Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Oct 1913, p. 7

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being a ' bone head," unable to-grapa e - e - s -•" •" WEL K-W A gratopotniy hn nreality no et Real Estate TranfWers IProfessiona Cards A NONE REOEWVED *fS opportunity wasplewentfed. ,1 FOR LESS THA Just@o long as tbe inidividulfarmerfunse ••• ME AR ST D N 25 CENTS td .rie@ to Wo'rk ont his inljddual salva- Lake Coun)ty Title & TrustCo.DY ND&ASN te B N. . GAZERTtion Ijuit go long Milcndt>m ur- Absmtracts of Title. Titlee Gonvanteed i Eh!î IISTI ByNJ.IAZR rounding farm product- iain unatire- Masonic Temple Bldit. baukegan, ill. A UPEDIN i lAR Loans. Insurance, Real Estate aMd . . . . . e. e.-. . . . . . . .. . .e . .". .e.. .*. .factory to producers i nt i consumers. Lonls J, G .---House Renting. + FOR SAng ~+ + WWM s odtig the chaège. gthat are 1Build a farmer organization st'ona et 3 93-id trkt .MtrylePlcmnsSed fiei asrBok .+ .ept.. 1.3, 1913. ta. G. •Motog. ...c....e.P.o....e....). S•{eed- taking place in the farming waorld oýenougrh to colle with Istn iyH trlt ,Mro udvsoLIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. husurgtpaoWANTED-Maa'or man and wife for tdyteInPNET olowing it@s conditions; the producer. dealer and'Wuea. .D 1 ometer ShoWed They Were FR cisLE-rabuy pigt ao fatrmwork. . C. HoLiroms, Area,11 lngetbise.utm f: pfrcnumrbogh nat luact anet B. .Kiefer and wife to J. P. John- Going 30 Miles an Hour. patcae.yitnoel eer onl ake-2-1 edr-i,---e--ieaclunfr-on'buiee ooeuueyan uson, lots 1, 2 and 3, Paddock's subdi-- ELHANAN W. COLBY lek ky AnOt.PH Bougr, Areraill11. WANTED TO BUY--A farmin of fromr the exclusive use of lits farmner renders. solve mout of the "high «est of livinig" vision on Bluff Lake. W. D. $1.150. g yAntorn Ltaw 2-1 20 to 60 acres. Musit be goode soli, Each week this columin will deal with problems to the mutuallwibeeaifal. AgsOalbrNndwf o srd WA TO GR AYSLA KE. Mnyt ono odApoe e FOnSAlake:sILcountv. tnoprStrte particulars sm hpeo amn fgnrl Le hc mtesfo h mrcnCorydon, lot 3, Washington Park,~¯-Estate. FORSALE- 35h. . pasenerand price. M. P. Cullen, 6117 Chamu- interest and will prtesent in clenr, conicise Packers Association, the l diniis Banikers Waukegan., W. D). $500'Plcma dtoRie601 Ofc in LuceBudig Columbia automobile in firserasodr laeaeuChcgIl Wkly it form ai, theJugat tipenings in the Association and any simiilar organliza- a oRd LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. Good tires.-$25000) takes IL WM. .....r. grcultural world. Co-operation being tion that may extist, worin h, larmiony, E. A. (ummings and wife to Maike Mi les an Hour to Catch One LAvcocE Co, Libiertyvilie. c,.2-tl GIRLS WANTED-For putting up Moidietsch and wife, lot 26, block 10, 4"Fould@ Macaroni and Spaghetti Pack.h nyaalbemto ywihtegtigthi ato hht rce akgnHglnNrth Chicago., Speeder Recently. FORSAE-ous ad otin Liberty- agrs, piece work pa% ing froin $750 to farmner anihope to gain hi. properl from the averagre farmner,w orti haindiInW.D 20- _ LYELL H.L MORRIS ville. Prie $8,000. inquire of I'AV: 0pe ee.Only American girls standin)g I , the businues orl tiihn wtIteavr.efrurDfretWukgnsptmer20A.""^ MdAcGurriN, Liberryville. c2-femplo)yed. Will Jruarantee $650ier columu ni willbe nuuon c-opejirative the fued<ist and ever pre. Iliraik and M.H.Hus1vandwie to Jacob Gore ahart S etm 2.t ietvle - ilni week until mo r s earned; lignt, .1ry . .. . Roznik anid mwIfe, north 1Ilifeet, lot 16, G og alrt - - v s tr..YLbetoil - Ilni FOR SALE-Miust sell at once. fine wok roms pent boargegdigtaih ou maioifp eeai t is, nyoe rm m-) t f naionat-arg wil -otblock 14, Washburn Springs, Wauke- %was arrested Wdedyniulht blitenln @pend buggy, beenusi x monthe and within ifew meinutes walr. Bo in&ng doirne orato enra3ntrt5o0h - -ga n. MW. D. $ 1. 