Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Oct 1913, p. 10

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maukegan 'Mtehlp %un liovapapers Dftentimes are censured by mon and trtemb1 of men who make fools of themselves by cont.iual 4UlI*ng *hlch leads them int*> dlsrepute, etc~, whén snid nevapapers z'ene*on such fadas through thefr cohîma. Hovever, itly.wbhQn aloCher persuasions have fail- ed, such p 4ltiqns.bave the effect of arouslng self -pride in the men th ,elo to spch an extent that, after seeing it in print,'thiy resolve nover to give anybody the chance to, say it of then agati-amd they turn over a new leaf. It's frequently the cagehI maiiy places. And Waukegan is no exception. _____ ____ Mayor eid4iger lihas gramted Lake Bluff orphanage officiale 'Inoàon to "tag" Waukegan people on Oct. 16, their aqne!a4qg'aiday. Igâ did so because of the fact thàt so many a]c-pQ~ chidren are kept at thé orphanage and Wauk«aabé re is directly interested in helpmng the Worth À t1t~b. ag18<day for the orphanage Winien- able mwWeruna iblep the orpbans and th. good women i qi*jýu=m, wIbereas othervise during the year they nov- er uÏuM hç,ve tb ' "àx,.orhty of doizxg se. People pur- çamig4gsq ZLIe * M,know tiiey are bringing one of the rn=st wortlycau*es lu the entire county. WS ITE*-Vqwe's voice is agai heard iZMon via en e o riýut Wilbur Glenn Voiva authoriz- ing ir d -1 uI4 " idtalking machine. Ye godi f Wbat ;woud poor )wie say and do if ho saw Voiva dish- ingouthissermon seoond-handed now, after al th.eilnd tâù*& te t oeorséer snid about the founder of ZMon erW ho b"a suppi ntd himde he&d of the Mon church? V'ôli* .bétter bi careful that Dowie's spint d0es't enter oùtftoepbMOr~l records and say somethingthat vow on the program. If Dowie could only right nov "jâIte "it a record from bis heavenly seat, we'1re afraid Wlibir Glenn*ouln'te1.11th. operator of the machine to tpmuon the uwitch. W~R ~psTO 1açiçfowta atFox Lake Lea<he Ioliçe te 01v. Cred- enîe5to His Tale. VEMER TELLS 0F WEAPON Left Dady Hammer in an Hôtel hadt beeu seen lu the Possession af,,Spencer wleu le worked at tle botel under thc naime af Burkte. No evîdence of the lwa murders at Fox Laite las bean dlscovered. The only thing wiici seenie ta substan- tinte the murder etory le tlat a de- composed body wa" faund loatlng lu thec laite thls sprlng. It was tlougli' at the tume Il was tînt or a drowned man, but tle police naw believe It may have been the body of une o! the vIctims of ibe laminer . ICaptain Halpin announiced TncsdaY night that le would send detectives to Fox Lakte today do make a more thorongl investigation of the nsras that lave been told by Spencer. Tbey wiil asit for the lammer found ln te cupola or theIelliinois Hotel. Captain Halpîn la stuh convincedl Wbukegan, Oetalci' 8. f lat -Spencer's confession le gentilne. Oiago papers this mornlng foi- lowàéd ip the tp given by The Sun 'bId tlat a hammer carricd lun hie grip b, Wèury fSpencer, the aidh-mur- derer. bad! been found by Jackt tscnèr, at Uic Iltinois Hotel, Fox Lakte. On.e O A WO E A 'pap*r pniled a coiumn about thc diiovclry <of thie ammer. 