Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Oct 1913, p. 9

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'LAKE CoýUNTY. INDEPÉNDENT. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOLXI . -NO. 5. PART TWO IiIBERTYVLE. ILL., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1913. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEkR TIN ADVANCE. WÀNTD TOSEE **900000000000:NÀM OF HE LTE HIS FIT$ ROCKEFELLER. F WAN'EDTSEI :NA EOFIIEATE e ae idebted to une uof unr rpad- ers fr thefoll win bich was clip- PROF uRTC.H LL ago. The naine of the paper has been rCI11¶t >UU¶~w~ 0 00 00 0 000 00 0 0 0 U A!n0 Am0 forgotten, bu he verges are from the RESTiLU FOR T l Eri 111 IN HALL iOf FAN!E ppen ut'the versatile Wilbur D. NB Harriet HopkinBon, Zian City ...56 bit: Chartes Hanson, Nottingham, EEag 45 TWF2NTY YEARS AGO Lake Forest Young Man GOeS Horme Neson, Waukegan. ..33 Memory of Former Waukegan t(ockeftpll"aer i. haIndifs aite E) to Chicago With $60 Satur- nt . odad N t hiao2 esiueflî s ai th Highest years for John D. Rockefeller f0 show day appreciation financlally of h o! Brk onM na. James Muth. Milwaukee.....Posbe Honors. Co,îferred upon hlm) _________ Schrelber, came...20 Geore II. Jcksn, Wukean.. .1 wandered ta the village. Juhn; ASKED FRIEND FOR MON EY.Gog H.JkénWea... INVENTED BOOK FOR BLIND_ wndr1 terIt .............................. legal age The slgn huard on the deput hr Reogieda M nWatd yMary F. Moran, Rondout.. legal age Once was Superintendent of' your lautnamne used to be, Recgnied s Mn W nte bySehools Here-One of First but now Il doe flot show W sArse.Irene J. Reaney. sane ............ .24 Thl an hypitdo esd Wasranked ~L. Stritesky, Racine . . 'ew2ea arer. Th am te pfried,, t Bd ..e....a 2,,rs.some twenty yasao William Killiam. 2 Years aid, a An ' asalsm ....... 2 nh ame o fthe late*Prof Farn:1ie blacltsmith ehop i5îopen, John; Yon a mlyr ea eieyCalsL udMlake.....6I.Frn1 the sparks fiy on the flor- ylorn akempForedst dliery o Ch darle L Dru, sain e ..... 6. 3 t Hall 0f Waukegan. Inventer 0of ;Tire lacksrnith does flot stop to make wuerk In a [Aeareat enrocerYst e ore isddald b, aie .2 nhin b in predictions any more. S was ~~ ~ ~.. ......a.g nTesa e-Lus asnRcn 22 heen placed n the hall o!frame at He does not tell how tbeir fair town T fore Justice Matthews of Lake For- Alga Tollofson. samie ... 28(hampalgri The distinction lu tire 'hicago>-like willi gruv, t es naCharge of having stolen îwo JmsJ rsi.Cîao.. 2 lilr tM ii ercglsdAs lie dii when they cliri'tpnPd t, este on CîsusChcgos..e2n cor>o %r fer s eogied srne twenty years ago. u check@ aggregatlng $55 froi Ai- Margaret Richards, same .. 18 i iaslly uhsbcnIt! s known Ihat up in 0o phonse Case last Saturday. le the lîresenlt tme the narnses of ('y- 1 andered to the village siore. tbesi denied having Stolen the checks liutp us nflt 1,7rik laes M wnd eth uiee gadMs lusn algvnte EIU TS A I N r ahn .Tre n sa As wben tire village fatîsers gave the F, sai Mr. Causen ad lve ihm Bus \abanB. urnr ad Iaac ittle town your hiaine, Fi ta hlmn He wae houfld iver tn the , F'unk are amung tbose îsbt-h haie Thîe overalis and army sock', and ný grand jury In bonds of $1, 8111 afld leIUw1*1*' en ai-tpupn favoralvs Tho, jewsbarps are on show b bro unahtet irh i al]-unh ail ýe; WI PROH9 TIN names of P DB Armour, B. FIlarris Just as thev were wben ibinsebegan, i inogh unab e