1Motorcycle Poiliean William Ken- e 5P on i0eoee phone 1e ln best condition. J SuAnEoi Ca&yfo atr.Romadbad$.Mfariner is-arniemtly requested te) on- MARRIAGE LICENSESnyonahrgof pedgTe farni, 2 mileu north of Liberty ville. per week. Factory located in Liber 3 - tribte to this coluum; or w% ilh- 1Se ptem ber 22, 1913.yonacrg(i iPùIgT, c-2-1 ville. Iil. Addreus TuE FortLosMit,,Ntr lh alaaCicg >,speedomneter on Kenne%'s mnahine MARTIN C. DECKR CouPàrsy, Libertile li.liigbs.igifraino n ujc eti-··.. ary M. Shiaw and husband to Em- showed] Carhart's automoibile was go- «raE.-.. nesa dpesnlrfeecs .12 ig to fr ig m l r te to the jLaura Parker, same. .............. 7 maK.' Doyle,kot :;2 Sha ws -2nd Sul). li I1t-mlsa o .p 8nS.Eeti tt FOR SALE-20 acre farm, rich bottoera nPENENTandeveyndforpwil b Teo.Kurh, inclnNe... ..25-n1WstAntochTcp W.D. 1.0 in thrtymils n hur.UttceOp.1tn t. lecricStaoo land, ranning water. Land capable ofofDP- I didn't supposefl l., 'hu. ur! wasohn go25ing'ettwen- 'Twp M. 1. ceih'Phone 848wa gongRee- .on Phone18hoe6140 raiaing Snest garden truck. pries $150>i WANTED-To oeil to aill y old cri.- made to) furni.h an enlightening answç-er. (lara M.Short, Shehoygan., Wis. .-_4 I'\fatijamJors andbowife to CHIAGO.reneOI per aere. tnquire at tis offe. tmesad ayne ns allknso Fr oie ill be bandled solely bY ,Lou Is J. Wite, Chicago . .. .. . .2Tercek. Lot I, Blk. 4, \\aukegan ih ydemlsa hu u ih ae NO.T HCG.ILN e-.g ureyntoknMa0 eaCofepe-been at that," Carhart salîd when lhe lencefreeto yeu. I1 ,.ell only thre very N. E. Galaýrt, and will deal with the An n ook, samne .. . ......... : lands, North Chicago, . W.). $I,750. was conducted to the police station, FOR SALE--Stewart base burnr Cole t radroistck0GE.kF RsEilh1 toc, oilan plnt haeEdfwm.i. Lse,.Nrt Chcao.lgalag R.C.Contoc ad wfeto arretEdwni.lGbrehtUserearyof h AULMA GUFIN str.Cep Iqiea EER&Libertyville, .ll-c-2t farinig, until the advent of asoil expert Marie Krieg, Waukegan .... legal agei Porter, [,ot il. Hik _,. Aplebees s ut), Waukegan Y. M. C. A., was riding ATTORNEY AT LAW. BoiD'sdrugs#tore. c-1-tf s tIs10counity, when the soifldoctor will Frederick Keffer, Ravenswood .... 29 Village of Htarrington. W'.1) $2.200.wt ahr ttetm i a a WANTED-Girie to work aet th. dal handlle hig part and Mdr. Gatzert will Teresa H. Jackson, Waukgn....0,-- • wthCrhr-a hetmehsla wslaibertyvuie, Imlloa FO AL-asigmahsei frtLaundry, ibrttli. plyatte onutlhevsocfetrexcuivly acb acuer Zo Cty.....5¡ atiePrtr nch bnrt R .Ptopenyaheofser oosa3 eluse condition. inquire et this offlee.cunry.4- odc ieJ usoktnueecul ly ao ahlr orCt..... 1rl stock, Lots c and 7, Helses Sil G·breht lah ade ra·eet c-52-tf ~~~~~~~~Rememnber, farmerstbisiayourcolun. Lizzie Sternberg, samne............. 50 Vlaeo arntnWD 30 G e aearneet Muchgoo can coe of iViflyoueilofWm.Ferry, ilwauke...........24to deliver a stereopticon lecture on FOR SALE-À lifew Dicuclte ready to + LOST and FOUND + take the proper interpos in tite wellare. Pearl West, same ................. 19lot4racinetungito f.,ot 24XBae a thePanama Canal rat Grayslake on DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, break. Rasonableif takenat once.Its welfatre ie almo your wel4are "In Wmn. F. Girard, Antioch ..... ..0etWD$ )Wednesday night. Carhart was tak- oprriesovigLvLLsDUeeoB F. W.Scu :, mile wemt tof Litwrtv- union tere is strength.