PauICe~an ~*~P.1 --A--- ___________I - CSIN FINAL ALTIJOU65I BLIND, TUEPLANS 0F IUS.F AS TO NOT LAYING M4EAKER lAS BEEN CLARK NOT ME TRACKS ON BRIMIE ASST._SUPT. MRILL 'FOR TUE FUTURE lElectric Railroad People Have Former Waukegan Young Man Former Waukegan Woman Ir Decided Finally They WiIl Retires From Joiet Com- WiII Remain Here Short Not Lay Them. pany to Take New Job. Time and Go to Coast. RIOHIS TOO SHORT LIVED. Co. USED HIS INVENTION. FAINTED IN DR'S. OFFICE. P Sensational Report Afloat That Former Local Man Has Made Mr. Clark Was Stricken WhileA North Side Route May Be Good in Big Job Despite Consulting Doctor - Tele- Abandoned. His Affliction. gram Beat Letter Here. Waultegan, Novemben 1. Mers la what t-le Joliet- Meralil Wauksgan, November 1. The Sun bas eceivedI nformaton says or Guy L. Meaken. formenly of Mr. Hennry S. Clark ail dauglter affchas a t-e Wukean nd elIkuaa l t-ieInez. wlio caineliera fnidai' lth t-bs :Dot dlrectly train t-be ofcesnfteamaînan alknw nth e ns o! Mn. Clark. vhlcli were l C. andl M. Elect-ic but froni a ellableCiy uednOawdcmtehvef source te t-bs effsct that t-bs street- i-:bnsll awolcmteihv utl company yull not- ay the tracks "Guy L. Meaker, 315 Campbell not mails iefinîte plana for the fu- t &cross t-he asw Genese astreat via- street-.foto he past- elglit years assis- tune. but t-be chances are t-bey willlt dUi.t-st supern-tendent aud ailvisoni' ex. remain in Wauksiati sveraI veeksa Il bs beu lthma-sillu -lise ca- ater whlclit-bey wiliirtura te thelr Us as tbt- sscimvubl ed nthesiicol- pent- St- t-le lockdsie plant- a! t-le beautiful home la Las Angeles, Cal.,n marneO but- not-hlng definte vas Ameimaxi St-sel & W're campait!. ne- vliere Mn. Clenks deatb occunneil on Isevit uni- nov. andl t-erafone the slgned is posit-ion Tuesday. He wyul Suaday aset-. public wilb be vlltiy coacerna In l take change of t-bs Meaker Ca. lac.. Mrs. Clark o! courses i net-dils- *0c positionutken by t-le cmapny ideil whet-her ase willl continue lier la tieoesmingly seconilani'mat-t-en.of Chicago. neIdence ha Cahfornia or not, bute but oua whlch ia deideill Important- "Mn. 9teaker lia ssa e preaideat- of t-ls fm-ta-le ubn bi ut wheu lookeil t fnam t-le stanilpolat- t-le Meaker compani' for t-be past finishei t-be beautiful place ovenbooli-9 ,Ci business as regards t-l icty. I outeeu years. la it a cancern loaa- îag Los Angebse attract-slier ta t-atC Thé vaduci wli not- ha resu' t-a t eh ai futton ad Elizabeth sineets. mty.ait-bougli aay of ber relat-ivesa ,_ noe4vs t-he tramks uni- nexi spnt-ng ati tls afcln ' i live la Waukegan. The ste o! the the. earhiesi. That wouid esve but-'Chicago, for temnfctr a-Clanke place oveloolta Las Angelesa *M 1181ea year tn t-be campanys vanizing iran sud t-n aquipmeit-. la a mannen that- bas uMaile It a cen-c ' iWtas lu t-bemt-y for use, ln case St- 'Tussday evenlnth le niembers o! ten o! attraction for sightseerB. Ih ,l *aexpiration of thein frncahis nhae-lsAmeicau tees! & %%'Ir( iii lub tandjs on a bill overlooking t-le it-y 19U tliey vers not- given aew iglts 8e perte hei cna u tliemity. ent-etainei t-be et-ii offier St- aandlai aiglt espeçil' whea oae te perte hei cas l th Ciy.looks hava on the amyriadesof iglits. '11ho poiviion taken hy t-bs compati! banquet t the Rockdale c;iouc bouse. «um le tai they canat afford te Hanny W. Whtgrave vas