Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Oct 1913, p. 7

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FOR LE 26 .... .. +....... + FOR SALI-Ri'to sud fit desie e- 11rrt, clme.codiIo t The Sbe4don saoi Mis;Ot. Il. 19,8 c-1- FOR SALE-A&'B borgé,fl a tire. acre chiée. suId vetairle farci iluthevilage fLaeZurih-,uidlig large boué, barn, cornghb md Wlaehicken boum..i flldlagoelba ii ait eprlug andid are lau ru clame order. Part cash balance au time..Addrese or Cal u fisLrmE & PUASS, Lake Zurich.lPhone 100. C-3-1 FOR SAL-Set of gond second .ha.d black.mth tiole, boevcav drianse t of dise. Wili oeili chp sea ueed tii. roc.. Wrte Box 480(, La4e FOR SALI-A 8r' h. p. 5 pamesgqr Columbia automobile lu iret Ia.. order. Good tire.. 2000tax» i. - Làycom Co brtyvillIe. e2t FOR BSALI-Boume sud lot lu Lih.rty- ville Prices $3000. Iuquire of PAUL hiMcà lU viN, Llbet.Yvilhle. C-2-tf Fd~R SALE-20 acre tarmn, rlc bobttons land. runulg water. Land capable of rai.lng Bouet garde truct. Price. 1 54e per ace. luquire st tht. office. FOR SALI-WSiin machine lu irat clIe Condition. luqutre at this offic. FOR SALI-A lfew nie -,lt. readY to break. Ituaonaille if ttst.-n ai ,nrts. F. W. &-HLlctIER, % mile wet tif Liherts- ville. C.5l-tf FOR SALE-5 pacenaer. .19i12 %l.dëi, B C. Bi. automobile, tuily equrpped, new tires, itra tire; forsle by s lady ,îwniug an elreittlcar siso an, uta wlshtug ta kvep ab driver for tbe gasolttte car. wimhee to diospose of it. For more 1artl..ulars write or&cIltet 15Du ui wAut'5 ifdoutai offkce, 123 lieneet., Waukegan, Ili. cl- utId ' lu ake tir. ith Lad, oree lais >uiri ilaty, Dot sof klch &te" K.. just y Il spot ' ave de- 7ty. the. era. FOR SALE OR RENT-MY iarm 01 20 acres iu lremot township, Lake Co., lit.; 1 wtlla ram Kee & Chappeit DalrY at Glimer. 1610 acre. Un"der ptuw, 40 acre@ woode and pasture. drs Gutt. S.jous»e. Area,Ili., ori phone Libertyville 289811. c--tf + FOR ERNT 4+ FOR RENT-Farni c 147 acre@ in Fretottownship. Lake couti', 1ItiDos, knovu a.tiraChes. Fletdhkr tarsa, une mils froni resmvY sud iwu sud one- hait milesfrom .4.. eBotlieg Plant. Bsrns yl hapul lu chape et once 60 that rentpre au hondeailithe cou, that tb. place wulli carry. Thriîty Germenu farmer vith avuhepp praferrOd. Addrpâs application to Dit. C. W. BoWLEt,. 508 South State etret, Belv'idere, Ill. c-Si-tf CENT$ DAINY FARUS TO RENT-i bave two diiry forme lu tJook conu, eaut tof W h . l r U n 8 0 a r e . a n d s uo t he r 1 .5 0 a nr e *atwo, good ludusitri. luà tenante. Fo-particuIftTismeowner. JouN a. REICIEL?, Deerfield, . e_8_2 FOR RENT--Ooodi @il room feat lu Lub.ityville. W.N. LAPPLEy. c-Si-tf IMONEY TO LOAN-On lImprov.d ruai estate. J. 9. issiDet.t, Flint National Bant. C-20-tf WANt4ED TO RENT-Fartu of abount 6ttol2flaeree. Addre.W5Im rtuîi Prairie Vieu. Ili. Phîttu 25952 c-3-2 WANTIO-Meu Sudi boys ta wort in fmtoDry 0of OULDII IIILLING Cri, Liberty- ville. Apply ai office. c-3-2 GIRL$ WANTEO-Vtk puillti- up Foulde Maaroni Sud spaghetti Pack- a -esee urtpas lui frotd $750tht r $1 a eet. OnlY AmrtcaDn g ins erpoe.Will guarautea $6,0 î :.seli,(tl moore te earned; iglt. etry vort roome. plOMeat boardleg heu... vithin feu Min utgesuaîtiug distance tromifacrr. 