Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Nov 1913, p. 4

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Mod er tfrtla^y. ;Adertiuimg R6ta.. Md. nown ?OFApplicda. tjSCrnPTtON PRIGE,0.60 PER yEA5 sTrRITI-rY NAovAc! 4 . SM ITH ....................E.... . ..........t ............. 0. SMITH .... .. ...................1...... ............. Mamngtr1 J.WEBER ....... .... .... ....... . ... Rsidm't Manager, PheoOB'0 j M oule Of the chronlo objectora to public 1mprovtet aaitohwhlii aodn't bpr 1%6 plans of that p' north shore water cecn- ofould appeal 50opj mots e .nyif backed by a »à pèWho béi eon flgtlag for yoaweluin oIr te, om a exor »«,rte, on J.k. Forest *h« ybr tiappened to ve afnlise and had the clty '&Ued'Up' 7or&t=tulYi Waukgaai doent need thelr AI And NOrth Ohucagolit ae « poSftlon-indepes- Stock oletf th -pua sr OnSoliated mini emu ea y W kq are gi being done at thq mine and of the, fine proopects for-ie M~ure. Tbus. ittoqu cO*@n. àotw ,Ît &5d O rtolipl4 <~o1tmofwho l hr <bast x luvAtos wblld~iket. e rnI4me or anotiiu i rýtëtüiià t1iIr f ieyofaen the sllghtest per Cent, «rauioo ABM Uz t t eiewuj '5Aiy ore of Value- in tb proert *IIt~ bs ~~yetueted myoy hereboutà a cont. 15>458 s n0 gbto .sy ýes. igin th.epai pimet-but #Ma deàt rn retorD to those who wer eçmeouughto pu t i The hompital report at the na meeting show that ~t~,wo~Inst$u1On h Oue a noble and extensive *6 btiuafe th wowk baiex- tii epup ep~. 9rtonteyîa tact wblch potins em q ogeS ueklng o 1mplace, w uêim rqov4 rom t b. City tomorrtw, wmlbe ~ <oé ~um t, ae ppndlugtfér o tn aMot qutsdo that. t dta. of tht, as ain'S1w -ibntii. paut fw yemris, he' gism tishe tend of EstIck." -ýf LCOTWS 1 NOTESIN COUNTY 0 ut Com plete and Largest1 Picture Use common lot efthUe, etti Dtrectry Bu.,. Issued byth mai:,tse pale aid anaamic druige ~ the larig ai bis îeskan id drpplng ilui Cornpay Out Today. a nititered test luie au early grave; tise laisorer sweatlîg mai toîlhng fer A amy telepisone dlrectory just ls- a memager living, oiti samatI pros- çued ly ibe Cictago Telephone cons- pect of. idependeice; tise protes. pmy la WaubkeianN.'*rm tise Sua ulonal mai hemmei fi by tiese ky- Wsesslaisthe mont comploes crc scrapers aid away tram tise pure air UWg o nte u bers.' IL net ouly gvesauni llght of ieaven-tbai le, front marnme. eofmait te Wukegan more tuai, a pateisf e ia latter. iceibese andthie neusbers efthUeir Tissa piture tise tarmer. The.%-n lleaon tes tan subsertbers lns tise wer in plain. atM 1are bcouuty district. nici tin sutsrroundihg tons. Aùluded tin theb liaI t ofumbers Tise tarmer bai better ait tigis anti ëadg naîss are phsone uaers ln Utese bhlddon his land. A a rsuht of rua: Waukegaa, Nortb Chiscago, elrtyvilis, Prairie View,.ReuQ't Ici. Lallo Zurich. Graylmbe, Rock- lier, .Waucoda. tba telepsonte numbsrs of suis- OÇer Olb teI Ues eut et Wmnke- 19tr art lu tise bo o etisai "a la puttiag tu a toîl catl cmi m is th mser ot tise teispisonsin- âi 'the a»me et Uts party. -Tise t fte lown appears befere p7 number. even these ln Wauke- M irag- Uns ammo betoe te et.,en rs. te phote *fsln tlie va-bus tons bave buadee létialaeuelarge iboo VU b fl D a uml tise towna " JN hrMWl, Waukegans oas ý,W*ftsed oek 0e tusef anitisers ft giveeM ssaer .4m« ithtie Mougukge of Mi"e Dom isab*,.. W.m*et Mr., @ad mms.J. agls Viotômery etChiceo. ,9003 15 Pper. 141r te e ahaa. cp tise greai iack-to-ibe-lastd movement Ibm City tu seudlug lia ciiliren te tise broeacrmes, et