Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 4

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............. ............ .. ...~. . .... . . ..s Vome Ooou l a i*~<%ta Idt ~o Y i~W. USMM B eol44f Fm mFbtýor au<7eq.. Ildoms begi to look as if tbat man Opencer reafly dld L ~ dublemurder hoe daims bh. plamit ZMon A Oblagommn iasb..» flned $400 and costi beause C pel bies '8the.y- re etlrD, te <et ikwWdlin!igrioplusodeWesi oing hôw apir$c 1 b.eiiubbX vos of reai art inuthe home. - ooftsranlI Eackln Apri çaouutTjrvoted Voud«rf$buig l .la* trMI lon tiim4 Voliva perjMr et GsttutbI . oidous, exfen iýf snd tire- upeclally vIýhi .Oàpb o nd* tht the vhoe asmu a mon t woebncàl ont., And,,furtli&more, as t88Voliva à arged vilicdm vuwhy there i ~~ISIS fr ,rhwla libailcourts than At.divrcetrils h't a case heard in the. coUrtbut viierethÏ s1ectaton sarmpejury ,'Oomzdttd-tlie on% nobody cares, darns, Il " tai bUp, _____ pi ~ o li. pti o f ay oer tWbat street, Wau- lieoo$ hlgly estemed snd res- *luszA ma, inb vu,'& Iid fiatiie, iu1id eua>a PMd frtend 1tis.l d ~S~ Iyoê tU rm>yl e b~ê ~ U iJwu lger. .NOXd 91.3 A... f ..'~ c Musé ~,Devine, 1Up Mac. Me W Whc 'e R was Foundi.. 'po-4n! o« the ttorney, l1%a #teâg W.fore ~a servant tedis waukean opober 25. cose tbe bis1 ',place ot the tasally 'he case agaiast Ajouta H. De javwela, wrtl $10000,.laI.ter tound Plis. th. Young mua hrg wli tii.. nd eucped. Mr. Devine.18a bavig rbbe Mle& arny wilewtdelY kno'.n lnU Lke ceuni>'. bariug bavlg rbbe Mles ame' vllebeen irsleed just west of Lake For- the latter la>' asleep ln the North.- est. wesern depot. bas been dlsmlassed. A sale ln the study of Mt. Deviner Thisacton as ake Frdayattr-vas blovu OP" snd the contents, tu. Tusacton as al<n Flda ater-cludlutlie ,ewery and negotlable S0on, when Joseph Peddlcord. ET., Papers, taken. Tii.> lett beblad asu- aPPeared att h. hearing aud testlfied verware Tabled aut1.500. At a late bour Wednesday night the police bad thal the card found lu De àhas bu- no eda ta tihe robbery. restu drawer was la the suit case et The. robiers bound Mies Catherine the im e oene lt fte haingCimmigs, a maid, toa'5slnk la the .eehepne ilaerhvn kilchinm Md aéked ber ta tell viiere 10und Il la bis back yard. thée valuables kept la the iiousd Visrt Tbis explanation sbowed that De hiid"- UMhs £xlimins. Who va» Sbalie ba nohIg t dôwlt Ptc.ilonela in t bouse w1th lttie Paul, Sha ad ad otbag 0 d Wlb P5C-Jr., sald cb. ould not tell, even viien leg thse card la is drswer but il bas ber Ife vw%&hiiralened. Tien. ac- caused tbe police coupiderabie mysîl- cordlng ta thie gl's slorY. oneo0f tbe fit*'tion ta laces boy the card gol Dief leftIt4e rôoo nud reappesred liere.. Joe Peddlcovd. Jr.. mlgbt bave c n>,, u< , 8- ste o.. "mde au lnterustiWwltness aud tv BOH. L it*d tmi l ute oo Police made ever>' effort ta find bim and îevsleà a revolver tat isbed.' but be left towu lent Tuesday sud "if >ou dou'h tell me viiere the 1 has not been seen ince. Thbus yul. mon.>' aud jewela are b>'thtimeias1 thepolce av ne ben bleto ndcount tventy." said thse robber. 