Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Nov 1913, p. 3

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*Pes4-W MIes LbrSAaNa« Mid iUkoDora *ep. mde ihlatrip $0 Wmiwe ëhuu is i e o. a IL AE. uiemili au omàl us>r *Mesgo"M vI~t VIOW villm sof Aea, tRae Vlle uaIsv h loedayCd ~ vekeép= , ofiaaisebltte la *8 k~Ourt hhhu orner of I pfflyon viii mo@s suaid. KliedW »" iI.1 A. W. Fou ldbusJbn, Tenus5 vbee be bae bos & ait tlaci 01 la"d. am eonr-lav, Mig. nm eok. Seit about tendaye apo wf«M'he liv. tockmsd honseholi goodi. IM. C. UylisofI oe Vla, nws. lu tovu MoadW of!lait vssk. "billlug t6e tovu" for a dance la is home town on Novr. 26. MiW Olive Reash erturned fion a trip Io N* YorklteS vk. Bla vasas coinpaaiebe hr moie Oea. P. Renelia of tii. Aon Fait Houi. tie. M. Luby bai reiurned ram VIL. yankee, Wls., vbers e h asbsen riait- ina reltive.. Mi vard Hen4ebu lot for INarelsud, La. viii Ob fore ai vorbuen *0 com- mmnu ork on several bilugelu tiat sud otbei bovue. Hm Iote gang: fleri Satiner, DaY MorilI, adiJohn Daly. Tber vili roture ls the, @pron. Ajmiskernanon the localfrilbl isi lare Rfues toff vhite caupllngepsume are.Dit, Mania iramese w vi. Don% fo"ge Ii.Tlskwgviug daom st the Opin Houe. Thureday sveulng, Nov. 27. 1I Merle Dytes hms returned liom a trip vest. Ob@vislted Califara. ,K"msaud Obklahorn. Frank Flary' sud viip have retnrsed liom au ezieuslve trip throngh Vermont. They aiea vistad relatives there. John Wall of Aurrs. vae the g"st of Oscar Thom&* ove rpuuday. The Guinss W. C. T. U. wlU hold a franchisemting iu the church at Gur- ues. Tuesday, Nov. 25th Mr§. Mary R. Ssdgvlek ut Waukegan, Conu tySaner. itedant. vill Le tbers W talk aud an- ewer quetionsl. Meting vili býVinu t 2 SoeLb AUl those vbç>dld mot attend Uthe at W. C. Tr. U. metng mleed huarlmg a eplsmdld report of tWi conty convetion gvfl b Oui Pigeldet, Mis. Maude Widdecmbe. Tb$ Warre cmetefy solety bad a larme crovd at thei bansar lust week. Otia Oriushy vasone uf the laskY Ones ta get a fine comforter. NOTICE As we wIn 0go bprffe on Wedneuday 01 ne=t week On sqcotmt of Thurmday being 1!iekgvin&, we urge al advertisransd correspon- dents to end their copy one day earltoteinsure publica- tion. MEREDITiI RedlEsate &Loan DeslaluAin s Of Inffur&nceWriftersfor NruwoitoeNa*ml Fiee ImaaS c'oC. bUlwmkee Ne ew mev Fine Umier. wdflsoewurd, DLi Nalma at Flu List Your Property At Oncê Proets-Wb "bon- eiLt STORAGE IN FIg5.PROOF vAmiLTFr moi u-0IeAP. a$ee i t6 grippe. BayAgui e e ns tii. doctre@ UMreLMIais Grffti*FrldAy vfs . Voails *am seU sd' ILE. r I4ioe»iod suauto trip $0 nl go"LemUr. get tvssk. t iwsb. ebukm suEvaastnvistor Wrre.Darby epst essiay ai raya. M& Lalrles. Ze late padina lev daye vii Mm.