Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Oct 1913, p. 9

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~'TD IDPEN\DEN ~. ___WAU EGAN WEEKLV SUN LIBF11<TYVI. IIL PJAVBR7,93 O PAGXES el50 PER YEA IN ALUYANCIPL S THE STATEPW SCIIOOL AS ýSUEN fnI -TEElst BY ÀLA(E CO. BOY W. E Miler ad EdWell ofFrancis M. O'Connor of Deer- fi play at State Fair. the State Fair. ~I <G ET MANY FIRST PRIZES. GAINED MUCHKNOWLEDGE. -Ares, or Rockefeller, as It Io more office aud the connections of the DlIrectors-'rrhe oficers and F. P. Ir' AtBesides Second County Ex. commonly known. near Lîbertyvllle. school witli Lakte County anid Ares. Dlamaond. Miss Anna Sheldon. One of Lads Sent by County ha* ...-. cf ~ Bamed hiit, TheyWon 1an tei uloe Its Sheldon Correspoudence wIlI ho abaldoflbd. .According te Mr. Durand, Ie BadGvsDtisc the Rtider ofWÉMceBlne hbt Te onMn I*-Scol an" institution establislied To date the correspondence or the BadGvseti oth 11.for A~ fîtf Bio on vidual Honors Ais. there savernt yeas o b> A. F. school snd al] buiess bas Iteen done teasurer, the policy, management, State Instruction. Henry Spencer, in ConfeuioSiý tel inP _____ Sheldon, on a site wbicb comprises as Wf the sehool were located In Chfi- etc.. of the correspondenoce ho DelcIamt Ho Intended Mw Wro med of Shuit Lbryil crd i ttitt 800 acrs o rerty, 100 acres ot cage, the malt etc,< beins expressed will remain unchange l0Clc EDITOR'8 NOTE-For the pont tem dering Hotelkeepetý. ~OE14> Scia consista o a hanâsomearti. out frrnm thie ctyinAron. TeIdes, and Mir. Sheldon will continue as ayerthLaeCutBod0. u thL* MOTORCYCLE DEMOLISHED ~Adrew W. BOunger, superinteudent But, wtile it Jones the. correspond- out the world witii the metropIis giding spirit.weîbE.ersnshvseeedanmr fDSSSLPRVN DUT Wi1h - of the. Insul farine at LIbertyvlle. once shoit w111 gain, Instegrd. lf'rather than a litte place llke Ares. Mt. Sheldon receutly ettEuprvsshaeelcdanmb 0DIMSA PR ENE M BU 011 . BOYrownNU4on R eu homntered hnr nsal e B I positive they wul, a b': sc*.,h.hl Mr hlo.b'jtrn rmtestatement relative te his plans at state agricultwascoîmn.nd eoeReenItuvu ho nted M. lsul'a toc whtewhlcb promises te ]tecanme world. active head of the correspondence rfshomattà GegeRna Ievil killffi! ~Rdes how Uo Rd W. E. Miller and Bd. Wells. aie of famous becauue of the lin. of educae- Pchool. will, afler Nov. i5th. devote A res: a h tt arI pi~iî . i omrEpoeW I eator of Automobile. Ubertyvillbogi oeluesl tion whlc ii ho i followed for stud- 'ail bis time te planning for the boys' 1 have uo Intention of speuding an>' h tt fi nSrnfel ah HsFrmrEily h ban._______ hm lurlst ente who will enroîl fromn ail parts 'scliool lie plans opeiiing al Ares May conslderable tîme abroad sud the eh.- year. A ver>' bright set were Sent Confessed-Many Crimes the exhibit of praditce. Tii.