Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 2

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ei imi es 6t'ffl Md rstr. &f. A. Ktiqe o t~ -tsr the C. . apt bol"--i IMVII. J. Polie, tihé aueims. - 4 smber tram bore sttentded thé Ig6day cbool eonwentton 04 lAstioci W.J WllMe sud lamlt'llted th ' ChiageIbis veaok. b Me ailErs hlvo lS lta . 0 . Wels tetrtlhsd ber loe. Mu . KathielueS chbck. of Chîtemo. Ctyde Havit o!fltcka, dent 8at«lay s"d Sundsy at th. home of Mis. gas "otbr Nehrlicb oi Eeauatcuýrcatld au frionds boe. gâmons have comweced aperatiaa ou th. batik building but ttiay bave boeet Wbaobck aomeuhal by lb.heaheàr., 3ji Sarah Carner tonetrtae4*lv ffiande elter home Thnreday eiudbg. ýPALAINE Mra LarS auper raîurued home Immu hheaton, uhere Dr. andlMre. .&sgg.i~entI nzved irom Byron, Urreturoed home atteri gI= XNaweeks wth her brother Mr..a %Ws.J.G.Wlenecke etit 2rinUtiyor Iowa anid Kansase, uhere 4WY wiii apend tjreec weeke "ilîlg i tve.and trlendi. 'B i. te Mr. sud NF.. George Mathei, Mtly, a '1o0.congratulations Or. L. Smith has let Palatine and wvii 101h9tbR. a.nd lirs. PWiltt. a tWw.nêï. Oct.""3. congratula- 7tWlStled tir'fra,.,teacher of old ý'uhool d&yseset h. home ofcima.Cors *maun, u. anday eveing. It us arn avafllng Mofc reilacence. and the bmpyuy opent a rety enjoyable tîme. 80" othelb.youug ladies vore their graduation dreuee. Sceeol essaya of tb...happy achool days vers read ana the eventng usa ful of reminderi of the d"*,In the oid achool boua.. A nev ýySom âusepe lffu nbot caanqi'wear of the mark the old ose estee.. Un. BEWtha Luck reîunied to ber bome tu Iowa, Thurmday mornine. DAMOnD LAKEJ 60. Gehrke drove te Ersuston Fi. lin. Gerber vas a Chicago vnatter Fr1. Mir. sud Mra Lenebau &peut the vsek end st BartitV'.. lité. J. Doltuanand sueoas pent a couple oI days t Mra. A. Roua.'.. Mr. sud lira.J. T. Manuelf Lake For. «t. suent Bandai at Rouse'a. lm itgs Hlas ise spending a feu des aIi Chicaga. tiesali Hutching a va.&aprairie Viav viltor Saturdal. Thu Csmetsry aocity viii mot vlth ,Mm .George Mitcell Thureday aller. .»o00, Nov 6. Everyone tnited ta Oe.Thatcher and lamily spent th WoOk eud aI Doaptalne. The. Young Peope'@ cub met ulîli MJ-e.P" % BY Batnrday stnnoon. ~< '~a v. b. ecndmeeting and there a,*ov site.. m.mhera. Lem ot", 90.U WMs.i. R.Smith, M 4 Mud s*M ie1Uwin Roder sud tir, aBS rsWu. 0om.I<âutnd thur bSeneweet ofai a ondai. -.Ur M nd sdesir. Tred Knlgge llan us-1 4"i vlth t111.1,sonuLousa sud. fam>ltY.1 ba#lb of tous.1 %m6" geJouai, bioerlyoprm*r!Vbv5, aladlitir wiaeou st Prirtil. Vipu loç UrOyer . lt.LaPolilhg raelval béeas ep ted W petlç? *Ua1 Amiet.Wls.. A siupll ripple ai axcimsseul ýdaturbed the &autumeatstieas M<uds.y morcug vha w tesS drawlng Richard Vookere lualk vageon vest on a ramspage. The< wrp proceedtng qulelly euougb uben smre