&BL. Kame,4Bn. Ouestsas Mr. sm e.mG. unelî sandw vsrs Mnr.sud UMe. bueeliig, esm Bumneehmud taniy. Mr- Borg borc aid bili, John Flair sud farnl, lirm Hgon ci L*be Zarich, Mr. sud lire. eb.OstO, ComOc% Ir.. ad UmssBer. th-TIbsn asin d . Mr. sud KMie.Fid Mit" of Cai el asd Louis Kntgge su" tommly orArs. Tie youug mmn of Dluaod Lake arýe haviug %, esilpe of card partdss. Lasi vees i sy mes wvii ail e .and tuse vssk viti Bab Boum. Tbllocutibauary 6am Mneiaprma glven by iii.. yonug laile of tbe Nailivssteru Sbhool of Oratoiy sud Mucie o v. joyed sud appreciatid by "i largest mudimucest seci mu enter taiuent lae for jour. lues Gsshav vs. tbsresder, UmesJohnson, vucallut, sud Mine Brsngold, lntrunulaist. W. bop@ to sgals bave t6e pisserfs scb su aceisnent la Choser future. ir@. A. Bouse. Rolat Bous.. tirs LauisGrilffith sud Wil sud Donald Poulton spent sandowniay l J. Brockeau sud iamily et !iei LAEZURJOi Don'gt mise the show ai the Lake Shore pavillon Saturisy nIlab. C. W. Andrews sud vile <of Chicago, vere ot for a viel Bun3day. Mre. Wn. Muse sund children 0f Ceai Rapide, Iova, viited bei parente, i. and Mie. Chas. Tombe Lees lst week. MissClra Touhiaof Hghland Park. viqted Lai parente Lr. fhas Corde. loft ou s Lunulng trnp O)tto Frank sud fanmlly have returnad iran Miigflan d vii mabethair home ElinsiSigvasld of DeePlaînes, vlalied vith John Hum sund famiby Suuday. ThefamllesufF. C. Belp. Win. ickunas, Wl E. Sentier, John Fiub sud Euhl Fioni alendeds6e tverntliob wvoilg asnlversaiy of Mr. sud ltire. C. H. Seip ot Palatine.. Auguet Froeblcbit ii ssil a car of nov mlk cave t section Sl'urday. Mr. sud ire J. ievars, Mr. sud Mis Peter ievers aud M. and ire. S. H. Popper vislted vith Mr. sud Isr. Wm. Pepper Jr.. Bnnday.1 tir. and Ms. W m. Pepper. Jr., attend- d the Sieveis-Pepper vedding lest week The "Frilt of His Folly,' a draina iu tie acte %fii b given by the yoang iode. of Lake Zurich at the Lake Shore pavillon Lake Zurich, Satnîday evening, Nlov. 22. A dramna Ihat wyl hold jour unterest from the aret cartailu oth e laut,us minute jour hisît stringsvili i la touehed sud the next moment FOllY vill bri'ig forth a laugh. A draina that you wîli feel hetter for eeing. Admis sIon, adulte 25c. ehildren 15c; reeervedl cmts 85" Doors open t 7:15. Curtain at 8:00. 4Î)ance alter the show. Daucef ti"ets@5e CZZZLAKE7 Mr§. Roy Joue.asd son @peut a lev day. Ilut wvesk vth her father, Win.i O'Nell. Mr. sud MM .000. KPepplvreW&Uke- gui vstore Wedneeday. ja. Trggs sud famlly viiisoon move ta Rouned Lake, viiere theY have pur. chased a home.; .Ud Mi. Morion Date sud daugh- Mlldied. of Autin, ver. callers lu thie1 vlulnty Bandai. 1 Miss Lisi. Chard epent Thursday in WaukegaiL Ur. and Mie. B. 8. Faukner @peut Sun. day with relatives at Boseraus. Fred sud John Betterflsld ver. guesta of Mie. E. Chardf BturdaàY and Sunday. Barney Nevaller was a Zion Cty viol- or Wedoueda. . The new bains on the eru arme are nariluacompîtion. Tii. Drury Briothers have moved into jthe. houes foimstly ovusd by A. Chard. Oui pastor, M.WilI. desiies a largs a ttend.uest the morulini esvice begin. ab it ai10:80 &a. n - Mies Oresy 09 Chiege, vWetd ber as- jter Laura, at lmaui Brosheis lut