Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Nov 1913, p. 1

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~AKE CoIUNÏY WAUKGAN WEEKLY SUN YYiIT..W TWELVU B SPUB 'AOM L5 OUT, LFMPIAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1913. O1 L of y'our. f vives hoarlng for Port éa <rmm tI t' ps ai Fort iii re-ý arc n-- iants of rai ta e vere quadron haci FIl. troobm ici by el Ueu- pri son- f t ha-- le fak- Iy sud ml. At Iftcoth c "orsi lic wan vere sevea-al visions. ied for a die- train fteenth y the ý&mp@d uber- a> the ,- St "w fi S i ne th peu oim- lage clefri lji. mans hr sled that t aufi'îrung dr A mystetbaoae desfl'ci9 a lly toed noir Channci Lai, and just over fie Wsconsli efate lin.. wps repon$*d SBusy îglif. fie victim alg jac Gorusu, brother a>! James coruan, ad voîl 'tsmvn fia lberLY- vile, vlcre isv»Mi iormenly came ýt cueafiouiaîreport sprcad lu cu mectiofa vl t heomnssusîden ilcafi 0 fthacffcct fiat h bail boom out ridg iai vfi'avoMen phose sadosn sud comhaletapeOauc ecafloed As-doci uloiltleste ho Maidi mYa- Va*eililovever, at e ejopmmst mdteed dsprve fila rt lu toto. TmcOmoo p tgaid bu Dr. H. Y. oemis, aof Antioci, sud as bu tolil Ljî' SeIaimUa m th fe &0wn-Us * 1 ,m- se a rdtg fa4dmsea Q0t vo tàtke l0M ciss iei; le a!ve v sup» compoeu affe, me duaia.pP4 ntoesW qgui al d1decl'ni te W»e&aiB* eezUti e Suc d OcehOMM Tayw Wuos «Prom vaWb"ha,1 bu lhebd seft- ed la fhe sOc-lui fer Trevor Wl... t. apeu fi.dtu. I vas told fiat, ou- rame b um tu a rl ig Wu ome o m on m vIa, alSenrocle taohuraih. Utc cOeil a Sam l lu 110<a tan Plae sud rectiiê fe fig. When ho loft E. or vie -fi vOoeS veto, I vas Dot .1, gbptauhi bn fihat bis ilesth Wl' dS te aPOPieiy or omrbrai hem-or pogo& eo@srkous ljuelmeon hi% body. Hoehmailaffli tcu ou thc lip as If .uufaiued t luntothfl le hord road." Foui Play POmuibl. Ahe I f lime Wue Say pouildiity fth" plsy Might bavp ib b-1 of sa deMbl, Dr. Baffl Aldnidt -wa a o tybut ho void ot «Ya prebtwhlynomecvldeaec o fiat scf tac tus ap areUt. Gorman vît about àI yeffl aid sud lfaves a wi fi roth.a- Looes Sfi. lmmediêtot7 aitr Gorman liad hoein ouad. hie brother James al Libertyvillow»aS Otifll.Pfiacurial sn se. At ftac Just gaire, lhe burrie te Auttoc but bis brother dicil li tors lesar&Mve&,tIc e"d cominh al Socloci Onday ovniug prelimity e erot aken b the9Ozecutve oMuintto o!flie Uni e4 Bfflties at' a meuing Thursda mIt lflach» otel, k mtClialý lu o'tent further mentb Ihe 575lu u<s luIllinoi to Inaiu' '~usSiOw D Bm At fthc meetir g? v i tifls monfh' ethét y4 ota lot. Want EtleWtons Declared Inà pJ yIIA# L D O valid in Southon 111. Towns O L They ReontIy Lost. I S 0 AL Daquolu, MI., Nov. 14. Follo-alng C0I i P SO N i flic electione of lait veckinlu whîclithe gi "' ere vlctonlous lu sevenal F sthr lns1uione flc n ItISHBey Drank Conooctionm nouncemeuth"fin luvi lowns flic of Whisky a'd Choke Cher- g- ."vet" rIWîîconfesot tic lection. Tierdes as. 