8pencers story that he lad klllcd a *Nain d womnuea Fox lÀLaie, a teat- Arthur (Bud) Bidinger, a dlent la une o is confesions whiîcî, np ta the office of the Chicago, Milwaukee, UsaI eMe, lad licen coiildered mytîl- & Gary rallroad campany et Rock- eal snd due do lie dopcd condition. ford, iI., was killlcd a few days Mgo it vas Tnesday alternoon afier his ln Rocittord. He was a cousin of contesalou lad appareutiy been rid- Mrs. Theodore Meyer ad Mrs. Thou. .930d to pleces ly tllgrains from the dtore Durat of Waukegsn. Hie skufl -pIDlUeOf Other cilles tlat Sipencer Was !raCturd, the. rigît log vas aI- Uasié a Sumgetion ta Caplalu lHal. aMnst severed trots te bady, the. tiglt PM.arts vas brokcn la saeraiiplaces a&" Hafimr ln dupols. th. bady bore numerous sosie scratces and bruîmes. *Ifo'w desth "If YUu want ta Sund out ahether 1 came tg nol knuwn. arn teiiing the dm11, I1 eau tell you The body o! the young man, wla how," le sald. -Wien 1 wae ou mY was about 21 years aid, was feund way froni Round bake hits sprlng i on thc Chicago & Northwesteru rail- killed two persans, a man and a road tracks about 6 odiack lunflic vounan. eveuiug a f ew days ago witbin about "Thc hatamer t used at the tume le iifty feed of tic west end of lte KisI- lldden la tiec upota of tie Iluois waukce streel bridge. Hotel aI FoxLae You wIltl fSd Il Tic supposition te Bidinger was there if You searcb. rua aver by a swltch englue whicblc 'There wlti be nto bloodstaias on l, known lu have passed over thai sec- *for 1 cleaned the hammer, but hltio f 6.rat bot530 oloi ' lie on e i us ed ln t ie m u r tier- ' s ti c n m te eve n g, b u t w :e -ber le v a A searcli for tb.c itammer was made wthug o18evn ic btrac t nd as un at the requoat O!f aPtiin ialpin, and, dwo tepe ase nîe accordlng ta Constable John front fu t d a!tIc locootve Walsh uf Fox Lakte. it ,as fouad IrmlsaeoI, odoftn hu e lobeneahit vbhere Spencer saidld h .Ihe he.eeonotin ad.l eet "TIc lhammer las been found ad ti hs ady as lmut cld beIJf.tuinet! over ta tice'),t-ago dla;coNered ly two boys close by the Petite tbrough me today." snld Con-ý tracta slurtly after 6 o'clock and no ciabie Waisb last n=gt- . 'R as dis-1for as Coroner licAllater las bec 0'ofdl lete luttle rotim at te top able to learnptitere were nu witnesses 09 *fur ilghtis of statre lu thc cuputa to tic accident. Wiea lie bady was 19love the Illinois- Hutel. Spencer first fouad nu ancelcnew vbo l vas led oocoepled tIal roo11u, attlugl le jand il vas some litltlime before le wau kuown as Burkte vîcu le worted vas tadent[Ced tirougi paperg lv lis Kt Fox Lakte. Tlere was nothing lu poctets. Ilue ivo cousina lu Waukee the rooni except au oid bed. lut lu gan aîîended tic fuueral. the csiling tle lboards at one corner _____ lad leen prled away. Iu the loile lhad hidden the lammer. *eOt No Sympathy from Hlm. Ftp fdtt11 ctznwi Nothng Else Found. *"We safttcled thc amanl attlc made by the tour sioplng %Ides a! the cupo- la and "s d tonotbing Ilere. Thc cupola la oniy egît l'y igit àdevêry Inch vas ranaacked ;alag*were pouindet!, but nolli: ta ievas discovcred." Ib umer fousid blnteIlîlinuis dyopeptieansd therefore bas a grien-ý suce mglnst anybody lIat las au e petit. "ëduay a bobo met liai On the atreel "MUter,"' nid the bobo. "I lav&;ent lsdanythliag 10 est bit éa mack boM! e l lu fbbir dàys." -nitra &Il you neel. you lutton7 cteOM& the Port Scott man-Kanusm Clty 'e, OC1~OBIRI1Li1M3. - - ' ilCebe AT = i Il JET VyILLE 6 FE , 1ENo About a Score bf "Endeavorêrs FrmWadI(edân WEtëPres- ent at . h. AttaIr. About a score of Waukegaa Young people attended the semi-annual Christian Endeavarramliy which Waa held at Libertyville Tuesday night. There were a number presient algo f rom Mion City, North Chicago and other teamns ln the county. The followlng program wae given: Service of prlse-H. A. Alburt. Devotlonal-Rev. Lester P. Evans. Special Number-Libertyvlle. Roil Call. Announcements and offerlng. B. r res» "Advertlsfe'-E. P. Gâtes,' 111111011 state fleld secretary. wabeld in the Lhberty'-4 vile Prembytran church and wa> thorouahlY enJoyed by ail. Mr. Gates dipedmsed the topie of advertising