfaction arima which Sbe eMates ln ber bill tieat ahe mer-nue, Tuesday MEN-LKE COUNTY BD. Wou oavid.d wore mnembers rieti Wright et Sand Lake, JUlY 4. contlned ln efllcs fer a termn of 1876, andt tat.. "wbally regardiens ot HOPES FOR NEW LAW ON yýarB, or, if e a st one or two is obligations op a bh=ina e DruI~wrn ma-ches assis hus coninusd n years after these nd mrige1on-UU [N LLN cuSotc. mencedte tanae Intoxicating tieurs, U Tie Lake Cunty Board as recei- andi for more tia» four years lent pont That upwarde f fort>' wealthy eti assurance train many Lake Forestbha been gslty of hbiituel drunken- M reudnsitof Lake Forest have men tiai. prvidng te> are given tiens; tbant e bas constanty been on changsd thoir officiai residencs wbat tbey cmii a "square deai" tbey sprues, and, remasined ln an Intoxicat- rom Lake COtant>' ta Cook Count> willi resume their residence in Lakeled condition alimait continually, andi becauss of arbitrai*ralses «madae ('ount>' andt tis now lathie aisuand been wboliy unfit te attend le bie nouai on their personal propsit>' b> intentions of the Lae County Board- occupation and buaingi during thant Thomas Appeton of Shields town- te brIng about a satiafieut condition of, puriot; that viellie le bas been thug ship. In which Lake Foresat inIo- mind emons tbem be<ause they pint intoxlcatei, lie bas been q.uarreison cted andi that the somemors de- 1te te big Isle axes wlch tse re- anti bas ii-treateti ber, yur rari. ire to avefige himoif on tIsas moval ef forty of tisese weaitsy nmen using abusive language andi approbri-ý assalth>' men who alwasys oppomed ban caned t Lake county. ous epitisetz. rendering yonr oratrix' Name is1 hlm ashen ho ian for office of Thia weeli the owners of icu banpes condition Intoierable antd ber Illte bur- tc mayor, superviser and finil>' de- lu Lake county were summoned te a&p- deusoîne; in conse.,ence of whicsiche C.D ssssorhas thus cau»sd a biglg pear betore tbe Board te show reason was compelleti te wtbtiraw frtam their I ln taxas ln Lake Coun$y's excheq- wby their assessentieBhouiti net be borne." uer, in the statment of ciembsrs ralmeti. Theme 'acre natified: Caifor- Tfre are two chiltiren. botis of of the Lakte County Board of Re- nia Lee Company,. Consumera' ice Com- 'abou bave reacbed their majority. officiai Doit vsw Who *16 endavoring te ai- pan>', Moris & Ca.. Knickerboctker & mhe Smith A. Wright place an Band weeir tloun feef a comrembss w"u the rboh Amnour & Co. Tihe coupaitail own i.*kB won for Ye5S'5One 09 ti Promûtn- Washngton1 IU~ ~qas~*u ega'lajisa bis boumeaini Laseoaty. No» sbut; ont mrst au hot aol.Il la tke- M PoRkellls usmm 4 mùr t u lioues oty mas Aa i «uf royt apêim&bsAtge bsWiBaow p.RomAstigtaqvile ho osh j. fillants MW thug gsy tâtes ila Efiard and ibeir aiasmament was un- vraie tva or tirse booka vhase scemea appointunert Lae rter thoan Cook Count>'. cisangei., Unleathe other companies were laid La thse vity of the Wrght postinater l It la Just learnet that a fuw .deya appear ver>' abartl>' thse Board wiliihotel. The faiti vas onu of tise bet Tht.ctaang eo se eLakte Count>' Board of Review likdl>' iake a sweeping taise on tlaeir known ini the vicinity for yeare. action tartè beiti e conterence In the La Slle ho- Properta-. 