Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 1

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s - '., -- .-~. a * - s '.. -., - -' t - i s 's t' a y' ~ voc. ~~ s~T rGN. LITYVILL, LAKE COUNTY, 1L.J FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1913. ON$O1I~T S. 50 PE~R YEARe IN ADVANC g1 peUs ELI3CTN 1 161t CASE IÀRD (IETS 1, FINE PEARL ARMAMPUTATED OII -of Ossli Club Get Henry DeKay and Others Vol- Frank T. FoWvIe Makes Luocy Physicians Say it is the Ony I ~ for Derfield Town- unertot rvdnce Fn hl etn iho Thing That WiIl Save the - iN SECOND PEUR!roTII ~ ,ship the Hearing. iaVsl cg. Life of Lineman. Ousofl cub, a Wile eating raw avalera ln Chl- wu#Ilçm ft rd erSWt &- Nrg zation la Hghland DELAY IN NEW INDICTMENT cg e ar s rn 'w CONDITION IS CRITICAL. ZION OVERSEER IS VINDICATED ON PERJURY CHAR E Ilt ur wÎ ÇUtýVctr f]u* s Ot 2 Wih t sall e1t Ster, former Wagkegan man and now SCN ERN EDA OK of ,tât Touble. Victm cf ve. 25,briit a d elrarb' S et.e m e Ud rtihe owner and pronsoter 0f the long. n a Gv p75 Inches of EON ERNGHL A OORD--VOLIVA lt% Hurt Trouble.ouai nî.7' 'op votera for tthe p TheeMnare.edUnerotor. felt a gritty ]ill~e substance OneManGa ingp flgr SE TTMN N ODE TT' TP~, otts 200bn su o$20,000, Bonds edn the 'e moUtis tisa fel i, a pelble.SUE.TA MEN NDS OESiAV Ài buii tie prpoe4 adluc ta iseg Heiévsttgt~daud oiisd tat t fo I ADY-BOTH SATISFIED WITH TERMINATION'0F CASE " HAD RgACHED 76TH YEAR.1 1»erâldel~ds Townsip HîgIs Hering in Providence. was a pure sait vater peari.TretoBChrf. I WIC ENS HEPRRY CTO l<L -MY acisool. Au a result wonfen cent more -l- iertiesbisOndBe a mn who____ 179of he 0 VtesfortheIsse ad sredthwath pl' rank Pileger, former Waukegafl -ol a puer OudfuT~~ ~f he F AlePrionCe.R. F Ot area tb parl 2 a u-man who was7 burned aeverely tn END CONSPIRACY CASES ALSO. p MoVed to 79 0 te 177Voafor issf. E ad. Alena, Orof R.hei' fur Nd ewrvusuallY Pellect One and waeighd Kenosha ses erai weeks ago when Vole .pg ~suppei enly4 ftre 177 agait uIth-TsetYeeofrks toraefive-giha cf a carat. ses eral hundred volts of electricity supplelnentarysproposai tlnbflic Atlantic passed through hlm. la viotreor larger vote, *National tank case,. ll a pear in ratter t tir .t declnly d 0 ti u s li ot a oulap d l e tBis e cas e ran d F CItA O T la iP R J Y C A E Fi h ite eri gl t ra i n iust r t>e ua e d itss Jre f als l g led a gh e t V ot i v t a t laie i d u o H e n r y R es" , a 1 to n e e r c u n - r y T h e p ro p o se d î I m p r o v e m e n t s , a tair -t d S t t s i s r c t i o c ea a l i . s e ii uiil s o e b cî o t a t t o r e rtes v b sca s e R l ' a n du r h a g g a t i s V l v a tiat i - rangedçt Lnta quaitrangis waboutconnist 'Ibis cty ou Nov. 18, 10 îlead tu the Ohwhat'a h se"aie ie u idei muen te amuthe-ien mUnVç ulay ~ a.e ,corner. <les~ot dl H di iet.of thse knockers ln \Waikegan riight a big douht as tb %,liether or flot be ilo~, i1910 tlîat gadjuirvwas iiivsi - and silt fln say a. m.. core Wet fouai rcttian d stm ull 'roo . in lumpl t.o ~the conclusion îhliat s'as vil]recover frout, iainijuries. Police-gad 'ctPail beartfailue win the ause i onaia te lcrecitrha ga mn tion icsviitandegr ik otndoneeinswihfla n'etiIiiad We an latn stct Wueand luse owiscienclflpati(blls,'a Th ithetZme went bîîds when Ieelnt edueds. Ii.' ias a îitniess before fh(- jury. beat