0MERNEW LAWS *<yAre S0 Angry They v l t»ýQrwIWhile Few are HIghyIriTlkled. >"NE NEW RULES ARE RIGID. ,,mny of thsSports are Angry kiqinof Open Sea- S'nTs Year. A vidc différence cf opinion le ex- ýe.sd ly Laie ccuuty sportsmen yogor4g Uic effect of Uic nov fed- *0'l gaine lmv vhicb cute the hunt- esgamson for ducksie l ii. Ils - t4rnd satee.say saine. MPlai hhg, say otiers. ai* They Wiil. 5-W. voou'tallov if, @bout flic third "pafl> cf people. "Is goiug tu lie bard on soime o! ai ea onc volt inovu hunier. '5Ibore are rnany of fie men Who «0" ver7 voit do their hueting lu Mb hl. d lthe cuftlug ont of Uic -I sessoS is wlie bard on thein." »1 e.f ftte other vay." vas the w«M* to! another sportaman. " ,l the" vould squeeze up that ses- o» Uilv. vouli realît get corne ýjed aootiag here.-' - I'hey damI breed bore myvay, do- tkbWr b. vas eskei. -O t'Sne iedo. corne cf thern." lie -Ise ope&a Ressua for ducis, geee, *eot. rail and galiliulo and neanly ev- mýy I cd f shore blr% n M unis bh" duýt la bait by the nev federa or0theProtection of mlgratar> su a" a ping sboetug in 1111- *job i.apr,,hfbtei. t6boiderI ganse lav glu undoulit- edly deprivo -jtfl aprtaisst0n seoute or the boat sbooting that ther heretofore en.joyed. and tii.> have profesend vlgoroualy ta Uicebureau of thic blological murvey aginet fthe nov regulatiort. Dr. T. 8. Palmer ba stateid that ho bas recelved a creat Maur protes"a froua Illinois cities and sporting organisations. Palmer la assistant chie! o! the bureau. Dr. Palmeor repos'ted that th con- inites that bati draftai the law bAi found Uice uggatod l ution tmPso. tical. Ho pointai out that Illinoi ducks are on thoir va> tu breodiugt groundsanmd ahould, therefono, fDot b. molested. Futltormore t te a mattur of record that idk bave ln pVaU yre nestpd la great isbmbens luiIIM ios and fiat Il is onI> excessive epring sbootiug whlch hap. driven them away. Sees Ducks e blre. "WtheUicnov lav in operaihon," ho says, "Illinois will again b9como a breeding groand fordc." Offcere Uroughout the country have borna advised int ao adrastie action and ta mase no arreets for teclilal violations of Uic lav umni people have bocome <nl>y acquaitcd vith If. IWILL PRAY TO DUMAE NTION DRY Ashur> farN. NJ., ov. 3-Nev Yi arsi day, 1914, vas setlae b> the Naitional Womsn's Cbrfitlsn Tom- perance Union toda> tu annual cou- vention bere as a day of fgtlug and prayVer lanlihaI! of e constitutional amendment for country-vide prohibi. fon. The convention eelected Jan- 15 nerf as "national contituflonal pro- hbition day.' Mrs. Lllian N. Steveus of Portland, Me., national presidont, wus authorlmed ta call a iW. C. T. U. mage meeting in Washington, D. C., ta brlng the subjoct of liquar traffic evils before Congre«s. ré~ Cents. a Day for World News Hcrc's the greatest buying opportunity you were ever offered: The news of what thle world ie doing, aud the newe of the neigh- borho0d, for i1.10 cens a day. A great Chicago daily-The Record 4erald-and your home ncwspaper, for almuet the Price of one. Think what this meane. It mnesus completesud eiable market reports every day. It meane daily uows of the inandiaI world. Il Meaas up-to-the-honr information, vital to you as a busness man. Il mesus advaneement of ideas lu the bomse circle, to lie derived frein day-to-day ritici.ing of the carrent drama, music and book- reviews for winch The ltecord-Herald le noted. fert meaus added knowiege, broader mnds, greeter interesta- Mfer y member of the f aniiy through thse fliowing famous lteoord-Iemd fetures; Daily there are articles devoted to the bouaeelold-advance fahionx news, heipful houéekeeping hnts, etc., etc.