+" El'iroif Rose Baker, same ................ 24 -- - -Ing him to thaet village In order thatt ville. c.-51-tf LOST-rItC on the highiway jute t ouif1r .\1r olnek hcg ...3 .L E. Ifussey and vife t.o R. F. Piet- he might fil] his appointmient. As ses-rm1t n o8p ofEer at tm stiEmma Durkin, samne ....... 29-bcamn and wifle, Lot , Bik. 1. OrvIs' they neared the west city limits the Libertyville. Illinois. R A.-.. aoiengulYe, 112 d@el, and a 36x4 intier tube. The, finder will BEEF AND THE Claude aobison, Madison, W s. ..2 u. akeaWn$ machine Mas humming along ai a R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i C.1,atmbiefll up receive reward of 82 by notif.i ing FEnwix lace:yrelWakgM'em. Thom and wife to Annie Blan-godiltipi. Suddenly the motorcycle o o arele ecarals an nt 8Bi rUnierUtyife hicgohi- "VERGE"FAiERJagoHntehCicao .........32chad, acrers ini.n . Sse.M2 4op"rodDalngideandorere DR O.FBUTERRLD w shing tu keep sedriver for thegsabolineao er mr ae .........1Antioch Twp. Wt. 1. $2,5ia0. them to stop. Hfe then ordered them VETERINARY SURGEON, arttieare wr reca cuitIut or04o1Edw. .Cody,..Chicago.m....... A......21maChgo.tmTitle 8&uTrustEdCo.odto W.cago machine Iaroundahand apro- and piTANTU eTAT OTA" TaalNARIAWV WwAtA dntl ffceo1 denentsrat,+ ISEL AN OUi+ce", 'an1 lew polti'ceeenFist sme..2aSaieon.r 3, tk.7e liU. be t te olcsttin.AtthILlliynois.inis Waukegan. 111. e-51-6+ the Amerieair Packers Assiociation in Thoroolf Schneider. ChIcazo land Park. Deed 71sttothylfteina sada- weseewe. delieratingon thebest mtbod to W Grac oe ae Sept. 23, 1913..-C. M. icekelsenandrs, and then were allowed to piro- FOR SAIILE- Broued rmett, dire to pig NOTICE---Iwill teach anàyone the bar- increase thre future ment suply of t ilewife toseF FniWhite..lots..131and 14 TIehne ins-at etr eaedha lutter part of September and tirait of bier trade in a fewerweekte and put ther" country, and every angl,- of tbecae, lar as, Chicago 4 lck3Wb &Jrse' othSd ce ntheirway, my epeseieer to de your mors. bctober Inqluire at K .Farn. to work at good wagem Thie, lm a bona- f tu- Illthpckr8*"'I ussian, samne ..9blLecturebbetNot Given.rthSis Librtvile Phne29R1 c-1-f deoffr.Wrteme . . ana. re fr1 s t oried the packte.ndco-rit axi larenbrach,NMilwaukiaditionWaukegn. W.'.-$1. The party reachied Grayslake with- J M .G a e .\uler Symtem toft ollegemI.-,5S, Fifth sgumer, was nruhl oeino h F. C. Clark and wife to Annie R Ae.Chcg.p-2-2 true state of affair.eme, far am the farmer Jennie Hlaass, samte .. .... . Leckert , et al., lotsa 1 and 2, Clark's out further mishap. A UC TIO N EE R aORgALE-#;ota<onark taA C ia . et,isonerneýd im seeminglyaan tr.x An ton Grohar, City subdivision, In block 40, Highland Affflerfthe lanterns were connected 14EmodAeWuea3Ómi Zurichà, HLl.-14 AUCTIONEER--Yearr, of experience. Manjy remedie er e suggestedut the Franiciskai Jernko, city 2 Park. W. D. $1,600. andithelwaiting audience was reward- See me before -dking yoavr delta I have raisedl and bought and sotld etngrng t rome the sublime tel> John A. Schroll, Chicago . 