> teck of the world. lot next year. eto ypon va trwhhdw iiseradtersiuerte t aoWaukea October 15- dovu ail sorts of truits, vegetbles, lu substance. here is the situation Mn. Sheldon plans establlshlng a < is bîhdnttsyerndheeueofheAacofIeesnlbout Tva peuple te hurt,& motorcycle grasses, etc., and, out of the exhibit at ieldonhurst: ichoni whlch will bie unique because 18 ta lie a relatlvely brief onc.,l 1 te 0 experience encountered by the LakeAtato nes etbuiltvà N""eolbdsda utmbl rmtenriir îIosdsrc 1. Mr. abeldon lias disposed of it will lie different than most boys' arrange my forelan aff airs that they county contingent as described b>' before lu connection with the arr« Pm - a aohn'ananatmble> wer te wred Illinosd*isic practicaîlly ail bis Intereuts Iu the schools. It la bis afin ta avold sucli wlll taire up very lîttle of my time. Fad .OCno !Defedl fHnySecr~ ri.uiel buak vas daînaged quit.e "yd, Toasda>' wr wrddScndpie correspondence achool. which in te things as the languages and go lu The abject of my endeavor. as mane rni .OCno tDenl no er pne.teae-ad aih bout 8, N o'clock viien a Mu.- $10 Man>' belleved thi.> sbonld lie moved te Chicago. for principles vhicb go ta makre for aearayaae at ul on h etrblw ateeoeltrn.i hcgl httefnwa alibs4 have recelvod drsI, but, at tiiat. Me- 2. Ie romains as preuident of the succese lu buis.lie will d2yeloparareyawe.l auldacmtelttrbo.isttefeinretluClagltatt.110 e lr .0 torcycl. rldden b>' Henr>' Maison of eud shows tbey scored Weil and ltat uchool and director; bis noame yul Young men plYI«IY5la, moraîlly aud merciai University' or private sehoot lug and tmportant for ail resideuts fasad that lie had planned te mm. or o ffathop arbo erhedint auau. 4k@couty urel cae u tees-continue at tehe o! ofite scbool; educatlonally, baing an Ideslist 0f!1 for boys at Area. There has bean no ansd especlally the supervisons, tPo der Mfr. aud Mis. George Renabou.4 ey 1 -~8sitrp bnbo. rastedint anau-LaIe onu>' ure>' ameup th ie olffcers remain uncitagsd. high type Who bas Mdens wbich ie« change wliatever lu my plans, lu tbis ruse. wuers of Avon boitei. Round I1â6 tomole driven b>' Attorntey Claire C. Vecttins 3. Thie correspondance scliool wi11 lias worked on alots this lin for a i. .Meewrs Miller, Wells and W. 'B ha moved te Chticago by November years and hoa s.ea bis niere becomne tparticular. and that 1 arn anranging -Wbere Spencer worked for a we* poieEdwards. The. accident occurred on Davis returned te Ubertyville Tues- 151h. world-famous as a mosult. lu the av-; ail m>' affaire te that end, au rapid>' To The ludependent: lu bis formaI conteadmn Up.smp 0 as&Water Street about fleetn lest West day white Ur. ESOnger retnrned S*tý 4. Ur. aheldon next spring will orage boys' acliool. the husky chape as possible, It lu my earnest luten- enan c uenda ce. ii atool Besties the couuty prise. Mesura. uovelty of Ils kiud lu boys' schools.. lattes; Sheldon tilinke the weaker tMur.rn n epth nlslg Drn it akek coe attd tha he sdi butae t* *à te tn v~as preparing te round the. corner tu Miller and Wells obtalied tiosO 5. Tiie remaval of the school vîll osshould lie encouraged sud de- business of the Sheldon University' 11, It han besu my > àsr as well as fre i o iehmts.t