Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 16

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baS coatraeted t*0dl ",» ui40 llauiiio»ed b ae b m tebeDi. bei condition vas nnobaaad. SM'for the iC 0 anotiier cabers. requeted Onit Mm0Co* lt w&Uua amonti ber daiubter, Mrm.Percivai *.P-xl» Ma.A 1re haiten f0 bar bedoide. if vasde . nI of cided that Mia.Werden,. ai0uetb taiili-W or, Mre, C6csPoM,.A*del!; daughtur, couid better 0umk e Lb Io la epuidh* a yuaiabroad. -lie tripi. She WB' fo ail froei New Yort À *,bomei on iaitéomuvà on TnemdaY. . but pian" obowtng bie piotber the mln.,. bas fakren snob a tura toi fli baa itArrica..Spiand other oma-* wors. vIii b.aad nsfur * her tii. mme.affling anSmeemed <o ai tives and mnany fiendu hem .M!*. have becu boeilsia tf inifne, ler v Cooke ha% beau bopusg &Y t , JYim 1<k, -*p bv oneo e 1physiciens mugt h blein < .r1em ýueacdo ,hae oie n we cecn icSs. or Au rn.théf itli <lau; 4wis tCS~Oasl a~~'f ,and 'bol P., 1Ploa la iii. circuit fou4Irt the vomea pbr1eqa*sr t"y 9loweNd, lISPbMS ikU4 oc 4.15.wbi<bqt or 8uMbtldi Ia e tbry Çouog. uirl bot. ~ I~L *4 L E0~ vi t~bu"M -* 4f* eI~t, bàt« to 09og ou Ic Deasu .b.o 8*e did. bln, <,çancf labd, gspfflytig à a bW'«r!rgse. W'< ift a 'unUt lu blober buqsf0.Wb$ h.linse, a twbdot falIeOé *0aS ssed s» hbar to 0 tiri lue e.. Itier plait >ofu. t lb. ttal Ï" aa 'gvld« eA .s My b1uad st vote et 3.7» t*1won«smact ou' <.189 fine o! av4 Oetb.1'Roetas$ Votés. The. vote viu liglI, fth* «M. M&Rosera vere dlvorcq4 t 4 50 tidvfns act et thé 11 ele, 01, ibut vider h ioüt l. Iuué li ibib u s.balsa is 'ab&M m » 11e divorce 419 n et, be o ots. 4 polnt A i a,50oel aIiu a on ied I w ul a - a IMItwo wekg aftInbr4*, jae. [13 The News C1.thlng section o Coistant Activlty LThis store has donc much te misme the standard of ready-to-wear clothing Muths city, by selecting styles and mateirals freru the.most up-to-date manuifa'turers in the euntry, make s that represent the hlgbest a ttain- ment in rcady-to-wear lothiug. KaufamnPre-Shrumk Clothing can be boughtonly lu this store in Wau- kegan. Mataess Values in MensaSults at from $1&W 0to $Mm00 Mens Winter Oivercoats Prm *$10.00 -Our Ue of suits at $15.00 te $25.00 is faxnous fer qualîty, style and variety of modelsanad fabries-, and our coats froru $10.00 te M-0.00 excell auything we have ever shoimn atthgft prices. They set a mark for values lu the clothing world- yii cau be the judge. neyis NefeUK Sus at $5.95 in th e case of thre stre ig boy, tre trousers-of ,ar es long as the ces 1trousers, are select [ways possible to m'até WITM 1WO PAIRS 0F TROUVERS. melueus, grew- fa suit rarely )at, sud wheu ted, it is net eh the coat. These suits are above the average in materials, workmanship sud style, -aud, in addition, tu-o pair of trous- ers go with each suit, thus practically doubling the service. Cheviots, cashmere sud seres in grays ôr browns, sizes 5M5 froni 6 te 18 yrs.......... (iaadDress Goods at Iteduced'Prices -uW Brocade Orepe Meteor, $1.98 .-Forexuost lu Fashion's favor, tte effective lu celoning, are these ft sud slingy crepe meteora, all the ýest shades, sncb as terra cotta, Ialpht, taupe, etc., also black, are ýeprqsented here. The fabnies are rocded 6r'ricb floral designs, satin inished., unsurpasaed lun ichnessansd ierviceabiity..$2.50 la thée1ij98 egular price, yard ........e $1.75 Nfavy Bine Drema Gooda at $1.39 Yard-Dependable quality fab- ries, unquestionably style leaders, approved and preferred by authori- tative sources of fashion, fabries that offer, the utmost in service, lu- cluded are 50-lu. diagonal cheval corda, 54-in. whipcords, 50-in. F'rench cheval cordsansd 54-in. pencil stripe stonni serges, regular $1.75 fab- ries, apecial, per 1. 39 Oomestdcs Offered mi Low Prices 250 Bath TOWl, each 19.- j (ant' size Turkish bath towela, neatly weven border, trixnmed, gpo values at19 2&; special.......19 J(Lunit of four to customer) Stewart Steves,audbpg1ýOs Prtze Swam $9.50 Rard Goal Base Euae-'EqùiPped in thre newest improved ideas and a mnber of n'ew features, 'such as: Magazine of'extra capaeity, with automatie gas ever; Firepot of uew irproved shape, heavy and durable, removable throukh side of stove with- ou't trouble; grate of perfect combination, shaking and duplex frame as in higber priced m450 modela; special pnice...............3 *. sonny Oak St>ves $4.65 FOR GOAL AM» WOOD. -This is a vcry attractte sud well-made steve of good dimensions. Body ruade cf cold rolled steel, fitted te the castings ln airtight manner, ribbed firepot cf good Lweight and extra depth, swiuging top witb eooking lid undernetth, specia ........................ 