a keish all as jeet] III KWA~S KIllain was discovered In <'hicago sr Wlia .,. h Ibe a- Sote wnt easagJW d nl cose]asLae îmFort IrosR E EÀedý am he knew and ak d L fh rve.Tire nod putoffice Io the sane but, vi twenty-fIve cents.l The laie Prof. Hall was oneofthIe Oh,. there la a change-- i' j Acrdlng ta the story iold by ,he Unique PhilanthropiSt Livinq in Original "new dea" fgrinrai. Ile The consersation beard thereln le very da Ciaussenea. Killlarn delivered groceswsas an ofll.eer of ail the Important 8trange; h les te tireir borne. In a iraw.,ein îLbe,'tyville, MakesP ula rms'soctin.H evsas Tlîey do oui open ail the mails and the ledroom of hekil Len Pecullmar farmsuerne assoatshe staerved s lokfor hunke of dough tocekpo e f' en wrePrphoy slîritedet t hestte sool Prom voeu as eagenly, dear John, as C tchec oer Kly en ded tete for the blîlnd ai one time t wents' years ago. checks and gins to the Anderson IFAVORS WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Mr. Hall tradt not lised la WVauke- i tole roe iepbilc square. , & Son grocery store gai ibern cashed. gan for several years îîreceding hIs and sollemnly w tentu The police say he then drove is deaih shlch toklplace qulte re To where ibev eas'ed a Plot of grouud N wagon ta l.,mb's Crossing. abiout une, Says Women WilI Make Coun- cenîle. He had lIlved In 4iîrora, ta build your inonumentl and a hait'miles soutos of Latke For- ,ty'r-elsS etig urn tetme îrHllsdbiveysal oi llsau sir est wbere be abandoned the oitfiti f'r' TlsSo ehn .i) helm i.Hl idI Alr tabeBows ta nd o é and boarded a street car, go,îng toi 0fh' wnHstryVaiikegan be servedl some tirne as vour shaf atog Chicgo. hen e arIvedther he Of is O n Hitory pWh e i yen were godpa ot the tiiwn, i Caiago.0WIn e arved hee i'superintendent of echools and com. Sorne twenty years ago. He hd yarne fo the brih I thre vste P giaH avenaPlled sets of arlthmetics wblch were I Bibi of he cty nd si ou tu ave nal Prohitl..n. b Fie ndia n nthe sbols of the Ciy.Tbev .1 iaok the train t, corne aisay and (Metgnie se shamehase nationalhostiatewere pronounceii among the beett h, tearIs were in y eyes. found COUi coniderable. From Sal- suffrage. The entrance of soman titis ever had and were ln the achools The suniset wt oi li ,lisi n the western skies; Unday oihi untl Sundas, mornlog into politiris le goîng îu liorif ' pl i- or u to quite recently. But un the rallwaY statian they vere bis mmnd le a blank. When be awoke cal life andi makre or us a greater Prof. Hall wa'i a verv brîlliant painting sure but Slow c one Sunday mornlng ho had juot people.", man. He madie It a point to attend Another name ihan what wag there $160 tu bis pocket. Il dii not taire TIl consentions of farmers held here sorne tweniy years ago. long te gsi nid cf thie amouni of The speaker was Chartes CarraIt ansd was able to diseusesaIl farm oauey and on Monday he found hlm- Copeland of Lihortyvîlle, Ill.. s unique prohlema In an intelligent manner self atranded with flot a cent inluis figure in Catholicisin and îîilanthro- andi tbe expertence be receised was pocket. pyIl, 75 ieara od, and, as hie calle him- lmparieii freely to other farmers.o CO. SUNDAY S H O Au ho walked along Siate street be self, ".a 'atholic Missîonarv oit A couple of years ago Mr. Hall' a met William Fbecker. a Lke Pvr-oiet' h ealth brake do. n and there s as ai est mans whons ho knew. Hie aeskeo , sole, thai never Iege nor orw. graduai declîne uni]bhi s tieath p ASSN. CONVENTION hlm for twenty-flve cents. t@llln g hlm "Tbree tibnge 1 stand for and work Iftile oser a year ago. Fis condition_____ that he was "dlean braite." for," he sali 'To exlend the domain i was watcbed with mach anxleiy hy orireciter lisadtheard about the Ibeft of ('britsekhagiom citon tii eartti- b is manis frlende n Waukegan. His The Forty-thind Annual Convention etmoney ai Lake riot and bie ai death came as a keen blow o! the L.ake luuntv Sunday Scbaol once tnrned Kîllani or to a police- tu exclude aicobol and prohibit thre To have one's name placed In the Association wili be held In the Meth- mas thneepped ta a telephoneo tse 0f hnat iiu aidvl l al of fame ai 'barnpalgn la one of odisi cburch at Antioth on Tuesday be called np tise Lakte Forer, police the negro race" tbe htghest possible honore ibat can and Wednesiiay, October 28 and 29. and asit.d what he shuuld do wltb I ~arn for woman suffrage liecause he acconded bn the Braie ofIlîlinu Is 1irmes to bc une of tihe Most thse fellow. Ho was fold ta cause 1 believe women wilîîriog prohibi- The fact that Prof. Halls naine la.sufcessfi convetioivns and delegates hlm tu e ho ccied u P. The ,i.ake For- tion 1ýo pase uone of tireiet sisboss with whaî es- willl e precent fvom ail the Sundas est police then lest no. turne tn raking n"Thîs iB the flfîîeîb anniîersary of teenslie sas reganded. echoole b the cminty. Burt M. Rice their wWY to Chicago. ,i tecoming a ('aiholir i1 ani cele-lof tire Hap ,iet cbiirch, Wauitegaa, wii Killiam seeemed qute willlng to lrating Ih b),visiting m, fried 'I L rfl111 nr jbclunscbarge ut the musical end o! neturn. 11efnsbref experience with bers. Ive bai! an uncomman kini a,)rE R D.L I D iuii ueLlogRIteam Theorneiiwi ie tise waseof a higelcty convinceii hMnaf life. Before 1 sas 18 years h o ie ti.enhiro!Pare 'ev -that bis fnst venture, into 'siiorling oeddled hbouksand a riîse plilticlThT ~ ie floigpogan wl lits" wae flot eocceesbful. speeches In Ohio for Buchianan; tras OMIT FOU M UR The T'oiosiîg iringr.a wllli eled thraugh the South and sludied 20Rgsrto. te.conditiono! tire negro and t1 1h" erie Peflli)n SH R S IE S ecîs tof' siasers ; graduated fron;i 10 (0 buno.t dayScoo MsiceHl'rot. iiiur SHORT NEM"S ITEMS the Albany law Rchoal and at 21 ho- ERLA E C . unySholMi.lrf.Bt FROM WAUKEGAN ne o ~~Repud jates Former Confession ld bs V.ttri.ibeSid in bilbougewas aways nos n 'asj:o'Va \. r tiigt _____ r. Copeland's rocou.%Ven 10-as and says Mrs. Rexroat was AcIl 0 Hugli Cre tr. ngt 27 years nId I had O 'nAccopiis. tlîgh 'ork Only One Siain by Him. 11.30 Tise îonuiunities Challenge Robbors again test nlght braite Inta) 000 and haii.a praclice sortb $20,f00'î____10 t the Sundav Svhuiîi. Rev. J . N. Ne tise bouse occuplod hy the help on the a year, and I gave Fit op to sork for Donaldt. L. F. Swift place. Lake Fonest, Staal- God. Wben 1 was 25 1 bai heconea ~ DAH HSOJC. Ajuomeni lnh Inga gld atc. f tarecllet acouvert ta the Catholiti'cburcb Bei(,- UICKDAH HSOBET dormetfrlnh in agod ath hlerealed~ fpre that I bad taugbî Suniiav school TU30-Song Serno mais wio necently was burglarising thi North Marktet hall tn Chcg,13-on r,,,é ibis came bouse, wu~ caught in the wbere MOody badil econus- serin' Says That in Spite of His Con- 1 t55-Devolionai lilttle Study, V. V,1 set and la now Injl. No dlue us tthe tendent. 