'hautin sud boart $3 50 per utetk. Fattory jocated ilu Liber Y- ville. fil. Addree. TuE FOUeLD,, ttLt1.1 uime eSud personal retereues.e-3-2 WANTED,-Autoubobuleo to epir. Old cars triae to' run Ilite -w. Twelve year' fsctory sud- garage- ex- perieece. Expert ou gasoline mter. Agent for Dicky gav aver. Giarari teed to tave 25 to 60 per cent ot your gasoline bille. Il. IL. Bake-r. 231 St. Johes avenue, tltgbtae'd Park. Ii. Phone 790-W. Wtlr-lt sel]your tam t or cash. It yoii are wilîhut- to selI St ab largale tend me a datalad description. I represent men ubo s'll psy cash for aey good oon griewlug tad. If prlce silI admît ut improvîng sud settint- agasm. At ter 1i nspect yourtam t retport It1 as 1 fi ud It. tht-n tht-y look ovar sucir1 as t report favomablY. t cas atse ielp anv good farruer sîti limitet meaus te boy s am et iofris chun. t alec have sont- g00d sixteeu Yetur municipal hqnds tiat tIstiliexcliange for tam land.L-t met- ear frotu 3-ou. A. H. Laureuce, Waukagan Nati. Bank Sudg, Wkly lit WANTED TO BUY-A tarin Ot fron 20 to 60 acres. Mst net iraW9d011i la Lake county. StRiaparticulars sud price. m. F. Cullan. 6117 Chamu- platn avenue. Chicago,. I11. Wkly It WANTID-To oeil tu ail My aid cvi- tomner.sud mnY nunes Mi tiudo et nursery et-oct. lMv 20 yaarb cf exper- lance teeta yeu. I1el "il llt tire very ireet grade ofî stock. GtF-i F. liRsgitT@, Litiertyville. I11 C-52-tl IWANTrEO-liirle tut, sor11 t at4ri.11 e Lauuadmy.' Lihertyvilte. ai the Lauudry. e14-tf .............. + LOST and POUND +. ..44.......... LOST-2 Euglieh Fox houndg. Luheral revard. Appty to 1)11 PÂLrY, 1.ake Foret. Phone 402. e-3-2 +. MMBELLNaOlUS 4+ NOTICE-I wiU vteach ayoue the bar- ber trade iu a few veekesud put ltent tewort ai good wvagea. Thus tasabous- Oide oSer. Write me. A. B.biaLzs. Pres. Moler 8Sitm of Coltege@, 105 $- Fiftt Ave., C.hia0. p-2-2 eAUCTlONEER.-Yearg of experteuce. 1 bava raised and bought sud aold live stock ail my lite and knaw the value sud how to conduct a ale to get the best prie". For datesaddreve P. B. Johnson or Phone 111 M. Z!on City, 111. Sept. 17 ta Mcb. 17+ NOTICE-I will jean vour etoset or tatcbtbsinu fr vou at reagonable rate. LcmusEa & VcLKt.sî, Lihertyvilte. P. 0. biox 60. c-40 tt AKDJUOICAé-tIÔN NOTICE. Public notice la herehy given that tire Subserlberu. Executrices of tire ast wil and testament of John H. Weterlield. deceased, will attend thre Couuty Court of Lake Cousty, at a terrm thereot ta ha holden et tire Court House Ilu Waukegan, ln sald County>S on the tiret Monday of De cember uext, 1913, when aud wber ail partions hsving dlaims againet sald state ere notlfied sud requested ta present the same to sald Court for adjudication. ROSE WFESTERFIELD, ISABELLA WEIDNER, Executrittes. JWaukegau. Ilinlois Sept. 22, 1913. Wkiy Sept 26 Ott. 3-10. Better ThanSpankig fipsuking wilil sot