Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Oct 1913, p. 3

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OCTORER 8,1813. FOR SA LEM A four horise power GASOLINE ENGIN in aMrly, god condition. Fine for potibe powet plant for farmer. Will be sold cheap if tken at once. Inquire at INDEPENDENT OFFICE TIIEPREDispuTI IS WAIINQi 4iAIE DEALERS WORRY, MiIk Producers are of Opinion tion Prioe by Dividends. Tic producer anad buycrs are evi. d.ntiy playing s vsiting gaine ln the uîatter of ilgning contracte for thc wlntel's mUtk, escb aide skirmlshiug for su afivantage, boplng tic otier viii gite l. Tiit the. farinera, are better organ- ixed thsn even lu the pasi sud apPar- ently are visely conducting their campaigli for a bighier price for nuit la avideut tram the fsCt ihat no mcm- berof ticir association bas yt broke,, svay tram the organizatlon to igu up vitb suy buyer. cordens ie Ofler Divdende? * Tic Impression gainefi by the farin- er, trum the Barden compsny ail along bas been thni tus companY vaulfi se. lat lis patrons receiveef the maret prica, probaly tirougli moathhy dvidendh during lth co tract period. The qastIsa vbicbarome iodai was: WM lthi e rmra aopt the Bovman acale or try to force an ad- tance by contiluing to holfi ot? Où fer lb. producers are sif l hold- ing out geaerally, sccordlng ta officers of lb. association. The bulletins of 'be milk board mya: "The riceanad conditions auggeat- cd by the directors 0f lb. association ver. very reasonable and conserva- tu,,oaldrlng aft cndittosg. sud shoulfi b. acceptafi by lb. boyers. Havwever, your milk board vauid not suggest an ariirary attitude ai ibis lime, but woulfi racommenfi thai pend- Ing the action of olber larger buyers, you avait thc developinta of today or tornorrov." sulolda by ODyais. A workmn. determlniug to comgmit suicide, plaeed a stick of dynamite Inule bils clties and expiodef IL. Ra succeadefi antlu lnhcng borribly humner. A second attampt cas equal îy abortive. Tien ba dragged hlm- sef boue aid gai more dynanitea, andi veut lt, a uearby fieldi sud plâced eè tick lu is mouti andi biew hi aud t. plaes. About Umbrelloi. Ton asbould neyer folfi up ai umbrel. 1la wien fit ls et. Alvaîs let Il *stand vllb bandia dowuvard go ual k- thevater cent rua off tise enfla 0f lb. ti. insteafi of running tovard lbe ferrule end aid ro«us tta part 09 lits.mumbreilà, BATTERSIIALL'S Department Store 20 Ibo.. (ranulated Sugar 49 lb. SAek of lilour - 9 lbo. Rolled Oats 4 Ibo. (iona Roasted Uoffee 4 Ibo. Mex-o-ja Roasted Coffee 6 Ibo. good Ktoated Coffee - 1 lb. Baker's Preuîium Chocolate Animo, 1 lb. box. Chapman'sel oz. Vanilla - Chapînan's 2 oz. VantUla- 4 packages Webb'a Starch 3 lbo. bnlk Starch - . . Grapo Nuts, ackage - 2 packages ream oif Wheat - 7 bars Pearl White Soap Armour's Bacon, lb. - Armouir'ie Pure Lard, lb.- Armour'a Compound Lard, lb. Armour'a Dried Beef in glama tumblers 100 bars American Famuily Soap DRY G0ODS Ail Standard Prints Ail Apron Ginghains - - Prlnted Silkalenes Black and whte Check Suitings, u p from Rockford Socks, pair Speciar-value in Huck Towels 2 papers best Bra8s Pins 2 papers Safety Pins Milward's Needles - - Ladies' Silk Hose, 50c value, pair Gents Hé1f Hose, silk -.