'Mdiq>ne. ti fovue are WIlisvile sud Plnckney. h, ville lu Pperry 1ceomUl, ]Baldwin andl Perey ln Randolpi ounty and Mefro- SENT OUT- A ,UNGMOTOR' polis in Massas eoufy. - The '*wets" ecqtimilthat Uic vom- Revived Minm 'o' a otTime en , rece nfly eni m ueil ta> vote il U t e - Mnis, liadno nuit ta vote on fie . n O t saloon question Mud that the vote of Wil Hol d an Inqu t. . fiotent ta> place thune localilles lu the lttie John Seclar. fonr-Ycar.old ,wct, cpiumn. The "vets, wlli a"s son of WaIIJe Schar, a prostigrous atfack the consiliiitionality of the fermer residng hait a mle Udat of womens votes. Haf Day. dieli Tliursday niglit about _______________ 5 o'clock of alcoolill polsoniug rl- JURIST HOLOS LAW INVALIO. sultiug froni a quantlty of alcohol hoe Springfield, I.. Nov. 11-Iu a de. Imblhed cary lu fie faorning. -He lcision haniled dova by Jwdge Cretili- lap@edinbta> ucousciouaness shorfly ton l In h c iraii*cqulbore todi7. aftcr drluklug tlie iquor aud re- lie beld thaf the WorUi'a tompen-matit sation acf of Jume 10. 1911, vas ual malud lu fhileconditin up hi the Iegýlly passeel lir te-legielature nd fine of hic death_ The Fowler lung- coasequenfly isa1151e. motor vas ruslicd ta> Uic fchar home ne ~ uaud although ft resultedin hiprolouging the boy'. -ilfe for at lcasf tva>bature, BOY I£ M ïhiecondition vas sa> saturateil wlfh thUi poison fiat flic lifc-savlug devîce RMSE~> ~coulai not cave bh. in Uiceficher home, flic same as lu I~ r1 T~.'u ~ mauy fanmhouses, a bottle of!vis- 3 LI1JX 71e ey is keptt for moiicinal parposes. fatils battis vas place la quanfif y o! cboke cherries. these bea*igasuol eJohn Johnson. So.sof the Man lamily remedy In the ciabomhuse- a hall. WheiaEeer a inember o!fie Accused of 0" lb Thfts, faully vasinl h vas lihihabst ta a ý n, S. give hlma or ber a drnk o!filbe coae 9 ils CaU 1t ý-' t. caution. Meyuyfmos tic boy bal nmmgiven a drink frou fithettle. at ADMIS CUfI Uburt la a dilutedl«Me lbut cary oflea of 1D6IS CO RT. ha vas ailowed10 sOp thefv lio«. Althopghmno os cav biteda If. fie o!John ycsrp, aswumpliollafa utfe 1Md arou. Nf1- w« rrstd u .Nov. 12. ai ilS!Dmdftu AboutOS criok 6t kI gl-aç1 M ý nomNw Ch«M -Pmnse Aweg C LArES-At thIe steffcy id by C*reatr Tayl-ràa18 of Mcci- was f<cuniioea0 braie. Stil5a ec , vYa Ivo youflg ladies Ilnasbu4 GerMLa trunutng 8a4lcsu i a 4aà Oad conditneif, fromavuentuaal dieeas. [(E TO EIGHT 81.50 PER YEAR 1K AJ National Conservation Meeting in Washington, D. C. on No- vefter 18, 19, 2Oth. Mirs. 'Edward L. l'pion of WaUke- gan has ýaeen given a big honor by Mayor Harrison of Chicago. Sbc bas beeu appointed the dele- gate to représent Chicago> at thie Na- tional Conservation Congress f0 bc t.i i9. al .h.t --Nvm otate Fire Umvsh<Offcelu18PjflyCOa mE Unable to Leosto fVan Who co T POI Fh'edHoe if etMayor. T'h. effort o!fiehef"a," ~ loueur- D A I FACIL noe deMifmmflto.lomte fie mem eho net ie1,ae eI uOMsilGoes f0 Zion'to HoId Inquest a et HgvOlbsPuoclly m, bodoad Ts lu0n o Over 3 Days' OId Baby Who clii os initw sguty e of nmlasi- Nadi No Physician. Mirs &'buti tmai t imsbut Md'ln l li e 0mù(yeO- vi terhi o rHELD .ANOTHER INOUEST. ~dli sli a lnt thflarIlves 'bonen eembody a ie ta, tiir home, libas povMi exceptionafly boril.0f- Prayers and Divine Healing jelaie who bail fie matter lu baud do Failed to Cure Miss Mary lt admiit ft litey have absndouid Il hopea of locating Uic cuiprits lu Mathers of a Cancer. lue but fley adn*lf flcy bave abon-- toued a eysteuiatiC Investigation of Prayers and divine lieallug falled lic matte for fiep preselif. ta> cure Misa Fiary.Ms-fiers. 