Oa.l Il 1~' S ANII0o0NE1XIEN T Dr. N. W. Schdrénberger OSTEOPATIUC PHYSCIAI' , *uxzeàu, umois Wlll bat Mm S. Cufi*ro Omd eSi., Ubetyviou 7.5e, adsimmldy. bob sapperla MOuiisaWsiaisdey Brum tWbite eturus lion Motana, Mms. RselWhiteswva aTrevor, Wi., vkbior Friday. I'eter trasgamidaugieO Man. ope"t Salaral ViOIMr. sud Mi.m o Mm. et Betul, WIe vt h, 1 as Bristol sarute *0Koeo- eiia v d»s ab Uspai the vlutsr. Mme Wsrrea Book. M. Mary Bonus' Kuoz lefs foi ber home isMpmoiua. L VkotàMondv.bav-, lng spent sun. tins viti ber brotlars sud sisis. Mise Vîvisan onner vWstsd Tbneday until Modai vit Mr. sMd lire. BAlph Taylor oi LiUy L"sand frisnde u in - George Anderon 0f Làbe Forest, tran. eacted buiree lutue vlninlty Monday. Mr. sud ie. 2011 Worth sud Mr. and lire. Sinéon Anme of ickory, attsudsd the basaai. Tb@ firet of ithe enterilenete glien under the anspicles of tbe L&dW eAid 50- lety viii la groveanksgvtngEveunsci Nov. 27. MeFscJiennetls Bev. Bally of Unhona, Ill., vili gi vs su addreue itiihe oranugeeivlce. Came and behaimn. (TOO LATI tME LABT WEEK) Mraud d r.Ralph Taylor of LWy Lobe vlslted their father. A. H. Stewart, the Mr. aud Mms Thons. ýlneàéY sud ia. Oea. Filay, Mr. eSUIVIS. WIII Anàwiono Mr. sud lie. Joesph *ndeison and Gao. Audeson of Lake Forest, etteiided the funeisi of Miss Agues onner Thuiesy. Miles May Doige 0f Portland, Oreton, le vlstinx bai sont, lire. John Sonner. Mis. Boht. trang. Si. peed Lai 94th mile atone Idonday. Nov. 10. The lu!ant chli of Mir.asud àtàru. P eiter ,eruetaiy Sarnday. Mie. Lyman Patter, vite of Lyman Potter, the florifit 0f Waukegan, vas buried Snnday lu Miliburu cemetery. Sonry J. Eneden of Marne, Iowa., calied on lriends sud attended Lis @inter- .u-iaw'à laneral, Mie A. Bonne,. OBITtTRY Agnes Gardon Sonner entened Into, Mts a&fur a long Wuâes on Tuesday moninig. Nov. 4. 1918. Practically Lai entire "lise s pent oui tie bcai5stead at Milibqu wvere oe e as bornMnY 8, 1858. Twva@intersprécaded ber lu desth- Mie. Margaet lMeCredie tn 1893, sud bMie ary 4.< Eneden af Marne, lova. in 1911. The folovlng brolimeresuad sisters remamn: Jamna H. and Wiliam A. Sonner of lMilîhuru. Mré. MiiSabeth Stewa-t or Guines. Mr@. D. T. Knox of Alffns, S. Dokota, aud ire. Mina Gilbert of Muhîhuru, sU af vhom ver. present ut the louerai vhlèb occurred on Thureday sftteiuoon. Nov. 6, canducted by ber pastor, 2ev. A. W. Salord. Rer. Poeiiet and Rev. Reine of Fair. Sieid, attended the Northeru Illinois pstoral t,.-oenee the pasi veek. Mie@. Harvey Taylor ies peuding this vmmk wvtb relatives bers. ire. Jennie Taylor and Beese Peterean vere get. at the Nason Lame recently. Mdiss Pysche Ingraham ot Quiucy, fl., Ia guet au the borneaiftire. G. H. Arpe, vhile ber mother i. iuspecting tLe varlons Co-Psof1lilluole. Mliss Arp@ in buey takiag china arders foi Chriatmas. She yl tbake uO arders alter December 1. Anjone vsntlng china dans please order erij sud oblige. Palatine Lodge Na. 814 A. F. & A. Mi. enteilaind anumbero ai vsiting brathers st tLa comliring of the sublme degie upon Several candidates lu tLe after- Dooansd evenlng of Nov. 15. 