Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 3

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s... -"q.. k -~ ai $Lmd ~Coek~ - Uy ORAL E. ~WN Il fluUD~14t s PhonoSI-W [~ E*..mS~U~. OBITUÂRY. Chrisîlua Sebreci vue bon luBurg- eteiufurel, Wastpiia"i, Germais>'. a D«c. 8, 1850. Sb came la Amenica un Jau. 3, 1873. aud dled Oct 18, 1913. Sb Iited Iwo pears lu Wisconsin. she ras Manried JUDO 1, 1875. t anRdiipb gebreci,&% lWblch lima lb>' maved la .Lbert'vlleIi.. ou aftarin, chers lbe ted ever aises. Selon ebildren vers bor to tem, ico dons aid §ve dsugb- ter@, of whomu ix oeaI i«U. Thoas sirvltlng am .lb hbuubaad anti-eon ladopb aofUisauYvie. KlILe.5 ILB. Enher of tUhertyville, lir WRIOIPII iobler oS Dmeul, IDi., lire. Jalon H. Bchottuanu ai f 91mgbamo, Ili., Mms Sam Borneofai icitigaCilty, Ill., and Wllam B. fceci aIofLlbeityvll. lire. A rIbun Krueiman a dauglâter, dled six yesma gt>. soataia easmsu grand bhlidren ta moun sber lIee. Tb. air le full of farecellofar lbhe dylug; And mauruinu for lbe dead; Tb heurt of Racel, Ior hen ebidren cr>'ing, Will mot b. comfanted. Lut un 4..patIent! Tiiese severs afflictions t!r'om the grouud aride; But oftentimes celeetial benadictione Assume s dank diuguise. We me but dimly tbru lthmsasand vupane; Amld the» eahl>' damp. W batwmemu ta uabut sad, funonal lupes iMa>'b heaven's distant lump. CARO 0F T14A1<IS We ciai 10 exienti oui sincane bbsuhe bo fnleude aud relatives foc lie kînduesu .howuue durnug ontrceul bereavameut, alan tu the. aingenu sud Ibose visa gave diorai offernuge. Rudaipb Scbneck sud Fumîlly. OBITUÂRY Mrns. Sarabhlicavick wvue mm lu Bristol, Wl. , Jane 5, 1872, andi dieti ut ber borna inLibetpville, Sept. 28, 1913. Ban ginihooti days cersupeoit lu Bristol, Wis., up ta tee ime oS lien mruunnage to iai. licOavick, Dec. 28, 1891 Tien reelding a few peurs lu Hickory, Ili. , hep mavsdta och>' Fond. Colo , chere tii.> lived for six >'ears. Owing ba tbe deab aiber inebautieah. returuedti taLibert>vIie lu 1905, cher, e liveti up ta the lIma of ber deuth. Her sterling qualilles aud ciuuing dispoelizibud cou ion be ar 1y > Iienda ebich vers attester] la by ithe large concoure.. of frieude. ch a useiemett tbe churchceremnieetuiiee eolemu> blir musevueas ffereti op fan ber. The c-ýlebraul. Hcv. J. E. MeGavick. Deacan Heu'. i.eller, Sub-D@&cau flèv. couway, M'eter,of Cenemoniet Rat. Grila, uand tise episcapal bioeslng vue glîven b>' iie Rt. Lot. Alexander licOavick.. Heu'. &Qtiiu, Rev. Heane>'. Loy. Kînoella aud LoyRe. Lynch .uedIn d lu b ouur>'. A, àtouchlug tributs vu psld ta ber 9mémor> b>' ber ptaio. Lot. Lutinait toacblng briefi>'ou ber quiet, unaemins Christi»n lite. c«blcb voo Ien ber the Irbigiieet admIrattoit. M er rraiO r tol idovet irga lar cartes ie sfuid triende i t f isl rosts PIO& in M t, pIfst?",* I - "- uis . - ImAz U OêIOI 8, 1 I~~~o Sngcril* Ovrm e tab!!i.iuh w w cburch etou, SWÉ«ip evelug At730 o'clock. Vistmm - cl3oiue. st.