YOUNQ MEN z f ix TU E A~J N BIlE e,. W. L. WhiîPPle la thi@ week ýýt OM URDER attenfiug Rock River tonierenco at hO EFreeport. l111EA W RRIt ARE3BAR E C.F. Wruht returued Fia tdY DÀ from a eeral &l tm ojuurn et (>eswo-1 ternie, Kans. Mie'Detained But an Hour in Rev. E S . 'Aeý tfrt&iDl Re . E. i. Directors oi Grand Rapids Bef ore Prov- l Nter uit t raL re hin ' cide on1 ing Their Innocense. Uta. Sarah àMuGavck dla i eWoreS R ELATIVES WERE WORRIED. Hoo, Commissioher Atterbery T1egraph the Police-Re- ply Saturday Night. The appearsucein The Sun on F'ri- ca>' nlkbî of au artic'le, lellilttgof(lite >rret ou a charge of murder lu! GQn~d Rapids of.Johnt Zens of Watt b,.. .,ad bist companin, n rvlu', on Firat treet marti>'Sunda isim.ritug tillowlueh a prolouged iVnea' Theq funeral va.. the-d Tu.-îdav atitinter- ruent lit li'l 1 Utcal tluitst ilii appear udt wa.. Mundoee iLightltie houp Cun freit-al hy altiruuggt. -)Ou aud $1 t1ti pet bottle. u25tt John Swauîhraugh bas urovati is fanîlli hsck tGMwaukeesu afttr sveuti Ing the summer at Libertý ville. The Smwaushrougtts own s cottage lun1!> erty'.ille sud Mr. Swaasbrough citant much uf the tine ai île tmile tracti traning is horse., ON MMON; NOW IKLY Df Tent Colony De- Final Figure for upervsors. STOCK COMPANY FORMING. Develops That the Reports of Plans for a Stockc.Company are True. A meeting of the direclors ofthlb iake Breeza aanltarlum vas Laid ibis attarnoan aud Il vas then declded ta make a fotmai offar to the aupervis- ors o? the clon' - lan-d. etc.. t te rock bottorn cash prît-e of î;ractcally Forean o Oslko'h. WI...bittwhogivP suother of tîtir putlar supisra 'lu indebieduess. vas employed for srnie litte lutte lu the tawetseui of the ti-s' 'lutOi TUtr. The special superlIsors' commîltee the aooiug galeri ou Washiugton tiaseveu'ng, (Oct i9. Tîuîtk .1the fred il, ta met, etrttrso-taln sItreet, Wsukegau. vas the irai lu e- yb 'gava 'Vou lunte o ldehurcitbuiditng colon> Tuesday attarnonand rat-aire tlrnllo iblt rieda ad iaI lhe st rt-ar anti ahet tîp jour appelita bte frmiofgr. The cammittea su'll saligb ptch for Iis occaiou. ion't te ot eotad8bi lt veenl trouble. Relatives at once forget tb.' date atnd what'.. more, don t te omarpr u ur ll vau luComliloet italîev tîdlotgeltogo uirtberaiuned rart'the supersvisera ut the adjouruad ses- toaln Oct. S1h vheu. lu face of the ea- "t hlm to sentI s telegrsm îotetei bo pressions beard b>' members Iset eltiof of police of Grand Rapilds. ask'-. veek. lbe board yull vole tuat-ccep? Mug hlm for complete detaile . THREE WERE MURDERED. the proposition sud riose the deai A tpi' tlagran Ildflt arie u- vereby taecountv ut Lake Isaitsc 1:1i.8tunday aigbt- The aussuer sas Waukegan Man is Placed Un-.tirer taeLsba Breeza sanitartuot. t Witt Form Company. t vuT brie?. The baad oftae Grand 1dor Arrest in Grand Rapids in case L.akte couuiy dae nul take Pal dipolice dearmtment sail that __Hl o a nur. overtalotuthleprlva-.e corkeora' *âne e Ut wo Youug men hsd been Hl «a n r. ton w-Idch nov conducla It vIl1 cet- famhd donl i charge of murder. lbey.i tilly tutu lit oser ta s prvate stock Woulepan. Soptember 26. cmpan>' uhîch wulli ha formed. AI- ,bW suas coyuiced hlm tha thelie John Zens of IbIs uty bas beau Plt-"' tiough reports ta tis affect vare l'amtnoteWaud lierv ers- detalnad cd natter arresl aI Grand Rapida., heard lai yaek. uothlng tangible b« n bout Almosi alrnultaitcaoulv mît- on uspicion of having