toasatnas- dvbos aitt-tlvaOfaie. kag $7,M ta lay thea isk&cros terlosta I a we g v brudge ft Ibis nvlege o! operat- -oresra. today, ln tle aflannoan, t-at Mn. Ubir cm s&cres 18 for a litie YugCmst akg Clark, vho bail beau, under the cane aYear vitb ne osaus alti "W. bD. Young, the superintendeai of a doctan ton soins t-is. vent te yUl gei roeel ishle iter. o! tha carpeaier soa bat-. h lsaaise coasut bis physicien t-bt lietainteil Wtr Ui hecitJ - -flc Wo ilb en* esigfled vas a guest of bonan nt- whie vsltlag te ses the physiclan. to gt te ouffay e lok e vas hitîniilt-o bis home anil fr11- tic matter lu a diffeSut- Ilhi but- the banquet. He vibI gao te eVau- eh te~ regain bis streagt-b. pasaingt l ailn bthé aroal MeM annot ba kegan brandi oftht-isAmeniman Kteei awsy Suaday mornig. He bail net1 te &nec il oUhervISOa ibey & Wire company. Nethe- aucmssons lisa subjecitate pelle of thhs sort, bocketai Itéremy fint-be st-sud- ta t-bse men bave lissa chassa." ait-bougli fan some une lie bail noi et isu inveelment and the posai- beau vaîl.t I«wu ad te fuure.Letton After Deth. 1 1%11%, vBle the compsay. even mten Ma*seDeon Bind for Vea. hitilevelops t-bat- lut-be osas o! Mn. 11eia"ge jpfinhae& . ul bave a5 Wsuegatu friands ot M. Iheke r Clark itke ibai o! Mrs. Homer Cooke. 'A iul ta bot or opegii at-r nd a treît-ed ln t-beatemeat a message o!filsah passoil enroula CbicS.o people face the propo- frein Joliet- because tbe7 have watmh- t-o Waukegau. a message tram t-be wa.d aklg eroa the nov ev vit-h lInenest iebtaucces ln Joliet- victiminlg csrrlei by t-be matl. Imm thle franchIse iatter is as assistant- supeinienheut- of t-ebibg sI the case of Mrs. Cooke. as st-at- sue vay or theo aier, luinTlie Sunt-last ovoang, M. Norýhi Sde Route plant aveu though lie bas been hinil Cooke recet-veil a blt-r Tburuilay . rg&Usr seusational report vas for soins yeams.He vas st-nckea trom ber. vntiton tva veelm ago. It teday on the Êltslat- the abortly aften bing appoluteil ssis- arniveil a haIt hour aiet-ehe cable- tuaI t-hec c0-P-7. tulisi r- tant supernuendeat but lie vas ne- grai n anouuclug ber ileali bail been t ponecy aoug thé vboie tatil dlu t-lia capa-lt-y lecause of bis rnd esile. lu the cage ai Mn. Clark. vws conteinplatlng abandouing t-be latter vnlt-t-e by hlm thle latter paitde dnky route ln Wau taihDani vit-b t-be vok. And. fur- part of lait- veek, reachedi bis office lta inl, leadt-ng tram Pe"rcep jt-ernons, fi seema the company basn il Waukegan Tuesiay-the message te tUic bospital. It liasalvai's basai uing one of is lavent-hans, suaaunclng the hast-b bailarniveil a knovu tact t-bat- t-Ms stret-ch ~eIspayng llugsudt-li bail omet-ing whimb bas mad ihtm a ariveil Sunilai' lgbt-. etCouty and Cîmyt-cuandl ioat- ieirabîs empioye ad vil A an sd Franklin have proveil eveniuabiy malin hlm icliIN EJ .T<>t of openation, thensfors, t-le ns- Mr. Meaker vas the son ofthe Uis LÀ B» TJ vas recedol vth soinscreilence 2oztb aide cinces. bui necelveil Meaker vlio establisheil t-le cash F RIE O A a feeling ot haor. for, t- obs rsgtster plaut- ai Northl Chicago whimlOi F R ERI A »orth aidé car service voulil ha fi§nav ocmuphed liy t-be Pfaast-hsli appollinithtng for thase vWho use CSCInyOOheLSIJPT hALLfro dbil, especialiy nov liai opu.Te!miymse rn -tWnlthar la comnga on. Waukegan a ilozen yeans aga Tbey (f Course Coufirmaio-n of t-is pos- useil t-o lve ontiGliette avenus la ýWqplan o! tha ont-ancoulil nt teCo tbue .A adri fNwYr bSobtaeil as. if ilu, erecontem-th rktbueF.A Vad liofNwY k thezcd Ucocmpait! vouli nt- ber- Delivers Address at Cere- itillua ilvauce. Toa of ocal capital tsklng aven A K GA O mony in Aurora Friday. Uo sretc tacasae te electrie people À K fA O obsulcsed fi, appears illogical lu t-be of lias. vho bave trlil t-e T AV Eb'U D urora. Oct. l.