Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 9

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À jAKtz1~ T NINDEPENDENT WAUKEOAN -WEEKLY SUN L[BERVVILE. [b.. RIDAY. ,-OCTOI-BER 31, 1913. BIGET PAGE5 $1.50 PER YEÂR IN, 6fit~ I WR. ,Iand 0< Y I3ULTED ZION MA 1N WIN$ FARM HAVE l SET ASIDE FORMER CIRCUIT CLERK TIYAD1RUMS.COEDS Vl IN A ILAND DRAWING. U FL N R C ISI A NEE.Late-alegram io Atore m E. Kyea Q14 n~h I T AIN oolce ln Xlaukegan announced stp'Â . emu3Q4 aih iv-that his wi!e died ln 9aitzeriand S.S.SCOO A SN me io Cîyasnube 74 ae AS 6 1 PRESERVE AT SOUTHI- AVENUE Thursday, 0ob oer 30th.2 land drawing conductedl by the gOv- ak t Ann n oWiliIClos mamanat er a@oNgo r tlatii0 t ad te Sae Game Department Ha: Uti ater Sapolis, Four îorney Ramer (eooke lnformed hlmi 1 l Guc f f eb orCiaonewr uce- esignated the Game Pre- Years OId. Almot Instantly ta i oi fsvn h ieo i in- ioch Atte non- f ur heis.t a's wrwlnueode sevefoiLkeContb as been given up and that phy- %tiOMrI i %Ateroo. fi i te ffgtda's rawng mae srv fo Lae ouny.KiIIed This Noon'. sicians ln charge have asserted ber Tuesday. The zian'man'e luck means lai ehbe1 tcî tevtm HASBEN 80 SCCSS tathe ii b aieta cqir nho WILL BE AT HAINESVILLE. MOTHER IS HEARI BROKEN. 'tir. t'ooke'esmon, Andrem, vwith w farm in the rpservatiofi, lest how big i tSifn re. ('ooke watt sleying on Leke Exou». tprovied- in o aubel o e nwf. ATosn cd aeBe Father Deserted Her Four Y. Genieva, Skitzerland. has lieen keep M arsWr anyC m doy oSelected andi ShootingW IWlIA M AGN.Ago andi Mother Ha: Ben P l n itionfaIllerabrleMm of ofri Fitteen Year LAILMCO. B YSIN-B roii There. Man Who, Hoid Office. of Circuit Supporting Family. thep w re tceivëd loday. Year Old 1 Antiocit. Octoher 29. A1 Cierlc of Lake County for Many1 lyn Th aecut udy&hc o- RMF RM TORY AT Oneth iougauîd acres of lanîd on! Yeurs Succumbe ta Piraly5es. 'taiklegan. Oet 1 dl 98. tv seasion se in nthe Mtoitwa skona h 'l a, utLti atrWORuIS STARTED jiPLAYED Wl ebrhl niceotdofr i PONIAC DiSouth orlalylpsvillf. andO 5%.Pm( ( RfN itiliir ti r ih mtaofn r r. 1ISr Gray.4akfe bbbe a-%atr tFFla lta Ip7\irk et 51réet zal-~ -,bsbI mtaiIy tilt' lF-RE NN IiNSULLSL3 E 1Another Case ehortly before fn od"y. L. J. ya- t( an eatéta i jý otIsatykle ya(cg terntf" d partIn-t1 (, & mthw lnt tra klitdlîya <theothg ~AlTF~b u ECr, of 'Didi aWakegaui who lbas beeu very 15 Loal Youths A onyI- cameK% KILIKIe"rouvstrntrhiet-hRECORDS i~ K Ht>Loaded, pronminent ln Sunday school work for mates Mistreateti, Accord- (ount> fltme reitrvenuI roisit, iiijdv et Et:.3.CO NTR H ME uneny yeare, was-electesl prersldent ocri l taDi oiis. în~' î ~~ n~ ,~ IN NO* DDISONERS tû ( lockvtue lrés a shitewraln the_________ n.the- Siitnk plaie antiad wole i l*IIIUl R ue iOle ievi nenIl-Ground Broken on Beautiful Theoficrseietd er a fo- FFCIL LES N XPSEfermne areincluded i the' tract met - -jurles. III lii d tîut a few minutes Rsdne hihWI e WllI' playlng Iowa:____amide for te' lreerve Théit' it * nighccdet' lness yt,-Vîicenit. love: is to la qtestian.hesides istrictSo Far', In Three Years of His ttîrteaed-i ina.