-6parklingp edi- toal commenta ou topies of the day-briiient thoughts of big mimd. cm timeiy sutject-clean, criep columus of sporta-pointed para. 4grplm by ose of America's foremost bumorits-elever cartoons of asiaeventii sud a continued storv liv sonie uoted author. The ~eoi-Heruld news gathering facilities are world-wide in scope, and Un.rivaled in reliabiity. Comprising the newe o! thse Aesociated ?ress-.telegraph newa from apeciel correspondents in every large city of tlic East and înever1r townl Of the Central Wet-news t"t one ver leaed w ro m New York and Washingtn-and tise foreigu cable service of two of the biggest New York City news- P&Pses AND AIL FOR 1 A CENTS A DAY!1 Tt&. uothing te hesitate over!l t'aseomethiug tb gramp-NOW, ehilefi'& oilered! Stop iniet the office, or nend us a checi. with your order, whiic the opportunity laste. Rare' 46 .Propositice. Bridly THE CHICAGO RECORD ISERAI.D (regular price Wfe -. ur> daily, sdm days a veue. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$4.00 LAKLE COUNSTY INDEPENDENT S1.50) SO tIe iyeu TODAY (spocWalpricesfor caue y.er. .. .. ..$4Mo (contlod1unP. a) body bac4 to Waukegau on account of an intertiational 18w covering the shipment of remains, The $un today ,made inquiry and aseertain- ed that the body can, and no doubt wgU,'4e brought baék hoe fr tem' t hefor n rmetmm thé Swm sconsul ta capo relativè to thse possibleib&p ment of remains from that counfr.y. The Hon. 0#0~ Hollinger, Swiss consul in Chicago, made this state- ment: «"The matter of brtug- mng a body back ffrom fflt.erland to Ibis coutry in very siple. AUl that bas to b. don@ la t0 get a permt from the swlas govuxment, whlch 18 readly obtal- 0<1 tbrougb th. Abi cam consu bee air are no partiçuWlarf"- alihies wbatever neom- sary in order to bring Mm. ooke's body back to America excepting the fornuâty of askiug for the Permit." In face o! this stlatement from the official, it is there- fore certain that Mrs. Cooke's body ill be brought hack te> Wàtikgati for bur- *As reQgards the littie danghteî' of Andî'ew ('ooke, îvhuch vas 1)ti1ied at Gib- raltar'. it is tinderstood that the Iaw at Gibraltar is that remanis eaîînot be shipped back to a foreign land inside1 of one viear after death. So, therefore, it would hé impos- sible, as many believedi înight be the case, that Mr. Cooke *would bring bis child's and his mother's re- mains back to America at the same tinie. Thse differ- ence in the law at Switzer-j land and Gibraltar makesi the situation unfortunate. ,WILL BRINÛ M. COOSS BODY TO AMEICAIN De Waukcgan, Octoher 31. The romains o! the laie lire Ramer Coie vil! tart for home tram Svlt- zerlanil on Dec. 3 ueit. thie bolng fthc date ber son Anirev had set aomc ttme ega as the time for hie femlys departure upan their returu trip tu Wauiegau. Attorney Homer Cooke recelved e cahlegrani yesterday ennounclng the fact that the bodly would beave on that date wlth suggestions as ta carrying au Improvements et the oid Coche residence on Watcr street for the ne. ception af the romains. It la recalled tisat the son, Andrev, purchasei the aid homeetead and vas rnaking exten- sive elterations lu the property vheu he decuded ta go ebraad. The plans. thereore, nov caîl for the funeral fa lie held from the tato home of the vell.iuovu voman, prob- ebly about the middle of December. lu the meantime the body vIIl lie held lu a vault lu Swltzorland. Baby's Body Nof Coming. Attorney Homor Coche fada> stated that he vas gratifled ta readInh The Sun lest evening of the tatement of the Swles consul lu Chicago thaf the lawe