1Mmq Corser Sues. theu villa"ehb tei. Chicago, 'aben the>' met tblrty The Boardi this week reducef tise Berthe M. Corser bas ouedi her hue. response t ' La.ke Forest residents % ho. havng be- Personal property aaseeement ain Use band, Wllard M. Corser, iea on thse dotnet] thsenr coine disgnetd wlti their tretinent Waukegen Lumber Companyfrtrmcharge of drunkennema. Tire>' vre the. village ln Lakte County,.thad cbauged tiseir $7.590 te $1,600. marriud May' 11, 1893, anti ived ta- Ares la tht.nt resitiencu andi iled their persoual1 prop- ------ gether until tbe presleut time. There ltter repreae erty achedules I,%> Chicago. The>' IE I IE D MKare three chisltren. Lilali.Mabel anti vhici amrer takedth ie niatter over pro andi con II~'I< U 1 eo. reliablty, e andth ie outcome ofthe conterencu was gitlOllTHU E ler blliimettes thse tale of a brokun tise vhole e tiattie evewrsprmiet tseLatej¶m cou ~1I U hearted ifie whnoe ubsantibai been greis andtir Foreater s at tse>' wouîd untieavor ta one of tise voral drunkartia of tbee ct>'. Tht. postal anicably reatjust tbeir sclieduies ao ReeWhao has net triedtet support hie vitis tisemn tise>' v:uit have no complaint to effetr UN AT LX. ZlURICHwaf-am liy for years. 'aio bas been a lutter for a like ech of LkeCoanty'a treatanent. about thse saons, unaisie anti unwîli- unlooked lur 4"1 fully' expect tuaI eoast First State Savings Bank of Ing te pay deits cotracteil for hie toam proceedingmE twsnty of thensme mn aib nt once Lake Zurich, With Capital 11'errsd ndronotLaeho e v ilmlagelb reaume their residence ln LkGrrd nebno LakeFoetÏ18mlry County nea sresaut 0f ur ta it ii f 2,0, uhrzed. bas sued ber busisand,. }irry Ander- Il rt.quired > them and .ur expressiontoe thom son, for divorce, cbarging desertian. antialbor t. thet we wl.h to .jle fair ai ail tmess M ES FIFTH IN A YEAR. They were marrieti Oct. 12. 1907. a"~ but the tan) ln thens maters,1 ald Edwar* l-ilveti togetiier until Sept. 20, 1911 anti. !llowr Putnam ot Wouconda, the Retauls Bankinq Busiess in the COUn1ty There tg one chîldI ieue, 5 yearx id. ment, thesea lican msmber of the Lake Ceuni>' 15 Apparently on the Up- Sh ca lastietber hda. uert- lin5 unist Board of Revisas. Edasard Conràd. dhr ntelterdt.ctn;uio chairman f the Count>'Bardf ward Trend. George B. Thomas bas sued isi 'ife The officia SElpervisors and Mr. l4ub.r o An- Bakn bunesisstre o on tise cbarge of desertion. Tic pa. vacancy the tioch are the other msmbers of Use b usliescoun t. fdor n- pers show lise>' vre marrieti May' 22,met Of a1 thhebomolrdakect Rsvlfo an-1897, andt t tse desertut ien on Darder, %ho th or fRve.otier tank han heuen atborized te rl1,11.Office, lia. A ag wic ilutrte te oni-operate wthin tise county, making _______________ tiens et Lae Forest. as explained te ' lttublanhd urgte for ixteen y thUe Balrd of Itaview le that of Granger pat year. - If11' 1J@J f atisîact o -Frvfla rinnet blaoes.via Lakte Zurich village la tise latent Ing algo lie bas liveti t Lake Fiorest for yeare. In te bave a bauk organizeti among Its yT ~ ~l~I mn'petri bis case. Aseessor Appleton rasluhiebsns mna bsdipti r m E À Mn DorS -- pergonal property aseesament $200.- bspinessdmenpais dweisia' iehrm'romtv Mr.stie Mr.Pawe t aanafihlat c la Springfieldi, il.Sept. iS-Auditor i AI I>.lS C ArE having heen Mr Fraifmti ad lscs a ow~ of Public Aiicounts Brady today ls- the ffeat 511 possession of thc Board of Jtevlew. suaapeîttChle VAdrvAbrW.FnlfWa wrh througb t 0 Mr. Farweil 1mloihed the aseessre d emtt hre .Ades letW ie fW wo h icitisen vlUs a tietitilet statensent of hie per- Emi Frnk, Hearman Huifer, Herman Takes Spoonfut 0f Carbolic berMr. DE sonal agonts, going tut every îttîe de- L. Preom anti John Hein te organize Ai yMsae is ae till ta show vsere hieia iolç,nge acre Th ise in fiaI. favinge Bankt of Lake Ai - tMstke ile. avpoin andtet show what Incunsbrances 111t Zurich, ait Laie Zurich. Lakte county, Absert W. Piuel of Wadswortb ttid Thet b of on hs popeîy. t usav&uscus. wttb a capital stock or $25.000. a closeecaef-oblnploeta brancesaeggregatlng $406,000 lu notes., lFMh Bank lnYsear. fev evenlng ega 'aben bh ife ait echence hocontentietiandtihUe mat baasking bsiness leen thse tientali>' gave bhlm a apoonful o! a soin.