beau lmn creoI-ni oa s e ll wkh t"isrepy bot oung men an plicated ln a triple murdar sud tub-' learued Ibat steps aloug thla lina Metln Wabegau snd vent t a eit hary myster>'taI la haffling lthe po- have gona sa ter liaI sîready a nu ni- bea ubethey vere recelrad vili lice oh liat etIl>'Zeua s uaone fsey-! ber o? naines have beau sîgued ta a apmarme. iheir relatives hald beau at-i men uho have beau arresled ounlst auhacribing stock lua ut-hsat-or- eýsce over them for white. suspicion sud ha la belng beldi peuiding poration bspuoaItwibat 16 uae petfeUg vellinlatiaitoun au Investigation belug made b>' the take uver and condurt thie tani cot>- t"bouft ttaeyoung man vers- lano' polît-e. uy as a fluant-linlus tmant. e t theterrible crime. lie-. dI The. murder a one in which J . N-î. -- -1.Ci- I %»U 110 ho X 9 t ug CltzmtiIl i Tbaspson. Edu-rd Smth antI Paul Dr. auarson wsvn.m tut o ar MA Magael sehnmight bha Tbey F_ Towund. ver fouR>' rurdered veel couferrnug vi hDr. PtftIo? the colon>' at Ottawa. The latter, lu a %WM -qu beieat measure ubea sund robbed. robbery ipparautlyi>' latter lu Dr. Wattersou todar id 0M28210 a eit tbot vena mie and 1the motiva of the crimne. The mrer- tat tha public vas iooklng ou t'te cris loft 111e lu lie va>'o oansd test colon>' matter lasut-h t vay :M ud pFeeu set ont severaite Grand FlapIda Politc are pract-UtedsaliIho srgi o - a ..etbing of lie t-ail>'up agilmat a blanbUWafl.oe obaevre orle. r IMC>'WU Met o î the D [a- The. arna.t of Zý totplace c oab o ave wr b ot-ua l utebIgaIle ili#* M te ààaflouW In «PSmanHofveu h ig, at stage vb- e lie monlt, uaed sud cran 'h dhS ho> Suai>'Isuet lvlu Voeuna 0fC~litoe, Ws.. an cial fetauea are ipp-allng 1 apls.own 9091- th damThe arret uh to0k Place th p bheai g OC Z tgakmutearam ob- oS West iAaard aai -at toe b>' _____ Sboeencofflitiai liMe Debtlvea uainud Dun.Zens ocmther vo'e at ont-o racg- ansd bis triond vere lian ta police 4 I N I'C U S Etas esagera suspcon hll up-1 hesiQuarters ubere the>' ver. sous-ch- ýw - and et le>' voe tabten te po- cd sud qaoaftioued. The>' are belng JN 'l> 0 3AT 0 U* betosertanu b>'detectivea. Il beld pouding as more liotougb lavsti R D'ir3À à M d s e t o io long tu prove that gallon. The police ni' liaI thse tu-o C L R '" 'tgr biibad nothlag lu do ullie h:y('419mt isu-en lie desciti nptlcu l e ,>iAIU «tee u a" e vera tutmai loose. min>' vI'ohf the tu-o men vho con rittad taemut-dors. .ASsr liaI liai did nul loose mut-b lu viev of the factthIbt Il ba- beau Secretary Daniels Orders a 'Oe ln returnug to tirlthornes. imposible to flutI poslUively the mur- Boli young men bad started out 'data lntise casa, the tcoronersa iu- Change in Length of Course flou bore n e Uahope that the>' .qu erut vr lth.revictirni as beau a ~ItSu so~tlilg oreIneret-potponed. Meauu-ile iaveral an-' a the Naval Staation. %*htfin 60-ethng mre nterst-raissare hine made b>' lie police. lg than tha commouplata. Tbey Tbutsday sfteruuon a telagam w ERaTSB ER TAIIO fouau t i uliasveug ce for hI s rat-veai tGrand Rapids itallng thal EMT ETg RIIG »et ofttnau liI Io ung' men ar Ivu men ubu ansueredtheb. est-rIp- géren theeaxpeielace oh being arrea1 t- aio one . n u iesbad on t RAlso Permits of a Six Months' Littie Son of Mr. and Mrs. Vie Rpssbaoh in Critical State at Evanston. Frieuds of Mr. sud NIrs. Victor Rossbach of Evanston. tormetly af WNaukegan. ull regret to haut of the serious condition of ihelr s'on. sged Il