-l'snk A. Tandon- ai uWaukegsn fer fait-or- 1UOJM IJ ftJJJI.J pformer Aurons nevspapen report-- -1,0 aud olier public institutions. et, nov presîdeni o! t-be National tfh« ep ioais ii can't ha dons, t-bat- U N oD Cit-y Bank o! New York sud one o! -Wakogu moue! te tac tight te Con- B TjNCfÀlO T the leading financiers o! lienastion, Mle sucli a course for a minute. spoke t-Is attennoon ai the Aurara public ibrany ai the unvetiing o! t-le nu-or -us taie- rotf nana=ss. vau COSTS WAKE60 AN BOYS $ô EACIJ FOR FLIRTINQ IN ZION Wllaukegan Young men Pay Ex. pensivelly for Trying to Get Girl to Take a Ride. 3obq Tyrreli, son of James Tyrrreihr et Wakegan sud C. 1-anselman, aieoa ' Waltkegan youag mati, bot-b about- 1I, iveut- taZMon Cit-y Suuday eveningà UL a Iiveny nlg vbimlit-bey bInIeiln 'ligi' eachailiovu al riglit and tbi4 aecordtg te, reporta whtiel to a te police by t-le scone, t-eyt tried to lIluce every girl on t-le »Ilt t-biley passeil, ta tabte a Mie vIt-b them. Thsy met flat- re- fusise andl thle t-lp vas seat ta t-he po- "ét vha gava misse, sud attertwio bonisrauuded them tl;. Tbey vers Mien t- a l. oilgei t-ers and t-is aprnlug liey ssci pail $6 for thein tsI. Ralien expenive att-en al h tlen Usey faîbsi ta bave t-le satisfaction o! Ielsofâga sy girl ta partaké of iheir ~4 1eoffer. 'N - t-.ÇlMgstons daim t-lis t-le prime o! vel vniuahly go up ta $3 sud t-at it Isnov al 1W one Company. The ofce as 10v as 80 cent-s, )m*o.e ta $11o. New Bi-Weekly Pay Day Law Does Not Hit the Public Schoots. The t-vice a month psy-hay bill psssed lii't-elhast ieghsialure dos net apply ta smbooh teambers, accord- Iug ta an opinion just ndereil by St-aie Superint-enheat a! Public In- struction Blair, t-a t-be tomkforh super- Inteadent of schools. Several wesks aga Rnck!nrd t-ssci- ers pet-t-loneil t-le board o! edumat-lan for t-va pay-days a month. ciing t-be remeut ieglslatlve ami as t-le nesson. Accordiagiy Mn. Blair vas skeil for an Iaterpretatlon of thlbaw. Elgia teambers bave discussei t-be adi sablity ofa! akiag ton t-vo psy- ilsys a mont-b, but as fan as la kuova lave not cirmulateil pet-lt-lana askimg suri s cansideratlon tram t-liaboard of elurathon. To foresisîlany sucI action on t-le partof thIe t-samiens.and iase t-O acromînodate t-hem. lihe board liai adopteil aa ev acheme t-bIs yean t-n allowlag t-list-saciens' scledube. ha- sisal 0f holding t-p t-le t-eacliers* psy unt-il lie negulan mont-ily meetings, as las iteea t-le customn, t-le boardl hs nov allowing t-le ecliesule vhen t-hi schoot month is Up. The usa- arrangement, il Is t-mIen- Wtood. Is entinely sat-factoty lat-liee tt-sueurs .Il gîtes t-hem a pay-ilay r evrfout veeks, and t-bers ans no waitsof one on t-vo veeksa atet-e-b a»Cool montb ha up listonst-be teacli- ena receive t-hein psy. AIt-bougl t-be nexi negular meet-ing Eo! t-be boardl of educaion does noi Icoma unt-il asit Tuesday, November 14, lie