- seeitehb etc. is g ion inastl>' made up af carbolle aciti sieptienal Board of Revlew believea be la rigisi boom ln Use caunty during the liamt 'hich ie biaotier lied hoen ulng on a tieceasor w i tisai ise houlti nt be given Use $200.- year or go le sown by tise tact that sore arm. - i g renieh 000 mise viuelAseaear Appleton tene ne' bante have been autisor- Finelsa throut vas a lttie aore ant nd uac bne i.Tebad3er ingly h lai o od bis wité te give hlm souteEnuaci bandei hl. Tis boad nacordigl>'syrut. Bshe pcketlnue a homte wblch- planasaeduclng hlai asaentiment pro- Waukegîn11 National. she beieveti containeti syrup anti ho The stee portiapate teiiae aetsas fOed ln hie- Lait. Count>' aBiankou, North Inuit a spomNfu. Guanee wv allidlvit. Chicago. 1mmedilktel> he notîce thetis olee condemmed a- herintance la tiat of Bi. A. Lakee 4/lis- Trust and lBavingg Cj. md-ilaikel ber what it was she lied miet t-' ll wh dbe islu t Tos eUObnigiven hips. Loing/ more celfly a Ilet ise $2600usae v-ha aben raTe uBoad Bs ar oof oLk.the battle, abs funel'abat Il real>' commIOisi 825,00 masset veuatin. iseBoad ,aî~ f sRoud Lke.was anti. vitisother relatives tarteti laners oai lies retincet bis affeaaient ta $10.000 ln ta thse cheik the effects of Use Pol. hav recel for the saine reaso-tisat the>' belleve WANTS AUTQ, LAWM ENFORCED. son aS best Ibm>' coula, pouding tise ai'rteoda o e via ibtraa-ly ule s1rbgtuoa it, e . s. -G .rival of a Wiakegn pbyaicianvisain.tne tie ti Books hIAwul Shape. Dmetoi a'sent t, abryserltt las a990, and O91b,- atidtleandthUe dthUe bridge Thse ao»aem' bonks tram ASieldsUse aats a Initter urgiig bina teae- tar nem aade& ontmi sfarn Wa, -* vien It là as revisetianti re-figuré yti >'e -coun- farce ibm automoblis lava. iHs Baye aaivins latas h ta coantnue tea g9 t>'Iss1U" eanofce, proesit abs mont ln, us eter ditba<è reU.iwY of stats PinlssIandi m4iiGv U. tie 51dm atise lli5 f<àît.O thlb. " bu- ILlai osor8, *Wmas id.eé PlsIatl1'ths os use ya VT5T VVFI NWl1. àmrt. iSe as mrlt Wauitegan. Sptensier 211. orkers ln the effort tsi brtug tise Aus- STUDENTS INSTEAb- P.Yard in Chicago Nov Tise binding oser ta tise grand jury tus Automobile coinpaby bers, he Le beaes one sister, Mise of j. K. or-vie. veli inowu attorney', vorie herdeat af aIl for tbe Northern MAKINC STUDENlIS. )rtaft Ut Indiana, besidus ln bonde or $1.000 on lie charge of Illinois Industrial aesoclation; he pr*e- AS HAS BEEX CAS s.. Mevas a memisur Ite aadoument. la. no doubt, Use ticail>' put Use Wanconde ralirosie. a M " aesa maci Presbyterian churcis anti beîninga of wbet may develap linte il> lest; ho as aa member of the Wa*e - AFFEC, Q M gan Wenîan's club- Fu- one of Use muet sensa"onai cases the kegan librar>' board for yeans; be vas AND 20) SEDENTS Aff ti the buse. 409 Grand ave- ciîy lis biatin luface f tbe tievelop- regardet! as Use count>"s leadlng. crin- CAL SCHOOL. &y At . o'clack. mente 'ahici nia>'corne frosu IL. ual îa'ayer for years; hoe islti exten--' The bearing hefore Justice JaMes sive rouf estate in Use cil>'.