1 Hennyiloekelusu, Jr., local ticket aglent ai Labo ýurIcL for tLe P. L. Z. & W. tfeu Iran eladier vhlletai work In the ofice sud broke is arm lustwvesk Wedumesa moing. Dr. Starck le thé atteudiug physicien. The Ilollng it of neye from Los Angelesa W the isders of ibis paper, vil lnteresiyom. Ume Loitie tionne, former- iy of Palatine, gave a Hallove'en dinuer aud puni lun her eantiful home ou Oarlaud avenu. lu bonor ai Miss Wanda Knigge, vho hu beeu In LoOADngees tLs Past tva uanths. The home vas b.autlfuily decoraîsi thehoice fovea ond vines. Among thé gue8se er.: iie isuelncia eed lion West Virginie, Max Koening froni Vienne, Astpla, aui Miss Emima BichaIs., formerbj of. Palatine. Ulme Knigge vl'ib. Lame the lunt of November. Aqwsyee. WaY te De If. *ge. oz--Uoua ubinis vI ".Tmr nvul imuut sUilt.M bol Wy',"Te, i t* u oje tdltmi by P.I. DNUOt, Phis. Il OvdmseTekl or Job We*k. Leonard D olltlean kegam, epeut eoidBy UtlMe passtui, Mr. sud lMme IL &. DooMW M vloaPeu andie. D. Jobs ineela t lng,IIL, vas hm, oa badmaesIe week and spent pari of hie thme vit hie brotheî-ln.Iw, John Mme arqter returned the. latter, part of tIý *ek ater luting relatives st Dlavsu, Wl. UmiesValrlae t!'and Mise Swangon of Geuu., ver. Grayslake vsitors Wet gaturd*y. Tiie people of let. Andrew's Mimiou motored *0 Ubertyville, Sundai bu attend services at the St. Lawranut chrch. Mrs, 0. P. M llamara va. a Ciitcff vietor Monday.: Lot the Kodak tell the wlnter tory. For kodake. camsersand photogîaph suppiueuce t the. Druce.Ding Co. Mmre Orlando Rook of Lakeilla. vlaite hboe nBonday. Mr. and Mme,0. Townëeed of Fort Mii. vlelted ab the Oeo. Strang home gunday. Mr. and Mm Eru HRok and [Rubn 0f Eset Foi Lal,. spent Sunday wltb relatives mnd fuends haie. Misn MarystMeoDougal of Milbuin, @peut Banday st the, Frank CreMRnî home. Mie. Oeo. Thoumonttaeted buiness iu Uhcwo Mouday. Bunday viti ber parents. (leu. Strsng, aesited by Lis lunernsu Hlarry Oison. lm been buey for the at wesb puttiug up Dew vire on lb. Farmers Telephone lin@ about town. at Round Loke Bainrday uight, given by St. Joseph'e cbnrch. The. party givea by the T. 1. B. Sororlty lu Book$ opera lhousesvas pronounced hy ail pisent ta b. a grest saceSu. The orMalg vas speut lu dancing sud wvu ccacidsd niL a light luncbeon,sred hy the membere of tLs arorlty. : ,- Geo. Branistetier deet Bandar lu Waubegon. caliug os fruedsand ris- tives there. ,-;,1 ,- Cars. Shulte *ok aau atomobile party ta Waabegau Bandar îvenlrng tu mse "Paid lu Full"' With a Viirosla nthe. home evsry musical ionging in aatisfed. Tiers là no time au vhieh a VIcroa in appreciated mare than ou the bang wintsi sveniugs. Cali sud ear on@ ai aur store. Drue. Ding Co. the home aoflire. Louise Thiomson Thursday mvning, NovOmela1. The tapie uder discussion for tbe svening vas "Home