« Psty At 0eo. Bumembu at Fr1- day avealea.4i bul t t $Omonve AIl ce ateew té»ieParty Ai lbe Royal Nuighore Ualilait Saturda>' avenlng report &Ai eP@"Ial> ine lime. lire. Bpldiug le seudina uga ev daye clth f rende lu Cbbmao. Smee ur big RaiMupd luà lbeSaborda>' Evenlug Pont. Drue Dreog On. MjisaSues @a ck" of Ci-go, vlsted friande bore satur&q -ad Bonda>'. .5 «m ofoistak over lW7PilmZ. à W. »siduai .11 ont bmffl S.adap h sas aiimiai luacds i bistous- - jus Who vus e hrothes.4a- 1ev.Ult r.iel Egi. Villaiam le pu *lb ue on eablytildiubaud. pgf mlb of aiBute l M fot sud IUo* ab eloue a" iPORlaf lu . Us Iuomusbtl>otaitibow nsad a MOiVeO upmmoea Dr0. MiGormlc. Who Ob 46kv.1ef, l lb.-te ppUa.e go die hbwoad. Alt5dÇIý le ciii b evoel ceIebelone b-oMR Il i "Out ainlotbo doctor Ineurée hlm ltas b bew i o able ho briDg lbfoot ont 0. K. Ladtlb diechargu flonutne mbi iurtbî tthelbrlght 1% could bats laken onf hie foot. àlMr. snd lire. P. Fassn sud fainli> w»i bava reeied os lbe Welcb od Gleason farm for tb liret par movled to Chicago liit ceaicbere Mrv. Fagan 1bu ueccrd a gond position. - fCita selp oi Palatim vue a bueine«e taller lu our village Tuestia>. r WlIli Dillon, B. F. Kinegerand L.Bub- ibard att.nded lbetiair>' show lu tbo Fcit>' Wedueedgy. Mir. and lirm W. Aboru aud famlly moted tb Palatme Tueudu>' v boes bo> -viii maks thaîr future borna. a. B. 11wumsa'u lau opoluuanonounce- ment OP60Wr lu thlae ces ie eand a muet cordial luvition le eutended ta aHlour meadère to cail duulng tbe opta- 1nig ceai aid me the fiue diepla>' ainec e.fl and cluter gonds. The largeet and Dmnot select etef choya lu Wauconda. 4 Wark on thb mev deoailu progreealug r pidi>' and tîb end of lbhea i iiiee 0ibh building eutilly eucloeed. ItlI.aa Beattraies buildng,20 fflu $ Ml ad go fe long, belug deelgueid b>' Contractor Otl.e Potier. Who le rueblng tlb vor un litat It ciii b compleiud bofore cold rcesher ope.u 1It te a taie PE D t4) taInveel >'our i unaay vîtu iB. B. isodîrey. lau>'in ji omaIse toliI r. Couleon sud vif. moved imb the ooe absettioniW. You aiea>'. get n sallafaiou or potirmone>' refunded aIntartb Bat of 1h.ellaed bomne Ibisei. the Relail mtore. l>rom Drug Co. Lester Shanks at.snded the Chicago Mimse ouai Whuieienlupendlng tih, sud Pondue football game gaturda>'. b cea itliiber asi., lMr@. Auguel eea rmbr teddteSna Raneput, m4 à" Sleraifr0. oreattantii. una r Tii. Royal Neigbbors 01 ai lecitYand ecand coentonatmnlchaiee rotber netluhoring campe ers th@ gue8t. i ededy 0f tha Wakegn camp Tiioreda>'. Mise Mande Turner bas netuned la At your service, Poilu, lb. auci loneer. bonm. bera after a tiire veks viclOiiit i 'cii-tf frlends la Oblo. Mim se 0ttg staee» *peut a f1ev day. Uitile BDli>'Waye raa aken on tlb tbe tiret of the vsek aitii.p Wm. Elli Preserira boapital tis ceai. R.Be t rhome. affllcied clitb tbo Rodkie dieue. J E. j. Hgle>' aof Ubicag, trauuacted