cure cblîdren of wettîug tira b.d becausa it Is not a habit but adaugerouosdiesau. Tha C. B. hoyau Dm C., ,l)epl 1250. Chicago, Ill.. have dlucovrsd a strietly bannies remedy for tub. dietr.e4g diean d tu, mat kuv,4.fclkethe vii .nda Sc pckma cciielyvr$5dsud prep.ld Alrolutel Fr. 10 aay reader of The INi>EPENt>I lt hii= " d ae cue. fraquant dMaire to urinais aud iuability to control urinid u;ug thênilbt or day in oid or yogaS. . Tb*C. B. Roussi Drag Co. lhan Old Bib oueur tbem1I. to-dy furlbthec.mediclue. Cure the afficÎed memluor t onr famfy, Uiu $m youlruslghbore .êim#ri" dsabout. Iblu rsuudy. 2 DB, M.K. GATZERT THEE1913 IIU 'SITUATION Tho year 1919 ban been the dairy fabrtnue. red letter" yesr. for durlnir tis eriod te ul prtduîerm aJiHiici.t to Chicago have wou their uîsàulîoud. Barly te the seautn the producers reblled and for the firýt finit i hi.tory namyd a prive for thpir dairy rodîuct.1 Oln the grest "salîttruet" fiîd eut believi. the fariner@ would hotd tu, their orgauizaiion. and .Ju- the s.ciîrid rime duriug 191311the MutPudcr' >5.k'f tion and thet-ue might loy n k loclaed home iu d.-adlycombat ud !,r the. econd tinte durit g the Tsar the. spoiîl. utfs'ctttry beluug tu rth.. fa[ mer Thi- price, for a luger uilit ivert 41 90> per huntlrtd pounfe. ier twu arid à hait Lente below the lrie vuggestied by the dirertitreol the Mui'i'Puducerm' Assoiition, au sdvanee ut15, (-eût. over [Itrdeus tfirut ouSer for the m anie period. i'racticstly &Il of the nit in thio dl.totet tsigned n). wth tht. exe'.ptiuu of Capron where the Ainerican unît Co.. retueve tu pay more than $1i' -- for the winter peid. The reenît le that the pruducers turuiehlngmniktu to eplant lu tii. patt bave, raimed the mniey tom tîuîld a c-operbqilvemtery and it lo k@tss thoumh the Am rican 1111k Go ,1 willcoi-to rîtle tir elee lume 'ow» their plant. Mpiesirit biM @ hoirti Livthe Capron faruitrin uuiversal thrulg4imribile etire dis.trict lu wiCh the. Milk Priducere AAtuclatlou i. reîiresnted sud shows hiow Weill the olficere iare @peut thsir tinie Iu orgautiDigand the. trust rthe iairymeti are puttiug ru thre ei'e Alo h lidPrut positive t01the' ettlcieriet of thte sypterti eggeeted hy rthe wrirer sud wurked ont ini iroenetîreîy 1,y bill' and C >(i. Sumintof ftockele.r If you wtt> @top aud rlinik for a tmoimeut it id itirll11it'l 1.ig I, w au irgaeittîO tio tt sas îrarii'-aly îde- fuu,-t bas lbeu aLi t trild i1titi tto 'l 1 FOR SAL.E-Srtjod su-e, due to p1iig latter part out5eVtmber aund ir>t i tC october. luquire at K. W.àt.arm0 Litert> tille. Phosie2t0ft. c--f r FOR SALE-Ml plate cot&uitgo abouta nine acre. of laud sit la,"e eight rooui t hOusue with bath rom.asd pautry, aigu. large baru R4xtlO leet anti ott.. - istt buildinge. Ail modjrttly iqroved; ^ila Dow, being blit bu tbau two yesr@. Right lu the City. Inquire of J. B.Ut'- f I'I>tii'., lbertyrvllie. f11. Box i563 Phione 301-J. FOR SALE-A 9 Sucm oue. sud barn, bard vood land UrXia Pu in. iie, ail modern coitvenWmc; oIt sud City vater. neger, elmsdre