filue isecaue le ud ometicscenc deartne ta Ttre mn enin efrelds ltd doin ewBl so o ad n e K enra hlosite iee wsmtcikover tvî,iîylilve min- gYmnsslst a manuel training bulid Sae omlaoerSsedal e o New York for a dis o yîca ute eo & Iotla] Wede ia Jigas di rafg n Yrkystrsifoc hain oshelnigtansu asvbis condition i trial,- nies, bisliat attaie of ieametngwt*so, rwnaidect-oryetdafraierugu the aimn ei as i rentember t. the oýstsers coat utflris cell. I' A SARO )-V ivuhaiîdhagot\nét. wbi h s~ b tb r-' h m ff an l~io sro a MO& e as em bly hall large rem ova i w arrants on w hic is tey w ere m w n y c n s f r h i o e . H l W iiiîîilîa li'O uflty lia o b t ilinflsc h a tn g e o il d i të . for.yeam crneneexerîseiarreted. sdifaved ey cîist mmediaiely ailer he found fiai the ltickasamid,' and 1 gucshe Wi la asmivo roid ha eeul ,Q dforgu a srsh t ey m gch b ve had to con la a gave is frruvlytit. (t. grther aut l u dlmnthiîo bc he ih hv a t opîearî sas a valuable o'e, \tr.Fosa'cheectul as aflu tman could be undcr gel a fair trial in Laki'e olîntN bei'aîse of Iîljdel, tetreoal'v-yvreriesd u. the rircumstances. lie reallzes thsa Plll b'uetrie ole i e u , ntutbs o a% ilPi bs r mutlea pttdt sa. bedaide letom, thtie enim e, bu Idla5 eat n ad power ts bre o ndl.. b maue r e ibei aln er gave srctbs 1 i il10 hi ar mut b an uaed t vae FlISF 'l I.l . î 'x tIo kf d, A i. 1 1 .e ud n t- plan .r.Chre R uh Lt, t .bse expresed aaed iesne sihed and will eltser h %i, il ver lnIblisIlite and he la aBoxionis o liae Mc. aivng i th t iq ari e nts fua'li i 1i Osanise ltereuist eae ce hee et tont. a ring or stick pin. 1te oerion perforitteil o flint he agree. 4>11< ilili aloie stand(ing ont for 'oliva and. been lIving1ail ta'pptO e ln ereparentsss i F 'urt ber dev ,elopm entst ln tise case T s l d ng1 e r s u o s e s a c n g t ti oug is ith I l.if T here i, ) " ' î i î ' ii' < t o i c l fis l e n t )o a n i 'r s h e o gt e r s t h o 'e I rie n e e r y p u s i b l . o t t i s e T r a d e r s » N a t i o n a l B a n k O t m a d e o c c a s o a l l y b u t i l a i t o f f e t i v e Y n o h o P e o f s a s n g b i s a mn i ' N ) T R A A t e i xl l t s 0 11c. ", 1, 1 it, meig n etoe nteI cmns steflevhis cpcactically a i hrned i alt 1 ËJe.2l9 8 Vý- - 'ak OM- - On ber builiauu ';r.Ilc etig adentertalontsloelmnt eu iein iet bat aman bavetate entv cents ini off. aIIisn,- the elbioi joint tb pro-c >aii vreraîdcs hsp ae lacs c...,,and nigisi achouis wili lie opened for viics losed ita doors on Nonday, a iai foytr adnakasii tue Foly as'oiid tu M. 'uersail sWho Wisis tause th..mshow tIsai Edward P. Mecaîf. ln- flue roli on is ivestneand'evraselige atries a akîi, it îl'ops paisbed Aliy sbortly sfttur bu arrivetidicted for alieged minapplication o i rofit___on, __bit ___Ieas sesitlln sqareinheal_________fr 12ti5 6eng gîte, as tie bouc.tise funde of tise Atlantic National Wni on bdustinieave seen1 egrovftoen0) o h' wotias ont uh Nr. ohn e uthetitid, uo > U O Bank, and Mr. Allen, ow u no stock ln LP' isAI ndséi o ego . O T " L N , tIJ\ r - stiit d oî m W*stn.ondatocai,CARLOÀ» ulr ijiiT ATIT, ing there ail riglit On otPi $er2,i00a0isfor ithe firstial, aonty uheuocs dataiutr. as uthnendLoceef'l instittieution.'s ttOnevDaoftopavflo' oer 500to tise'theameilcinstitution.herfrienda sacrificed ttre amount S s;to bur teh@ a&Wack amr!e os i rfier DCILI1T