- e on Insulli Farm. - j~o on1 In-iitItn hsi-s lî kow a é1y watt applriaclîing tihe-trark.isoorJhDi President-L. J. Yager, Wsskegan. Head of Institution isSaid t h Ol a" lo kw ithe T~ erm,mHe lias leceived 913 trottnarke't sir_ t 1 utiii aîtirintlv Autiocb. jihot an Vice-Preeladent--Mr. MüNeai, Zinc, Have Left'State Fearing the ti''okow attt, Prisoners in Jail. 'Iid îlot noute"li ralin olieii ran FOUNDATION IN THIS FALL. brother. ltaymon lily. , îmat hedm of Lake eouinty. filbelna - gwinst th t itu- ioachi, nsteed cof - as anotîter a" Seci'tary-Treaurr-lienry Knob- onur si titpa i ra iuniîi isGENERAL CT. BUS. BIGGER. lIeing itrtlck by te enîgn. uée-cfu ildngorerWi B Rsh It wlatn ker, ryslike. CRUELTIES IN VOGUE AT juder the' surface of teé groutid and- - the' stops la lîcleveil ta have struck Bidn rprWl eRs-J. L. bel c District SBnpertstendenta: PONTIAC REFORMATOAY. Un tie 1 es abu ngadhi. boat! fracturlag flss ail. e nSrn- iIB a-Tyo siraI Dltrict-C. W. H-udesu. He-rsiiarte@Orne Ofthe mthode emouiders for veeki t aia ttie j1Hi: ToermnThan Anv Ex-of ain ieO traw ta ccdetaîîîed i n ate- aI e ocl da A j o! purngin hmintgopracil11don11Atboys Trvoelii diain La keil' î- Sheriff in Full Term. Iv. Eropiyes ofthélileodrushed Gronud cas ltuskîettthiq week for fi Booms that kegen. servt halid bpen seeectî-d l tîindilr- ueitefeîw th ie beautifti new residence sabidi Seod itic-r.3 . om rstenine laisuc rmo ilaccord-51 _ akad ff héltl elwIt htr, the eider alaeoafDl tictDrnJ F.Roeo. the nlcreot o orcod- volinty vas made/,Nlaadav lan('hicago Juic' ahy lt l; les fiIsti aittheir arias, iHlewaq saUli breathîng Samluel Instîllla stritrect on lils bigadt'care ing a Oi reprt o Govruta ~O epreeuîttiveThos. Grahame, lifrebas or,oîîtîr î't ~bu" Ii watts en i taI l4P as itadly ln- Ctî'et!ho ietvlea ti n ucae T id Ditrict-Roy W rght, Liber-1 Dunn s iv* U g coM fmite . : coming front Soi N'an iBrag, districti <nown for certain y. but tliii' act i urh, îeili lritn o.nt Mr. UTh s ar r the Fooarth Ditrct-Wliimm Noren- cd 1taesie beatînq by 'fpio r r. Ma,.. gante sarden ln ibtis part of the -that Sheriff Green has establibuhed a Tht' fast train tat reaches Wau- The residence. wiien it la comtîet- ticed sbootlng w, veg igtiniPak.shhw#o stâtsea, faIreutcord in tbe number o i ners k ,,egan at 12:50 front Chicsago vas cd, wili be one of té flavat la be or SOabct Detarieutsuprlaandthe ii. squeffee'or any weapon - Ht' eaid titat permission lhed heen keptlet the cotinty jaheatn allagged and the boy was placed an round lantitis part oflb-ti utry and They then re Elaaatay Dparient- Mss hlch happaned te, be na I baned ram Il t eutnvoo~ prevlous aheriffs lnin br ae oard belng takten to the Northwest- reports have ît titat Nu. Intittl i and golng tcthe Iatemocenbmch. erfieli. bond. litelndlcldd athtse ciefoa rut rndepat tsi, e Dr. Gavin the coml- spend close toa emillion dollar onit itKun. Just