ligit.d . Southt rous, 2 black& veut ot Lake Cî,uuiya Nsatia lau. Lot 100 by5 145 fret I Pin. eldku plat snd -paeu'ud moet kldo x fuit; aigu a 210 bai rubulr velI ta OnJatpr. Termeu 1 Ir suit. 1...Il BIvAN?. Llbert.vvlIle, Il.. or i FOR SALE-Frolu 75 to 104) It..d 01 cOWF, f resbasd lu.. epringers. Terme to nuit. Apply JULiUIt8 EttEllII, Prairie Viu. II. pboue,27W2. . ItueKEN- FOR SALE-Faim snd fatrm land. Spécial, land, improvedt or uimproved. CI@Bofelr III. c VIN9; 5I"-tt, FOR SALE-S pamuuter 2 cyinder Duick automlobile. $200. This caL ha. been tborroughly ,verhauled and is lu good condil4cp. LABZsRvVILLEGCAItAtS. e.21-tf FOR SALI 0* fUENT-Bimckomibà #bop o ainlDdeto, u vol lihre good Us. ddvusutU io.71, ray'ime, MI. ' ~ FOR SALE-10 roule bouse aud barn a&l modem conveuucucea; close to the elecric depot. tash or ternme. Cou- veulent for tuan famille or one. Tel.- phone 215P- ----------C-27-tt FOR SALE-Blores, for aIl purpofae; al80 two .econd baud bugiesud nome barsee. L»D' LÀvguy.Libertyville, d, Al ýmht.e. l la MoIbman aear. Trou, a F Ro saeî- ~ R ILL la~ " osf osmer bieuet ha.been lujeceloito -r Ifa officiai vda.. a)se dairymeu bave UPuerimeiid 8Y D ESN K. R S r..achqd a~fhge here Iii truggle &Iang Latecountnti it&Trmt ca. E N .F R S uder tboidcistmtf tyrauny uvend 1».tract. af tle. Tille. Guvauteed ATA I0F 3VE R tuyau t§eau"cai t'ut sirat braugbt Madouic Temple Bldg. Wantsgsu. lit. AT M OF 7 1.0 about legresa walieejng' Perbap@e tuse i0 tieanovée. lt'irtes.1 tltit'iEE. A yaar âgo, tht. toue tire "niik trust"' September 30, 1913. -Father of County Surveyor aunouuedhed "ute ut 1riedvfor iuter Waucouda Lomber & Fuel Co. te Russell Passes Away Fol- LIE milk go loy au teu ce .5Ahovel of J. H. Patt#rvýon. lot ilu village eof %Vau-1wLn Ile firtitt front the dairjîrîme.i but o(t u'nilaý W. D. $1000. wLogIles aciiion us t"ken exceptîng at One pitlt R. 1,. McEtroy aed site to J. A. J.- -Yore Bres.fat Liberty ville. Whippte part lots 68, 69 and 139 fRa- Rebert Russell, aged 7?. years, 6 110 Soeeug that samethitginîuet be doue vinia. W. D. $4500000. monthe. a ploneer resident of Lake lu order ta brlugt about an ad arice in R. t). P ters a nd site te J. ) . Da r- iFre t, dted at hi s bh re in Iha t cît y LtE p.rie@ltu tbe factue an, astt iatioun Ww il nvy W . 44 ft. S. 82.4e f. Lot 4, 1)1k. 4, Sueda v morntng, î,<rtcler 5h, cf - tormed sud cafl ed i..iairy Faritters SçasAd u~akgn ~ ~ .eeoî- ttr rst'. irra i Protectîve Asscication. Ntsny mteetings MKy d.( Vuea.W eeoi fteatýis fe nIl were held sud averv effort ion de by the $.t.nesslslgsxmes producte taamicaîly ~ ~e Ed mal- R onsHoard aud hîishiand ru John 5asigIXeu. cultye bute aIlthir a i'..> isttyBerg aud wtt.. Lots 1 and 2 Steward Tedcaidwsbr n Ei cuit-ve, uti trtke adv sred. ire I't feightsi, Fox Lakt-. W. D. $5500.00. tiirgh, Scottand, anuiti nie h, umer- rteué atnd the mtiesa as rtsjed T he N. ..Wlnk sud wf, te tiH. 0O Huber cri, ai an carti st-e. sctrtrg lu Value ale, tirhe tfuittof thie locals business Lots :l and :2, IlltI r. ttayts, Rtsu. Forest te 18C6,.Vht-rt- tici' narrted it-n tri heîp udjuat Ii. th ifereic,-e and lilkhwoor. W. t). îuli1 Mary Elizabetht)isencaîîier. of tire tht. final payiug of tire li.e deuianded, Oct. 1, 1913..