part of the cnnuetlcane broke aud lu th*e élssig mlxup the aimal. ticemid thamasvea Ire. end dd a ittie msratlîau sp Mapte @îretelsteppiog flnatty ln Will Klgg.s yàrd uhere tbey verm re- captured. Ne greal amoual ai demage i'euited but it va. ratheroicitiog vbiis Itliaeted. LZZZIZZ /Albert Weheua!fGlenview, Ibis, @peut Sunddy wiîh Chae. Wehes af thi@ place. D. R. Aneâ lrausacted hueines ata Chicago Baturday. NdiesAuna Bhuerman returned $un. day ran Chicago, ubere ebe speut a fou veek. uitb ber <Mter, Mima L. 1). Bchemnan and M ru. 0. R. Maaeman. Nr. and Mrm.B. A. Eggerr vere Chi. cago cater@ ans day at veek. El. J. Paioe, the auctieoer. c.6ti B. Popper ai Wsukegan, ià spending a feu veeke vlth ber sou Louis ai thîs place, ira. Pepper baviug tot for an ex. tend.d trip îbrough Kansas. lit, aud lMrmJ. O'Boyie, lormeriy ai bere, but nov af Milwaukee, Wis., calted on friands &round boelest veek. . ,L f. Cook wa" a Waukegan calter lest Iýonday. GOE8 jAPTEIR NUTS- 18 NEARLY ILLEJD. Benle. the i1-yeold id on ofair. sud Ml-s. John J. Schmitt, wba ro- aide just esvof the iêlitte citape] ou lIse Piskaleo Bay road. near Pistakee Bay lu westen Lakte caunly, mot villi a peculiar sud panfui accident ou Thuraday aftennoon of last veek The boy vas up lu s bleorynut Ires when ho roacbad aven sud taak Isolsi ai an electric tigIsI vIre vbicb vas struug Pest tha (zoo. Atler taking hald ai the vire ho dîscovered that be cauld ual let go. BIs abouts for bolp attracted tIse attention of! Is fathor sud grandiather. vho lisp. peued to os near by.' Pecultar as II may seeus, thoetederty gent gaI 1< the Ie troe mansd saoiug the boy's prodîcamnut stanted l Inh lm t e boy'm reseue. Wlteu b. came lu con- tact wîit the lad theolad gent vas given a sovere otIng Iran the sie- trity vbicb vaspassing Ibrougi the boy's body. Wltb conoiderable dlfficulty Mn. Schmitt succeaded in extricaungs ie bey trom sus uncoui fertable position sud brougbt hlm to the ground beiov. Upon examiuation it vos iouuo that the boy bad suf bered severe hurno on tho nigbt Isand vile severat halos vere burued la i clothes. 'JuBt heu nuch voltage the vires carry vo are unabîs tc Bay, but il in qulte certain tt t he boys Injuries migbt have beau oeri àOua Isad the assistauce uot coeaEs soouas lb dld. Indepeudent ada-read by 23,000. RIEPOMT uV CONDITION 09 TII! CITIZENS' B)%NK AUM, ILL. Arclea. 0f bysînesa Oct. 22,1913. EIUOuBCe LIABILITIEN IdAnS u d ll9mcoba........ . 0, 15m" BltI s o n. .... l .... $.0w.0 U a a . ... .......... epolu ......... ...... .2m.59 Cshsu rsste uhaa. 7.115 Cablers Cherbi.......... 216.'00 Fumutcund fixulm...... «a UndlVted Profit.... .......1J.M0.92 TOtal... ........ »"do* . T .................. 