die a. aiMOOW" bu>EsioBUIr<IS A en " 'has qPePOIDar Club,$DVO 1 Q1Tht cuisent.Ii 11«o4"ti. You depsthe as rth 4âd Traâb, aMse ii81, LB tm n h 0<ty houd" hmàre pdri e~. ~s< 5MmI. otoSe lpvi ee-n geW0 UdPtuii f SjOySIi *lb. fj3ovrn n uoidir t6 af- ~ fr oothisld1ai Weiofryurva w s -I< ,î.LWU» wuva shibcago visiter the »nord meta ass i lasu Io ',lshd heFiI LZOALSainu eprtôek f ' couslmatont"=ew leWa:Wder sudI« b5iiUIbUDI. 8ltoud" i 'wp Yor«i W.adUràrturYuuxlKeoeWPise .1 otery Subdvision ubmittsedin g«r»uidemWbe U a hwday. Ilut week wltb Ur. sud flore Vers -Proe:aIWteon, . prId. «r " ouis I Mi ti s omtb l Ldh. -- a osAOYlg 0wr ohdto t oi n~ttç~I aig coathr.My »M BrowUmW.d.T ,Z r c leor f ai uy lu yuu oupleceetg- t i. "4Mre. Wm. v<ofWashington, ad , no of talk this oewu Syo#4? l-i ~~ ~livIng sd RumiE.btDeermi. w. marrisd byj ler. Subi te HWbisd WuI0<akeo Fie bas blsie uaimla pet-TI IS NTO Dk= o .-om tra3lgblsud Te agowmrseolumiaasltr.duud Park. sud ais., lb. mraSyÜ«- ~re..Day Y. useohéos .drwmeas ogit- ot en aTHEonoes.os< lbtl- fjf ,A. bit f ith bbar paint fer i tu te.Board 0f-Treeesof thed ustheb.bridés boune 10 partalle of eSilo on Ur pas4tb PFid5a' noraisg tu; iI basegséoimbisttemin ~lVee I~,b a bal 0. B" M sd fnl, of lUbertyvfl)e , o f e<gAres W plat of thb. voith@b.w.ddiag Mppo. Ltu t erlablg atiSt.L ùàeo bi1êilis la dobi e dvn ateAetatLouo orl eleadai wlth lUr@ e lorerger. bot f gseton nmw (1il), eownsn xney euaroit otr » e onme lb. e evi ate Duuîcmeau <goucag. olesd 0. Ps, ret rm d gsta d&y fro ory-for (44) nortb range eveti (1 fi, asu OU S'a i bi s lb e o o lai The M b.o a y oiey0 h iê j' h e ins I sCompany oO . C hatgo. oosil Imok VI., whcre ebu bab. ec uring prmlsebeugetUd bhon, »Wby temridm rottlieue MM tt*h-0 UY»w«t te uretn o ou fer tb. holiday traits iu Chicago. Rt.rySbdItvIsIo".and bowu snd aIsew avantage tatarth. y'on.g ie. RdTlhses DThussdsy aternoon. <gasnirjtueaihe ihoemlmse Mol et WKnigge sud Mm. Louis Wnc--* aaid plat deulnata the peuple gave lb.. a bIg sscepton. Ms .Psis< elra W vic hIesa i"rnteoureas andNohe 24-urot iin»w MMh rel hicaoM y fthdrives, court sud allepors rpruted Gam 10 eIoho ut" otitUl Ibis C Ptis9 DlvaWI& relotactod t the o ty man basi Nov. 14-.!0 f 1 Inch tw ibi~ ~ ~~~~~g »esIdCiao ody !tt up l aIt auprIvaIs.. Now tbere. 'oaU q a 'stIgerpns M.udM.attu7 Ïk foeo te àb yo. Hatera erauawlt absi- pjttj. wt tot te Wo sMan»friemdo. No.2. gtnc- Nov.i IL ~ ~ ~ Boove Tilr.J.L oespu8nayBtVd the Boaadof Troetese suesofiprairie ublelsa, iàbblte. viiTh 50Nlov.iie e2S[1. om o tob of 1 Inch.tth d. rIl Of u m J .R d rs e tS n a f teh. village of A es do s e br b C i ta dhch5W slcb w ill, S t m ie I o l va _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o p lrjMWU.sumt Sstu0<sy and Bus- ta i h ~vea. courte, waye. iatseJobs firqos, ho op 10 nov bas beauacnu. L The.combtuatlou, af the. locouzo- mf '~thM. m oe. as ber home 5Md elleysiicêtedalaoreai on "si1,<villa hI.W bIbi, bau oved loto e s U. sud Mm . 