Tbeve are elgbîotber cam nov ai thb bolus ebre Batuda>'. hosptl 5fr. and lir. J. P. Dawsron are viil- lMre. Ioua Jamieon af Pbiadelphls., iug tbir dangtser at lPa'il. Min.. vsthe week-end dii lire. Jeanul Wm. Meiyci sud isumly tub sîon riove Lach. t. Milssouri. Vers liefealfi@levimitlug at Richland C. W. Russell ni Muectine. l. irans. Cnter. Wl.. acled businees lu hile- vicinity the pamt IMn,. fH. W. Kpel i@ sp.uding lthe week week. Chic.ago. Newton LeVa>' aud fiiy vmoçcd b lirs, Kute . Ilti>' led tMr.. len Beividere, Ill., Thureda'. MlCure auiw day.. Mrns Newton i.uVoy and children vimit- lin Y(itUg lf Shururda>' evenina fu a ed ac wdey@ ciii lire. F. Bain L viil uwibîhbis i er lu Fretuoni, Neb. Waukegau tis ceci. lMn@. B. D. Hà,ugies la vlieiing lu Idre. Rub>' Roms Flnechr vlullcd a lac Milwvaukee. deys cliii ber Purs"belanRocbeter, Wt»', Several frOm bors are alitendlig tlb aid viii accampar bar lulir . Lu- dai> show tble ceci. Vo>' ia Delidere, ln. Ladie' Aidsocial>' vii meet dii lire.. lir. Erma Btrang and daughtet Jasaie N. Young au Thureda>'. Nov. 5. Wonh and Ir. se ilie. J. W., ViW4#9auided for Lake Bluff Orpbmaf. cbaftb at ZVon Cit>' Boudai. Go. Dalsialand eltisi leste-bu Tue Tb slghl mouIlleold baiby et Chance day fon Mebouru. Fi&., vbare lb.>' ciii debloami of Walecorth, vas bWW ut M psd tlb vîntor. (OFPlOIAL rqo« Repolrt of theô«hno locaêd at Lake Villa State of IMmola.beoeteomeelieI .1 I d4111,11, ber.191 .as zeade 1th e ilonil>cAO0de u. . 1. LOANg Oibe.basgamid scoo........S i LI ftbile setvice oo5goeSUBU beai.... . &mm. M , faum »read Vzo ......-.... . 00 MAO0 .. . ... ... .. .... ... ..toAl . ..u. .a. . . . . LIABILITI E8. 1. Capital stock Paid lau... ............... ... 151.55.00) 2. UnuelinRuPaorm ......................... 6011.5 4. Dsa1!1I: lme Certificat.......... ......... lm Satin"s. subeet 10 notice . .. . 14.3«,U1 Demmnd. eblet 10 check .... ........ 16.418.0 3.0. TTtaLL IABILITIai..................80.5.74 t. ec A MiciU.Caliir i ieLake VilleTrust àSa.InasBank. do 01@aDhy as si 1551 Ome aboyae tai ee tls tru e toite lest 0f9 îjn w aausdbel 00.MIHLL, usir. aTArI OF ILLINOIS. Counli -f Lke. es. SabsrIbedsud aeto Wbbeore me Ibs 2711 dca i 1OCCbler. 1913 JAMES X"I. KO&taiuSt. W4tch Us Grow: Ap.4 4 Oti2i*u 34ma tamUsOtdsicli it logeai hai. trane l tsuojnm.o bre Saturds>'. Uw 4lJolit uf A. M. WVilla Boda>'. M. 1. Brownnaid vif. molored ta, Vauhaganèsaturda>". Arthur Ihiobsr aid Jo. fipeci voie Cileegavsitore ad Tmeay lie.Water White la reprted on lbe e let. Tii. 'udro WomDofenniAterica bas pald tlb. bire ai lb lasei>lghlon Gise., ger lb suai oi$2.. b ainoneofa liverance esriled b>' Ur. Oranger lu lbi Woodom order. 