Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Nov 1913, p. 10

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I #' f SlOb, if Washington treet vas oly paved wftb some- MIug. £ven sawdust or anttbing tuai would lot un drive Z j wM utdager of g WWnq usia, stqtreidect today vbp the bule *" iL«ý What he eaid tud' lo ~ a Plu2t. lm. lpaànkhrt' daughter sends ber mother word rom.Zqndon tha&t the jailpbyulclaiis there are continuing i»âs. tiietuby maiugtheul eè afte *eV have abioSt ipto the state liom *hio therl a no recovery. Shorrid ain juat lot us get to that polit and tuien food int us, writes thii ltant. -And ber motuier t0 lier expres8ifl nof digàat i lr barch treatmnent 11< dar daghtor. We agree wihber-tos.doctors FêutL,iter Marve. The idea of beiflg sohrsanfd as 1 force food into ber systmi Clarence Hwlburt HW t in à Ewpty CO, Wakmq-Chan01 EXCITEMENY FOR A TIN Had &m rtdon Gitar of $a4pwThree ZW ionty. Nov.4. A4 irisoner In te Mon Cty Ji made a dîtung eecape today ebort afler dinner by forcing aliart tlie hu or bis oel but in aeekiag te emeca qeta ins ?f am - îh'us t orcit the baWabua5t ter w blid wsuawd (o ws'g g l. tiirougsz. lust as liewa about to 4f~ ,C>l Imu SBtheIbmbuezW ie beard ipaushil W***4i4l M)p the staire agi h hwv j nth tii. other e#l t biide, ua uI~s etn m ftlilftag tIbat no one would bob forIRe1aBlo -etn Q e bintheri.Ths oth olf Uecoditifie Q wltbln a 8hort perlod wem apileoni .8 01TAUsd1. bas beeu able té force apai-ttheba rs ME fthe ZVon al.ARRANGE f OR KOLIDA O$iTÛA AV. Y ge îMary Janes cî<enzîe was liorfiInR4.Pt@ WI rabS- ,k Woodstoclk. Cnada, May 16, 1856. mon ln MetIlodis.t Çborch- 8h rie ame ta Dodge county, Wiscon- Ohratr p sin. when but two years old. She lived 00W_______p al trs gile -e'tram t(lielidng mnade the fatal mis- tule he ttyuhere the cierits ta irug t t ontprli£ anether oeil wherej and0eoderethlie proprietors te0 -The irIsoner wu>Clarencoeifuriburt . m m pear in, Chicago before (ho state ulia w#9 arrested op a chMe of hav- I bord bere titey wull lie given wan.lUg Stolen ltre. rifles framin Hari-1 Élit Inq of wbat will bîppen la (hem in Cook of (lie Cook Beictrical compsny. 0F I I Q giMetbey are caugbt ln a violation One of the rifles as. a Remington,. tibb. anothier uas a Mailin and ibm otber1 JW- la aloo ossile (bat Mi. Rlch- wa8 a Winchester. The3ý vere valued1 luthAllgedto Have Viol ud Sten u-il ay tlie tct betore states a( $85 but were taken ta Chicago and La Myrrnq Ce*s » 0~< Attorney Dady snd ssk t(at h. prose- ipoami of at a Northi Clark street1 tA $ cule lthe tua offenders. This la tlie paun sbop for $15. Mai-ai Walker4 Wei NUI 9Renwu. setie takon lu mnct places as e (leent ta Chicago today to ldetlfy tbm os!itoes o ail d-ug stores arelguns. UP TO STATE'S ATTORNY? p"sraof th. laws.and If (bey viletts Wbmn le returned li e unt up- lh43usuaily doue wlttfy. sai- la the jailitetate a look t ut ii Waukugfl., Nov. lethe two ptorea sai ta le guilty of prisoner. The bass hicli bad bée, K c. sraamo. niousio f th#v4*~tIu a-ebot ILca say fiouifoi-ced spart leavlng an aperture of -etets boad r i et armpeu'.a*l a 4~bugattasditrict. W11110 the