M,3 OPERATIONS SUCCESSFUL tiho« bu w ie o eraton ,nhDr Mueler of Chioago Pr- boy crled a lttIe vhec o .takea ir e , PITL fby D.peron, o CIty. tob«tobupbdon l msd peraionAssI t he ~Opeatlns table. neee ais X.8Kight Sent Here 10 Sur-, yOr- ronofCtyvuyMtaîuî ibai& o» fr isi. WY Land, Died of Heart Children , It is Sa4 ,WîIi Be aItgte eave bsle meio. À c»,,, trouble Cuite Suddenly jAble id Run Arour.d loide of cev" eal cil io1po aie coty Phyoiclame viaoumaci tigoperetion - of Next Six Months. and vcirs.1.1>' mptecac. Tiere are WukegnOtbr akgn du *tour cases at the iOsPital wbv i VI Pa ,.Kti.acvl nlcrrad Dr. 3redcnlci Mueller, remous ph>'- probl>'be oparatei upua b>'Dr. tag 18 Pontiac. III, dici rtci sud- 400iY In tic Jane MbAlser icepîtal siclan and surgeon la all C....... d Mulera- lie resuIt ofbils operathiema 11 I: 30 o'clock ot scnte ln. dseases. arrived ln wauieffl this tdry.Bia . elvguîatc aMd heart trouble. Mr. jmoring and veht almot dîrectl>' tu 01 t,1diElng lie aId Ellot te ieNCI@trhsia hr b m" fr is er tthdtroasian ,bd* S ~for tic purpse 011perforucit operaton pon tic to kans f -nt b«a*a N.Kalglit vas taken liItat thé have beon descrlbed t ai th.Me ami iiiuI hPosiIble for tibm te tic hi*umnhotot about i o'clock Mon vas d.isted ilabils vorkby Dr. A. E. cared of thir alimenta. ta ag. Hlm condition grew wrse atel nd ai 2 o.clock iis morD BO-,count>' physiclan. via l ash a removed to the Jane Mc ommenllatlon 10 thc couniy board ZION DISTURBERS ARE O hlàospital. His condition seela- made it Possible for tiec cilidrnb INDFRCRU N. la mprove llghtly tItIs forenoann hv i pritc etret udabout Il O'clêci be sai that fIheth Prtospfrmd FND ORC OUI . ticerb omon ocre to go oui ot -The opertiloas were mosi suace.s inCtOt -.C ac,1v E Wari ho ihougit he would ho fui and thc two chitdren potvely ZîngtyuaOîl. C . PaVîgtchSlow- ablet r tu gleep. Mg srequest vît wtll get weli. Dr. lino ndcLaleo uto- atRserelarr1s1,ian i Îaocte ai su~l d si t 11: 15 O'clock hé o in ac buttcoe a rtan. aiu, arod vli dlsionitlsctn CE ty bofore 1130 a nurse îîpîoeh Tic ames of tie chitdren arc: hurt.cAboutedoloth is arnngon tai., lie room and notied that tient F'RAiNK TRACTS-a seven year IdutAbt1 'ok ism in ,wu& cane l te clo ofbisska. ovresdig i Hanevile. ar ldSpeclal Policeman George Streld vuacanet iccln0fismia~o ridn J N ta MHaetle ,verhe.ittwo mcn yelttng and curslig as ,nte Patient dici tvo or tirec mtn ~~rr IIH tvn.ertc'doeaotlv aabgy Dr. Oourley. via attendcd Mr. old girl resldlng ln rayslake. The drveeboth tonlcaandbuey Ka*iht..aartB liai ho vas sufferint Tic boy vas tic fint tu ho oporat- cTde et I.to pat ti loadroi. -4 leiag 'thf tic alves ol. ed upon. MHevawu$ pontic operatlag Strcld ralîiedfor ChriliCotngWon. .iso iii iCi 05 U~ W5 5UIUrtaýble for thitri>' ntla4 «pl~SitS&OI ;'Ih obigMr. Kigit sai %eration vas absolultltloodiens. 