Economice." Mesdames Moore, Brandetetter, Loiigabaugh and Miss Alice Straug coasitatsd a cou- mitte. vhicb eerved the. club vith refreeh meute. This committee vas ailovmd ou@ dollar itlwhich theY ver. ta serre larty iuembe. As onul thirty- threver. çpreslUt, the deiued vas not equal ta the mupplir. EeL meinher vasf f ly c auv îuced t bat theé c ù& ultie mL ad abiy demoustrated tihe faci that iorty people can h. serrmd foi one dollar, vith oammlhing more eubetantial then vater. The foiloviug menu vaeserved: liest, 2 lb. af beef (necki----------......2 Bread, 2 borves .......................10eC Coke ......... ............................ 20C Golles, % IL. St 25e per lb .............19e Creon .....................................10e Weery..................................... 09e Sugor...................................Oae Total .................................96e The balance (4 cents> vu Olexpeded for paper napkins. NOTICEC T. tLe peaple af Grayelaeand viciahty: on account 0f Iba ~ontant ramais afloat that the. Picture Shows Iu ths Opera flouse are tu la dleconined, ne vie o ta@eY to the people of G raye- lobte vho have so lihlly patroulusd Iheee shows la the puit, *Sit the shows yul continue ail vinter, sad st anytime ve desm it adviseble ta discontinue tbem, the public viii hi dulv uotifed. Dooitttie & White. Mm Amsd mius Kuedlierpamed av"y a% bei home ta Prairie Vev *4 about aoc. atudal, Nov. 15. .* 1the ops of 51 yeoire, 4 monthe sud 28 days. * e. Keedier, ns. Gut*bs, vwu bars aI Northi Nothieliou Juns le,1862. la the.ysar 1880 ou hlb. 10of Joft, Mwu Guda s i arwumrnistuMr. lim Kusils, vtb vbom ebe vsu peemulê Ioeu ps nvuty.fur jeMu of hemp marrsied MLTva chldmi es hou*0 tisai. MOsIM amjorie Dov M»e. WOiMM I dg ci ansd <sors. TsdiSr. ~7nt r pmea Km .Kaede*V> lfl b fab u d b"tti. s~ ~ ~ à OI ll I asair .li vuE. A ... ebu wooli sUmm*0r.iiz M It vu. bqpd that eh$. nIshI unas OIehmesj.-mestfalih. But la a &ths b ie h@ voud êagate laou ber 00o f suillring. la@u ofite ai eclating Pain.-An. -by fleuri , vliicb dnrinit the. putiivo sud a hall yer. ssui@ *0 hae bssp lire Kuedise trouble, eh@ vas usver kuovu to complalu or muinur. The patience vblc b e. naleselsd oved clearly that bei feltb lu bei Creator vas unwayeilug sudît aierlove *0 Hlm cemdher*0say"Thy vili, Bot mIne,ý la doue."' Tb lest ive veeks of Mr@. Kzedlei'e lite verepsut on ber b ber li sff.rli belng su great that mii. col not Lesi to lauuoved. Thnsber eirengtb gradu- ai Wiled and et 'lm& .ber lMaste vbuspsied, Il ls euough, coins op bigli'."1 Thoses no mouru ths deparlure of Mre. Kuedisi are ber hnsbsnd, one daughter, on.eauo, tire. grand uhldiso, ber 1 other, orne @téter, many oiber relatives sud s hout of eympathlsing frieude. Tla fanerai servicesvers coaidueted ai the GOMM aglu"eiimeh et Prairi Visv Tuesda noon by Bey. . I. Uobaeh, and hurlai vu. st the Noth Norubfield oemetery. Tii. Prairie View Boyal Nelgibor camp of whieb the vus a memlar, read the