THE SQUIRREL o 1 à, ï A5 anA 2= * WheY.urOdorUe Wdud --Order Tha- lets"» Au cesa"a Dice fine cofl boled p.- tatou. sud mlu wtb a cup o thck citan; .ea ioawth mit »ci pepps, end let l stand 0 on the tove abre Itl adbe niurely vern: tiii lhe potatos bave abeoebed muat of the creau; theu MPicatr.<ted crumnba over tbe top, dot vihbobtter aud brown lu the oven. mi j~ J. ELI TRIGGS PUH& CoId Weather Comfort w E have had ou fIrai touch of viuter'a chill and it gives ns a hint of ahat ie ta coine. It'a a Wise man that takes the hMet and keepa just a littho ahead of the weather by buying hie heavy underwear nov. île ie the one vho viilb.e ssnred of oold weather comfot.1 W. carry afunll lins of CoMfortable Union Butta nmade under the original closed crotch patent that imeures a perfect fit siniur ail conditions. They comme in aUl voigbts tauineet the re- quirenienta of different in. We carry smo ite Ivo-piece suite in case yon desire that style. I->ices graded on aur money-ssving cash baas. Je B. MORSE & Co. EVVRYTt1ING FOR MEN TELEPH(ONE 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILI- Any Tinie You Get Too Hlot Just Stop and Think of No. 47 Order Your GOAL. While it isDry. Libertyville Lumber Company Dovn by the Oid Depot. Phtone 47 Been Hors 20 Years. WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST, BUY Elses' Blue Ribbon Butter This Butter is the Finest and lest Dlicieus Made. Packed expreaaly for CORLETT & FREDERICKS PWD~O. JE1TVIXLU.-0ms umàw te Idiço a at N LIFE INSURANCE. Hie is a good ctimen wba provîdes tor bis wite and cildreu. Hel@sabelterciti. sen wbo aiea provides for bis widav and orpbene ______ S EE-U S y District Manage Old Colouy Lits Iamrauce Companiw Oflica la ictuet ck k À w 114*9 w a~b6oW pii Tmoàwa il W boy-e wus tOble' Chaf. Worsck of Waukeffn. wua e eaU., W. . Carrl il s thbig home boeo. B.s. ham benn itk for usary a wmsk. Nathan E. Gatiyt vwu ln Chcago onu busines lait Driday.a Park Bardts sud famlly spent Sun.j day ai Diamoud Lake. Mire. E E L llawortb wua aChicago pascenger WednssdY. Mpm P. liowae ntertainsd ber sisttr,à lire. F. Raaech of Mlwaukee, lionday.1 Bey. Edward 8. White @mont the fore part of the week lu Chicago. lIev. Edward S. White enteriained bis parents froin Chicnao Sunday aiternooc. Mies Gertrude E. Mowers spent Bon- day wtb relative@ la Mlwaukee. D. H. Thompmon of!Milwaukee, vislted hi@ @Iter, Mmre R. H. Pritchard Bunday. Walter Lytiesuad faiili p"nt Bunday wiîb Mr. Lytles parente lu Barrlnuton. Mrv. sud Mire. 0. A. Newion woe Diamond Lake vsitare Bnnday. Mmre R. Jameso o Ravenswood, la vstlug ber @inter, Mire Daniel Leu, tbf. wo.k. The W. C. T. 1. aGi ment et ldm home et lire. dit H errick, Tn.sdy. Oct. 28, st 2:30. Judge Ninian H. Welrh and wife of Chieaga, were the guesis o! Nathan E. (iatzert. wegt of town. Roy Pritcbard. Who vas laid up for1 fiee weekm wtb a broten legz, returned1 to sehool Tuesday morning. Congressinan Charles M. Tboiupson of this district elied on many of our ctitens Wedneeday. The Preebytprlan Ladino' Aid societyi wiil meet wit ire.mCristy. Tbursday efternoon, Ott. 3th. Idv. Hewitt and daughter Laura of Highland Park, vlited ther cousin, Mire. J. S. Grldiey, tue firit o! tbe week. lirs. Laura Dye rotuvued lait Fridai