1lie j flt dî mon juil as, «Iy 1ocW ,t "ai iycralOf tioe attacks tft vas tin plare in l a planter cas&cltg oui of Stewart'm barn on Twent>- tWtW$VaU tic verst ho ever iad. movento uo hegrlt bt" t treot. Thoy vore about ta TiMW 1p0railon upon rtic girl too90but ~oionce more for anotier caroae 1 hi cxpeitrto te rorovcr tl 11e moroe ta minutes. Sic aI- ubon tic Police alopped up and placed ______________ - 0 as placod ln a planter cast. them unior aireet. LCPUSE UP TO FIVE COU NTIES Thc chlien vin ne main ln tic Tic mcna veto brougit up thii - hosptai for ten itys andi vIt en ho mornntgbfore Juigo I.U H. Tâttle and semgIeli. Il.. Oct. .-4n five ac etit oe. i at inedlni$8.30 adcoite oaci. MWàu eof tiececntral district otaknt hi oe.Tecnswl theli qustion of local option ho icpt on for Ove or six manthhetai Staio's Attorney'i PL. ioelya of d.up ai elecilos to buheld *9 sudco f vilcilIme Itila aithey 1j McHcary couat>' la aing tic board itiéga, Nov.4. At ticiseletons vill have bocomo e ll Wthia thre 1cf supervlsors of tic coeaty for an cm wbot""weeraano"drMy"issuto O tor wOiL th chldrd wll e 1appropriation te pa>' for â&as sistant a v s i b a o a n pol a i t > ' o f ou r v i c i e ti c c i l u i i h l oi . n c . v i ie t i e v o l a m e e t l e . eiaIcl iicithc qaett iÏc t 5e iiti ouoand ai business offeccllg thc count>' and S~M : up arcMnar. Cas, Mor. perhape may aven ho takea our i n-tie statc la tic uargeai over inova .etmdClioua. Morgan andig. la tic hîstor, of tic slat's attomeys a.c«dry." but thc aihera are iie.layo tcpnlg ae r *aeU rrtgted la spot&. Motirs of tic to children ere lanroffi c anyo tepe dngcse.r MI½Y-tçc 1 a4 The style-.exposition in uiNew Buildigjis across the Street from our old location, is the moôtt wo-Inderful Faîl Clothing Display in America, Out 'of town patrons are invited to corne in when- ever they are in Chicago. The Lgreat- est values ever- offered in Fall and Winter Suits andi -Overcoats at $15 to $40 are on display here. I - v.. QVTO~R1O, ~9I8~ i <ColuiM rom Page On.) P ! 'W riîofr a u"ay"agisoe f it tc.k née& 0%, ai. un> va>'te0 tic t <nigl meàinmivonn Tho ic t»vcpefctsrngors e tocmiie otier. and vr" gotag te Round Laie. I toN thea 1 i bel- i uthorea. a Ib . n I ihiLaoomt gootl, and 1 vas g8"8~ 16tue li. l man ced 1 hb- came chou>', aid hea vo gai te thc laiesvi>' vi palied' aronusme . Viat. Onto dey ho dtsplayei a bus6h oit golig to the bâ'btS « M.e'l of bih.. .iand I aipi hlm'and iroppcd th bils bori in lhe lare. 1inlteresteit er ta .omevhat. Oao'ilght ve vent for a U d& Bisc t ninig the d&SK0 viii, srIIl iierdiainands. 1Ibit-Me ber wilb il c hammer and souak icr «YT O VO cc bod>'lIniievile, noar a svampy O spot user thc shore. h Tie>man vis about 50 r cars oftage, A food to liv. om - Stamim for work- voighing about 190 and about 5 fest si...â1 s.. 1 .S....~ .. 