2eso eMutNw G :I hoStrengthbî-nîîig tIhe Work in "I organized the IHtherniaii fsin H utNw G ans latei tiief.In 167,and t lanow ')a H T hrough Mu ch Delay. the Rural Sloi. Re,. J. N. Mc- Cathollos were warned Sunday in stitution u. 1 > ~nDonald. reSiulaosCnt- loal cherchez against purcbaslng Buys Hat end Elects Mayor. Atrsatigtiecuîi îh 2:45-Tre SnutaesCne- stock ltuise proposed! new cemreiery "I oughi inyself a new bat and A'trealighecury wh ences I Elemientar), led hy Miss whlh I bs benreprte wuidhowent oui and ran the polti(clmacnfessIons In sbicb he boaated of troeeRoctienlia i- whchli bs ee rpote wul lechine tisai e1ocifd Carter FrIsonmîîderbng a score o! hersons, aniong 1. Craie Rolli Nicîois.t spé ed Suth of Nontis (hicagO. maror of Chicago. 1 cstabiltshei atu-im tiso men in Zion Cibs and a man 2.- ae nsrcin Chancelle!, Tobin, eecretary ta Arcis- ranch In Kansas. 1 hase the Most landi soran in the vicinbty o! Fort :L Nature' aoi Needa o!fiBein- blsopQugby. en aciculn ete!beautiful home In Arerica at ,iier Lake, Henry Spencer. w buse real tiers. te ail tise prins in the archdloceao lyslIte, FILI, andi bave given It othe ib naine hon.lbndriit Skarupa. bas Con- Scrn'Ioet-prto inomlgthmtia teladdelChrstian Brothers for a euînsmer fided to bis attorney and a Bobo- Il Secondarý, ted b) Res-. J. N. -c Infomin the tht te lad dlborne, keeplng three mrne for my oian delegation thaet be lIedý He diii Donald- dli flot bave anythIîng te de wltb the osn use. Thore I epend my suin- i nhobe thope or getîlng a speeiiv 1 IMea ning ot Secondarl' Divis- Catholie and ibaitishe arcihlhop bas mers, t riai and exectilbon for klling Mrs I 2 ton. an not approved of if as hIt e alleged bas "Booker Washington lei tbe niost Nlildredi Allisun Rexroat. 2. Seiiegrgarsto n been the contention of certain pro- hihl honored Arnerican sho bas Tbe repujdiaflon of bis rémarkabie '3. The ('lacs lFrt Motrs.ever gone ahroad. He represents narrative sas mnade In confidence, 4. Weekt-da, Atitîities. moer, ur finest type of citizen. Ail that andi was lntended flot ta he utade 111. isrli, led bi Hîîgb Cork, ______tise negro race Iacks la oppurtunuvy, publiec untJIltise Rexroat murder trial, 1. Value uf O'rganizaf Ion. Those who veniured ouitIlutise ramn That, In the heet way I cao, I sant to which ta set for Nov. 10. Deapite tise,- Securing Teci ls and Lead- belp ta give thein." apparent serifications o! bie Flst out ers yetra oattend thse Rarveet Home Nir. Capeland bas given awaî thou- slayings maie by the police In C'hi- TeCs tstnlY Festival ai the Lake Bluff Orphanage sands of dollars for negro misions cago and several aiher culies, Spiencer 4. T h vs-ses-en Sundays. were well repahd, usdee4. The viol- and education. Other thousands have Insistei tisai Mrs. Rexroat was its Tuesday Evening. ton'.worm lly entertained by the heen given fa variaus aniers andii ms- otiy siciin I 7 i(-Sundas Schoii Music- Ex- splndi prgrm wlchtie clhdensions, and ho bas given a portion of Red 'tape Assyway. Ieîîîîîtfei, Prof. Burt NI Rice; Setec- apindi rrin iewlng the efficient the land of bis place ai libertyvilie "t helieveii tisaiif I hookeii a buncis ilon by Prairie View S. S. Orchestra. gave adl wngteefce ta the Sieters of Mercy, whO, wlth of otîser muniiera onto the Rexroat 8:00-Auiiresse The Sunday Scisoot worklnge ot' the crplianage. Among bis aid have erocted