WWiSKS UP T1 ~fI SEARCII o oQD BUT ÔO V'nE"P IT CALL Whea VoitOd W eWhlske oVota 1. 5hoftOrder. -Ordoe !be- Peaches POrs Plm GrMpes Applçs C4U*iAtp Swett Potatoes PeestoMeA Crotta. Dic fine cold bollod po- tatees aisdlnmis vîth a cup of uhîck crealu; .mugep ith *Mand pepper, and let it stand ou thé stove where it vill be ieiely varni till tise potatoce have aboorbed -ot cf the creu; ,thon sctter sfted crumbe -ove i thp, dot vitil botter and brovu lu. the oren.- w*. J. ELITRIGGS 9 Any Tt> i You Get Too Mot Just Stgp and Thivnk of No.' 47 Order Your CO 0A L WhiIC it is Dry. Liberty'ville Lumber.Company Opwn by the Old Depot. Phono 4-r M8«n Hors 20 Vears. Màm Wh~NY~U*ANT TuE - à"'* &Y 'Oses' Blue RIon Butter'1 TiÉ ti tris the Fimestand lest I>lieus lad.. packed exprmùsy for CORLETT & FIREDERICKS U~E¶!VILEILL IAL M km"huw$UbUatqla Mlmh.Indeven- 4~~ic sy <nueb luSnithe~fi00u,.t.. fIma usiV ow mach - M . Adveu. tiO, e.N ae aaked t.teks e~U~v8t"Oté hi ofot @wm eLoveS eniterA ed .North- WO"a nScbool cf Pharrnacylis Chicago Wr.. W. J. mccualz Who hum juat returned front California, vluited ber Parente last weeb. Mr. and Wrâ. A. P. Howes of Blair, Niebraska, are spending the week with WÉr. and Mms.B. E. Ellewovtb. Robert Wrighlt atmonda, merning fur Bliot wbere be entered upon hioi "Coud jear ettheb.Beloit Collpge,. Wednemday Lloyd Taylor enteved upon his dulieb as a tirst y.ar student et the Nortbweetern Universiet iErajiston. ti. and Mvs. C'alvin F. losft Chicago, spent trday nlght and Bunday wlth Mr. and Mrm Ray L. Hubbard and 181 .ui. 1 vieb te thank rus many friende and n.-ghbors for ther kindnceeund sym- pathy dnring My rscent 111000@- Mm. Joua O0' 13 E I. Monday John Co».fflsod hie bouse. bold cifee tro Chcago te hIe hbonte on Nevherry avenercUY Pnrtdibse troni L. E. Bey. A f rdent&outrtian 0f the tango ai soeys Park, Hait Day, Satnrday aight. Sept. 27, as 8:00 o'clock. Regular dancs toilove. Yen ave iuviied. Tneaday evening George W. Schlung, e Ba" KEamer, Ernesi MceDenald aud Claie Suat attended the montbly meet- ing ot eleetrical eale nluthe Meonad- eocb building. r,turnink WednceaY movnlug. Mdin Mande Chamberlain, Who bai been spendingz a Igreater part et th. suminer witit lier graudpavente, Mr. and IUrs. L. H. Brvaut. vili teacbx the presect oecool year et Momence, fiI. fibe lef t for1 that place Wodneeday muoraneg idm.. SavaitMaion'a claieof the Metho- dist Sunday nschol i l givese Old Folies concert on Thursday eveDing, ()e. 16. 1913, lu the anditoriumi of the chnrch. Donts forget the. date. This viii h. the concert cf iii,,eaion. Cooke, poip. & Ppoehave IOed a1 suit in circulit cout it beliaffcf John W. NOnuan of lboriYiM vherein b. meka 81,000 damassetrou the vu-. log for ausi deaw te ' ir vrop erty ai a remiti of ti grade luafront1 cf hie place b.lg chsaged Word ha. bien recslved hmteof ti. deaib cf H.aryJ. istbrvlek ce Sept. I7uh ai hie homse ia LoAngeln, CaL, apopbsyybelag ibs ome. .Ut %Blaelehlived la 5h.e uuabessipar4 of lAiee Onny vbi a Young mas. ha 1861 b e ai et S Vuedab. rvl , viii ii.si5et Degt6eni. He bai Ilvd lu Iova for nselsyearemoving te LoBAnIK"OSlait Match. Unrs Wm. Edvards ai Waukeg an cd lMre.red Croker are daugbhteve. Thig le the time of yepr, when the' firet