Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 11

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AU or Wb UlIly %Ob. A. T.Whiten, Bupelrwinor 04*makfl that the OUDMlaor Meyer. ChairmaofthtIej ~i COa Uttec ebntted the ~ Cont', ase. Sept. Term, Mr. Charuan and Gentlemen of the1 Ilav* of -Supervlmors. Wuaa luterOf maknt MPd J C ol t sa.beg jave1 to ."*QmIil tihat1 s'ci acomppliee bal tNUpro le' v& tn4VItbe 0jS- 3,eue &WUIT4t O0tii. t' ?IIa* ItDoeb&maymo theifiii.O. Auof wblch la rçaobU si- IL C. W. Neyer. Hlph W. Chiiaenden Jacles. * Wel suffIaoe starMovi 140ft therc* port »amupw da"nd owêd Motion cew»L. Suaqviow keyer. Charucaor the liIDANIe (JoMMUMe. s munllad the BOUetc. S4pev»om.»PL Torm. Mr. Àoatrm and mP eiAUMen of thse Boug o 01 irs Yooi- Fiancs e o twbom Wa" re!ene& 44 tzbonpeti»gâ bll f. tbe Oty ci Wakcgsfor $19U9.00 laizmlag (o ho oveuiliai8 of corneissioneafor coUotins tuea Md ta whom the tatc's Attorney'$ cour muijiatlpn and opinion la reerenc. to *W ll bIB voe perriedbes i1»ve to rpot tt"vswe ÉomiaWO8P lia Dot anoavcd AiU of which ls re0ecUfully sub- H. C. W. MeYer, Ralph W.Chittenden, Supervieor Maether movéi tisat the report b aoceplcd and aéPed. WM U orL 1%0 c taolig coimnuiicationi v" reed. sept.le,19113. Bout o f suneylors or Labo Count>'. Oea4lem: iongta tee attâcbed ltte,. .9ili.1911. 0i1fr. cari Weg- no mcInéuosécnt recol- leciha cf v eoa 1 a an e M vclr. Wetvidla tuswautt,.but MY> inm ala Ummt 1 "vu" dhlm ta Par i tate tii. lnherltance tax atumh refeinci ta boase thse Cumu b" rIoeere a Judrmet omuich bond of Mr. Ame, itheEs- t>' Troeurer. thec mate vas On- .4W (bis lnhrtancc tex inter- nrisupa Iinbertt*ccteu i- terct va« énvng t-n par cent la- tgrnat. thc Co"it Board vas not ln palligla ndmni old m0«be in sessiM for ap"fal WeeOOUand 1 felt sure that tise Couni>'Boar WoUld endorme Xr. Weterfeldsa action ln mc do. lt. Respecci!sltyr. . J. Dady. Sttes Att>'. Waiiiegan, lu.. A*rfi 19, 1911. lpisJ. [ed>. siate's Attorney'. Dear Str-: WUI you picus. ainie me regard- lt tise'tlsc$;tace tex lteresi >ei ueffl tethé tisaite. This aInter' oi on j#art of thseex.csosny tresu- ares-à* sortas.cAny mneyns unpaid ai <#sediseppeeibl>' lw 10 Per estla ç wos. ol illi. autuor- lte te~f(bis Mo f thé Coit>'fund. sa seiii!'bIu béecsmatie vWU thse ' 'r p ms. ie eprompt>' as 1 ex- 1.i 9.13W > pyisfeld tause vms-y gesg~ntre aP <oU lii.ta taie th.ebn.tins. mtisai 1 VO.*~ùIi~IIUi&Mesnov due. Count>' Treasurer. Superniso, Masiher moned Uaitihe floq*mendatin et Mi. DlI e e n- PIg A ; R, tis fBoard and Uai tise gea", 0f Mr. Westerled ho approvei. =f - =L Otrie, Probation Olicer. ;iphelitafl thé folloint report: Hen bic Boaut o!Supervtaors o! $iptt cfULaie Coti>, Ilîlinois. 1 114ré1Wy submit e report as Pi-o- icht tUner mice MY lesit report daucé SeliImmises- lus,1912. Binée*&at date ulire have been six. tmotia imiul easc»dto e mcon Pro lat"'B.- 0f thése, sîglit have been dis- tbat#béor arci-ed>'to ho Oscharged Mt t»a octqber Terni o! Court. TIres ulWi 4=s sprobation andi have been I"50p toP0iUtac a"si fine bave é4i ff or bl i ave lofti the.Site *Itishét 'eWini Is frOnIDtue Court. 