Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Nov 1913, p. 4

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Officiai Paper for 1Lake CoutY. 1 e Office T.lophone Number 1, Libertyvilie Exchange. Uleda% tbe Postolilce et Libertyvilie. Ill., as Second Cams as mlMtmr ~ismdEsr 'ada.Adrtislig Rates Made Enovn on APPUoa ttt00 t OUU8RIPTION PRICE,.50PRY YICL NAVNO "W. J. SMITH ..............-.......................................... Ecoi v . G . SM ITH ....................... ........................ ~. 8 ~ E .. . . ...... ........... TEWECEKLY INDPENDECNT. As a weekly paper, the LakêOouizty Iudepmmdent, ,Wbichi a lthe weskly edition of The. D&J mlln d,1holdi 1.1Oouny Iudepeiideut,' stafU lt re!le ýy Ibtis section as the largest, most uoway and mont up-i to-date weekly paper. It covers the viole of Lake county,' @very nook aud corner bemng looked aller by its speclai ,wp of correspondeuts who moud weekly contributions loe iipapr. Printed in Libertyvie, it is primarily a ibetyvMle paper, but baiidles nova from every Section et ,th@couty andita scope is measuredou] y by ftguring i every corner of the county viere it circulates. IXn Lib- etyvSfe practically every Engliah-speaklflg resic!ent takes ,the homne paper, the Indepeudent. linOm-theproment ovueru of ithe Independeut assumed charge Ivo years mgo, the paper bas increased iu cicula- tien rutlyevery veek iiev subsorIbers bave corne le usw paper unsoUcited, they bave corne because the. Inde- #pmuIdell o gnlued as the BIG WUEKLY of the coun- ty, md, to get ta tbe news 0f tho co*us t i Isquite ueces- »,y .b. -a embuuuIboof lhe Indepeudeut -0u. lin1 vbwich lhe proeut owuers of tbe Independeut bave pl ptticu1ar atmalion le lale thie mater of getlng laie lws Iu oaci veek's issue. The lUdePeudOnt goos le prqOu asci Thurmday st noon in order le b. defivered le subscr$b- vsm Frlday mornlug, for, when Ù4 postoffice of tie coun- t- IVopen flday mornini, nn dsof farinersaMar vatiUg for their veekly Indepeudent uboEeizîg tins fan, the Proment owners of the Independeul, even more than the abl. men vhe preceded them, bave made il a point le gel -apalg of Thursday mormgin thecietsue 'Pioudmland as la ltheni.wi thle other weeklies of 'he. couuty, they print novathbat happens up to press time qf the Waukfgan dalies ou Tuesday or Wednesday. Not i» vih'the ludependet-its news carrnes ils readens right wp l non Thrsdy. or exaiuple, lasI veek the Inde- prried in i ssue, tho nev«of lhe deati of lira. inkel Swltzorland, a woman vol kuovu the. coédny, noya of ber demis. belng recelved Va jg u Jut before noon Thuraday. AUl oier l"ek- ~Mt have lie uiomy, but print il ibis veek 9l~t.slieeffort made by the. ediior of *0 kep is eoky mliv and Up to lhe -MuU U BAEDla' e"As Ie Lbortyvufle neya, lbhe Indopeudeul bas been ptin Iug ail le»nsof value lu lhe vige lusa dean, ion- matme n d under Ibe nov local management, il hmal m- ~uybeen mlusried Ibat even more sud botter nova fa blgobtaiued. lu Mr. Webber's endoavor ho furnish lie but nova possible troin Llbertyvlle, i. hoÉould recelve ih. Mid of the people aI large lu lie commuuity, a help vblch ho and the edihor will greatly appreclale. You ceau lilp make your borne paper botter by sending in items viien you kuew of any. SWlth fresbmen at Lake Forest Coleage hazed in a ratier semstional manner and so closely foilowing lie WVaukegau igi acheol football quabble, Lako county in ampi on liseinap lu a very sensational picture. litier aiwould have made a - taking" movie te say lie least. Goneral Booth carne frorn