years. Te ite U1e fellow 13 in Evanslou hospital ubere hehalis beau for ulue weeks suitariug front an aliment whlch may cost hlm liii life sud whlch. aven though lie recovs'e'SIt la auid, wii leava hîtat helpiesa ou bis entîra rlght aide, lucludîtitbhie atm aud leg. sorne lima ago tie l% nas at the summer home of his jpartents lu Wls- consIn wben ha feil iti iut-h a way ru Injure hie atm. lie ieeined te he ,getllng along ail right %hen tînusual davelopmenta set iw Abicesses Form. It seame that absceses itegn t fortu ou bis atm ant i ade sud in such a mauner tbat lu s short tIme he vas aimost covered vît t liem ntsd the infection~ began te sttmsd snd could not be cbecked. The heat medical aId vas aummonati but they could net check the poison sud the- boy's condi- tion bis beau vrr crîtical fot soma tirna. MEMIRS 0FBAT MEY DISCIIAgREEDý TI Batl trot J( H ZI ec bai IM &r yen ial 7We $0. o ne] ln 1hf Ile it let ha d oaa charge tof murdar. uRais. etecti'res hurrIt-lélianadj orefrApet sW o i Vuluabe - 'ound lh. men lu ha reutideuts ahof Bakgod VoualeFndCe"Te Lat&. Greenvillia a rby viuag.nudhe nie mrou'ohfalite vas ezemplfet u ere able lu givea aperfealibi, caf 14 liakbaîlsa, Cal.. raconl>' tar Liter lliathe i>' diapatchea ver. The apprentîce searnn il remal ail àntlyand aoim frat-eelved htom Maulluot-c, Wls.. sualt- out Inilead of threeumontheil t e ffl yug Inoaie I&>' ut iolse for ing that lia polit-a oh Utat cl' are naval training station aI North Chi- vo ear laa mnela bith nueholding a suspect lu tbe mrdier case. cagu as the rasuil ut au arder lit I e- b0t ". bat flalh.a mau usm Euh A detactîva vas dispatched ber. irn- t-airaifrorn Washington sud thare le S* Vas bille b>'à, cava Of rot-lansd mediatet>'. The suspect vas iartda sood probabllt> itytaI tha course vîli labala. atrnt as velghing fort>'a adbrbdfrmaPre Marquette ha axteudad lu six monîha la case Il 1> ~. Ta sutehal ohaislb bitcar ferry, foluu-ing a reportai bttt- fouud idylible. The ollouing dis- Nuleffl ont bis lits uncovet-ot lhe glatyin l Ludîngton. Mit-h. The feluu Pat-b fros Washington tels oh lie gag> ore body' he ba beeu saking i bas refuaed ta gir. bis came. Thte prpot-bcauge:- VUti .it-bdogged persgtence. The 'Grand Rapds poice have beeu gven tStalitluthe Sun.> mea lusnoo he iacheal evar diacotr- min>'tipi but vbau lb.>' ver. tuti Wshington, Sept. 21-So-relt>' Of au a the district, do vu the>' vere tound to imount to lbe Nîr>'Jogephus Dails ashi or- nothiug. dared tbe ciementat->'atatonie ________________coursea aItcavai trainng sétlous o5- tended fron Irea lu ?fur Monthe ~ ta gveaippreulicea more lhorougb traiuing. Ha vil extend lie course lu six months uharever ptacticabia ho e xcapliocal cases of apprentie«s ubo are bat-huard lu theit studiesand sut heip those who bat-a chouan ipeclal t-bulical uonb. This vili cause îîute a change et lb.e naval stalion ai the course there, libO other stations. has beau Ibre Muthe long. Wheu the station Oiral oponed Il PO-tsvas plaîtued tu give s four mentit> of C ncree tourse but Ibis plan vas; absudouet of C ncree beauspof tha greal deaid for ap- pret-aice seamn la orat-tuit several oh h fît-m is jutigrd b>'lils the large battIeuttpa. Than, tp, -featcas. Couereeposta ptev-nt for &Il lIme j here%i iascarcll>' oh nen iatmaI eagàg, uualgçhtly fent-es - proide s permsant ime and t wl asxlaassyLügel the hapeoeusent. armers n ever-increastug iubers are men througl tIsaIt course oftainn khgtheir feue. posîs wth las souri ai Possible. 