about Irene RSmbacb. Derfield.At tie emalean i otse.ue,r ~for te iurpose and thaltte tate Ta date, tihe records af tiht'shériffs had hpadIcue l htntslefr any physîdian vas waillng.The lad itefore it la ready lfor o auîancy a calied downa at Haie Deprtnset-Mrs. William wiia nepe in hc obaeflae as deed and was removed ta te rear tramt nov.lfîte uh Iaeagned bys er b a nd wlh j oStlag on any of te lad lncluded Sheuif Jre4â..4,u2. Conrad & Hart undertaking roote. The 1ia lotagel tiseentre Z'<>- When they bu t. 8~~ev. Unlbe. icUbie sss, u mas lntu the e tract. Fromt nov aon, therefore, Sherif Ôulffiu' <deceseor ta J. Barpolis deserted hie famiiy four dation la ilce iti a u>ltatthsre ~ ~ B YN.Y0V ebet-. i eirmnaa-plphsast, eç l* ow41.... î«e.-tet ntao aefiza.aia'g eamon. -vii b. n dotl;lnastartiusg acînltue p i tit n latent plarthting I>Mà rLin e 4 tjt-y trnint adignsatiuriy ta e>i., vitcitare ta be found tere, muid I;! Sheiiff Powell (preiccessor la f'rif- one year mgo lbe returned for a fevctuto n i .reiec tî'staire, tbe ie V; immeimet-Mie a *.ilt cerposai puiteaimensuî pa lesald there are many irda nov on fin-6440. daye but bas eflotobeen tBeeui mince. eprlng apene rup. cealler boy had uwowwyUbettyv i -i RHel- .ntîy vas vlthest limiL J the eg.may be harmed or the of. And te tva latter ablitrea erved Hie vite was em Plyed athtie Wasit. The conlract for thte cofcrete he pyfuîly Pol m WUhtlàbrtMleAs a Ufmcro eued ruaty, boys tenders viii face tale prosecutlon. their fu lermwhite Siueriff Green Inglen street lauuîdry where site toundation bas been ]et ta H. F. Me- brother ad smj Secaar Dlurlat-Tobesu. u lilty ofInfactin@of ibe Thte plan. accordlag ta Mr. Van tas heen la oflie but titres yearas, a er nuhmn'>t upr e lofyenai Chicaon the nov baska gan t%_ odi rules vare Plaste! . ln th **eo" Braag, 1le uct la stock the tract very by lte tine he bas fOislied bisgn-1111 funl a cn uroundliaeCbute. bs ane lAdiintth eoemention- vibagild~extenslveiy titis fait but 10 Protecl tire ternilis record viii betfar above JRecentiy a daugitteri li re. Sar. oISron Cut pta t la sidîtion ta sgn lb.bobeforeouf ise eenwttreadi h prn n r'ltcso.Jîolis married Adam I)emo a local A novel teature of the nev mesuilSii o h th eocra. 1h.ooaUiaa iDmer f!et;w-,f Pdt IMOhbt bring ceny mort' pheazans, quail, baker and the millter and lber twa 1 residence viii be a courtl n the. cen- theezrklveeollmtie vii p as"' s ilce of dry brcdad att cup o ducks, etc. le tht' preserve and do ai] Buiness IIr-iaes. ltie sono vire mavlag îodey ta tiote 1r cf the resideace, lte home lisait spirit aiflthe g u hip revolver, wvi lx.Illvereti Higlan Parki . W. ý ataer delly, and vere traquent- sbetigttse tre rê Asked vhy lit vas that suctu a ma-1 ot h'Aon-naw. Tht'last being buit on the square plan, cur- e laigI Cook, Niorths Chicago; Mm .C. j. jutI iicit rikaptr o ssbe ugter cleadboù,ihot o h snE Wakga .8.Moa eril, icombauedo!to dinete. rom Ing. terial lacrease ln prionere bas bei-n 1load badl been takeon and the lutIle