8C. Hutchlsos ud tIve journd journal bqx, vwtofatMs »UsMr cpl. hj sud the . sain eh.rtbY venant roome &boy* LenIe ScbunsCker. dubtc~ hair or support lu tb. battlonof saiU ~Oi D U lire. John OoeewltIer Mlensdlug thewer, @staansd alheye; sud 1h. Board Br. oT, a ttouded the. Norteh er t h e ebogpItaI 5.CbOog Ronder. b xasd havtng aide luge orUags,..a' I 6-room r.sd.e* in w fiterw.. derecugars Elen ore. of prtm vom smbydrivestcour,,otcoveBois Pesaostoraournl-boxera.cs bht Chicagodo..Terebbilbcyly oth Ur. and Mmal cB.enu. St Tho aby toy o Msn ud Ms. R.g. plubriatos asaketluguponssîd wIaeFr tbiffablen vib erdagbsrEle.hss. for iteeliasudfoi th. village oftA», 947slt veeL aagkb udretaso .support, boits arraged ln sai luge E eselao8.vir P.Camoasnhu a@âd tehe onoudutes, obligation@ or resiionslblfie M.tebbec.inabseutaWh couple t.or igec e0ugtrug hedi WL. Uss.proerty, whieh h. recentty eOmisaceo rpiribrof uda M . Pate bas beuant ople n bi.tesud le s. Rlpb Kuerck dsr ositionJbural-bpsu &dry eovlubis A -= %onnoton lbth ostuton iaAT AS1ARG o misl. ata su wt! pt l 5 0Wiisblty for Injuie* that may oceur daubtar. lMrm F. Kropp, nti alke sUd.dandbtMm Mîlhick uderlbkrsitionram thaidpatnejounal-box on *a beoide other ueeeeary eheren.adduto ireanElzbhadc Oàms livib usi u eenta h uih onu b coacu er, week-end guet. ofUtr. Knicker- biter the removal or mi Ps an t ____________________________ n, su. . D Irmer ! Hghl.d ark bovc resoiuelon bé adopted naisd.'Lait Monday M igte e"ci-bocker'a pereutoe$Mr. sud Mr&. lass !al u01.îbtatll sd.__________________________ D. Kamerof ilablnd PrkMollo. caieda.satsuprubanalyade Bn Uday wtb ber motiier, Mti.&l'h. plat belug duly sigSddnae oJe- dieu of parochisl cis«bl ppod seront Chicago.secrtb.d. th meeti1h.nagudjournicion otion0f coope of! clk«e froua bsm, tb. promed Um bMrieY Kiest 01 Wlmette, vas a 2. Ile combluation of a lubricator OBIUÂRY. ~sq*espl supas<l.. y 1.Pu" an sd Zereen. o~~ f wvhhWIibu donae u the10 mouD51 wsk-sd gucet ofber aune, mseJoeepb.wltb the. journal-box the support s-Mra oor.,pftolde lucr o lbîàdk'uiayeeig'h earsiona ofItombrotte.î ne ods.rangedIn tuelb ottoau tiereof, oE."i0P' or perbapo the oldest uf Lake conuty, tl SW51 aIIiid d torugIRUUEIL ebldre.humai,.. raisi eh... cblckse F. Rosebro is vlitlg lu Wlsen. section tormlng a part or sai sut> uase.i say at hie homein lf il ay , sNov. al. dO lrwatb. attNeforthi Ira. MmM. J. Clark. vbo bas hem visits.port sud plvoted thureto. sud a <ni,- st 1 o'clcck W<iîîeîduy murig, Oct. liv. m ge, bampli sqpply provei lTh. Ladlc. willl bave s Bissea t h.e Ilg ber dmWgbter Rmabotb, reiuraedIlti.lock for sai drop>eectlon. sub- 29. 1018, of a long standing trouble wust &M thelb touctal rturni cb e rcb ddy cvenlug, Dwc. .