'I - ti. olIe bve et eenabi taOa will blow off this kld's bdad.1" ont wbo. put thie çard Wn De Sba's Mis Cri inea says sie lsited drawer tbey are conviuced tbat De sie dld not knov viiere lb. valuabies Plia bîiseit dld net <do It. were kPt, but bier words vere of Do ii~peuîicors teshlfidd aithtie firs1T 'ren the. robber slowly couated off isearina thie viole matter would tbe numerms. have been ettled lu short order but. "Sevenleen, i.egbteen. nîneteen-" bis absence piaced De Sha lu a ver>' h. nid and pusiied the weapon near- bad igh andit as ouly b>' the uer- er ta tbe cbld's bead. bad lgit ,d it"Ob. please don't Il the baby." rowest margin that he escaped belng thexuald crled. "I don't know where bound over to tbe grand jury et the the jewels are-I ca'l tel.'* tiret hearing. Then tbe robbers gagged the. boy, The olie ba ben cliedto iewbo liad started ta cry, placed s gag he ic oe b te rieporto the in the moutb of the girl, and stàrted Peddcor bore b th reprt hatto searcii lhe bouse. a suit case had been fouud la the The police are worklng on the the- bacl< yard. It proved to be the one or>' tisaIlthe burgiar>'. the slzth of wblch had been stolen from Miles vilci Mr. Devine bas been a victini. Carny let Modaywas committed in reveuge for bis Care> itt ona"nlghl. The sitar. l te capture ofthtei men Who bouse vas seerched aud a card whicb robbed tbe Bank of Motrent. New Caz-ne>' nid badl been lu is grip was Westminster, B. C., of $272,000. ' !bod lu a bureau drawer in De Sbas rocm.. He wss placed under ifJ t larrest lurmedlatel>' but denied aso- 1 ulel> au>' knowledze of thie crime. ; Mamie 4Messe, vlh whom b. ba.d ,,eiss keeping cempan>' for a feu' days, tank lb. vitadais staud, declar. lu b1,e bsd been ,ltb ber al lb.heev- 1 lun uatil 12 oclckon the uhght ý 1 e§h.t s. -f... y Frmer *!n .m«,â.FI ùI* ,* %, V uiaCOM M j»S ppnemu o the muuery vas cuiumttted, terej> i o) i, lulitSlie lina e OBablabing au alibi. mj& i *utho aways Had Peddicord beau present at ___________ lthabearing lic wauld bave been able ta siate at once tiat wien ha op- %bff kW 0toay be-avg devlosj are iuow aail- eed tic sui case sief fding filIn bbr!p Tlie cty tire de- uls back yard Ibat the card lu ques-1 Ot.apEÎt ad arZn udHoMad't ion vas lunitL The.police are nat0 ms~ paaà and 1~ 1olan.bu t st tafed yet and the>' u-li matres auefotla d ouI eput tb. card of ita 0.0*1 ~35izip.wLstOriame that iDn i'. ~*mid~ tu baive llS sUenfit t eui their De ShsLExpisins M:ter. omo. o r wongh _da ndase tatastatemeul b. ~ drovnbig ud aose» other tmadg etee un- t h e ami c Messe. "I m Igbav in effacaclpua. t'a a stop of pragreus, o V nsid that (tb. report of the court1 Wgt of the. hlghet typq-sud $11 dooe for the public in stenographer vilI chou' b. did) i be- ef r ofibin gave liveu. It m&oWi that public ilIved Jo. vas jealous of ame," De Sic M)hsd safety la beng loobed after by individuais -Id. "but 1 vas excted sud dld net ilstheeublc bsef o alare eteitassmesa îthai.mesu te do so. Jo. asked me la the uble iuffto lage rtet, mums aletar-corne la tic Sun office toda>' sud cuiittut0 as regardseibSeif sud, in the average eue, tii.mrse this stalemeal, othiervîse1, #91duul talla te recoguise wlat la belng, doue'rlght f»In ouîd net be bere. I have been ac- too hl eprotelct hlm ýd bis dear mese. Forth Chi- qultted et the cierge sud I1sam vilI- ~ h ts rsidetalag ta letlchier matters drop. 1 do't prvddsuc& a tsmuM*, and is lcets now via put lb. card l in>' burau ega»'.,i 'VUhU i lIed anotiier meaus Of jdrawer Mnd liere la ne use la eutI- ma ~ n sdprolonging lIte.