thereon a board- case the authorities would maie and Temperance, Rev.NI. P. Boynîin. tise. frei bore wbo attended the Ime scisool for girls. quick work of me," Spencer told is 8:10 Musi' and Offering. fesivl wreMedams '.W. ooi. Mr. Coeland la eof old New Eng- vsitors, but It diin't help a bit. 1 8:40-Tise Sundav Scisool as a festvalwereMesame P. . Cokland stock. and hie paterual grand- vanted f0 hie sure tibat thev woulii Worlii Power, Hmgb C'orki. Hardi Sticlland, Leslie Davis, T. H. moîber wae a niece of Cotton Niser., not send me back totahie 'lien", 'iSe 9:l5-cAdjournoientl MKlnney, . .llazelle, W. T. Nelson, A great-uncle was attached bu the n0w ibat if maies no dlîfferen ce how Wednesîay Morning. A. W. Myers and F. E. DeYoe. staff of La Fayotte. - mant 1 i ~gh have iilted, i'e gui 9:00-Devoionai Bible Siudy. V Vincent Lapeeska, a Lithuanlan ne- fo go tbrough the usuel reii tape.' V. Barnes. Sudîngeta 712 Market treet, was ar-- Wi'e la Net Dead. 8:20-Methode uf 1nî5±Jsernl i R*mIono- rested Mondais night at 8 ochocti on Aler Antan Zemnan, Spencers ai- Hugh Corki. Un. Ns»bor--"ýWeII. dii you s bave a charge of bavlng stolen $28 froos torneis. and tise Boisemian delegatbon 10:00-Business. more 0 tie pone ckeI snt e te ie oomnae, ie a age depared froin the Wheaton jail. the Reports o! Officers. pleaic?" Willit N*xuior-"Tee' t iis morntng betore Police Mg-prsoer refusei ta diecusa ierlitr ss Reports ot' Committees. Vi s le0 banl wîs my pioe." ta Walter Taylor and bis case confe,ssion or tbe repudiation. Ho 11:00-The Boy Problem. Rev. Gea. w oantinued for a few dave until basusen instructei lîy Mn. Zemsan NfecOîn[nis. -a f artisan Investigatioo cao bieimaie. (o Bay f0oniore about hisecareer. tt:15-Tsss C'ty 1111k Problis-, F. E. DE YOE IIEKDS TOWNSHIIP SUNDAY CCHffi ACÀCÇN MM THtIS PLAN ISN'T SO FIREMAN SIIOT IN BAD FOR A CHIANGE FACE BY IIUNTER MrE ArpD DflhTI JsiIIiUi.< IJJI!e IIUW V WaUls<-2ani «issisi .- i22Il IA K RU1M.JI1 _________ "Who gets the monî'ys- InTbree Latie Fors-st taîililies frarik-I .xtremely lnteresrting and - f-]y admît they do îîît tinow, but tbey Herbert Stubbe is Badly Hurt structive Meeting Held in know sorne prsois î-11o dont get lu When Stranger Shoots Point City Tuesday Night. they have elimrnnated teso gas meters Blank at His Cab. - 150w cookie, two mauiis ani two gros ANNUAL REPORTS M ADE. conristei htrwei xîe c TWO CHICAGO MEN HELO. CThe familles o! George Anderson, Decided to Hold Meeting Next P erge i"ndlay and Frank Reil. rom-Baea epdFo ri Year in Auditorium of the ineais cooked Ina cmm iutiiteil and Placed Hunters Under Waukegan Y. M. C. A . an on chf and one maid are sut' AretIm eiaey One famhly t'mrnished the gas stuve. 1 Waiikegan. tîctulier 22 anoiben the dlning table, and a tirîl IHerbierti Stulbhe, firernan on a The Eighteenib Antîual 'ionven- tise cuhaire.Tise expenses are iividl-lIed riIItTrain ot' the Chicago, Milwau- ion iii tle Vauitegan Tuie-nsbu1i1,equally asuung the t'amies. ke, antdSt.FPaul, resiient a! Mil- ,undaý Schiirl Association wsa heu a io idh ae iieeiia, tîigbt inthe1' irsi I resi 81,,,wsso n h a> n e rlun churcbhb in ,autiegan. The STA RT FIGiIT ONan vaCigo hte,%dy c0ýninpovdt van eol t g iioi womlnortb o! Rond- tus- , the irogram rendereii behng E lIIV ioeo iler i-iieniiuiii Pins- ati e I ECTRIC RIIILWY 7III us cetain s aýrunsing up a grade, im ibis- lven'io ins-t csr etai