1 Dr. Mai lhe retanwud rait. Jos, Mi... cwberob bas beeuepsudimg lie - caShwm. about the Auctioneer. Col. E.. L. Downes & Soný Shanck Faim. Bey. A. W. "Bolrd OUW&c-da. Gainas ball ii b gitan a nunecal- A fac froua tue vilil>'atidedthelbdramatlc reilal. Solalest, Mise Darnes caunt>' Bunda>' Sehool conivention ai and elocuionl.t UmIs Anderson, tasciirs N O N Aulloch. troua tlb Stein Couertator>', Chcago, N O N The Wanhegan R N -A. eentrl4M a ciliieniertain pancilb somethIag Élue. namber ai Lake f'ouul>'Camp. Tiare- Everybody come.Ii:R W. PEARL day. Laie Villa snd (luree oi Ibis Soverai R. N. A. ira. camp 2042 annuosuthe open vliit>' attendeti. 1vlalted Wanhegsn ou -Tbursda>', a Ber, sud lira. A. W. Saord reiuiued egular meeting oi camp 436. Hlghlaud Park ýrheat, bomne Frida>', buring apeut a threa lins. M. liutla able ho ride oul. Saturndy Evenxng, Novi ceeks vacation at Freeport sud Miss Jeunie Bowling eturned Frida>' it motion pictori Wheatau. 111. eveuiug frnm a ttip lbmougb the ceet. etrVudv Tii. Ladies Aid tili bold uhir annuailSb. reports a flue flime. Ws-nVùtvl baar ut lhe ciiorch on Tiioda>', Nov. Thiu Ieatre eue muils espeth 11h. Rouote cicken ciliob mrted fur, and vaudeville snd le moden spe Resolutions of Respect sîrIctl>' fireproof aid bue SOPPEt600 t IlO alsuea loplng 0c Reelutiaue ai ey'mpatb>' adopted by o aschairs, stesm hatai WASOT.Arbutua Camp 2042, lOunne., Ili., as Sasud lu Saci oeoi>'ng necasie WADWORM.tribute tbath. meman>'at LoulisSapard ubeatre goers. icwbopaaed ua>'y Oct. 12, 1918. During lhe montil af October were WsKsxÀ,4 unr Heaveul>' Palier bas NVaudeville Saînrday and We belti requems or nionthsnIind ut seen it tlu drae agumu inom aur aildut. orresa llrssde Et, Putrlci's church, ton Martn Ho11- Sa .,d uigbbor, Louise Shepard au ehio itrs n net gan Rtussellon the 141h font,nr- memben sabtua Camp 2042, R. N. A. ADMMSION-Vandevill questeti by bis.wire:for Cutiarne Me- Resolred. thsl ce mait deepi>' uym. tinNgteAui,1 Carlhy lu the 29th inet., requesled by puubute tititha breaved onues, frotu ber eilidren. Mans> of lbe relaliveu cbom the. lie aud Hgbb bave gaus and e pray tlb.>'mu>' bcotaiore >l snu ftnedq aofNMr. Hogan anti trs, vin dopt l hi hnge wco d y i McCartby tended Ibeir requiem liuolred. ubut aur chanter b dnapad masses. For George P. MeNamara lu mourniug forn sut> day'. aud teeF on the l7thbinst., u second auniver- r-0oiutloua b epreati upon the. recarde L ol tua camp, uud copias bseult tiith sun>' requiem by Fatber Fois>'. daugbt..r und lhe local papere UmeJanile Reuueeea>' peut Satiqrda> tuaI week Chicuigo aud Joliet falk Carnie A. Mecafi, sud Sanda>' di ber eleten la ChIctega. visied ith athr Foeyand astMamie Haine@. is iteti wan ba ut her of i, n d C tM ary A. Ch ttenden. M ilsaA nua Com pt n le t hIs e ce ai for Sundy a aut loti o Zin Cly -Elgin, cheneeah. axpee ta sopendtha people spent the..duy di iilm. 110w- cier. ever 1 hiuk they. were Iudspendeuto. 