t-sadiens' ebeile bas abneady beau allaveland t-le teambens bave thehr chieks. They remelved them Tuesday. former L>uperint-endent o! Waukegan Public scboais andl fanienby supen- tendent of t-be Bi-d Instituta gi Jacksonville. Mn. Vaiilerlip arrived i t noon tram Chicsago, vlieré ha and James J. 31111 vers the central figures-af lie baud brakens' convention. Ma vas enter- talasil Stlunch liy Prof,.ail Mrs. J. M. Freeman. The exercioss ers bell la t-le assembly rnon a! t-le Il- hnsny St 2 a'clock. Professor Pros. man, wbo Is presideat o! t-le Frank H. Hall Memont-al assoclation, pre- aideil. Lit-tie Boy Unvéls Buat. Frank Hall Det-veiler, ageil tour Yeans. granilson o! lie lats Profès- sol Hall. unveileil the buat. The boy la t-lisson o! Marri' DeivélleO, formerly of Waukegan. The lira- iductani' nenanka andl preseatatlon of t-le busitat the bibrary vone mails by 1 Prealdent Preeman andl W. S. Beau- pre, presideni of lie ibrari' boaijl nesponilei vitb a speech o! accept- anme. TO TEST THE CHILD LABOR LAW 0F STATE. WsshBiagton, Nav. 3.-Argument-. h Is expected Il. ihl e beard at-e t-is week befane t-le Bupreme Court-intaS case t-a test- t-le valldity o! t-bs Ilinois mId abon bsv of 1907. The case In iliat o! Arthur Beauclianp. vho lost a banhda-hile employed lu a Chicago maaufamturhng plant- sud vas aril- eh $4,500 under t-bat- statuts. 'he firm la cont-sst-ing the verdict assets liaI a boy o! 16 le not- o! sncb tender aIs. that- le requirea apeclal légal prot-c t-lou. PARI SALE IS LOST RBECAUSE 0F POOR CAR SERVICE. Instance lllustrating Where City Has Lost Out in the Franchise Matter. PURCHASERS DISGUSTED. Atre Delayed in Getting to Tlieir Proposed Site and Throw Up the Deal. Waukegan. November 3. Illustratlng the need of good ser,- les ln the north part of the clty on the electrical Uine and Indicating how things might have been differeut bad the franchise matter been adjusteil, a case is citeil where a well-known man this week lbat a 300-acre faim sale just nortb o! the clty. Two Chicagoans came to, Wauks- gan ta vlsw the property. The roads were s0 bail thatlilverymen ililnet care ta, riait drivlng ta the tari. Ac- cordîngly they declded ta take thbs etreet car. Then they founil that the car dld flot rum but evsry t-wo bours to the point thsy desred golng. They final!! arranged to take an electric ta Beach andl tbere meet a rlg whlch came down from Zion City. They dId so, but thle trip took t-hem sa long in that manner that they were dis- gusted and went back ta the city, thrawing up the deal. They miade t-he remark that If the clty bail a street car service uit North avenue tawards the site they were looking st t-bey would lie tlaa shape ta get ta It and would consIder closlng It, but. under the circum- stances, they could not see any res. son for locatlng where it was so bard ta geit to their property. Tbey ex- pressed the bellet that if the cars ran up Northi avenue andl Out thbe noitbwest part of t-be city towards the site they considered. things would ha differant. And se, Itgoea--these instance$ are of trequent re-occurence. aIl empha- ptzing the need of proper strest car service in the nortb andl northwest part af the clty. TiISIY, I3IITS SCIIOOL DANCINE AIl Schools But One ini Sig City Permit AIl Dances Except- ing Famous Tango. SEEK A MORAL UPLIFT. ha svery Higi scboi but-oneana