-. Weica vas holà Saluria>' but Use Anti lest et ail. ho waa alvays tise Stutientsa teiding the W_ Iljustice reserve! bis tieclelon until Mon-t frienti of tise >oung attorney' vise..bit,, Township High showln loapt-l day henbe nisuncei ie iatide-tovn. He neyer sought te "kasock" Usa P'ranî-ia G. Bilair, State Speà. ~ ' cidedte la od Mr. Orvia ta tise grand ne'a men, but vas alvaja axe.dy te 0f lnétruction, In a lettar te, jury, tissdecision belng matidedpiteaaittbem 'ahenever possible anti Joues, a 41utieai of bItt at thetac tiaISlea'sAttrn>' ad>, mnya new man In Use professionan ~Sceol Who asiei- oi-a sIg 'aho prosecutedth Ue case, openi>' atat-1 Waukegau iaad occasion ta thsank i sm the motter. IJnder Us ktl.l*. j ed Is court afler beariug tis evidence Il for personai favori et varions tîmes <ording taelin. Blair.Uedtic ô wbhcb a student cames, -jeCoM"@ wbicb proveti Orvis batilieût dtie hieii during the earby residence bere. t av bis tulîjon, thebe.vlg ne-à wite an>' comforta et ber home. titi net Mr. Welch In repi>' tea equestion as or alternative.,t('hîs viliaffect f beileve tise case vas one requiring to bow buoisappenedte 10 olti the et- lftteqns or Ivent>' ouI-af-laisaaa'i criminel action but tisat if an>' vere t orney te the grand jury. atter Mr. eithte local ientitution vis. - etarteti it sisouati be a civia suit for Datiy li saiti what bu tit, sait!: enyli their oshve separate mentnnc. Ier Usais a -Wlien cases come before me, i aI-l. ansitnDenst Nw reamd . riminal action. """Y" give su>' teciin, regardiese of maie an Investigation and Tise justice. bowever, despite tiastisereceme t he ! s tate'sala-: ru155g. BIlehome is In 'mir w dmeNew stateuseut of tise prosecutor'isaeundti tern>'ant i miisoinu Ibis case." townsbip wee h ha fcour»e la te San sWiA" the m eli-knowtn attorney' Over anthUs-s urther Sensatlenai situationt. tlaree yeara' 111gb ca co usow$ ooo arbeglus visaI la sure ta bE aha hfagt Tise aboie metter assuuet! a mare viet Grya"se7 as th eI, -case. providîng It ever comes te trial. sensetional aspect vhen e report - shoni in Pregnoatt ovush le ineliq we reeivti Ii.just how hf'aîl come ta trial or Just came out tisat Attorney' Orvis tati completlng >1118 eaurss Joui tiseàt oobs entharithie oy a grand Jury WIiDldlct OrVIa tu state t iat oIsent.ended tbeing stopse1ta Wai5eg" 'Ihs ms 10 tb"ý%ooM0u e officeface of the prexecistor apeni>' siating te preter charges againat the 1justicehp Hb *"k44 r bi biS kmgat taAie, efore Use justice paffsdion tise case viso had bIzordti be cas, chargea, Ushe diottla irbielgb* ê 1lao il leeqheuio l ie ia t it!net conaider i<e evidence wsc .1" r!e.OI4ei t ofJoemb C~DanSr sesuffictent, la bard t10uMdemta. tosel eno" WKlge. if Mr. Dat!>'feelt s bisedosa vbon Mr, BeauibietsWva uaId aboutb Re ofBae ii aselutof an thse grand-jury mite, vhY b. mea-el> Point antilid b.heti aiont beeci*'h te: * etiove tur asa ma vsb vili tell tise Jury Usat bliesuaInsnlfil -51rtnieti b>'Mr. 0"st ei a> u*go l~1v~ssa boardi an Jul>'12, 1909. in cient evidenue taeaifor au Indict- ýucli action, but ediWA*ltehoieba"board saiit imeis 1.91 vwal abLUýbI lthe popsilar demeuad, as meut anti that yul endth ie justice Mr. Oryitbauit seit ho vas conalder- lin thse mette?