Tiseiearlng in tise New York court i1,j 1 TER IN I akîn uecessacy sud tise oliecat$ionto DI, 1L3ARE S3IUIR I N 1sof ss auci sayand ismtisai ise sas Us flýhe d t!eo.nt la-iveTailu 'ýas set for yesterday at 2:30, but fit " aue a ea lhie sopta aîyeswtur. rasistanin \theoriîc Frialond eu casned t. ýt te Fter twvys e tia O!My DuffhhhII lpA wacnIderably later tisasfiat IU U#JwA M dsIas a s'ery trylut ordeal foc 1tIlisidAtreyFrii eniudt Partv >Jsna 1 io~rj ai AIWIJM IJ 3A5wben tise men finlau> ent betore 545 ÉIie s î ist M-. Jadv. As no appropriation waspadded, sot bes laitoc vil, a attais ofCommIssioner .Shields. Ail tiree NIcr.Hicks' says thbat Pleger sent tneh h onybad h rsipinI beau t*4~ebn lire comng on hlm ere repreaented by former Assistant Fn ro hie best regarcds to bis fri-ends in Ferguson reeeived nothing nie hn h abu ht~..~.g stcc aeWh*OIeC~ GidoValuabeAu-United States Attorneay iaac H. 'rn ok,» M Har- waukegau sud saîd bu wouîd lie de- *W gaetiti'trs aled oVctmoiàWWA igbted to sec auy of tbem. Accoid' oth-trials. The cost for eaoh. trial for%~ 'at ttbey*atastae no ,sI n tha tmo becirs isppard ,ey.oflie swflm f Goma. or logsmofUntUl 'tPoglicelceanman s PleHrieckso ocfod roîîLae outywaca Mo tby be....Sa suvrethatbe Fom Rndou Batie &Vîdae cident While Hunting. fo uuaadwby tieseomuioas ad ieth enotbint tab. osevaniow NwChargesUnserved of bissarm ta beiug postponed ~for cadi trial. 'The Juries, veniremren, etc., mince the. ren~liflr ci'stily Sti vas expected tisai as soion as tise OHRloue -lise. PhY-icianshave declaredh'n i oa diinlaonsu bu home nd gardig lad wpakend CRW WA ARRSTED.-en ppeaed tey wul& e seved THERHUNTER CARELESS? tIsaIt il ltise only ting wbch wilil1 bigtettladtinljýns bu hoe tdgadngbswset' RW WS RETD'me perd ie oiBiesre ave bis lire and go long ' as tisai o1r$1,200, îiîaking a grand total cost of from 81. beaut. - wth papera under tise ncw Julldet- Franks Hrok-, a young man or XVn tenîber neser wil te 0 n'u Accordiugiy. ln face of tiserire- A tact of IntFreat ws bas ieeu fondagintlhe of Tor lsrîîlacounsce bt isee g$n2ny,«a. quent attacha, bis end dld fol comu (bt atretl astuettoi hapefid. a m aby lisgrnd jry thno Tus o iip iiHarborunearfoti e-ace Plin any eccaldmaarIa'y(A. FKN]-hs sLt srtcae vitsou de wrnng.aud a ii-.automobile ires sas made ft a p~roceeding vas talien and tise>'acre Sunîlay mornng. , dTetdaansuezîerienced lîneman but bad flot rcletoîo aecut eiet hr Rogers vas -d4 gears ot ege. Il coufid Lax car et Rondout station, on ts uu>ekdt ,1s ots gnltro aor riiigie gun augtimooed t-te wa en otinestgtel hae o v nuef 'a ake n frorn Lake to a w ntee îtcted ich oer. thsaud I al; aiiotadt. wiah oi-marrants.filmin tutise i5(e anîd eqssrlng medical 5010e suces on Ea pois shicisvas fitted 1 le t atcJod tisaixra iisl esizdN.LeYscom suomssoerateton is double cross pieces. In somne 1 î-ouiitv iii sun-h a case wlhere the charges are laid up, tieetsk ucslneriee cîa o xralre Sield s r.Leh tatis lien(ts i BirocwttenKngt, hir aantio. ss b îut-e vre and vas gaii Lake ciintvý. Rockf'ord es'lt aid the M. Rogers s'as bhuminlu Rciietei ie ieeoe b oîutrai iied ia saciudeaired ta ock vts eiKi B 2 w bîre aginsiea %bie otand tgifitcowy at N. Y.. Apil il, 18:17. nlu ti,4 lbibrakeman of a certain train. %asIse their rigisthe tiematter. and isunitigaud us-y had lit sared iiiigis tensian vires and