tmir tatisers. Thse fermer woa ess bis sons and dane-s ters go te ibm City oihoui a prtesi la proisaily thisenma persan te realie ibis and te mabte an attimpit ta show bis chiliren 'ise lgisi. Tise vide spaces are calig ta thse City reuit a tisousai tims more sbarply than tise Ciy te Uts farmer. Âctre. cutivaite ibmtextent qf issur proiuclstg poiaicy &Prout menee kc the banis, coieg, educattou fur sons andi dauýgisirs. autemeoles. Iprel trips, andi olh g ominori. LoSk about ye. Tisa best tarmer tu net te lbes-vise vereAt bis occu- Pailoit aoceriing te signand mens. pisate et them mon. the omys of bis tabisars, ht or ,rong.. l le. e6 issus bis ni te tise rouni for Ibm àmm'dlsevu o rssetauicutural ci- eefor ite rmethou dasiP- 4ýbor. ÇaoeodNiad Q 0"Ç"mp«y 1t, shown Oueoti in&e&mnote @40*to Or exbibited ln shi. <luge , be rticId& of ta@ dxtorw. tueia smi.rd- tS,. bi udm et trtgaAais horu. e xhaiat and ntç"lâ.r, ba tatu llgb.hilfm »'àlae tctejijh> 4uiber wltix lb. d à..9"eaipin . i. la tbëlw mr ux of t tbe 41510;F daeeirss M eedi for te. voyeltIB imtrodmd iWlm la bis .usvei so attraet atteêtien to 1h.'many.mes. IiW wib i be appllmucet are inteidod. s. gays tier he unir orne tblng nIisiagouJ the muachine .%ad » taà a rbcretor, ltat item 1.l .oitted te trnnhls (rom wmisr or o tberwlse. '7h. gb4on sbe ImaciW' are controlied b.y sa alarm cdock bshind 9w countfr. which aIse savesbié the trouble to éo te his garage te abut olf the gas.1 MASON CASE'# CONTINURD. Thse case of Birney Mason of Prair-- ,1. Vie*, but tormerir of Waubmgan, agaluat bis daughter-la-law. Mrs, Ev- sf011 Mma. ponsiltressi of Prairie Vlew, for âgassand mi atiery, oas set fer Sturdmy p. m. Ln ia iukegan be- fome -Magitrats Taylor. Upon motion Ot eunsel for lira. Maso. a coninu- suc.etftseuday. Oas grantsi. Manou claisa oison ha entered the postoce 1tat week Saturday bie daugbter uirucb hlm over tbe bemi olliamalt.luo>lhlm down. res. Mason egnou las de mu hi- sultlng remark obîcis prompted ber attacit. Judge Persons overrulie the mo- tion for a new pilaila the condamne- lien case woberein 9ecbol astiortles condamnaid for itmhe esite la tise Vernon-Sbhedj echool district. It là reclîs tsed r gave a verdict for $475 te tU.r,' 9wlttfor the acmeof land takea for tsesite. lHe new bas asked fer an appeal. ohibicsthe judgis Vrmted. Boift obected te a seclool bengonubis form Edzar Ores,. eueoetWauceaias imt mss asela Wu.pess away ai thé flamcea Wll'O béati la -Chicago lat Tbursay. nisere b. vas tabou ton weks psovehosy vib h. 'isopt t - em Pmrtion vmloiprove Ueoit mms Uamm BSai. frms la tus Mmd nsarby section.0 els state have baguen to 5h19 turkais te frisais la paiesipe. The ocly restrtct1oa-mpessi by the goverumemi P.Ovide0tis ai Bhe Package tu ohicit the ol la orsépei @hall not oslgis mot"a han toamty pesais ue- excesi sveny-two luches 1 n lengtis adclrcumterence, nor b. sblpped heyond the limita of thse second "aue.160 miles. Jerezs Henry Cooper, 7' yemrs ohd, who lad iravei more than a mil- lion and a hall miles on Nectio'estern trains as a traveling péTsenger agent for a Mlwaukee transfer comp«ny. dled at bis home tu Kenouha Sutur- day. It wose nid tisat Mr. Ceoper ws btter kiowu thon any otiser mane ever eaiployed by thse rallway cosi- pany. Thse Propoaed bondIslsue et $280,- 000 for tbm building or an addition 'te ibm livankion Township Hlgh achool -as deteated Saitsrday hy the Bran- sien votera bY a vote of 1,4~3 ta, 957. The nwomen, Ih h sali. Oee ce lly ainehg those. obo votei against the Issue. Walter Topolewski bas >roughî suit ta circuit court through a Chicago ai- ierneY aUasi red Meyer ot Des;.