ritual at the grave of ther h.loved @iter. CAR O0F Eb'ANKS ForîLe mauy deedof kinduse sud acte of sympathy shovn us durlng the Ilnsi sud alter the dsath of ou dear vite sud mother, ve wish to, express oui elucereet thanke.. Mr. Marlou Kuedier sud Familly. DEATiI or JORN F. SCIAR John Frederick Sciai, eau of Waltsr sud Emma Beher, vas boru at Long Grave on the 26th day of July 1908, sud dled St Prairie View st about .5 p m. ou the. 131h day of Novemuher, 191A,' st theagelofl5 yesar.amorntbe and 1à days. Rio deauh vas very suddern. b. b.lug M ouly orne day, but ila site Of sl l U kuovuwntiithemedicel professiou, bis lutIle Mei.ebbed saa!. Athough vs cannot underteud wby John Froderick's eartilî IdIehould la of suoL short duration, etili vs dais not Dnrlag thee e joui lareue bthe ioy of is parent@ sud a ray of sunehine lu th*. Lame. Eîeu nov, alter is bodlly pronence le no louger vith us, i eveet mmmory obide@steuh. Orne morp lluk le adlded to, the choin that indi un ta, thej Father'@ Lounes bovs. For a numb.r af Sundaji uittIe John Lad Leen attendiug Grace Enangelicol Sudai echool vith is brother. fie dligited te, learu îLe dimpie ieseous oi Godea love for hile children. The lored ane ho are left ta mnouru is early departare are lather, mouLer, twa brothers, two groudmothers and [many ather relatives sud friende. CARD 0F TIIANKS We yuL bto thank oui many friende sud relatives for the many kindnuees ehown ne la connection villi Oui recent bereavement. Mr. sud, ire. Water S&har. FP.SE(lZffl] 0. Hollernbecb aud famllY of Hickory, @peut Sunday wltL Tom Edwbrde. Bertha Fruer and Mr. May of Wauke. gau, were xarried lu Wsukegan on Nov. 15, sud came to the home of lihe bride's parenté ou Satuiday eveilg. The.y vers eniert.alued until a laie hoar by the. young men of the ueighborhood. Mise Serdeil Webb of Waukegan, vîi- ted ait Tom Frazlers las! Wesk. lire. J. Gelleu sud ii Maggle Oelleu of Waukegau, speni Siuday vitL Kate Gelen. Weslsy Faulkner of Lib.rtyvllle, vas calllug on f rieude Lere ou Suuday. W. Preeton Ls rented a farta near A STAit BANK cai Sz moooIo Do you have troube geWtingyour cho eks uud? The nluttins yon get a check brlng il l t e àbauk, Ieh your idontty and in the future yoù viiibave no ir@qhiiv Lot us explain ithe advantage. of belig, jMno I -g' nsan&your hoU.. viiehher yen ean, a ceo or not. Corne in and get scuaiuted and tae advautago of our w oomniodatioue. Thie bank enjoya the. confidono. snd handisthe, busn &Ul the business housse in ibis community. Ask amy .q man about ne and oui spociel advantages foi hendlins your 0 ecunt. We viii be in car uew building in about ihre. veeks. Did yon get one of oui nickel plated home boulin? DÔ YOU Want *Cows. We Noeve New Miliers and Springers for Sale. of alslzes and. ages for sale ie ail times. WB If you want to have an Auctldn Sale me W about the Auctioneer., Col. [E. L. Do-wnes & Pou, Phone *O.E.2. MdWoaaiÉli Roy. B. M. Umbach of ]Prairie Vlew, vas a caller hoe WednedaY. 