Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Nov 1913, p. 12

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What Beautiful Suits and llow Very Reason@mble tht li s %wat t'ee' vunc savs tliat hav'e s 9)1111 îtefîiasotutit TheY are iii -at ini a eiass 1w tiienîset vus. For tbis ot- i sîi wcveuffer aîiv suit ini thtesttire id ai- i. u)5 fiadi or the regu lari'ple. Read tiiese This loît consists of all of ouî* $15 suits for ladies and misses, andi nîcludes som nive'v 1111î1siual s mes îatei111) oft hideloths, vilii'Xlii , sterge's aitd %i VIII '4< ti' IR i t - f inig, N\t'eiI fi'iiiiiiîeil; etiloi s ai l lite l> owil, i a.îîîîîîî ani black ; ail sires younr veiiii'foi- a î1îick t Icar 7e48 aie................ 011r 1- .)Sulifs areielut lîîdnthifis l1t. lianîdsonieilY tailored garnit utsi ii hnl sv'p-8, Nvi>steds. clievitits ii n k u ad vtl- ils:îîîaît iew friînîiiaiii- t ftct t";s ',hî ii. sin(- itarn' ski îiîîr satin lIint ti skmîts s cffita12*75 Oîîr s,1î1ýlvîiild $~22.50) suis at a gruvau sav- rifire. This lot evon- sists of a heut iful Ihue of ladies' anti IniSses suits, lu bli' anid ctlîrs lîtaiitifullXv1i il e d etit-aXm av or tfle straiglit <'oatf vont (loe(Of ti o a$1 sifs. iiîatle 1linli unr1 t l'V iewest hea titi fl lîbruadi cut lis. b1t noI 1e S, serges anîd bhruadt' inafeilal. skincî' Saitinî lined aîfîae- tivelv triiîîîiîed i vtli hiraiid. velvet andi liittiis ; Al eîl rs andt l)1iaek .ail sîzes-z ouir y*>?,O 19 silits. uniy 511k& Woolen Dresses $4.85 -Fir this o Nviuî e have rec eiveti over 2(m) heaîitifi ti in a w utc rangE' of uîolors and t lie îîewev(st desiguis, tastilv triiî- îîicd witli a va*u*j< v of silks, lera its ai d onaments in lia riliotus eîîlur t-coignAîatins. These dresses were tiouglît tg) seili t48 uî.i t4) *10; foîr ibis Tlîaîksgiviîîg sale m<ily . ......48 Coats for the Little Iots--Spe.cial ~N'e hiavegaîned ail t'iîvî- able rel'e îititn fi. Super ioii' valties ini ehildîeti's v'uats. ainti ffer foi' ttis (X tuit ~ 1eiiXgoomîl val- Chliil rel s- d te at'. in the iialîsiz(-s iipi tgi)t8 '<i d t iriais. prettil.îttrimiîneii Nali. ;l1.98 ;î tai igi a il irl,it n. iîîg ýsfi îîe Iuailifîliii<l iii, î<I1, î.astrai- kanis. î.itîîv îl îimixtuîres: sîzes lie 5.00~Suuît i îîl..... New Blouses Featured OIf pel-ial îîiîîî' aie .thut' iiî'N-lavé.' net aitii ie il i -al it I 1i t i c i ilr wiiti' iitl- liant 1î sli tii- '7i.and i it lis sa a ist 98 <<I) lgl t g>ý'lJ(1 tt i a TH&ÎNKSGIVlr«I SALE 0F SWEATERS $5.00 SWE.ATERS, 3 STYLES AT $2.98 pîlauini stite'h,. W il hi(i' I ithi4plit tîii-i i dolar': XX huiti' . t' fintIiai1, iav.i . îî'gî'aiî.1,11v Iaî.î î'v - i'igiairi vandî< î'taîil %- ut $J:fier this lîir' 'sSm. ate'îs, L1.adieis' s%% î'ufu'î". i n ini aili sizt's 111)tii 14, an assîirimnt 4f .îl0- rI'uh ,w'hite. grayu. vtu' otrs ainmu si'/A's: plain seri'îîi'abie; <goir $ .5stiteli. largu' "t'liai'; ff lné, rice at$2.»341 vallt' 1.9 0111.%. .... ....ut i,îîv . .. . 