England lu lie finest steamer afloat and paid $875 for bis suite And, rigil att- or ho spoke 01thle slrnpllcty and dernocracy of lie Salva- lion Amy of which ho la lhe iead. Ratier aimple, lsn't %1 ulien ho spends almost a thousand dollars for ils roorna Jusl for'1h. ocean tripi And lie poor of 1he vorld have contrlbutod liat $875 aI liaI. Weil, "Bll" Deane won hus fight for admission tô the ber of Lake county. We are pl.aaed te note bis succeas, Our opinion dffering in tbis froin liaI of smornfe our per- sMai friends. However, vo assume lie stand that, see- Mig Mr. Deane vas anius bo give up a business ici people generally look dovn upon, narnely lie saloon busi- ms, vhy ie miould be helped rather than bindered. Bo far as personal character goem, ve know smre men vie, are nov practicing lav viose integrity, moral ciaracler and moral influences in lie comrnunity are incomparable te Mr. Deane's (don't mistake it-we mean bis is soea u- puor.) Farinera ot Lake counly, one of the greatesl counties ln the wvend, should rise te, their advanlages and lake ful cognizance efthlern; liey have utilized but portions et' tii reseurces lu 1h. malter ef getting ail that's possible oit et tb. fine soil found in the county in ail sections. Frmiug in Lake ceunhy la just beginning to, reachitis top-noch peint. Farmers as a viole are beginning to pay more attention la breeding hhoougibred stock; lhey're béglnnlng te nrealize liaI prepen attention paid to soil de- vWlopment, ineans bigger sud belter crops. Yes, farming ilak Lmcty in jusl nov attalning ils higheet point of ,*@Mecy sad il's up toe i ndividual fariner te aspire or excel bis nelgibor lun Ws attaiumenla. ork aivq s6é -'M osuseil ,is* asnfi Nov ie',tbuoq* ba~) &aureof 144~e "side as a P riu s ,*dati baei DYésho auy sort e a.uIl, 1't UP le lih uatn s ,lo ish tii. sport.lmprÎ ovedle&id luNe h al *thépreserve in pro- servd fo Ib pn~os or wWcb lieàstte bas4ettta#ldo -Ma a leswee a an msoria ou ilve, brood ani propor. Thon, lu Urne, licntlng la "il county viiib. resg sport. Uil nmre roieo tg 1aiforded gaine, huniers vii baveltuafs along 'wt t.h uÈ l na1plcklng hore and tiore. The. gaine preMO s fi t rInorma ituli move le provide bellot h"* ntigl Uiccounty lu ynear le corne. Il in up le hunteru ho &asit letheir utamt. samuel Insull la speudlng lota of money on bis beau- tiful pluce south of LibertyvMu llo. lmwMlinPUges e in- prove bis property bas given employment ho maiiy mou and bis acquIstion of rnuch laid lu the locmlty hbas bd tie resut of incaug the value 61 favinland inuthe.en- tire iôvuu1zp, - .*%. mii fa ofmil a afarme*!, cus i. likes farnilug-hê valcis d.vsloeu fh â tb à t, hlm land, etc,as closely Ua y omin8l amer latbo couity. In tact, heoflda more pleasmre aid atisfacton Ou bis big LibertyvMle tari n h'le cm in d aiiyvhere ese in the world àad thats viy ho goo oui lier. every day possible. Lake couaty farmers are Jusi b-----lu4-le ouls i that Mir. Insuligapermony iuterostlu thiir succousil fisnaof the. couuy liebut on oarth. HeOla vi- hgnruêdy aI any time to asst nany wqy tobn about a igier standard of efficency and proficiency in their land and Ilu hhir soi NEW BORN BABE SAVED RV LUNQMO- TOR IN EVANSTON Use of the Fowler LungmotorJ Bringa Broath mb oLungs of MoBrady Baby. FIRST CASE 0F THE KIND.1 Child Qomn at Hoopial. Frday1 Could Nt Brath, $0o-City Instrument Was UWe. Wieni the respiratori organe of a baby son of Mr. and lira...ZE.Me-1 Brady, 1325 Main soot. Evanatan, horaietathIe Evanston bospîital eariY ffîday. taled tu show