rounding te court. a Inte-court alpehi in , Wauv. eorgeL cQ ontre, Wmmk en; W. hecordns o o ltstiuI w .Sîoîginlt rsrevi ltseen nter bis administration, Sher boy vas leasinghit Market streel viiili e fouitaine, floyers eruits. etc..llptbsmn Ra. eogeMCI»iWakefl W Rcodsofth Isttuio sow blicigl h peev ii t If Green salO:-'It le just hecauf borne ta go ta ies ew home on Ken- and saturally lte effect viii he vert er mai poilai h, IL Bran&. HuablasdParkaid11ev. that the presait Inotaish avae bepermîtîrd for at teast tva years, bsns ftécut a nrae adsretwe h ciet41-pesn n e.Tbere vaa J. W. Vnton of Waukega. bson lacamfrated lai the *ce.n" 1poaibly longer Tht' state lplans tusteso u orsbslceadnr tee ie u cietlp laigadnv ThecovenIo vs 1 coe tiis î,a~ imshave a Preserve in eacb county and accordingly dttring thse past few lened. 'At the point vitere thte acci-i The' new Ieuh hbomn e hta rise on eion. With a er sTe-noun ti4ocl o c losBe ten 7 32k cutvlethson' f ieirtyeýrs. Tht' court docket bas grava dent happeaed îî was neceqsary for what le knovn ms thte aid Carraol aireproancitla witert' tht' tract itas been set aoide proîtortionati-ivto tahie increase io i lim ta chah a ornai liglit of ateps farm, viich la one of Mr. insuille boy saor0titi h -d 1 d6e'Ss"sfro vaklulliPars Attou 16Lak contyboy' wtb-and shere maidetaile bave been prisonere. AndO the liai of prisanera before reaching the raliroad] Iracke. PrhHs aigbe ogtti rmaw dl of the couty bave beau la attendance 1la thetestaIfive yemrs. bave suffared completai for pralecting gante wltb- which i have handiesi have been It- la thaugitîtat lie mntthave heurn year. Tue bouse viii stand a quar- The parentsô At the meeting Tuesida ibI ,there ai tihe borrors of a "boll an earti" t" Ii a certain boundery tiose viticb itd net include many cid llyinig and neglected la notice thte ter of a mile boack ftramMilwaukee chat and ruched ver. about .400 pi1ent ThoMSe vitathe Pontiac Stata lteformatory. ac- Tht' officiai notices viîcitare now prisaner eitiher, for tht' clîy bas' proacît o! tht' trai. avenue and tht' irement realdence on oider boy kne bave vWtei other couventious de- cordiig ta ptatias tu aklLme caunty belag arepared and whlcb vii, e cared for nîost of te prisoners; In i Adam Demo heard of tue accident t-be Carroll place viii eltiser becave holding tise lai cieae bis coevemltiom hbu beau oas ai; court houae..The local yautbc vito Posted ail over the tract viilaotify te past. sheriffs handiesi city pris- and hastened ta tht' undertaking es-mvay or torn dovn. Mr. lasul ilvi and begglag hia te mot sucesaful they ever Omv. it bave undergane the lleged crueities ail persons thattt'e 1000 ares i aOnera as sueli as tate.' îahîehmeat. Tht' moîher vas likely use bis present home as a Phîysicien vau la pasitive tlit aamore sticcestul con- 'tu the achond for boyp are: sae preserve andti taIvilators of The shériftno doubt voîuld not caiiei up ai tht' iaundry and cas toli guesit hbse atter he la able ta occu. titougitie