litaturamoul o. henian Red md ~avards: teull bu v-hruof iii. veloped physical>' even more blisu press to Aiea and ta build up for the tut> loch ta lie a memuier of The Boys forer bis pln, dlcgl himth bal*W bt motrccî vaUriraiigrm M. WPells-Second en diuplaky Of 75 employez of lhe Institution soins the stronger one because tliey need imagazine, the Business Philosopher, a State Fair itchool at the State Failni he had wonked at the itotel fier' a tais, athé sotit. àordtagte wttngazapotatoes; second onuquaahSeon 6. Mn. Sheldon. lu aider to geli Mr' Sheldon'. paper, the P"i'os- i thlie nome of the PostoMfce as8pigil.Ti collscmon ek the. motorcycle vas on the wrng aide aupumpkîns, Oiralo canrots. Oirst onmçmplete ownenshlp of thte land and 1plier, etc., puhllshed by the Sheldonofbyfrn vycut lthsae Ta wsnefMyak d" isa th-tte tet flirs seed; Second on black nain, Sac, buildings at Sheldouburst. turned Press, wtIl continue te lie publlshed et changed lte magazine was mallilotbytrmvn>cut'lute et "Tavsoeo!i'lut'd5-. %a 3.t -end siv on wit oas econ on barey -ve p.-tcl SUo .sokl fromi LÀbertyville, but now Ir w111 ha of Illinois, the number fromn «seh de- the day I Oired Spencer." MW Men iaThose lalured ver.: M.ile-rseon fd bail.>' ver p>mouscorreynanlcthe sto , Ares, as lb.>' are owned by a Seps- han. te a reporterte ~ . ba" 1ep d" a& NRY MAIUON, Withbrop Har- kins, lire. firats On souua ii. O on etaiutinf ouly about $100 worh, plat rate coprto other than the co- Are s lathe natural envîroumient tun pendîng upon the population o!fi tuhetfouChaower.o w ii e. bor. boat legs cut. Injur>' t stoniaci rutabga turnips. Oirt on red peppers, .uuougii 1to coutmwe hlm as bond and respondence uchool. malleil tram Area. caunt>'. At Ibi session a! lie ucitool occasions, lie MW gpence Mdi aUM" afan mibuu irait on egg plants, Second on 8pIrtng direcor. 'rie officers o! tii correspondence personal instruction and for the la. tere were 300 menubens. Nearl>' ail 10 hlm. 0a th -. w-jhveat, Oiral on a bale o! alflIa ($10 rTe correspondence achool la tenlie achool whiecb tuai ncine un-ernational gstbertngs of aur students were Hlgh ichool bo>..* The parlios Reeita mse Spenuar 12 mmjmSt. O ~ ~ MB lb ' lia LNORA KOKP8 L. 415 preminni . it in interesllflg te inote located on thé sixt leu Sof o!hlb Gun. der the uev plan are? aud friende, vîz. The Business Ciao- of itis schooila1 ta spread lb. kaowi- fmmn the limehevrelali lak. P~elaeu.Wnea.busdthat tbis alfaifa vas a iiad.tnde ter building Chicago, ln the saniebwre a *II PWo ag> ue Wankegan burt. bale cut of thte nid Miller farta. bidgvlbb.M .Pbshn Prsdt-. P. Oblldon. tauqua. whicli lu toelie resumed this edgeý of lia boeut eheapeat nd Muai: lu te gpring ad ezpiM km Messs. ille aa Wea 5tte iaI peny~ Practical> a&U of lie Oloor Vice Presldent--C. H. Pattenson, comJlng seasan (the sumimer of 1914) practida methods o! taruulng te otter f.ilpv sit@ acesuil s ither . MM Knepee mau rina on the tii.> tntend keepini st their vont of viie b. ed b>' the scbool. 