0" 51 1. lrvini X. Paya.. eaiurof .a sov w. 6.MUs.,do solemul sucer th&%t t". abs,. stumealà l as e doneueflUw bet 0f U anidoeud 1. Sasarebeda sma 0belome m 13 3h< ubr. .t~1913. rPARTNER8 AND OlRECT0fi8 oar P.abe R, F. oa. , rvn .Pn. mi. ... eyle. m. 8..rids>, S. t 4 11 F 'îî iees'ama ou taut5510ofIà P.wtM sa gàSMq4. ha Uae sXphlpbp 1Rom.mel Ifamlly s F.".04U li a..", uài~ ~aseoo ~ I&aIM hs~Ieh îClark la.ttU« wlth b Vr~JfOD 8Â I O~~4. taa'la uIgh t h. i&0M. Wgr . Andoei tf-Chtcd 'Ai i Atis lle*a*ub@o I bo Iowa- hall lio n -et d l= P n alà & làk a a r a d o in g m rea . . Il 2 0 G 0 0 50fo r t h e t a u d Def "* wo WOlld til etsn. vork et Wauaoda this veek top fr le t n Oerbd4hialdstouuahlpbaef 1ei jftsu uWias uh sa M.adMa iln Boette dh ah.i 0Futtd fe sud 36 ,oted SI 1.00 ularle Yonr acoput boie. Othé Hei ia latter toa it td Mn ededa.o àIt.bhWy OW . th. ublutl~ uiee ofede o ~ Gs.alh.Mr dm o! ô teC. Uglon aof- Ch08tJ~S JR News .O C orou snsratanatan ifiN tnt 1O la1h rbtra AÀftWisI1ûIh'DaIyNou a eOrgUsan.tiotted Palatise Oi"o ii l.k uC. rsytra T 1y.T 4 W L A~ Ott, dÀ tlî <NrthRbreDrain-. .5. chnrofi usaI Bonda, .roelt aM7:80. ý Pr*bldIIc» celle attention 1tub Fi.C Moiti&auW.'C. Bcku e tItfor a ~8"Tlahsm isJdaFi c Imeta.queetlon heore C'lBWn ep oEhcon@ln ls o nday. , asaaa i.LSa e ~ier,.MU c118 a s Ka aistae shor. auburba e t u FldgnlhîCIPiloh s he àrIiffl ofMe. udama f« 24 k l3ceas" hm. genaèOt1on. Anl other mailtelrabiPàw rtu or n tsp lUaboqiçt -comparaedt ta hiale Ibo Sfp..lishlfor the Psot" 101 I,"Mlam Moorenlhiao hnely28l- .19a =gSi ità oi0f helthful uster su ecrlIî oek ôt the 1ew batsk.About eveutua. l W>o !hrýdy2- .72 al.timo iuot have pure vateT î,o s!alet0.ae7>at s b otlQIte-I8iA .<'. . u WIaM~ton sud aIl norh shaorse ii ogtacros itv ti~mtaM. ag au.. . "auh*thsstop emptyl4fie. laae botoe _____Rira._______ta________et___________of___________am___________ laie Michigan. sud the .aultary dia stock for hi uin lu Wisconsinu ataId. trial cau vieili aford tae etend Ils ueek. ~i lb a eundlmc.., seuge onduits cter up ta the . 119W.ta- bsree"d 40-atu 118e' la orsier ta prevent pot- Phillp Yougsnd 0. L. Prebol voe m oiaabd va.the guzeî oe t h P r h s of J eb v lttuos of théte ille by li1vanaton. Hlgh- Chicao bosineau riitorp Monday. frteu<l. Saisrday rh P ,-h g t laid Pa_ sk 1oetsdWaUke. Tbe directors of the Ela Tira innmunca Glutn Joue.of aiincy. Iieh.,. n a e.mod. hore ju ftsll se ur. And Itlei. dle ta apend tàhe money Company bit!d sspatial meeting bers h. gu« O f Mr. aSd Mr.M lpbicer. #gtneotr ht b usceaaary t rach Liake Btuff and for the purpoue of tevyluglà* backer, I.d-a.y. I 5,300 D iterwht h hr. top, iaslg. eut Waukegan. apecas amameat ta pay tame ltre#. lr ai i.E eciradmno ml)ynvi .ev Fror WsukegsnMI la the. greatest offend- 'r oýM.E ecirsdsntmn fyu fl ae(ag or lu the emptytug of evage juinlthe J. D. Flnk laeha'ringhir a l er heat. Eduard0f Cicago, vers sthemk.enïd wo ml)ynwl ie lake nortb of Evanaton. The