-E. Il. i thtte and sanie place. Ite -b..i'silt a jrisintet ttis ledail histor.>. wite te T. E. McCatt. lot 1, block 5, Contracter and architect, building Tire writer %%as to,d Lwer heiug DoolIttes Taylor's Lake subdivision.' Ferry Hall sud maey "roininent > elecred eecretarj of fili, lucai organiza- W. 0. $600. homes. atterwards transfe.lrg his tios ud ane uefforrt tii vuceasully F. W. B. Acluen et ai., to Mary A. activities to Chicago, where h.. rock - acquit htmseil kept up a regutar carres- At-hec. undivided one-third tract of a promInant part. In retulldtng rihe plindeuce witit the l\NriENiîtNT sd tu land te 'sections 7 and 19, Newport City. difiereut fara journial. sitir the resuit townshrip. Q. C. $1. fmmedlataly atter the- Chicago tire, thtath leMavemeut tie tnown tamr aud Maria H. Rets te. Robert Cameren. shere amoeg others h.. huilirtire widealso its cuceseeti icueiloo Thisý tour acres village ut Rocketeller. W. Farweil Dry Goode Companys huild- "blatiug of the traàit," oi>tu, speak, 1 D. $9.600. loe. Turlug tire Hayes administra, ahowed the meuiberd if tire MiIk.j Rudolph Vain Hessen sud wtfe wîî- tion he held a respousihît- Position te Producere Aceoiation stîtt couid ha i liani Theehesud site, lot 3, Hatray tire Chicago CuBtonie House. later e- ac-cotupit4ed by s local irgsnizatiou în & Hottmae's Fourtir Lake Subdivisionl. sumnr outmactlng and building le itte owu lcalit.>, and uaturaliy tirs W. D. $1. ChIicago. Kansas City, Newport and devire teo ahare in, the îni'reafed incotute1 Wiliam Mason and write ta T. J. elsewhere. He use. frotri an earty brouglir mattere tut a iiead. Sanie and Minnie H. Keru, lots 6. 7, and S, sgt-, a deep student o! tire arts anrd staried tu figure tirat il satlocal could Forricis s.ubdlIi.Ionun Lake Maie, sciences, oartcularly ln meralogy,- listesa vurceMnthe setiîll01uthrie pri.. N $1. chemnistry snd astroeorny aed pus- ot their iproduct s'hy %suuld au eleortao I (try White C'onstruction Compainy sesSed une ofthtie Most conitlete col. tee cotnbîned loal" u reof tîl asso &cia- te Natea ffice suppîy company, lot ci usomneaslths prs tiose oBt heesefut. Suili iguriug as 4,.block 63, seetion 22, Ion City. W.' and at ont- tie v as Mmch Inlter- tiot sud a determînation ru "do or die*'t D1. $5,250. ested lu minint- engineering. Ha mar- b ai brouscht about tir. grent changei October 2. 1913rle1d hii preseut vite, Virginia, Ahry,- thât base takes place. T. ('. Monroe re Ltlan Il. Richard turn Kansas City te 1890 ubo nos sur- T. tt id nultsse for tte Milk Priiducerse vn. L ot 48, Oakland Subti, (raysik- vives film, aiso ire children hy a .Aeucatto tas back sud erjoy these T. f . Monroe te Orlando Richard- former marriage: Cirarles E. Russell, reeur ictorien, hrîs'-rir, foir tirera le son, lot 4q, Oakland Soir, GraisIake. utftLake Forest. Ami