9V 46 éoid beau 80 Judge Wlstt *«> apf Me ioit tpU théueCouint>'to oiu jsaOU .4f ieg baci those hoIIsi ft iheStats. but icave thse LIU & RMeilutue>' hane gene ta looi .Ai¶ftom tise ang" enoust ef ioliS nter tsose sixteen ai~M uée £o! whoru worm males. IbatW cBddth- meeting of tisc P>Oaita Oficreof the Blate tield là, CIsIcao lami October, and ama itan- âkig.W aftéld (the sesSion st Rockford 1 rlM o oeisebave as Yoi lie ttonp.obtin. Frosa my ex- "ns l Ia t» bioSce and f rom ne- tsfreIn <luie ounies ln tise e tI s5 s jtiorouill>'connlncel Uai K rbation BYstein le Productive et '1d eatfl(i Liiibisucille Wola>'. 1 Ni 'iatê fhat ibis Count e.Sanntbei- j«v mt(ho tnitefsts of tise erning ~edti gis than b>' ieeplng up tise . Iee mo téed Usa i 1hoenel' nai la p!ailaton Officer vit th ie lnCreaff- , __ (hi ýoficé hos ehutd re. - ~ c~1AIhii#'.nd ____________________ -I 8< @ii ýe4 tisat (the se' iration cfrLobe Vine.1 Cii* oh f"tihoComnitt"eson aet- tiemesit W*I UicCount>' Cieri, ssii-1 staté of çboufty. sa. 1 Mnr. Chairman ani Otastimen of the Board of @MurviSm ' 1 the Coutly lbA4 bi, p~iiio thcesMi. 1annutl rèflrt foi thé bllufy'er endUit 1Mai U . 1912, bf Lmw. A. lcuddl, Couti>'Clçrk, vas referred. beg lei« to report hMfolMIa We iizn examI1n eid report and ais acnta ôcf mii orneRd fnd the amre correct. 'lutht *e-balaise duo thse 09615(7 au elmown aUmd W port ainouptisg teo u bas been nAd e thuCutrTMtrer andVe e herefore iecolmond(liai calO report be approvedl. P Ail ot witch ls retpectfullY sub- mitted. John straiton, e ,W. Prppis, Fred Kirpéchner. Supes-nisor lietbàr Msovod mtisathe. report k mecottet aMd adaptei. NOM o oetad Tbc -tbfo«ng COmmulliactiôn vas road: Ta tiie Honorable Board O! Slupervîs- orus. Lae CoUnt>', 111. <ient'emen: Fpor gevgral years hibsm been your eumtom ta partial>' re-i5uburstdo Institution for tise cme.of the Count>' l'oor. We have been ver>' gratetu1 la you for thîs helP Sud becaus f lhave been able to &ivc mort snd bet- ter car. to pour couhty tidren. 3 we arýe trustissg ou -111 ho able to dl as -much for ce (hie year aZ you AMd lait year, and tt hIendced chave Inclosed a state-nent et what vo have donc for cach ctisad fsom'thsi Ceuni>'. r Agaîn thankIi yoO fer your con- tinupd i nterest and iiclP, antI Ioping to heur tavorabi>' trOcs 704 1 am, Tours stcefll'. LUCY . .Judeon. Lake Couflt> ChultIren cared for b>' Lke Bluff Orphe.a580. Septeniber 1, 1.12. ta September 1. 1913: Pain Due Te" $96.00 llgh'd Fk. 16.00 -Hlgl'd Pi. 90.04) Hlgbh i . $96-00 ilgi'd FI. 96.00 Wasskegau 72.00 Waukegan 48.00 Wauiegaa 96.00 Wauiogau 94.00 Waukegan 96.0Waukoîan $45.00 3.00 LIÀe Fort 45.00 35.00 Laie Foet 5.00 40.00 Laie Bluff 96.00 Laie Bluff 30.00 66.00 Wauiegan 30.00 66.00 Waukela 30.00 66.00 Wasskegan (0.00 lbe MURi 96.00 laie Bluff 96.00 Labo Bluff 38.00 &8.00 Wauiega 39.00 58.00Waukegan 18.00 58.00 Wauiegan 96.00Wauiegan 96.00 Laie Fos't 96M00 IghO Pi. 96.00 wauiegan 96.00 Hlgisood 96.00 igisvocd 32.00 Wanibsgn 10.00 14.0 Wastkegan 40.00 lithwsood Waakegan Wauieps 60.00 20.00 No. Ghliçago 60.00 20.00 No. Ciscag 18.00 62.00 Wanbeqan 18.00 62.00 WankOPu 19.00 61.00 Wauiegan 30.00 66.00 Waniog&n 30.00 6.00 Waniqgan 31.00 6.00 Waukgass 64.00 WaukOan .00 RigisO Pi. 8.00 Rlgis.d Pi. 8.00 Hlgb-d Pi. 56.00 Wauiegan 56.00 wasseioga 56.00 Wauiogass 56.00 Waukeffn 56.00 Wauicgaa 6.00 Wauiketaa 5.00 35.00 Wauiegan .00 35.00 Wauxeian 55.00.00e Wauiea 6.00 24.00 W;",=ai 16.00 lnçglio 1750 12.50 Hitbvoi 18.00 11.00 Wauitgala 70.00 Wauiegan 80.00 lilgisvOe 43.50 26.50 Wakukega 30.00 40.00 WaUkien 1.00 No. Chicago 20.00 No. Chucao 7.00 5.00 Wauiegis 7.00 6.00 Waui0ga 8.00 4.00 WaLukeffl 8.00 4.00) Wauiegan 4.00 Higliood 4.00 Hfgbeo<t 3.00 1.00 No. Clago .00 1.00 No. Chicago 60.00 36.00 Lake Bluff 9.00 Laie Bluff 9.00 Laie Bluff 6.00 Laie Bluff 6.00 Laie Bluff 6.00 Lake Bluff 4.00 Lake Bluff J b ~ r;etý andlioem.981 L. P.grsln NptWl.. ........ ......62 Lee tq!onllh, ha. , V/McIilr4y, .fe ........... 1.00 ganld holderq .... 24.38 ZcutHEXE Co.,1 isol4ers ................... 5.76 TordqffBro., Hardware................ 34,70 WsnlletaSnDecoratîn>' Co., Ouma..........8.15 Waukegsn Lusahor & Coal Co., Lurnhor................... 1.80 Wauean Uphoatering('o.. Repairing chair ............2.00 Wbyte 14'srnture Co., Furniture ................. .8 75 $274.19 Ail ot which lo respectfully sust, E. . mo, n'Ited.Chairma s. A. J. Was, Apion F. Sorensen. Supervisar Maetlme moyed tisat the Motion carrfe. Superviser Gozo moved that thse Public BuildUIpg Commttee be au- thartzed ta rejiair tIse drinewa>' around tlie al ath50lustall a mllng cage ln the CouaiLy Treamrer'a office. Suservisor Welch of Waukegan moved tisaitthe Committce on Count>' afid onsBridgte. ho authorized la con- struct a Bridge on the roacl runini péast,iae tarm lu thse Town of Laie vill. Motion carried. Supevlar Fiie. Chairmnan o! thse Printlng ComnIttee ubmtted thse fol lovlng 1epor: State of Illinois, Lake County.ose. Board of Bupervisors, sept. Tersa. sept. 12, A. 1. 1913. Cisais-man ami Getlemen of the Naie Montise Amantiu Ruiler, iîee.........12, ai 38.00 per Mo. $1-600 Builer. . 2. at 8.00 paner .160 Butter. Raymond... ,Ai 8.00 per M»ni*.94 Ruler,. lâaiel ........12, at 8.00 per Mo. 96.00 levine. Andrea ...12, ai 8.00 9e Mo. 8U.00 Kliiosen. Lllie ...9, ai 8.t0 Der 10720 TrsssxPlilip . ........ 4, at 8.06Dpr Mo.480 lyalla, Selma....12z, ai 8.00 pe iMo.9.0 Ilyalta, Phineas ...12, Ai 8.40 per Mc. 96. 00 Irralelgi. Sidney ...12, Ai 8.00 permc 960 Nehrint, Luaa.........n ai 8.00 per Mc. 8.00 Nehrlng, Abert . . t 8.00 per m.80.00 colline, Waler ...12, at 8.00 por MO. 60 Anthony. Manford ... .12, ei 8.00 pr Mo. $6.00 Gustarsen. Munda .... .12, At 8.00 per Ma. 96.00 Gustafeon. Theodore . .12. ai .00 par Mo. 16.00 aumtalsn, Victor..12. At 8.00 par Me. 96.00 Mlavuan, M*eraiei ...10, ai .00 per mo. 80.00 Mavinan. Pred...12, ai 8.00 P@r'55091.00 Mawman, Jacob ...12 Ai 8.00 par Mo. .400 laike, Aine ..........12. at 8.Q00 per Me. 96.00 Lakte, Cli..........12, At .OO Per MO-9600 Laketino ...........32. At .00 per Mo. 96.00 Peterson, Walford .... .12, ai 8.0 per Mo 96.00 Allen Mariba......... 12, Ai 8.00 parmo0 96»0 BRnger, Faul ....12, Ai 8.00 per Me.1116.00 AIse. John........... 12, ai 8.00 per Mia. 96.ù Mille,.Emsma ....12. ai 8.00 per Me. 96.00 Miller, Marin.... 1, at .00per-nMo. 96.00 Ployer. Else ......... 4, ai 8.00 par Moi. 32.00 Hafte>', Mary ......... 3. Ai 8.00 er Mo. 2400 Wlberg. Enili.........5,ai 8.00 par on. 40.040 Leite, Violet.......... 1 day Leila. Enle...........I1 day Daidovltz, Muke . 10. Ai 8.00 per 115. 80.00 Danîdovitz. Katie 10 ai 8.00 per me. 80.00 Anderson, John...10. et 8.00 par nia. 80.00 AnderSon Hildergard. .10,at 8.Open MO. 8.00 Anderson. Carl ....10 ai 8.00 per Mo. 80.00 Oryer, Clarensce...10, At 8.00 per Mo. 96.00 Dryer Dorotis'...12, Ai 8.00 per- Me. 96.00 Drycr, Hrdi.........2 ai 8.00 par me. 96.00 Julia, Lentne .... ...... 8 ai 8.00 pen Mo. 64.00 Overle>'. Sterling ...1, at 8.00 par mo. 8.00 Overle>'. Villette...1l, ai .00 per Mo. 8.00 Oneste>', Chailoy..1, ai 9.00 per Mo. 8.00 llostrom, Gunnand ..