- DRLIG SUNDRIES Graves Tooth Powder Sozodont . - Pint bottie Peroxide . ,~Pound roll Absorbent. Cotton Armours Extract of Beef- Caetoria . - Ward Liniment Peruila - . - Lydia Pinkham's CoInpound $ 1.00 1.25 .25 1.00 1.00 1.00 .30 .07 .10 .20 .25 .10 .11 .25 .25 .18 .14 .12 .15 3.95 .05 .06 .07 .10 .08 .10 .05 .05 .03 .25 .25 - .10 .15 - .15 .25 - .40 .28 A .3 .85 .85 F. D. BATTERSIIALL ..AKE, Doins sd Sayifngs of Me y.. 3 Bruces, Edtor ,j? bI LZ 0, durs 1*55f« Job Woak Adv.rtmln.g Rate* On Application Mr. aMd Mm~ C. £look we?. Chicago R. V. Cleveiead, Jeu Longabaugh and poemaTaday. danghier and MMn. KF. Shanke a"d Gom Wilmlugtouwêas Chicago visitor daflghfer rmv. la I>eKalb, Tueedey. Ii., 8unday 9aid calld on Mmre Sadie Qu utaautd fanulli motaored tu, M4de and feul, alto Taie Allen of Dughitweo, Susday. that City. Mmvek vi.rlaDorn of liorrietan, M nn, For ue w.k 01311YWeWili gie OU@ aenmpafrdby ie alteraudliubad, p amie of Rassi arn. 25e a boulie. Mr. and lire. Andrev Prits, are vlalilng Remeinher yon g« the ivo for oniy 25c. their cousin, B. . . Ety and other rein- tet a auppi vile ve are feeling tive. zonerons. lbu Belail Store-t>ruce Lir lnhra va a hicgo ielor Fred VaiZandt boa purha.ed the Mfonday. Hoehenadle farta formerly owned by The Haineeville .bcool Openpd Tuesday Wti ovre iuorning wfih Misa Rickere of Chieago. Wrs.teter:Nevhouee and con are m teaber. pendlug a 1ew daya vith relative@inl Mise Bags.lale, vho ham spont Mnost 01 j MUluk.. the sumnier lu ibis vlciuîtY retnrned to r.BN.CaklvitngeaiesI à Cicago for the winmter. Ohio. !- Athu Rih trnsatei bronem in Jasa Longabaugi and vile îraneaeted 1Chicago Monday. buoînees lu Chicago Wednecday. Mir». wilmot and Mien Clara Ke.y-, of 1.Waukegan, are gueese01 the former'. Johnt J. Lougabaugh negotiated a dangterMv..Henr Kneker. deal th @, vek bereby lhe aold the Prof. 8 agTom Mmg Henry hicaoeon ueines ullidge property ou Weoterfield place ,f om oggwasin hicgo n bminlieto Wm. Kapple. vw h iloccupyit i monf4ay. the near future. The (irayalake Woman'e Clubh yul bold M ru. J. F. Darling of Oak Park. la the ntfieir tiret meeting on Thuroday evenfug,getofbrroerFedVZndad Oct. 2, a% the bome of Lir@. L. V. 8Sike.. y dTbit.W1il b, a etio01l1 1»@im aid .ehfai. member may hring au invited gneet. A R., W. Bears and vife of Chicago, very lnttresting program bai beau @peut a fev day. at their aummar home prepared and lighs refrestbmelite ull be0on Gaffas ke lth'@ veek. lerved. J. F. Darling ami Paul VauZandi of Com mutation ticketa on both ralroada Oak Park, drove ont 8nnday aud calleil yalwaya on mie ait Thebeizl Drngfltore. on their brother, Fred VauZandt aud Druce Drug Co. faiuily. Scoui île Perse and vile of Clevelaud, Ohio, reînruad ta their home lait Tos. Si.fl<doa Mission IdaY ater spsudiug the. pont ten dayé Cblldren'a sarvijaSnday alternoon, a wiîh Hugene Rende. and laiuily andOt.tb3:0'cck L Mra. Rachel Kapple and otber relatives r. iaal 3:00 i 516k liea.Lords@ Prayer. . Quito a bit of excltemnt vas created Pealin VI]II and XX Ill. damong our tovu people Monday wien Scriptnre Lesaou. 4the reatant sonth of Dr. Harvy>'& Creed. lu place cangti 6lu ain oe unkuovu vai. ilyiun207. Belore the vhiatle and belle lied ceaed iitsia ion ai Bapiai. blaylnog the tiramen wera, on the. job and 8înging and speak in« by echijId ren. cheât enginer O. Wmibnorn lied the .îddreu. angine puing vatar. A alîghldaniag offinug. va.wudca ta tiieinterlor of ithe building lieaedietion. Land tiie Eberwine restaurant vera ont Ilee..ioual ima 558. a oi m e .for a 1ev debys. lira.J. W. Dullard. Ovgantat. k0 . G. White faIly acomp.aied b! Everyone valcm e, "huaservice. miles 1 vesi .. 