froni Detroit. Micb , w berse be wai called by tb. death of ber daugbtsv, lire. Fairbanks. Tbe Sunday echool clim number elght of tbe M. E. cburch viii give a muflcai1 entertainment on Prlday evsnlug, Nov. 7th. Take a look at Treptov & Talor@ wIndows some nigbt aben yon aMm op towu. Tbe turuisbed mrnem to b. isen tbere are very attractive. John Boycnu bai lenlsd tbe Colby fart nortbWeet of town. Mir. Bojeen has dsclded not ta r6move bis tamiiy to Virginla. lir. and lMr@. A. Ieleyer troni Blythe. Cal., wbo visied relativesin this viclnlty for severaf weeke, have returned to Caliiorniaý C. H. Wilson and famlly bave moved ji t te Casey bomne corner >of FIret etreet and Park avenue, recentiy vacated by C. Hapke. A number of people tram here went to Russel Sunday ta lakd lu the raso et tbe ideai race track. Severai local borne@ vers entersd for the races. A good social time le nssured ail wbo go tu tbe Llbertyviile sebool bounes on Friday svening, Oct. 31, ta attend tb. Halloween entertalument. The Interlor of the Lake Ccunty National Rank bas been redecurated and te front of thte building bas been painted. L,. E. Ra did the wnrk. ITbe Preebytorian Aid society wlll serve periors, Thnrsday eveniug. Nov. 6tb, from 5 ta 8. Corne. lu order ta met a satisfaclory standard of total solididlun ilk sbipped to île City o! Chicago, au inspection o! dîiersul dâiry berd@ adjacent tu thât Ciy are beiug made by Prof. John S. Wite and luspector V. L. Biaiodeil o! the Chicago .isalth departimeut. The Inspectors vieit ans berd lu eacb locaityselscted hy them. A berd belonging la N. E. Gatzet was iueieted by theut ou Wedueeday aud Thureday. The aid folks concert vbich vas given at the M. E. ehuîch leI week Thursday viii be rspeated ou Frlday eveug o! Ibis week et tbe churh, by request ot a number or those wbo atteuded the concert. Quit". a uuuber turued ot ta heaz the concert on Thureday eveuiug. dîspile the heavy doirupour of en Some usa fetures bave heen added for Frlday night. Forelre and Lite Insurance CHIARLES De PROCTOR Agent For NEW HAMPSHIRE VIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. NlIçbmgan MmuaILif. Inaurnce Company. -~ $!!"~~~'ILLINOIS. _JiuM-MO .4 Tb@ Auli g1f*bau isoed aionu- oaenste fr lie5a.lngparq for Ibb esaen 0 p a wauitorila luth lis NeuoàalUsak building on 'flue. daTsUat o meyise.jut lb. Concert ta M. IL ob bFrlday ovslug o! §boa edL. ge Md bar the mog. moiber uid tu «iS. Admision, adultea 25 eoet.e; blidnia10 cent. Wbt la timlahe b atter vlth your Iset, im? liteslr rdog triesta net avay front Fou. Remember Barksr'. Aulisepil cons ail this trouble. For male by P. B. LOvULL CO. A car o! lileblqag appce. nov st old depot. Tb* klnd thal bas neyer bfen men n laUbertyvllle. Telephone rour order to 1782 or cali et car. C. F. Mesredith. Clem SusIl su Ed Glodwin, two Lake conuly mon aho vent ta Euglend lait joune ta viol relatives. retnrned ta Ibeir home lat veek. Mr S-lils residene la user 011mer, sud Mir. Godwin lift uer A rsa.. NIais Lusla Sanhoru, Lois Austin0 sud Kato (Carolli ipet the besk sud St tb. bonis o!1ire.Mamie Brady lu Chicago. * bile tbere tbsy attended a performance o! Ereckies" et the imperwa. lire. Warren Heatb came boes roni Monana lais wesk Tbursday for the futterai o! ber father, lir. Du Bois, abos body vasbrougbl bers froni ?Montana On that day, end laid eitrest lu the Lakeoîde cmfflrY. If isi Jane E. FI1DinY, tenhber 0! voire,1 breatbiug, voice placing. irterPretattOn aud style Pupile rece:ved Saturdays et Mirs. DeWayne Young@ ou Park Place Or Paul Raya Furulture Store. Pho)ne Libertyville 9. 