10 incies tlIIýiiait complexion, haîrB w tr du MnAUA 5. M II5»L. SLw ukni et grayt, a ltule haIt ln front. +.esn to the litiefolke. Fiv" cets The cther vas a woman about 45 years af age. about 5 feet 10 tacies taIt and votghlng about 150 or 160 NATIONAL BISCUIT COM4PANY « pounds. Y, 1 Tic man and vamnea bld me liai _____________________________ "l y4tt« k*e,*»acquined' aohelic i--f : train tram Chicago, bat f didn't lci« -rrÏ~ gri t6vari tieZMan Gft>' hurytng an- ei Fex Lake lest year buit ha@ tudr namia. I10kte icu 1 tictheCo- gom .net gîvmn th Ir nomn*&.Hcpro- lonlal, boausi tic Illinois ovas nt W. Cegow vato lie atees ugo fuemue fnet te remembir thel.' preparci te taie care of them. At a"i 1 POlaied oui some land ticre as tic~~~~ ce flrc rfurdy boonglag te me and affetoi Il ta niefrI. Ne *urdéig whoein the " o tbeeor ourdayroom lhora for $500. Att of thii.Umei eV ci me n is re nmmcildcntl idviii vw» mide fer thons aetiheIlios. veto trylog te fini oui viclier or flot found eti9 akie dering O.hemi 1 prsueri tie min ta go dowa ta tic>'lied any moaoy. Nludomc>'or >wmm. Hcq muIh have mumium'id thc shori ofthl 1e on a Saturay a>' bIaIt>kamcime If Irasati change a îhem and velgilui their boiteai aigt nd trck i mfiveuies vîtb 310 bil, saytnq ho venar te smni anhit. sud u i m I h ot legram. 1 preoaiei te earrhinla union theivite.. and roved ont halfl >ar rose lie my potiet.aid totd hlm no. One of- labre adhrev hlm overhoard. tie mralîgrs smli ho couli change I gl 1* md itmon rnd a tic .110bill. andipulei out a vallet Thot hi and.Puter .Nedrmeyer. ý a vMcitrou da ia Inoverilng i oaudejasabout tivo hunirci andifeider of th.e Srbure baWif a t bisnaie nd evr la vîcîheher tamty cii dollars. 1903. boit Ove men la lion City and tle naone Basienoverleanneit d Bd esof Vitimea mm Lake thora murderei lhem Inniod bleui 1 met lic voman aftervard ania Nldooor siat i teka i.'wllste'lrwieriic told ber tic min lied gone te Roundr -tdmyr e Raft-hrmnafe hc hytrwtorbde IA*e e met aom frindsaid vien bc feli he put lie gun te0 mb the iak-thiva a fealure te Laie to mcci aome friende. il s le ar and miboihlm agaîn. lie ballot ithe -confession -»maie .by' .Helnry> Womn ruioo ! VicLtim KlCoig ttrough hls bead and strikina Specr, the seIf.eonfisicd multi- tpruaîc.j ber te taie a vahi vti aonu b ig I. ln ich wit ~oka s.mrdorer now In erraet n Chicago, me tie foUoWlag Tuesday nigiland This vas hoivoin 9 andt 10 oclo'k lan deteils of whose crims appear ettIhe look ier ta mdîsiried place and abat teeelg n fti ril. ber ausi5a er icvti tic hammer, thn lookcci0f coatiaandibets andithrev icr badinta he laire nea, ctinbatihersI ndhl tic ahore. 1 got $915 la cash frnm 1uni aU lie papons te ieInebaur Spencr. cenfeston includedth ber and ancdilamonitrina. Si. varo posseasonandaisettfine tetlira. andi steesnithat wilh Nidermeyer, a pair o! nearrings. but 1 dihn't taie tien put oaci boit: on a board andi, ho t&oci io mon te Zion City' ont them. 1shoed theb1arts1 lnto thele. ~afttrnoan In 1903 on 1h. proetsof' 1 unadenorsdiber ta smy ber nso m t su bd taîioff l'e our, a i t fte ellng tb)cm nomeland thora. Thi>' vas Mia.Barton. but 1Iamnetsure otItes about top let 1thionand iedtîi viit1a cemutier>'whlch seoa$&y$ vietier ie li uInChîcago or cme off. We remidaci nar tic :bUlElg v noir the Sabre." Thor*e ha> me tirougi b>' va>'o! Cleo.grouad for about Ivo heure aibils e et m àbiOese robbiied eloWmachim la nittrahet MDvaS-e noemtltpfSi>' lehe dt«rovedI. b tic hbile aoraMr ammer. aiabroire hcago, Oct. .