- 7. ai8.00 pes-me. 56.00 Ilgstom Mb...7, Ai 8.00 per Mc. 56.00 11o= 0-sus $"MditO.... 7. Ai 8,00 Par Ino. 56.00 Uogetra: usLlie...7. ai .00 Pîiý~nO. 56.00 HogStroms, Har-old .... 7, Ai 8.00 per- Me. t6.00 IiogstromnAuna...7, St 8.09 Par Mo. 56.00 Xweon"LA 4Ura ... . ai .00 per Mo. 40.00 leoisard, Margaret .... r4sat 8.0 pr Mo. 49.00 Leonani. Clara ........ 6, at 8.00 wenMe. 40.00 Lmcsuurd. rtiur...65, ai 8.00 par Mo. 40.00 Turner, Ftos'nce ... 2, Ai 9.00opar Mo. 16.00 Turner, MaIgare...3, ai 1000 par Mo. 30,00 "= .....W.liam 3, ai 10.00 Den Me. 35.00 lIste>'. Johns.........7, Ai 10.00 Ver ana. 70.00 Wberg, Ifarld...8, ai 10.00 ver Mo. 80.00 Reancblvts, M4ry Ellen 7, At 10.00 per- mo. 70.00 Siekm .FrAnces...7, ai 10.00 pen Me. 70.00 Sharuan, Infant...4 da. 10.00 per Mc. 1.00 Cumminge, Vernon. . 2 ac., ei 10.00 per Me. 20.00 Builer, Susan .... 6 i.. 10.00 per Mo. 12.00 Ruiler, Allen ....6 vi..0 non lMo. 12.00 Ruiler, William ..viw., 10.00 Dier Mc. 12.00 B uile .bal>...6 vk.,10.00 p«s-Mo. 12.00 Brandoisgl ni. .2 wv.., 10.00 pas- Mo. 4.00 Brandoniggle, Annie -.2 vi.. 10.00 per me. 4.00 Sherman, Vla .... 2 vi, 10.00 Dci- Mo. 4.60 Bharmdan, Vera...2 vi., 10.00 per Mo. 4.00 W>'cqt, Danid ....12, ai 1.00 pcv Mc. 0.00 lIai »cardera. Feil, VKaarset ......... 3, ai .00 per me. 9.00 Fai RaIDhs........... 3, ai 3.00 per Mo. 9.00 Miller, Lille.......... 2, Ai 3.00 Der Me. 6.00 Siuler, Ethel .......... 2, at 3.00 per Mc. .00 Miller, lva .......... 2, ai 3.00 par Mo. 6.00 Col, Blanche .......... 6 vi., 4.00 mn. 6.00 $4646.00 $1070.00 $3476.00 Henry' J. Broecker. Supervisor Brooks mnoved ta, appro. priate 12000.00 to the Methodist D«- oardi of etpervtsors: coneess OfphqmiusS. your Coinnittie oQu Prlntlng aima motion carnied. woulalesve 't 1.epot tisai tise>'have Supervîsor Brooks moned tIai xs uiait. C Iplune >yecented befoi-o ;8o.00 b. 'pppyopyàaed (o the Jane tue4 15thcebop impaîmogt ef McAlister rbti 't ld.>'tUicsaine tise fôins . thtt the Ciei-k ho conditions api sâleguards that nbw dlrçtéto fsU rde r the ia sver- elii. aalamoi»s a o Le neyeraI clia.ts, Motion carried. to.wtt: . Suporvisor ilrooliIs,Çhitman of mout o f cial PublieIcRlif.neAtditlot Comsniittee, Namoc For vtAt allowed îumi14es. U~45A. IL A amarioutCo., Stato of Inos.Ik b oufllsu Board of SuPe. ,0ý Sept. Torm. juriT *UI-tk>onl3 warrants "&Ce Sept. 114 Ath P. G0~~~4Oc., M. CItei temen of thoeoIs....217 * ~ ~ 00 1e, ll* Ce., 80 *LçI Y .0W AisOlIi babthe-12. Sesscior ,as- tisai (hon- il A kni U~8I ~21251 E.WT.2. .30.116 Geo. 0 i éidCo. 5,60 agni », bs-hea Ce., ftttoaér.y ....... 19.76 Collai",& 470. IRhgDI" ....... ... .....2.25 Cipa t................ 2.26 î0etaa . . .. . ... .... 2.26 Calli"" & C, flepogus... ..... ..........2.26 ItOPMA l..................7.60 C. X A ot, StatiOOe*>................2.30 Gazette ftb. C00, Plid notume.............9.40~ loinos Prlntina Ce.,, lioe a% ..W.............132.40 Illînots Prntàdg Co., Tax-ImrAmka ........ 4.00 Lake Co. Puk & Fig. (co. Blaus.................. 214.94 'Lake 4CAi Pub, & Fig. Co., PsIISIAIUS rOcecdtisge ... 204.44 Labo Co. Pub 4FiU. Co., Bl.IIU*à.................. 40,66 P. F. Pewbon6 & CO., flomée ....................1.69 P . PetMbic & Ce, x'otioo.1 ......... 5 P. P. Peutboo & Co., P. P pet ..... 614 Riecord aMbleulis ..... .00 P. Y. Peaibont & Co.,. CoW hiscfer ......... 