1 The usa state veterinarian .E D yson o! Chicago. le preparirig data ou the tubercular tast for GavI' iunne, vijo js Cotemplatlug sulug a proclamation whereby no dairycattie ahi b@ adutitted ta ibis etate altisous a ceriiiied tuber- culine test. Dr. E. V. sud lire. Smith, lMr. sud lire. Klrby. Mp. Allen, lir. and Mli. E. E. Ellsworth Mud Bey. Edaard B. Wite motorsd la l*. bonis O!J. J. RB* uat ito!flneM T ea ul madi a raid uoe ulak ainut tuesl betors rsluruiug bome. Tbsy brougisl tir. largs bage o! lb. nunie 1 dîvide amonget theni. liouday evsuing Ibis@asclIOn esperl. snoed the firt real @sWn§ov Dm0o!th@ vînter vheu s regular blzzard eut lu &bout six o'clack, and cantlnusd tbrouahout the lght sMd vel up 10 Doon Tueaday. Suoa eboveis vers brougbl luto Use. and not aIl o! the ana bas vvnimhed up ta tbe time o! golul t0 press. Tue@day eveing Christ Bapte was given a very happy surprise absu about sixty f inde celled as bis bomes Ou Mlwauke.ecenue, la blp hlm celebrate hie 491h irthday. Orchetrausse eud icards vers the "bief amusements o! the. eveninir, aud a taily lunch vas eerved MIr. Hiapke wag prsseuted witb au eletrie readinir ianiP. l F. H. Grtîmacher rsturued ta bis bimae lu portland, Oregan, Thursdav. Hs came bers for the famlly reunion wblch vas ta take place at the home o! bis aunt. lire. Rudolpb Scbreck,Jlest Saturday, but vas ual held ou account o! lb.,deetb o!lres.cbreck. A brother. B. H. Grltzmaeher O! Leaveuvorth, Wash., wiii remeitn bers for a tea day@. A Reniedy for the Jïkh Cost of Living b t. $ve S IXD a littie leu than you eami, and put tUi balance Into a savin a acount w1tlh this haut In a short timne you will stop worrylng atbw your expensee. BRING' YOUR FIRST DOLUAR IN TODAY AN) OPEN THE ACCOUNT. Lake County National Bani LIBERTYVILE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profite, $95A00.O WE SOLICIT A SIIARE Of YOU P ATRF0N A Ci All the umtlag ot M». villboar Moder svsulghbidefor telb. disof th vill a..balbondercatly manismi b, Mta*board for thoecdw"of t b. MW silbag haol novla Couse et com. - vus - sud ad thbe à #ee dlsgc.d tu t lb.Viret Naibsas Uaab»et Ub«irlkIeihr blidbUu wber M ad more s.aâintory mtisa4 thm oer km sbe, liere. -"m L.henaut atioa miaitau m ýal buo@ ssf4bOli v lowdnaw î.d bise 4shis-.Z a a irI bp the uivsual bidiui. 1% bide of" iebond are ver. imoupalutby demande o! large aMount* t6 Paz IavYue fui lu lookiug up lb.he galiy of Bd. Aruiroug. a rspremtailve 09 the UiteSavong Dsvioi Go., o1 chicago. va, preesut a the meeting vib a Fovier Lounguotor. sud fried ta intene tb. tusbers o! the board la purpbasing one 0f lb. devices. fHe srplalusd the Menu êo! lb. long molor i lusali, and alloved lb. four membere preos u0 test tb.eniolor. The proposition t0 purcham e so! the lungujotore vii probably b. taken uPat the nsit regular la meeting. Tb@a clerk vas instructed to uoîify W. M. Wlnuesor Wlnu.tka, ta tome and look over tise septic