4 Martinus Jensen to Luelle M. Beau- edn by Ithe rays of the lantern prepara-3. FOR SALE-My plat" containing abttentlive stock aill my life and kowvethie trilo u , utnorfntatfit presentEdh .GrfiLkFoetbnot1Wasrhsudvsntyfrtefrtsceheweso- nune acres of land wi large eighit romt value and how to conduct a sal mo ondtos or coniditionsthfiait are Ilely Stt f ili, Couty of Lk.s, : Waukegan. W. D. $1. necting the church were burned out- houge with bath roum and panry; also 'get the best prices. For dates addrsstoeit inthenx e er nteCiciar fLk on A .F. Beaubien and wiife to Martinus; and the church thrown into darkness. DR. E. V. SMITH uidu e A y ml"otal P. B.Johnson or Phone 111 1M. ZOIn Fv ude huaddlaswill be Tt. J nr ein . . 1Itvsn Wu10, block.Durt sb $I1a.on ipsil orearteGNRLPATC neig, bingr built lean than two yeare. City, Ill. Sept. 17 to Mch.17+ WpLIn Dthe comrin)g five yeare t41900,000 T h eeme emm. . ires I inime and so the audience was durs8 to 1o a. m. 2 to j and 't toeaàP. m Right in the city. Inquire oft J. H.M(- a veut) lor the "'educ-ation' ut the farmer inCa1r.N.64.Tono4ln September 24, 1913. dismissed and the lecturer requested Omace over Ray Feurniture Store. 1 Crapny, I,1ibertyvill..e, 111. Box_563 NOTICE-1 will clean %our clo)-et or in'threbeef raising industry. lu just ey Lumbher Companry, a corporation , Oliver Hiown and wife to Hi. R. \\ilto reurn under more favorable condi- SPECIAL ATTENTION 'IU THE EltE phone 310 1-J. tlt catch hamin for you at reasonable rate. C omplainiant vs. James W. Taylor, Re. son and wife. tract of land In S. tions. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LENKR L trMc(LEAN%, Libert:yville . RO.what manner thi. money will bes used heiv fFacsG.Pre.Bn-Sec. 2 1. Liberty\ ille Twil. Ate .l 1edrs FRSL-9reorbu*adbr.Box 60. c-40 tf not y et decided upon but, it wi,l bie the ceveofFacsGPrt.Bnk $12,600. fe l pees FORnso SALE-A 9 roomheboneeand harn, rupt; Francis G. Porter; Jessie Hl . IC. Burket and svite to Maria M. In fine with a recently announced hard wood and GeorgiePinte finish, ail en finraigtebefspl fPorter. his wife; Highland, Park Fuleti rcE lfelt-,Satn plf teplc r o r"talDP 1.L TAYL.OR modern econvenience.; soft land cilty NEW THEATRE AT WAllKEGAN this country-maybe. f'omparty, a corpomton--'WNilltam HarhE lfeotSannpoiyheoicaeto res al •- water, semwer, electric lighited. Siouth . It was suggestej gibat themmall fariner Katrac h and Frank Katrach, cýor Sub. and land adj. Sec. 11 Grant Twp speeders they are able to catch. Mo.- Offiee in First Nationall SUaBugo Nainlbn.Lt lK Y145 ee-ieetan adots hé: e,(u. be-,impressed with the Idea, ofraioing nur DerMldI mbrla iE. Weymtouth to \Nfary E try! oiea enyi au oe:1t :0n' op Finesbade treet. apples and pearts and, next Saturday inight, Oct. 4th, anl say three beeves a year for market. leianyieý, a e rtion llmbe F('n \Vall, C6 feet W. front on Genesee ale tmanto enforce the speed laws Beqsdiea •'buBroadway. oppuaite P*I muet lkinds of enfait fruit; 6also a210 feet 1entertainment of exeptionaml merit wil Theoretically thim looks aillright but PaeParker IH. Iog Trs street %feet S. Of Grand Venue, of the, city. }ie s an expert rider . loryvh, lnour tublarwel o tne atr. erm t beprvidd.Sulvanndonsdie.tegromn apractical pointout views(omethinig and th u ýnknown ownier or owners,\akgn \ .$A0 and every night rides between sixty - gest HuLiAY T irtyille 111-LI orace Lwh pe v(>km rua i-somem;radically wrong and it is just tiren. holeur nir holders of the notes de-Spebr 593 and seventy miles, coverIng the ty ------- starenoemble. Hieading the bill are John The average mail farmner isosituated sciPed lin and secured by a certain Nlary, E. Casey to Auguist H olmngren very thoroughly. Dg. GLDIG FRSL-rt175)tu100) biad .ofland Ella Galvin and their company of trinancially that carrying so much "deadde>ftstmeanexcedb 5as.