09 BRAUTIFUL, JAPANESE KINONAS. -Made <of heavy lannelettt' inipimîk. i' gray amnd lavendar, liandsoîiîu .Jaliayit'st'. JSîraN patterns, satin faet'tiait cuitar andt sieeve, tied Nvitl iipsa.slî ..'......h1.9- lVîtn' ionse dres's, aIl st * les anîd cilors, 4r eillar $1.50 819C valuies at ... L.adies' giiîgliaiîî dpi 1<1 -go gliIsizi' andiid jality: 150~ Vailue, ait 0111î. . . ..... 7 Sik tt-l ails. iliitlaiî' andi<i i s atil Si'5s , t- ..4 ..i... 1.98 we liavt' letej'uiiiied f'or tliis'rilîaîksgiNviig Sale to ftirget hîrfis îî si oos t ut v'îy îwst~ri~s.Wc watii fu give' von sueh v'alues thlait voîî'lI he tflking abamt us foi. the test oif the veau. 'Ne waîit all mît custoiners, as wvell as ilie liundreds uîor tlls tto olie aîid take adi- ofitgu tI liese reîuaikatîle rrhlanksgiv.uîg 8pe<'iais. 'tuie! Spreadl the cs anti vtîî, vout friends anîd tel- a ties wHI ii it a verv bIig niivnv-savig value onouîvt'iv -il tiî'ti inithe store. NOTE BOXE OP THE VERY UNUSUAL OFFERINGS. FOR THIýS YEARLY EVENT. This 1P.-Saisekg8 Smturday, Morniug,ai93 and every day unti hnu IBO gDay '-t s TU-ANKSGIVING BARGAINS---». MI'ît leîigtiî kiîîîuias of lîeav '% flannehette; ail patterns, $1.50 ...79- values, at. _ ( hltli"s <resse s. ini sizt's uii> tt 14 * ears: ail Stf'vics, eulî,îs andii lat- ternis. $1.544 val lies af ou il. .. 89C euiats ini hiaek aîîd f egoloî's. $1 val., atf519C drîesses, l sltytus les, andl 'uh vli-s;sizes tii 14. %iallies, l u' i 1.49 Rare Values, b Coatsof QÎ 'ie vlues hture featilrcdbuit give %'Du a siigtît idea of fli îaiv othier good things wec featiirt foi- this Thanksgiving event $9 COATS, $4.48 1 $12 COATS $7.48I Wvt tffer fti.'tins ,aite ai laiîtsomjie huie of wtîiîeîis anîd *.junors' miats i ni llack anîd ini gra: mîixtuîres, fea;tîriîig îiaiv - rthe.flicîost faîvoî.ed st vits, mcce- btîtftais anîi d eth: îîeaî'l *%-ail sizes; a," coat at this sale for A large variety of- fcrcd at this prie, including boucle, astrakan, chin- chillas and mix- tures ini navY, dark rcd and black, slîow'iîg the jucw effects of the sea- soni;,ornamiented ini a pleasing way witlî cioth, buttons and braids; ail sizes; $j2 values for $7.48 Btv' laîîmîel 'i aists, ini Mille tîIlv; ail sires; our .5vNdle,,...29c <laîl ............ 39c ai t s liil ft1'l i15 in Ilai<kandi ',Iuî.ail .~19C Beautifui Millinery-Strongly Fcatured A Look Round the Millinery Section will Surprise You ..3 .4 When you corne you wiII sce the rnost respiendent ideas of the' !.milliner's art featured even is our medium priced hats. ne- 48 - une especially fea ured were made to seil at $5.00. We offer them 110W at only ......................................3 ~- Baranesse" GIoves at Heins -) Wv< Ipffi'm îîou i.nii fille g' i $1 .50 i"reut'lîkiighiuvt's mî Iplai'k and '-oturs, ail utz's; a vûr1- guoi hglur l')t titis sale ..........89 a fine SA ifti hglîi , 11Iade t'> give gwiMKI 4'li lit .AI sives; tiur 2-" tn, ft at ......... ..I7 011. iî 'îtif- i'î'11 ofi'$] .