mit-about mine laches tbld an éloquent c ~ifl £visi Mona, ud li v i h la under cansldoratioei It Il a iiistory. W&ukmrun uaiei e ~ dng.1m. n <ieLIV ~~ bo epl (atsuallegedi imPrOjtery uhere thec prisoner liai scaped. He WL hM WS as . t. t vb«,IM« .5h4P--P-e.tpii eet'y iniglt sasu n. olu& The.e usabut one q gr witvery dugget in lNi. Wge liai ameuiiug te do ut i mn lthle buldig a fieman, sud lie thuié lar ,ith egard tiwlUho lnvostisated. bad not seon the. oacapei pniioqer. sm ia acc idts $10M tSeti<oMr. 8sud1Mm. É. A. Maitini Esturtig .up stal-s Wlker madea fdy ~reçiati.of illuri., on <t PMay. Oct. wsoarc nsd round iHlnrut hidlng in 'Ibeua*.elu e«g et<ncf fp 3.L ins.Mrtin vas fonrerY Eva an unuset celiici-oas the hal froin ho fýu b. on ti ga &ffaiaOtthb.eue l lnw ihheholai been kept .hae nilst maried Joill HenrY Paulkner an November 28, 1879, and bas made heprhomte ln Laike county ever since. To this union were bai-n two sons. William John, of Lakte Villa, aud Frankt Herblert. ofdRiussell. wllo sur- vive ber. She ha dtirèee elters and three brotera, Jo4LsI.uisa and WIlIa&m uhù have Soue ou before ber. Sorib Phoebe an# 'limas wbo survive ber. Obe leaves (O atOurn ber lags ber husband. two sous, two gianisons. two sisters and one brother and a large boiof Meut,. She Vas a sooi neiglhor and s klnd, loving uit. and inother, aud sbm died ln the failli ot Christ as Il- iustrated lunlier last sicktuca. ube lias been a great sufferer for (lie past tou mots.. 5h. Vent te KansaCty for treaetuont the 15th of July and dled (bei-e wilh pneume nia. October 20. 1913. She dled ai thie aire of 57 years. 6 months and 5 days. Whore lIme UlCckeia Winoa. Tb@.ul tut itl08tlilg&bout tii. counouS litobar le s egothsa l always %mgas iigthat Xe buhi 55v- ered sometiiug novel and Importait. autIetcal Mon. Mia l agsalhalY egetlstcai. WàM ho uta. oa bos. mm ho ecouplA. »Mmoes im o JudgqMem d as buiy snt thluaua the liçi-s ugehi, 'the Waulcegan Ministeriai Associa- (Ian held a mueetlig Tuesiay - after. noon ln tbe Y, M. C. A. building ai wblch (bey elected eftlers for tho en- sulnz y..-. Te tollowing officors wer. lectoi: ?Pm-adent--Rev. àeorge Mroinnis., Pinot Baptint. Vie Presdent-Rev. S. W. Chudes- ter, F'rst Prcabyterlsn. Secretary-Treaurer-Rev. Carl E. Lunigren, BweilLutheran. The. aboie newly-elected officors comprise the program commlttoe. Rev. P'red (lîliger. pester of the Cbap. el treet Chuislan chai-ch, was -e- celved as a mnember o fthe associa- tion. Il asa dectded tht the annual un- Ion Tbangaglvlng day services saltl lie beld In te Pirat MethodIst churchl ibis year. Rev. Si-mies of (lie Firet Christian cburch wlll deliver the Isernion. The Dr-. Peter~ Fabruey sud Sons Company. Chicago. bas applimi for a decrease of lie capital stock tram $200,000 in $5o,000.Plie F'ahi-ueys bave a tsi-n nesi- Milîburu. Like CauntY. Tbey are one of (lie paient iumiolue fi-ms uhicli las been biti diaasti-ously hy the agitation uhi-ougli. out the nation againat patent medi- close. hiStretg' ihi 'oin p'oliman 0f Nor-thiChicago, atter] TeWuea OM0 dctO havlng boau on the. police force.for ethismetuaing oiusdnigo!Edu ao ti. lu~t 13 yOOi-.AÀ t<cecue r 18mengo .dimghba ' hoh.adbftnin with Airman ou ~ o,,aWdB «yI atauiq Wojton&ad hbis on, Johns rnia f(oMlllYslçl nal*lof e«udmbe bi. 1liy, B 1 M ai atinstitution Thursday, bs làdoobttgl If iMr. £p*u tpÀi# 5U~ £tB4Pi ~ will b. alé te dérve afYmy teâfe!it *ei Isl he-a mpsedpoi iosa 8- frointhe action tahifi he tii. > inl fait. uil whiehpoioed %r ierelnsateent. asat$iomoto the miinttteqfteothe C. ]FI.Hoffulan of Ouine. han i-e- action of Oliver 9. ThoiIn, citY tumednfrtr a two wueoka vieil uth superintendent af ichoole and diflot bis sister la Mican. Missouri. Heori-- onurat@ lyse cftithechiarges whlcb porta a vei-y ploasalit trip. Mr-. Hoff- haaeio. jute alainat hlm. In mbilrought back soveral large another columu lte SUn gIvte e-s hickor~y nuta uhich lesasys lie In inchi olution la funl Md aIBOe i.ofilairee- great profusion upon the grouad that ord ort ho meeting as Ih ban bfefl en- no on@ thinks et plcklng thein up. t.r$i athe, records of thi ecretarY The. muta are sverai turnes ait large of tbe bonari. as thos. found ai-aui lier.. 15Çi nA. ~~ Miesa Anailasia Douera, îgsd about1 88, lied lIn theJane McAllster ho.. pitl about 10 oiock Monday nalibIofei pnuuaicua. ae h ai boom liseveral1 days. Misa Soueus roasi lu the Androasoo fiist t the soutb non f e thé Oenééeoo treet bridge. Au effort la beiug maie la locale a brotber uho la sai (o live la St. Peul., James 7D. SeDenald. employsd as a bai-ber lu Hightind Park, vas ai-i-mtit by lb. local police on Tuesday milt an a char-geofa! eing inloiketet. Wbou to u thLb.police statione was touai lio lai a lbaied revolver lu bis pocket. This mornlug ho wu glymu a beilng bofore Police Migi.- braIe Walter Taylor on a charge et carryliig conoed veiponisud vie finod $26 sud cos. He pild th. due a"i lofti. promaialua la b. muaie cari- ful about (lie usy b. cii-tes C-reas lu futu(ýe. À sou vas bora ffliîy nigit Oct. Ilei 1 Mi-. aud Mns. Bd M&rtn ot Miliburu. popi-et betore the. board sud maie a stilement ult roer«enotu the charges of insubor-dination and filai- gSti.. of resuogie. He uso Itpology lentthe board sud tubite super- intendent, asking to lje relnslated. imbu Fla lIaidon. cerretsry of tbm Tounsilp Higli schoois ai-o getting 10 ho pi-etiy expensive (linge. Evîn- &tou and ihighlaud Park cantemPlate expening $250,000 or nse oci Just tu sdi te oit pi-osent estakblinhments. Tt la said(ho reison the aatti-neys for the. Vola vognen askod the court Tuaday ta postpone their trial unil Deeombor, yblch was grantpd, wais uahe hey mghit procure certain evi- douce (liesi-e smeking for te de- feus. ludge Wbhiney ou Monday made su Impartant docision ilthLbLbo Villa proceeding. Ho net side thb.bave tu fila Iniformaption n thet quo a i- rame proceedings. givIni the. defetd- 1 ais parmison 10 ail. a4AVits sual les wegaouwby it ihoul# nt et ho041- we announce a'Speclal MàtBery for Ladi es TheS iArQI5 e en $Ic fer $0,~OY and; AU of Nexi Weckee.Don't Fael Te Corne. WSCOAT SUICOIE-* ()Ur Leader jLM " 48$50 We offer as >a special leaderthtu week one hundreà suite at the reniarkable price of $15. Remarkable beaùiet1 iey are suite »ou ordnarily pay 2?.50 for; the tiilorig ig the finest -that Ea e d The nateri#k t1he 1Itest eaves; sitin lined: al sizes. Alterations ree and fit e !