\.iasS.E Sc.l. .fwnghsgoKnyswa FOR SALE-From to ineteen people inà.the vaudeville amuusil -h ranc, , G Porter and Jessie FI. Poi. \Vaukegan Twp. \\.V.$1.5 Hor8to1am.1o5pm . row, reh nd lo sriger. er s eie , "ittle MimeMix-l'p " This act-t ubr frapri fpras t tr. hi, wife. to, Parker H. Hoag, .1J. S. Giridley and wife to i. .1. and >;eeder going south on Sheridang B ilin to, suit.IàAppY ly1, ti.l Eius, Praire io conceded to be oune of the leadingyat wudpoalyett i oaTrustee, dated May 1, 1913, and re. Josephine IDemnlein. Lot C, lilock 1 , Rond just as he leftfthe poilice sta- DrJ. L.TaBldPhn 1 Biew.jlýi. Pione 7D Oieeted21 .vaudeville offerings nu,vtouring this lpait@to the Pour larmn. Takre fromnthe corded in the ole of the Recorder Hallards Su.ibetle \nono n peae ostr i a wt rJ . alor-Phone1 LAs iefed hn erIe .4 country and after their eggeetal average fariner of tbtrs section, his ofrlieeds of Lake County, Illinois. Uo.u chine. Hie pursued heimt as rapidlyý as Ll nyvle 92ol themnew Majestichthey gidirect to ik k b k n.\ayl;1U. e s litonment No. 1473 P. A. Robinson and wife to \\ m. R T McVicker's Theatre Chicaa ai otlytice squcrtr nCiao lTIlle & T rust Company, and Rose 1). Parker, lots t; and ipsil n a h elwsti ih FOR SALE-Far m and tarmn lat and oariendy miusic-al ent-rtais.__ elsand you take the very bread fromn Trustee; aned the unknown owner or Robinsons Subi. Grayslake. Q. C disapp ear around \icKinfley avenuiDRArHCUCHL special, land, improved or unimproved. will apel trongly tu the lovers oif his mLoutb·oners, holdIer or hiolders of the $1.11. as he reached the bridge. Kenney ' à.FLCURHL clote to Gravélakep. liso PAYN daiinty and retfined seilis The Another stumblinig block is the notes securpd b, and described in a Wt. H. alrath and wife to Jane A. tre nt ainsre tBli Physician and Surgeon Rockefeller, Il_ .ca: -ti Kaw asJr tt wh Oietl act efiqu;rlingof young stock to be fed. A certain deed of trust, made and ex- Homt.Lot _s -,Shaws Subt. on Foi terneistreeto aoned thee throttl of feeoverDeckéraàBond'aDrugStore feature et the Chicago Hippodrome, are c (aif fromt a scrubesire and dam will no ecuted i>y Francis G. Porter and ak.\.1.$% .hsmcie ewsrdngsxy HusolA.1o.7oP. FORc ALE-apasene r 220 cyTh iner alsoueapart of the Majestic'sopien ing doubt costIthe farmer mure to raisle Jessie H. Por ths ife, to Chicago Septemnber 26, 1913. speciattentiontro EyreE. Noseand-Throt Buc uoobl,$0.Thscrhsprogramu. This act carriesm complete tbai iIl lfetch on the block, and Title & Trust Companry, Trustee, dfat. John Bailey and wife to J. P. SPIC_ moiles an hour when hie overtook the GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED been thoroughly overbauledand m In'seente investiture, imported fromt Japan. ed May 1::. l313. and recorded Iin the zak, Lot lin Fox Lake village. w. D). speeder, just Inside the city limits. gooconiton.LinRT V1LLE6aIE Sharp and Flatt, eccentrie Germansrbrenddmarstlthru, Office of the Reciorder of Deedfs of $700(.00. The fellow was taento the police Lbryil, - - - -llni comedians. are recognised am two of the n'etthe exception.