42 years If further develoPe fiat flic tueur- olli a>f cancer, sud as a rmoult she mu. comPanleS vhich carried te fialdaway af lier home lu Zion riait on the eversnu homo, bave pil where she liai been living for fie in fh in s sd ficir accaptance OfIlast ciglit monfis. lTe Inquest vas th usUer as dlqwm"o Ind! uicats e ld by Deputy Coroner Edvard bat tie compane réel thet flic ar- Conrad- est of thc cuiprits le nothilg ceai The evîdence adducel sha>ved that leflute for fie Immuiidatefe uDe ' Miss Mafliers lied formerly lveul lu toast. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. _Before decding ta> move t. ZMon Cty she vas crai- cd by tva> physicians bofli of vhom m uN ~~eM LE bl ler fiat se. as sufferng of a esinenu o~~*, gft cancer and fiat vhile an operaf ion miglif heip ber tflichoances vere very mucli aWalut ber securing any Dire. relief. AN~1IEIIIplu I lu film exlgency she decided tfa - move hi ZMon Cit y as she bail heard BetWeen 5 and 600 Aores, considelUe abut flic cures fiai t e1 l knpls-ce of.*Mwie Covered With a there fircegli prgers sud dvn treaf mot ahi -cotilueil la>grow vormi sud vamsaii aay. Bocaube ahe PMOERTY EDA PED. hail lad mc physicien la u tdanca - v as emeiarr fiat a ecorers lu- Tis Siode dlingict vestf cf H1b- qe@«i h heMtluorder fiat s- deati p- Patsud Illghood, lubdiniowdbteSi *j, ouil o asde out, Tho y««M wvusla accrance vifi tlw >t ~4 dd~uNov.1*, vlé ?ufsr ieuty ComuirCo m mm Ie brewbmm o dte eoy radl tout te lm ion Ct le heau 4% tbe-SdB of doars verth of pop c*M-lt a.iltes.!-le.Olil baby. lm orty. Tic oeiy atg viticprevimlcilaqosd feni ItheUSMon1poicy ai s ~ ~ ~ ~ pou iel p tienlou vs l. o c-la sllAU-Y Saleput UaD 1>Doe Sedeili.n mu te baewbn lie. biandred lie, voués sund elildru. 'belumetV a PrAolco- - -p T»e Ul giMesce the iola î1%tibe7 v feê ai t buh mmbe; sa EcobaU 1iotl " or-la flVilbal l .etsi e t s c.a Y.wqo hel. At 0"lamoewof tu c f t liylar ou ilcasa 1f as -mo me N4 la dry »a ii-r &ud Meedabut asi I@t le ce y tb" qe In~qntho loq te ut if OlAs amary as rcm 6 0 lu ordçr liai a diati cft%çte' b Isarnoiltic ira of Wedneidai' s flWe OU Thorm bave licou several o! liii sfarteil ly tva hantons andl as tvo deais durng flic lant yuer or te vome daim fley cav the»e men bat stjlI fie grctioec orbautgp statth ie ndidffrent Places. BoN ,sîclade presesfait ie he rilio!fcM fore flic aliru could ble spreal the dren le unIon fltheuanlaZMon. feumes wveoloaplai &long the ground kat rnt --uol wst et a ripid rate or spesil- verdict retumniletaI fieocruncn5 t mulie o! a short flue thc worm! ha queit prcsidol ovir 1>7 DcputY Cor uer Edvard Canai- la ZonCC, becs apted aud scores o! poople. Tburl-day femon v fitercnmah éidv» ILILabase.,cDU hiaukots sud la o! fie tiree4flV aUid fat vho pu . *ct eluset suy article ora a smilar d ai(ay vifieut fic-aifanlince cf na»ture Ii«o oultil dnd vere ouf bost- physician. if vas rouentfitat h lag vas ai he ames Hadred ofmofier bailbecu aufferlng of a cava tut aw thé sacoud four or fdcc laye bfore Uiechci loee a isi ein stcke« on fie vas born. gsbe said fie avners lirc&ed flaIr attentioni tao mLY l. h.lils flcy dtd g aby muans ! sM -1 Carrledl forverd by a strong vind S iIl.