1TIsaItIsaeplan utfniakiig te coure. Pet.. four monthm long lutad of thtee yl ieh productive o? gond resulta la adI- lmîllti for iil vîligin- the ippranlîce seam-uu înorp ime 1n assimilate t li twIe>'am eemaeof poslt a m unîformtu lu trangtb antI coin,. because tours- oftaining sud ais. ilîl make ileqînât uMd coloe of lie "hcaoAA" Brand ner varies. Core ne u t posible w teai thertb am inY inge Md ge ac > o et o DoeAIt oasFeue. M&ùug .ttb *'Cics 0 AA" tait ifv are omltd. .'ient, o ?ysu , . rIte Chic-ago Porland Cernent Co., M MN 1-isalle 'ottdlttts ixai lbestation nov are le.Cug>,fat a tCOP. moal aatisfactoty. Reeruio ra to-u- hitg Ini at tb.raIe of about f1>'5A set-k antd tub p.,it-of o large daihts LUMBER CO, I.ibertyvle, III.1t', îtt- sutI as>'Itore tteaîueutlY tIbm C GO COAL& LUMBER CO., North Chicago va-x talfi ?,r(lw.veai mouilla tra- Wdaulwan, IaI.saîilti viu Ite ganaralcondilti, .CO, Lake. Zurich14HL YIsti sstate-tibeforta t Do stock hi tha report that the big station uni> ha eoid lu the nilar futute. rha adjutant ganaral of the Illinois tta militia today aunouncad that Ibe [olng members o? Waukagan's ttari' C hava been gîven disebîrgas m tae servicevwlthout houar: iugb MeCalu. usB. Petîlcord. larri' Thomas. Michael Joy'ce. irovan Lutter. Leo, Shuerer. Ba" Stauncit- Tha men are diacharged ou lit eunds: Neglect oh dut>', disobedi- te osf ordiersand failure ta attend e anuaiencampmeul beld ateraI aBs age. Tbli» la tl lit-ga number of men- mm grog discharged f nom lte local tee>' asioeIl ima togmed MoM uW &go. allier tu an honorable Umin- w or ullbout boSor. The mom bave aul beau la about tu-o mm,. their enlistueut beftg for lb'. Mn,. It soeens liaI the men lu question 'ne amng tboee ubo have bieau glv- àorders lu tbe piat lu attend drilla lte hattery ad that the>' fsled te x.ite>' ere ordered lu report camp tha sumner and talled lu do D, bus diabeYiug orderi Culs Thoem Out. Nov liat lte>'bave beau diarnissei rom service ina idishonorable mins- or, the savan men are placed lu poil- In of navet- belng able to re-tlist tbe govetrnaent seree aven thougb aey migût wlîb la. ln lbe itite mary- ce or lu case lbe nation uetl lis ui tais.e eta tbern out oh pension ln asetha>' ira autlld in Il snd, It lm nid ona af Uhe number bai seau sa>,v- ce ln thse paît and rnlght, sornatirna )et linastut- penion. Oua officer of Battar>' C vas aabui fIl vasa most unuanai thing lu havi ei man>' men dtgchirted ait ai ouc, td ho repliaitast Ibis us juil à ta. of "t-ieaning hoits., t-Inulag then ti Up Al once." ARTIUR BAKER SUC* CUMES TO ATACK 0f TUBERCULOSIS Brot1her of Assistant Postmas- ter at North Chicago Had Been IdI Three Years. CLIMATE FAILED TO HELP. Waukegan, Septembor 29. Arthur Baker. Ii yeara oIt, diatI aI bIs home il 319 Fraunkluntreat, carie tada>', ollng a tbree years' 111- nassam tlubercuiosis. Mr. Baker1 lied lited ln North Chicago and Wau- hegan for the lait algbtean yaars. The latter ru care. uft liilime hc, bad Ilvin a Wuhegau. The funerai vii ho haid Tuesday aftetuoon at 2 o't-ock at Ut. home. Rev. Evans of tbe Preibyterlan anral wulltaka plat-anla Oku-ood ,mater>'. Mr. Baker leave, booldes s vIle, a neveu year 010 son. Ha deo lnaveos abrother, Clarence. ubo aassistant postnaster satheiaNorth bicago poatolmca and wus a former Sun t-orrespondent. sud a asmen., Miss Bertha Baker. Hlamomaîer. Uts. Rose Bîar oh Noth Chicago, bas