dld e veution ai the bli neyer bas beau FORMER SHERIFs' ORIFFINS testate l1ev dut-h prohibits shoot- like ta ýclaini tht' distinction but, thaI lier 1liais boyvva- 'tcry Ilii and py lis ,ew réaidence. The Carroll er lhe boy died beula in mae county btefare. TERM. 1 ing on a preserve. viii be iroscutai tramt tbose citahave been ln tlait tbattamite sîloti go iate inittedlatt-ly. bouse, reittadelet at considerahie ex. atter lbe vas ali Bat. George MoGnas was 10 bave Ca cyRobnson, Zion Cty, Nov. tlahlit IIunder thte iav covering il. itlalesaid Iis tri-aIment of tht' menVt'hn '%tc aiiglitt- front the mirent îiupens eaRHbeut îs guesl bouse la Tise bullet ha opoke. today ais "ihe Bol' Prabiema, 2, 7,ay. l dl is rare bhsitea sucit thet car at Genettet'stu'eet mitéecas teid lte tert. Nr. lusuli viii use tht' en- no a, the largea 2?t10, arey.pace lfha e.ti e ilng o ot h atn vle o-nlw h rnce 10 lis poethm stedrcl ht but becase ci is iineoilsvas unable Seainy Schwartz, Waukegai, Oct. GATES ONCE WENT TO tbyat ttaieiviln 0cne iesduev vle ai a1v ht' t ran esenttbone ashtmecî-cîyvt 10 hlieram atd 11e. Fuflton look 2), IWO, buagisry-isrceaiy. back 10 u 'tin tan>- rate, te record iPour veinait cas trokien i earteti. nrheîrutetwb îehoe iic thlie bic is pisae, speaiblag on the sanie suit- John Slo.nuez, Waukegan, Oct. 20, LAKE FOREST VARSITY. tands anti if btusiness keelîs on, tht' lier grief v'as lita great for vords. vhite the' soutit entrance viii he ltaI passes beforei Jeot. An excellent Prograe vas i Pro- 19111tburgia'y.iarmoy. aberif and ctîers are afraiti tht' jail iSite at-nt to te itndlrtcîiuit'roanîs portion ontiseé estae vieih he bas arlerlea. vidi bi ymrsudthsevb a- HERIFs' GREEN$ TERM. Charles Gales. vhsipe sudden deatit accommiodatin., viii have ta ei-aîoep gyveeitt-111e. eety iuîoe xecs'y fr The aider bhi tenieaiddcare they have beaamply John iStssatromn Waukegan, Nov, occurradin Wyomng Tîîeeîay, as creaseti proirtianatt'ly. mnstand tbî'n t'anitg upoa tht' aria that purpose. by building a drlveuay oser lte accude ropa8i. The convention has been bot M 1911. «auuN vh râpe Ist once enroleti as a student et the ot lier son-în-îav vent ta o lit e. and artificil lames, etc. claire they dldi antructiveaid lterastng. A nuin- Andrsv Howard, Chicago, Dec. 14 Lake Fcreet univeraity F R Y T I M revolE urr W ' HIIU A I'hvereeas pe lier et dlegatas attendait fro thlit 1911, burglary. Thte boy vas educateti at Smiith OR " îEN She a avae ____1911,___ Auag TaLy. VS. 4IIVi PVYl I AnThe cDupre foi 1at11l riaQry. okeaJa.9,complettate course at Lake Foresti 111U4 IdED T A E~ P~ I ~ ~ R *L C E R Sei a 192lacn.Juniveraît>'. But viile ln hie second F RE TIS TO EÀ E eCIE ntic o! mii. 1912, lRaAIS ren uksW. cga year lu collage and viten oniy,15 h FO ETt'£ E ueofat Wila kltkWauksaai, smne.eudnyli cstiean.bfr- e INQIRIN -INTO Charges Druba, Woukcgan, smme. adel tiIl tuisadbfr E R IUSBAND DENT N RN T 11TI E -D O Lawreaice Soueffer, Waukegan, i>ts ather vua aare a! tb. mase. For thietIrI