aChi- cago dancing ls permmt-t-eil.It-ls t-bs amusement-t-bat- appeala ta t-lislang- est numben o! puplîs by fen. The tan- go la tonidilen. WaIt-z andl tva-st-sp are alavweil, andl folk dancesaransen- muraged. A nev office of dean a! girl nla sci Chicago Higli acl lias besu creat-- Supt. Mrs. Young humoraualy com- maent-s ibat t-be langesi generai proli- lems of the deans sesns t-o be t-o teach pupls t-a bolil hein dancing part-nens ln t-li proper vaY. "All social affaira ans unden t-le supervision o!fiths deans," Basys Min. Young. "Tbey are neaciag tan bath boys andl girls ln a general vay. Thein pantiular vork vît-h girls ls cariled oui iargeiy by Individual con- sultat-ions. Tva thiags ara ainait- An eudeavan ls being mailst-o atreugihen the social, moral st-mos- pliera-t-o make t-be girls unilenstanil t-be ihiaga they are t-a guaril againsi. Thé second atmi la t-o givé lie sebool1 a mare refinsil social toue, ta lift lits at-mosphens af lis assemblis,parties, etc., adin-ocultîvalea aspirit- of loyal. t-y to t-le scboob. "I1 do look t-oose as su out-come of the appoint-meut of hotus ths grovili of more court-sous sud réfinéil masuera among higli scbool boys snd girls. Thé deans are uoi exPociéil t- ha dlscipî Thir influence Is t-le Important thlug." BROTHER 0F GEO. FOSS IS SUED. Bouton, Mass.. oct-. 31-The bring- lug o! s suit- agalat <Goy. lFans foi $100,000 for alegeil laniler vas an. nouneil toily by James Morlaniy former president- or t-be "on Cen. t-ra Labor union. Thé suit Mn. Mort-tit! Sail, vs. basgad on a gtat-oment sigueil'Tt. N. l'se" bch appearei ibis véok ln aBout-on papor, lu vbieh 3Mn. Moriar- iti Wus deaounocl for psrtiaipetiOz lu a strtle qfempboyes oi factorise Mao". C~Y Natural Breakdown Due to Age and Mode of Life, Given as Cause of His Death. Wauksgaa, Novemben 3. Chiarles Swan. ageil about 60 i'ears, diei lnluthéeJUne McAilter baspîtal tha mornung about 3 aock. Seuils ilscay la given as the cause of bis ileatil I has a case vhene bis boily, a sailly ovenvonkeil ail neglecteil machine, simpiy refuaed ta perform 1 lt-s functions any bauger. Ivwan bail Ilvei lnlaWaukegau ton iny yeara. l'or a long t-me lis eu- gagéil as a commercial Osaherman andl follovei l bsUbne a! vonk up t-o qulla recsutiy. 'on t-bs leat- year or t-vo lie bai done practically no vork: Last Tbursdoy as hé vas vsbkiag1 a gShertdan .Roud, jusi Souh of Washlgt-on trese.,lie fel la vbst- appeanedin tble a fit. He vas assisied ta t-be police stat-ion vliers a physi-, clan vas summoneil. For vant- of a botter place lie vas sent't-o t-be Lake County paon tanin at iLbantyvillbe t-le belle! bsing iliat lie vas suffent-ng marely froni an ave-Indulgence ln iquor as !nlsnds ileclared lie bai basa dinking rather heavilY of laie. is condition di not- seen ta in- prove sud on Sunilsy morutag lie vas brought t-o Waukegau and placedin l t-le Jane MmAisler liaspitai vliere lie vas given evsny possible attention but bie candit-ion vas Pi veak t-bat le is illnot ral'. At rt it- vas hellevecilt-bat- le bah no relatives living but- froni a friend It- la eannei t-bat-le lias s sist-en liv. lag la Chicago, alt-haugli ler addness and name la unknova. A pansonai viii be lusent-ailnlut-le Chicago papens todsy, telling of is deat-l anil asliag au! relatives vha viali t-o direct- t-le disposition o! bis body ta liast-en t-o hils clty. Iu case unaaneSshows up t-o laim t-eb ouy wlbe necessan> ta buni'fi ln t-bs Pot-t-ensfel. 