chfili of auttiua cornes, that me n'a thoughtsturu natur- ally to warm corn- fortable lothlng. lhere le' no o ne article of *apvarel that cau fl @0 mauy wants and eau be worn o onmny occiion@ as a good sweater. We have juigt re- ceived our fail lino. of Higb Grade Sweater@.md are able now to aupply you with any style andi at any price. Webhavet"bIoxin al et the. popula? colon5 Iuludlng the. very lateet deut gin me&Wh"la going to be thse rage tht.s year. né -prie.. valve from$t00, 00 tÏ7.5O There are a feu' sweat«esbit over f rwu lut yta.r that we want k> move tu make rootn for uew stock sud have eut the prie. way dowss. Every one a good value, but just a little out of style. J. B os ~Co.; seVfRVYTIIN'G rOR MEN: TELEPHONU 1I& LIBERTYVILLEILLni LI8EUTYVILLESCIJL NOTES The eenors c mt itweek and re- organised. Tii. ollowiuw are theofficer,, eleted: Ila Rassit. preéideut; Frances cimith. vice.pretoust; Nins,[Darie, secre- tar!y and trs.urer. Tbfs i. the presi. dent*@ thîrd terni. PearliEHughes aed ai sultitute lu lb. tiret grade. tbe first day etfecheol. on account oftihe absence ofthlie regnlar tpacher.0 Wc mie. ont cld frierndi w bo used te tlckle theivoiul or nelait.vear. as we oaieed toelaaee. Blanche Oeborne, Barry Oleudorf and Je.. Mes ou mtile ycar'e ecior cia... and Marabh al eoroni the Oophomnore1 riais, arenov atoscding the Highland Park âchool. (erme icIl n a>ng fâne progrese. la the clos.theo oil dy onue etthe girl. sald: "icbe babolpo stock gegesee.'" Marlion Taylor Vo.absentt io deys lait veek o out8of lckncee. Lloyd Ta lor, 'sujet cgr former hlub sehool MstudNis r Moday nerung for tbeug UvtlIof IMuOI. Bous vord of tW éeie a ls ue asentMonday cMd osda f ibis t Wle tean x S~ ibis 3mm 8 lae Z I bSlu le M 2la mi lthe 24 lai«*.u8u 80tsiz a t obo , 17 f5mn »nd 9oslors-. muai bat %bey vent temu. Tbe iclovina comuitue vas ap- pointed ta drav up aa ut*uon for ths aettc auoclation: MssMoGsv ebairman; Jue Home. Franc.Sitl Hovurd Flagg, Luelia Sanhoru ced Lois Auistin.1 very sucmosil s"a'nb vi1gvan ix 'gate, ledon sd e barv., hieh glveus pevcntueo17 . This glies Una aim 'on the. iftesu-yor-old cham-. poslp ef the cou. If Deerfield vihata dispute aur daim, vevilii pay tbint atny tie. Las; Frlday Boy Pritchard, whlle playlng on tho sChouf grouade feu sand broU hisin«gjnst aboie ti l.eie. Georgia Ual. bai entem dtise th gradle and Kaibryn L'oi-e h Lb >rad*..elâ Rue le aise a new pupi lnabe4t grade. Týuior cia..att ubeir UrsS meeting ai. th ollowina: blanche Sciianc:, preldent; Orson Pierce, vic-preedeont; veeG&oay, eecetavysucemrerr. Tb@ other cases have net organtaed yet. MdadonnaThoruton, daugbterot Mr@.. 3, E. Mersdith, tormerly of Abioa hlgil cilool at Aioln, Mich., bai joiued ont tpehmeCI&".. There vers more pupisl than the Oirsi g"rsom c uid acomamodaS., and nome of tb. tuiion pupila *oredroppsd. The igb echool bait oiuned an athistte aiaciatioan d ai a metifi5 Tuesday aternocu thoy declded te, adopt the con- ettion saggseted by the. sommitte.. Bavward. $I a s. 4ee5*s ont câd F= ' iniustié est, = &Btad treainrer. Tiev are gcing te bol a nev basket bail. ugo Out is nome piano pla",< He gals us a prlrate selection on Tneyq alternoon. Notice All paper bille due te Oct. 1, 1f][3, muet b. paid on or belote Oct. 10, 1918 or papers wli be stoppad. P-1.3 Foftsi H. SMgIT. or ire and Li e nsurance CHIARLES D. PROCTOR f Agent or NEW HAMPSHIRE FUIE INSURANCE COMPANY. Michigan Mutua L f. lusurance Company. LIBERTYVIILLEILLINOII. IL E. Ohurch ServiS. 