--Captain Hatpaef 6 Ne m vîhQ>'thon - «Mpped h11 lie biel. 1 301 about $400% ail- lie ictetlve bureau ineounces thlbodies and carrlir hora te tiet10o ve l tiswa.ho ibu contittemnî idt vieatic'he lie emon planis ani 1301 t bto a quarrel vitlitic vaaz usa c f te lismrtead bvd hmbte h wt conk et tha botlan iniq gahl' tcRera uream locile ievt me tictheboire ana hiofendime. t hobcha. confosseci tie murior. "Tic lait I miv of thcm. oleof tic Hce le boy Spec descvtbod th ic k laIe athor persoanaeven o! Zloa City -"double mudir," vilci0001 vomen. vIlla thlnst ycar. nov aIaiseoma ste lbve bea OotlU it laconfirmationocf tifs aiment le. marc than a mythina.pelcîcdIn credijulo confesion, Captais Hîtplo Moada>' eveung's Sen vouli b. lic delarei liai tic maîtrise vilci Mil. cage afitr tic tact& came out:N ~ U Helpci Peler NIedemoyer MaÙrdr irei AlIac-Re.,roal <auit vlti bet T MitlIon City. t«,«icao.tic alibi of ber Mur-, aF O R S A About tireanrliree menthe hoforc dor vie tuni. blooistained and pool- Niidmeyeu and tic tier cau barn ,tively ' tiîfiei, In lie room viesu bandita vere banged NIedomoyer and tie errent vcas maie. 1 briler! tva mon il lIon Citît>'vîil ITic min osier errtent gave the ame A. four ho- 200 tict of tic buryiag grauad. et Henry' Spencer. He vas captuci 1 moltiese tva allangets ai the c Illinoia Central deoa, Pari Rov mta- la a roomng hou»ai B 2216 Michigan tan. s ad tic>' toli me tutt ha>'vaat- amoque. Prevlausi>' ho bai IIed. hi FA IRBA cd te locate at Zion Ciy. 1 Intorred Nsal, ai $212 Rhodes avene. Ho had trom that tuattho>' muai bave maacy umed at convoene ta I addition te vii ticu. ad tl thou Ivas a tl iosme of Spencer. tic name@ of fermer tram ZMon City'and rauîd put «B anc" and Scallop." G A SO LIN. lieu l In uhwti a rseatate bar- , ~KIIIsd Mm Rercetl" Taicn. trnesBakvl!~ IilliliMr%. Resat," la ieclaued * . . a train ton Zion City';. Neemécr gai tb bava beaus pencr's Orts aalemeât m3f iR rJV 000 coi iboard tic came train. Wien vo vien hi va. broagil tm- tiche ot-. us an'd vv alici vlft1-- two mras- a grour of iitecivca and tencogaX o ta l .1 h:!dbr ta robbe:r . 1bae li W il be sold, cl psthanila le ate hticomai once. Inquire vil .esstiôua1 icclaratila of ail. spaica « aemy as a mamlghiafk f a INDE PENDE dialer egagmentforthe azieve. "f bai net boca caugt juil at ~~~t hlm ime," Spencer lm quotei thle - d@,tecll'., "I vanhi have klici Mns. A. J. Scofieli, P prptolof a!tic raom- la g bouge vicee 1havi beaulvIg. MM ' 1 Spencer vas capturci hocaule ho Moea L8 V- When CdlnMarc i.dged oW vas sfnaîî. upen qaîlîl>'In a l heil For merliaym ho bas toi, ho g ~i5ve y e eboa rnPa.sli, that ho vas rîamel>' vaîcîci. 