be gottie1UCS',]lt'et' u w' aes the cerne tu Volo, Lake ont'ad op-arreated later sud ere nov in jo etnemu 10 ctytface trial on thse a rabi hisi h ustisev bega ta clisese. nul force of tise currunt. one 0f bis agains aecuîv îwt1 i as seddad elhe fcig roectinoralea; era il fellows sortkers quickiv short-circuited Iak<'e e nv v1 lie od u a enrl soeteewsc ihrfcn iueuino led it Tser oi>krquei l's t amergoe ~îîsdts îretotsrieigrwut td I . piv il Ia\saille. The costs of the Pile bu cnduted iti mared uesa Bconvtcted at tise tieft sisici vas a tat thsev ,ihouId bualloved ibeir aou tsa tme, otier hunieprs baste cbren en ie oPlcisp en ir twloulletu de iared ae o for thisrty-four yeers, moviug tuoVau- most brazen onu, cxecuted iu a inost Ierty an the samne bonda on visicis vis chancei to lue ln thse localit>. ise wass owered ta tise graunil ut washeîpirîi'sîîtt.l4kconynehd - isgni 891 visere. for eleveu yesrs clever meoner.tad i p huh emsliatbtatrtebeiPii-Io'Lk onvoc a . puliîîutoie ud been used sonne little <a> nte ke n1tie rotirear an idd ae un tiseybildoriginally ibeauuisld. No eaw tise ileeInz calbbit n bya ioeib ssds u te u etîîîefot on. ur be conducted a store ou Washingtouen fo iecrad îdnb .ojection was mde10 thîs sand tise>'ened rire on.lusnni'hch vas dodg-tmeb BRrnî [ocncinnese(litud sier' tt ttinr 'siînth t ou as therefakei. treet adjacent tu Brewatere store. secluded spot wlîeru later tise>' eru vere ardereil o apspîear bure on tNo. , ng this %va%< and tseeotiser This e e ssrîtane tua ioaglai s -loîî d'tilv' ~ l le cloeed out tise store and ince carted avey lu th iseugit aud taken 18 toc arrsignimeni on tise Indict meut. aist f romt tise liuuter's gun bit BrockcadiobsbenrtiaeericenI ~ î aueom ony, then led à tetired lite. tu Chicago. Theru tuey are natid tuo' îder theu U'ited States law'tinlutise face. snd, for e moment, be <at tinte Roesomne peddlers viso base s meana of tien 51 cm t isscis a istfesred hite eesiis'it isd been rubned. MAY ENI)('ON'SLIRACY CASES'-A report waf, Mr. Rogera"inerriage to Risda ave eenputan tse îîakot iscugi AnHusan. a'io belonged t eigeting.rîd of oisent. das'. viicista tise openbng day of tise Tise young mi was isurried toutise i FORME todav that, scîgtcpcrjurv case against V6liv& kuowu fa.mlly near V'olo, took place Tise tbcft vas discasi'rud immedi nus' terni of court. On tsefir arrisai i1oey*s office. Waukegan. visera D ë1 r M R CIRCUIT ~dwiiitishaig itSaesA~re suatlyad detectivesstredo uethes' vîlireport îo tise Unrited Stztua aisot wse ;ickleulfront i ae o tber sîgi chîdre ver bo ase vasth reaul iuts thtra <u ia Irsial and thir Nuw York bonds Of 1< beînag jîtbelaw tise optit u LR R<A s )d and inîs i aioi osîac ae o of vborn bave paaaed awey.Th compan>' tastened tise tieti ou tiem. viii then automaticaîlly cesse. Tisey ties ust aboe. Sngularl>' andiuCrutcutaant oiaadhsads, anvvigcitdrnae:Ms.