sewago u ln ntte ubssoebidn.1.t ilr u ia .R iyr ai *Il the allier clîlesansd villages n ln ntle nhi tr ulig meir .lland Ire sud1daughtsr Ehe between Evansto«an sd Waukegan Yon casWpsliamnr nbatsudldn iar thetbe O RS OD woutd nover do Chicago Imucli ban indOU eu t Yort Enîliin fo Be artl sit ing relatives lu Wankegan. - .VALUE If the volume of sevago nov pauring al. lep rdera ft r il Fra opaoak@.MttO hiBe ueraus l omraetin bIta the fait ramtthe terrltary nortb lotleIdr o i hcaopiea UmMlrdWitgenetie ayu eetIn of L.ake Bluff, includlug North Chf- aud perlodîcat.. nunibar oi rieude at ber home TueudoWW eag iRadaedtr £aga aud Wsukegsu, stoppod. sgoula_______ teig. The amusement for the even- eit, e et1 u cai Hor ar lage sctrlo v Inhlu Aone Tweety-Four Yvam loig ver, lire undrati sud dancing. ,c u arng full aperation, have lu the past dis'- vdetaodutauIntsudit5 aeu Sa e lorod the lako wtflt 1h sud fouiI vas a ewigt a, Eulad os tILay litiRoganoflenda bers. e un *Znilg dîslarges vhlcb bsve svept wmne eigoEgod es 'dyvetn red ee dowu atong the shore,. hnglng db' b' hat abc bad been e tenant of PO>- comfort snd diseaso ta the dwellers souby building, Bisekiriare. for 24 The Roly Crama Catholie cburch gars a Soutbstard. yeara. and the porter saad h. badney-.lire huudred card p*rty at the homne aorNEW AsWaukegan bias most dif the pop. or kuova Iler ta bave s viaitor. Her lira. B. 0l. Krese. Thuraday eveniog. WA~Es utationu aiLake caunutylo edificult salter happened ta caîl, and 51 ber M atn ut.,vb bsbenA .utig u L.CK b eeba IsI ly aoli itOttquest he buret the door open sud h uttai WLY ~ 9A8 LBRYVLE af aoy drainage acheme. espocliy iouud 1h. vaman doad. Furtiter ovi. othi 'regu on, fr tdelety . iLBE T ML as the new law provtdiug for sauttary dence shovad that the cana. af deatlli hsrtredbzwFrdy districts ln single countbes vouid, if vas bronebitîs. and that tbe voman TbeC E. .ociety o, the Preabylsan; adopted by the cilles sud village. hsd heen dead (or tva days. church have bogua % couteet whîcli%-iiii- aiaug (ho lake iran Higbland Park coe1b 4 tuhc ielebb nortbward, practlcaily gve Wauke -os____14________ie heloin gan contrai et sucIs district. .g. aide viii airs as Valatine dinoor 10 the GUARDIANS SALE. The Chicago sanitar7' district need Strangu things bappon. TLe, ottai wi nnlug)oide. StateofeDlu ais. County of Lakte, sJwyan M w flot stop at the expienseofa taking e llhu jt orto aeVon av uqny wm»a NVaukegan Biler speudiug upward of evening we vere kept svake for au The IJercas suciety of the Préo.byterman lute ony ar aLko'un $62.000.000 lu îrying nsrely ta got bour or sa0 w' o n arguL 5 a c burcb met et tiie home af i .ra Ro.ebmre ty. Ocaoer Terni, A. O., 1913. 1 gti $iy o 4a pure water for Chicago. . tain <buestCon snd for once the fln"Thnr.liay. TbI the malter of thle petlilI ion of t. ubofossiue kOe n« of Bai stait. By ail mens lot the Cbicago saut- uith the land vo' ce '8.1 iigbt. William W. S. Carpouter, Guarmilsuoai Nam.