ý f rein the soun fie prairie ire loap-n i 1 Té ed over the grauuai coverlng acre af- f er acreo! grouail., WIf a veef - vindi t leasW fiat thc enfin. veaf- cmn part cf Bhibvool voulil bave Lt Therie epatuan lnH - o Weil Known Waukegan Youi vas ammonol liai coald not get Man WiH Wed Mins Alma ,close cnugh to fie fine f0 do any SatroKukWs e.goad. A m sprnulng wagon vas bock- ltro aWs ktcd to a nerby hydant sudtfile vas Pniebils of Louis Wyun, cideeti rus"l repostedly f0 the aceuc o! theofo!Mrn. Mlm. Robet D. Wyniu fine, fie objoct lilg to vef dovu West etreet Wakegan, aIII b fie grass lu su effot t. lad ire, or teresfe.ln hestlns fiat hlIo le f lu ofier vords 10 prevent the prog- marrl an Novimber lti afetKan frcss of the dames. To asistinlu hls- Wie. Imovemnent many Peoplegot Ouf ie bride viii ho Mise Ama SIl& tleir piovse sud emarcai p turrovt, a yoilng voann vie, tet yesr fa Py romt erly luftho uaruingutil fcv menthe, fs-eut gymnastice ln â Ightf fie one.indroil mou, vomen Wjýukegau 1110 becoal, but ou su ad ahIlaron orkod vifi feverlali duni of iclua liai- 10retire îy flou a! stopplng fie progres o! the jefer rettaraalu t1o1barthome lu - d. drn bat ot tutlIt bai- raced i vfl- cansie. The tamiliy tormonly Uve ' là one buadreil yards of thc popu- Emnasb, Ml9. Itum Blter1 helafeil district 0< i avool, grduate cf Miumn Utivinelfy lng At Higlsad Prl floe wre ai- U r. Winam lenDov e9ploye as L1 lu lar icoe u ai âýla several luefaucet, O dn aiM « e the itlgrefluer rue haystackiO vifS harne Inueecase AM *bsd bh vU fui e bri t re- ont, destoYed. î( va- tithe M cbt intTog uc-mIe ino n svel hoe Me 'tmc that 0 UbU sait lasl.W*eS ia vo4-blnesau i- Dndredq expoSi" the p.5~trIltta~ - < 'o. *4hoô5Wi*0 01 Illt - E ,_ Fe ~-, v. t ei *1 e il i Il s e i t t voever sail fiat as s" aias ho reaçicl homeuaral. hc lutenle e a tahfe facto belons During au interview vîit Prealdnt dl POmoe Coroner Taylor, as lie finis fie Cie Bundeof teifc Cvil Service CoUi , ula tandon cumsts-ucee warrant a co In lu-dmttd h quant. lHc vas luclncI te thInk thât5101 Attorney Wly dniti a iý6day thie choate cheorriel i vh sley Dr. Marsballi smekboys sent te hlmP nit have been wliat cauus el icfan medilel tmont saideamlua. M K Ciy la's detb. These yld clerrIes, hl ic eln , bat lnale t fa-flieconld prove Nrlit saId, coufain s certain amotant of nil hc prueelc c mdl hleb le a deadly Poison. Sncbl trestmcnt tlie onîy meo i y h Dr. Bler expresged tbe opinion vhich fie boys coul bemado te court-. tfiat Uic Ilquor vhicb the boy Iraul mind. 51 f , affecte l bis Ildn ys sud c c us - o c e A cu @ D ct r it pro- mia wlihch poleoucal biisstan.i. t TeheAcue ce. ,de ouf i possible ibat au autopey viiilie Boy citer boy fool the vitues for fie ncceecary te decil. flic cause o!flice stand sud fald o! hailg boom cursel b u d boy s& ea f. y Dr. Marshalof avlg beau bedi-1 houai on vfithtfie icred "equecise," vIti il jury s blaclieck on vifi dte, t a! bu Liceg An S IWEAX I1AibJeelioueucl !f oe mmraltî- nu u mat aulfoneil t0admit vienutre, UrA MA fUITI te sccure forbearauceocf punishîuct, andl off.herefusl otDr. Meaili 10t - freaf f cm on nunnirous occasions Lae Bluff,1III, Nov. 13.