5.00 G. M. Park«.' Courses of tudy .... .....1.00 W. M. welcls. Co., supplie$s............... (.0 $1183.3 Ail of whicls in respecttully sub- mltted. EMmi A. Fleke, Chairman. E.L. Simons, Tiseodore H. M5eyer. Supervisor Meyer o! Fremont moved that thse repot he accepted and adoptcd. Motion oarried. Supervisoer WelcIs o!Waukegaa maved (bat 14e (lpnmîîtee appointed toaro 8rc1Mii at thse cross roadsinl tihe cauntYiebaî.tborlzed ta ereci 160 ali igs eii tI3eysee fit. motion cars-ic. Supervlcor Spelîman moved to ad- joura utll1:80 P. M. Motion carridi. 1-80 P. M. Board called ta erder b> tihe chair. man. C. A. APPle>'. Superlntendent of tise Lake Count>' Farnsubmitted Use fol- lowlng report:. Report Of C. A. Apple>, Superintend- ent cf Lake Count Pour Faim. Bept. 8, 1913. Balance an hand trm .lastre port ...................... $157.08 July 16. James Gurrgua, pert Payment on olti barn 76.00 Aug. 9. N. Baver on moth. er's borai .........12.00 14. James (Juiroson id barn...............50.00 30. C. Lusk for 4 osives, ,mail ............... 12.00 Total amnunt receincd .... .1306.09 Total amount paid ooui..288.55b Balance due Lake CoUnt>' .. 17.63 1913 Amount 1>4W Out. Juiie 18. John Jolsuon toi- six pige ............... $36.00 20. Gazette for adn. . .16 20. Lincoln 01t Co., 60 gai. 011 .. ..-..17.50 24. Freight on ample oitland gffles..... .. 26. Frelght on 1>06s. 0 lune............... .54 4 26. 0. Nipson for Mkiug two rssgs freni4dO Carpet for girls' lobIn 12.U0 30. P. Oý Box reos...... .46 JulY 2. Freiglît on bye and suai.................76 6. Gazette tor adv. b>' J. Welcli............. 62 8. H. Shealci' for two days carper van *.0() 8. Keys qa ý gal. 7.16 14. H. Sheulert« o ~a carpenier wok --. 2.00 14. Dr. Smaithu fOr ttend. ing confluer4enu. . 15.00 16. H. Sheagir o#r ' days caipenter von 2.00 18. Waukfgan 0OU Co.,655 gai. gasoline........58.26 18. Lee Glîhori for 3 days iathin.g.........9.60 18. Freight on pint ... 26 23. Frelgisi on Mrs. Swanson'g truik... .40 24. Mrs. Bader for ilurs- 'nt 1% veepis .. 15.0< 31. Mrs. Rader for 7 days clOdunng bougee 7.00 31. Ellis Brue. for is5us. lng dîrt fqr lteW barn ...............11.0<o Aug. 2. H. Horton, 2 days stackingoase......00 5. Express on vraîl six« log for nov vals .. .60 5. Ells Bruc, for bonui. log dtrt------------- 11.00 9. Frelght--------------1,21 10. bMontgcmery Ward for hand cari....... 4,90 14. For hydrMMeter et Bears7s.R"buçc . .. 1.) 16. Frelght en ÔOua .... 2.0)8 19. Freight On 2 bbl. sugar .............. ..8 16. flght .............. 26. C. Brocin or cegnent .4 workInlis roii 0f bgrg 30.0)o 29. Frelght On - MIl s0. o. »rown for. ilai2,75 31. lpdqaeadZ 1 io..g0o. for. 0o1 ,alç"6 . 46 11-ptr 1-Lai- C .ý .q-Go a-*. gtatp of Ilinois, Lake Cerntiy, si. Board of Supervisors. Sept. Tersa,p Seat. 1.2, A. D., 1913. Mr. Chaîrman and Gentlemen of thset Board of SuperI-,sors: t yqpr Commnitie. on Judiclar>'0 Claiva woul4 l*g1 leave to report that t thér>' lave, tumlned ail daim> pre- aented before tfm and reconmend thse payaient of thse tollpwlng. and th*t the Cler> ho direceâ to Issue orders for the Ïeverel amoursts to the ev-d orai rlalmenti, to-wi: AMOUnt laIMed and 1 Names For Wbat allowed George Btngliam, Contabi. lses -. ....$5.94 Jullus V. Baiz Justice tees....... ....... 6.40 Ralph J. Dady. Expeaneb, etc............ 49.35 Charles W. l"erguson,r services .... ..... 364>00O P. J. Green Jallers account.......... 760.00 B. J. Green, Bfle1ic ..... ...........22.41t E. J. Gree, Soinloe.................424A65 Pred Hoeft, servee................. 