D. Russell. Ce- uîu.'h sorkteto hadont' as >et. The W. 1D. $225.00 - dartRapilds, 1a., betir formerly rt-si- mttrust" i. 1% long stivfrtri desd Viola B. Bort-e and huiýiiaid te dents et W'sûukegan. Willlts B. Rus 14 sud~~~~~~~~~ tltraaisuaautor-anMary Anc Strumnk. i31 ýacres le Secs. s ncenlyt aua, iil andwil tr agin nd gai toregin15 and 22, Avon Twp W.B .14 tht-jr îld state of mast..ry W. Il. Fabry and wIte et aiteroG . G. okîri. Ct-dam Raprids, la, John R. Every producer of moixsirould joie Northrmut' .ett on Shitridani Road, Jusr Russt-il. Pittebctrg, and a brother. tins aseocatton, net unîy for iis esu tiortir oft Wlthrej Iltarbor. & . dam Russell, of Rock Island. Texas. sie utfr ir et i1 oveit a ~(. dsrd udwit t P "Stteutlliol.$1nt.00..kt, e alle tfheordmthe txe - te e iasd,& P-rt-rt-e,>.ot ae ad S1 io Vinet - lu ire ofClircit.Courtvrot LakeCousa: Dueti wTe Fld" m ple Ui'tier e s tire case. rhsnuLot. Cd. &il. Lt-c Ry I h irutCut o ae ot.d WVaukegan. \. D. $l10.To tht- fitct-muer Term. A. D, 191', Answers Io Queries r1'. S. Envetope Cri re Auben Zelt- ln Chance-yNe 4?.TouoCa- J. J. C -The prices for sinter nl slrtk Lot 10, BIt. 2, Wautet-ae Htgh- y o 41 h*no-in bath at brttlîug plante aud tomrsiippere slneit Nortir Chicagu. W. D 3$1.01. t-y Luniber Company, a corporation, - toluiwe: Mary . Carfield to J. F. & T. .1. Hit- ('emptainant vs. James W. Taylor. Rt-- Montr Pe 10 PerCaugins Lots 21 and 32 W'iitt-sood. Sub. ct-tsaof ruacis G. Porter.,lBank- Idoth er100 Pe C oc. Lonk Lake. W. D. $1,50l0,0l0. rapt; Francis G. Porter: Jessie H.0 Oteher $1.80, $1.45 A. E. Brlngiram and wite to F. M. Porter, hiesîfe; Highland Park Fuel NotentLier 1 95 1>65 Lowe part S. W. V4 Sec. 21, Deserield tomae , acroain William leemtter 2.00 1.65 Twp. W. D. $1000. Katracir and Frank Katracir, co- I January 2ff00 1.5 ,J. T, Judute sud .SI. to-it prnr on uiesa h e aid site Lot 223. Cummings & Ceo ateadlgiuieas h er Febmuacy 't96 -- 1 50 Northl Avenue Soi. Wau'kegsn. w ..4Ntstr aeiiImhe en Marri - 1-85 1.45 D. $1.00. pan>. a corporation; William F. Average *1 92% il 74 1-6 Oct. 3, 1913.-Janee rsenis to John Plagge. Parker H. Hoag. Trustee; 4i. IB -H idehoud" id unet a djseaft- Baker. lot 6, Granule' pubdivislon o!fiind tire unituowu owuer or owuers. holder or irolders of thre notes de- but rath.-r the reult o! disea&" or if lot 290. Lake Forest. W. D. $375. * scribed ln and eecured by s certain pour keeping. Au animal that leini J. S. Haas sud wife te E. A. F. dted o! trust made aud axuscutad hby gond heath auj that la fat id never Htrude, lot 2, block 4, At Home subild- Fraucie G. Porter and Jepute 1IL Par- idbond. uppseyontryse it-iiv isIon, Waucanda. W. D. $10. t-r, iis wite, ta Parter HE. HOU.. dt.. ned ut ta@ediut snu dot lt-eorge Huber and site te A. G. Trustee, daied, May 1 ,1913, and e- cordedeluetire office o! thend dordt ssglect the curry cousb aud brusir and 1Zîmmer, wset one-halt lot 7,iblock ut ietdeinthéL'Oafcortye I.Ioder your troubles wil sonou vsuisb. 1.HaadPrk .D.