-a-(EPdlor FakPtea eetv M Trine)-Please Infonni me vhcfleu r -Wai5Osdfctv rp or net tb. United ltafes and Camidi pIe, twice te fs,lffloa allov an Interchange o!fpruen erior le idedl abd eeai tte Pontlae Slgthc Cli-aemas ce a e tutse an accomplie lu s benglsr, v&4 ilaty. W. Y.Lnon. tfie dret wlfmies celboil. ",preenfe'r'celcel 17 ',pensons lu the Ulnited Btates during fie halidsu Attorney Butake de la-v1m Peferan former someon ar etofentifloil fe apeclal ex- a efory 0cfhils ret uctuinu before a ca - emption £ram, uty.' Dr. Marsual. li ho i- i, lie hI Uitedn- Ullder lie custoans reulaihOnl. besaulbit vith a ,qeue pounleil Unfll,vivyer, iatremls iccelvedlfa -fie b r asalaa 10 bu i II!cart muls atrou forelgu counties oustealu-yD.Mrsaladkckd&ot it of the hlus pefiisiof avalule aOfIssu fan Wilim& Itobb, the liosptailguard *1 st urial:abroal by the order vor1>lug unaer the docton. If vas liy 'portion c i rset b e c y hltedd thfiebos vie foove, hava-ver. flief u«t g noddbîete th- -Prn7h-10 -os foId flat Fier- plut Ç cripple saidefective, liecause flic dt-cannêtai fleop u aIn u uled. ls'l, sud *o 1;'ta I 7î ii Cîafgeâ etiatu af Sîcl <M i QSm»istOae r p it«oi I useod fa icacli u inteecio, 4*9hobuîéiaý. l4flW flicouIm, a former hache. Cpa . dAm%, Cliêtr tif&od,"sud efaisht, Iurngu ayp ay"e t. emittd.t-t het. MTis ehov viRiib. fisble aw Bois.- nedu~.Um- 1W ho ias e MviaiN= - asnglc *0< aut(* *-r M If th v o m i, I W m à s o " m a " h . iuty lufa tedwâfrboo*wne.t. sas lu il. ioepifiMmd I at, ponfum iy f »bc the S lianeail ,treatel the b«#s harab, brutal,. h09. la fot, hum uifer calied v<t mte, aud " 41-1 erauo hm 04PI. PUlih vi uti d oL " urse a bey fiaI looeai tOe as t te bo "*ptcK Meutboy. George W. HavciL a avilci cupcucuythe li Slt. Paul ,MO lias iled suit lu la"ie eeUy% Co tat for 180,000 for 1 i 9s r lie dafims he utlel I~i lug Caa aleval, uIii Isaf. e iilegqe thae emq cardess vheu it perUIetlilU car f0 lie bupelut vhlcli le vas vnt1~ i vhlch ver. nure uently lulurol higla living fatoruii Inu&» licel iveM me ufh dl l'h. boya*vueista ebolter ~ tre vas put t te deug 'là~ IL va. bMýdis celtisa beKW fI of the famaema obb*Mt!e-14w ro>bed - as M1Y h f - aÊ:I 0Kv @Ail Who vas«410q 9e~w stâaea fe e ecs tue, -I a liail ettuz for a,.fal* la Ulitet le csi"_ Wonder fthk *0 taaýi' id out ou a Criminel RM on July1t jrolinao9 UlOm check et UtceZion I apm"pt vas for 195 suE té 4 ly sure of securlng the àavot, son ba i Eder C. E. Ruihs Pm f o fi te pirpose of idcutMetL T'he lad vas at tint lb.c ta emnploy of Aufflt C. AVUjaeo armet ltving West of ziq' 4IýAS SI$ name that was f orgeil. Thi *a ie lcouPrevlouslY niAdO Çua Ic cetsbut the figures vers alten > terni $95. Th. boy seoup! icS * ey ané soon aftervard aMaod a T7he polîte have licen siehiB *hlm imany parts o!fli hahte duntil Wednesday no UV"op0a wberealaouts had beeQ foptuilHo the chic! got on his trali lYj luc sud lie vas acon plaoed1 arrest. johnson vas arralgucil Wodi niglit before Juilge l'utile la lia ansd CtY AtiOrueY Yheoeer charged thc boy witli f.rty ie admlttfed isieguiit liefùmte i ,g e confessed f0 liavig chianage gfigures from 96 cents in $$&, bu fesed ignorance as fn WhO n-ia fthc check ln the firet Place tu amnaller amount. Juilge ?ttle nu Uic defendant over 1tic usehM of and ie e a brouglt i tO WaL u- early Thursday mornint. Bail~ be cd ai $1.000. ta, ad te, at lliam RandoîphiEa~~ a membor cf coe," SWOsA e . mots for pteàJdci4 .p leý at ifevupmies alem ore *W e.