of thet country permit the ne. moyal o! a body without many forn- alities, that helng hie OiraI knovledgo of! the tacto lu the case. As to the ro- mains et thc littie chili, Dorotliy Cooke. ilaughter of Andrew, Uic> lie la lot ber father purchesed et Gib-, raltar and, accondlng ta lMr. Caoic's understandlng. they.have ta stay tbert two years hetore fhey can lie shtp- poil back to Americe. Gibraltar le un- der Birtish rude and thet. ho under- stands, le the 1ev of the Brtish gov- erilment. Geta Leffer. The way lu which fate varka, vas Iliostrateil foreefully Thursdey when. Khortly af t r hMr. ('ooke bail receivcd Mm Mn omter ODci &bout ttv6 voselis acor-UR d visWb"a au th»N ebis im ia1n&gasolulto detait ,about bertriptnpmd sajouru thora. Tht. .lto~vIIb aUime.vaB vnitta Ix weà eh* -vas ta 101<001jeaithi. Fol lun campodca .nLUsIinS. baven. ,0h& vb* take. laiu th#ba"d et dembfeh it m o. t rosobsi lus tk bad. lA ho umnatime the moomogo aauolitg ber doui. fashda oep the0 ma ad huattbe letter bar but a loir, minutée.. iely othoc ltt.,. aal»a vrltaibb>Mms.Ccckti vb.n.à"h vasajel>t Po1<ouy voîl. mnc nPW «ora4llo .kpmdvlar btro inte t t ime.;Snob a IltiOB mttUnfly aide aditional sorov mmd ilathos la vbat la coniderei a'"" Md bertavornont hi a ver> vet inovaenil> r etlbheCity. Mm es.rdeu la On Ses. That Me:. Lland Wondi. isimler of- Mr. ma" Mrs. Cooe, vhd sutad for ber mothor'. bodoide lut wvomi. ss.ited from New ovark Tuesdar la nov leam'od as a resuIt of Mr. 000k. de-! terrnining that sbe vas rogisterod Don the Oenun-Uaoyd steamer vbid sa@I& ai &boutI ie O'cloci thât daY. Thero. fore e"0 ls nov on the bigl e -eo- route ta oner uthor's tomporary bonm. where pho oepocts ta find ber mothor SI mmd. ta dmt.doomst inov that abo bas passdi mb, 1the oyami. RECIESVRO NEW* ^LON£. Wben Attorney Hamer Coo* Thureday recoived the message vhlch brougbt bien nova of bis aged fle partaer's death lu SvltzorbMd b. id not et once open thc envolope ta read Its contents as Uic averago persan vould do. lnsead, hoa oemed tu realisewbat thc mossage contaluci. andistead of uliening Uic envelope. ho mt once vent ta hie borna, carryhia thc fatal message vlihhlm. and golng ta his ovo rocen la' solitude, ho tare open thc envelape which lirought hbu the Mad neye of Mrs. Coakc'e dcath. The fact la that Mr. Coake resllxed vhat the envelape contalned hefore he apcncd lt-lie had not bean aux- louesl recelve thet message, for tIse lest anc on Wedneeday had lnformed hini that there vas no hope for hie vifos@ recovery. Accordiugly ho fig-1 ured that thc next message muet brtag nad ncws and that vas why ho destred ta be alone wheu ha lcarned whet It said. The shack af lire. Cookes deatb tn the aged attorney le a telling ane.1 Bath bai already passeci the alloted oean of lite sand they hadt alvayz been close campanione, therefore Uic bereavement ta one of hie years un den sncb nad circumastances, vas ai- mant mare thon even a etrcug manu luke Mr. Caaie could stand up under. COPLEY DOESN'T ASPIRE. Chicago, Ill., Nov. S.-Congrenaman Ira C. Capley, of the Eleventh i dstrict put a qiletus this morulng on a baaom that vas started lu Elain Inet nlght ta noiate hlm for governar on Uic Progressive ticket. "Under no circumetancea that 1 can foreece at preseut,' Maid Cangreesman Copley. 'yl I1 be a candidate for gav- ernor ln 1916. 1 have a great deal lie- fore me lu congrese, and If Uic peaple o! my district are satisfld. 