$0 y 16, 1913, as Document No. 147220, Master lu ehaucery te W. F. Corhy, Chicago TitIe .& Trust Coarpsny. st-st 48 teet lots 9 and 9, block 71, Trustea; snd the unkuowu auner or MARRIAGE LICENSES Highlaud Park, Dt-td $2.890. - - asuers bolder or holdars ut tbhe t. A. Newcomb, Jr., te Frank Sero-' notes seOted hy -suad dascribéifl lu a Otto Griaist-r.Mliwaukee ......... 26 cki and wite. lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, block certain de.d ot trust. madeanmd ex. Margaret Kothe. dame ........... 25 j97,Nurthr Chicago. Daed $1.265. J ecuted hy lFrancis G. Porter snd Jegale H. Porter, hi.s ite, tu Chicago .Alex Weisseîîftuti. Mlwaukee..... 2 J S «Hlagerty te Mary E. Meyer, nune Tîtle & Trust Company, Trustes,, dat- TheresasSrick, satnie .. ......241e ' "nes ont--hait, northeaset 00e-vPd Ma. 13, 1913, sud recordai lu tire Clsmîson Pack ............ Legat sgt-1 toîrrýth. section 28, Newport township. Office of thre Recorder ot Deede o! Olive M. Dom st..........l-gaI ag W. D. $675. L.ake County.hIllinois, May 16, 1913, Richard Srahhcr. Milwaukee ..... 2 t; W. H. Gittord and ie to L. G. as Document No. 147321, sud un- Rate Peikuher. same.............29 q Blassing, cso loti s oueti t oflot . 11- Tno e ore ra, afen&da uite.r ulis 'Wm. Mllvain. Indianapoclis...24 tords subdivision, W 14, Wasttin bavlng beau Ouied lu tht- cilie o! Pheoha .Ilier, iKaukegarr......... 24 Antiocir township. Dat-de $2. tire Clark ufthLe Circuit Court et Roy Bt-rg,. Chiago............. ... '211 October 4, 1913. Lake i'ouury, Illinlos, notice la bere- Olive Burr. saine..............._24 W. B. Stîreut aud s'ttt-to J. . lhY given te tire .ald tire unlcuavu -Thea. tlrt-dtrick, Milwaukee .... 27 ,Loyd, 10 acres in N. WV. 14 St-c. 15, osoar or owners, bolder or hoiders Elz.Hiz.Maisn......... Dteerlt .Q .$1.o! tire notes daacmlhed ln sud secured Bliz Hiz, Mdisn ........... 1 ýr^.d Tw. Q C. I.fl.hy a cartain deed of trust made sud Raymond Artens, Milwaukeet... ý25j Frank Carlson e ta . A. Athrecht. executad by Franci, G. Porter sudî Elma Wot-irlt-, saine........... o t 2.,'Tarrace Lawu. in Sac. 36. W. Jessie H. Porter, hilevite, te Parkr Walter Cook, Chiîcago...........36 Antiocir Twp. W'. D. $1.00. H. Hoat-. Trustee, dated May 1, 1913. Zetia H>ubbard, same ......* ...3 t-ir Hook and site et al to W. F. and recerded ln the- office ofthrie Re- Wm. Kaun. Jr. Milwaukee......22(et-si-att, Lot 3, 1)1k. 3, Hoolu and Ne- corder o! Deeds o! Lake County, ti- Haurietta Hofnar, jsamn......... 19 villes Long Lake Suri. W. 0. $700 00." tuols, May l16, 1913, as Document No. Fre Brndt Ra ln# .... ......22 li% r H ok and wif te J. . L h- 147320, sd tie unk ow u o ser or Fre Brndt Rcln...........2 ijut-r1)0k ud itetoJ. . Lb-oiveers. ioîdar or holders o! thre Hazal EschwiN-g. Rhleader, Wl> 23 cte, Lut 4. Blk. 5, Iloolu and Nevilles notes descrihed tu sud eecured iry a Emil Krantz. Waukeeba, Wia ...33 Lonig Lake- Sut), W'. D. $31000. certain deed ot trust made 'and Anns Titmman, Kaunaba...... 