beu helpIug bis vîhe tale t-ara oh im as-ar aluca ha vas iret afflctetI ttI tae d0dîsasa. NIt. Baker t-nIt-attat tuberculosia s the tasuit of a bad cold vbtcb vas neglactad. As soon as ha raized bat ha vas sufferîng <tom tIsa dis- 'ae ha sougbltat do ail ha couid ta cure himseit. Ha venl vaîl antI speut a ubola ululer lu Colot-ada. This dîid nul seern 10 gIr. hlm any nttceabla raief, aud graîl>'dis couragad, ha reltund bhuma. Afta bhat ha seemad ta reaiza Ibat ha vs, fighting a loslng causa. Evarything possible vas doua for him but It spîla of ail hacisbnta'] to grow weak- et-' During an ati>'stage of the dis- ase beent talilva ou a farm nanti of Waukagan, living o1 ut lb.heopen In a tant. An lmprovemanl began tt ha noticad in his condition aI anc. ind ha began la tala on ueigbl. This graduai raluru tu heaith dli Bot sean lu salIs?> hlm--ha vanta. lu gat veil ail ai once antI ha deecîded ta go lu Colorado, conîrar>' btb h gdrlt-a ofhbie physicien uho varnad bin, that a t-bauge wouid flot head-t visable. Ha vaut vîth the rasuit that ha gaI vorsa instead oh batter. Arthur Bakv vas hotu In Salem, Win., but moved la North Chicago olghteen yearî s ac. Ha vas of s nst ÙiFally cthast? ul disposition sud made uarn friande vberevrrha vent. HIE daath bringas srrow la msny homes Mir. Baker movadtoS Waukegau tac yas îsec. For the lait Ibrea yearE ha lied beanu utable lu do su>' van 9i1l IL a- '0 ke -s ,k. Jewelry and Silverware 1 hmae i agoucy for McLean & Buk. wholaale Jewelers of Bwson. au&.,and hameone of! Oneitlino. of Jewelry ali Silverware Simples eVer Shown ln UbertyVilile Pile ard tuam ieght. WIII b. please te Cal on you. AI-. agent for TOILET ARTICLES. AI. Lyon LIBERTYVILE, ILLNOIS Why is the soda su&h a universal ! people ate shoda ci o14 day., t it ish bought them frm box and took th papor bag, their flavor ail goue. Uneeda Biscuit- botter tban any ev -made in.tthe M in the world-baki --packed to perfi perfection until - oven-fresh and cz protecting packag NATIONAL BISCI Bell System Achievement Rewards OnIY . he- ThOr11ug "No excellence without great labor," is an ancient motto. To be faithful and painstaking in little' mat' ters is an axiom of the ableet. A Long Distance Telephone Talk enables the shrewd and thorough man to go intc> details more minutely, and better to examine the question in ail its angles and aspects, !han any other process short of a personal interview. The man with the Long Distance Habit leaves littie to chance. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, A. R. Andrews, ToiepbouemWi. I ei crcker t FOTPÂWA ood?FAJDRVIIM zawkors La the Latter When Orderod to Hold rue-but tllOy Up Hie Han&a 'Cleaed-up'u ~ a barol orthe Hold-UpMan. ie hm l.ALLEGEO *SMOKERS TK Case WiIlI Corne Up in Ziqin City _wda a ýT his Evnlng-Arrusted by versmd e ckfrs SpecialPoliceman. rer nad beoroZion City, Sept.. 26-Clarence oi cateet bakerles behrt tnd Jay Naden wereasrrested edto Perf" = tn ant nigbt charged wlth smoking l lbe abop copaected wlththepoolroom CwtIOnLePL to 'ou 27th street. George' Streld anti ywon take +~ ,Mudison Main. two special policemen. weepasalug the pool room and uaw rispt fom tneir the accused smoking lunte îop aud ge. Pive cents. stoppei lu sud placed îbern underar. refit. The charge le thalt tey wera smoking lu s public place. The case cornes up for bearlug toulîbl t et ;IJlr COM PA"Y Waller.Baretter, a young fermer, was relurulug home fromt h.e