(#) fil,- estf Frenceh kid gltvîs ; a s;îliditi gluit'in h lakaîi i'i<iurs; ail sia'ts, for tihis T11liksgi vilig78 Saîle ....-...... .8 < iliIîi'u'îî i's gtolfL j.l)vs, ili bIa'-kandtlfigîtrcd i.atteis; I ll' gouetil Ieav kiwi; btiuglît to sdi for 25e, now 9 at ...............19 fuis aiîuutll prit-eetttig andtis gives 3'oi iii thte store at a saviîîg of $12.50. These cuia art' iii the fincst mat(riais, 8kiuîîer satin Iiicd:. nuuîsîalli, stvlish ideas; 22 0 ~aus tii $, fo ly. ....... Shoes for Thanksg iving 1%,. lia ve btimiverm*% e-auefîîl iii tlue se- Fali l hes <if fogoî- wear, andui ffer fou' fuis sali' speet'al iii- (ihit'îîii'its for 'olîr nexf s4imo t îurlîase.. il ighi gr'adieladies' slio<'s, madeaul) inp lite filî'st vt'lvet, p>atenît andI duli kid leather, ini bltack aîîdj taui, $4.(X) vaîîi', 1k-t' eut, 2.95 Men's shîoes ini higli Oie lot oif ladies' aui îuvtop foi' siîoes f (o î-Wanter dress anti tverydau' weam'. strietlu solijd wveaî' iii patent auîd Ieathi'r shoe iii j giin gîuii-ietai . icathers; îiital andi uit'î kid; Worth e; 1,95 w'ortli t.8 for........... for .. .... 1* Better Furs at Less Now XVi' lia t' without a qîuestion the largegt stock of fuirs in tlîis vii'inity anti eau tbecore rt tffet' you bette r' furs at mnuchl ess than tuthiers. A $300 FRENCH 00ONEY NUIT, AT $1.48. WNe of fer as a speciai. inducecnent for vou îtu visit this section a. haîdsuîie Frenchi eoney niuff; satin liîied, black or hrown $3.004 value for ............ ........................ 1 *48 CONEY SET AT $4.85. Bh4e kor bm'uwnu eoney set. Lar'ge seaîîf aînd nîîîff fuill matin lîned, st'arf is eord and tasseh trimmîed, a splt'ntid $8. value fio r E fuis sale .......... ... 4R.85 A v't"y haidsuîîie <l i îtk set wvithî large neekipiece and large size uîuff;- ined mwith hcavy satin, special . . . 2, Mink, Fox or Wolf Set $15 A beautiful set of either mink, black fox or wolf,witb beautiful. scarf that iii prettily trimmed. with cord and taimel, heavy «atini lined, the biggest-value ever offered for .... .. eL te el a t w fi il fi I - This style Dresses worth 18.50 at 10.00 We Guarante. Absolutuly AUl Linings in Any of Our. Garments for Two Bessonà and, Assure You of a Perfect and Ba#sa f.actory Fitting. No Charge8 WiUl Be Made.1 A very large range of coata is off ered at $1298 for thiasalUe in three-quarter and full length, consiztîng of chinchillas, astrakans, boucle and new mixtures. Borne in the new and popu-1 9 lar kjmnona sleeve. Real $18 values, at only.............9e ()11( of our sfîîîîgest Iiues of Ifrauîtifîîl pliîsh esare inuluded in nus uTi*re sj>eial iiiislh at $18; the otiier Hmter- lia.,r~î land, boucle and jais eonsist of ail the very new ot ers;ticqureadfl, or eloths, ini ail iengths, tastily trim- thîe-qîîarter ands lfulitî, ed and bcautifuliy lined; our sî'veî-ei...15.00th, 22.50 lune, prit'ediotr geuîie$1 ats, at tiiis sale at only ...18000W Ev'en iiolii v*.îv-fioitts are fi ni. ude in~ i

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