awer ellered fis lie%. Puirao.and 2llss iar ri&mîî r so. sandiboii dfor.Milwauktee. Elizabieths 'West orf Wauksçe-'an. anid AS ,IIIYY IJR E 'iibbýIcs ssitsung on the seat ho the les EcassuNorth Chsîrago The C s thi'MILWAUKEE Hesie gb meeting startfildai 7 :iS îî'clock.i nts-.ufteîoomtv,îeid h t'ers ufthue vrtous Sunday echools -iro sieiîîiunters. one oft' heun ln the TOwsbip wers, hresent. luI desofBnsofCia 1a is- sI a double barreied shot wsa decided il a ionve-ntion ns-ci & Milwaukee Reopen the gim. pah il ie l nteauditoriumni if tbh' Waukeglin y NIt'A, Those Battie in Milwaukee. 'Fnsa nie resent buvieteil for the to0UT ty Sun- ie iInie dav Schooi ('unsentlon sIkh sîlI ije A t the train apîîroacbei the hnnt- beh nexi week ho AniusIL ýWANT DEALS SET ASIDE. sr wtth the gun raisedi the weapon The !ullowteg officers s'îeeelerTî'dan uolîî bniatsefrmn PrsheicaEgos- Nri Bond. Holders Declare Reor- One o! the chut bit hlm Jusi on thse V'ice.Preelideirits- ùrînreioî ganization Committee Not I ldi of tise riguit eye: anaiher one isa Soecretars and TreasurFr- Nlss ;Tus-leleft eye. Oive cînuck bis nigis Brenton. Properly Organized. aria and a few bis face. Nilein D(kic- NiChcao.Atthedre of tise shootiag tise Tea)rti w bs-i l )s- trN ii hbChu-ag Ni .s iA nmos sandanetîflon fa bntervene (i-ad tîrakeman o! tbe train wasaaise Elizaeth ý'e4se00me te become a Party ln tihe suisein tîje cati and as he saw the hunier ilduhuI('lacnuirns-d c.btise Chicago & Mlwaukee Electrun j raise the gu andi fre lie dodged Il E. liarrington. Raias conspatî>'s affairs camne hefore doso and waa not lbit. Teacher Training Suîusrînîenîenî Jade Geiger hontIse federai court ln The brakeman leaped frointthse B. Aý Munsun %Mthsautiee Satîîrday. Tise entire day train and rnailater and capiured thse Eternetari auerniîiî-. Sr.w55 decoted ta arguments on tise nia' ian reckitese bunters and tisey were H.A.Brwet ion soi peltitinprsntsd ey John laken n sthetirahn. Tbey gave ibeir 'lame t)eîîarhîsîî-îîl Sîsiîriuiis-nd- Griffits. holding $200,000 lu bonds ln tiasies as ('lorence J. Hartig, 827 Miss Crace Ps-arc- the raihsay curnpany. An arnay ovf ai- Buctiingham Place, Chicago, andi The tuîîowîog iilogcaii sas ms- torneys represeniiîg Grillhtis andsiitise red Waters, 3757 Broadway, Chica- dered: userniers of tise reorganization rom- go Hantig admitted iret he lired Servis-e of son g - ittee o! tise comisanis were preasont tise shot, ut decianisi ibat h.idid i)esotiotss. Hec htudoiîitsEnsison i !ram Chicago and Milwaukee. Judge oit koa hy be fired, in tact said Sang. Geiger posiponed the hosarîng e ta"r1- e ns-ver dreamed that the #hsot Reorts ut Towsip Offis-ers- day. Oct. 24. would reach tihe eqgIn. - i Presudent and Ses-cretars. Accondine ta the arguments the sale Taiten tei Conlisa Rail vaîl and Reports tram scisool-. ut' the Illinois and the Wisconsin prop- Tise iïsjurei man was talion te Cor Report utf<'ommîtte- on 'somina. erty tooti place on Sept. 26, 1912. hIsa andi Dr. P. G. Peehn. local star- fions and place of nexi meeting. Proceedines were begun bis minoniiy geon o! tise railway compans, ua Voc-ah Solo. Prof. Hurt Nh. Hics- bond boliers proteeting againet the wastîng and he addoinpanled the iln- Temîjperance Taik, Milsa Elizabeth sale. which iasted tisree menthe antd lured fireman to the Mllwukitee se WVest. whlch finallis resulted In a declelon piai. The shot wene