&Mi have ameof letmW W* ai tary district go shead at once an Ie VOs Vheb itVvien Joue Aniel. a miser, for louve' liuidtivag cndit whch vii ____________________~~ Utedame loyer sud Bote sttended the ta oeil rosi sutate. JWI' Id ivowàr; carry off anl sevage (rom north sbore Neport ofeoudltiou cotuty $utàday .cboot contention st IPublic notice la boreby givon that munlelpalities sud lhum beave t.hem __Autioch. Tua.dsy sud . by vbruÏ i uee eneetlhhe»' .i7mlt prim no furtlier excuse for poltuting Chfi- j Sitk orsetdi h cagos uster supply and at the sanie ]d îaIMu ias fisten O'Brion vialted iends lnabsow. entihleai cautselunoud Court 11110ne rlgh1t. MWbe pad ftino enabto Iben ta bave pure waler jI~ NIIiI BN Chicago ia.t veek. on the Elghth day of October, 1913. . ta amis you. AL. agtitfat WhMeos.didau Iide ttb 'A ame lr.ud lir@. Wiit Verdier ai Miseouri, the uwderstgad. Williaml W. 8. Cr Iseavy bond ialues; vhat ere we glv- close ofbuinuemamtrdaby. October 21. 1913. are t get Po . ÈREutchieon. ponter, Guardlan of Vivie an ,Z ET tT tE . rlog (hem ln coumderatlou for the R«SOURCES. Nia. rene Bntcbiaoa apent the weekAmal. a minar. vill ou Tuesday the delit vo bave toadod theni wtlbhlvuP a f orme.A GEOandENeoDDYs .W..O.I. ..... $189.7166 enld with retatirea in Waukegau. Eeet e fNo br .D.AL.Lyon GERG EDYNECOB. U.aàBo& uecure circulation 10000.00 _-one__________lnthe 00 Bns esaueP.taî aîae 1913, at lIse bout of n ~lc uti Boud. heairllesrtc7.15.60 BENJAMIIN l0. MILLER. aSokima,. a(ternaon of said day. a i te ganlt BRY 'IaN ILN I Bods.bc tee tc .........517.900 SIL NB D U urultaire sud Ilxtcr..... ..19:0 CANEYNOIEdoor ai tIse Court Ha u nh. Cty ----'-- SICI IN BE.Itou, SBUT andPri;îvJte CHANCiLLINOICE ~ofWaukeganl n the Couiy lt e IeCmII ChN W N)W O aecksi and oler Cash items.. FI6. PA lu the Circuit Court oi Lake Cou:rv. vendue la (hhi glest sud beil liidderl n ogc c [ohic logo[& SNotes osud eant. Banks. 40 00 Deeember torm, A. 1). 1918 far cash, ail ai lbe night, 1111e and lu-1 Handsema.ilaDeaign. H À O SN Lawfulàltoney Resere . lBank. ilz:Martin A oiin y.MarsE y onterest oair!aldminer, ln aud la 1the: PurslSlutSmlae iIA C OR I Oecle ... ................ 14.771.00 14,771 9 Ida C. Hutellis,HBrins L. Wood, Bolrt tollaulug descnlbed rouit ostate, ta- Total........... ... ..... s.s L. C arke, taryt tC. Carke, CLarle. 8 îî Re.Gog oinsArn-CaptalJstoc k LlÀH1Ltu .. ......tblat ilisuexeenntGorge That part ai Lot One lu tha Second ICao ho u#od vît) elthorr -tri,' or ed Bd SoHe Cn Tke Prt Srplu 1ud... ........... .... . 150 R. Lyon, deemSed. ElisaEmity Sprague, Addition te the North ide ai thegasiunieomo.thrtbany t7udtvtded Profite, lesParteluem Î5:d Thoma. Rawson. 