10:30 Morning Worablp, preacblng, Rev. W. L. Whipple. Sacrau>qst of Baptieni. 12:00 Bible echool. Review and pre- Motion. 6:45 p. nm. Epworth Leagne. De- votional meeting. - 7:30 Pveac-hinx, 2ev. letcher Pomneroy. While the Rer. W. L. Whlpple vue la the eîty Monday ho chanced te met the B1er. Fletcher Pomeroy. isba wai paster at Libertyville when the lait cbnvch was -ilt. Lt i. Mr. Pomiero's plan te vioit onr town the latter part of tht. vek and romain ever Snnday, golng hers te the §eat et the annnal conlorence ai Frosport, IiI, Tnemday mcrang. Roy. W. L. W hlpple viii lem" for th. esi of the. annumal conioronce anTmudoy mor.- log and viii *top te vielihie amgud motber la Eockford. Ill., arnivlng ia aFrefport on Wedaeday morung. HOMie BAKINS-Ani kiude of homoï hok"g dca. aPOo eder. MMs Ntfl Piano, T.elns Loave ordue st Mai&Day.Fritin.StorM Wcvk dom. liy Mr. AIde. o45-Uf tMundees Lightbe oup cure for o"W by ail dinaghet&.5o and 01-00 peu boitte. o-2S-tf LU BERTYVILIES First. Novelty. Store JOHN LESTER. Prop. Wlth ilI msny siaiad«depatues Novelti.asd Ssad McOC& wodaac cm is patroN dueo»ppco tua mm ut Iligh Grade Music. If net in stock wlU orde. save Postage ansd get Ilhba. 1% = clluIy Eili.ofaT.m Cei &ecapeéity. LIBERTYVILLE, iLLIOISi 1, 14,Y LadES'.,H A. Li ChÎ&M, .u's Do SHEE'ING CALICOE lm Oit- SALE commaNCs F I 4 SALE ENDS SATURDAVO W. W. Carroll & Sons G moitTN STOR bfE POIU PT IQ GOOD INVESTMEN- 7 per cent -Interest fIEREDITH FLOWER AND VEGETAÉLE COMPAN4Y 18 offering the remainder of its share at PêÇO ..ch amduia long as tlsey lest. Here is a good sale'invetmt for you. Few sale investments are paying as Mhigi neeia thoe 1 shares pay, and this is possible because Of the velums'of business and the f mct that the shareholder sets th. ý io We of the business after expenses are paid. Here as a chance for you to invest andi one well worth your tins. te examine. Coin. down te thse green- house and se. with yeur own q.s, and DON'T invest until you are convinced that the business is a good one. Thse greemisouse> wants shareholders who are ood liv. people and willins te sqp- port ànd boost the enterprise. Ibe chance is open to you and Y"o will find the secrettry at thie office over Schanck's store riu*, te wait upon yen. J. E. MEREWH~ .i r' * (. ý nx/ 1 Roy Prtchard met wlth avouY PaInul accident Friday wboroin hoe mtald a sre epralu r et iM iankie nsua %acirs of ithebon. above the a".ie. The accident uvcnrd durlg - 'e Rtoy vai pla$ng bail and lu tmnlng1 lrom home pate totet bi asstspped spcn a brick whlch tuvued his anki. cMd threv hlm. Dr@. E. V,. Bmth of Libery- ville, and GonvleY 01 Waukegan, worf .nmmoned and mut the bon and a aot reporuthb patient te dotin" iey. GIRLS WANTEI) for pttnlp FOnUd& Macaroni and ttpmghtti packages, plans, vovk payng fromn $750 tu $10 Pet week. Ouly Amrican girls ompcyed. Wini guarate.