3 Swan ai l ivei lnhaWaukegaa no many years t-bat- le bail become quit-s a failiearfigure. lHe deblitai lnl tabking aven al lImes vit-h local fiali- ermen andl vas t-o be seen about t-be laite a great- part-ofat-e t-ins. CONSIDER LIBERTY VILLE TRACK FOR AUTO RACES. TirePlot-s o! graunil, suit-able ton t-be prapossil prlvat-eby ovasil race course o! the Rosil ace Association, havéelisen locateil by t-le committ-es lu change of putt-tilraugl a deal t-o secuna Ilund on vhlmh a Iire sud a liait mile course cati bce onstruciail for t-be races maxi sunilter. Tva otfi- an plate are being cansîherel. It- ls expectoil liai ieflulie action vibI ha t-sien vit-lin a short t-ins. Whie t-le coinmitt-eea l looking fon greudn ura Elgin, diractans a! lie assocation are eousielilng 'leasing lie race t-iack ai LîbentyvIlele the raee--Eliu News. 13-Year-Old Marîorie Food of Gurnee, Aso Orator, as Well as a Wilker. When ManJorie. the 13 yesn olil daughter of Mn. and Mns. H. E. Fbood of Ournee won second prive in the mlling content In t-he dalry show, Chicago, Thunsday. phe bail on ber brest a tiny ailver modal wblcli sbe bail won a year before lu a W. C. T. U. oliver modal oratorical content ai Cannes, ber tirei appearauce Iu a con- t-est. Thun. wlth anselionor alreedy bestawn upon ber, as gained anothér and, because o!flier youtb. as was the center of an admirlng throng et the big show. Marjorie looks about 10. aithougli slips 13, and Bs was one of the Ove girl» ta particîpate ln t-he milking caou- t-est. The girl wlio gotiht-i ret prise Emma Vosa of Mokena. fil.. .was 19 yeana nId. andl as hbattbe Gursee girl but a vsry littie. Marjoons lives at Gurnes with ber parente and nine brother% and ai- tera. Mer big sister. Mrme..who l0 1 6 years aid, was In the saine iuîking speed coatest. Miss Vos$ got Oive pounds and one ounceandailMarionse Sot Olve pounds and haIt an ounce of mllk in one andl ans-hait minutes. Il was thougbt fairen ta wsigb the milk. Thre. Thoussnd Ses Content. The speed duel et Olting milli palls was witnesaed by 3,000 rootersaiatt-le inational dairy »haw. Tbey cheered and stnuggled for viewlng positions whle the milklng cant-inueil. MrM A. Hughes of Antiacli waa the aduit champion of the show. She won by Lsecuring 9.2 poundsofo!tallit la two minutes. Roy Camipbeîll a Thayer, in. was a close second. Marjorni&s brother Norton, 16 years of age. distinguishel hlmself and ths family liy capturlus firigt prize la the cattie judging cantest for feriner boys. Boy's Work s Feature. Master Norton, wlio la but 15 years, was anepof! Ove boys la the judglng rcontent. TbeY wsre to select as many Dprize wlnners out of those chosen by t-be experts as possible, aud Norton succeehed la seiecting tbnee out ai the aine the Juilges bail picked. ]XXl THE CSAUlS CRUJILTY wu D_ ]fONE Franoos Martin, Bride of But a Mesrs. Clarke and Edwards V Few Months, Changes Ait- Digpose of Their 25 Acre ter Short Time. Tract on Sheridan Rd. HUSBAND USED PROFANITY. DEAL NETS THEM $2,500. P AIthougb asit was marisilouly lasi New Owner Wili Erect a Beau- June. on the lStb, lraucss M. Mar- tin, a young glrllsli bride, bas Oileil tiful Home on ProPertY the H duit lu circuit court la wbieh sabs aaks Coming Spring. divorce tram ber huabanil. Freilerlck W. Martin, cliarglng abuse, prafanity %V'e.ukegan. Novemober 1. IE and many ailier tbIngs.Atony lmCekadCaiet The marriage took Place in Wau- AttreD li CeleadCar kegan and tliey llved together untîî C. Eilwarils bave salil thelr 26aire Sept. 18th last. In lier bill abs tract noril of t-be ciy oppopîte the clama ber husband at once alter Wall reeileuce, te a Chicago man,ri their marniage, tarteil aluslng ber tdiosdrtn blg$,0.'