(hals iî l is irttmaiatavioe iibetke ot aort aud ar- otntl îîeo tpeertdts INv MTH ET aiswic 'ieetic indirect cause of the perjury easgiu Ragb e Wnkga: ca 1)riecar ioad of auto tires bas- ever been riuesd1huJîdeArtisur il.1 >esu iesîltierfr as0< VII i 11VIN H ET M r.J)aIv w-as asked if tic report was truie that lie h" Hovard of Rod keg M oisu cprte tle ntii eiin Rn rov ilI adtJlit lfrisTigesanthe s-sîillituîigît hlere tti îaîîli sid I inno reot tis e u nthn ,iui sec ti se Std-i Brow SUl Suthserland, Waukugau; Mcas. Chat Pn n .J u . ib~may be tise samnef<bt tise>v eru Kigbtseciireu tlie number of tish eIKonFre îent v l h i lt o Ilthios pla.iri' ae s; : I amn't 5700 Tborpsen. Grayslake; lira. Orville s'herc meny thefts base occurreil heid on iefore or tisey may bu aaked bunters lin, w ho ftred tiese abaakgnSucms o H\ iin. St. Peter.,lHighland Park. fromt freight traina, lu tast, hIs atise to gîte a nev bond. Tis ewauin-u viiclastsruî'k irouk. lie vas a North ofWakea Sccms ui*iîin. Tiee r iev gadcslrclsu neso 'lh Iaconpanys de-dcmnavl rbii'b eve iiaonas utu iese 4, aayi toe ilTe plyvw'ouI( itidieate that the prosecutor,"iy the ra rncide.tectivsa ndeavor 10 vatch more t_____ 1lî'îthtispi'- cases ii tae of tic adverse de'io <hi-e grea grancisiireu.closely titan an, otiser, isunce boy is p tîlîaxdcso 1ic. Rogers neyer itelouged to au>' min vers able o get ava>' siti suscb After tisese prliminaries isave SRCE OETM G.o h iiain fraternal societies aud beld uotPoit-a buocit of tires wtisout beîng caugiti bien attended <o the date for s triailu u Icl ffcs xcpié tvuce oln tise acf, lsa amyster> ii est.M. etItfviiiEprba0A0Tn0KCA0i aî0iOî0aaoaoaaa 0a . dlsagreemntnreauited, tise jury Ica ofiesexepin tw______f______stMr._____il roa HU CREY His Death Occurred on Oct. o o standing il te i for conviction Wauconde township toc mauy yeacs aiTnEu slu., I> e ln court titi samne day. and ilm Ha ver iedt ofi cebuvbud cffl hi 01. O Sa cxpectud <bat tise triai date ail MUST FACE TuE l5th, Acocording ta Message 0VERDICT 0F NOT UI : ise Vlise anketise juryvisWb" hav h. aney ealredbocofie butIcaldeAt bu set as close o tise flime Of a, to Local Friends 0 We, the jrfn h e .0hl ewsteobjectofperseu- sboved tise noighly regard- fEniiiitllV nigament as possible, se titat t[lu eSJV V u D *nt,1.Wilbur Glenn Vôiva, flot oititon. He attributed bis lsdlctineUÊte ed vas ise amoég is acquaintancesUa rIIIdtIdV R 111 mtter mey be expedited sud inisiseil S L III '.IIIIRUL -XX bliati XN. Ragan. former circutit o guity of perjury asachsrged ln poliltical enemies and dectared hq, visen in active fle. ni i'uLrÂlîa bat terinet court.,An cari>' dat"e-clerk airiLake raunt>', dled at hi'. o the Indictment, o would mais. an expose Sunda>' ofthei Son asPaibeaers ri~i r JIIIA laisdislred, as t la thougist tisatishe Green lBasyX\bOct, 26 Tis gov hmelnLas Angeles, (Ca. Oct. 5tis o Roy Diogman H GtEa a cts. ruéerai fronstise bouse Tuesday trial vili hi a long one. erumeut bas retusýed te drop the fîsOiipralytbc trOkis vitici oli C. T. Tyler T. W. VanDeMark o Ded>' la Satinfied. a -1:30 friends and relatives invited; whviite lasery p1roceedings againat Ar- came oser binasaame tilon previous. n J. H. Greenie. William Sulis 0 5tate'n Attorney Dady toilé> saicT burtal la Oakvood ceineter>', Wan- Believed Resale of the Electru iCC IIPAR <ur Caeiy of Chicago, -despite tise tacts af wsabsaipeared bu lies-e coi-. a A. L. Wîng H. F. Wiliox 0 'be vas satlsfied over tise dispoeitoir kegan, private. He'. Punton oethts iIB smaed MîISS IMPRDrefusaI otft.aura lFlucker. tise gi"I lu unin-î at tiseulie- oJohn Malmngren G. F. Alleno0Of, tise Case fiscalise '"we ad a fair Metiodst cisurci lu cisarge. Musl susiA tET ethtie case, ta assishe federai aulisor- Mr. Ragan waas uried bu Itigleside 0 A. W. Cotton J. A. Hoilenbck, 0 trial and e