IAY (W' 31, W13. 0f our enlarged store wiII be held f rom bot inclus-Ive, at whlch tUrne we place, on exhibition our entire fall and wlnter lUne of men, boys' açIch Ins suits an.vr as wetrcotwderwear, shirtS, bats, and caps, glovS9 mittens, sWboes, rubbers, rubber boots and ait kilpds of hea'vy and- warm wlnter footwear. Fur coats, she'ep iJled coats, and warmn chore coats. Ladies', mi~e'acide ot npuhçs, ural Iamb, chinchilla and fancy weyp, sweater coets, underwear, both union and two-piece suits, shoes and rubber footwear.Oe of the finest dlsplays of ladies' furs ever shown in the community. Six months ago we started to prepare for this our FallOpeninq Çampaign. Way hack la Match we were busy searchlng, exam- lng, selectlng the Unes offered by the cou ntry's greatest manu- factwfers, for t Is only'by work- Ing months ln adveince that the cream of the creom of merchan.. dize can bc secure4i. Here are the thin gs we looked for. Pirst of aIlvalue; goods whlch repre- sent 100 cents worth for every 4dojlr exped. After value wc looked for style, not freak or extreme style, but the sort of style the best dressed peûple have created. Havlnq found value and style we proceeded to buy «r- stock âo that our Fafi and wlnter Unes are absoluteiy unepproached'by any other store la titis section. We want ail our customers ai prospective customers to a e~ our openilng, anid as a sé~~ Inducement di4rlpg ( Week we. are lssu;ig a $ coupon on thîs sheete whkh we wili redeesn durlng thé week, November* 1st to. 8tb, b» 41 - clusive on a pu rchasé 00900.O or over (oniy one cpoupon" to g customer). Don't fis W;cp 't out and- brlng It wlth you, and to out of town customers who f ind4 it more convel1nilen4to0 corne on the new railroad we wili refund carfare on ail pur- chases of $5 and over. Rernember that the succçss of tlils business has beem m eI throuzgh offçrlng unua val- ues at con servative prlicos ,"L through lnsistiâg that every article we sel must meet with the uiiqu.aIfld approvai of the buyer.' If you have deait with us in the past, you will realze the meaning of neye r deait wlth'us we woulid certainly appreciate the opportu-nity to goods. Il. palF~wîsher -ILLI-NOIS this policy. If yop've. prove the merit of oi a Cmli Bms ho' ad mctb a feels lookç lougb 'fan, t mer. week maya ter a en. Frre.. talcs lends aeport FaIpnn Cobd CÔUPo)nfe on o purcliase of $10 or our rom Nov. 1 te 8,1913 both IRctISIve. Mi . LMAIMAN Clothier end Ocneral Fur.ipbev Wauconda W.l Carf are Refu ndeduuà Take a rWe on Wauconda's new raflroad, the P, L. Z. end W., and attend Our eranid FRIl and upon the purcbeeto Sor Over we wildF refnd, your ceartfue -WAU ÇI,ý () »4111