remevei flo Addiress- TIe Paibere and Motif given ln Januars, 1913. bis Jisge Lan- the eyes and arm and the physicim Tora ln use Smniiay Scbaoi. Wh y" dis lu the Chicago federai courtst- shafes tisai he didflot 5.11eve ibm Rev, J. W%.Punston. tîng asude tise sale of tiseIllinois pnop- eves wll te oermanently lnlisred, as Adi-su'Tise Young Mlan's Placei erfis.If was alleged tisai a motion aisen tise shot struck the fonce waa ho hhe Smndav scbool, Rn-s bs-sue c E wsas tus-n file bis tise reorganizatlon about speni. Esvans. j cummiti se to canfmrin tise WIsconsin, The man who didthe sbootlng r- Soiig properts auîd toliowbng tii motion1mained ait the bospîtal t'on a ceuple lenediction. was filed! bi Griffîtse t nervene on1 o! heurs and as no ane maie ais ef- the grounds o! alleged t'raud anmd a1 fort te arreet or detaîn hlm. ise tenir breacs o! trust on tise part of tise Wis j a train for home, leaving bis gun and cosint boni holiers' cornnittee and abating tbat If wanted ho weuld FOLLOWEKŽ nIAI trusts-es. cone Isacti any tîme. Thils injuction was asked,ifash- n Stubse la th ise rman who was leged, hecause o!f lse opesIe n ernîtîly inJured in a locomotive ex- FOR CQUTTA OF Ineuitahie provisions la thbe reurgan- lluebn near F'ranksvlle several VOLI VAmONeTRIL mentenadian bonidbhl-, s-ave the bospital one monts mgo. VOLI A, N T IALers. known as the asatetine eyniiicate. liard tucti seemr; ta folea hlm. Tise nmotion and ps-fition ta intervene bas been bs-for-tise ferlerai court (r V,-k Cotpesaen fZo 'r. e ious occasions, but bas net as y OLV S O EDB Vii un toiticford fisc bIse second stl alieged tIsai when tise electie trial on iThe per7urc triai. sacs tise hi d wa ldil ruh iiuos Rockfod Rep bic ai the t'oilowhng lis iow ps-us-s-Tis was castseii, It lasi E FROST TU bsInregard iii tise savbis ps--alieged, owitsgho tise fact iliai nom- île fs-lt abiutîthie Irial o! file-ver- ber ut' bîiiers ser- unduced ta ne- su-cm anîd hua irayî'rs us-ce offereil frais froîn budttsg se tI't tise prap- APPEARIN4i LATE uiiiiaî iur bis ai quittai etrty couli he blîl iri ai a iow figure. - NhisusVoia l esfi Ziun I'iiv SUn-. If asaise ailses-i tIsaiOrtiffhths baillkga.Otoe 2 (fil> lis- In't wluls the proîmise uftftlou- no vilce hontise disposition o! tise p rap- akgnOcbe2. candi. if lucaiers tor is beliait AI ryadwsfo ythem jr - ordiing to reports froun wlinesses tie P' Is B ib lass ho tbe mornlng s- tty o! tile bond boliers s-bu cunati s liii îs-clisd Tuesday lu the Voliva addre-ssed une tlousani men, sunien fuie tIse reorganization comtnuttee. perjmry rase ai Rocitfond. the case aisl dhiliren. Io thec junior classe ___________ ser- sos-ehables, sho vouiilotsî,rns- pli a'le witi go to tise jurytis ait ]y hoduui' Tises*yailliîroseied o çsay ternoos The state restei lis case for teTUJreer, Ts-va>, nigbt and Voliva put en bits for 0iaie s B TWEluMiMss s ibis morning. Then tise i- 11-, - - .-- oines for .hoth ,aidesso.nt n 5. shîs meSs onbîtrial in Iioeitori ucias. Mnir-s iiu ranegress fuar ssii hais- htîssi NIhen s su strie' b <lurîght andl iii s irshi1, (Iid lois-tise mans %Nith a lue '- ilahlI)rssdeits auîd kints soullus -ci. Tîatas>- t'feusps-opus- in ltocklfori knosjuet boa closeit this case uno,, on trial s is eing ,aticdinhoZion t'ity. and thua many hearths and isomes are ho be brigisi- suis-i iîhihuacasquittai, or darkeneii iv ii lusliing ss-ntencedi uica Rock- lord jury to a terra o! tmprisonmenî." idlote and Accidents. Man aho ezainusia naph"ba u. wlth a match la the ame felîcawbaht perludically Investisaies a smpposedlyl uniiiaded revolver and ilI a couple of people. 