1 expect ta lie a candidate for re-election ta con- grecsaLn 1914. Stte of Illinois, County of Lake, se: Circuit Court ut Lake Caunty, De- cember Terni, A. D., 1913. Marie Emmett vs. George Emmett. lu Chancery, No. 6520. The requleite aflidavit having been Biled ln the office of the Clerk o! said Court, notice le therefore hereby giv- en ta the seul George Emmett, de- fendant as atoresaid, that the above named compiainant heretafore fIled ber ill of camplalnt lu sai court on the chancery elle thereof, and that a summous thereupan lsued out of aiii court ageinst the above uamed defcudant, refurnahle on the firet day of the terna 0f the Circuit Court o! Lake County, to ho held at the Court Hou» lu Waukcgau lu sai Lake Couuty, on the firet Monday of ilJo cember, A. t.. 1913, as ls hy 1ev re- quired, andl whirh suit las tIli poud- ing. uuswl&es VA %011AIl Many GUUntsouthr ln Parus Wa k mu, Octohor 30. 'ois> v,« a WU day ftr theRoyal eNO tb aiLb osatF. *Irthig .a u d O fl eb O U a 3u e lts ta t1oeauay la b e i. bof 1 wbu boum ,camp la the Parfait Houas Tho atorniimon vas spent la dnillra b> the tsaus mmd vor vas misaa fotlure. Thon, ai 6 o'ctock the gattente dovu ta a dinnor lu lb.. dinng 21,orof Uic hall aud It vas, aàsnoub ents aiways are, "Par ex- 'Fbe meniberasclent considorabte Urne la prepsing decoystions for the occasion. Haflove'en features bolug the prevalling echomo. Tiere vers cuesta bare tram ai- mait evory camp lu Uic conuty de- spitc the fact thaf Uiey bal ta cone via train ln most cases, Uic rode bhl- lus sa bad that Cross-cauntry travol vas -vcry difflcult. The Wauicgau Rayal Neiglibors go ta <raylake on tUic Oti of Novem- ber as guelte 0f Uic camp of that vil. lags and a big tuimlaexpected tbere I'onrteon camps eve.represented ef the Royal Neigtba' meeting beld lu the Parish Homec Thursday. But tva sont regrets et iàtt eing able ta attend. ficai tva beiug Waueanda sud North Chicaga. The cEeui prov. cd even mare flan the pramoters haped for tt lor fitvas a dellghttri auccens la evory particular. BNJAMIN M. MILLER. Soiàcase. CIIANCERY NOTICE STATE 0F ILLINOIS, COLUNTY OF LAKE, lse. lu Uic Circuit'Court o! Lake County, Deceniber terin, A. 1). 1913 Martin A Woodiln vse Mary E Lyon, Ida C. 8 utchîne. Helen L. Wood, Holley L. C anc. rCaryl C. 9-larke, CLarles R Lyon sud William 1. Lyon., osesutors o! tlic lest vîli sud testament ut Ucorge Rý Lyoo, deceee. Ellzes Erily tiprague, Thonias iawson, "unkno oir elsor devipemeof Elîzmit Ena- Itrreu. t Tliosa atiun. deticascd," sud 'nakunovn ovone a! forposounsatb ed lu tlic enIst bail ai the soutbeest quarter; the wPsr 28 am of a the uorth- veet quarter of the sauthmesiquarter. sand the o rîli28 acre af thc souibveat qoonier ai the esutbeost quarter, ai lu section 5e, toanhld"north, range 19 »« gte lcThie r iIuclà.I edi. f.septlng that pant tbsrafoveyed by RIaena, B. Bravu and huaharnd tu Benietta Crankite by deed recorded Decembenl8. 1901, as Document 84027, l ok 127 ofeilled, pegle 167), situai. lu Lae Canai>. Illnois. " In Chaucer> <ion. No. 6517. nThe requlte affidavite listing baeu 66d ln th@ office ai the Cleof thei Circuit Court o! Lake County,hIlinois, notice ie therefore liereby given to nil ot the aboi. nsrncd sud unonv iciendant., that the above narnei coin- plainant lieretofore Bled heBisll11o! Complaint lu said Court an thlt Clioncen slid@ tbareof, and that &s eommons thons. upan ieeued out of soid Court.sagnionsi a1 he boihae nstted sud unknavu detendante, returnabie au the tiret day ut the tern i the Circuit Court ut Laie County, Illinoois, fo hlieeld St the Court Houée.lu the ity ai Wauicgsn lu oid Lake Couaty,,onu flictiret Monda> ai December. A. D. 1913. as je by lsw requircil sud vhicli suit lis stiliepoding. LEWIS 0. BROÇKWAY. lerk. Wauicgan. Illinois, Octoher, 27. 