- Lake Countyv, Illinois, May Ili, 191 verts Wrtenn and wife to F. J. Gar- .station where hie left his namne and funnriest men on the vaudeville stage and To suggest getting rid of the scrub as Document No. 1473121, and un .ity, S. 50 fit. Lot 5, Blk. 7, W'rennsl1 FOR SALE OR RENT-Blacksmith thir appearance in the new Majetic's cows entirely within a period of a few known owners. Defendant. Add., Highland Park. W. D. $600.00. address and was warned thrait a second DR. E. H, SMITH• @hop on main street Or woudhJ'rae god bill la aure to provide roare of laughbter years im too ridiculous to bie even con.. The requisite affidavit for publica- T. W. Smith and wife to A. J. A. violation would mean a fine. The DENTIST. mani. Addretss Box 176, Grays ak, I•i and Incesosant merriment. . In tion having been tiled in the office of Bachmiann et al, Lot 158 Shaws Sub- driver seemied surprised to think hie e-13-t0 The motion picture portion tif the sidered sand equally nidiculous is t e the Clerk oiffthe Circuit Court Of Long Lake. W. D. $100.00. w fne vEB LAXIa ooCNMTY NATIONALBAg entrtanmet ffesaserisesaton l sugestion that every farmer purchse a Lake Count v, Ilinois, notice lis here- Mm.Lm an'iet H .Lg-as no ·o a8 c t p FRSL-0room house and barn fetature 2000 feet. two reel filme. entitled fuli blood bult in the samne length of time. hMivn. Thes. teunnwnshL et aLon aiteH.lrad teet, Why, you're nicer to me than my DAILYc12 .m.ad1tàp.. étriddepot Cas r terme.tonbe ilble ab wn bTe Rei u ciatio .1 n Perhap f part of the $500,000 was owner or owners, holder or holders Barrington. Deed $1.00. own ownEvanton woud be" h Tenient for two famille@ or One. Tel- the comedy picturen "Binks Advertises used for the puirchase of registered butte of the notes, described In and secured salid. 'You believe me thatt I appre- phone 215R1. e-27-ti for a Wife"' and "Hi Mayer. His Merry of somte good fdual purpose breed by a certain deed of trust made and Adjudication Notice. clate this and the next timie 1 pass Pen." (Bolgaein, Durham, etc.,) and the executed b% Francis G. Porter and gni oien eeygvnta h utruhWuea ilso hsP BI U TO FO AEHreefralproe;The new Miajestic inrovides the fore- Jessie H. Porter. is wifie, to ParkeTrib ler iitao fteEtt fLus FietOR se-Hre ordb bgianpu@orne. going extraordinary bill at prices of 10c, fresi eti oclte eegvnH. Hoag, Trustee, dated May 1,19113.1Lalladelaine. deceased, will attend the coimty ap)precIation by keeping wIthin the Closest attention paid toa brne a. LàD s ivainuLbertYville, 15e and 20c for evening and Sunday the useof auch sires,in a short space of and recorded in the offiee of the 'Re-ake Counitvat tern thereoi te) ae speed limits. aucetion sae@ and best results i -2-i atinee performances. This bill wililibe time herdéi capable of producing calves corder of Deeds of Lake County, lit- in %&ait i oty on thue first Nionday of November Iig amne. seen aSaturday and Sunday evenings and thrai.could be marketed at a fair profit tnois, May, ý Document No. "el xi. i.nanid %ha oate and e A dicatioNoiceAillkinds of horne, wagons ïan Bunday matin@@. Oct 4th and . th.'The t tc Julinagahiit said E e am, oiie ndt djudcto oie harness for sale or exchtange at al thams. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . lie ttenwMjstcbigt) k tohe farmer'would restei, while the 147120. and(]the unknown owner or uetdto present the sa e sid Court for ruifine notire Iii hereby given that the soie •]....[•§••[•}••••!•1••1•$• olic of he nw Maesti beig toma eowners, holder or holders of the adinatiolscriber <1mbitratr.i ftthe EtateofhaesH N YS E +complete change of program every females would pay the rutuning ep nte s pcie n n eu , ALFREI LAMIAIE LAINE AdminIstrato'r H. Sith. ,ecae n iß attein the County E4YSN + FOR • RENT + onda, and ,rhuresay. at the pail. "°." ikg"" "l" 11®°-® 1"," ·Ita"*--"Court (of Lake County, ai . ter=there.f Phoness 148 or 48 ZMON CITY, L. ••.ecertain deed of trust made and teble holden at the Court House tin Waukegan. •. . • + . . . · .'