1 RUSSU lils Clara Loiug lu acting s cien lu Tiiere la a ncw dog ut Ibe rectory.. The Ladies' Aid êScel>' ut lre. Wiil Sloflel's star" for a lac veehe, durlug Bounce. He chased liat pou o tw1 Melviies hue baen postpoued util thb absence ofShoe'aere, Mien Auna. awfuil taI bus la gel ber living on Thureda>'. Nov. 6ti. Ui. WiliI Dunul's house bas juet re. the vilage sldewalks, por cow. 1 Murie Brus. bougbl a culoud of eiveti a nec coul of paint. The Queeu Dauoghens helti a meet- cow.. iust Tilseda'. lir@. Lue Huson andi daughben @pout ing witi themr preBideflt, Miss Teale J. R. Comis and famul>' vulled R. the weedinluLierty vile andChicago. Cunningham, ut the cburcb fast Sun- N..weii ia Kenosauluel Sonda>'. Word bas been received bers ai lbe duy and plunneti a thester part>' ln Mm u.(I. A. Oshuru and chidrnu@peut deatb of Henry' Roger@eofIWuuhegai, on tb. neur future lu Cicago. TieY i uIn ad> u uua'u .R od> l.M.Rgn a or pesented Fautier Foie>' wiblia beau- pCofe. b a eandllugin ha ma' jr. Mr. u Rger wu@ fo ttiol Irish lace surplus on bis reluru lu Ouford, Wls. The Buzaur ut the. Cuubole churci at frram Irelauti. R.E. Leeinu reonueti Tbureduy fram Vain Souda>' cleuneti $310 sud h tht - -h.t. trio lu Montana anti cittsbfore $510. otDsciplnOe. s ode.bis eilfe andi dsugblen 1tel% Dr. Lecln'o lin. 1and Mn. F. Benhel callad t iRound The. nîgar o icpieBM n 9i aan nàody Laie Suda>' ou buainesud aIsoýcalitd gimbie ta man>' lu bhe pruasulgansia for their home uSvuuanona' u Wm. Hironimus. lion. The>' are unaware Ibat t>edi- tMr. Potilepa malien died Saturds> ruiHnhla oal Iefntoa suce lastsrengthenilug and lpfeo. ' ugitFrank efet fahm fnsidiukilu cl ar the bisetonan lus. AÀinilibar>' regime, Witt lie Iran- ngtfo h fet fahm iibdhbigcr hgsso n clai dscîIlm. d.'e no brak pir. Tii. luerai servicese of lire. John i54 a fiecrop, bavnug 1 field 1M îweive Il mma en read>' for toréai uiarcb- Faulkner wue bld Thureda>' lit tho es u uh15 u ,r M atu lameal dda t 51 lseplne cbnrch. BunlailunOak Ds ecoetery. b urt the bu. 'spirit, lien st>ldiers lre. E. J. Mornie entertained' Mi. A Chicago paver ons Fnldts: night vwofld svrv3« ..tie W15voidNelle lieNamara anti@oneausut cesh. coiittiitlauarticle foncerningthti iS wu, bi Mi lsO<1Wlssmairige ot Miss Denice, Bourd ai s = Ins5sitOa eu -ORit'fDlue em Mdly.Waukagan sud Lyie Gounicy ne aube,.Via asofraaelibity.Higbland Park. Tii..wrier af th. P N capehof ca thi motm boy lie a& ~al oi>'bati a very vivid Imugitti 1.S. %*fU at eta . 55 tt's flCtlds or tbbcculie declure.liaI *.~S W~'the Im 'acta were ruther overdre WU. CEflENT ening of the new vembor 1 res booked by the ,le Association. wlau>' for motion picturea ru in everp respect It la s eeatlng capecit>' ar aven conclete gonr, camfontable parleet utiotliigs ysem, mary for thb comfart of ail iedaenday Nighls. rtnsn ever>' nlght. ile Nlgiiui. 20ecand 25c. oc; childre u under 9. 