'unkuown boira Or Tawu ai Lttle Fort <nov lu the City fo tr tirerrop séalmoEguo. e nSe ic. Taxes P Id...........2,151.41 detiueea of Elisa Emnily liprague, o h ivrrP ioln uie NIoaHatsoutatuandng .... 9.4<.0 - ~~DuetouOtate aîrvate"BsIskm srt deceaad, unknown boire or devise, i a'toa( esrbd 8fi o r 1%borme, power. eepecially adapted antler.......................... .164 <a oiThomas Rauson. decased," aonI Commncliug at a point lu tIse East for tim e lrtieniarciae of wark. s A NA OE WNOW .-dvidald............. 1sub"eut konobeuet w 421.7ofor persona intë ot, t. lineofai aid lot. tiso buudred aud ton l be ieased to denonstrate as auy - Dems~~~~nd cuiegtcasetsoeck.. t 6423.7h ed ln the e-met balf aI the eothuest sd one-Issufooet nartb of Itie south- lm ps oannaî o ut Th a ia e.Gog ei'Postal Sartis mDeposite........ 70.68 quarter; the, veut 28 acre@ oi thé' north- &,tw uo uonmnt o ute The act hat ev. eorg McGn- keaerred for taxes.......... . ..... 301.00 veut quarter ai the sontheait quarter,. ,at corner tberect; thence veal par- pertîcular a adros or tltephane nie, pastar of lte Waukegan Baptist Reserle for lterrat............ .. . and the norti, 28 acre. ai the. sauthueIle1 ta the southi lias ai sald lot, ta chrc ayvryelkinae edl SATotal............ ...... $301.778.82 qpsrter of the WM. J.ure oe' = tIn teef;tec - buchla vrysii tshe l TTC OP ILL(NOIS. 'CU N" OF LAXE. m: sn bap ortrraitl..(hoae.t tns threoJ. heucenorti lbe parsouage muat Soutb of the I. J. a. Oridley. Caabt*r. of the abore-naamem Section B5. township 44 na.rn ge10sîxîy-uno efeet: lience sut, paralllPL1. 7L di Iitp-vutth a sk, do olemuiy siroar Oalteab ea ithe Thîrd Principal' ieririlan Pe 4-- Gchurch. ddk rvn h atrstatemeut ls truc tu the beet f .kow eetxepting Ibat port thhroo cn eyd yta the souib lineof ai td Iot, savon- ilrot mtakiug saSort ai "absent part" sud ballef. c.hic. jleanor E. Bravo sud tnbn oty-iour fbel;thbence south paraîtuil te LibertyvMle - llinot.s le In à- )n i, ln :0 a *1 ln hlm eveniug service aliteougbBeome- body etc. oficlated lu hi. place. Tb, tacts are tiiose: Mr. MeGin- nie Ispeut a very confortable Suuda ,. se an Buuday evenlng, ha made thse rsqusst Ihat ho vouid like to akIe part lnsirectly lu (h3 cvenîug wcn- ship. Accordiugly, behoIad the vIn- dov of bia hedraan, vliich la an the uonlb aideo0f the parsouage, apenod jud ltse viudovs lu tIse chumcb aise vers apnaed. Thus. uhen te cboir sang. heir vords vsited lu tbrougb the viudovs of thse church and loto 4the farsenage ubore the pasten, (ha bas beeaulgbtiug ai, attack of appon- 'dititi$, lstened alleutlvely, and l aItby bimmalf, 100k part lu the service. He coutil even heaa Mr. Gobrecht's yards as the Y. M. C. A. secretary delivsred an addresa.. Thsun, white fIY. McGlnas as ata ahi. to ha Preient lu the cburcb. ne tok part lu h. service «sd hie con- gregattcu, knovlug ubat had hesu doua t0 hrlug hlm Aute toucb vlCh titei vorabip, aMa reallzed vha*s1g- nîficauce asm nant by every vend .ald or spoken duriug tIse eveniu4 service. fllovlug tha negular evening sertimÇe. i- hort prayer service vas hell for * istor Who lay mick ln lia adJlUiung.building. Even at (ho Episcopai citbirh Inutheb. ninug Rev. Mr. GaniIr effered a - ipocial prayer for Mr. MItilnbosudasoked hie peope te give (heIn Prayers for Mir. Meiclnia vwas reported con- îidarsbly Intprovad teday sud It la aUnOUuced h. yitl be able to avold an gubsrbed asu m ta1 before me tibs 25th day of October 1913. LYELL Il. MORIS. Notary Publie. Corrtt Attet- BEN t. MILLIII. i1. L. TAYLOR. WU. WALEOt4D. Director.. ]Report of Condition of the LEcoONI NA19ONAL91KM At Llberty-vlle lu the stMe off lbtlol. t the Iluse of toaloeea October 21. 1913. RESOUREE. [ouns and lscounte...............4.011 I.24 Ovýerdrafta. secured andnunsecured- 471.06 C. 8. Bond$eto mature clrculalln.. ... 5.00 Otmer BoudAs Iosemoir. PO"tal Bara. 2.«0.00 Bonds, Be0urfttim etc............... 109.114-W Balkint bouse. furniture aud Satures 10500.00 [)ne. from National SuS(0 ue, 0=uefroe Btte ud PrivseBout n Boutera, Trust Comvanleasu Bilus Blanks ................... .1150.41 Due trou, aptroved Baserv. Agent. -98.136.14 Chaeksud other Caab Itemns ..... 108.9 Note. 0f 0111cr National BantS ..... .ail Yratioeal Pater Currency. icktels = ud ent ........................ 40.1il Lawful Mouey Resérve lu Bank. six: SBpe ................MM-e05 tegal-tenderotes....... .00e.. 115.05 Redemptlue tond wilb U. 8. Treau u1er (5 per cent of clreulatioa> ...... 2,N0, Toa......................9... .9 LIABILITIEB. Capital stock Paid lu -ý...1...........0 40 UndvIdd Pofie.lamExpeilsesand 1Taxes Pald ...................... 2.261.91 National Bank Notes outataudians.-- 5.M0.00) 3Dlvldeuds, uiiAd.....................00W tullual deroata sabeta checkt... 867,M4.25 1 ciud ertilesctes o depot...191.1.3 os Ilad Checks..................... 3210»0 BPostal Bavlage deomlsa......... 148 Total ..................... .....g755 .91 Buste 01 Ilinois. CountISY01 kt. 1. C. F. Wright Ceaider. 0f t above- nsmed bant, do molemnly swear t h aboveý Maternent la trae t0 the bost of My kiiouledge sud hllef 0. P. WRIGHT. Cashier. Bubserlbrd aud .wor' ta belote mi.bis 27W d9 !Otbr138 da fOptWbRAA. BTAPLEB. Notary Public. Correct-Attest: PAUL MAOGUMN, A. 0. BOHWiEBMAN. B. 0.W.MEl]ÉRYX& ore iuretCrîkhiebv edrc 1dm D-cenib.rb3. 