.' . .*.'."ADJUD•CATION NOTI'E• Fora farmer in this part of theecountry ein sai1vd CountyPorer ndon the frtMna o oene ADJUDICATION NOTfCE.7executed by t-ranciseG.ePorterdandi---c-------o-------ane:lt.1913 wen dand whereiall persons havi FORREN-Frm f 1 aresin Public notice is hereby given tafti uyferiadtak hac . naJessie H. Porter, hIs wife, to claims against uaid Estate are nottsed and Fremont township, Lake county, Illinois,'th profi t would bie rather ris ky businemss requestedl to Present the samne to said Court lt knw mteChas Fletcher farni, une the SubscrIbers, Executrices ofth the Chicallo Title & Trust Comi- Y &OM * alo"°"li now a te a. as wil ndtesamntof oh Hnot taking in consideration thrait most G4RACI F. SMITH. Adminiistratrix of the mile fromn creamery and twvo and e- ay rsee ae a 1,11,-etate of Charles H. smith. hall mile@ fromn Borden Bottling Plant. Westerfield, deceased, will attend farmners bave not the mensto) pay outpandrec rdseditofe.of(teaRed- wakeya.IlL epti-, L13.UETER NY SURGEO Barns will bie put In shape at one 0o the County Court of Lake Counity, at for stock that will not bring returns in corder of Deeds of Lake County,.Ill. sept.1moet3 Graduate Chicago Vet. Colflg that renter can hrandie ail the cowsthrat a termi thereof to be holden at thre Il hnaya. oeei ihtyios a 6,11,a ouent o7 rn threr pawillca 1p rr. Trfty Germae ortHue nWukgnsi adconducted and the pressent obstacles are 147221, and unknown owners, de- Luiaes big weexly-INDEPENDEN'. Offie.atoResidence, farmr wih ow helNpreerrd dde"county, on the first Monday of De- fendants, thait the above namedt Coi.v.Pon 16W application to DR. C. W 0Ls cember next, 1913, when and where1 removed, the packersi committee will beplnathrofefiditBll f Souh SatestretBelidee, ll.. al persons having claimas against able to makie a good showing and many Complaint In said Court, on the Chan- i E Y I L ' e- salâd estate are notified and requested farmner& now makling milk will go intocerysid threo, or mehanc' to present the same to said Court for the beefi raising industry. F.nupnth reiesi teHilo Le"t,"vie. S.H.APP °"Y. "-5"lgROEWESER IELD, A rataimuni ai yfermera, diogusted Complait descrbed, towit e hn-First MA NU FACTU RER or MOEYT LJN FnImrN o Wukga, llnos ec trires. produoertand lr, tiredodef producinr ast r e N ovelty Store M arbteeandeGr stO brnche. th comitte w l wev(12) Eat of theat hird adjust lbth orad rfe ies hthb e b ee f o h rtd yo h e m a teB B b pto h p otnt ueD 6 rp Spakig il nt ur cilre o wttngth bdbeaue t s ota abit ins try w lly relyben ei. h ircut ourt-of 1,a43)Cout, tRonbe JH ETR r but dageros dseas. Te C.H. owanDru Co. Det. 150,ChicgoI oc.kavra ce lte committee apone b soia- hel te CouratousentheTityo orexmna neae hrog adcope Aboltey re t ay eaerofTh IDEENEN. hi-rmey ls cr selIn-fres, andtheropetinsrin hisudit s il ning. nd getit her Ftàai-Cu membersofyour famiy, ssueandobfa ofsi] ortmO .inst-7 W UK GAN ILIN IS LIBERTYVIT.d lt.r iT.T.Tw OIS an aaofIlv OCTOPER 3,1913. N. #ty y ited ln »0om and men, saw and ar- vere case kt 8 mer, aber- psted steel ched man not 15 au-- grreat ýd-up il the ,bor- was r did RK Rr 25. High-: ýlosed cause Oracti- 'otage ýge OU ad of Lake ert L. le for rth of 1 by andel, of sev- ed by Hitch- > pur- [nyest- in a careity ji, Illu ,et or , Play• ght bot r dress pet. or er fachA an kat-' les inal

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