lai a ve" i'y fetiýe way, showing how a ,oloY Iuast advertise If it would at- tain a béèfect growth. Refreehniente were served. Moniachs Not Over CleieUy. Kini C"« is l. of Entland dressed a~býWly ang Louis XIV. of Ptance dis- 4>"Wt '10 ' a alittie cold cremmz aP- q= 44 Ith a hanilkerchlef, bd Il the ch5ttribu, ha paid tW cleaulinsss. ft St. Bb"u*us detaiIod account of the bîIga dayI, rOm the paslins of hl& #briwgtbroügb the closed led cur- tà#ûs> ImBtIâe inorming to the cerQmo- oII~alg<f the nigît shirt ove, bshodrs when he retired, tlerd la D0 mentiOof oany ablutions. rOur alteration tlepartrnent is perfectuioninits L ornpletcness, conîposed as it is of experien< cd tlressîîakers<, Nwho under the guidance ot a pro- fessional fitter, guaranteeing you ex ety fax or as to fit. e tier a~sOR-*~ ~ tORT ducte a Milk dl*ry eh S4ventd-ifi street, NII htio a *Çri which le uses dally for drawlng bis wagons about and whlcl are lu such a condition lIai It la the çrcsl. cruelty to aliow tbem to sufer any longer. Humane Officer Hiâks 0Iers "I saw Ilidemaun on Bunday and A. Lindemann t of t C l îooked over tle'lorses,' Hicks sald. cage to KM'l Oýýs "One of lb. borses was 10 Ili ItIcoul! - I fot stand. Two of the othera laed Mesreplied 'liAi b ld no gîber Says.4ores'av.etborea ta takt tsit pMSc. 1,aMi oiug SaysHomsave4 ame4rosto puy .liai anotber nuit ,dàtIfbh onThm fD aroC4h ied do.. fp lo0w me to iii the two an. te Imais 1 wM out a *&r*nt for to U %e -1àý- io arestand 0 te coul 10 im- pose tbe vcry h ~jt polblc fine. Waukezan. Octoler 8, The case 18 lte, w&t ubt ever bas Police Carence Hickts, htinane of. beeu csiled to iny attexition."l ficer of MWaukegan and surrounding Bince bis appointraent to tIe pool- citie and tOwns, le investigatlng a tion of bumsane officci. 1fr. Ilicdsa la case Ia Norh Chicago that las boeur been able to do much good in,Wauke- called ta hie attelion. Mr. Hicîs dew »an sd ,iciaity. lu a s vlî hob 1* touai pat dulal animais are ge' lnk aluse liec bas accn to it lIaitdic P*Étloc wih stopped. It ls tle general opinion that le wili le able do do inuch gond luis winter as bhuses always are corh-- pelled tosnoter more or tlsSuU th winter lime an the. resuit of! rlfs drivers. He *111 see to, it tlon« are flot alloired do stand Unprot8dted in tle COlt!and diso tfut bomts Lim properly aboi! In ilipsJery +rààtbbi. Mr. fi ls lbas sboW it msel r Ur- oughly efiient l Ic hosiation. ~Oe 4aqi 'ola elakii ho~smai th Iwo *r. l10 in W l. bc*laoe1.Pm .set 0. t" w ~tib-het»Adte Take The. Sun-keoiposted. riE Il -1 PW.m- In our ecors et ae<'ti<>n yoi will find ail of the new styles in different qualities; we alinu to liave a orset for cverv forni and will ask that vo e- ecet your's liere. Pie at frorn $2.00 Lto . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Ganneats ~ A ttutîMa Many advantages corne to the one Who -patronizes a specia1It store such as ours, one of which is "Personal Atten- tion." Ts is exceedingly broad in its application at Hein'S. It begins at the Front Door; and Ends only When Our Apparel 'Has Given Sâtisfaction You will find that this season we have far surpassEd ail former efforts in the quality, style, and fit of our garments. On account of the wonderful ready-to-wear business we are doing we are in a Position to purchase direct from over a hundred different manufacturers, and selecting only their very choicest styles, thereby giving you more for your money than you could ever expect from a gene rai dry j goods store. W~1&r. for Sawtrda ,'Qlé I 1th and AUl éf tii BU!n~Weej Mft Me~s toAdd Misses' and woîncn's stylish coats in colors that are the niost popuilar, in the scason's best niateriais; lengthis ai-c tlree-quarter and futl iength; handsomclv trirnmed; a good srie able -oat that seils at other. stores for from $10 to 12,e 'J at Heins for................................ Women's, misses' and juniors' coats in caraeul, ural,cicila pile and astr-akan cloths; these garments aie haif or fulll ued xith peau-de-cygne silk; lengths are full and thx-e-quarter,ornu mental frog fas*tenings; large coilar and cuffs of plush. An exceptional value at Hein's for $15, 12.98 and.................................. e Women's coats, i highest grade materials, including te verv newest cloths, both staple and novelty. DiffercutÀM k iengths and styles; a very large selection, ail mod- erately priced at Hein 's, $25.00 and........... Ail the new shegaidcl - oringi,, triuuuedwlehwIngs,. flowers, plumnes, ribbons. Sonie eoidohn thteju. exquisitely dainty iats are shown, to bo cvei-v faee and figure. Ask to sec ~2.O '* I WMS 5c A large lot of çilghÏIy mîîAsed waists for Wont. A gatheriiîg of ail our higher priced waists inone lot for a <îiekck earance; 'ail st les àË&izes. Valincs 111 to $2.OOi, for this sale ait heins, Woien 's and misses' taiioî'ed sîjîts, ini a vaîîety of the sCa-9n's best styles, peau-de-cvgne, satinî or taffeta -l plainx or dru pd skirt; ser-ge, Chevijot ori- vorsted inateriafs, perfect fittiïîg; othei-s ask as iiiuch as $17 for theni. At R - Hlein's for ................................ French serge, cheviot and whipcord suits ini the scason s hand- somest styles; colors are nax-v, black, brown, gray, wine and pur- pIe, satin linings.. The newest effects worked li ouît in tiiese suits, worth $18 to $0,at Rein's i e for...................................... Ladies' suits in styles that ar'e a deeided change; featuring mauy of the season 's newcst and best ideas, including9%% P % the blouse effects and mandarian sleeves, draped z 2'I4I skirts, etc.; the most desirable colorsi. Spe, $25 and THtE PpOGESIV SO 210-,212 Genee. St., Wmske14n W.UftËer leois tni 1rhq Ex'ery pair frôm our own high gradc uines and iden- tified by our name and gîtarantce; thcy are priced so iow heeause they xvère mnade at a lime wben the faetory needed orders. --. 13oy 's and girl's shoes in gun-metal, button style, welt sole, Rizes from 9' to 2. Regular $2 val- * ues àt IHeins .... w~ The higli grade, "Julia Marlowec" shoe for wom- en, depicting the newest styles in patent, gun- nietal and vici-kid, black and tani. Re- ,5i ular, r$4 shoes at Heins............. Laidies'"shoes in button or lace; a ghoe Nvith ao of Mtyle à1d coneiot, different leathers , A àsýeciàI1 âlué t éins ............. 4 a , Jugt received a sptendid as- sortment of the fashionable Marabou furs, in sets and single pieces, brom-n and wh ite, beautiful ideas, large rnuffs, very stylish Açck pieces. The set at 6fl Heins ........ Children's Coats, in chin- ehila, caracul, astrakan, bearý eloth, ec!rduroy, plush; trinixnd with buttons and eloth; plain and belted ef- fects, *Il'sizes ad colors, ~pederki t 2,98 Jfensfrrn9.75 to. Wool or silk dresses for wo- men and misses. A new lot just received. Styles - that arc chariiiing and decidedly d ifferent froni the ordinary. Beautiful colorings. Al sizes ini two lots at Ileins .<j $9.98 and .. .....15- Wones checked, honey- comb skirt, ini the new tube effects, beautifullv draped. A stylish model wc boughit to seli for $4.00; speeial for thuis week at ITeins..........07 Imém -Specil JOG Waah Dressesfor im ip al! cf iii~f1 Mddr clp *1.98tff id by ab on Lh Ai a! of te fc li m7 --ýj Àd- IF 1 F

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