~ aîthough itse di:ilail asecaubl tedeal was madea by the Rev. J. A. J. make home plasent for hlm, bis WhlppIe, wbo, it develops. bas bI ee 4 sailles of passion eventualy causlng ifling quite a nuluber of Important I ber ta leave hlm an Sspt. l8tIt. She sales lu this section atsly, a tact neou sayohe ued vry liscne lugu ge geerally knowu. for whibe bis naine sayshe ned eryobsene angagebas besu coneted i hb ilas, Ih as t towards ber wltbout- provocation,.fnot known t-bat the J. A. J. Wblppbs 8h. says lie frequently, lu that waa the "Rev. Mn. Wbipple." I la, f short period, refussil ta pravîde for however, the former Methadist Pestern ber as li s aoulil sud t-bat lie uoeil wbo bas haen maklug Important- persoual violence againat lier which tascinmbsud oftbig dsalleeven onow bas la nu enfbidao pend- s was unale te neseut- berause of lu in thîs county. I bIs great strengt-h non coutil sie id& The sale o! the CeksEdwarilsv fend hensif because of ber sex: thal plece was mails te a Chicago ant lu July, Augusi or September lie wlia, hili. stateel, viii ereci a beau- tnuck. hoastSud knackeil her down. tiful home on the property nei spriugr withvioent wwson he hRd nd andl make bis reoldence thons. fHls. withviolnt bowson l. hnad ml n i s withbebd for the presai hab- ci-uaed ter teahb- ear' l cause thes sutire payement bas net- yei marks andl placed bler in an exhaîat-- bsae mails. sil condition; t-lai %%hile walking The erectian o! a fine haine ou t-bis along Sberidan Road. sVauicgana ha tract ho taken ta mean ibis beginning ) Spteber ina sdde fl, h tunedofa! Mridencs district la that sectionc Sepnmbe , t ae a sui h en fit. le n e i f the tow nship, f an It a but a short ou ie. bt ierwih ls isi koclcddistance nant-liof t-be Boyau countryi rber t-ot-be s1dewaikad klrked lier1 club,. iliere tbousauds of dollars have wltli bis ftest att-erÉlie sas da,%n,. lispeat t-bis year. altklng lier hend and moitîli t l i s understood t-lai the tawyera t-uth farce that lie,- toutlihid. a-ho purchaseil this tract some lime ago made about $2,500 on t-lie deal. Heydecker & Jorgensea are lien St.holding t-le propent-y but lwa months. i"CHAS. SWAN DIED WR OTS IN -LOCAL JHOSPITAL MDLA u O B ANOTIIER JIONOR Chicago, Nov. 3.-CSpt. Jamès Glea- son of the Shakespeare avenue sta- tian, was taday nameil by Mayer Har- rison as chie! of police ta succeail Jaohn McWeeny. resigned. Capt. (Besson receiveil the polli-cal bscking oft Plint Michael Zimmet and at-ber Heart-Harrlson leaderm. He is.52 years aid andl baî been a memn- ber of the Chicaga police departinent since Dec. 15, 1884. The Huge Lock Gates on the Pan- ama 'Canal arel Controlled by Electrie Power. They are t-ha hesviesat ever buit. No other power but Electricity coulil meet the conditions so perfectly. A toach of a littie switch ap- plies its tremendous euergy. This Master Force is e,». ocratic-.