'rit W. j. Laie Gala Bli.t and fan ail o! tbose, phases af our en- people trouabout the "ate b>' mes plus 080e as he laIts of bg, meca se r etmi lth14>e voom hmn lt tpagLkeeouuit> Prdb u change .15 he. milde Nov 151h dli ert M.H ri' terprIses wbicli Shan ha of thélgrent- of lte boys. lu-- admbpoid o stad l on front lien ail correupo4deuce ma 1 M,= bi k BoI eh -- recelved theo.peraloa ail bulnu %;III bo dîn. -front tbat, 7reaauner--C. N. Duami. est service ta lb. COMn"Iuty. 1arvdl pigil 43 s 8 b nuises -Mr buute "Pc» the meott- of th frera rs 0fhe county. or aWW h mp act Te tact It fot font ga h1 nt NO bains IRS and Alton rallw9'. miter a mont a- mui Rosàs thle car frou a h anlng oe ii. adotr. i» avisdol by.w tmaso ef-W8 U1 ~.l ot et3 l nv te ceLkeS *$ vth teaq braie s ail tha prevenisi À«Uff5j 3 U IN EaFM T lieed The. State Mar Scitoo I vas au ai FOX I.*i. as M M told et the carI bod Ite a rider tii. ator _E O I N W AC ON Al ,clue isîa. aie , T A S o u i'ln u lddDt1b viioRBU IO le ald Idea aÀs e t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ec Lta # Atorimd n. Théir auto gow. iei uai ir eean by aee e pet« physiealals ver suoni au harnmcE Get$ Answqer te Inqur havid sustalue se ver y le spla lc Thi GISE he OMyWy te n tva sero Dquago ctn al' ofc S f Spenr oxlait *MW, ft a n cAite ositl Wukgntoln 1ton e aine boys g la rnivi able teMM&ks h onced maulie lnjur yug aepeA ~ Crid e st oain. hcthv eeoe bprlse Fn hem. 'r tantic ociernce Lcake, gve uosvie.. ambes i am pute OmDe hom mimaiatel> the. wROW Raieoa anu taket TedyatrGog n ,elsCi a Àeml ditta libes nmalvet ve. cd o. 'reyve.-laenUs _____ Te flck cm Thomt atn an tue delhfl - recpa te Wouen' lioes bis; teotmux l *QeI Guru.. * Wtueiels wer li moed ccde t ha Gt>'nwe Il - nur Movng tainecodîo svrle criad pl Potlice b>' the giyWy nBtrls ei *ho rstrecs mer vhio as toe lest rrattve. ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ capcrdfr hywe ae alodad etTeatcscrn ute ieeigtl imetlu laOu girl fren la o ing viig bla Rstff .« lisbn lia bIh otorycle ieu' ver not . K.Orvislu bildig tbrugh ie sin Exlain Why he F00 Faal, a dediadineghme o!ha ignomearsongeneranIdrroctio-vai er>'uniqu: Evr>' ghter 01 ~attrl te aint. esiydl not Oraaara ond M nday . OEFR H ETYER eshovsfgrlgo oln eGVS AUBEFAT.tton ytegil n hotsecesmrwta ufiit MV0 Gim lieu au thbie aclidet ver t tMoentaat ai cotrenet car tcl Ne vdnel upottef y n te namier a! bthei oconU on ba At Ilii. ai"resse lte> bW bai a th ce grnte« Wtuer lie s>'. The ucnew vier. an aiicu camps Secaus RepresentaiveuThthe haaduva e mtmkrds ir.. a . Ii C tablis > lae bllAruthra oma the Geraujenrit l,1 er ofd ofeatmkse e CofesMionref AIllso RSaat, eleve o îcousi Iu mie dn' fo 'itedcIaaaéals I t~m i rubt~ ca boeg. s o r um trpa m liyte tat p r es sa gIrl tra Laite homeU of !aiie ing taiet byrr licer Inroucio o!s Ty unique E - tu~~~li>'l to y fe mde the c r e ie m loato o!h lb. p rriec p etd lue lie etter b e aHicit ist er Wvii o kamd Wells intau te i>'e m lublaoy F x L Ie au gv n v r an irl vina flu e ime d a in ato a p otndt' iie