&AA. G Scwhlnn&,Wi, mie eil @mp- bomeMoady. ,tantlally as icacrlbed. lciutWtesda< blbBalyIOlt ~5WS<r8*N 10 lbvorters cliche pli snpsrwtalbeUr.ve.dEvemy8pklsofoihiacigostbonh&viAglocomotive A joumrtaveJournalbox sudtrlnupbd over iedicatikili. smud Gordons"a ciai aubody I rlally Iavlted. V-7y liivY oblPuMelcd warM gnouuMsiial f bciow Journal, lu Combination wlth a labrI- iMoron0Jbso<esf shd 100a1cu D.Lsi rn hieg nsto at IthiOrfeosmei-oSthobir store.' Cmeweek-end Sgniof UrM. sud Mms.EngmeU.Moeso f onMoe r *PM *wEn o-D.tie maCicg itr u dlsec sLlor: astor psu,.a i hfged closure for the vterasaif h. wai of 181à Mid 1Alîba - Th. a9mi Issimtoromsans. MnU. Dbrto of hicao s la lb.thelower endui ai sd box wb.reon sali Colo Moore vas borD u luheltovu of . -y OU&b "01 B U.'dMmELPteco d aîl POtMImcirh 'da m>in.pan reste, a bd for sai closune, sud 'icondeo>ga, Emex eunI:,, New York,.o &sced.wmý y the alg mid I Mi . sud o te & Md R. Pe as n dfa ly B. P.b r. S d= saila . ons clo alug the cus of the journal Novem ber 9, 1824. 0 f Scotch g llstb - osaw!lb lb dl iir J~l8.buiby ad uaip a E . I JVM'O Ms hf-l 9.&-B«aMr- ~B. Ei* -box 10 rotais sai itopan n d caosure, diSefl ci sturdy oodeusu0 te oS et - - Dissevlb--yqt-i. o-visIý.i et the bome Of tb. formdeB snhstastiolly as ioscrlb«d. frgaitoobc;corn hI ai,. ilgs.. . . oiit..a hit mv8uda Ms.C. norUs, vcibrd*Mwiaetbr paréate, Ur, ond Mr*. Judi Man o 4.Tf ltfo upotl or aisasomie rmockd;tailerweetbsud ejr lb th 010 e M vI"B be el m la aebO» ou ut al g ib rir Viwom& 'Usle.b naon *» th eh.section 71 soParably Iklg p novbbde. Nz l ocatig la The C.MsIsh,. ahdsra bn.vol.~M. &LSt. P. bave stateda eu- tn lgoi thonsto, a keyed piu provldcd lb. 10..n oMif., esdnaConstr. Than am uv ta 'impas lsai&l Ibo.l venddwi t b mi eoii.with s Crânât end, for holding sai »C.C- hio, la lOUE, uhore lb.p remulns wSe *bo ta.. imrnera".olio. alerdspla cww. DiEur kobi, vbo bbu lu lb e i uos 4Pthe support, sud iaiiibrlca. hlpig to ebaIga tbs wlldossoeiliat> ,LAVe u il. ~l h, m'idne& Ulm IL..g. Mseoe amrKM W. J. 011.Mm a. e. Klt*4got fta5aà kw omploî ci J. A. Si,»stbus rslsnsd %0 toi sipported by sold Plste. subeta«. psrlotyAgsha novb.g #th«ebo«ute o< ~ u m l Uteda i tlh amNut-( ll issMsaléestrou Evastma. hm, bshome l m',ske s. tutti sedeqerth..tu 1842, tblemd u ali Daond "s your eall with ___ Wluduka b*tui W , "l It a t . b cm asion the ý-e-lAemai, moulvi, Disl et 1" 11410111s111 %ni ~ho" rwé oui d m* grade% thelbArt f1s lla 10b ulI ithatScial»oitifor g505gowu hovWlbIob&a a au 0 Ibthisa Big Ben hbcl il you 2W oe~ a usgts .5 vs liii ~Potse.itoa theli*leverpire t teoét fl w» ,mim sMsd fomrdmbécrs. o04 dise à;t t Uly time ta&"a"s udb.o abc lb.h"t Iehil êue --Md a brusbor iwucboi Droiotlug lbeasode"lfost7lmt nhah ej.do- m2.0xI!.P, $ W i oc orlM&<g M-- vas n.wu .ELi0. og qM g w*»j nt Md 9IMiiP"Fia"ii bklibl.ss tm oU thetop or th. pan, lnPu pootbo Blmoal Laboon Otobs 89 lbh'ireeth.c 0sc -. ~ A ~ amON& n t 'or Cii o mbi 1'.sisyetto lb v" e4l Smetsl0'for oagesaot vitia tisJournal, sub. bàs bt,'bJounesud GSazWeVovii lar- u ila tl it a d eclb i.l Us g Lb ertjI ., via CObisao v.« ondl a er an d e n C U u thedo o u s g f e15 W!