Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Nov 1913, p. 12

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Dinîng Room FURtNITURE£. hi iis w %vIl as iii other lines, we earry. the Dining inom Tie- a $n.9 Bufe ofY -0 soi golldn0. ak liou:ml tertaleaees-ielu ned d(lers itan 1:luighlv hanîl finislîcd. Y Extends ta <i fvet. The regîîlar p)rivei for these tablIes is -$1s; onaurx ;iaI prire 1.5 China Closets .\Anîîînber <of styies ta choose front ;1$16M8. \ (Ii lfie- are vegullarly selling at froin 11t. ; q i ilitli f sîîlid îak and hl lil N.finislîed. i i tîxshe esanid vent glass dloors1. Dining Room Chairs, $1.89-Large cas\. haek and ~aîdseat. These chairs are iade of Aniericau . wdn oak and are highly finished: reg- $lrpivý2.75, special à.at ......1.89 Ruis at a Savin' MM5 Body Brusel Rug, 9z12 Feet~ $16.69- New and excellent patterns to choose froin. Aiminilter Rugi. 9xU fflot $26.35-$31.50 val- ue o~iS<f the newest patterns, showing the lieuest effe< t' in Oriental as1 well as (OUi entional designs. Magnet Stewart ]Range Wth SB"el loor Baue 18 Inch Oven1 imade on the one seam principal, absolutely tight and rig- id. Body of range and eloset of polîshed range steel, in natural finish and reqires no black- ing. %ie Box of the lat- est mode]. Grate, oif the latest duplex patterns and cannot elog; nmade hoth for coal or wood. Special prîce .... ......e Prize Stewart I laid i ual 1 )aseburner, the new~est inîprai cd in tilîs elass, Nii th nany teatures, snch as: -Magazine oif e\ti-aî apacîtv v ith autaniatie gas caver. Pire- îlot of nnproved shape, heavv and durable, re- 1i1ovalile threve side of stove wvithout trouble; grate "f Saie 1perfect romlifation shaking and duplex frl*Ite) as in1 higlier fliiced iliodels, spe- eAi IRailroad Fare Refunde4 to out-of-tow n eus- Nvier 'ith t everv .j$5.00) plrehase or over-. 1 I MN t'oîhv lot the îîecessary arnount tii buy V~ lii fîInitîîie ii stoves, take a(Ivantage of ouir 1 aiiîMtpla e trust van. AL SEIFERT'S FINE IIUNTJNfi LONOE IS DESTROYEIJ IN IWIS. AI Spifert'icureailue hunting louge, whlch naheen the renter of attraction for iaukegan and Chicago hUntcre for i4"""-yearp; ai Powell, *Wl.., ad .1lîirh wasa Jut ro[nPlted ,ttér years' .abor on it, by Mr. Sefert ý»Jd bis friends, hurnc'd t the ground F y and iti destruction thug t eorrOw to a large Oumtier of hobail annéil going front i Vaukegan for winter deer bunting lu lie near future. The Ossiii aabout $.004) aithough, CoIlaiierit,g the »eri<onal affects, etc., cannotliebe stiaoated ln money. Th rii f h i, sa ainvusery and everwil 1) Seifert, ebo returned titis morning with is u brother-in-iaw. Richard Brunke, and fEd Giese, aaya that hé and his t'no compianions and bisa rare talcer. ll.'r. man M.artin, left the iodge ut 12 1o' lock Sunday n000. When they re. tturned ai 4 o'ciock after hunting. 1theY found tlie plane razed ta tilé igrouind and they had loat everything r éXcOPtîng the ciOtheo tbev hail on their hacka. 1530 4 V M., I 91by e.h â. C geai Grailn and Bagu et $1.29. Regular price $1.50 - new novel shapes, pat- ent fasteners and silver niuntings, leather lin- cd. 16 Button lae hKid GlovS et $1.98. Former price frýom *3-to $3.,--A; colora, are blaek, tan and navy; good'as- sortinent of sies. New Pleetngs Pretti' fluffy fixings for neckwear or trinmîngs in pla'nwhite or ecru, as rell as pretty combi- nation of colora; per yd. $1.98 down to per ne5c yard .... .. -AqI of Waowu's tailore.d 51 ffor4lai a Sa'ving e fo @ek !rd ThIs offer nicana: lJoice ou «nv tailored slit in thîe store . $10 now mnarked to seli at $ 15.00 for ........ . a Vçimce of, W Tafilred Suit la the siît. Selliangregularly $20 at $13.50 -The newest and most approved styles of thec sen-' son is here for- your chooging in the niost popular fab- îiesand colars.. There ar-eno Qxec)tialis -e.irv suit at this priee is included. Pr.tgy #ud Serviceable Wool Serge Sklrta et *2.98- The $5).O0 kiîid-all1 wool serges lu calors of bîlack or lbine, plain tailored or in the inew <raîîcd effee(ts. 8erPeDresses t *5.98-These dre.s<ssaire inale <if al wool storîn or Freneh serge iii bliie, biavk or brown; sonie of theni are îlaiîilY tailîiredî l otherie miade in draped effee. Wumeas *Msses' Winter Coats $15 -Ne.W-Ilothifg but nwis"o in i this svetioi. ,l'his assortnîent or ~it' oatts ait $ l5.( ivles the nîost pxpular styles of the svasiin, th rec-qIjia rtei- orî fulIlcength inodels il) thfenew i ut ju îî ftin l pl)ain or two-eolor effee-ts. AIlsisît uta 4<) 5I at .................................... $j1. A SpeciaJ baIe of Facy R1"bn -A speeial purchase of faney ribbons at a low price enables us to offer 35e quality faney2S ribbon, ai yd ...25 -Me and 50e quali-U~~ tics, at yd ... 5 - These ribbons are from 31X/ to 5 inches wide, faney Dresden or striped desgins, as weii as a ntunber of Scotch plaid. Specially suitable for holiday faney work, Cater's Wo.1 Ubdirwear Glie Perfect ,Satbsfù'tion Carter's -Mavbe you n wfrom experience, Carter Underwear and those of ordi- pnarv qnaity-difference in the looks itheco;nrfort, the wear, the fit and the price-ail in favor of Càrter's.. It 's fine qual.ity would justify a higher price, but its popularity is dite ta reasonablenesa of price, eombined mith maintenance of quality. Carter's Underwvear cornes in a large variety of light, medium and heavy weights, in every required style and size. We show Carter's women's union ~ suits in three distinct styles, high neek and long sleeves, short siceves and low neck and low neek with no sleevcs $150 t0 $500. 'uion suita Separate garments from $1 to $1.0 Separate garments from $1.W0 b $1. Boy 's and giri's wool union suits fine quai- 15 ity, $l.OO ta .... ..........15 Bot 's and girl 's fleece lined'ribbed underwear, separate garnients of fine IEgyptian yar'n, gnJkp per~ garment ............ ............. Childreî0s fine ribbed flee* h lned hose, i5 guaranteed fast colors, per pair ..... 4.. 4~) <.g, ~ Cf ~ Excellnce ltrin'scloitig. -Style and individuality cnmbined Nvith excellenlt quîalities are round in our eoats and suits for meni. Mlade bY Aîueriea's forcînost tailors, eýxperts îho mnake eorreet tailoring their Iife's.iitsdil; oxir clothes l)<im&ss the graceful lines that aî'fl in eonistant de- nian ïîdlivwel-drcssRed nien. Kaufman CIQtheu, Coata and Suit-The kind wve svlI îatre tailored, net pressed, into, shape and w~ill retiîin their hunesta the end. Suita from $1.00Oto ...*4........... 25-00 Overcats from $10.00 to ..........$2000W Unusual $2 Ifat Values Lighit, flexiblte, eonforming hats, easy fitting, lu thé newest shapes of orown andl roll of Irjm-riî'h seal l)rowns. green and blues, also blaek. SPECIÂLS- OFFEEINGS IN SILKS. 