é. neine Rocksisblerati gave i>' court Case. iu îîg~.. j1b'oloviag Io the trialla a nue vil a meaning PiiWla$6a *i.Justice lWei Wo..kvsn setiouat Il. hg ttetî naine bety clausebee&utwewah Il dteveloped i etthe beuring Ibat Mr. deqîtaedtie1maie comment. iltate of hioi.Depa>'stmmof«pw @ets une of the tour' lacniti-a Or' is bas been paying bis wife $25 a Instruction, BprintBsl4 reqiste ta o wsaiît.ieels since 1908 anti uver since he loft S eptembIer15. f endurance anti action. and Wauklegan te take up tise raliroat!INAM U Nf! jjEfM D a- ea --U9 oe.w uotte OfJI enes the thongisl of pro- v ork ai Palatine and Waucouda. The rM L Istar nt d r ett?0f1 pansin lnat lpaynit matie ta ber vas inJune. K ii ~ j X L generql, ibasboom refa-t111111s al autbtsie# w ers in accord A ]fttle later hse sent a chseck for $76 < RMAes. Ee> ui a cohnn ni adarn eti ciselsver tsi bis etenograplier at bis Q ~ u bae omi of Use elgit: gra"e l bangi thlie postoffice wviseniWaukegan office vit Is nstructions ta e ST. AUJL l<Jt! bten tor >eso ! yorig sb r opçpsition aroaeandheitei go to flshome on West street anti gel - s i-sacin.os»theoa- aotemet» santi I r tise peatour vears bis Sprîng overwat, is Masouîc hvelnbtiUeo cUsse' ias been handiceppeti by thse cisarm anti bis Euks' cult buttons, lu- Weil Known Fermer Hit by One f tbis is tis ecame. >on u e a y aI nemes. struction her nal ta gîve tise chseck , Train Which He Failed to sèmne BiBis choal tisa.ob5.. od a g reet amoont of patience util sse lied tise otiser articles& At See Approaching. gon ef sttl ea aet teiilgh tu overcorne tus opposition, tise bearlua it vas aboya tbat Mns. I it rctIni ea ilatbie 9o Dgie lm Ut kbelsrigbtenetilont Or-vis refused te give UP his effects Russell, Sept. 20-Mefrlin H-ogan, a Youa- parent or gitai'tema etg ing tise cati of the goseru- andi therefore tise checkt vas net lbandi- veli known fermer living near'Rue- Izedtiet select th lsebiga ceW is raiwayâ have signifiedti isir eti to ber. Laber sise reconsideredtihie solifvas iied about il: 30 o'riock to-, attendei. Thse conentlof iisa-' ta do tiseir piretavoari Se- usatter anti sought te give up tise r- day at Russell ai on ho! edtrnn scal t o isa t $Malaii tilsbtwsunable to do s. ta bis home alter baviug brougisl the aloulti tise» roquet s essciow afi chsange in naine creates a j Mrs. Or-vis, on Use stand, aditteti taily supp>' of mils 10tiste village as tors of the district lu vinis bt n3ecessîtete tise rea6ppelut- that iser credit at stores lu Wauiegats vas bis practice eacb day. aide ta apprave tise bILgai ssb b ogîctai su nd .boaePb C-. li e Iseen questioneti. tisat ahe He beti vaitetifor one train le usasa coles v.Ifthe ai Use -suIg1 holgclcandidate toi' tie se Sable ln go anyvisere anti get wvItland, tira-e bis ihorse on the tracks hempci et 191I, teMilm~ 5~ recýiesstitise appolunment. ase ssheti; tisat Mn. Orvte hati paiti anti faleti te notice an approecblng a four yeer coiba et ik îligge has 11used tise Poition iser $25 a veu t l June anti hati passînger train fron tbe opposite di- scbol tl tars of "'e 1yeara, Dsot oni>'1th ie peniec pelid thseisoisse taxes, tise cal Isills, rection. Tise engine lait bim full 'aiicis van bive Cnot >D of tie goveramedàt. but g8- etc.. as We il, force, îisrowîng bis bornme anti wagon - bis pticlaD»r malt le est posible service te thise I t-as aIse sisown at the beening itty feet anthie man bimef vasl.Istea-lal. Tire bo@O Q! 0 ona oh tise offie. tiaItishe deatis of Lloyd Robillarti vho isurieti 75 feet, heing killeti inslantly. itaon bas no, vosbe o fer, 'abs ili be Aneas PosI- liati been turnsbg5ed a home at tise Tisehorse vas aiea killeti instanl>' ng Use sele<4iso! Oft"e 1'aeii anti lavorab>' known, Orsis