faim jury. Tise>' Ikeiy ise' b>' Mrs, Thsomaand Nevton iîinn. Frst of the Year.UI AL AI e. ceineter>. Las Angeles. ooea. tieved Mr, Voliva bas been punitsed-, Mc. Rogers' sona-ti-iav0 live lu -o uMr.Rerts'bisonoi>ndau,rive l i xetdtst iersl fThis is tise case lunvisicis Laura Tis0forer0crcui c0e0 0 0 (7enougissud tIsat ends IL," nubrwt bsonygansnCr I aexete ht h rsl o yand Cars>' shikeil scroties estate years of site sud hed ived lu tise ~~~oaoooaoaOOOOao Cannot Try il Agaîn. Atterburi. chier police of Waukegau. thIe Chicago & Mlwaukee Elictric Thte WI ofthetise tulnrs. Henr lUea nicIlCae en e tsrne . er o o eIft oia oe f The verdictlititise premeét acted as pallbearerfi. raiiva>' compan>' viii e ordered b>' Shepard of Warren vas probatîd lu cuaed as a esut oathibs valk <f Iatiegan a few >eas afte bîîng Zîon lity, vas acqnît<ed of eritirs, mneas tise end ofthtie aitmtei _______________ tise courts iefore NNv.iuad t la count>' court Mouds>' momiug, Attor. transporting tise girl toc immoral succedda ici lr ieb th'e ie icitcut tRsvendi volivs te prison en tise Tirtytvo Instances ut yotung hopcd b>' these Intereaed n i eyue'Wmn. Gage et Wlmettu appear- purposelu violatilon of tise Mernupreseni cberk. Nlr.itroclivay. tord. F'cday eveuiug, Oct. 241h tbhe orasîatc afir o svitsecm-g\ Ic. Ragan bîid tise office ot clerk verdict Seing rcached Stlclier sÇilIits charge.Tis eate'und ea'ls vomen attacked by men on tise lake luaiaio farat n fer tise estate. Th is elaves act.isnaot force hlm tUstralaller 'â is1ore f Higbland Park were citefi lien>'Ot 0f tise banda 0f tise rucelvers Iail tise pu-pert> [o Miss Lois, tise Tise beaing set for Settinda>' bas man,, lears and vas e promîneut bail benutaken. Tise lerJuir ndfiýt saine charge agla "sl the by Harold Itoore. suPerateudeut ot b>' net iter <ban Jan. 1. Tise reor- oui>'chili. Tise paliers show an en- been adjounted ntifliNov. 3, sud tise reîîubicani eader for mîau>' >ears luniment vas retuned in La,i, Otlt"ititgaled case sagaitat VolWa là thse Norths Shore JuvenilieProtective gnzto u ecrldoto i-timeted value of $18.000 lu ceai us- court commiesaouter vas lnformed iunieiî-n> H a mni ftloigts nvsiîioulsigiuperjur>' c iaretflefeli& Association. in Jettera [o village inu>' ytise sainefines as aunouuced tate aud $7.000 ln personal propunt>'. aettlug the date 0f potapoemeut <bat lise Waukeurau Masans and vas vbde- Jury of aileged ,tranduiteît suiti- buna '" WltctKeéilîvrti'. Wiunetke v loua aaie ofthtie proerties. Tise uev ber fatiers estate, a setîlemeut bey- cseThaeiisjesutrisygris i1 udcbldî srvvebouutesAu <o3e' 91., Glencoe and Higbland Park are ail bonda have been underrtteu audlg been made qut of cuttIioviug inguesa to Se tiseunnvedded vite af gais. Tise Bau, Bruce. dled sme Tisecase rani- a Wiuttebsgo Ts uyrtrdaot3ocok aïked te put ligisaalong theshaore. evqrythiég ls saitd to be rlis1ale bânoar. Alng o aiig btin stem. beforJugeLaisafuthe d tiswene- dIs aIs e a tened ar> ts eCa 'eCrymetpsd t avfg ie iv kaui iecîu>. iavdvcneio ittts in iee Woeésclb aseviiS iv tu, lMa sirrY otalc ied Isvsh etis r Gg sn-md1su-"ae'.Cri ad oiev i fi rntago ater tisetathe>' rovedferuti on a cante iienenue.840 Soi tse ametié.tis sle asben cnsnsisaed. ectorieluWankugan tac a tinte. rm wkea. ien It waa trieda ieArltr CftUs .Pe8.

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