1913. BENJAMIN B. MILLER, Complain- antis Solictor. c-Oct. 81 Nov. 7.14-21 R the cahiegram. frtr, hie sou anuaguc lug hie wîtes death lu Swltzerland. TOR , 1 .50 PR ! amail carrIer Cam" ta hie home on Wiate r street and depocitoil a bItter The. But and Oheapeot Place for Fintrut )as Meats, PosMtry, Ggme, Fistib,d Shil ilsh Vegetables and Fruits IN LAKR COLJNTY W. J. MWUNDE PROP. epr correc Jel/e and BIEND YOUR PEINTING ORDER TO I FOjR SA LE- A four horme power' FAIRANKS-MlORSE GASOLINE ENGINE in fairly good condition. Fine for portable power plant for farmier. Will be sold cheap if taken at once. Inquire at INDEPENDENT OFFICE Better Than Spanking Spanliing vii letcure chidren of vettiug th.elied. becaumSt la snuala habit but a dangeroue diseas. The C. B. RoWan Drug CO., Dept. 12.50. Chicago, Il., have discovencil a strictis harmîeu remedy for thie distressing dise..,asd ta maie knowu ita merle they vilI tend a 50c package lecurely wrapped mmd prepalil Ahuolutely Froc te sny reader of The fNODEPICN[fEIIT. Thie remedy aise cure@ trequent desire ta urinai. andi iahility fa contrai uriqe durinq the niglit or day iu nid or yaung. The C. B. Itavan Drug Co. issu OuI Ifelable Banue; wvIe te hem ta-day ionrflie Nie medicine. Cure the afficted members of yaur laenu>, thon tel yonr neiglhboaansd fionde about thiâ remedy. 2-6-14 State of Illinois, County of Lake, se Suite fiied lu Circuit court. M. K. lu the County Court of Lake Caunïy. Meyer va. John Zegers, confession; D. October Terre, A. D., 1913. In the GPie matter of the estate of Joseph Gan- 0. Pasn va. W. Scott Hofiges; bil eau, deceased. te foreclose; Lake Brocs. Saxltarlum To Elien Ganeau. surviving widow vs. Sophia A. Besley. bill ta clear up and Louis Ganeau. John Ganeau. tltie of property an Grand avenue, Jessie Matt, Aleck Ganeau, Stan- ley Ganeau, Anthony Ganeau, William Protine and Ellen Genty, ' ()M N haire at 1mw of said deceased: i MA - You are hereby notiiied that on Mouday, the FIret day of December, A. D., 1913, et the, hour of ten oclock lu the larenoon of the said day. the undersigued, Executors of the las vUi and testament of Joeeph Ganeau, deceased. will present ta the Han. P.- 1. Persoa, Judge of the Coun'y 7Court of "!ce reIiun'y, Illivii3, 1'Jeïr final report and final account ln eald estate, aet ta have the Mame approv- ed, ta he dischargcd, and to have "idS. estats settled and closed; et which Uie and place you mayr be preeent If you/see fi(-so ta do. Dated tht, 23rl day of Octoher, SAM COQUIE, ANTHONY GANEAUT, Executors of the Last,.WIlI andl Testa- ment of Josephi Ganesu, ileceased. W.kly Oct. 31 The Commonwealth Edison rom. auy through Samuel lusulI, preehdent yosterday offerci thé Chicago coun- eni commltte%) ou ges. ail and electrlc- tight voluttry reductians lu llght rates amountlng ta $677.000 e yest within the next six maqUis. Io the Best That Money Can Buy Our eramitilns are timroug nrhSd emta)ete lu evers cci bY commetent rert ionsfeofo eharte. We trlnd Ounr owslenm sid mgMe Our owa trames tu et earh carticuler case. Lois J. Yeoman MANIJPACTIRIN O PDQCN WAUKEGArI, ILUNOIS 1 ., - ý 1 1. - i 1 ý-,Oq FORE Ronadoi 0,.. t Phono FOR E Reuet your Ares. FOR à Wbite] Am&aun laie, il FOR I ~ Lake N FOR b raieedi sale. Libert., i. R. 1 BARG, Larg Fine FOR t for fiai 1.10W. ' y arde, FOR home, Ra, s'Ar MANI. Ï, t ,, b itice tio, r I FOR FORt Ocot Pibsn FOR larter b>ctob FOR: nîneOU houes Phuin. FOR @lope Man.ek ANNOUNCICKENT DiR. N. W. SHE4inENi3FRe.ER rmmwý« OsrBop4TMC PHYSICIAN HAINOIS WW boas Mm C. S. Uo&We wàdmS on Orchard St,., Liberkvville, 111. on Priday aftprnoon snd e-v@uing.