59e Brovaded Silks,. Yard 45e-Anitieipatinig the s'trolîg delliaîîd for broeadcd( fabries, this store lias gaihre li<i'a iintisiîîllv extensive and strikinug se- lî'd ioii of t heîî iti ulî' îîîeditini prived gaîsa fleri tliî' rî*iiîaning daîvs of Noveîil)ber is iiffùiii. theî ait arii1 oulvlow prîe. I ne1livid aire lîrîiaded S11k, moire and Iîroeaded erepe de tclinmes, lît h 59v valiies, in ain endless vaîrîet.v îPr shjades, speelaîl, at ~'aîrd..................45c Tbese are thie Bats Girls Lille -The kind with a dash auud sfiap that "the othler girls have," but with the r-efinemieut and laîek of exaggcration thiat the varetni (dresser approves. Mani' are ini those soft shapes that the *yaulnger Set delights in. Pullitig ups, others have faney Sorne have the newcst aîîd most eovette-d stic.k- 11i, othcrsh ave faneév f e a t h e r s attaehed i*i Unique Inanners - <loz- enls ta choose froîi and iao tow alike, t -$3.530 to.....60 Speclis in Sioes-for-S aturday Men's Cuahion Sole Shows - Madle of fine vici-kid leather - w~%ith (Goodyear ietsoles heavY arnd flexible, mîedium hligh toc, lace style. A shoiïthà îî'illgive the unost eaniI and War foi vour money. 3.M5 .........l..... nlietal lh have i soles. Sv Boy's & solid lea wiil stai Girl'a & equal it1 xiei leat 111A.), $1.I We b»e tables E- Our Win4.wMD1*,ay. nevei' saw any. shoe that mill Nçw inodel W'arner Corsets equai tîjese at the price; ini gun at $3 of fine quality batiste ather, l)lttan styles iin high ai or Iow bc; we01 utlefrn 1 a c e d eluded iILthis sanie regutar $3.00 shoes, with bad ek. ltdsie n ar iet sle loîv hees, soft, heavy i ffd Tae tio bl o i g )ecial at ......... .............1..N h hndul oig give an easy flexibilitv to the garment, double interlin- lhoos at *2.00-la ahl styles and inade of ail ings prevent the boning ather, button and blucher shoes that 9 ' froun punching through and id the baî'dest wear, sizes 21/, to 7 ... 2'*00 teariîag eloth and the fabries themscives are light and ýchool Shoes-The Walton make. You ean not soft, luit 50 strongly woven for wear, mith good ivide toc in -gun-metal, and that it wili not streteh or, bers; sizes 5 to 81/., $1.25; sizes 9i ta shrink, prieed .50; sizes 12 to 21/2 at ......... ....... 75 at ........ . 3M Redfern Cornets, Prom $3.50 re big bargains inx ail kinds of shoo on Our to $6». It willb. worth your while to look at them. Werner Raua Proof Corsets -prom *1.00 10 $8.00. For tlhe Cveed Na- tural tigureIedfora orWarner Corset - No aign ot stiffness nor restraint; no accentuated nul' pronouneed unes- just the straight, easy, graceful, uncorgeted effeet that wom- ein arîe striving sa bard ta at- tain. This and a certain easy ,swayitng motion of the body; a freedom of movement; a naturai poise, whether ait- tings, standing or walking, places the Redfern or War- ner corsets foreinost aînong See Our Window Display. 00. soi tal>-Tb$ eoomty by dm ,bawb the ounty bath et 14 lu Short temient oi muner fthe te ~Ir. Ai Voyeor etth lm a Soue i pevtors fer the pc Weu clt1 ILumec« *;à M Ub.rte m bo %". us.'. a- uh6 Wth t tueri-t t0 succe for the tendent boad 01 tiQildat la a qua kaown 1 both ané * The 9 dates a] board pium. *The 1 fixed th county1 the 'c tbe nu He' The Juilge day th T. Kir the re Kirby thie or Kirby The uong that 'l Tamneo »lby : uaj Women's Shoes at $2.50-Voti

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