sntg @b o a fUi mthauooieml *exhrit iah on ueMd ao forin t ta sap> ierabs tseaIa ei vsvîîaRuia uro i vnI nd t he Boyse Sco sttir cup on a saniera thaddeesl maneturml nI" vbeel Waco'd lier anocyi avitio bcamp Rounds Repes tev chaIrs suder thute boutî Maa taee har bael luc lb. support thetac monite mohro of the limiteilg train, go.ha day yultve vîei Foxy Lateaiba af Tlie Gils hool. 1Iniedlae> Iem tlaat vasayfo h odm tMartemfu>'& - uS ind~telibot vr.hau hicaeld' i qugntde avne Ia It mv hl sat el md coankle ay mali apnce suand havewmgto ntemecarmisluo ic itlm i tta emerene bril anld sbcateulonlmatlthe ecaDrr S -iludd lenvs.hr1lugtaneteo othsho lie xac spt l Piitae. eo Bosaredi uahsa su'lina f ie ari. Mlneais If Maso iahuld arai ganThoenod 10 thin wit lie>'ke a ceul usere Lau e comncain oceuuacomegnacsct ie a. rt yua ier . sshiaille itIai.ter- oeer u hattit temudma> 7_%. av c teiteéblocationrof0fhe prmachIneCamp.isliatlnNove1hatterlioappeau' theilime »4rl f orce IWO te t lale theah wel hnw ripeg fan. thee Chcg tolvee luda aîshpi Gh itiuina aebrefa a a uun sfs sh ol stî apu ylt e orynmie aot bIe uplk n v . RoIneertfor. MesttI lu lesro ersd mis Touilhe sustai n Iteront The emahinten o! e dt-e a ter ase wmreevilyu nvnhuoedeiysevebcas u pntlt eatsptsu temttari. e h.Se it ba v a a is ih-9wholc lnla taries ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i asom aha M'selte waa vasin casIam upanr poan type Avo tIan Il ofael Thuei> pemtBoysvseyula tleoftç!s oigelcncCr eu Ibe dead bodies tba ony aeetn lieof Ste Vlsta Bie uer r vbdo h oocceadboeeibiio lu li e and ise fo. valt- te supthi omiss Rakcag !h slelucidletaie ede oudy Laln va haeir at d 5Soud Boys!n Dr. teli- at Sinc h ol Ot«e ote atomoflie watooIe. Mn Thsvl anwae frWgOthltin ean mnurhetes. t t mbk tanhelin det to urea de s te- gton gae uus the isI ite picl oe lu li e ttofien is uid lai th KoWed ee aconite aie s, v g a nteftpaetepol the Mr f.E.Gahm, liTumeha ae Atomnf the que t trai n Tayor a hie sit ox e' anld ala'- ee eutiledool "'rieatl o!Sieu ir. aes ads er 1100r 6»»B.hloli ar lnrsea aam somer an EDeDT ird ier vre fwthtI m foued fre a ohn Badi e' seitI w3cîtsho tug eFxate.o lu isctes-Ba CeOYS! Afe bi nberyntng ofer Yonr bildonin la vimtici t layhci rateleaochie o!t ber t NewdvlIli mpssbe aevn ietva unlu 0 e araith tatsecuSpnertheo!slyt1am21v0er gvn i rsto le irunasssos !ahnByd'st thaext..n tof a Ide InuiehRle demaibind tof egmmc bs lien sud was oun bis aesvt as e i aanHl bulths ynaite e pt buree to and enwil vaor ialTiefo for. es i.h tait ho rc nob EN IA la thug (Braile>ripefovasempreoceediin artovardtheghie edntails.vd.Rinaehan atdalddelitewe!ollsro-s clionc theexectvpotbedd.tlupt1hraaf gertheofneliie tfuturehd me itie sshefseIbis of @han mreibl ot t&l ne e I trntai..h -ahn gao behdO a me bfd o the fodig au. Js mvyg leie r so in l l t he lng d blor isa the. e be o t oh h oy n the ii> r g lia e peopl O*! jals aecss a! thust !ach lie CMusea onS geltîe typeu goe tract aUea trvl "Bpeucer pormit nir me atis myu ho.t girl theol 0teddalcuel i ad all i oe Ah iTorI o Lhe autoobleS. ArvsTs e Fom te ii trammis tie am chart b f dithi uolal le minuetu 'hes. amîl>'. theyu. lio ve asrea agtain> told erasn gravle. bus Rhev ret Motr c hn t e uros.. a awa KSplaccrdnsta itKanowa thegate tarutilhne limbe oef sie Atthloyestbs etar outr monres alar>'d aai Iee gom te Te at ter> aft Pltsbt Ila a ar géi aist.