tme"la lUa hlstory C SE03BAEMay 8, 191g, burgiery.hsrceay. bdgoeM okas ~a bllclerk for Lake Forest Celege,et Lake Forest, Albert Carey wjll bc confronti by ~ Watkga, Octber 28. FOR MUO 191, brgiry4rtny.Pary o Chcao. chols or oy inthewesvas trial ln Green Bay, Wls.. on a charge cai ielIs anntual meeting thîs i Wheti ist.,I Tva iaputy state lire marabals George Zai-i, Northt Chicago, March Furtiter details ai bis deatis aPPear Tuesday nighl tht' ecene oi a hazIuig. ai vlolatlng te Maan act. Mrs. Carey, morniag at 9:3>0 a'ciock ln thet' cer, confessai Vers la Waukegan toimy investîgat, 14, 1918, iaaceny. ln anathier cluma af thîs issue. As a result, Ioday the entre sopito- vito vas deeerted by ber huebaisi Nurses' Home. Thte election ai affi- (four ai vhom titi ai rather myterbous orîgin Frak Zatk, North Chicago, March mare cans, Iuicluucilug caverai "star' tbree years mgo Monday ln Chicago cers vas 'thte principal Item ai hua-i- akme cauntY. vblc& ob place At lthe John Wafii.b14, 191, Irocny. GET JAIL SENTENCES. members of titi football teme., faces eppeareti buttor Charles De Woody nomsa transtacted. Thte entire set of twa et Fax Lake it*1 bones,828 May s-etaI t12: 50 Roland Barr, Wouhsgai, Msrch 14,) - expulsion, If te frict rtlilng of the deparîment of justice muid mn-I aftiers ; verî re-electesi. , Tbeir Jhic body for lil o'oiot on the mralng of October Il.1913, laroefy. Juige Whitntey Mauiimy aentenced againet ltazing Pestabithhil >'Dr- nouned ahe voult i sgn te comuplin11 n.meafoiiov:,*' o'tn Tlhé tact that tise fire vas Iurnlng Eh S Arnatt, Lakec Zurich, Aug. 19, these prisoners as iollavs mter pleus John S. Noion, presudent of te cal- against her itusitandt andi appear President-Miss Emma Shunsvay. hmuged." mi simllneonly in tour dilctit parte 113l8. liO Y. ai gulty bai beeauliterai: loge, le enforced. agaînst hie ai the triai. Vice Preeient-,Mro. J. J. Page. needite btutdre cftbm bous andthaltvawoInsurance Sanie of the boys bave been t'e- Leter Paquetta. Bivward Brialane, Scenes horderlng an'tite rotons Mrs. Carey has aupportedt ire. cil- Secretryllt'. J. P. Hull. pay lb. lawyer poicesmgremtng$100ve. arleaei iuring the Dont tva years. At Anthony Jacoba, 30 imys ln couaIy accurmed ln tht' dormitartes aifteétiren mince hem huebani tort ber by JTreasurr-Mirn. 11. CBurnett itangei. 1iane s-ed an lh. urniture, lise ttalivalue tost titres af them ara SUtomIates joli, gulty ai petit ierceuty. collage test night-.ll vithout the' stviJng and dting ioueevork. Directora-3udge Chtarles Whitney, eral medical se of, a!vicb la etîmatai t lttie oser ai tha reformatory. Wbeber or ont Joseph Peîrovîch, 60 imys ln jol, kitovieti cf aîîy of tise members ofr J G Weich sud Mm. J. W. Barveil. ai my oSfer." $250, causai te mater tolite re- tbey havé cufferei the brutalitiesatâtat iarceny. the' facully. Soptuamares and fresit As a recuit ai t-be eect1an Misa - ftreito t ta lte aItira marchai vîit have beeu isscribed liicithare ai the men caheti. It vas ail a tmalter of Northt Halle puliets tramntteirbeis. Siumray WvIi enter mb tu er nintit jThe samitry thearrecittaI te Investigation Io yauths. viii natlie bafva ountiltse A tact of iluteront nat generaily caps-and prîncîit'. In tise end thbetlied hondianti foot, antite clipper jconecutive tareu me presideuit.