- ngSuspicion upon corneone Who SMOKED CJIAJf1T W ".ion to ovr th Bhfidzl oad ON ZION TRACKS1 WU*0 to , village and cty autiiorities betveen Chi. . Md the stato line viii have been 11501555uilis tihe Burt Ray, s youug mansempi .o'ed & long the north shore M~kes enougl i nterest to in- et the lace fector>' et Zion Cilty, vas local authorities teaut. charged tls morulug befone judge f~fl 51 'w ba~ ~.e.'4'i. 1.of L. H. TuIlle itihsvlug srnoked a ah WdY hu acted andit in blièedmost Ozcigarette on lie Nortivesteru rail- si'ubuzb viii toflow proutsptly. But there should wa>' track et Zion. John M. Flddeî in thes road, and uq more delay. AS this Unainud H. Krebs, cornplauts. naid Ray' îUrlm ra-project is a rather shameful joke. AS wvss alkiag along tic tracls belveen ~' it iluMaaY places a diagrace u<hl a state 281h sud 29th atrese on ilsva>' te, ~EWsach or amuncl.alit lie Nv Yok wuldtic lace factar>' Saturda>'. vien be meuSotult y ie or o l it a cigarette sud srnoked. Tic de- attup wfth for a season. Tet-Sheridan road wau proud- fendanît admtitted bis ault but bils ~Isaed, iventhe ame f a atiotal eroand xp t tlorney, W. H. Fabry, tookthie posi- L. l" d ie h mm fanaila eo n xet ion liaI tie rnivey property vas W a seurce -of public pleasure and local pride for Our- privaI. properli snd Iheretore bc- Mua aud the generations te corne. - oud tht' reacb efthte cil>' erdinance. U laiew agtu ihtegnrto htpaJudge Tutti, gçave the' attorney anc Ibistim w.caulitup i-t thegenraton hatpla- vek to file biefs te prove hile con- odt* îhBleridan road. tention, '.Wkethe mnatter in formnally preaeuted te Waukegan Plc ~mlsoe ad u and the. people should gadly plut the. per- policed l'rlds lunevrkat heau MquOed oet tlema permission wlilclin aessen- wIud rcommend 10 tbe Secretar>' of Labo th taingof inger prints of ".bl- drlvevay project la to b. carried Imrnlgrantsueterluc Iis cou- try. a m Tenth Dist. L'UI Panama Canal at Banquet. Landau, pet. 23.--Oeorge Edmuond Fons of Chicago, witii typl i en., eau elaqueuce, aroused great enthu- lasm ai the Traflagar day dinner lan London lest ulght. He was tbe e st' ;speaker but oeeasd b. fouad bita- self at mîdalght fs.clug the remanat of a weary audience. Hie iad spaken int>' a feu' words when lhe signe Of fatigue vaulsbed and the several bun- dred mienand vomenstIfllu lb.thehall burst halo epplause. Mr. Fons gave a stlrring apprecla- tion et the Panama canal, aud the Saa Francisco exposition, te, vhicb he nild ail Americaus earnestl>' hoped the British governmeul wauld decide ta accrd officiai support. Tbe orstorp apotiseosis of Internationial Peace hased on justice caped bis appeal te Eiuglaad and lthe United Slates. "as an exemple te otber nations." to malte a treel>' for *"anotbei' huudred yesrs of pence to mark tbe onward muarcb leverd the tranquilît>' et the world." Tbe sentiment was greeted wIth riuglug cheers anim mediahely lte chairman, Robert A. Yerburgb. presi- dent et lhe Royal Na"y e wue ona on bis font. sa>'lug, "Let the. treat>' ual be limited ta 100 years but let Il be extended for ailtua.m." Thus a dia- uer mrnaked bv muci backneyed bab- bliug eaded la a sceeet uproanlous gond felloasip. ASKS $5,OOOl 11 lM ÀTIIEIý O«EN H-enry C. Haenaof Ruaseli, bas oued Oliv er N elson eofZMon City for $5,000 damaeges ou the charge - f sMander. Attoruey' James Welch filet! he action ln circuit court. Hansen charXes Ibat Nelson celled hlm e thiet seven differeal tîlmes aud frequently snid menu lhings about bis cheracter, honest>', etc. A report became curreut Ini W'u- kegan land Nanth Chicago au Saler- day ulght and Sunds>' morulug ta lie effeel liaI e youug vomuan had heen murdered ucar lie Dugdaie rond. Iu- vestigation of the police briags forth a slroag dental. Tbey say lie report muet bave started from tb. tact liaI a woeAteusglove. soaked lu blood, was foud near Ibis point a feu' nlgtO ago. 