$6.50 pet week nutil3 more l es easd; llght, alywr oe piesaiant hoardlng hanse vithin te minutîe walkng distance froin factory. Room and board $350 per week. I Faciory lccated s UhortyvUfle, li. AddreflTuE PouLPe MlLUNG OeP"5<, Lib.vtyilile. li, leng businesand1 paesnal refrencos.. 61-2 LIFE INSURANCE. He lu a gond cuitinwbe, protvides for hie vite andebtdren. Boe. aotter ci uon whe ale providee for ie widav and erpbans. _____ S E E- USY! AN OR N Old Coicay àýl~amsace oPay Offuels 5556uk Phe ý. lui uNi-ION 151WEEK' iouîday moing Veston Waldo lft for Bos, VU., vhsr ho ili enter theo Boot colls., Wm. Spsilma, 'St., niovod Monday1 lto hie retly acquired home ou Division eirff.. Mr. and Mm. Joesph Rense and famuly enîoyed eauto ride to Chcago fiunday retnrnlng Mq**ayaltrnodn. The PreabytouaLbdie' Aid soclety vili mot viii Mie. Jame. aB. Swan ou Thnrsday aftstmôon, October 2. Mre. 0. E. Cburchili sturts for Coal- toraia Oct. 2" t teisit ber dangbter Fiera. dite viii ho Roue about ive inonthe. Lait week Mie Bertha Fry purchaied ot George 9i. Boad bis bouse and lot on Lncoln avenne, "h couideration belng $3l00.0 00 Clave fimert bai accepted a position in the saWeeoorn ef the Publie Service Company, filling a vacaucy caumed by the remignallon of Pbillp Prutmnc Although lit wsoud ratber llehy, res- Ideute eoflRockefeller insist they had a real snov etosu for about flue min- utes on Saturday ight. If ibis la truc Rockefeler may go te the Itead of the clase fot heing the fdrst Place In the rlclulty tu report sucb a phe- nomenen. The regular meeting of the Alpha Clnh, whieh vai hld Vuodneeday afternoou ai lb.home et rs. Paul MacOniflin on Brainard Conrt, being l'musical meet- ing" an oxceptionally fine muieca"e as arragsd. Minas Jane E. Finney, Anta and Fier- enco Hart cf Wankegan. vlth Mv.i. John Bnllack ai accompanlet, rendered the prograin ia amanner which vai highfy Wppreclated by ail prosont. Tsprourani: lwabe, 0O My Heart ................ Seldei1 Were 1y Song. Wtb Wlnge Prouided ......................... Babà la A Boat............................. Grien The Truant........................ Shuberi Jane E. Fînney' Peer Gyt .............................. rieg AnltsaeDance .................... Auta Hart Springtide ........................... Becker Jaue E. Finney Romane ......,.................... sibeline, Ellin D)ance.............. . Ma Duweili Florer4ce N. Hart Atumnal Sadnuse................ovin Iu Gevmany....... . .............. Meeuer The aial ......................... e dllvy Jane L Flnney Narciaos .......... ....... ........... Nevîn Anita Hart St. Laurence Episcopai Church Bev. EDWARD 9. WHIT, Pastor Mornlng Prayer 10:30 a. i. Sunday echeol 11:30 &a.n. Viitore aa .ecomja Presbyterian Services 10.,0 a. M. b*eeu g wus'sbp 11:-45 a. m. Bible Sciiecl. 6:45 p. mi. Crtau Endeavor eeciety. 7:30 p. mi. eveulng vovship. Vlltore always velcume. H. M. ALLBURT, Paitor. $4,95 1.24 During the past y'ear we pid tUçý' above amnount to oui'SVNr DEPOSITORS. Did we o paW u~ of it to YOU? If ROt, w1i am iot èN a savings account NOW anddw some interest on our nextlte paging dayj anuarg lst, 19f 4? ONE DOLLAR wi ii open the account. Lake County National Bank, LIBERWYVILLE. ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits. $95,OOOOê, W SOLICIT A SIARE Of YOU PA TRONAGE Get Our, Prices on GOAL ê7f TIIEY ARIE UIGIT. Home Lumber Co.A