~ i-tatées, latu etis ,tIno-ltu eoe Mmae tJat 7- INDEPENDEr Eat Mud lae ama -the doub- john. mient né:, a st vae check for os ed to, town. au for e, but lic b0y AfdIfppi, M"qev uM~ giefistive bai11fhi, Dr. quii pDr. Btqp f Wauil vui a lunuoltor. tihe p thi deic t be able fo vf9 Dir. Esevu ncursd the Conadi NIaftt lauetor a"i aiun teol mAlous lDn. biuclt opu la 1* opotf fo himiote Mtoe eospifa. ai far, fiers e. sveraihft"0 un- avoldible dlays butsas socm ms lui. glhle Dr. Brown@ aufomobjieva rmoins over tlië ghaud towéril nad l1*y.elabfccnml"es aal.-tom lie fueisDr. Ccitili Icaibl ap Dr. Brown ft> fie dos, e li rîved eco- suumedoialy ffy-dve minutes..%le shows vbat speel vu asmdesunt le Pair vaoliaure fie Iugmotor vas neel. sadible for a timeitIfscemol fu, revive fi. hoy's respiration, lie ho- gan te have convulsions at the endi i-f fiai parbl, Those came so close tagofler tfatfitwvaseaep fiat hlie vas beyoud ail hope. Dr. Churchilvas lu Waulcgin filesaffermacia perfruins an opera- tien aui e latesr liosuital. He $1.50 PER YBAR IN AI )NE TO EIGHT lu a Wursoial lefferta> Mm pfon, SoilCrop Ip SS~ Mayor Harienia>js: "In accordauce with a resoluflon passeai heficcity SOCiW pus Bée counili of Chicago, i bave ticelionor a> appoint ya>u as a lelegafe ta> repre- bW<>m for Jeoumv 12-11 ent fli City o! Chcake sf the Na- With $ W4ribi louai gonservathon Congres. lu Wash- Ingtoai, Nov. if, 19, 20. IZ8 1. 0. 0. F. 'QUITO WISCONSIN. Under the auspices paf tféis 1. Milvaukee, WIs. Nov. 12.-Tbe rov Couufy Paru Impravement Ausdm flic theaise lu rates Of 1,0o fltou. flicre vîi li be hll eti 4brlI poiiyholders o!fie ludepeudeut Or- on Jenuary 12-17, tic bigget eu lier o ! Itarfe fe s ba s re au lte l lu fie s o v r h l n n r g t 9 f aterulty rs tcliy flulug notice îfith T sho w ve wh il e hdlu or a t h«î-éîw flic efate lusurence comuisaloucr ofhl.d shov vii lchbll luDthIIIIII ite intention if0 bave W isosin.. ma baI u l te n v ail lu fie l polcez wil nof ho invalilsisil îY the uidig vîidrawal. Prises aggrcgaig la valu. Mo $1,000 vii lic eput ap for tfi eti WMJ~~àNL4I*. of com uproducodillu 14 TEs~~ Juef vhat the prîmes vOmleà«. er l ulmeya, la iu * go'Or orasvbat neflulitsim hi ~fl~5 S lair. crop scai et e, i AWfFUL g m planinlg * atinMe". prisant es rvetic he»m otor El*i Barnot. Sopt«Wed From io-e a iemi~t HeM .SMatWibiN. l& HMs- vint rqjriel U* ing ons~mtlaoSM". 1? Exprta u ii.& SAYS MARSIIAL WAS CRUEL proiwmuto W1110iieo Wameubr h i ils Barnell, sue o!f t" sevema leu o hE W, cc ta sf It p m au tasi ste t1q nW to1 fie other by i'teuih, enai fiat fbey hai bien fsld v isa e donce te ive. The effdemcc @!oftig Watakgu bey viiimals a stu Mla lue fechaIs tiW la b4~gjýfSe Liant Dr. Mars"ai Th e 011010gMdiepalci trou P-M tis on lsmoa!tic dels of lb. invetisation: ,'-Pontliac, IIL-"We admit IfL" The abovo line, cMMInifrein Attornue Y. 8. LumIey', chie! fofliceItai .taft le- feailins Dr. James A. Maaàbsll.forai- erly phiysicien o!fie state reforma- 1oyy icrs, before fie Blute Civil Sers- tes commission o!fie canes of jcructiy ans1u d ofiny -ref«ei kginst hn hlm b bfi alietcfmana gers o!flhe Institution, ludiletes fie veigiaf o! thc fceflmouy vhic1 bas flus fan licnou oferci l ast Dr.

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