%figes open bdssoc balng madie. Tite investigation vatulu details Ofte Investigation are bnown lut Wubegan leoltaI John treshinen. camte torty lna ueber. Ireatment applieti, "jeet la cure Ibeir Phuevay bas maie one t'lieheaet Inportaut mi hlInifthe court rçoe of th e police publiaea. It la probabie that tse OKeefe, oai Cieveland, one ai the eacis bai a vide sviath clîppeti iesitness." preeldents lise toatitai ever hati aid drainage canal station and vas iresied aver by Limbe 0coun1tY boyes smlerei vith the tient knavn foremen eser employedti Irangithle conter af bis luxurlent Thte trouble ail clarteti yeelerday cutter ber ahi. supervsion il has at- Platai. l, i II Deputy Smate Fit. Marebal IRabert B. rest-thi tilaes Of Oruti vilitproi- llte Waukeganst ceel minle vitalaler gravtof "football" hait, trac tare- atternoon viten te.frasieen dis atai its greatest succesei. The tramtte I teb Coholly. He vas amastai by Depuly ablY lie as s-vORIDlad hi orritble As vas maie superlntendent of estera hemi ta nape or necb. cartiedti ieir littie reti caps, wviic splendid assistant-e rendemet hy ltee ftrount Ra fIaIs Pire Marsbmi N'elle Jutil, Jr., thase of a huaisllter yonl ho tajira mille ai t-be steel corporaion, VTe tresiteen ver. capturai ity nt' the saPitomares dtcreed t-bey muaItaliter fficere itas heliseti hrng the vlw1 h b n ani an aijumior fer lb. Niagara Firea bave tttiet'goete ita lablatIes or bas beet retirai t ram tise company'a of lb, sophamores la their dormi- vear unîIliTbankgflvlng, regardioese oapita ta lils present standar t gliai L* ,,,,~~ss~cnithe lb.solool hma". jempifor on a *illsion. tiriezau laBicbstaae. Rariani aid of eather conditions, efficiency. Is, ITH NEW Mt se Where thei r't Knowjýt ws d,' i: Raised. ' Antioch, October à g'Indian" Wednau Dupre, 16 Yom,, bupre, a carpeut nd klled bie yffl ond, 10 yeare oi4 ecident of the U oaded," klnd. Os conducted the tmg 4d et Antioch *ai A verdict of "afl retutred by the j at unknown te bli ,boy bid ent w a .alibre -o 'usday and Wh S he went omi; & with It firing a&" sturned to the âe1w roorn. im=e ut thip tnie tbh1,i tait pu' ing hlm 10 C" te tera >mmeffo aduai niashi a * fl anda a hi, ees ha in.himee t k y, the thiaery.ha la uhford m M7efveytigla M4b8 3 hnie eof the090 i lo. Bo ln hie egIbm ofnteboy* th b elroter ehic bo tda Rie la à* l o know habo ea say he a re 0f the of à& iella ei Gr eavingt the Unet the Mo lDen». I = 1sntyerot ho tWysa o :01.i rme toyo* ar coase A Spmy e vor le ol Mendin choola et PAU T WO "as of 1i lcat - detiiar- 4b tri-e an mai lis n-w ter born fac.r he l'et tic novf auter corde lit 6'in mm- den o!h diretor core lum t.S Taer ýý i

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