@ <g nsM d i ibal« teiO Krus 0 l à" oe yult- - , a town bavi.« bat ans uB» ci sM t until - you vo w ide t - *âelsihso 111 55< teOIbUsI 4ru n "&0<' 'L'.ba.ÈCh* et *9. ttm dOOW divimSio opbeud sm «Poé E.o edalaiie U T 1VJ aI ct, liv s..Thor mmis %aïoriay »oIà0 b&à bom l* i semmWaMiffl lvaubes. *--"ova lb9iueeloppIRiver sud by tIls me Bef uI«"7 "M un-eII veste, té a iar, sb1. - ,Nmtua gari Tant gave Msu Ietmahlu. 1) sebaofaPauma, sascblgthisgold He#. lia,'mmi ehatidnu - f<lsas ~~boss On bave kowcuvilb.*» uen saa vahgalas * s ut Bs - i lI,,vm .HesCe ga Up4big disl yo.a ca elaiS n. Pe*Ystao chuWée < tDt1II'Varly suvayeurs I.tuneu udl resnd iu thecdise notnnr wE Ab M-.l Marsd Mm ELC. Pajué vu. S. b. em saiss aamours ab tlb eXRY MI ATLY b a gl elu u e'Ti ib~ u rptodvle Chiuago m Wwn peauo. tAaloslaula Chcag boi. -A sud tiasonsa 515..train for l tho a utcd ca or cet-1 tim ntou Ibtumu. of Panama on d MU. Omet Lika*»dadangiter tpn o L. N.A. w. Sithl a If tigem Wl Oiily As8i Phone ~,,~ .rv. plèccd henin 115tbwid@a.adi uj'. ,fr! ~ ai slolb wsq wa. *~":lb. fIgis.doiluarn.~Company . hey Wl Be Sur- Mr. Moore vas married Febsnais,5. lm* ut bits vb.em Fmongo lm. 5 JeYfreossd Idw lai, Mo., vhiilel d»lbhbans prid ai the -Results. v1lle9,10Mb duicwe oiaiLlsrt-",o la Mms14 C. nolu e lsàl. Mron P.sud Mande A., nov NM A z HS "M4plitiure ad -palaces though we - o -e ,'"I .. LaiésuillyIJ., hkwhem theTelitalone comaules tbrougilout tbe Ko.H eie "vn i i mmyroam seuil of MU. A. J. Huilet ~ coutry ane snieavoring to intereit Koi shvessvvu l i se ic,érerso0Ihmble, there's 'ad pdace lb pas vile.1 tiair slabacribern uau effort 10 cou. wldov, tva hdle., a iaugbter-ln.iaw- Ic 71deîtth a iW eve 5v5t7 nelle of enSWiyvilb sud <rStlddmugbter. Llbaityvfl., M9,iMm n.a"toi4npiow service u. Dtomow eoa4liaIsiwiurlsoirIsrviei.il - Fil, O î - >u_- acaerc ondse *store&" post aebim fxxw'àthe.skies seetto hal- loa,,hes teyvtt eww a hiil osc U . .DlbiTeto buih tvlal10vcsi ae . ao L rm vil low uther. mont h@ i.flOf m J, L oicel Tiesor eud oiî ai1m5~o alo us Fiaer ouapopany awadgie Jiwàlryand SilMMar LWhic, seek through the world, is ae'er Jrrou" cS DavIs tuw vebdos. B OM o e fn lge ooeae wM ro Trc avis Md, ioetAtaIe. luth iyoismaic e ti l b bible la sPPrecate Il. as i tslePhOus Company hiée.mue@ eutsIon the Despwalseriver I hm agss5UC eric foMCLA5a met with elscwhcrc. spoit Smadaai et on tDAWe* viw t 10joi tl b"wie.. in MSU On. company tu ativistag Ilispst. vbere b. vua oversly lujussi wib the MacLe. uholtilsJvWet09644je Homauue, uve, swee, Sweî home - i Brno . énu " i. 6àà a vri vel. l'h.eists urlon. 555agiaiotthe sure ofithe von elas av lu ID188, parti iooifh th.e lia&s., ssiihav af0flet us Ther'. n plce lke omthelbet" $"m.. tuas,. 1 lut book le nadi. 