30 John A. lioi, Justice tees ............. 5.06 Denala Limberr>', Constable. tees........... 6.90 Addie IL.1M11er, Services . .. .. .. .. .. . i8.1( Rl. J. Maon, TakItIg testimony.......... 4.50 P. Petitelaîr Constable tees .............4MU> Fr&-Rugolpli Constable tees............ 9.45I Tîsos. J. Scons, .Reporters tees ............17.1-51I L. H. Tuttle, Justices tees ...............1.20 L. H. Tuttie, Justices tees............. 1.204 L. H. Taulte.1 Justices tees .............. 1.945 Water A. Taylor. Justices tees.............. 84.96 Allowed .................78.96 James G. .Wech, Justice@ tees.............. 12.50 $1796.70 $1789.80 AUl of v4hh la reoeccttully aub- mltt.ed. James G. Welcb. Chairman. T. M. Clark, A. J. Walsh. -Supervisor ling monrd that the re- port ho secepted and adopted. Motion varried. Superviser Goes, Chaîrman of Com- mittee on Count> AId con Bridges, sut> mittod thse followlng report: State of IUîInoIs, Lae Count>', m. Board of Supervisors, September Term. 1913. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of snpervisors: Your Commttee on Count>' Aid ont Bridges In whom thse matter of con- ferrlng aud eacting vitIs thei. Iipr ContinIseloners of thse Town cf i. Villa vis reterred hog leave tc report tbat w. met with salO Commilsioers on thse lOti day of June. 1914, lmiIectf lssg thse roadke and bridges needing lma- modiste repaira, and autisorlsed the necebcar>' von, found the. saine atis- , naiy, qausdlted bis as followe, vhlch under reooiution pased b> thse Board ,of Supervlsors aithe l une meeting, 1913. are iD be pald by Lake Count>'. Wsn. Stratton, Commttteo work and mlage ...............1$8.00 0. D. Goes. Committes work and mnlage ................10.00 A. T. White, Commttee work, mîlage aud auto litre........ 15.00 Frank M. ilaslin ............ 108.W4 Chas, Herbaugh Lum ber C.... 100468 M. A. Kapple................. 8.74 Perey Dibile............. ... 51.76 *L. L. Barnatable.............. 12.26 C. L Crait...................65.00 Geo. McCredle ............... 69.00 E. L Wald & Ce ..............1.50 Ernest A. Rook ............. i.5.0 Wm. Freeman ............... 47.50 *J. J. Barnatabte............... 3.60 L. L. Barnatabie.............. 6.00 5J. J. Barnatable............... 4.37 J. M. Morion ................. 1300 0 L. L. Barnstable ......... 11000 $690.43 We tisertore recommend tisatishe County Clerk b. authorlzed te issue warrants on the. Ceunt,' Treazurer la pâymenlt of the aliove bis. AU of whicls la respectfuiiy sub- mitted. LoQm~ i~ TI FRDAYOCTOBER 31, 1913. lue fflo 234 Superviser Eger moyed tisat t» f port le acceptail and adciited. Suevsrrrld. ilsoved tisai the selection of Olve persoasteo u4ismt ae thse State iîhway Comsolastce considored demlrable candidatis for thie o0ice of Counity Superintendent cf tfigbways be nmade by ballot, eacis msember te bave Ove votes and the live candidates qrecelvlng thse iigismst nomber of votes shah lic the canidi- dates selected. M'sotion carrled. The resuit of thp ballot was as foi- lowa: Janiem Anderson, Jr., receivcd 20 votes, Chag. E. Riussell recelved 20 voies, M. McCugo recelvesl 16 votes, W. Hl. Studer received 16 votes. Guyl W. Curry reCeiVed 131 votes. W. A. Curtis reccived 12 votes. Edw. E. Her- man rocelved "4 votes, Deassîs Gibbons receled 2 votes and W. R. Miiier i-e- celned 2 votes. Superviser Petis. 