- field 'for $2,000 damages. He eaima ha was ljured la DeerSolilto menus u46seg eaho vas bit by Méyer'sauto. "0 Attýrsfl 2g dwarde, and Dady. ar h4ck froo< their huntlng tnp on thse 111111401%river, "1%@eY ba fin, luck' Dueke arm vey pienltul obere ibey aent thelr vaction. Miss Marlea Waterfleld. daugiter. Off Ceunty Traeurer Wester0e14,li etider the care of a traln$ 'nurse. ishe bas a badly lnectei loftide, the cause et whilh isnet, bisu. 10.3 oroblp., 11:45 a ,BblSb9i 6:45 p. m. lirfbiUel=&vor socf"rý 7:30 p. m @voulu wenhlp. iùalon a"laye oli e. H. If. ALiuT, Pastor. St. IWurencse alg~ ~JOhurclt Bei. REntaXOS.'WÉam, PasSr Meralag PMae & .9.. Su*adbr thit idrl* suug Viiterà are minssOuioe 14,b"i;. hW p/W.l W. Bill, à egC9dmef0tn o» e ieet btrains on tbm bsu*speft k .Lut wee* wsUs.ý Wb@@ be 'as hfuni, b, W 51 1'às-"î4onhdby th. Ceuit . gwobg 1"d pté'O '"camp In<hhnnfnpé lne nue h ib hiWa«foresd tô drug Ut. der e% b swher, a wagon oas tmeYg h. remmline six mile" te %ruaaig m wgn A *AM I4s.riyfour days wue neeé OM bdbtbs reeed big permijte sohbp 5h. de.r'48 01 the atate suaIt tlinaAl &rendsiheshy xpresé TéeuiMy st«. noon. £Ueeliste the'anbeRIr 01 Profgi oe the. berne the deer h' Ove yesra oid. ir.l'OU&h. b@a11t a a ceni. imer beore frvleg the camp. but tmadeab!», . fddaSpreset off i. 0. L Hubbmd on Tussday' recelvsd teleSgnr inDetroit, Mlcb. h44 b slsfd tbbt Uoward Bouittesa Myear aid e-a 01 W.-(C. Boit, ebo formerly lie0d hêbeNal ded lut bm; c lthe b morang. ~bmRoi mmlmoîed tu Deerpit Ilite oe r ya go. 'lisetelogream 1 net state bow 'o"g lhe Young man bad heeh litIor lb» nture etf is sIceum Arr&Mm $witihloca10lundortaker e* b&te MuStet bbody et tb. Ostile en Thusrsdar stismoou SC tbe o'clock, aMd #Orth@ fumerai servie.. at dm. W.-. Obum o te ha ondunisi by Bey- W- L.WhipPle BanWal oSCa Ledi e Sggesry. Unmou 8M IL N Vire drill vâs prantisadi Moaday mter- -e AI Usaui u0190 e Ifl b.,. Oaa s eMM &nre mot Tht *,b6eW sbani ýisOei gl m .verybody jepiebis. Tise dsite. bave. bae tt*Mg ma# ove, Lae b , "Ir dms for rnatss us thb. muvo*gqe - fuS eor Imt Bugal pia bov - éass, th Wabïiabb*ysse --d the ethér bribe, te b. held la lb.he h e asmhly goomn outhe eiog hfors 1'haae. glvlg. W* are iryleOýgose mals ibis 0 umesnal lites nd ui webthse lime ad M.e e Yo in.p" d se b.Mr lt. 1o.'t orget tîb. %té, lNov. ». lanlis. assembl7 mensm. Evsrybody come. Quit. a ew fontemeim bgb achool ateaded lb.eItpiacopal ebeir darnSet iise'lowa hall W% ai b'r o ighi. "dtub"' Murri., '18, 0et Galke, camne sé tue gueeî of,"oes"ofitb.edîtots. 5h. ows scde ined te 00u. ta ltbougb a freligbi train bleebsi crawlad unier &n4 beal Il fer Ibe depot. Sbiea] awaya wosefend et freigbs traîne syoay. Dmle Coline was abisent Mandai sfter. noces. Wonder A meeting et ail the teacisarset Lake couuty ohîll be ldby Cauaîy Superin- beadenm sinspcala our achool isIaqe eau Saturday. Tb@ seecion 0111 begia at 9 a. ns. and prebably at outil 3 p. Mu. Il k expectei thai ibere 0111llie souïewbere la the nelgbborhqod ot( 125 temcee inl attsadance. Sevéral people prominent la theacool vmrld in *P1eak, amoug t4sm are: Mie. Mahal Caracy of Normal, lit.. Mmd Mr. Blair, crop soit expert. Theea 0111 give ciemeneîratioes of dams oek. On the moraing prgam appear the Dame. It iss HavYen,\Mlss Webb am!iMis hasis. ischere ha eur@t,wSi, secndm