Taber- naclel ast nigbt wheu be waî accoslad aud bsld up by a man wearing steel knuches. juat as Berelter reached RESIDENT 0F erCO N t."onro nbiad3r h o TY OR Y'T O s, stee knuckles. flreit :i wu flOt salhoe "leaaud hirn up lin great IS DEA )_AT lHOME shap, and ater layli ghlmouBe man dIdflot flud an easy mark ln the Mis. Marie Hummurs of Wau- husky' frmer. and no doubt ha ie sor- kegan Died at lier Home'* r>' beolt-led the job, The man wap evldeutiy a itrauger. as Beroiter dld Last Saturday Night. not recogle hm WugaSeitember 2.PaYs $45,000 Mr.Matie Hummars, 68 yeara oltI dietI Saturday ulght ai 9:15 o -loch Saturday night ai ber home, 4201 'Mc- f f I Kinley avenue. She bad heen ailune s U for saveral mouthesud lder desth wîî 5 69 » P R flot antlrely unexpa<fed. Mirs. Hum- murs vas a pioneer resiflent of Lsa Wauk.gan, September 25. counli'. haviug iived lu Waukegau An Important transaction la High- sud Lake t-onut>' for the lait fortY- land Park laite froulage vas clouead tva yaars. 1 yesterday. of ipecial latarest ba-se Niu e srar ago MnS. Hummura it luvalves wbat la mid to ha practi- huiband died. Mns. Hummura baveS caliy the lait pinte tof lothe froutage but one cbid. Sire Audrev W. Boisaiproporty In b. bad liere. of Lake Foreat. sater 01 Henry' Seigei n tcompriie soo00fel or froutage on vito couductsa sbarber abi) ou0 5k 1 beridaRondidnltheb.outh end Of itroet. Waukema. The fugoral wviii mtlad park, .ztoudlug la Lake b. held Tuasday sfteaooal nt 1:30 eàgia. aU&" as so-W b>' obort L 0-eiock at th. borne sud ut 2 o'clk ok iU'.t'eJobs X J. Wblppie for at the German Refürued t-burt-b, $46,. .Il la about -.00 foot uortb of Roy. F. P. Frant-ke. offcitlig. lu- th. bomrnercoully purebaaed b>' termeut vii Lake place in Oakwood Jullus Rosemvîld and Fred L Maudel, cernetery. snd la a short distance south of se- lin. Hummuri wasî hotulu Gar- oral nov hornes recentl>' etected by many but torty-two yeari &go came E. V. Price. John Glass. H. H. Hitch- t0 America sud purchaied s <atm cock, Muotgomnery Ward. sud othera. vest of Waukegiu whera tbey lived The property, il la said, vis pur- for rnany yeaat. bemorng w eil kuowu cbaie by Mt-. Whipple as anau veet- throuubout the tarming dltricI ln taement. e0uuty. Flfteen years ago Mir. andI Uts. Max@-Up. Hummrs mved o %au ean ad As for papor fautenuue a torta Hummrs mvad 0 Wikega sudactor vyltete point audihmr of thoir liait madee Ibis cît>'thelr borna aver aitim.:"Thora la. et Urnes, lnaa since. Durlug thelr long raîldauce anail compan>, eapcliy. & acarcit>' ber. botb made mani' friands. Mra. of .tstcbad lilen. A"d shirt, 11k 'Hummers grieveti mucb uhen ber, Ring .Tgb,'s tr"esura, Sge' lest or husbaud diatI ulna yaars ago sud it.l "W inl the iabh. Tou are pli>' la naid that ehe navet waî qulte bar- lia dude part, as>', vitb saught bot a f"anaol ashIt o go vitb your dreu self «afler Ibît. Sauerai montba ago eutTok its a ot of bac papa:, Or she began ta cumplalu of 111 haaltb ouuop, peud It faner y-ur tst-e4 and had flot been frtee from icthuai =beoth,. ceutral stut abouit haolW rfrorn that rueup ta the time of bar eort a tound-beaded brans papor fA~ death. enoi" oieelvie -- - - - -. -- 1 fi Lx FOR pr-Con 1a, t FOR1 lad. (i FOR @ille MAI13 FOR cBatos FORI1 R Cd. 1 tre orbin plartieC FORI FR C. IMar. a LartIe FOR later Fuit uiteA. FORi FOR. bardi CImiei vater FOR FOR épecli (105e RhOt- FOR FOR FOru meile hallo Lhat apil Sont FOR Fea Muo esle Bane