15 OFFRING SPEC te pocurr. nd il vas oni>' tva iays ag6 liai laho cioi-iho mailo tic moye wvitn ulîlmaîcl>' TO YOU, MRL RFi te th 00 rousiabout bie arrest. Tva men leaiddpuhouW ad n o gp"aeched hlm on tic stroi osear tie - j s-romil ans e wviei ha ataffl. î Ove. asic i hm for amth 11> ist tiaugit." Spencer miii «wgvms laitic>' Muei be detoctive.. M EAT s'POU a f t m esio! a match, 1 plîci out B re- S Ivolver, and thse mon at tic sigit e o!I AN ve lrae avay'e r s l Watdhed for Bays. lel a'Cm.- ~tc'iTino van ethc-mon vioafitenvari Pre##W. 0lod the. police. Ani thon Il vas a E TA LE mteo!vcIog. Delectives vwere VGEALS - sirsees0m.vtgli*isthe tic eghorhood cf lSpcn. consé rocu foncr el>' thrty- zhoure befauc libe>' goa lkai 0kB m. ba b~~ u . Tic>emyag ha hoansvenci lia de- W! L!AD, OTI - crotjos of tic mn w v a nd itien .5.- ~e. mre power CS-MORSE tidition. Fiuie for plant for farmer. heap if taken at EN.T OFFICE arket House IAL INDUCEMENTS hDgK. IN4THE LUNE JLrtvi GAME SIIEL I rI ÀND f RUITS rllERS FOLLOW Cash Market ND~E, Prop. Iue. MW 4 IHOcr. M diitiat miBO hume afêi met tt"41bh. WUU of t ote4111 «ietetbe> vers rooovered and Idiattgod or boliher lie>' ire n"Ver -ihigeuani. no tir a local oUclale nOWali »à »w@pobe, ueonwbp vire la lic rme 04 that gli e o ni mnir ori evr roporti or iBWA -ta 71M C$Î et lie lim. 1%6 .01>' ceor>' nywvir. nier he lake la ZIest.lai aovnwa as Lake Nonai oelny-eatithla vo ile.trustedI"ro ltoc. bçbg ,«eti on 5ObamRoad. If thc mmn di Bs e b ~'-ithe O.vic. me teuhe l MoeoW -t*ybai aloi; drag topsi Ibt»bwit 10tic loi! . t imi ratierlctedfutou. tl. itatameart asiteo ov tiiy 301 rd of tic bodie. even if tic>' dit i teir min ln the cemcter>' In quee- fou. That aothing Vaç cvii board of the crime, that no blood was dis- coverui. 'etc., adi. mystery to thc confecalon made by the. maurer. it docaat Boom tbaý. tic> could have committed a double marier ln auci 1 consplcuoua place a.the Laie Mouai eemetery :.Id hon drag thi boies for sucb a long distanace, wlth out walngdetcctid jn the act. Aad, tho.. days the smInets of «/Ion vire eyen for botter patrolled thon of laie ians-l ..ems tic>' sUrit>' vould bie hein apprehenici ln the act. tt.>*U" etthe beeplog lâconsla- ~ Dyo'the mans's atateùmet tatR smci a crime viascommlttei lanZVon. II la now a question if hu vas flot uhataken ln i-iclllng the locatioa of the oetery. Thec oeterywvich pmtld b. clasoed as "ne.., the laie" itcmg the Dciii shore. ta one ai K.. esuba, a forelgneri cometer>', joui nothi of the cli>'. Thot cemeter>' Io icar the lake, te ta anisolated spot ad a crime of tiat mort could have 'uecsmltted liora vliout d- tordon far bette, tian at ZMon City. Bue on fer ai knovn. no cae o f the bledai er smctouIlght vec there. F. BMIRSTOW* MAIOUPAOTUNSA 0FOu Marbit and Granite 'Monuments iCun.ter Work of EvMr Descripton 16 GeneieeSt Wauepm +4 +4 FOR Bab& FOR chié of L barn arp 100. FOR buarl. drlil n@ec Fore FOR Coli Goac Luvu FOR ville m iCI FR land, rai.Ir pet.à FORl F.M ville, FOF SC. tires ovu vîi Wî'r FOI lattg Lit. r r FOI Dioc hou, larg bPli RFOI E-at Pin mot tubt quat mei F0 to i vile FO Spf clos F0 r Du ec gus FC e t *~'- FC @le ver Pi ba an lit et Li Fi i -hi Il la