16, F«arp. e.,'2 crna peonoe radr, b. es, , prar good O bi. feor.s Apprupriste D.corstlon. "Wby do pollticlauis vear hlgh hala and f rock cote?" asiefi th. person vbo mak.u trivial faquirses. lWel, repliefi denator Sorgbum, "th. higb bai, and the. frock coat constItute thé appropriai. attire for occasions bath of mournfng and congratulation. And .very election Makes a Politicien teed as If h. golng ta a funerai or s Parowax vie modem and eaaiest way to sai bottles, lamee, Jar%, etc. Fruits ana egetables mled with Parowax retain their natural flavor. 1 lb. Pacae15c 1-41h M ck e5C 1-2 gai vide mouth Preserve Jars at 10oe ach. Etra heavy pure gum Rub- bi Fruit Iar?-bqngu,100 do.. TI IU Co " Mis. Rubi Flurc awboee, Wl.. la viâg ber swser, mm. Nvton Jane.. umplira ai I. P"u. MXi., apenhelb. e itviiiils allong, dira. galard aid Mie Foate. Win. Cremin of Grayafae, transatefi bineis bee the paot eSi. A. K. Bain traneactafui huelual Chicago Frlday. W. B. Stewa artli atiug île houge. paintefi. Mmr. Jancite Mathevs iuiertained bar siatev-i-l-av, lra. Huutley of chilcagolait ve.k. Mmr. Idatildadfpaftord retuned home having apant tvo o ntis viii ber daugitera lu Waukegai sud Liberty- vilne. F lira. E. N. Cannon le entertaining ber - other froin Nehrasta. Bastar houe lait yack. lira. John Eichauger la vlsitiug rela- ttues and freuda lu Chicago. Mfr. and LMrs. Carenee Bonar tlted v(iiborne foitarecentiy. Mra. A. K. Bain viid lMra. B. D. Ournea the puât yack. Mir. sud lira. Wm. litichell andi son Russel aiWaukegai. v.?. liliburu vlietors Tueay. Mis. Foot. let t Wedneeday ta viai relative. luafSt. Paul, lilun. Bey. A. W. Sattord vili take a ibree veats vacation sud viai île @on ai Freeport, Ill., alco l4uaaton, Ill., sud Idrs. C. E. Deuma ndsu sd lra. Mlire sud on s'e epeuding tua vweet at Lincoln, Ill. Tihelilssionary tes beld ai the.Mises licDougaii'a vas veli sitendad. Over ity promsut and s cubstial collection vas taken for miseions. The L&eile' AId met Thueday ln the churci. Sirs. D. M. Whiie aid Mrs. J. H. Banner oerved dinuer. Konosle-County Clark Rusell H. Joues of Kenosha Wcdaeeday mare- ing recelvefi froni tic atate ira mer- abal a ictter asklng for aid la tic an- forcement of the ccv law demandlng naporting of fires not only lu heUic cles of the state, but alea ta the rural tavus of the varions connuies. Thc clrk la astefi 10 seui lai 0tf al tora afficarsansd the fire masiaI vili ai once senfi ta esci of lbeux a latter Iusiructlng ticm ln the enfoncement of lb. ne aw e. The lav vai passefi by the. lasi leglature .itLb a viav of aeourlng batar protection againsi <15, lu the sate.- Uie. traceWelch Ia vi.ltleugirIenda in DeKalb, 111. Id& Oliver la attendlng b hb sool ln Waikeai. P. J. flait and vile have return)d te thir home la Clveland, Ohio, aller apediug the summer ai the Northrop boue. Tha maiy friand. ai Beriha Faulkner vîli be glad ta, knov ah. le Improtlng. Mri. and Mlra. Northrop spent Bunday at E. S. Faulkner'@. lira. H. Mabeva of lillîburu, l. vlat- Ing Iru. Wlll Oliver. ]RUSSELL The soclety uaillasBrow.