5c. H-ot -Water Fountain Syeiuéw ind Atomiters. la fait ce have a full lino of the bat RUBBER (MD$1> for the monsy that eau ha par- Îbhased-eomae good bargains. Comn in and se lium. lia usmerauMa te shac geide and gîte eu mpie. Druce Drug C&. THER REXALL STOUE Grayuake, - Round LaOgW Round Lake Sanitary SuibgOiý Chas. E. Maoon, Pm*p. Electric 1%So maoS a8 ShaMpooing & SyeOIlV A cai l be gremêll appsted it FINi IE oRSt 18110 Rouai Lobk 'ie m ais qpivft vhwow at lis home of hbarSalies.John Roka othl pate. vio at Pruet le lun"r> pour ieafth. We ama laorum hovavt. u ce 7go *0 pmsse lat b lu piva n .ds huam remed fria. liorelaad. Le *wbpb basbas. making arrasumis for enoctlgeon»e buidinmi b"184 msadae tensivre " esSais pur. sebe Ibis. li endpe. cl buste lu tires ceee ih la large inn-e of Wa bar@ issu n Iormed b>'Bll IRoelug liaI lbemovéee vini continus tbrougb. ot thb cinter, ebocu io etart prampl> ma n 'dock. Do You, Want Cows? We have N4ew Milkers 'end Sprinqers for Sale., MIORSES 1) 1 s izesand a!ges for sale at a tlties. 0. 9. lison sud family haro lut ztieliMi. janp E. ln.>', I#Rat- lr olée, faum aleu mse eoutbwet of Ubrr- brethina, u»esîko icn. interpretution vibe-nd are nov reeldeata of tuie sud ithi Pupîla o s,. ced Oturdaseta village lire IeWayse Yong'so- u Park Plana or Doat fenget t attend th.flallowe'em Paul FYtinturo Rlu.n.' Phone pa«W sivec b>' the hpieopWM ar aF i L hrttyFI"l 94- #ebsl. aiSl ftlday entagof tusb wéelk. 1NOTICE Tb#enirde of Ray' L Bukburd and hm Ch (bk.sî <hour .iii th. ecev., ut tb lamitl>' cilb glad t.> Ianu a lb.>' Priebyteri&n clmînb. Tiîrda,, cveniug. artildale1i, aiPhoeoiz. A riions. Let. Xov. 6. f rom fi iu, M <eloek. tors recuuîrd bere from lkir. Hubbard t.11 MENU tiat dtiîg the. short die lb..> lave Chd en Pie Nmussbpd Pýfitlpa besai tPhoenx tblr daugbts.r àMu.l.liue c(.Iry rpnbprry in.îuce Iongbnutm ban lmpnovod quite a huis lun bealtb. PusLphîn Pie Appt. Pi.. Seraenefor the cisdowe of te gym-; e o. sattim etauthe >M. E cbnrnb bate arrlnodTe ffc sud wli upon be put le plameeo that l îà4 Dnner 41, ena ro, eau b. oued. The basket bail PhtSudoohape out purL-beiai Bsiaeh k Ornas, baet PooSui oa mitaoarrieil ud a wooam poible eil lttW'*oPhntin tudia viii bu open aho.rrîedai aueoo aupoeube viifor lînin-esonu 'onda>' and STueeday ha plscad sudla operation. lchr ~N,bvpnbhoSeV ,i.ani 4eh Ri for eqmoaat viii ho added la the D5i' .,r Xmam pboe aid ue om for l YOO amou18esOW. e Sb i Il bc Thereane tue parilcupublic ilatibaUom wb1chaa M& ai ou b. ove-burdud wt W: 71 -T*o or t mmrstoeispio.systeihn isone serves the purposo bot ter; SEOOUIP-Two or more local uewupq>ers vien the. punmpofo a mnouippr la already served by one. For, àa both buatane" , of the. second telephque and the second neuspaper lu a amuil place, the. fact la apparent tba theii public pays the. freght,"1 mostly the *rbat. Asreads a second telophone compaay iu apY City, the nue C<Çies it nocesary for anybody wicbing to reaci e é o4 l»tii. cty, tW put ln TWO 'PHONES, thug cum.p bl 'phono expenso from a third to dou- ble, as tie sso,may be. Therofore, one good telophone comanwri the rate i8 fair, is far cheapor, more ef- fectua44aud