ît works as wd on a sMall as on a big "cae. lu will ligbt your bouse with a n incomparable artificial ligbt and furnish power to do ail the bard work. 1 The cost o its servie is ow. la your bouse wired? If not let us t-al jon how essily 11121 cbeaply You enu put lu Iscie. AE ity, tie modemu irprovement. SPublic Service '~Company' 'o"M JUL 3AII la illuli1l VaIueless Place is Center of Attack By Boys on the North Side. PRANKS WERE NOT MANY. Wlauksgan, November 1. Waulcegan paaeed a -ratben quiet Haiiawssen liday and wbIle the nouai pranka were played. flot a great flan! wene of s senlous nature. Oas of the mont serious was tbe tearlng down of a large portion of lis ornamnental fence about the Thea. Durst nesidence. corner Second and Hickory street. The police bearil of t-be matter thîs mornlng andilnlubs case are t-ryiau La locate the cuiprits wbo createi thbe lainage wblch represeuta about M2. The cuiprits delibrately lient over some of the pons wblcb Iay imbeildel lu concrets. twistlng the feuce go It now protrudes over the sldewaik. Ot-her things neported lucludeil t-lise: Somebody took a buggy fraii la front of a nontli de peddier's place aud rau It down town wbere t-bey abandoned it snd the police took i la the station whens the awnen re- galuei l t ibis morning. A head of rabliage wau thnown tbrougli a Marlon etreet reeidence wladow. Ticli-tacks were heard! la great numbers ail aven the ritt. Nobody resenteil ibis innoc-ent sport. Bass algo wereshabt la large quanttien ai windows and morne sections i ooK like a negular Boston thorouglifare as a resait of t-be shootera' preseace. Thrss Fires Occur. There wsns ilinee Ores sînre Fri. day evenlng, but ans, bowever. being due ta Hallowe'en pranka. The aid Lyansa place. northeat corner tillette and North avenue. hurned ta the 'grouad about 9 )'-Iock ia the evenlng. It lfi,elve l t aas set ait'i i"re bioys wiîo wi-ri. bratiarile c-senlng. Th.- house.-lm o% ned Ibv '.IH.Hunnett, o! t-heWau- kegan National bank. It a s an oîid. îîaused bouse. m lndows hehrg brolien. door. off. etc. Boys j,. h.o. ail aboaut neikei lthe place and t-e art belleveil la haie filished the lot, last eve-aing. Tbey were ssi-t-iof s.-ltlag It on tire once befor- monie lime back but neiglibors extînguisheil thes blaze at t-bat time. The lo.s ls synali as It wssi a ver> tlny cottage and practicaily unlnabhtabie. About 8 o'ciock lu ihe evening s 1 ail la the tire depariment summaaed ht la the aid Tairait residence. (Clay- ton ad Couaty striet. wbero a rug liad cauglit Ors. M'hile Mn. Tonquiot callel the depertieut,bis wlfe ex- lIngulslied the blaze beuce the serv- icte of the liremen were nat needeil 1alter ibsi' arrlveil. 9 The tOre sterteil whéc a jark-a-lau- Stenset fOrs loa alace curtain. r About 4 o'clock thiIs moraug te Blisailwaiter aitithe Arllngton bote!, 1sesng suioke cominif up ibraugh the tregleler. thought thes place vins on Oirs andi aummoued the fOrs depart- rment, but hy the lime tliey arrived. ral] danger was peut. Investigaioan asbawed the asw furuace had been eoverchargel Sud whlle tbe furnare rocin vas samewbat scorcbed, there was no blaze and no dama"a elsa- ewbere. eNEW CIIIEF NÂMED y 1 colin past4 oif fi ou t apli ltpis Yeali aMIbm Heni deail Mi var, sixtl meu chic eé t Hl T. L M PM Wo- taD et hi t-at-i( Ar Mxe Chic dicte TIhe &Wl- Mi outst agol hm as wi otite a* It e d It y ýg ýY -n 1