'htaîrman of thse Couasitee on Education, subasltted tise Éollowlng report: State cf IIIIacla. Lake t'ounty,s. Board of Supervîsors, Sept. Terni, Sept. 12, A. D., 1913. Mr. Chiaman and Gentlemen efthUe Roard cfr8tipet-vjora: Tour Committe, on Education would lieg leane te report Usai Usc3' have exanIlned ait dlaims presenrnd lieore ttsem ansi recommend tise psy- nient ofthUse followlng and Usai Use li~r e itirecteti te Issue orders for th". e sVPrsa moulits l e heneral claimants, to-wit: Aon fcn n Name For whai ailovail T. A. Simpson, (Io. Supi., stamps, treight, etc . ..1114.03 We turther report (bat v. liane ex. ,în:ied tise yearty report of T. A. SIm pion, Couti> Superlatendent of Seholsà. and Sund the sme correct a id recommeud tsat mald report ho ariproved. Ail of rIsîisle l reapectfully sub. inititd. C. W. Feules, H. B. Iqger, Jamç I. lKing. Superviser Maeiher mone< thtisihe report lie accoptod sasd adhpted. Motion carrlcd. Superviser ChIttenden. Cisainma of Gomrnttee on StiLte Ctisrtueom. eid- mistteid (ho felloviiug report: State et Illinois, Laie Count', s. Board of Superviiors, Sept. Terni, Sept. 12, A. D., 1913. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisers: Tour Committée on State Charlties vctsld liet leane (o report(liai (lie>' bave examincd ail claima present«d hotore tlsem and rocolxlmeni tise M.y ment of (ho folloviag, snd tisii th Cleri ho dirocted te Iesue «ors refor thse paverai ansountà ta thie secrgi clalmants. to-vit: Amount of cdaim and Names Vor vhat alloved. Gtenvood Maisual Training School, care of Frask and 'Patrick teonard ........... s60.00 llinois Sebool fer tIse Dcaa!, Cars et ueo. Carison .........8.1 AIllo! vhich is reepecttull>' 8b- mItted. R. W. Cittcmsde KL B. star, Superviser Maeiher monso tithe repot etihoacuisirnd udospisd. Motioe armied. Supervisor King, Clsaimau of tise MisclsiscQos lis CommuitctossiM- niltis tise follwng repor: State of llnls ecCossa>'ty. m "RsiOf tSupecvl*ossSept. T*rm, Sept. 12, A.-B.., 121. Mr. Chairn n d Gentlemen of Use 1icegd of 8upervJéQrp: YGa, Coimmlt±eencm Mtosiaiseout Clslow ssi4bog isane te report tisai Use>' lanee xaminelail ccaspie. sented -bAfope bau sud recOnc the. PAY'pat 0f the f1oling and tisi tise tilrk ho directe te isse oroi fto ue veal &Mos.lnis te Use severai claimqe.48, (o-vit: Amount claîmBOad Nsntes For visat alloved A. E. Brown, Post mortemes............I î 0.00 Wlat Ficher Co., Repaire ....................70 H. B. Eger, Comnsattee work..........12.3 Fuinke 1Book SIop. Suplisa.................170.76 .A. lce. Commitice vork............10.40 GrIIOns Waukegan GWaae, A&uto livery .............. 86.25 O. D. Goss, Cemmittee vork............16.50 Frank IBuber, 86 deys Board of Revtew.. 426.00 Lew. A Hendee, Count>' Cleni Services......... ........2926 Hotel Trade Press, Reblndlng recorde......... 60.00 James F. l<ing, CoMmttee work........... 3.50 Fred Kirechner, Camosittee work.,....... 66.90 Munson Suppi>' Co., Pneumnatlc key>........... 6.50 A .Miltimore, supplies ................. 12.25 R. J. Mason. services . . .. . . .. . . 12.0g IR. J. Mason, Services ................. 14.0« H. C. W. Meyer. Commiitee vor........... 31.7C tNorth Shore Oas Co., Oas.................... 27 flennis L. Putman, 85 deys Board o! Revlew 426.01 PIttsiustgPlate Glass Co., Paint .................... 1371 Paint. $11.76; allowcd .... 18.&4 F. N. Bîakesele, Reporttisg................ 24.0( F. K. Bumstesd. Dlrectôitls............... 