&a vas very veiliaitended. Au it waa the annual meeting, the folloving offlier% 1vere elacid: Preaident, lir@. A. C. Corda; Vic-Preeldent; lira, W. J. Melville, Jr.; Sertarî. lira. Allen Dixon; Treasurer, Ml. A. Siver. A Bazaar vam plsnned ta be held &bous the lent of November. tended. Mir. and Lir@. John Banner of Mlburu, epent Suuday wiih Murrie Broc. Dr. Lwin baqIimproved hie properti e th a cernent val k. Mia... Crieman and White of Kenoaha, spent llunday with Miae Myrtle Corris. Mi"s ehafer of Milwvaukee, la teechlup< the North achbool. Obecla making lier home wlub Mli ra. o. Mire. R. É. evt) i' psndlnor a ew veakiat Dr. L.ein's home, vhila lier liusband ion a buntilng trip in Montana. lir. and Mmra.Brgotroin of Wankegau, @peut Sunday at OC". DePorria' home. A. R. Nicliola. la spending a lew days vîth lira. E. A. Bteeve.. Vera ci ver and a f rend ara pending a couple veeke vltli ha Sitar famille@.. HICKORY J. Webb and larnily, Mrv. and lir. Kaution of Kenosba, were callers ai the Savage home Sunday. Mira. Plckleeauddaugliter Edith vîited the latter part of th. e ek vih riativta ai Pikeville. Mr. and lMra. A. Pedereon entertalned Mir. aud lira. Chris Pauàleon aud Ev,. Peter BuSf. Snnday. Mise.Lais Sithil visited the home folk@ at Union tirove over zatnvday and Runday. Mr. and lira. G. t. Kennedy epent Suuday at lb. houe of K A. lMartin. a Tmq piaisaurprisesParty vwu beld Twuay av.ulug as the hliae of A. T. "vuea. The. Guru.. W. (C. T. U. viii ucel vit Mm. M. B. Lake ou, Ot. 7. tu- etead of Wedbeiay. Ot. 8, ou account of the delagates gaingug theb. ata cou- vention. Seo. froin the.county con- veudion vil b. gitan by membera aho attended. Everybody la cordialyinl. vlted. îOLD DRIVERS ASAI SIEN IN TIE SULKY Old ti me drivera madea ubir raaP- pearance as horsemen Bunday after- noon et Ideal rae truck. Riussl, andi their appearance again In the sulky vas the signal for mut, applausa and gnod cheer. Ârng thosa aho, years vere: Hoes Sella. Fred Bller, Joala Dietinayer. Ernil Schultz, vin leasses thctrack,. hadfi ftted it oui for tic meeting sud1 about 1,000 men vare present. The 1 races were not test but nterestng ba-1 cause îlîey vere mlov.1 i-arry Banson, Waukegan, won the five mile mtorcycie race, matlng the five turne lu six minutes. his neareat apponent belug juet a hep belinuf. Race resuits: 2:45 Trot. Blrchwoofi (Bacburn) 1-1. Bow Belle (Hanion) 2-2. Geo. H. (Giackin) 3-3. Florence Jane (Dobbs) 4-4. Wàdeworth (F. Bller) 5-5. Tîme: 23714:36%. j 3-Minute Mixed. F. G. R. (Stewart) 1-3-1 . Kenosba Butcher Boy (Menuzel) t- Waukegan Butcher Boy (oe)2 T1 : 06; for10 Jerry Ni. (.Nuiligan) 1-1. Catherine (J. Dfetmeoyer) 13 Biîlly D. (Dobbs) 3-2. Dandy Stewart (Shutzt4-4 Tîme 2:31; 31. 2:50 Trot andi Paca. tact Gration (Merchant) 2-1-1. Union Beau <Scbwartz( t-2-2. Happy (Sella) 3-3-3. Trfiby W. (Wetzel) 4-4-4. Tfme 2: 47; 49; 49. 6POSTAL BANKS ARE NAMEO. Washington, D. C.. Sept. 25.-Sitxty. six postoMeicca. hlch are -taeha aad- vancedi ta preldntîal grade Oct. 1. hsve bain designatafi by Posimasten Genersi Burleson ta be postal avlng dapositories suter Nov. 1. how he wiurbote at t altievoail of hi, abto* and demires if 1w accumîulatem money. Do somethingý definite for him. Giive huîîî a Bank Book and he wilt soon show you bis increased deposits with pride.. MAKE THE DEPOSIT WITH THE A STATE BANK Capital $25,000.00 Lake Vila, Ilinel AUTO FRAUDS COST M'CORMICKAIRO STATj$5- O N RPEIRCUTS À NI~LYWODS MNS IIND Off ,%r-pnr f Cinha Aserts Old i Chauffeur Fivina in Ar at L"k and Duplicatéd Numbers -are Used to Evade Tax. Springflfild, il.. Sept. 29.