tank to doermins abether il te lu good vorkins order. SBns the hsavi raine o! lait *pvlug the vilage ban szperleneed sa,etrouble vllb tb. tank. JEDLICKA-CAUROLL WEDDINN< CO-AL& F EB I TIIEY ARE RIGUIT. Home Lumber Compati] of LlbertyvtIIe. ý0un'g 1annU i O R nw lneof utifland other FMa.uul of the pretty strifea suitable for nlght o^ The corne in varions colora aud ail are beàvil ]gEVE also some attractive new Patterns u inMN wide Flannelette in dark shadea mo.tly, m able for wrappers and house dresses. Tbeu e o at..................................I50cPeryà ?7 RE demand for Blanketa will commence ahoril and we have prepared for it with a lot of tb niceat Cotton Blankets we've ever had. The prlou on these are very reasnable too, so remerbr xi when you need blanketa. W. W. Carroll& Sons Go, 2-STORES-2 NORTH STORE PH4ONE 29 SOUTH STORE P1~ MO oCook tYnto Uis 9"roposmOn- The time of year is fast approaching when the industrious person will be getting returns for bisl summer's labors. His next duty to himself is to find' a good investment for these returus. The points ie, must look for are safety, income and convenience. You are requested to look into the proposition4ý. made to you, by Meredith Flower and Vegetabl*é Company, viz: As long as this allotment of 7a lasts they will be sold at $ 10.00 par value.Tle shares guarantee 7 per cent. per annum. The9î shares are redeemable upon thirty days notice. Corne down and visit the greenhouse. J. E. MJRD1TH, Mang Get Our Prices on wý Tuesday, October 14tb. Mr. Charles Edwad Carrolaid Miese Mary Jedlicka iurpuisd Ibir f rile b? lourfley'lmg 1 Waukegantgoget marlsd, aller defiaite plans bad bosu made for the wedding ta tekse place the following day. Rer. Chidester o! the Preebyterlan churtb, Weuksgan. performed the ceremouy. The groom ise a unz business man. biug a meuiher of tbe urue of! W. W. Cari oil aud Sons Co., and manages tbe soutb store in Milwaukoe avenus. Hie briae ie e popular yi)ung lady of Ibis place and was until recently cannected witit the Shldan scbool. tJpon Ibeir veturm the couple vers given a aedding dianer Tbursday even. ing, followed hy aepoat-nuptlalreception. Ouest@saitiha dinner were: tMr. and Mpm. C. Edvard CarrolMr. aud lire. George T. Carroll of Chicago, Pontinailor and lire.liom M. Taylor. Vladimirs Jediloka and Dr. snd idre. S. A. Cras. Tbe table was dscorated lu jellow chryeautbsmnme and sacbà place card hadl a tlny bug of- ice attacbsd ho ItL onau iat the recepiion were enter. tined vlth a fia piano selectiona by lire. C. N. Durasd,a&o by an impromptu charivari ou lhe front porch. limi Kate Carroll and Bernien Engle brecht flthsd up the vludow af the soutb store wltb taety bridai decoratlocie which ettracted manY people ta the store. Gel your applea for wlnter nov tromI Mereditb. Tbey are ânue. Telephons i 78J. Preabyterian Service, 10:30 e. nM. moruing worebîp. 11:45s. m. Bible fchoot. 6.45 p. m. Christian Endeavor socleiy. d.80 p nM. eveglng worebtp. Vietore alwayâ wslcoms. a. M. ALLncRT, Pastor. St. Laurence Epiecopîl Churcit 1ev. EDwAau S. WHITE, Pa@tar Morninig Prayer 10:30 a. ni. Suuday school 11:30 a. ni. Vioitorê are aiways wsicoue. Mundees Llgbtninoe houp Cure for sale by ail drueglisti. 5Oc and 81.00 per botlle. c-25-tl b