~ Wrw oeteairtea Scou~iCumet &Mld bsn.' o 8 ewtatI a nrn se hnuersaey tot el Fx s d rv hlmoxt Lie sca. In iots Ce ard Atur lbictutrestn macur day Ptîs ouilduin roa Deeu, t "t nd alibt Buon moIter a M Doal SlaIr EXPER sec iat' recmIso e0 u ele at u te eri'lie ien av er $2,1 asisslai>'IA suu i. wuere geeted nt tait the onn Sinisof ie Con tAgwu - b.L. Utan.leftvil K. . Clrte.vill Ibs vet 10tait np he an tintl hou Ipsvie beuempssbl rcod ialva mde'rela> vte efI.Beitne sniitamalîete teni' Ila!ten. ries a. anetut0heitol, mdMn Csis fody ic bngeis the vorce.5.~sl ipaeetvn uLiet aemd ofliu ber. an gt on. luers nde hwdreton as lie an wa Fox Laite mynglie vte a h. lcures vhte eand. Chaîrman Sc o! leoe for a Nte spnoba le vint vili lier ijuiettcus ' t os limeD FOR C>' cois dematue fegae, an s the as-gntrade aho toceig oard th ealRbaudIl1drvamu su dms te Polw hita- "'ie Fita Sie b'a. W. No-on tin ftr I va apoii et are~Prf Mon. ani &1 doio vot gnan>' i r thme bînu lig hey al gd tow. tu. 4rggedtont ov0 Insiet e n ' Accordîn the bistie avf star> th osadthsudy tep f fGe>'e WMeAN. luAE lb. on a li, mepert ol.ascation , allan four noegte san hd f h a ntedo etO i asfrttla ate.H nywokdto<lsomette "h ra mri h rat Mis are logeI la. etrungcot. AI yu av l d l t a n kid e f ron lie a in s ar . hads ol ha fgrp.u b d hemy tooit hoe eopl ts a a lonel>' spot tck Judai," b >' Ie. Ge. ot- laIbisseholsdIv.tvi A0Mn Buron TO Paul, MacOuflut' offv«T ice Libetvhe. N.xt ear wi Sopte te hatile e Ti.gmefatloorevr e te la>, forimed thei and Ire "gometofnittsbugrilu fo Iet> a ithg the. kmbos etXr Wauieaunalthaud . vi rooni Ftied demand o!Iepepe alt rw senert laree lu or in o i t r olie l o ut th le vSend Tii. sp1 Bos b>' hi .r H.u leturea lis, utoury u cris tru nm & Ietlu Wuheasfiit vommu1s hecomssofteeehed tarie n ohe eab lke ndtelavuinKaneasbi alr acanal>'r epcti t tk ntfannr SmsolieC««- bah sîrp f iaIsot eeu îtî. vdeexenene, elaga raiat it ours hve>'e Impossiblie er dri agsmdel lie>' y on p- s de hei> anleasfdyntamie ea Er>'y a f ie lectue an n:30 olt of are aolead te. lie o Be. Si UpaSn caedt Wiho.8 'l~ake vilea thlg agroteitairel scocp thetae-1CU&,1 O>.ilfrntlme na losie frplasc iment a r latecn oU> li ve o~mad aytslou.e ee the Tonrt. ue lie drecg tinfthte manet> stxale, h.n etle alargof th onectrugic ie it'. vIhair obth BSrde *W 1ar Aeo .al., npwl mmcuy latert ulo! e tist e fo ses of Che ga.n Dfaim an her roisasaifr-lmnairi c ilon !vlb op o Thed> mernting gerna DunA.uW No bare,.ht a poi'UdS Asltsto U- d aulo-pa. ... -eut - -__ Preidat cI-r s i e clarenw of da bond. a lb tdriet a and tha teic e. P s ud lnso ..nnm villi

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