* ý at 0 .... .. .. .. . ' ,4t $1$.76 you get a suit that je. originally *18.50; iail the îîew loths an-d of the newest designs. The colors are bine, blac,brown, graï. Your size and fit. Satin linîrmgs, prettily trinuned. Priced spe-127 einl nt onflv.....127 Iso At $19.75 we offer you the Pick of all of our highest price suits, values up to $30.00. in beautiful materials, skinner satin lined trimniings of vel- Vet,ý braid an-d buttons. In al sizes. Your choice 1 7 $8.00 Wool Qs$~ Arrived this morning; over 150 wool dresses for wom- en and misses; in fine serges, granite, and novelty e loths. Blaek and colors; verv pettily trin med or glan. Al sizes. *$8.00 vaellesat ___ ___ ___ $1.5&$ .S Walob tinly 98c C.M tSultsier St.t*WWômçp L2 t2i Our Scats and »suite for'tout women ar e not meurely extra aimes, but are garments especxally made, eut and desig2ed for st out figures. They are made to fit. The greatest values in garmegts o<banature. Made from brbadelthe, serges OUM 0 oata for $15.98-We show a wonderful hine of coats at $15.98; included are eoat3 of the fine8t eilk plush, Arabin amb, mixture, bouele, etc., lmned with finest satin, braîd and tassle trimmed; three-quarter and 15 9 ftitl lengths, at bargain at--------------... $10.00 Coata For $5.98- A onderfuI siiowinof lol1W- er price garnents. A chance to get a really good coat at about balf of what von would have to pay elsewhere. Ini the new fabrics, including fancy mixtures, fancy trimmed or plain lincd or unlined. Extra spe- eial, only-----------------------.... Ju$ s e of evoer2'mi~ Tbi~~~~ is one of ~~the greM~est cJ4idreinýs eatvlusw av vrqfQe;M4 ~ ton Up at the t'hroat, ini Astrakan an-d pitwçs;.gsues to 14 yeam. Biation Or J4 braid trinmed. A very unusual value for this selfing, only ......... . ~QIL 1~IHA New ae LierioWnaspeineîg as or tmie ut /MU vp qWe show a splendid Une ço! dreses for we4ç1in , ýpisq.4 Lû aveer showbciaibroîdr e ~iel prchâd fgti-* s eljAi ii gs. '"al oeesion§, i4 bJeautiM niesalines and!c bo4 ~d~1 SYSWM USED fî-or 32 toiregla $ inai-ides4ffl; al e qàj ÀtR ji I} very prettily trined, ithe neweet styles; ail sizes; ai fro 3 t 4 ; eg la $ .2 a d 1.0 al esrt 141S'$,25F m oderately priee4. A LST 0F V ERY SPECI. VAlVES 1FOR TlSS E AYS . L~5i-R. Voixien 's eheeker flannel Woînen 's flannelette ki- Ladies' ali-over aprons, ild.reti S UI Ofl Uts8 Ladies' switches, light au-d l.A,' vtci ek.d ~gun~- (hlei' hn;g Iglil gowns, in blue, tan monas, light and dark îeo- îight and dar-ckloirs; ki.. heavy fîeee.ed, nealry attd lclsigou ea h< ,bttno olid shoe, guinet~loi o piuk stripe, heavy , fu $1.5e; 0 ors; ail patternîs and sizes. mona sleeve, taped edges; sûzes; our regillair ý6chile. emtrapeoial,$2,00 -$2.50 and $3M 1 patent, in bto;$ full ,tuBal..t.iC &let,.. 1 1 ; hpcm 9Ç value& tou0'g 5 aud $2M values, 1.Qgi ur regular $1.5 ,50ce; 17e orti aelA auju 4 I 4 c- - me - -4 at Sal Col at foi R4 li PI Fi 'in l yc ai (c1 lie,-re atIfico toil let, ýett )rite rie

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