MOtb grade. ree-irisl. Mabel Muette '18, ihld a basket socia mi ber sebool amar glooide, Thursday eiflt. Althougis she bas ouly elgial pupils a i iisusoexpecl lia mabe aà ,sylargesount , e. l erewd 4edod andi the set rcop1. gmouated ée ébotil 028. The mon« woi b. u"e for a debil and ether escuulile. lm Mess, fuely '14, b.d a iheil-. lag expsrkeumaetjm. Se ose a Ibm sothoéstem lJmlgulhy 1Doutai colqe oims eiil fluer Vile the Ors broe oui. Wosai 'boB four Olhrte on a dua secapenibsà 'rbbeîèov.r over hit moutis ad a bondi.e of'bois usser écah aria. t*AecsAt. oWinbappem'. sm pioteof t on, ampiseor bole as acci- ý IIY ouc ovr ue dy lsmwe.b cai the oca eau. qat. Thé miulb opm "ha We aIu thougbm *a a chansgé 0f 'climt. veaudo msc. 01 George Chats bas retumnedfrtr Oregon, nisre ho upect smerai MoinBa oorhIlg os îr 4 W. RoIIu& torsaeîly etrLak is.Vliy. to use,.FranoNse to " 6pý Representatives of 45,000 wVese club 'mienbers ln Illinois' iedlÏk tlonselves Thuraday te uosethe ballot box a vw et "«Y ly te rq xii> simle 'e ies*iVe erLOd Women's Clubs la vuba Îhe "dry-" tunllstsWas'adoptai wlth ile oppoultiom 0p» a séml group ef Vomen, led by Mrs.Goorge BaBsMis. william Sevrla aid Mm John, Werthy of Chîcage, Mine Kato lYConnor of. IBoc*tord andi Mrs. Frederci W. Bloci et Cilcago op., - Mms.Base pre5entsd ber ep1osiim te à «dry" p l mmdtaaly atr deilltes.-1 Neot Disessit, Sh4 "Ys& "«It la Dot dîspreet for the. womea luclued lu thse membershlp et this orgaisation te oppose, the salooe," élis declared. ,"Juat because os bave, s@ýured a pmiflsuffrage la nô reasion why weshaoui go out eof rwmy te force Our, nu on the mass of voera Who or@ flot raady for surb a stop. TPhe remelutiea telloos: ' Wberems. the public saloon le the cause et much in and wmit mmong- our people,aid - **Whereau. thesae la.lgielature bas plaed ltiin .4zrhausaib m loi ibis siate. ha h 1 t' Resolyesl. Thot tbe doegatei et tise Illinois Pederation 91 Wdme' Climbs ln convention assemblât! place tbeq%. salves on record as oppossi te thse tYmBefi lntoxlcatiag beverageand urge thair msters er the siate teuV» ,vmry possible "opportunty aitbe bal- lot boxes tei addIlîlios te tse liât et dry étatea. Miss OConnor, wbo trled te have Ibo reselution iet.atsd. ied thai thse Vomen ofe scidistrict sbould setm tde the question wlth tise btit la tileir eau t"rtory.lra.John Wor-, 'thy tafll ai s ah. ipae au effort te have thebm sclause o et b.reselui cbanged te cover purely a moral la- mue. You don't havétowait until yp fftel ,you =n i4«4"a or'$0 zIoat gnlcVicto«V1frl *te s w Sdwfl muali initmnaoet tiat Winl plat-pny euic icyu alray ulal te lemi; Witl i ilevery on. lit yenî home,. may eujoy the pi- iehe, viellacoret, olariuet, ohinie.. mylo. s as I. 're' rVietor erberts orehes-ý ira to vlag juilst é me pou osa h~ia. Ani, il ye« niai, Case, Maxi., Tetraalul, suhnmunu-Heink, Fanai or soy *iher 5Aiffmillet wili sile for yen the iscy somgs sud arias hs have mmd, their sames fauque lb. voilioms. UBeTYVL.,3 EGERW , STO VES- n RT, AcoRn PERFECTION 0Oit. UIATERS. A £Srg ec&. Ceeu Schanck Bros. et m ' e 1 JOHN HmGE Dàit imaier IN AàCOUNT WITH MICHUGAN MUTUAL LIFE ~INSURANCE COMPANY 19r2.l3 To allotment 0!ne1 bs insu to be writtnfo Oct. 30.112 50 Dec. 31,'1Il By amount written from Oct.80,1121o0 Nov.Ž15,'118 Blance dii. 5 bo writ- ton from NOV. 1550o NONE :io1o,000.001 $2O65ý41~~ _________________________ e K~ ~.. - kis ý 1ti

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