signe et opera- tien, the. Evanaton Inagmotor -as cailed loto action. and atter several bour' work the chances of the. lIta of the infant appear geod ta the at- teaidiaig physician. If the baby lves the casa WEIl haanaetfthe mont ain- usual an record. The heart action et the tiny lI- tant Io perfect, but when the, respira- tpry organe faiied ta respond the at- teaidlng physicians were baffled. Sncb a case ha» nover boan brougt ta their attention before. iually noe- ene auggestedl the Evansteai lune- mtar and a call vas sent inthîe Po- lice station for It. The heur vas 3 o'clock li the moraine. Lieut. Hof-. teter and Driver Keoea reepouded ta the eaulaI the police automobile. Por mare than four heurs Uleut Hoff- stetlar vorked aver the Infant vitI the. machine. and vhen, ehartly «fter 7 oclock. signa of respiration vere maexfested. the vark vas stoppad. However. a cloaq atch viii ha kept and the 1fe Ba g device agaln em- pioyed If the organe fail tai keap up their action. NEWS AT LAST FR01 TUPIONI3ER MINE IN TUE WEST WATER RI3NTAL 5 $350 A UNIRI FOR LAKE FOREST MEN At Least Two Residents Pay Above Sum for City Water Ouring Summer. HAVE EXTENSIVE ESTATES. WJater ii Fm*nsho Them by Lake Fortst, Watoe tom- pany, Ptlvate Corn., Sorne people kick on the water ratesnandrents lai Waukeaai. Wbat would they do If tbey bad ta pay $350 a montI t<k later on their place duriaig the summer? That's what môme rich Lake Forest- ers have ta pay. There are ati eaut twa men la Lake Faoreat viiose water rente ament ta thus suin sncb month of the. summer anid they pay It ta the Lake Forest Water Comnpany, a con- cern whlch thus has a few number ef usera but they are large consumer,. These men and thase who use wat- er under the meter plan whicb ruais lito the huaidreds of dollars per month, have extensive estates lin the city anid naturaliy muet have lots of water te keep their gardons aaid lavais lookiig aice'. And the Lake Forest Water Com- pany, a privais conceri, la villiaig te pump ai the water necessary ai se much per galion. But imagine using enongh water te pay $ltu a maaith for It. Add te thîs the wages paid te the meai vhe have ta spriaikie the water aaid yen have an idea et the cost of maintalnliig semaeto this âne places at Lake For- Ne wonder the water camPanTIha feught hard tui rotain Ita rigts lI Lake Forest as a private vater cern- pany anid ha@ fougît bitterly the movameait te bave the plant turned over oteheo clty. President Tobin is Said te En- CAM9P LOM iA1 -tertain Wife By Use of Pho- C O E O IA nograph Records. COEN YÀ Waukegae and Lake CeantY men Canmp Logan, the Illiois tate rifle vhe lnveted i the fanis Pioneerrag ot ZihCyascse mine lI the west.. especiali tiiose vuto frnge er of Zione ofith.bseaon were "stune. yuilb Inteete Ifor tesfl ea afler anintof tenmd. readng tis tlegsu ceeItlsaisons ai iTet ea watnd LoAdneg tielegram:.nore ta Las Ageles Oct 7.. laicronrtatonc.Is bltr. the idaumvotii hie wlte and children lI Denver may eroniton iurne te umer o net become ieneseme for lame, Will- menuaitie anImmes uboft iam J. Tobin, ewner oet he Pioneeoatmonl gt r e 80mmreet ioee mine at Pioneer. Nev.. bas bought atoagarblierentnoe phoreograph upon which recorda of day. noises aithtie mine, particularly of the Th,, iast big ahotilie match eoftth. staenp mliiIn operatian. yl ho eeaan, hIle iSherwood cuti. vhich vas ..piayed." coaîîeeted for by Companiy teanls tram It le said by Waukegati ovUars Of the. SeventhIe lantrY, resuited Ila stock that tihe Company la nov oper, eting ire mine, aithougut