1 à sou won bo ita Mr. aud Mie. Audrev Effinger 1 HaviLoin Parm, TruesdaY, Nov. 18. ng c. OBITUARYbeaitrI Mis. John Phalusu dled Fridayimoru- tIre. M. Sueihie at Paiene. Thefunermi vus ld Monday, Nov. S, at thie Long Grae cburcb, Bey. Hummel offfclotlng. The church vras filied nuL surrovini ieuds vho camne trou milesA&round ta psy their luI respects tu thé uemorj ai orne vLan tb.y Lad loved aud admlred. Mise Kothorine WicLaroeLem, daughier af John Wicbersheim, vu Lboin lu Long (iro#e, Jone 15, 1860, sud Las llved lu ibet vlclnltj aIlHber lise. Manci 2, 1898. site uarid John D. Phaluan, sud ta them vers boru tva chuldien, ans a1 vLan dled. The deoased Lad ainsi. beeu ln good Lealth untîl Jnly 1912, sud vas aperaied upon for a tunor Jan. S, 1918. She dld nat regain ber "hl, apd four mouthe ega vent tO reide viii ber aleter. Mrs. Sueihie. Another operatian vas performed lu Auguet. The dscsased L ad n luvon greet pain sud realleed that beu sud vos niai. Ms@. pbalmanvas a Lard vorber Lefore ber Wueu aud bore hravelY Lai affliction. Thare reomsinebebabond,a oand one »luier sud o brother, John Wicker- shein ta mauru Ler. TAYLOR GROVE Mi. and Mire. B6rt Bonnet @pont Thure. day vlth the. latter'@ parente. Bain. Nov, il, a girl to Mr. sud lire. Fred 1LeblIe. Mr. sud Mr@. Amcble Webb sud eau Vernon, epent Suudav vltL J. F. Wells. Glayde Bruce le vorkiug ai. Fred Lue.- Milîbuin Fic Insurtnce Assmsnt. Millibui n od viii move in the near sike Shelley and. .Mun- ihe Directore oa!thea iliburu Mutual future. day vitL issieter. Mis? D. iordan. Lusurance Company have levw a u The Ladie' cleared $67 at theicLureh Willhle Hogan vas a Zlou Cty caler ossessent *0 puy ithelames of1913 fair lasi veb. Tussday. smonutng *0 815069.57, of ibree A numlar of the. joune biblks ateuded dollersansd fifty cent$s($8,50) ou eacL That telw Spencer wa$Wlt 80 the dsuce ut RUeseI. Ail repart a flue orne tbonsani- douami tgurs. Bad iluasd afteî ho beardte Jury bai l ime. amemmt IUI be du iiudcekW for la doue vbat ho bad asked thon to ail ubtriydaye. alon-erdercd hlm hua«g. RsH i n filturalCounIy Jqohn i».~ i, eec,. changl la demeanor prov.d furtiier Of tbe 92ubtiou of Hunga r! r nMlbm, IL, Nov. 1, 101 .that ho 'vas 8shamuug IlliOtj &511 h 1 an t u. mla gedlu egPI. c.7-3 olong lu bis viii actions la court. clture pumeits. snly Lave i& Vcde but th* ,oicm th* itâs C&U sud thé » deesssteit. neWm tebscium i mer. Thse loiK.1 best rendu in arn 4soen We bave K#edsua"dP* etaphi. sppom es. W lÀ' velopsdprL Druce Dru,, THE 1XL SO Grayalae, -R0Uvm Can b umesd veisthes edu* foi th« gbvsrkipp,' or lyd tiarespover. sp « I for thi parieulea cm etci or. WIII la plese to demoatM» g time upou appoliut. rer partlcuar. ddrum or *pr». WM. J. SCHREC Libertyville f N..d am ORCHES Niasoui m - .---- -.---v--.-..-,.---. e-- -- Ir .-mi r a t t e fi ,a ..d familv visited Sun-il Lake ViII04 Addhi" LâmtyvMe

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