'rie> Iuvestigaled lhe malter aud could fiud absolutel>' no trace ot a merder. te; ~fl~êoeI.ed 1Usés4 Tii. morne aeem i stl eos le y.llow sid biek. Lust Tlrnrsd*t'. 1 bupupils cof tibu 2nd grd. gave a abower for Uilm Webb. It Seofldof sticks uof caudy, sppl. petilute, *ec. Nr, Reich. anus.elaii.l gliat lis belI.ved bu.vol ratlus i"b ad gra&de us a igsehoo'. We liigli sebool pupila sabriez vs mtwoit luet iimsnd Dot waatimg ta b.ou#- doue by ag simulku foik$, Igava hlm a ahower Vrldoty siosrnoa. ever.publng. vas tierw [rm .Gohi end triait te oim oDs sand red ppp.". Otto cigas Was coiitrlhnted. whi<'h wb.a iven tu AMr. W.115. B> tbé botoltis ronifmT h.e iid to cdeanuop, lie eertaitaiy dem It. ulavlngstrugred tbrough"Imws Gevuiau il, bas now etarted t10 luto 'liober AI* die KlI.:je," a Jerua loutnory. Dou'5 f111te lmn» a shtii. il bouseIbis Frida>' niglt, Uct . IL IL Otoh Service 10:80 Momulng Worablp. prmes ReT. W. L Wblppis e u. "aDEx 01&001. cioo. 0. B. FOI 6-.45 p . Epworth L~oagus 7:80 Prealebitit servite. 11ev. V WliipI..ý dubj -New Cbiidijood.'* 6:3 Wedsday ,evnimm i servi. Prebyterian Service 10:80 a. m. umoraion worsip. 11:45M. go. ile scbool. 6:45 p. w. Ubriotts Endesvor ff 1:30 1p. umeveeloir w<rsiiip. VisIltssîvla>'. velgem. H M. A*LLBU5T, Psm St. Laurence Eplecopai Ohurt ROy. EpvÂsu S. WBorm, Paùtor MomalesPra>'er 10M0 a. mm. .%u&dacbiiél 11JWOs.a Vielloins oaiwsys eteleorne. ANO~E a» thu. LIB~RTYVILI±... Il. B. ~GER -~ t ...MYSLAKf j ROUND OAK. zRANGES- IÏÔT BILASTS, OAKS.1 PERFECTION OIL I-WATERS. 1% lege stock. Comn vio>'.g0 id look thern over. ch Schainck Brosl, U,,LBERTY VILLE --ILUfflS An Io I 1:. - -te-- '~ .-~--w.-st*~- e bPôlic L a sheet of paper of good quality with nuineroue clause@, condi- tions, and stipulations printed and writteu on its surface, and thé signatures of the president and Fecretary together with a pretty seal at the bottoîri. Fundamentally they are ail alike, for they are ail based on the ex- pectancy of human life, but the different conditions ot different people have made it necemsry t) vary the clauces and stipulations to make a policy to fit'-every lndividual. You wouldn't buy a boaket te carry 'water nor a pail th carry corn, for while either might be Ymade to:do, it would be much more sen- sible te change them around and apply each te the use for which it waa intended. Se It le with life insurance. A policy that, would lit yen like a glove, that would meet every requilement of your condition miglit not do at aIl for your neighbor acrois thii Tial i. a part of the work that our agents are prepared ta do for yen-te belp yeu seleot the polis y that vill pick up sud carry yeur load snd Idave yoer bauds sud feet sud brain f re to do, te date, toacshieve. And von vili inSd that today more people are buying life insurauce lta ever before becaume îhey are ieara- iug ho piok lhe ight insir lace. ýWhea aur agent calis, teil hi your conditions aud 1et i. help you le gel th. kmud that will 511i your ueds. m'Ch gnmu,-al fe Ins urance Co. JOHN HODGE District Manager AREAt,'ILi - r . 1 7ý ý',

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