4065 (Larger Size *$M8) =- - Women with eontsa aning their re quireencts would net bc doiiig jus- tie to themRselves if thcy did not sep ours and compare styles and alduies» mitlî tîose sbown elsewhere. Does it not stand to reason that with the large ottet and buymng ca- pneity wvc have that we can dcmaud t hie lowest prices and best values on the markcts as well the best syles? = Struiog -Values Ecooiy 00Xud lu Hand With style. -It la unusual, te say the least, to have an opportunity preseut itself for savings cf se remarkable a nature at the very height cf the milliuery season. -We say saviug, for actually thre bats we show at froru $4.00 to $600 reaily look so0 they should be selling at froni $6.00 te $8.00. -They are copies fr oru ir- ported modela a;îd many of theru are original . reations f rom oui, own workrooms.-AII, colors and a multitude of styles te ehoose froru. FI I GOATS A T $9.95 '- -u unri vallped assortmcent of stylish cents for misses aud vomeu at this prive in the newcst fabriesi and mont fav- orcd colora of tie seasoii. Boucle, chinchilla, Salt's earacul, as well as double-faced matenials, predom- inate. Many of the styles suggest Freut-h origin, but then there aie many stnictly tailored inôdels for the more couaervative womnan. WOOLTEX GOATS AT $1500 TO $M.0 èmbody ail the style features usuaily found in garments at double the price. -Hundreds of garmeuts in the season's most favored styles are here for your choosing and, mind you, these garnients are guaranteed by the runufarturers for two seasons' satisfactory wear. Wo'uOf fast e -Suits in varior4s cut-away styles froru the simple cut-away, as we first kurw it, te the desidedly short front cut-away gracefully sleeping towards the back. -In plain colora or two-tone mater- ials, in soft Autumu colorings, uavy browu and blacek, Cheviots, diagonals, Duvetyne aud nurnerons novelties, -aud they eau be had as 9 5 low as ............... ..9 5 GAETEl'8 WOOL Un MIWBAE -You have heard of theru, ruade of the finest Australian wool; will not stretch or shriuk; iade to fit the body. Separate garments froru $1.00 u«p; Union suits froru $2â5 U>. ThmT Y..Evr 3mw -This is saying a whole lot, but we are bore to baek this stateuicut. - Made, as they are, of the finest sel eeted Sca Island cotton, soft fine rnb, and with siiky fleece, they arc sof t to thew touch-w hile 'tbey are elatie-they do not depend upon elasticity to fit tlhe body, but they are Made to rit witlî- out streatchieg-All sizes for misses and womeu 's vesteanad drawers, es-L Tii. Furaiture Annex -Presentg unusual saving opportuni tics to eeconomical houscholdcrs to- morrow. A parlor suite that suggesto'richness, beaxity sud'eleganc e. The upholstering is in solid leather. 0f highly finished mahogany, richly finished aud of massive appearanoe. The uphostering is over tempcrcd copper springs, guarantged fôr satisfac- tory service. Régular price ofthis suite, $45.00, spécial 2 5 pnice . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Sample LUne of Drus 0f exceptio naily beautiful designe, inade of solid Ainenican golden oak, large massive frameand S finished with large French plate mirrors. These dressera were muade to retail for $25.00, but this @ample Hmn as long, theylImt wil ho pri.d at ........ -'I. oeo~ lED NOW hgaklRelvodby Attor- vCoe Tod4y Said Thore ls go Hopm,40!wime. Waukean. Ortober 29. go fit knowiedge tut Mn. tW wac clck came on satuirday la *cabiegratix debe tat tch VOL. X. - - - - - - - - - - - Mfatthle5 bVïIS la mens flaiî at$2'.0 -Light, flexible, conforr"ing bats in conserVative styles as well as the latest shapes. Many of thern with wide silk bands. The bats at this price are of a quality that one often seesl at $3.0.-The colora arý soft- mcllow toues of seal bmriw, nayren lo lc i a tstpr200i 12%-inch OUting FlamWel O YÎL-Our entire stock of extra heavy faîl outing flannels, long soit fîcece, the popular blues, pins, grays and tans are iO offered, yd ....... Waukega Fought as CARRIEC Supreme Licens( Mac Ita Uno It liai I lilam A. Di at lastit t, For ,131111 to li a la spife t lie e ver put i pired Lto i The stat ternooti V( license Io 1 hum, endi let hiiiihO.9 ed4 for tir- almuat aUJi belng a la hi. chaTac sbuuld bhe A& Interestiof bas been and tvo ested ther f0 hlm f0 write Pens court Urgi aunmrab tethe Sui It was that i)ar amnatioui examniera flou,, do. to the Ful en the lic In the 1 vers was committet miîssion U format ac L.ake cou falled. Il bus3 and could. Then c iawyer av court and wondered thlng OvE and theY the hoari bohard lnq recommel that Dea The court formai ai ^Tl Deane oi the fact keeper. 1 year8 agi der to ha was aluit 4~entrance blocked that he b trary 10 gullty of hlm self legai pri and that ficient g( Issuance S n the s * rlght fro fary lef court Ri ,whleh tlà * lîcenge. who did ceding f fore hait tu keep romlng ln the p; sheepBki Naturu when a# ialit: "I havent k those w ing thal V th e ieas th e duc of ende man. E to leave of their werei tolkeep desireil- , Idirect the calr Mr. I buminei ior.

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