nothing tan- victery for company H commnanded gible has been heard haro about thir hy Capraiai Fraaik W. Sherwoad, the piano. - Maeey et the ovaiera ef t ,ock range offIcer vltb a total of 605. li lAke Ceuaty dlspesed et their hold- ings et very émail pricos. One man Comepany' K. Cattai Donevan cern- n ho Paid about 20 cents a phare. sold aandîng,. Snsled second vlth 589 lis holdings for 2 cents a shffe. points, and conuaitM Captai 0e. Othere whe pald 38 Cents aS hare. are tili holding them. The stock la nov rardîii commaidtag, tbird vitI 520 Lyrlo Theatre Pregam FRIOAY HI& Craay Job ...............Camiedi Neetor A Child's Intuition ................. Drma Slai BATUAOAY Rob Roy ................................cir Three rmeldraina.Speelai feeurs. SUNDAY The Girl Bancher .....WeternDraina 1Neetor The Shlas............. ........raoea Preebyterian Services 10:30 a. m. mornifle warship. 1145b. im. Bibe lchool. 6-.45 p. 'ai.Christilan Endeàvor oclety. 7:30 P. M. evening worsbip. Visitors alwmyp veleome. H M. Ai LI.rIII. Paptor. et. Laurance Eplacopal Church Bs,. EnvAsai S. WImTE, Pastar marailasPrayer 10-80 a. m., Snnday ecbool 1180 a. m. Viiare ualwaye velcome. .W«tî1c W.% dingotImRfe G LO BIE . MadolynZoukol 'le du e shwmm.duo te bar eswaia4 akbà mono bbl oeilly ad maamulêI. About M 0aUuvad da"d aul vomi avv & éi thalIai ia ad sae" a TUF pkmamt .,eins. *Hads"' vas vevy popilar md agrewtood vasgaiboes una. l doorol maay ai vhom had to hi"M 1,s way, du i. île Wfat un 11 "dsvWlIs".vgo fulau bot md tired. A noud propalm iuvas uedla l*e -Tbe.ontleaIerWmlml bu .given by the biga sohool wl l, hema<lebate beiv.m tI. Wahvalitayeusuemd Tonavanda bribe@ oui ithequestion of *"Oov.rntaiet Ownersblp of Raly.'The mocistis bave .lstsd th. foilowing as leaders: Tonavand@ Dm1. Coillise; Wabvahiay- se, Mmrgerj, Prim. Monday afternooc th e nior eams receivedi a "verbal" invitation ta tii. junior datce ta b. held Prlday mlght. Elemnor Wiliamsa ta absent Ira.oinrsI ie. Leoy Pretor, '09, visel coon' Priday miternoon as th. guesi f aIermeS Proctor. Last Thuraday night Voue Gallowm3' vas surpal.ed by a auunher of ber Molnde vbo caulet a tamuaper vitb ber. f81 tIi taiS board lu the mebly veau aiext mornIng tboy muet bave lad a aoodtimae. l -UBSEMJVILLF... .il. B. EGER ... .ORAYSLAE STOV ES- STEWART, ACORN ROUND OAK. RANGES- BASE IIEATERS9 HOT BLASTS, OAKS. PERFECTION 011I1IHATERS. A large stock. Corne in end t"ok tem over. Schanck Bros. LIBERTY VILLE --ILUNOIS w 0 Merely a Sheet of Paper. When you buy lite insur- auce, you don't buy the com- pany. You enter into contract with the company. You f tir- nish good health, besides a premium each year. The coin- pany furnishes the insurance cover and If you have the good fortune to live to mature the policy, they wiil give you back your money. Now that you are not bliy- ing the company, nerely a sheet of paper, the policy with the best backing, the most privileges and the fewest restrictions is the policY You should buy. Look up the old Michigan Mutual. It was organized in 18637. No muan, living or demi, ever lost a dollar In this com- pany, according to hie policy. The policies are up-to-date and the assets and surplus can 't be beat. We are selllng a nu-e business to the tarmer, the professional in, t h e butcher, the baker and t he candlestick inaker. Only one i five hall the health to get in. How are you fixed' Yours truly, JOHN HODGE District Manager 1 f4"i y va A fuiUne. Cail and à«0 thomi ÀMI= xad;7

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