-Sacre. tary of State Harry Woods bas lauucbed an Investigation whicb. he sas i ii deveiop the tact that the state of Illnois haa been defraudcd oui of thougands of dollar, by Uic use of nid automobile numbers aud the faf lure of drivers to tata out liccuses. Mir. Woods also la autboriy for the opinion tisai nmonen in Illinois ile maklng fate automobile numiems. He aya he bas fiscoverefi lb. saien um- ber an tour fifferent cars la this itata since ha heganisInvtigation. Three tavestigatara, vorklng oi0 the, scretary Of states OMMs, are nov rouadlng op ïdvers in hieo i fanl to geoduce lb.eshat.loa o vilci lb. mat. :07'sa 5 o 5 Ind.pfadnt ai&-elSi by mu&W Forest Meets With a &ad Accident. Harold NEcCormick bans met r hevi.h second The machine la thc latent lmproVes ruent lu aviation. h it i lcarry tour *passengara and la aumptuans lit equip. ment. The machine vas given a tryont ta Lake Forest Monday. R. J. Hull, 000 or Mr. tfcCormlck's chauffeurs.,w on file psenger liai. Hull siatefi bimalf-in lb. car.,M Charles C. Wiimau, serisiciauNUç startef thse car up. Hull reacbed b«Xi tton aiseiscap tututaeb.ansar.s lb. fligit bogsu. Ha tirusi bis baud Ittathe P" r0f a spliicing propelar vbe.-r Ing at tendsf speed. TIse ha ped on t heavri rThe. iuit vau brmat ho ea t«mta tai Md mélaw th. Au» . DM a tipikila test THE AUTOMAMIC SEALING BURIÀL VAJLT, Thislte e Meo01Piogre«ai. ammprotameut. nf ii u one aie auilncreaalug flamand for a imitable reptuee lut for l u d,..Olur dela thhug ta replacle i nd ovooden box vhlcilhes heen lb.he pulve w» Iar f ment. Mlalllc taulte bate basa malle but the beet moon rot &«&Y. Im brick, %toce aid aabo of diate have aIma beau mode but tbom têcanna b. e4 parviona to vater. Thei. *ae Stlc Se.iur dea Vaubl a aboull f Proutls ai lsai ludetructible. Ih li buili lu twa plae. a ve? ateel fram W h saufi aid ernent ouly aidtd.luîled in#ide aid ont vîti a mînaeral ghas rendorashasseipervione ta moisture as glass. Il uppll.s the. niaI for tai grade burWlal nt vi ti a ieruei "aland i viiimeet the hiliemI isquieulal b.auty aid dlgulty. Indorsafi by thiii ilg undern era ea, vbi> authorlsed ta raciva aidera. Manafctured By W. C. BRUIM ,Cerent Contraer LISERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. Do You WantCows We Have New Milkers..and Springers for -Sale., HORSES of ail sizes and ages for sale a ail times. If you want te, have an Auction Sale sei abou.t the Auctioneer. Col. E. L. Downes,'& Sm Phone 290-l-a. Shanck Farm. L-ROUND LAU C. M. @Prm Who .vs botehaaasisga butai. uap ah Fox Lake la cubalu Fiant HavksaMd mmd ass -%mde a bol.ttnrp Io Chieqo Monda John aing. vbo ha. isan on th. alck Doti the.petsi ev vs.ks te Dat mch botter. Busme. at opera bonte Ot. 11. Plan tu athend. liasons orchetra vîli turnaeh ibe musie. on Ot. lStli. Chas. Joigeumon viii b. United in narriage ta UmssLICra tanion of Long Lake. He vil giv aa veddiug dance ai the opera hante lin th oecanlg. Bis friende arcorfialyinvited tu attend. Chas. Brainard in breakîng ground for ai addition to bit. stare. Ita Oba un the sotb aide and O.,ne tarY, rUnuILng th. viole icugili of main bnilding. Logan Sisamora, the pianlat. ha. beau vl.itiug friends hara the pait voek. wm. A. llosing la a candidate for counnytreasurer. Rie ainouncemient candi may be moan about the cou. Alonzo Fox vilii i sîeProperti hors sud nove ta Texai. fies daugiter. Mmr. licClitock and huband viii accompaii hirn. Miartin Thelen ha. renrned froin Beiden. vhere ha ha. beau n$iuiig saine machinery for the Forest (lien Creamery t o. LtCIL - - ILLINOIS

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