'rot l A. Harding. 1 ':-i-sAdjournm-uit for luncîh Wednscaay Affernoos. i ,îi Besobuona HBible Fini, Vi., V. Bans. l-o-The Traiîn-'g of \\Vorkeprî. for Rural Sunias- Scisouis, Prof. H. A. Hiandinig. 2 ::50-Conts-rencs son i'ouintr%î Life Proiîhenîs. i..d hi Re%. J N.'ulcDon- aId. lA.-C flosing tise Consention- At- ter bise Conv-entlui nhat? Led hy Franki E. Nayer. 4 iîîi-Benedictiluîî IE sisraiule tirne ln making ibeir Pleas and alter tisis la coinpetei thse jury 2 CARS; WILL DI willihas-e tise final "sas" ln the Mt t Tise e-ienco presenied ai ibis _____case was about the saine as that p.- \N"isuîkeg.aus. I)cîolsr .sentis wisen tise case firet was heand. Ttuoissas Wrighst, s-upioyed by tIse On that occasion tIse jury' siec Il Chicago & Milwauke Eiectrtc rail- to i for guiltis. roait, was crumsied between uwvi cars Rockt'ori. Oct. 22.-(Spacial la the ibis atternools ansd his condition ts Sun)-VW¶lhun Glenn Voliva. Ovor- so serions that hit s beiteved hoi will1 ses-r o! Zion City. was repnoved hy dle. Hic ribasers-r(,ruîised ln and Juige Prost In circuit court Tuesday itlvfsari e usuuuii a punctured rnorni n g ahon hoappeared aitishe long. Practicailis no isopo la bs-Idt'on court roin a hah!tisour laie, the court is res-uvery. reminibg hum Ihat conrt acul con- Peilos soriuies u rssiesita Wrigisi's vene sisen it was set at the time Of assistance inimi-diatels- aus ibe was adjouruns-sî and tisat ail concernsi plats-i ai board a specuai car and ta- iri tise trial wece ta bie on hand ai tien to thse Jause 2scAiiter isospîtal ln tisatiie. court sas ta open ai 9 tuile city s lseelis- ta under tise sare o'clocti, but Oseras-s-r Voliva diid noi o! P)r.Etîtelt. iii' arris'eii bers- about put in au alupearance until 9:30. '1:u30 ncos-k.Tise case amuse lntise firai place tiscougis Nolisa gsving evîdonco be- MIsTrict No. :: o!fbthe-Rebekais As-, fiscs a Grand Jure tisai was investi- ss-niilc e- peni 'Juesca> afternoon and gaiung certain als-ged olectieus frauda eîepnttsg at. oîftio-ch as tise guesus o! thîuîto0k pluv isi-a the goefirai election the' lodge aitihaf lilas-e. The Osc-i T 'ionus ity in 1911. iates AttOrý sien ase a c heufron tise grand in-i us, Ru uts E.aiy aileges that ho strumior. MNI".tCrowell ut' Roîtifocul. uuuiNsl, sfore ho gave svi- %lie sonducîedl a scisoolut' instruîctioni dii suibi- hnese stand tisat i»y The Wauitegan Degnee staff îîîîîusî-îl i 'iuuiý'Sit ie nigbt matie vould bo a clasa to exemplify the iegmsp'soi, uCclu, te huie brosigis againsi hlM. About thiris' mais- tise triip tmoîui, i iaîer in an aMfudvit awore QUa bers- The rosis were ccci ai Ibuthiesis0'Otawvar. thai bis ovaowa iheu bai sus-b agooii unie after lisesdîu ceas union' -personal ilavetiga- got there tisati more Ihan tiais- up luisaitthe tîlme be gave evideace be- for tise disceinforisiof Tii,' jotimne> '. r In grand jury. and beroin le A fisse banqueu mas o-ii 'I (ho.sîse li-e Dady alloges that ho con. Antloh l duge. inittesi penlury. le et' e su>- te thes and Met. have r' tise taxi going bols- s or and going titg de- shall and trala. ho atted mdly1 f us. Darçis bluta M-J c r, ti 8 d a k

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