or satsfactory than viser. thero are two syulomisansd people bave to install two 'phonos Wo reach y ai the. subacribers of botii systems, who provioualg vers roached byr the one Compay. The .me la trise of a novipaper situation. Ini a imal clty,. viiere onâ, novapapor already covors the.f ield com- pletoly, mast 1k. one teleoiiono conliy naturafly' would in a tovu, a second bltton of the klud becomos ..bîr- don rather tissu au advantage on a ommun#y, thie mer- chants, cf course, behlg the, eues uho have to back up by Sfluancial support, thse launcbing or maintenance of such a projoot. Thun, lndirectly, the merchants reafly 11pay thse flgt"-tiioy funlsiitihe means of provlding an insti- tution vhlcii evmtually saps their purs..ansd tuoy bave accompllshed uothlng more than PATIG TWICE AS M«UO TO =EACH THE SAME NU0NMUR OÉ~SUB- SOVEEE8 PREVIOUBLY OOVEEED BY'THE ONE IMPER. It ln, tI#uosoon that a second nowspaper, 1k. a second tolephone o>mpany, bocomes a burdon on the merchant, a burdon ot.tie readers and a burdon gon a community and no particular purpo& s acacomplichod, unlosathe original papor bas not boon covoring thse field complotely, or un- leus it has boon irresponsible and untrue lu its public trust. Thus, thie question for morcbant alwaya to consider viien a second telophone company or a second newispaper is contomplated in a mmiii community le: la thore any par- ticular domand for it and, do we waut te "pay the rogt aud thus double our oxpense in reachiug thie sme people already beiug reached? findispensable Plow. piowing e te tather of industries,1 the Indspensabe primai>' operation upon whlchcevlzailon bas dpended from ibhe ariest age, andthti. lOw 10 thus the motuetul and necesa&r>' s- plement wblch bas ever been delgned by mtnkinti for is ocu advancement V#tiolt the. plow agricultue lu lum- »moSSble, andi vithout afftculièdrs fafatr vn ais.-WrmIfl "ortit> tbrmanti Home."» bran 1'wo Sdéé ta the Shieli. The Cncnati Ruquirer suys the£ usarnieti men live langer than bachel ces becaille Il ls so easy tan bhe foi> merta Increase their pleauuree. Wbet tue>' strike a sîreai ot luck tliye>'ll twica as fiue as bachelors bacaus thep sddtthelr iWu joy tota lei own. A aaphlstical argument, vhlci Mounda Weil enaut as long 5as>'Ot suppres lbthact liaI isti luci g9M double, bai, v iii. hie graadmo&eu, MIre llebe Whltatreof Ibis puai. ikA;ârRadem, a former Grsyelaba à a mem . ncalieon friede haie aie aThomo U relumei rou ibuir trip la Wlacome l atude>'. Ufr. Riteer a«d vile of Ohicago, @eust Sonda>' with hb l tetr, litre. Fraak Dovret. ie Lyle MliUliaoen Saturdav and gunda>' vlth Mimse gtha Thomson of Lubertyvlla. John bchumanuof Waukewan, @peut larg warp t'ai & j- nteI 55<e. * beageur>' ,,gie, 5; dpted te t an>' funher CK, Illinois LE'S re, bop. now ouae c. mite r 1 1 1 m Admrdons nette C6 A"U«Ww Dr Phone 290-24.

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