1901. us Document 84027, lu Book 127 aifl)eeds, page 167), eattiatte ln Lake County. illisg lit Chaucery Geu. No, 6517. TIse requluite affidavita hariug b-n Blied lu tb. Office ai the Cierk af the Circuit Court oI Lake Coaty. illiuobu, notice te tberetau'e berrby given ta ail af the above uanîed and unkuavu defrodante, that lie abore natuemi con- è,, taut heretoforb, led hlm Blliof .onplut la aaid Court ou thf Chaucery side Ihereof, sud that a eunampas thore. upon Iued out oI satd Court, ogabinsi ait et the abore naned sud unuonai defendat,,returnabte aontlb.tilrut dty ai tbe terni oi the Circuit Court ai lahe Connty, Illnole, ta ba beid at the Court Hans. lu lb. cltY ai Waukegau lunesii Lake Conuty, ou the lirst t&nday ai Dacember. A. D. 1918. a. t. by l&W requlréd sud vbich ocuit i.atiti peoding. LEWIS <0. BIOCKWAY, ient. WaukegsuJtllnoia, October, 27, 1913. BENJAIi1IFB. NILLIER, opan anltîBslcitor.Copan c-Oct. 31 Nov.7.14.21 DEN M l. MaLLB. Attaeey. Adjudication' Notcea. Publie Notice la berebi siven that these ub- serber Ex.mstor o tI s Lst un sudTesta' ment 0f EilmbttiA. valdo. dmoaed. îin attead tMe omntCour-t of Lae.Couty. at a terni thereof 10 bc hold etasUseCourt Houa, lu vaoag. t. u îald Countl'. on the onut Mondai of .lsnOarY sext. 1914. uben snd uber, alH perseM a haina clima seimn ad estete are msd:outfo ldi=slu ALBRQ W. vALDO, Executor. voulean. fil.. Ct. 20. 1918. Oct. 21310vo. 7 PAIIL MACIUFPIN. toemut1,L AdjujdicationNoie ii«bau ein b7,ulwndte3sttise nb- moiber Exeoutrix of I s leu andTesteue of liery u.<=ermga, deoeuea& wM Mmited th COouMI, of Laie Counts'. a setra therfot to.beboi*euas s Ct I oume in cf JInuary s.Xt. 1914. lbels a"d bat. ail. persone bavincanetemiafabsat said Bouem are aofld ou eeto10preanat he 5came 10 iald Court for ad udicVoep v'.c.81 Nov. 7-14 74_ (hence esmt psrsllol ta the saullth Rueasa-r af sIid lot, te (he east lUne (herea, LIBERTY VLLES snd thonce soutb aieng iald sent lino là tha place ai beglnnlng, altnated lu the Cauuty of Lakte and Blate le i- 111 Daedths Inhday ai October, A. N ove ity Store D., 1913. WILLIAM W. S. CARPENTER. JOHN LESTER, Prop. Guardian af Vivien Jano Amet. miner. WyOc.10-1724-Il WItls is many affractive dq)MrmeM e Notice Prof. James Braflh wl cocduot hls daiieing 'ahool at the Auditorium hall, Lib- ertyville, Mi., every Satur- day night. Instruction at 8 P. M., abawp. WiII teach valtz, two..tep, tango &Bd une- tep vaîts. Piano Tunisig L.eave ordera at Ray,@ Furaituaafltora. Work don» by Mir. Aldeu. ô-4541 M. 1.amB Week.gau Arthur: eai t Wun MW .Wa W4r th. Cb iSer Sb@cs Woodmem ,Dr. Mar miLc hvi vifisse Dn' t te par*7 g£W Tb# tfri@ iamlly ai arrIle tels tffl rece, liat durî boeuet P ban lmpr( batium a sud vilii, rom ca ontl pu &lmoarri, bu, plae pr"o ble, a compi fectui alth, don r chant finan W~a pro, tutioe a-m tolop burd n0 Pl pape leu f whei and airei Noveltie aid 5 &WiMc10" oonota aller is patin the oppeetunlty to emcr Nlih Grade Music. If t ln 9" yladu ae otg a'.Ncn gEit mtTe f. BAIRSTOW nAu"uIATt5ftIftOF Marbie a od Granite Monu ment s Cemet.ry Work of Eveyý Description Correspondence 5olifcft. 116 elleseeSu

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