reoldeîscq sisce he va,, a young at ielgi ao a naiei~ Tise paver Of Apoel'511 n idd thessinesawaganwaumueil 1 t tison, Usat Use>' m «tpUhit" eidsyeare.evfo imeegfor lad, lisadicost Mr. Orvîs $300, In tiese plînlere. dent tn attendime . Bgla chiai e posesrsionotie qumaeue-sseancis for lise body in the nortisen Hogaîs was about 45 years 0d. nier- fnn .foai uas Mrcomiso! atm ris-er aenti otiser teatures conuected i ret anti bas a famlly. He vas Weil y aeaubioSsi t.1 presess sew Dme o tise afflée stands vilstiseoftaelltY. Tissexpense. Ma-. ta do ant i bvet lu île vîcînîîy manY 1 letter teanMy Psoss la ttOeOsWs Dorler antiisalather iselere oriisexpnîîeti 'ho beth j r-thirscao tion. Yeus e 0 ueou lite-long Democrats, beucs en , enig urhm esow argliet-eans. (Slgned) P. G. Blair, S8% nten t reets populan lavor. ment, t eîsihomiben oso istb .Tise cnovsng aIt'abicisHogan met About bal! of Ibe ont.af-tOvfl J ti tIse patron@ ofthle offckeptu eiom.- dels vas lise main one of tbe Sti. saLa I tirslocal Hlgh scOOê C irfier are te las coogratulated Lee Minnis, brother ot Mr@. Orvîs, Paul In tise village. tromifortisChifflo. Ie NortIa10 s bise genena el îIing, andtihie saiti the bsonne neodeti notbing In tbe _________ go district bas been PaYiatg tirI> lb>' g.sod record set b hi@ti pr@- va>' of comforte, except. perliepe, a tien vitbOut qnibislinx. The "lf .nwrgAUTOISTS W RKCLEV98 Îjta-ae o! tha Graysaie tovnship bu iii serre te spur tMr. Dardier ta earu fusjrt> !tovUabips la eigists ol Abilit>', Raliebiliiy, Wisen Jutitce Welch saiti he voulti TRICK ON RAILRÔôADS?l t&onttye bave refusai latpa>' tirs 1 - ant ActO». eserve bis decialon atter Mr. Dati>' - ortetr stsidentu. Tise bum, q ,e ad Acion.hati exp-essai bis vieve. Mn. orvip In- Graft In a nev tortubas beec dis-, %4 pmesenî is».bas tlle Io* el bridge OVer Use river et - aiteri tloatIf hl ete eabInd hbu cevereti b>'tUe Cblcesgo & NosIbeat- stîtents theinselvea. 'lii~~~ no emataithougste tise grand Jury ln face o! tise evi- ern u rroud b>' viteirPros40ecti1e Das'The tultiaii tee 1 l0a> dîceint e elnomateebnjiMo-raz"r bvero thUe ruad of ua'i means considerabi 1tesà=* ti isy a repreaenaaive of the dne o edeaIatr ntlMn egrshv ob ýatudenta. J044dgtagtrM ;ate reliront andi varebause day, but ta d ,o ae et once. Tise deba>' drede o! dallers. given b>' Mr. Bias b I [o. h btha cm i lu a tiechslon. however, vas matie. Accortihng 1t se effhilaaofatie roati be stoppai md taxpayera o! tise townsbip Engageti as Counssi. fi hep hobe» a habit vibis avaera o!fr-la-lt te delietl, tk perbeiis eislît jTien bater came Use asionising in. autopoblestapiarcbaae tickets, show bhey psy tirais evei tafor teàA tructure. The>' viii tighten formation tisat Justice Welch, tise of, Use ticket to Use b«aaae man anti UsaInd ses roda anti la>' novplanka. Siciai vise iatibounti Mn. Orvis aver. bave tieur tra-alent. seo isati iecome a membe- cf Use'jegal. Laber tise> make a trip In automo- ciel«al ýgewil h a god s eWarray wiu pienneti beginning a suit bille andti endtihie ticket sin for a-e- 'JusI vi1gt, l completeti. fer separate mainteance. Asketi about dpmptian. mhe raibroiti bas sent out hia<ta s w& [ bey crap la oSoWialy 2,388,. 1h15 point. Mn. Welcb toa>'saIt!: «Ilan ordea- isb aIlH tickets presentetifo toi cv90a11M tiW 7,000 tans loe a sasarveateti vas net engaget! lu Use civil action bbe, carrylng of haggis. muetsato bemo- p ý until aftem tise justice case of Batur- punieti b>' the ba«Ug a e.. $1.W PER YBAR iN ADVANCE ., ONE TO EIGHT