25 Anna Ml 'Fox et aI te Samuel Vam- executed by lraucie G. Porter and _________________________ îosky, Fox Houge preperty on Wash- Jesate H. Perter, iis site, te lut-ton street. r.auketgan. W. D. tire Chicago Titlé & Trust Com.- Y FJO 'AN 6 W 1) $100.pany, Trustet, dated Nay 13, 1913, YI~ M AN S ~ îJ. G Hfazzamd and site te P. L. andi recorded in tira office ofethie Rt-- Starnes snd atte, flouse sud lot E. corder ot Deads of Lake Couuty, Ifl- 11t Bernstein FIats, Wautagan. W. b. inois, Ntay 16, 1913, as Document NO. Oct.6. 913-H.L. ehu teSopie endants, that the aboya named Coin- O ct. 6.2 5 1 9 1 3 s.- H . sL. tDelr a to n e-oph a t l n a n t ie re to o re flied I t s B ill o ! Behe, 5 areun outnt-st u0 Complaint ln eatd Court, on tire Chan.- tourtîr section 25, Vernon township. cary sida thareof, for a mechanl's Susana Wheler et a., t M te e peuthe premises l inte Bill of S u sa n u s ir 1 2 a r, e t an ].. t M a ue C o m p la in t d e sc rib e d , to - it: E. irela, 02 t-ai n 'es Oa- Tht- Northr shirt sud tan bon- i hait section 20, Ltbertyvilîe towshsips. dredths (8.10) chalus of tire West Q. C. $2.000. hiat (W.4) o! the East hait (Z.%) H. C. Bayse to A. A. Bayse, s'est 'of tire Northoeat quarter (N. E. 14) onea-hait lot 7, block 22, and east oe- ot Section Tblrty-tbrae (33,, Town- ira$10.nt 111P Frty-th mie e (43)> N orth, R ange M.ry10.Chsan uanteMr Twave (12) East o! the Third Prnlu M ary A. B . îr ase ed10 acr s andlo ts a1 M aand no tt.. and that a sum m oug thereupon L thetBv:i:i2w::hi7:tsea outof mld Court agaiost the $1 r ddto ,L k F rs.W a o e n m d defeudatits, eu. a l O,>' ~~~~~~~~ intat10ttlt8.bok0.iedatraCutHsectitcr t 1 ý Thie breaktuteuba ogr but teak. T U I Or « cervari. but *Mr&£~2 «Thé, 1a cmu s foi -ê s seode e$ -t 't, 1 .1. ti tI profemS5g .g iofli Inuinaac, Red iHatt. Houme Recting. Office in Kàiser Block. BERTYVILLE. - ILLINOI ELHANAN W COLBY - Aiorny-m-Lmwv lney to Lýoau ou Gcod Approved Rt Estate. Office in Luce Building. 1BERTYVILLE. - ILLIN414 LYELL IL MORRIS kTTUICrEv-A'r-LAW Libertyvilla . lIliuoýls Luce Biltding. MARTI C. DECKRR &TTOti'EY-fl-'-tw uttice opp. ltn hSt. Electrie, 8tatloq lice Phone 848 Et..Phoua 19« NO:tTH CRICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GIWPIPI ATT'ORNEY AT LAW. tibertyvilla. iln au~88 DR. C. R. GALLOVAT. lics: VIIU LOVULL'O D»UV flf 'otmc-from 1 to 8 sud 0% te m p. Libertyvlle. lio. DR. 0. F. 8ITEF~D- VETEftlNAftI SUEGNO. 5J5t5'aUirr ATU V 'Eli"APi&U tephune "mss-Mu ette raps>î MiY -.petee ever go do 7OV JM, Graves' A UCT I ON E ER - 144 Elmîwgod Ave., Waaàhsgm; il S. se bef.Mieimg Yoaur DR. E. V. SM1II' OEMERAL PmtoTlQt dours t e rua0. i. 2t0 4 ans Ite a Oare e, aî Sangu-stta e store. SPECIAL ATENTIONI TO TU» E LIBER"YVILLE. ILLU4M DP. 1. L TAYLOR .ouue-1 10 3') ud7 la 8 Ë6eIx -m nBroadwa. 0 DENPIT BOUe-8 le2 41m.-su1ite DR.AIL Piv.stociad and Sais.. Foz Rler eacera#a i md mr ICTORA. . HOEl 215r adnion gotre. Mu. NOM Ofi DRoi, F.ta Ia. M. ni . 7 t 12 . m. ndy1 la mnto ie det ul . PU L CA dUgi U

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