18.0<( F. K. Bumsteai, D(rectôtt'ei................6.0< F. K. Riemstead. D rectollat' 6.0j jBurroughus Adding Machine Co.. LoI#N.berbo NG,. UOOiO of -«ww. S.r.ic.............. C P I ortinia............ C.'. tintefu, Foot mrte .......... John pe stc2 w~a4~ on. ....... Pittsbù % PisteOUM s o., P rlusp= u dayg Fred É4ttlaIs-, rlansd irayage. R5. T. cie Water ................. Publie Servie Ce., Hiat....*............... Public Service Ce, A. T1cgeRsp 8*érnfceà............... Secsritî Bavnas Bank. CIplusof Seifert Bros., va. John Straiton. CommAtt., von......... Unite 1» j C o., ......a,(,oi....... . w Ie............. A. T. White, ComMeule oron........ A. J. lss Comtnhmlte. vonk.......... Couniatte. vwonk.....i H.. 1.43Uglnt uslowei). Service......... Thse 1911 cf S. M I=f« expensses ve rater bdak la Uicheamut aa Conuq#n8tt Of tIse Wle .. Aloved ..................j AUl of viich la rsq(u mltted. Jaunes I. ti J. T. SueviorW~I~t allve 2 elle .B. Motion cars-led. Supnir rsimoni mon 8h9b reoirt lie acceptci n aqe supe-vinos- fleuoreut, Sept. 12. A. a, M83., Mn. Cbâoalrs &MU Ocemu a g Board etf uirvâuau cept W&jIp4mèlMuI 6- buutr& 5 Naines. Pb ht lInt........... Bout................... Ceifle o.: ...i................ A. R. Blason, Car. o! blind pos-in Zion Mercantile Co., Mile.................... e4wp.,-t. fre. Abeolia Clark Nuraing ............... Avon. F. C. Wilbur Lumber Co., Henry>'Kuohicer, ise .................. Corleti & = Groceries Cciu& Fie-Ici Groceries............. MarinSe ielqulet. Nursag ......... ..... Wsa. Walroni,. meut ami Grocerles. 5 eo. M.Weldnos-.M Gi-ocerles........ Cube. Laeschulte & Hapsu- Coal ................... A. W. Meyer, Grocerieg ............... *Total ........... Allof vhlcis lsrcspoet1.. nsttted. D John 0. Ssipexvisor 1. . br a report ho acceped1nl aMotionconeIO $upervisor IEger nioved matie, et intèem e cM ho lefi wltli the Coasut~ tienset vs ic Cb.the Motion Carrled.e <Supervisor Im io« matter. of p ~WMI. 1w tannas ho lOt: witul vith povwcr t 0Motion=,aed 0. D.GCase, Wm. Strailan. A. T . Whie. report lie accepted and adoptesi. Motion csnied. Supervisor Brooks. Chairman 0! SPecýal Casamittee to select StaSe Ald Roada. subinitteti the folloving re- port: Wauiegan, lu., Septemben 1 2iI, 1913. Mn. Ciaîrman and Gentlemen oft"':he Count>' Board: Your Specil Commiitee appoint.ed t0 select luntis Count>' such rosis as ma>' corne under thse State Ald Lav of thie State and la secure euici otiser information s%%nia>' le neceiar> la ln3tliuting tho Sixte Aid Roaeti 3y'eem ln ihls Count>', hog lane te report tisai ve bave eelected as Use lacet desîralile roade tiss deslgaated upon 1 the map accompanylng and h ein« a part of this report. Tisai of thse appropriation of saune>' liy the Sixte fon suçli Sixte Aid Roade the cuni or 315,505.00 lias been ai- Ioited ta Laie Count>'fothUe perflo o! tvo years sud we recommeni Usat a luke amount lie raised aud appro. priated b>' Use Ceurty o! Laie for such puts-poe. And ve aise suismit tise follovlss names as candidates ton examinstion for tise position ot Superlistendeuii of .High*a>'e: Gisy W. Curry, James Anderson, Jr, Chaen E. Rtussell, M. McCugo, W. M. Curtis, 150w. 0. Herman. W. H. SimIen, Denaig 19. Gibbons, W. B. titlqi-. Ail ef wbicp la nebpecrully pub- mittei. E. W. Brooks. Jamnes 0. rc» Fred ltirschner. ConimI(tee.

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