'hello" 80Soaunlî usai hi tals. osot bis eWSta.. Aterbuylag outbis ÏLresnopac ik om.1 iA"&M*lq«igtephone usons la greedins ose imother parlusi lo renovedthelb.min la l>brty Jwlya ivevr ipe Mb. Authe Ausni.iThissCompalbyovekotho plion. l'Ils ootupsn aube -.5 vi.snte la vU.HCJOI ait via s m>an swsrs the tlis. ville vbere vitia bis brother ho oprilsi Lng Distance LUnes carry home the Mm .Cora Wlm*yeson ouGeorgie lira Cohen frua Goec, vuM ut ponel thic b.i=uosai: eh. mli orusvenat yesue ddlng sa ox <veràhow' h IftVrtu5 P ~~nthought .ini the cheýery tones of the ae pemdiffl afsvvoe. vtI w u "ms oflim. mrt HEd" lb p0osIl. 'ISLd 10 STith& leIoue stiltti59k- Milaial. egconticrtlu hlre ati a sye A.aau o b.u~oethus adding idviduity and be- lb0 . L Rolienhecle- 5ff huit, Wtlt , ag. Whou a pro a llng oors ioeforfor iL os.Mvlug Ibe 1 cI mAbTICLeS. toiIe aihe otovoisssttualloescsuuMme. anars, -This lenlUr. l o aïf Dey ln 1886sMd couduct. TOILE? IILS geetug,, ersWOU out "*m$ uheOMX0moalb <g MimJenule PUW teemid&ugbtgr of'Shot & Co." liaismannor the i10<11for sevesil yîereh. rettreti froua tim, ith to Compaolidae, botter service d Ev.ry 1.11 T 5cboIWhO) George00111bOm50, DaIVoIl <41gb iii e peni os ss t som asgnl Il . ndtceblactive busineea. He vas appointa A. y Et*" BO U Lool, Edwaii taLoke" Ra it1h,. fineiasd relativeo in Chlcsgo. las e.u«figle w honose«be otateraïf Day in 1899, telb.Ly t SjiuodaI COaes Davis m&nti Muel Davisuhe L taemn Sv ,7 'T. <9"jo!fapti question asnd furtiasi explasation. ofite bslug discontinued four or fivsIIe TVLLILNU W4I..llan up o mba . Mt, Thorslubb vas lasel 'Thisugg111estion sonsie like com- joirs Jeter. _____________ onSIt.tod wlemul qc cb, *aldtW d Ma gontitiise scsi i B « mou is. NIl vOnl savo 1101.for lin. Moorb lacksd eleven isya of 89 Chicago Tclephone Companiy W b< ~~MmU. Ortjffla Ontirqsblin. Irin:AeQl comini to th.e ohod onceiby the, bsPhI< much tu bis raomafor ts - .B RS W- AtsI hi aMaagr lol MdatnnieSM A wleis comthesnid u rodual'. BePuuiîorlufmeraiervice. aso Dr.àc ci0osmi& Wh WU fl. 1theeybonse auea Jobasecto suc aL ASA £ ie.Fre Z uvooispei M ndi l Mi s d Ms.Ch.. U aui. ie vi ce._____ lan______ ver f r s te î R.bi Woo héd hc. l ~Or of s tJho king Accouai ouhicagopeuUsevenal houreilsi. s csnelry, h.Img Tbet lia a isualfr fuserai servicefsEver hopW usRunrtly i d ly iecllet ssradn udM.7~.liporchetiby hodooblm fi1i.Ix es hape.oaiy 'yngyor conus d oumiia og mno hess. itursu MleBo. id*IGors mnd a. Moore vero verses, esre ou.FWoodyofii0ieuunIThe Mtordthyureh atofnpaani rsent ouîh 10Wchl theiay ome01 bs ano t, i. Éed h dn aisuoint.Eroamaing el.e laio ra nthe auem mca ailIoS, iela br arnl lvrai tokt ! lbCathilc imuio Isbelathee sîre has. I 16 ver caisQbr thlaealVonot ofvlbale ,olskinvlg Ca.Husn sd mste LRoiVero@pend. ilelacrpoatrs àbourg - m e u . g f~ f g~ Ill oe ls, S u u sy i bd aB ot er di m Ul. w oreas j i b i s Och. t O tj U oa . T e oe .e m l .pllM ie A l i sOi r f en o - to croit you or thb tien eocla andsi Fiem ontbgebtdey Th Nor.h horenAt-etIetClb bas broubout bisce boume.e aftrvad ak ou o aai pa th ý1h.bil.bos lrI<11e q n booL Voo don»tse by RoAvs. c.M&stire biot as ieî bh.a appotuitol. men,